Oils and Pets, an essential oil 101 guide

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OILS & PETS eßenti� o� 101 guide


Table � Contents 1












xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx QUICK TIPS:

D��ion R@ios LAVENDER




















Rфerence guides: I highly recommend investing in a pet resource book which you can find at Abundant Health 4 U & Life Science Publishing. My favorite books to use are: 1. The Animal Desk Reference by: Melissa Shelton DVM 2. Essential Oils & Pets by: Dr. Mary Hess 3. Holistic Aromatherapy for Animals by: Kristen Leigh Bell 4. Animals 101 by: Life Science Publishing

S�ety Our pets can use essential oils in many of the same ways that we can. And while this is great we also need to take a look at some of the safety precautions to take when using essential oils with our pets! Just like with adults and little children, there are safety precautions you want to take when using essential oils with pets. The biggest thing to remember is to have common sense. Avoid getting essential oils in the eyes, nose, anal area and genital areas. Use cautiously with newborn animals or pregnant animals. Keep your essential oils up and out of the way in a place little children and animals can't reach them. Leave a way out for your pet, animals are smart...if you are diffusing and they don't like it, it is good to leave them a way out of the room. Dilution with essential oils is important. While there are a few that you can use without diluting, for the most part you will want to use carrier oils to dilute your essential oils for your pets. Carrier oils also help stretch your essential oils further! Good carrier oils are (coconut oil, olive oil, grapeseed oil, almond oil, and shea butter). Avoid these oils on dogs regularly: Wintergreen, thyme, clove, cassia, camphor, and oregano. These oils wouldn’t be good to use each day, but are okay occasionally when needed. Start low and slow. When first starting using essential oils with your pets start with small amounts and slowly build up (or wearing them on yourself & diffusing before moving on to topical application on your pet). Just as you would not change a dog's diet quickly, you should not "blast" an animal with twenty different essential oils and a bunch of supplements on the first day. Start with diluted oils and a light touch is wise when beginning. (though there are always exceptions to this rule, remember just use common sense & get a resource). Listen to your pet's signals and cues. Do not feel compelled to use the full amounts or recommendations when an individual animal may show you clues that a lighter approach may be necessary.:


D��ion A drop or two of oil is normally sufficient. More is not better. (same with humans!!!) That doesn't mean you can't do more later if it is needed. Did you know that 1 drop of essential oil contains 40 Million Trillion Molecules that affect the body at a cellular level. 1 drop is very potent, you don't need a lot to gain the therapeutic benefits. 1. When used essential oils can reach your blood stream in 26 seconds. 2. They can reach every single cell in your body within 20 minutes. Be aware of the size & type of animal you are applying oils to and choose your quantities appropriately. Start small and go from there. Always start with the lowest amount, especially when introducing oils to animals. Where to apply? An exact location isn't always needed, though when applying calming oils most dogs do really well with applications on the back of their neck & tips of their ears. (be careful not to drip oils down in their ears) Go with your gut feeling on where to apply the oils based on the situation. You know your pet & your intentions for why you are applying the oils. Carrier Oils & Bases Carrier Oils can extend the use of essential oils. They don’t evaporate as quickly as EO’s do. They are a great way to dilute essential oils for sensitive skin and for aiding the absorption into the body. They can be used to make lotions, creams, shampoos, massage oils and more. You want to make sure your carrier oil is both organic & cold pressed. Some carrier oils are extremely good for the skin! See inside cover for a quick reference on dilution Great carrier oil options are: Grapeseed Oil, Coconut Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Jojoba Oil. If your pet likes to lick you have two options. Actually you might have more...just be creative. Don't freak out. Just breathe, it happens and since we used such small quantities, it will NOT hurt them to ingest a small amount. Put the "cone of shame" on them. We don't want them licking areas that need to stay clean & have them irritating it.


