Building Momentum, Broadway Malyan's Practice Book

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Building Momentum

Introduction from the Chairman

Building Momentum

We are Broadway Malyan Contents

002 Introduction from the Chairman

006 Being There

048 Being Exper ts

088 Being Par tners

102 Being Ef fective

126 Contacts

Broadway Malyan is a global architecture, urbanism and design practice. What makes us different? Our belief in and total commitment to delivering a return on design. Drawing on our global reach, the unrivalled diversity of our 500+ talented staff and applying ourselves completely to our clients’ goals, we work differently, we think differently and we deliver. That’s just one of the reasons why our clients like working with us and 85% of our income comes from repeat business. This is our story.

From buildings to business, it’s the people that bind us together Stuart Rough Chairman I joined Broadway Malyan as a student and am now Chairman. I’ve worked with hundreds of people, whether clients or colleagues, right around the world. What’s evident for me is that Broadway Malyan is a people business that will always value relationships and trust. Put simply, that’s how we make great design happen.

Stuart Rough (left), Broadway Malyan London office (right)

2 Broadway Malyan _ Introduction from the Chairman

We’re a global and diversified company but we haven’t lost sight of the things that enabled us to grow. When I first started as a student, my priority was to succeed personally, professionally and for the benefit of our clients. That’s still true today. Our teams are focused on quality, collaboration and delivery.

Many clients tell me our energy and drive matters just as much to them as our design strengths. That’s because all our teams want to succeed and for projects to reach their potential. More than 85% of our work comes from repeat business or referral – a compelling statistic in a global market for professional design services that’s full of choice. As the world changes, we all face new challenges. The way we design tomorrow will certainly be different. Our people are already showing the value of flexible thinking and adaptability, frequently assessing and adjusting approaches when circumstances change.

We understand the pressures our clients face and we will always be there to help find the best solution. We see projects through to the end. We know that delivery matters and that success comes in achievement not just in smart thinking along the way. The same dedication that our people bring to our clients’ projects is also evident in their commitment to our team. Just as I have gone from the bottom to the top, so too have many of our directors. It’s part of our story and why we’re able to offer our clients such strong teams and to create such effective relationships. Whether it’s building projects, people or partnerships, you’ll find us committed to the task and focused on success.

Introduction from the Chairman

Now that we’re active in more than 60 countries and provide services from architecture, masterplanning and design through to landscaping and branding, there are more dots to join up. That’s where the unique Broadway Malyan approach to client servicing comes to the fore. We put the right people with the right skills onto the right projects – and that’s how we create additional value for clients.

Design, delivery and de-risking – how we work and the benefits we bring Gary Whittle Managing Director We’re very clear that we sell a service that needs to deliver a product. In simple terms, we need to apply design expertise to get things done.

Our offer and the value we add are founded on delivering a top quality professional service that ensures the right end product.

That’s a pragmatic mindset but it’s also a compellingly commercial one. In today’s global economy, there is no spare time or money for the ‘nice to have’.

There are lots of different ways to get to the end point but what you will always find with Broadway Malyan is that we’ll be there supporting you every step of the way.

Gary Whittle (left), Broadway Malyan Birmingham Office (right)

4 Broadway Malyan _ Introduction from the Chairman

So, whether we’re building a new heart hospital in Singapore, a new community in India or a new urban quarter in Istanbul, we’ll always interrogate the brief, assess the best route to delivery and draw upon our global skills to deliver a great product and service. Broadway Malyan is now a serious global player. Since we were established in 1958, our journey has taken us from niche UK practice to worldwide business. We have a portfolio of world-class design projects and are benchmarked on the global stage. We can apply that understanding – together with the diversity of our skills – to help clients achieve their goals. For me, our business is all about our people, our skills, the design quality of what we deliver and the reliability we bring to the process.

When I started my career, things were simpler. Today, clients face scrutiny from every angle, whether that’s investors, regulators and planning officials, the wider network of stakeholders or from their own occupiers and customers. Supply chains are more complicated and the end to end process is more demanding. Our approach – and the great talent of our teams – is that we help clients to move smoothly through the project lifecycle. We bring rigour, knowledge and experience. We manage issues ahead and smooth the passage of projects into delivery. So while design remains at the heart of what we do, delivery is front of mind. We’re happy when our clients are happy. That’s why we apply ourselves to exceeding their expectations – and that’s why so many are delighted with the quality of our designs and the effectiveness of our service. My mission is to continue creating delightful buildings and places.

Introduction from the Chairman

We pride ourselves on understanding every client’s brief, on listening to exactly what’s wanted, and on applying our professional skills and experience to help clients navigate increasingly complex journeys from start to finish.

Being There

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Being E There xper ts

We are distinguished by our global reach across world centres

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Being There

Everything we plan, design and build is about people. We focus on creating buildings and places that will enrich the lives of the people who use them – and we can achieve nothing without excellent partnerships with the people who make delivering them possible. At Broadway Malyan, we’re always there. For more than 55 years, we’ve worked to support and add value to our clients’ aspirations and objectives. Today, we have 16 offices across the world with headquarters in London. We invest in our clients. That’s why you’ll always find our teams prepared to go the extra mile.

We know that realising major projects and schemes is demanding. Anything that requires vision and commitment also involves risk. Our teams around the globe are committed to helping clients to navigate their way through the process. By applying expertise, energy and enthusiasm, we pride ourselves on our contributions to seeing projects delivered. Whether it’s by providing on-the-ground expertise where you need it, by bringing fresh thinking or by giving you the right solution in the face of a testing challenge, you’ll always find Broadway Malyan there. It’s what we do.

Global reach United Kingdom

From Asia/Pacific to the Americas, we have talented people working across every time zone.


We apply our global capability to delivering projects on the ground. We put resource where it’s needed and deploy our teams of experts where they can best add value for our clients. Wherever we work, we bring a local as well as an international perspective.

SĂŁo Paulo Santiago

Office Locations Selected Project Locations

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Being There



Shanghai Abu Dhabi



500 16 +

Talented staff

International studios

∞ Infinite possibilities

Creativity in China

Central Avenue, Qingdao, China for Treasury Trust / Trio (top left); Lefo Mall, Suzhou, China for Zhongrun Real Estate (top right); Liaoyang Road, Qingdao, China for the Trio Group (bottom)

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Being There

To deliver world-class design, you need both international and local experience. As we established ourselves in China, we focused on growing our capability and business from the bottom up. That’s why we’re now one of the leading practices working across the country. We believe that local knowledge is as critical to a project’s success as technical expertise. We also believe that designs and finished buildings must be connected to their contexts. That’s why our teams involve a powerful blend of Chinese and international designers, giving us a local perspective harnessed with a global outlook. Our work at Lefo Mall is a great example. Our focus was making the building 'of Suzhou', drawing out distinctive design features from Suzhou's water gardens heritage and shaping the interiors to match. The result is a compelling space where the feel and influence of water come to the fore. It’s about being creative with local influences – not literal. Consequently, the Centre has a fluid, welcoming feel that works with its commercial aspirations and offers an inviting space that people want to enjoy. Beyond great design, we understand the importance of building trust and relationships. It takes time to grow a reputation and the work we are delivering now is the result of solid investment over several years. In China, we’re playing to our strengths and doing what we do best. Employing local people, employing good people, being creative and focusing on delivery.

Sean Li, Director of Shanghai (top); Jeremy Salmon, Board Director, and Shanghai team members (bottom)

“ We know local markets and we understand local issues. We have the capability, knowledge and skills that make clients comfortable – and that’s a strength.” Jeremy Salmon Board Director, Shanghai


Lefo Mall, Suzhou, China for Zhongrun Real Estate

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Being There

We’re working in more than 60 countries around the world and will project expertise where it’s needed. From our Singapore office, we’re delivering outstanding results for clients across the South East Asia region. When we secured the opportunity to deliver a high-profile project in the Philippines for Century Properties and the Trump organisation, we coordinated our team out of Singapore. With an international track record in designing high-rise and high-quality residential, we applied established capability into this exciting new location. This was one of our first projects in the Philippines. Design and value were top of the brief but the project has achieved far more. The 65-storey residential tower will transform Makati City in Manila and see the client’s reputation soar. We coordinated a compelling project that has pre-sold the majority of its apartments before completion. That’s applied expertise driving solid commercial and reputational returns.