Introducing o�s to pets

New and not sure where to begin....here are some great tips for introducing oils to your pets. Just take it slowly, you do not need to rush. Aromatic usage works for most situations. Getting your pet used to oils being used aromatically is the biggest thing you can do. Especially before you move on to other usages. Don't be afraid to diffuse oils around your pets. Just leave a way out of the room for your pet when diffusing & they will take it if they don't care for what you are diffusing. AROMATIC USE + Use a diffuser, a diffuser disperses the oils into the air. It doesn’t heat the oils and this ensures their therapeutic benefits are not damaged. + Add drops to a cotton ball and place in the air vents of the room. + Add the drops directly to your pets bedding. + Add the drops to the palms of your hands and rub them together. Let your pet smell your hands. + Make a spray and spritz the oils into the air. This is the easiest and most efficient way to use essential oils with our pets. And when your starting out the best way to get them used to essential oils. Read your bottle to see what application is recommended for each essential oil. Reference guide books are also great as they can help show you how to use your oils in these ways. For many you diffusion may be all you ever decide to do, as diffusing oils is one of the quickest ways of getting the essential oil molecules into the body. If you are using your oils consistently & your not seeing the results you are expecting, try changing up your methods. Your reference book can help give you the guidance you need! TOPICAL USE Your moving on up! There are times when topical application of essential oils are called for. Dry itchy skin, helping to keep pests away... Just remember you will want to dilute based on the oil & the size of your pet. When applying oils topically you can add the oils to your hand and rub your hands together and then massage your pet. Fur is just like a wick and sucks the oils directly into the body. So don't worry that you have to actually touch their skin. OILS + PETS PG. 3

Example: You & your pet just finished a long intense run and really stretched those muscles. Now you want to soothe your stressed muscles & joints. The best method to give you the results you need would be to apply your oils topically to the areas that need it most. For both you and your pet. (Diffusing would not get you the results you need) 1. Use a carrier oil and add a drop or two to your hand or glass container. Then add your essential oil. Rub between the palms of your hand & apply directly to the desired area or pet their fur. 2. Use a roller fitment and attach it to your essential oil bottle. Then roll directly onto the desired area. 3. Mix essential oils with bases such as coconut oil or shea butter for a more creamy mixture. Then apply directly to the desired area. 4. Mix essential oils into a glass spray bottle with water and a few drops of (magnesium oil or fractionated coconut oil). Shake well & then spritz the desired area. INTERNAL USE This is an option to be used when the situation calls for it. Our pets can benefit from internal use, just as we can. For most things we can diffuse and use the topical methods. Occasionally there may be a reason we would want to use this method. There are several ways to do this. 1. Add 1-2 drops to NingXia Red or your pet’s water dish. Always have a 2nd source of water available without oils in it. We do not wish to dehydrate your pet. Make sure to use stainless steel, glass, or ceramic bowls. 2. Add oils to a veggie capsule and add a couple drops of carrier oil. 3. Try adding to pet’s food and mix in well. We can only recommend that the Vitality™ line of oils be used internally. Seek the advice of a health professional before administering oils internally. Always follow the recommended dosage on individual product labels to ensure safety, along with a trusted reference guide. OILS + PETS PG. 4

Use your k�!

Use Your Kďż˝! LAVENDER - Mild & gentle oil and extremely versatile and well loved for pets. Lavender is extremely mild and well suited for all species of animals. It has been extensively used in even the most fragile of creatures. Lavender is amazing for it's calming effects and for supporting a healthy coat & skin. This one is great for helping to repel pests! We love using this one in stressful situations through many methods (topical, diffusion & misting just to name a few). FRANKINCENSE - This oil can be used in every aspect of pet care. "Frankincense is considered a "life force" oil and has been used in every type of animal and in every way imaginable. It is incredibly safe, well tolerated, versatile & effective. Frankincense has been used in newborns of every species, even when they are only minutes old." - Melissa Shelton DVM With newborn animals practices such as anointing the umbilical cords can be such a calming and amazing way to welcome the new baby into the world. Diffusing frankincense can be preformed around eggs, nests and birthing areas of your pets. Frankincense can also help to magnify and enhance the effects of other essential oils when they are used concurrently. PEPPERMINT - A driving oil that can help enhance the penetration of other oils. This is usually the last oil applied in the Raindrop Technique and helps drive in the other oils. This is such a great oil to help support proper digestive function, bowel function and gastrointestinal system comfort. Also a great one to add to water (stainless steal bowl or glass only). Just do 1 drop to help as a natural breath freshener. (When doing this have 2 bowls down with water. One in which you added the drop of oil to and one that doesn't contain any oils...this gives your pet the option to choose. I did this and it took my dog a few days before she gave the water with the peppermint a shot, but she does now drink it with peppermint). We use peppermint a lot for digestion, occasional gas and constipation. Peppermint is also great at encouraging proper respiratory function. As well as joint and cartilage function. For cats, peppermint is a strong oil, but it still can be used. Cats have their own opinions on things so the ways to use peppermint with them may be more limited depending on how your cat wants you to use it. The Kitty Raindrop Technique with dilution is one that many cats love! (but not all of them...so trial and error). You can also add it to products such as the Animal Scents Ointment (1 drop per tablespoon). Other uses of peppermint are best accomplished through the blends and products that contain it for cats. (example: petting with the Ortho Ease Massage Oil) DIGIZE - Our "Can't Live Without" Oil This is probably one of my most used and most important oils I own. I of course use it on myself, but it is one we use on our pets as well. This one I have never diffused. We use this one most often topically or orally. And it is such a great one to use on animals they experience upset and sour stomachs from eating just like we do. Probably my favorite thing about this oil is how it encourages my dog to go poop. (We do supplement her diet with canned pumpkin, but the drop of digize I have found is what helps support the "doing of her business") When it comes to my dog...I have no shame


Use Your Kďż˝! STRESS AWAY - Calming and Relaxing I know I benefit from this oil quite a bit! When I am out in public and get overwhelmed this is the oil I grab right away. It has a very soothing and relaxing scent and just calms me right down. It is also a great one to use with our pets for calming and relaxing especially if they are in a stressful situation. When our bodies are less stressed then they tend to function on a higher level. The same goes for our pets. When they are not dealing with the fight or flight response from stress then they can focus better on what you want them to be paying attention to. THIEVES - A must for cleaning and taking care of your pets daily wellness regime. This one is such a great oil to have in your tool kit! We take this one everywhere. I have an On-The-Go Cleanser that I use and when we go places where our dog will be exposed to other animals we always spritz this on her before & after (the paws and fur coat). Because dogs can carry all sorts of gross things with them in their fur and we don't want to bring anything gross back with us. Thieves is an amazing oil for supporting healthy immune function in both humans and pets. Though you do want to use caution as it is a "hot oil" and should be diluted before applying topically. It also contains clove and cinnamon which should be used with caution in animals that are bleeding or have a tendency to bleed. We also use this for all our cleaning now. Thieves Oil & all the Thieves Cleaning Products are amazing at keeping everything clean with out any nasty chemicals. Animals are super sensitive to chemicals and we no longer have to worry about our pets walking on our just mopped floors, because there are no harmful chemicals in any of the products from Young Living. LEMON - Widely used in all species and in many different ways. For citrus oils you do always want to start out with the least invasive way possible. As some cats don't care too much for citrus. So starting out with it in their litter box or via diffusion would be the first ways to use Lemon with your cat. Also if diffusing always leave a way out of the room for your cat as they will get up and leave if they don't care for it. If using the petting method with lemon or spritzing method for birds or exotics. Please remember that Lemon is a photosensitive oil and it is not recommended to apply it where the skin will be exposed to the sun or a heat lamp. Use common sense and do what feels most comfortable to you. I always recommend you do your research via multiple sources and make the decision you feel most comfortable with. "The most cat friendly methods when using Lemon is with the kitty raindrop technique, water diffusion (aka your diffuser), petting (diluted), and via 'Litteroma' (adding oils to unscented kitty litter in their litter box). Some cats will even ingest lemon in foods or water." - Melissa Shelton DVM Also this is a great one for cleaning!!! (so if you don't feel comfortable using this one on your pet...then use it to clean with & freshen your house!) PANAWAY - Soothing and great to use with animals, but use with caution and consideration. This one can be great to help soothe muscles and joints in your pet. Especially if they are getting up there in age. But you want to consider that some pets may not tolerate it well so it may need extra dilution as it can be a very "intense" oil. A great way to use this oil is with a warm compress. Take a bowl of steamy warm water and add a drop or two of panaway. Then soak your wash rag in it for a few moments and squeeze out. Then apply the compress where needed. Water can intensify the oils effects so you may want to apply a carrier oil to the skin before and after the compress. OILS + PETS PG. 7