“ In the midst of some very bland buildings in Makati City, we created a landmark. It’s a simple, robust design that delivered wide-ranging value for the client.” Ian Simpson Board Director, Singapore

Trump Tower, Makati City, The Philippines for Century Properties (left)


The tallest residential skyscraper in the Philippines

Best High-Rise Architecture in The Philippines at the Asia Pacific Property Awards 2012

Being There

World-class projects in South East Asia

Reinventing places is a big challenge for any masterplanner but it’s what we do for clients all around the world all of the time. In Jakarta, Indonesia, for example, we were tasked with transforming a logistics park into a high-value office and business location. Through understanding Javanese cultural, planning and branding sensitivities, we developed a scheme that delighted the client and had a major impact within the business community. Where there are now low-value industrial facilities, there will soon be blue chip occupiers working from high-quality offices and supported by a business hotel. Integrating design, planning, landscaping and branding all played its part in unlocking the client’s vision.


The percentage of global construction spend that Indonesia will represent from 2010 to 2020


Most populous country in the world


The percentage at which Indonesia is currently growing per year, making it the largest economy in South East Asia

Ed Baker, Director of Singapore (top); CIBIS, Jakarta, Indonesia for Bhumyamca Sekawan (bottom)

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Ed Baker Director of Singapore

Being There

“ We came together and contributed individual specialisms to a collective goal. The project speaks for itself and could never have happened without this fusion of skills, experience and local understanding.�

Inspiring India

The Rambla within Phase 1 of Precinct 2 at Bhartiya City, Bangalore, India for the Bhartiya Group (top); Shweta Ranpura, Associate Director, Mumbai (top right)

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Being There

India is one of the most dynamic and fast-moving economies in the world. Its rate of growth creates exciting opportunities for developers and investors. From our Mumbai office, we’re involved in transformational projects right across the country. We all know that architecture and design is about managing change. Our skills help our clients to deliver visions for better futures and improved opportunities. In India, where the pace of change is rapid, we are immersed in creating and delivering projects of real value. Bhartiya City showcases our capability and commitment to client satisfaction. A bold project to create a large scale mixed-use development to the north of Bangalore, this project is about technical excellence, client application and design discipline. Working alongside the client and a team of masterplanners, our role has been to help create a vibrant, attractive, sustainable and liveable space. With elements of retail, residential, hotels, business space and public realm, our designs are animating the client’s vision for a unique urban development with lifestyles that set it apart.

“ It has been my great pleasure to have Broadway Malyan associated with our Bhartiya City Project in Bangalore. In addition to being a pleasure to deal with, they are undoubtedly a very talented practice with a very professional approach to their work. The level of skill demonstrated by Broadway Malyan far exceeded our expectations in many ways including a number of design innovations that truly added great value to our project.” Snehdeep Aggarwal Chairman, Bhartiya Group

“ This commission exemplifies how we embed ourselves with clients to tackle new and exciting challenges. This is Bhartiya’s first urban development project. We’re directing our international capability to help realise a scheme of massive change and potential.” Stuart Rough Chairman

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Being There

Integrated mixed-use city development 50 hectares in North Bangalore 2,400 residential units plus 460,000m² mixed-use Strong interconnectivity of public realm and green spaces

Celebration Square, Phases 3 and 4 of Precinct 3 at Bhartiya City, Bangalore, India for the Bhartiya Group (top)

Responding to change in Iraq

New Sadr City, Baghdad, Iraq for the Mayoralty of Baghdad (top)

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Being There

In post-conflict Iraq, building stability and new infrastructure is top of the agenda. It’s a challenging market to be in but one where our skills and expertise will make a difference. We’re working with the Mayoralty of Baghdad on a masterplanning brief for an extension of Sadr City, one of the largest districts of the region.

Delivering the project successfully has depended on creating a long-term and close partnership with the client while leading the team of international and local experts towards a common goal. A focus on constructability and buildability sets us apart. We know the importance of workable plans and, in places like Iraq, moving into implementation as quickly as possible has real value and consequences.

The ‘New Sadr City’ project is a 17km2 initiative referred to as ‘Project 10 x 10’ – it will involve investing $10bn over 10 years. The client wanted to create a sustainable community to support more than 500,000 people, giving them better access to both facilities and opportunities. Drawing on our extensive experience in the Middle East, our team developed a masterplan that demonstrated an understanding of the cultural issues involved and presented a practical, deliverable and complete solution. We identified, quantified and located the homes, schools, hospitals and facilities that the community would need and demonstrated how they could be delivered. When that masterplan was handed over to a satisfied client, we knew it was workable and, if implemented properly, would change peoples’ lives for the better.

$10 billion

Investment over 10 years

1,900 Ha Masterplan area


Projected population

Turning ambition into reality in the Gulf

North Yas Concept Masterplan, Abu Dhabi for Aldar PJSC (top); Southern Marina, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi for Aldar PJSC (top right); James Rayner, Board Director (bottom right)

Where there are growth markets, we want to be part of them. We focus on applying our capability to clients in need of expert design solutions and clear commercial support. Our masterplanning, design management and leadership skills are to the fore in our work across the Gulf.

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Being There

Flexibility, speed of response and commitment – we bring these qualities to all of our work and they have been central to establishing our footprint in the Gulf. From our Abu Dhabi office, we’re applying our international design capability and deeprooted knowledge of the region to deliver what our clients want. For client Aldar, we’re working on a 680 hectare masterplan for the development of North Yas. The goal? To respond to Yas Island’s aspirations to be a global leisure and entertainment destination and provide sustainable communities for local residents. How are we helping? Because we have forged a team with the client that is delivering effective, practical, thoroughly-tested and buildable solutions. We have achieved what the client wanted and created a masterplan with a cohesive design and the clarity of vision to translate into individual development sites.

“ We recognised the strategic importance of Yas Island to Abu Dhabi City. Working closely with Aldar we forged innovative ideas for a “complete” new community. We’ve created a true partnership, a highly deliverable masterplan that’s enabling the scheme and unlocking its potential.” James Rayner Board Director, Abu Dhabi

Collaboratively creative – working closely with the client Flexible, fast and committed – meeting the client’s brief De-risked and robustly tested – giving confidence and commercial reassurance An international quality response rooted in local needs

Building big in Baku Azerbaijan has seen tremendous economic growth fuelled by the oil and gas industry. The country is building both its reputation and a wave of new developments. We were one of the first practices to establish a dedicated office in Baku and we continue to set the standard for delivering integrated, international planning and design skills.

What’s more, we provide clients with a single point of delivery when they need it, taking the lead consultant role and managing the supply chain to offer a one stop shop. It’s all part of our ability to respond to client needs and tailor our services to suit.

For our clients, we’ve put experienced professionals into Baku, many from our network of global offices. That’s delivering expertise where it’s wanted and taking the risk out of projects. Whether it’s bringing our skills and track record from successful international residential developments to the Pasha Port Baku Residences project or offering stadium skills for the National Gymnastics Arena, we’re helping our clients to achieve their objectives. Now that we’ve been in Baku for several years, we’re also transposing our experience of Azerbaijani projects – as well as our wider global skills – into each new project. That’s a powerful proposition, rolling up local and international capability into a single, high value offer. We’re a mature operation in Baku. Having started with our typical drive, energy and commitment to being there for our clients, we’re now an established team able to offer a flexible mix of design skills.