o�side your k�

PURICLEAN, INFECTAWAY & MENDWELL A portion of all proceeds from Animal Scents products goes to support Vital Ground, a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the habitat of grizzly bears and other wide-roaming wildlife. These are the three first response oils. For those times when our pets get into bumps and scrapes that need some attention. PuriClean, InfectAway & Mendwell are three synergistic blends that all compliment each other and work together to help support our pets when they need it most. These oils work best in a 3-step process, but can also be used as stand-alones. They help the body to maximize the healing environment, so it can do what it does best. Before applying these oils to your pet be sure to follow basic cleansing procedures. Such as washing your hands with thieves hand soap. So we don't contaminate the areas we are applying these oils to. Step 1: PURICLEAN contains a synergy of (Patchouli, Lavender, Mountain Savory, Palo Santo, Cistus, Citronella, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Tea Tree, Myrtle & Lavandin) This synergy is really great to help with pre-cleaning during wound preparation. Puriclean has natural cleansing and purifying properties that help the body support it’s own natural functions. Plus when cleansed properly the body has a better chance at taking care of it self to it's maximum capacity. Ways to use this oil with your pet. Drop 1-2 drops to the affected area to cleanse & purify. (depending on the type and size of the animal…you may want to dilute with coconut oil). The other way to use this would be to make a spray. You want to use a 1oz glass bottle and add 8-10 drops of this blend, then fill the rest of the way with distilled water. You want to use distilled specifically for this one…as the distilling process makes sure you don’t have any bacteria or stuff lingering in the water. Step 2: INFECTAWAY ...It’s all in the name…so (wink wink)!!! Something to remember is that animals who are under a lot of stress or have been injured are more prone to infection. So if we can support their bodies with cleansing oils it will help their body do the work that needs to be done. Our pets bodies, just like ours know how to take care of themselves…and the oils can help support that to the fullest extent. For Infect Away you would apply it the same way as you did PuriClean. Sprays are a great and easy way. Step 3: MENDWELL is used to help IMPROVE & Accelerate the bodies processes. This blend contains (Geranium, Lavender, Hyssop, Myrrh, Frankincense & Hinoki)……HYSSOP, MYRRH & FRANK!!! Power Blend for sure! These oils work together to support proper blood flow and promote and maintain the body’s natural responses. For this one you can massage 1-2 drops into the affected area (dilute according to the size/species of animal). We mix this one with coconut oil as it makes it easier to massage in…plus coconut oil is fantastic for dogs & cats, especially if they decide to lick it. The other way is you can attach a roller ball fitment to your bottle and apply to the affected area. (or make your own little roller ball and add your carrier oil as needed)


o�side your k�

T-AWAY - If your going to get any pet oils at all...totally get T-Away (when in stock...horde it) whether from abuse, neglect or another emotionally traumatic event from a previous experience or owner. Emotional distress can take a toll on animals. T-Away was created to help your animal move past these blocks and support a new level of emotional Freedom & Joy. REPEL AROMA Give your pet the option to ENJOY the outdoors without having to deal with pests. This blend is an effective formula that fends off insects bugs naturally. Without the use of harmful chemicals. I make a spray and apply it to our pups once every couple weeks. 1oz glass spray bottle 10-15 drops of EO 5 drops magnesium oil (or other carrier oil) fill the rest of the way with water

PARAGIZE Animals can be prone to parasites that can affect their growth or progression. Paragize is a blend of ginger, peppermint, spearmint, anise, cumin, rosemary juniper, fennel, lemongrass & patchouli. This oil was created to help support healthy digestion & is a vital part of ensuring your pets overall health & well-being. This essential oil is a dietary blend & can be given internally or used topically with dilution on the belly. ANIMAL SCENTS OINTMENT This Ointment is a protective, soothing salve designed specifically for external use on animals. The gentle and safe formula is enhanced with pure Tea Tree (Melaleuca Alternifolia) and Myrrh, two of nature’s most powerful essential oils. Additional oils can also be added into this ointment, to make a super-powered custom application. 1 drop or more per tablespoon of ointment is about the amount you would want. V-6 Oil along with additional oils can be mixed with this to create an Udder rub or mixtures for when you have to cover larger body areas. This ointment is safe if accidentally ingested. Though we do not want to encourage licking. Mostly because it will irritate the skin that is being licked. OILS + PETS PG. 9