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Mall 28 Shopping Centre, Baku, Azerbaijan for Pasha Insaat; Port Baku Residences, Baku, Azerbaijan for Pasha Construction (top and right); Kevin Leahy, Board Director, Baku (bottom right)

Being There

“ We’ve built our business and our relationships with clients in Baku through our commitment to making projects work for everyone’s benefit. While others may have token operations here, we’ve invested. We’ve created partnerships and we’re delivering results.” Kevin Leahy Board Director, Baku

Transformational projects in Turkey A sign of success for any project is that it creates real impact. We’re involved in dynamic and transformative projects across Turkey and entered the Turkish market to make a difference. Seyrantepe is a major mixed-use scheme on a landmark site in Istanbul. It’s an important and world-class development for the city and for Turkey. We immersed ourselves in the project because we knew we could deliver something special. That’s now happening and we are being instructed on other major projects in the region as a result. The scheme, which includes residential, office, retail and a five star hotel, positions our client Eroglu Group on the world stage. With more than 100,000m² of residential, 100,000m² of office, 100,000m² of retail, 70,000m² of hotel accommodation and over 5,000 car parking spaces, this is a project of some scale. That – and the site’s location close to TurkTelekom Arena, the Galatasaray stadium – meant a real opportunity to create a landmark development that could serve as a catalyst for regeneration in this part of the city. By focusing on brilliant design concepts and bringing passion, knowledge and commitment to the brief, we won the international design competition and secured the job. We now have a strong portfolio of projects in Turkey, linked by that same commitment to design excellence and buildability.

Seryantepe Tower, Seyrantepe, Turkey for Eroğlu Property (top and right); Peter Vaughan, Board Director, London (bottom)

“ We listened and we understood what the client wanted. Seyrantepe was an incredible opportunity and we responded as a practice with real energy. That’s transferred into the whole project and has helped us to create something world-class in Istanbul.” Peter Vaughan Board Director, London

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The tallest skyscraper in Istanbul



$650m Investment

Being There


Unlocking potential in Poland

Metropolis Centre, Poznan, Poland for Echo Investment (top)

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Being There

Our established strengths are helping us to deliver exciting projects in Poland. A combination of local knowledge and international experience is a compelling proposition in the fast-moving Polish market. We established an office in Poland in 2002 to do what we do best – push new boundaries and bring our collective global capability to bear on dynamic local markets.

“ We’re making a difference here because we offer a compelling mix of local knowledge and global experience. Clients want international skills and innovative thinking plus the confidence that they are in the safe hands of people who understand local legislation and market factors.” Dr Robert Kaminski Director of Architecture, Warsaw

From our Warsaw base, we deploy teams of local designers to deliver a flexible and focused service. We complement this with international specialists, where needed: a powerful and productive combination. Our experience is that clients can frequently find local regulations and requirements challenging. We add value by de-risking this process and cutting through the red tape. In Poland, our combination of flexibility and diversity is making a difference. We can provide a holistic solution to individual client and project needs. As a result, we’re growing our business and adding more exciting projects to our portfolio of work.

Dekorada Galeria Echo, Kielce, Poland for Echo Investment (bottom right)

UK strength, UK innovation The way we work is distinctively different. It’s the result of more than 55 years of creative thinking, learning and refinement and why you can always tell a Broadway Malyan building or scheme apart. The investment we’ve made in evolving our design process and capability means we offer world-class responses to every brief – from the seemingly straightforward to the most challenging. In addition, our UK experience brings a specific maturity to our understanding of what makes a successful project. We’ve worked within complex and highly-scrutinised environments, frequently facing significant obstacles in terms of policy, expectation or regulation. Drawing on this accumulated knowledge and the industry-leading skills of professionals across a full range of design disciplines, we channel our energy into delivering outstanding responses. For us, it’s about blending the collective knowledge of architects, planners, masterplanners, regeneration consultants, landscape architects and graphic designers into a cohesive solution. We bring together that diversity of talent through our collaborative design approach and we ensure that our design proposals are the stronger for it.

Islington Wharf, Manchester, UK for Isis Waterside Regeneration Ltd (right top to bottom)

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Because we have offices across the UK’s major cities, we’re also exposed to a wide variety of different design contexts. We use that to our advantage and bring the experience from every project forward to help us improve the next. The UK is where we were established and it’s where we have the highest number of our designers working today. Whether that’s supporting domestic projects or applying their international skills to strengthen teams working in other parts of the world, we are always combining people, experience and insight to achieve the best possible results. That’s what we believe in.

30 Pall Mall, Liverpool, UK for 30 Pall Mall Ltd; Operational Command Unit, Southampton, UK for Hampshire Constabulary; Sharp Street Manchester, UK for Space Developments Ltd (top left to right); Battersea Reach, London, UK for St George (bottom right)

In Liverpool, we’re working at Albert Dock on the Mann Island scheme – a project that sits at the fulcrum of the city alongside the Three Graces on the historic waterfront. When initially asked for planning advice, we saw a bigger opportunity. We rapidly assembled sketch plans for a bold scheme that was based on our deep understanding of the place. By focusing on high quality design within a commercial context, we developed proposals and a planning application which rapidly negotiated the planning process. Delivering that speed and certainty on planning were big pluses for the client. Our motivation at Mann Island was to create a great looking place that people wanted to live in and to buy. We channelled our design ideas through a commercial lens, maximising the potential development space and creating units that were selling off-plan far faster than those in competing schemes close by. We achieved this because of the rigour of our design approach. By knowing the site, the city and its psyche, we could design a scheme that would work and that would sell. Before we even picked up the pen, we understood and appreciated the development context. From there, our designs evolved into a highly successful project, delivered in the midst of a UK recession and creating value for our client.

Matt Brook, Board Director, Liverpool (top left); Mann Island, Liverpool, UK for Neptune Developments/Countryside Properties (top right and bottom) 36 Broadway Malyan _ Being There

“ We really care about and invest in our relationships. This opportunity came to the practice because of the trust we had with the client. Our responsibility was to repay that trust through the design and commercial quality of our work. I’m immensely proud of what we’ve delivered.” Matt Brook Board Director, Liverpool

Being There

Creative culture in Iberia Establishing our Lisbon office gave us a platform for growth in Spain and beyond. Our own sensitivity to and understanding of Spanish and Portuguese culture and heritage means we’re now working as effectively in parts of South America and Africa as we are on the Iberian peninsula.

Rossio Station, Lisbon, Portugal for Refer Invesfer (left and right)

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Today, we occupy one of own projects in the heart of Portugal’s capital and have a dedicated team in Madrid. Our knowledge of local markets and regional issues reinforces our design credentials and drives top quality results for our clients. Knowing the language is one thing, understanding what matters to people is what’s really important.

Broadway Malyan has designed and delivered over 1,000,000m2 of space in Portugal

Rossio Station, Lisbon, Portugal for Refer Invesfer (left and right)

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Being There

Our office in Lisbon is more than a base. It’s part of one of our highest profile projects in Portugal: the transformation of the city’s iconic Rossio Station. Winning the job meant we were entrusted with breathing new life into the station. We took on that responsibility and we’re proud that we’ve returned a neglected building to its former glory through a subtle and respectful refurbishment. Thousands of people use the iconic central railway station every day. We were tasked with creating a better public realm but also a building that would work commercially and sustainably. By looking to the past, we’ve transformed the 19th century station for the future. We’ve restored original features, created better spaces and given the building functionality and beauty. Internal as well as external spaces have been revived and re-focused. From revitalising what was the King of Portugal’s private waiting room into an attractive and effective space for events and functions to re-ordering and re-configuring the office and commercial spaces within the building, we have introduced integrity and structure. Crucially for a public building, we’ve made the commercial spaces work. Where before poorly-conceived retail and office uses had compromised the building’s form and function, now there are logical spaces. We’ve rationalised the interior, created a beautiful new public piazza which has transformed how people approach the station building and shown that we understand the needs of all of the station’s users.

“ We got the economics right, the flexibility of use right and the designs right. Achieving that balance in a building with such a specific function as a central railway station was a big challenge. It’s improving the quality of life for everyone in the city and we’re there at the heart of it.” Margarida Caldeira Board Director, Lisbon & São Paulo

Our ideas and original thinking were key to winning the design competition. Now that they’ve been implemented, we can see the station performing successfully every day from our own office window. We’re delighted to support our own work by taking space there.