o�side your k� ANIMAL SCENTS SHAMPOO This Shampoo cleans, conditions, and protects your pet’s coat without harmful ingredients. Formulated with five pure essential oils and other natural ingredients, this shampoo is safe and effective for animals. Can I just say how much I love this shampoo that YL makes for your pets!!! Zoe has the worst dry skin and pretty much every shampoo we have used on her always makes her dandruff super crazy. This is the first one I have used that I don't have that problem with. (we have used all sorts of stuff, yogurt shampoos, oatmeal shampoos, straight up yogurt & oatmeal, aloe...ect. You name it, we have tried it). Fun Fact: You can add additional oils to the animal scents shampoo as needed. So your pet is extra stinky...add a couple drops of purification into your handful of shampoo. Generally starting with 1-2 drops per tablespoon of shampoo. Adding extra essential oils to your shampoo can give additional therapeutic benefits while your massaging them during their bath. This shampoo can also be diluted and used as an ear wash or used to flush wounds. You can even mix in some of the Thieves Household Cleaner with this shampoo to create a power packed bathing experience. "Avoiding toxic shampoos is not only important for the animals, but for the humans who frequently administer the baths. Groomers receive large exposures to toxic chemicals in shampoos and conditioners in their work. Providing non-toxic shampoo options is not only healthier for the animal, but for the human as well." ~ Melissa Shelton DVM

ANIMAL SCENTS DENTAL CHEWS Young Living just released these this summer...and boy are they amazing! Zoe LOVES them so much! These Dental Pet Chews combine the power of Spearmint, Peppermint, and ParaGize™ essential oils to create a tasty treat that supports oral and digestive health for dogs and other pets. Oral care is just as important for your furry friends as it is for you, but cleaning teeth is easy to neglect when it involves holding down your pet as you struggle with a toothbrush. Now maintaining a happy and clean mouth is as simple as tossing your pet an Animal Scents pet chew! These snacks are free of artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives, so you know you’re giving your pet the best. Plus, Animals Scents Dental Pet Chews are made with grooves that work with animals’ instinctive chewing style and include naturally derived ingredients, so they’re easy to eat and digest. To ensure you get the very best in animal care and dog health, we also formulated these treats to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO dog food nutrient profiles for adult dog maintenance. Sound like something you and your pet can agree on? Toss the toothbrush and instead support your pet’s oral care with this simple snack!


Tips & Dis�aimer So you got your oils and you are ready to use them with your pets. 1. Essential Oils don't work if you don't get them out and use them!!! So pull them out of that box & start experimenting and using them! Use your resources (books, people, groups), ask questions! What do you have to lose? What if it DOES work!?! Better crack open that box! 2. Consistency - So you don't need to follow a schedule when using essential oils, but being consistent and using them frequently often gives you better results. 3. Try different techniques. If your not seeing the results you are expecting, try changing up your methods. (you have topical, aromatic & internal usage to explore) Your reference book can help give you the guidance you need! 4. Low quality oils do not work as well as PURE throughout the bottle/high quality oils do. Quality really does affect the users experience. 5. Everyone is different, we all come from different backgrounds, lifestyles and so our bodies are all unique. (same goes for our pets) So does that mean if the essential oil you chose doesn't work for you then it isn't a good product and not really worth it. Not at all...it just means that that particular oil may not be the one to fit your needs for the specific purpose you chose it for. Inside of every living creature is a unique genetic code that tells their bodies how to work at it's peak performance. Since there is such a wide variety of differences in humans & animals...it makes sense that different people or animals will respond differently to the same input. Reference Guides often have a handful of suggestions of oils for any given issue. So experimenting and paying attention will help you figure out which oils work best for you or your pet. So...basically if your first choice of essential oils is not giving you the results you desire, then try another one on the list! Your body will respond to what it needs! You just have to pay attention! Same goes for your pets...pay attention to the cues they give you! :D 6. Become an ADVOCATE for doing your own research on top of just seeking out advice. Don't just blindly follow the information without questioning whether it is accurate. This really goes for anything. (I presented the best research I have found for this class...but could I be wrong...it's possible. I'm not an EXPERT. I just share what I have learned from my daily reading over the past two years. So I encourage you all to do your own research & have an open dialogue with your vet)


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