In Spain, we’ve brought our distinctive design approach to projects within retail, hospitality, commercial, mixed-use and public realm. Our work on Plaza de las 4 Torres typifies that thinking. In response to the need for a public space solution to unify four towers within Madrid’s new business quarter, we proposed a unique design informed by contextual references. Drawing on the landscape, the geology, the intended use and Picasso’s art, we proposed a completely different solution to our rivals in the design competition and secured the job. Why? Because of our thorough understanding of the client’s aspirations, our creativelyrelevant design concept and the practical detail we displayed. By demonstrating an understanding that encompassed how the space would enhance each tower development but also become a ‘fifth space’ in its own right, we created a place that residents and office workers have appropriated and made their own. It’s now alive and enhancing the attractiveness and value of the overall development.

“ We demonstrated insight, creativity, a level of drilled-down practical thinking and, above all, a quality of work that shone through. We saw the big picture and the points of detail.” Jorge Ponce-Dawson Board Director, Madrid

Plaza de las 4 Torres, Madrid, Spain for Ciudad Deportiva (right)

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Being There

Culturally connected in Latin America “ Broadway Malyan gave us innovative ideas and a global perspective. Their contribution was indispensable and their application has helped this exciting future city to become a reality.” Marcos Roberto Dubeux, CEO, Cone SA

Convida Suape, Recife, Brazil for Moura Dubeux Engineering / Cone (top and bottom); Margarida Caldeira, Board Director, São Paulo & Lisbon (right) 44 Broadway Malyan _ Being There

Being There

As we’ve grown our business, we’ve taken on larger and more demanding projects. We’re now applying our masterplanning and architectural capability on the global stage. Drawing on skills and resources from São Paulo, Lisbon and London, we secured one of the most dynamic and exciting urban planning commissions in Brazil. It’s a classic example of Broadway Malyan’s ability to create inspirational work that delivers for the client at every level. Our task? To masterplan a sustainable urban extension to Cabo de Santo Agostinho near Recife in north east Brazil providing 30,000 new homes together with support infrastructure and facilities including retail, education, commercial and residential. Our solution? To integrate all of our collective thinking and experience to deliver a masterplan for an urban community based on sustainability, ease of access, liveability and ethical design. Brazil is seeing major population growth and urbanisation. As architects and urban designers, we want to be there, shaping successful developments and creating places of distinction and quality. We led the project and set the design standard. We also delivered high-value advice to the client’s property analysts, ensuring that commercial requirements were met and that viability was actively managed.

As a result, the client could proceed with confidence, knowing that land value uplift would drive the development forward. Phase One took just three months to move from launch to implementation. The scheme embodies what we do well: integrating design specialisms to create balanced, intelligent, pragmatic and yet inspiring masterplans. We drew on a worldclass team of masterplanners, urban designers, architects, landscape architects and branding specialists. The results are compelling.

Complex proposals conveyed with clarity and legibility Effective integration of multiple design specialisms I nteractive 3D volumetric model to animate design concepts Alignment of design and financial/viability modelling reative passion and intuitive knowledge of C property market conditions

Bold visions in Canada Having a vision that anticipates the challenges of the future and provides compelling solutions is a proven way to unlock value. Our first Canadian project was commissioned because we combined intuitive development insight with proven design ability to create a project that people could understand and believe in. We entered the Canadian market by winning an international design competition to masterplan a 48 hectare area in Calgary’s city centre, with a buildable area of 22 hectares. We won the job because of our innovative masterplan vision and the way we applied best urban design practice to a Calgarian context.

48 Ha

Site adjacent to the CBD

635,000m2 Gross floor area


Projected population

We were tasked with transforming a deprived and unloved part of the city into a desirable location, inviting Calgary’s population to break the habit of commuting to the suburbs and commit to the heart of the city. The site was a former industrial hub and we needed to reverse 25 years of accumulated negative perceptions to make East Village a residential location of choice. Getting the vision right was essential. We formed a strong relationship with our client (the Calgary Municipal Land Corporation), drove the project forward, and our team of masterplanners, architects and designers combined to achieve planning consent within just a few months. Today, East Village is recognised as being one of the most successful projects of its type in North America.

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East Village, Calgary, Canada for Calgary Municipal Land Corporation (CMLC) (left and right)

Being There

Best Urban Plan at the Canadian National Urban Design Awards 2012

Clear vision, compelling concept Commercially attuned Universally endorsed Integrated with surrounding projects

Being Experts

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Being E xper ts

We have world-class designers working across every major sector

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Being E xper ts

Expertise underpins everything we do. Our service is built on core skills in architecture, urbanism and design. But being expert means more than knowing what to do. It’s about how you direct skills and capability, how you create effective teams and how you deliver outstanding results. Our business has grown immensely and we now combine skills across a wide range of specialist sectors, from retail and office developments to healthcare, education, leisure, masterplanning and mixed use. We are diversified and yet integrated. Being able to select and fuse the best combinations of people and skills for specific briefs means we will always add value. We bring knowledge and experience. Knowing how to solve design challenges or unlock potential comes with having been there and done it before. Our teams combine outstanding professional skills with searching minds – so we will always find ways to achieve our objectives and deliver for the client.

Our expertise is only one part of the overall equation. Culturally, we seek to embed ourselves with our clients. We use our knowledge and skills to lead clients and projects towards agreed goals. We put ourselves forward to take responsibility, initiative and ownership. We create the best relationships for applying our creative capability and delivering what the client wants. We define expertise as creating outstanding design solutions that exceed client expectations and deliver commercially. This spectrum starts with concept design and ends with implementation. For us, success can only be fully achieved when buildings and projects perform commercially, aesthetically and for the benefit of the people for whom they are designed. That’s what expertise should deliver.

Masterplanning Vision, best practice, cohesion, value, context and client understanding, community and buildability – these elements are core to any masterplan and we will always focus on getting them right. Our masterplanning work and soughtafter urbanism expertise has taken us to all corners of the world: UK/Europe, Middle East, Africa, India, China, Asia and America. Masterplanning is an integral part of our service offer. We work in partnerships with clients to move ambitious projects from creative concept into successful developments.

Because we work this way, we help take the risk out of development ideas and projects. We know that effective masterplanning unlocks opportunity, solves complex urban issues and results in great and liveable places. Behind this we also know that masterplanning schemes have to stack-up financially and depend on investor and client team confidence. We work to remove risk, giving direction, clarity and coherence to the process and producing thoroughly tested solutions. Wherever we undertake masterplanning, we apply creativity, rigour, process, commercial insight and cultural skills to secure the best outcomes.

We span all urban and development scales, leading teams on major city visions and strategic plans and working with clients to deliver specific development projects like new and regenerated districts, communities, business parks, resorts and tourism projects. Masterplans are complex by nature. They require rigorous process and long-term thinking. We use our insight and knowledge to provide clients with buildable and adaptable solutions that can match their requirements over time. It’s our aim to provide a complete picture and solution, from advising on best practice and understanding local markets, to playing our part in securing stakeholder buy in and planning permissions. We support project teams in making things happen. We always have that in mind from the first moment we pick up our pen.

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Mixed-use Masterplan Competition, North Istanbul, Turkey (top); Al Maryah Island, Abu Dhabi for Mubadala Development Company (bottom right)

Being E xper ts

“ Helping clients unlock great development visions and solutions is at heart of all of our work. We like process. Leading our clients and teams through a complete and creative process is key to success. We look end to end and develop innovative, deliverable and successful projects that perform at every level.� James Rayner Board Director

Masterplanning key success criteria Vision and insight – helping our clients unlock the full potential of development ideas and land complete process – leading the client and A project teams through a complete masterplan process that de-risks developments and ensures success Cutting edge and best practice – applying our knowledge and expertise in translating early ideas into complete plans down to the individual plot Culturally and market informed – combining our understanding of local issues and communities with that of the client, stakeholders and other experts to deliver superb solutions that fit their contexts Buildable and adaptable solutions – being commercially pragmatic and building in the long term development opportunities S trong client relationships – always working together to agreed and shared objectives

Bandar Malaysia Masterplan, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for 1MDB RE (top); North Yas Island Masterplan, Abu Dhabi, UAE for Aldar PJSC (bottom left); Nanjing New Town, China for Nanjing Planning Bureau (bottom right)

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Residential Broadway Malyan has specialised in residential architecture since its inception. We are now recognised as global leaders in the design of new communities. Homes are a basic human need and imaginative, thoughtful and intelligent design is an essential part of creating successful housing. When we consider how to deliver the best residential design, we think about people, how they use the spaces and places that we create and what will help them to build better lives for themselves and their families. We also think about how people’s needs change and evolve over time, and how our buildings and their accompanying public spaces must be able to respond to change – whether that’s social, economic or environmental.

Our residential work is often designed as part of a larger and more complex mix of uses. Because we can draw on the design expertise of Broadway Malyans’s full range of diverse sector specialists, we know that every individual part of a multi-use scheme will perform in its own right, and, when they come together, create a truly successful and integrated whole. We deliver design that works. Our global reach and local knowledge ensure that we create a design-led, site-sensitive and marketappropriate proposition that works for the residents, our clients, funders, and for the city or wider rural community at large.

Community values choreograph our approach to individual project design. By consulting and working in partnership with existing local communities, we ensure that new neighbourhoods are integrated, designed to last and built on true sustainable principles. Whether we are designing within the constraints of complex city sites or on open landscape, we take our inspiration from the site context and determine appropriate land use densities and building typologies.

“ The greatest testimony to our designs is that authorities are consenting them, clients are building them, and customers are buying them. In a tough economic and development climate, that sets us apart and speaks volumes for the quality of what we do.” Martin Bates Board Director

Milano Residences, Makati, The Philippines for Century Properties (right)

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Storeys Interiors by Versace Homes

Being E xper ts


Imperial Wharf, London, UK for St George (top)

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Collaborative design of over 10,000 residential apartments in London over the last 10 years, providing homes for 25,000 people in 15 new communities


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Being E xper ts

Changing consumer behaviour is re-shaping the retail sector like no other. Customer expectations are different, technology-driven innovations are challenging the role of traditional bricks & mortar retail units and everyone is agreed on one thing – if there’s no draw, the shoppers will stay away.

“ What is a ‘shopper’ today? They don’t exist in the conventional sense. We design to influence and attract footfall that, in turn, delivers commercial success.” Melvin Davis Board Director

Our role as designers is to create places where people want to come. As competition for retail and leisure spend becomes increasingly blurred, we need to support our clients with compelling and creative design solutions. From malls and shopping centres to airports and high streets, we apply our expertise to help clients stay one step ahead. Engaging people is the solution. Through the spaces we make and the environments we shape, we focus on customer psychologies and creating desirable destinations. We plan, design and create inspiring, entertaining and rewarding retail locations. Today, it’s all about lifestyle, aspiration and social interaction. However, we firmly believe in designing centres within the local context in order that customers from the immediate hinterland understand it is ‘their’ centre. We create successful places and spaces that are imaginative, appealing and stimulating. We work with our clients to understand their aspirations and to tailor dynamic design solutions for local markets, from the UK to the UAE, China to Chile and from Portugal to the Philippines.

Forum Barreiro, Barreiro, Portugal for Multi Development (left); Valecenter, Venice, Italy for Sonae Sierra (bottom)

SunArt Plaza, Ningbo, China for Auchan (top); Lisbon Airport, Portugal for ANA (Aeroportos de Portugal) (middle); Le Terrazze, La Spezia, Italy for Sonae Sierra (bottom)

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Our extensive retail experience extends across:

Jinqiao International Lifestyle Centre, China for Shanghai Lujiazui Development Group Co. Ltd (top); Raffles City, Singapore for CapitaLand Retail (bottom)

Shopping centres Retail parks Factory outlets Designer outlet villages Big box retailing Tenant retail design Retail related interior design Repositioning and refurbishment Retail led urban regeneration Retail masterplanning Airport retailing Branding Environmental graphics Wayfinding

Workplace Great workplaces embody and embrace the culture of the businesses that occupy them. More than that, they can set the aspiration for a business, drive its productivity and support its commercial achievements. Buildings are part of the brand – successful companies need supportive workspace. Commercial workspace is all about value. The value that an inspirational working environment delivers to the people that occupy it. The value that the workspace helps to create by enabling and supporting business, and the value the building ultimately has to the business or investors as a physical asset. We know how to maximise value. From new international headquarter campuses to smaller but no less important office interior projects, our team understands the planning, design, development and lifecycle issues that make the difference between successful and unsuccessful projects. We put the client at the heart of our response, investing time to immerse ourselves in their culture and their corporate and commercial drivers. We analyse and evaluate the location and setting so that we understand every constraint and identify every opportunity for great design.

Roche Headquarters, Lisbon, Portugal for Roche FarmacĂŞutica QuĂ­mica (right)

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Being E xper ts

Met Office, Exeter, UK for The Met Office (top); Operational Command Unit, Southampton, UK for Hampshire Constabulary (left); Petronas Europe R&D Centre, Turin, Italy for Petronas (right)

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From that understanding comes our solution – creative, considered and appropriate, allowing our designs to be shaped by the complex inter relationship between the brief and the place. We assess every opportunity by looking through the lens of the occupier, the investor, the developer and local community stakeholders. We investigate innovative ways of evolving different solutions for different people.

“ We deliver an integrated service which leads to an integrated product. Smart workplace design can transform effectiveness and productivity and our strength lies in focusing our expertise where it can unlock greatest value.” David Anderson Board Director

Our approach to making smart and sustainable workplaces respects the particular nature of different workplace typologies, from offices to production spaces and from science & research to creative studios. Our response is always informed by the input of our relevant sector specialists. Broadway Malyans’s unrivalled diversity is our ultimate strength. We bring together specialist services, from masterplanning and landscape design to architecture, interior design and branding to deliver what matters most to our clients – successful projects and satisfied occupiers.

What makes us different? International experience, local knowledge We listen first – culturally attuned and occupier-led Proven credibility Creative and responsive – no pre-conceived ideas Value and delivery focused Integrated capability Phoenix Tower Competition, Hainan, China (top)

Hospitality Great design sells hotels and resorts. People want to stay somewhere special. Developers and operators need to differentiate themselves in the marketplace by providing a unique guest experience. We help our clients to create stunning, successful and commercially viable destinations. The ‘wow’ factor matters for every hotel. From luxury beachside resorts to city centre business hotels, guests want to be impressed. Great design is part of the package. Our teams deliver services from masterplanning through to architecture, landscape, interior design and branding. We blend experience and international design skills with creative and commercial know how to offer an integrated service that sets us apart.

“ Getting the personality of any hotel project right is the key to success. We understand what makes the difference between good hotel design and great hotel design. The quality of our work speaks for itself and the occupancy rates achieved show the desirability of our projects.” Margarida Caldeira Board Director

Casa do Governador, Porto de Galinhas, Brazil for Teixeira Duarte (right)

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Being E xper ts

From iconic projects like the refurbishment of London’s Taj Crowne Plaza, London to creating brand new resort hotels like Casa do Governador in Brazil, we are at the forefront of creative and innovative design. With experience across the globe, our understanding of the unique characteristics of hotel design allows us to focus on giving clients smart, successful and confident solutions.

Taj Crowne Plaza, London, UK for Taj Hotels Resorts & Palaces / The Indian Hotels Company (left); Concept design for 5 star hotel, India (top); Hotel Oriental, The Algarve, Portugal for Teixeira Duarte (bottom left)

“ We have worked in close partnership with Broadway Malyan creating a truly world-class design. Broadway Malyan has been a pleasure to work with and have guided and managed our expectations to the full. I cannot recommend them highly enough and am delighted with the result.” Prabhat Verma General Manager, Taj Suites and Residences

Sports, Leisure and Culture Creating great leisure and sports destinations is about far more than buildings. As symbols of national or civic pride, as places where people come together and as places whose success is based on intangibles like ‘atmosphere’, intelligent design and an in-depth understanding are vital. We build stadia, parks, theatres, entertainment centres and a full variety of buildings and places that bring people together. From transformational international sports arenas like Baku’s National Gymnastics Arena or the Al Ain Stadium in the UAE to commerciallydriven schemes like the redevelopment of Birmingham’s National Indoor Arena, we apply our diversity and expertise to deliver impressive results. We understand that these projects are high profile and must perform on many levels. We draw on our international experience and assemble specialist teams to help clients realise their aspirations. Our expertise ensures we de-risk projects with pragmatic, commercial and workable designs while creating inspirational architecture. By thinking of the spectators, the performers, the commercial drivers and the unique venue experience that will make our projects stand out, we provide intelligenceled design to achieve cultural, business and reputational benefits.

9,000 seat National Gymnastics Arena, Baku, Azerbaijan for Pasha Insaat LLC (right)

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How do we create great venues? nderstand the use and the drivers U – ensure complete clarity on success criteria Be flexible – assemble teams that bring the best package of skills Focus on delivery – understand how the project must function and drive towards the end goal Provide clear and distinct solutions – create simple but elegant designs

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Virgin Active Alcala Magna, Spain and Virgin Active Mostoles, Spain both for Virgin Active; 9,000 seat National Gymnastics Arena, Baku, Azerbaijan for Pasha Insaat LLC; The Gym at Port Baku Residences, Azerbaijan, Baku for Pasha Insaat LLC (from top left to bottom right); National Indoor Arena, Birmingham, UK for The NEC Group (right)

Being E xper ts

Education The success of any educational building will ultimately be measured by the way it enhances the learning practices and the potential of those who use it. We design inspirational spaces which empower learners, educators and researchers to achieve their individual potential and their collective goals. We build schools, colleges and university buildings that put people first; a philosophy that holds true for many design sectors, but which is paramount for education. It’s about using design creativity to realise environments which make a difference, demonstrably enhancing learning outcomes for all.

Stoke-on-Trent Sixth Form College, Stoke, UK for Stoke-on-Trent Sixth Form College (top), Al Khazna School, Abu Dhabi for ADEC (left)

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Being E xper ts

“ We invest time and effort in gaining an in-depth understanding of what matters to our clients, of the driving forces which underlie their vision. Only then can we design spaces which empower learners and unlock potential.� Aidan Ridyard Board Director

We all know that buildings contribute to the effectiveness of learners and while this is manifested in many different ways, we see our primary task as working with our clients to combine creative design with innovative best practice to deliver an environment that performs to its optimum within a constantly evolving sector. We have developed a portfolio of award winning projects and have a proven track record in educational design. We know the importance of working with clients to understand their unique personality; the needs of their learners and teachers; and the aspirations which drive their requirements for each new project. We focus on creating spaces that are comfortable for learning, respond to the diverse and changing needs of students, and allow staff to shine. Moreover, we understand the practicalities of working with complex academic projects, the realities of their construction, and what it takes to deliver a school or college which will be the centre of its learning community. Aidan Ridyard; Al Khazna School, Abu Dhabi for ADEC; Law School, Leeds, UK for the University of Leeds (from top to bottom)

Building for learning, we: Design projects that are an expression of vision and character Create high quality, flexible space – we know adaptability is the key isten and respond with designs that match users’ L needs, giving them ownership from the outset mbed technology within our design E solutions – using ICT to create even more effective learning environments Pursue innovation and creativity within the framework of regional standards ealise that learning must be at the heart of every R successful scheme

Bournville College, Birmingham, UK for Bournville College (left and right)

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“ It has got a wow factor and is a real temple of learning and a source of hope for Longbridge and Birmingham as a whole. Bournville College is a source of inspiration.” David Milliband Former MP on Bournville College

Being E xper ts

Healthcare We work at the leading edge of healthcare design. Our global perspective, knowledge and understanding of local contexts ensure we offer informed solutions and added value to our clients.

We design buildings that harmonise with their surroundings and which humanise the entire healthcare experience, integrating colour, lighting, artworks and landscape in a sensitive and effective manner. All of our designs aim to provide a clear hierarchy of spaces that respond to patients and their individual circumstances.

Every healthcare project is individual in its functional content. It has its own unique characteristics so there can be no prescriptive approach to healthcare design. Everything is bespoke.

We are continuously developing and refining our technical expertise to deliver new ideas and transform healthcare provision. Innovation is central.

The best design solutions in the healthcare sector are the result of close collaboration between the client, key stakeholders and the architect. That enables a shared vision to be developed and translated into the built form.

Within healthcare there are many typologies from “high tech” trauma centres to mental health rehabilitation units. Each has a distinctive set of constraints that inform the creative process. What’s common throughout is the requirement to meet the patient’s needs – and that’s the first consideration within our design process.

At Broadway Malyan, we challenge the orthodoxies of healthcare design. By investigating radical design ideas we create diverse and evocative healing environments that provide more holistic, supportive, and flexible buildings. We focus on designing for the highest level of patient care. Evidence-based research shows that well designed hospitals make a significant contribution to treatment outcomes, improving patient satisfaction and raising staff morale. Our core philosophy is to create therapeutic settings that promote positive well-being rather than the management of disease and ill-health.

“ Every healthcare project must be about people and the healing process. We channel our expertise into producing brilliant designs that put people first and maximise effective treatment.” John Turner Board Director

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Being E xper ts

National University Hospital, Singapore for the National University Hospital (top and middle left); National Heart Centre, Singapore for the Singapore Ministry of Health (middle right); The Atkinson Morley Wing at St George’s Hospital, London, Uk for St Georges Healthcare Trust (bottom left); Woodhaven Mental Health Unit, Hampshire For West Hampshire NHS Trust (bottom right)

National Heart Centre, Singapore for the Singapore Ministry of Health

Being E xper ts

Public Realm and Landscape Architecture We don’t see public realm as simply the space between buildings – we see it as fundamental to the identity, performance and attractiveness of a place. The best and most successful developments create a sense of place and a relationship with the user. This is where good public realm comes to the fore. By seeing public realm in the context of its adjacent buildings and the local culture, we help clients to shape and deliver schemes that succeed, delight and endure. What’s different about our approach? It’s based on genuine collaboration. Between our public realm team, our multi-disciplinary colleagues, the client and the local community, we ensure that we fully understand all aspirations and reflect these in our design solutions. By sharing objectives and working in partnership, we aim to exceed expectations and deliver tangible and long-lasting benefits.

“ Our skill is our ability to draw people, ideas and solutions together to create places that perform. We strive for the highest achievable quality, a sustainable solution, places of genuine delight and spaces that enhance value.” James Rayner Board Director

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Our knowledge of different design disciplines alongside developer and occupier requirements means that we can often translate public spaces into value-generating assets, for example spaces that serve both retail and leisure roles at different times. Innovation sits at the centre of everything we do. We constantly seek to push the boundaries to create exemplar developments – and we direct our ideas towards clear commercial goals. It is increasingly recognised that investing in high quality public space generates tangible economic benefits, stimulating growth in the visitor economy, raising property values and increasing income and profit for local businesses. Never before has the economic argument for high quality public realm been so compelling.

Being E xper ts

BP’s International Centre for Business and Technology, Sunbury, UK for BP (left and top); Garden Crescent, Yas Island, Abu Dhabi for Aldar PJSC (bottom)

Branding & Graphic Design Great architectural design and place-making are intrinsically linked to brand. That’s because successful buildings and spaces are an expression of their owners, occupiers and of the communities they serve. We help clients to integrate branding into the overall design process. We have a team of professional branding and design specialists working on instructions around the world. We use our skills to ensure projects engage and communicate with the people that use them. Put simply, we create visual narratives that complement the physical nature of buildings and places. We use graphics, signage, colour palettes and visual expression to enhance the effectiveness and performance of projects.

We believe in channelling our branding and graphic design discipline into projects where it can make the most difference. We may work alongside a building architect to embed brand principles into the physical form from the outset. Or we can operate independently, creating visual materials for fit outs or refurbishments. What’s common across all of our work is a focus on the context, objective, community and client. We apply the rigour of graphic design specialists to everything we do and ensure that all of our completed projects connect, communicate and are an expression of the client’s aspirations.

We provide: Branding

Our work spans traditional briefs like creating a visual marque and signage strategy for a new office development through to more comprehensive tasks like developing brand and place-making strategies for new urban quarters.

Graphics Signage Wayfinding Placemaking

“ Great buildings are much more than bricks and mortar. They are expressions of a client’s vision. We use brand and graphic design expertise to ensure that projects resonate with their users and succeed at every level.” Jon Geaney Creative Director

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Valecenter, Venice, Italy for Sonae Sierra; 313@Somerset, Singapore for Lend Lease; Natural Kitchen, UK for Organic Market; Le Terrazze, La Spezia, Italy for Sonae Sierra; HSBC Offices, Singapore for HSBC (top to bottom left to right) Brand Identities: Twenty Twenty, Bali, Indonesia for STA Group; Lefo Mall, Suzhou, China for Zhongrun Real Estate; Bedok Mall, Singapore for CapitaMalls Asia (top to bottom)

Being Partners

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Being Par tners

We have a distinctive client focus and track record for repeat business

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Being Par tners

For us, being partners means taking the initiative, taking responsibility and seeing projects from our clients’ perspectives. If we do that, we can apply our expertise to lead, to support, to shape and to achieve outstanding results. Everyone in our company knows what partnering is all about and why it is so important. It is the difference between being a trusted adviser or simply a performer of tasks. We have always believed in sharing our clients’ visions and challenges – and using our resources to unlock success. It’s been part of the Broadway Malyan culture for more than 55 years.

Partnering helps great design happen and underpins delivery. It is the glue that holds everything together and ensures that ambitious goals are realised and exciting projects are achieved. Partnering is also about relationships. Approximately 85% of our work comes from repeat business or referrals, testament to the success of this approach. We’re always working to develop our existing relationships and to grow new ones. Just as we design our buildings and places for the people who will use them, everyone in our team knows that it’s also people that make projects happen.


BP’s International Centre for Business and Technology, Sunbury, UK for BP (left and top)

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Being Par tners

BP has a very strong corporate ethos and takes its brand seriously. We have demonstrated that we understand that and can deliver solutions which complement the character of the business. With a multi-faceted operation and complex global property portfolio, BP is a challenging and extremely fulfilling client. We began our relationship by helping the firm to understand its future opportunities at Stockley Park and have worked extensively to make its Sunbury campus an effective and supportive hub.

BP Upstream Learning Centre, Sunbury, UK for BP (top)

“ I think our work with BP is about demonstrating a depth of knowledge about their business and an enthusiasm for working with them as collaboration partners. This passion takes our input beyond merely fulfilling an agreed scope, towards adding measurable value to their business. That’s what really counts.” David Anderson Board Director

Our ability to provide an integrated package of services has been instrumental. From masterplanning advice to specific building commissions, we have worked alongside the client to support the transformation of its business and its future ambition. Today, more than 4,000 people use the Sunbury campus. We have produced masterplans to a level of detail and thoroughness that has proved vital. We have proved ourselves capable of working with an international client team where we acted as the cement in the relationship and added significant value in bringing it all together. Our contributions and expertise have helped the client to steer the correct course forward, whether that’s making the right decisions about future development of workspace at Sunbury or implementing appropriate building design.

Why does this partnership work? Clear client focus: we’ve invested in a relationship which means we understand the business, its people and its drivers Integrated service delivery: we apply our collective and comprehensive capability to drive the right results Design function and effectiveness: we design aspirational buildings that match the corporate ethos. They deliver on both functional requirements and the need to support the global profile of the business

BP’s International Centre for Business and Technology, Sunbury, UK for BP (right)

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Being Par tners

Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC) When a tender was issued to design a new generation of schools for the Emirate, we saw an opportunity. We’re now working in partnership with ADEC and shaping education provision for thousands of young people. The measure of some partnerships is that they deliver far-reaching benefits and exceed initial expectations. When we won an international design competition to help ADEC create new typographies for schools across Abu Dhabi, we had no idea that, within 18 months, we would have established a wave of new developments.

“ What do we mean by partnership with ADEC? We established a strong and close relationship. We were sensitive to their needs. We were on site and available. We weren’t ‘executive architects’ but were on the ground delivering. As a result, we are the only practice of the three initially selected still working with ADEC on a permanent basis.” Ian Apsley Board Director

ADEC’s ambition for change was the driver, matched by our enthusiasm and focused service. We drew on UK and international expertise to produce innovative, flexible and adaptable designs that captured the client’s imagination. Working to a demanding timetable, we partnered with the client and wider project team to manage evolutions in the design during the build process. That’s always a challenge but the strength of our understanding and shared appreciation for the end vision guaranteed the right results. Now we’re expanding our work in the UAE, continuing to focus on creating effective partnerships as the foundations for all future projects.


Schools built


Children accommodated


Further schools on the drawing board


New pupil places 96 Broadway Malyan _ Being Partners

Being Par tners

Partnership performance What: ADEC’s ‘model schools’ programme for a new generation of educational establishments Brief: Creating two successful typographies to roll out across the Emirate I mpact: Shared vision and understanding from inception to construction – accelerated delivery and great design Result: Sustained and expanding relationship with the client and impressive new schools coming on stream

Mubarak bin Mohammed School, 1,225 students mixed gender primary (Cycle 1) school, Abu Dhabi (top); Mezyad School, 1,160 students mixed gender primary (Cycle 1) school, Al Ain (middle); Al Mabade School, 1,100 students mixed gender primary (Cycle 1) school, Al Ain (bottom)

Multi Development Multi is a market leader in its field with shopping centre and inner city regeneration projects across Europe. Its business model demands attractive, effective and commercially robust design solutions. We have partnered on projects across Portugal and Spain, always delivering and matching expectations. Every successful relationship has a special story. Our work with Multi started when the Chief Executive literally dropped into our Lisbon office. Having witnessed our work elsewhere, he wanted to know what we could do for Multi. We responded to the challenge and have worked on multiple projects since. Reliability and trust are the foundations of the relationship. With exacting requirements and a focused development plan, Multi tasked us to deliver and held us to account. Essential to our success has been a strong working understanding with T+T Design, Multi’s in-house design team. The strength of the relationship was instrumental in the establishment of our Madrid office. With requirements in Spain and satisfied with our work in Portugal, we had shared objectives to build both of our businesses in Spain. Together – and through the formation of our Madrid office – we moved forward successfully.

Forum Barreiro (top right)

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“ Personality is at the heart of this partnership. Fundamentally, our respective firms fit and we have been able to achieve great things together. Within a demanding environment, our design principles stand out and ensure we deliver great work and outstanding results.” Stuart Rough Chairman


Projects completed


International Design Awards


Countries in which we have collaborated on projects

Key partnership features: Trust – knowing that, together, we will get the job done Dependability – meeting design expectations and delivery the right quality Programme management – meeting deadlines and not letting the team down Decision sharing – working together to reach the best outcomes Forum Algarve, Faro, Portugal (top left); Espaco Guimarães, Guimarães, Portugal for Bouygues Imobiliária / Multi Development (top to bottom); Forum Torrelodones, Madrid, Spain (top right)

Teixeira Duarte

Because we listen and genuinely understand the client’s business, we deliver creative, transformative and commercially robust solutions. We are design and business led so, like Teixeira Duarte, we see the value of creating great spaces. In the hospitality sector, your building and the space it provides for your guests really is your brand. Experience is everything so developers and operators know the criticality of great creative yet pragmatic design. We have shared values with Teixeira Duarte. They have become a global player within the hotels and hospitality sector because they, like us, strive to deliver the best possible creative solutions that budgets and commercial pragmatism will allow.

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From our first commission for Lagoas Park Hotel in Portugal to our later work in Angola, Brazil and Mozambique, we are working at the heart of the client’s business and helping them achieve their goals. By being flexible and offering everything from concept design to robust assessments and design due diligence, we are delivering a service of real value.

“ What’s the glue in the relationship? It’s trust and confidence. We give them design-led, commercial and practical solutions. Ultimately, it’s about an end product which will enhance their opportunity for success and our knowledge of how to achieve that.” Margarida Caldeira Board Director

Hotel Lagoas Park, Oeiras, Portugal (left); Torre de Escritórios em Luanda, Angola (top); Casa do Governador, Brazil (top right); Residential Project in Portugal (bottom right)

“ With a good working relationship over the last 10 years, Broadway Malyan has helped Teixeira Duarte conduct 25 projects in 3 continents. We are working together in areas as diverse as hospitality and housing with Broadway Malyan continually proving a highly trusted partner.” edro Maria Teixeira Duarte P CEO, Teixeira Duarte

Key partnership features Goodwill – generated though confidence in each other lexibility – accommodating changing F pressures and timescales nderstanding – seeing the end use and value U and helping the client to get there Commitment – we invest in each other to maximise our collective achievement

Being Effective

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Being Ef fective

Over the last 55 years we have built a reputation for designing fully-integrated buildings, places and spaces

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Being Ef fective

A project does not achieve its potential unless it is successfully delivered. It’s an obvious truth but one frequently overlooked in our industry. At Broadway Malyan, we start every new brief by focusing on the end result. Unless we help our clients to deliver, we are not adding value. We mix creative skills with commercial acumen to ensure that everything we design can be implemented and will perform. We understand the pressures clients face in terms of programme, capital and development finance, and seeing a return on investment. We use business brains to ensure our work is both commercial and creative.

We put projects in the best position to succeed. That’s because we know our markets and our sectors, we bring experience and expertise, and we have effective partnerships with our clients. We move projects from inception through to development and delivery, guiding, supporting and facilitating the process. That’s why so many of our clients choose to work with us again and why we enjoy a reputation for great design, commercially, pragmatically and successfully delivered.

‘The Tower’ – London’s tallest residential building “The Tower” on London’s River Thames takes a central place alongside the Palace of Westminster, and the London Eye in the iconic views from many of the river’s bridges. Providing 213 luxury apartments over 51 floors above ground, it is one of Europe’s tallest residential towers. The floor plan is based on the shape of a Catherine wheel and is typically divided into five apartments per floor with separating walls radiating out from the central core. The circular form and floor to ceiling glazing provide 360° views whilst sky gardens provide a semi-external space. The building is designed in three legible parts – a base incorporating the communal facilities including reception lobby, business lounge, gym, spa and swimming pool, a middle section where the majority of apartments are located, and the upper penthouse levels where the façade reduces in diameter to provide 360° terraces, above which a ten metre high vertical axis wind turbine crowns the structure.

The wind turbine is designed to generate sufficient energy to power the lighting in the common areas. The building also draws water from London’s aquifer deep below ground and uses heat exchange technology for heating and cooling. Touch screens in the main living rooms and bedrooms enable residents to open windows, adjust their blinds, room lighting and temperature, together with operating a wide variety of audio visual functions. The building’s quality and success has had a positive impact on the wider area and is acting as a catalyst for further regeneration.

“ The Tower is an expression of what we believe in and do best – great design, excellent client collaboration and a commercially successful project.” Peter Crossley Board Director

Sustainable technologies ensure that the building requires less energy than a conventional tall building, resulting in significant CO2 savings. A ventilated cavity façade with motorised interstitial blinds, hi-performance solar control and low ‘e’ coatings together with opening windows, reduce residents’ reliance on air conditioning and energy demand. Peter Crossley (top); The Tower, London, UK for St George (right)

106 Broadway Malyan _ Being Effective



















































































X3 X2





















X2 X2
































W X3

X2 X2



























































108 Broadway Malyan _ Being Effective




































Facts and figures Floor area – 29,729m2 Number of apartments – 213 including three penthouses Apartment sizes – 45m2 to 890m2 in 14 different types Height – 180.6m Storeys – 51 occupied floors above ground (2 common and 49 residential) and 2 basement floors Swimming pools – 2 (Level 1 in Spa and Level 49 in Penthouse)

The Tower, London, UK for St George (left and right)

The Tower, London, UK for St George

110 Broadway Malyan _ Being Effective

Battersea Reach London’s waterside regeneration is one of the biggest changes in the city in the last 25 years. We’ve been at the heart of this transformation, guiding and helping clients to maximise opportunities and create valueenhancing schemes.

For St George at Battersea Reach, we took a complex development opportunity and made it simple. We defined a phased masterplan entailing multiple separate planning applications and we have overseen the delivery of a stunning development with a demanding delivery process and the challenge of phased occupancy. In simplifying the project, we have looked after the detail. This is an award-winning scheme with more than 1,000 residential units across 13 acres. By managing the design and integrating disciplines – from building concept design through to landscaping and public realm – we have helped St George to create something of individuality and desirability.

Being Ef fective

At the centre of our solution, as always with Broadway Malyan, is a total commitment to the client. We established an on-site presence and that resulted in a level of day-to-day care which, coupled with our strategic management of the build out process, has ensured quality and deliverability. Once complete, the evidence of our ability to manage both planning and implementation will be clear. Our work has allowed new residents to enjoy their homes while others continue to be built alongside. This is a classic example of diligent masterplanning, architectural responsiveness and effective construction management working in tandem to provide compelling results.

Battersea Reach (left and right)

“ The real achievement at Battersea Reach has been to serve as guardians of a complex development process and provide something of distinctive quality, value and design integrity. This is a multi-phased and challenging development where our support has delivered an architecturally, commercially and socially successful project.� Martin Bates Board Director

Ordnance Survey Ordnance Survey is the national mapping agency for Great Britain and one of the world’s largest producers of maps. Our work on a new UK headquarters for Ordnance Survey has transformed the way the business works. We won the commission from developer, Kier Property, and created an integrated team that would take the project from conception to construction. More than 1,000 employees are now working in highly supportive and flexible workspace which is BREEAM ‘Excellent’ rated and setting the highest standards on sustainability.

“ A great example of addressing the social, environmental and economic inputs required for a truly sustainable solution.” Office Agents Society (OAS) Judging Panel

Ordnance Survey Headquarters, Southampton, UK for Ordnance Survey (top and right)


Reduction in carbon footprint

Sustainable Achievement Award 2012 Office Agents Society (OAS) 114 Broadway Malyan _ Being Effective

Yell Yell is a leading search and business information business that has changed rapidly in line with the expansion of digital communications and e-commerce. Delivering a new headquarters building for Yell was about enabling and supporting the transformation of the business and its people. We took the client from three disparate offices into a single, fit for purpose and bespoked new working environment, unlocking potential and marking a step change in Yell’s evolution from a print-based directories business to a digital, 21st century information-provider.

“ By offering the client architectural, workplace strategy and interior design expertise, we formed a compelling partnership which was central to successful delivery. We achieved a great product which has profound value to the client as a headquarters building but, more importantly, is providing a springboard for the future and how the business wants to operate and be perceived.” Bob Day Director of Architecture

Why did it work? Because we assembled a highly skilled, knowledgeable and balanced team able to apply a mix of expertise that ensured a smooth and effective transition. We understood the brief, the design challenge and the local landscape – and we gave straighttalking advice and practical solutions based on technical experience and local knowledge.

inner of the BCO 2011 Fit Out W Award (South West Region) BREEAM ‘Very Good’ and SKA ‘Gold’ certifications 116 Broadway Malyan _ Being Effective

Yell Headquarters, Reading, UK for Yell (top)

Being Ef fective

Transformational workspace recognising different occupier needs and providing highly flexible and supportive environments

University of Leeds Archive Building Leeds University is a member of the prestigious Russell Group of leading UK universities and home to more than 30,000 students. We brought together the aspirations of Leeds University and Marks & Spencer to create an archive building of unusual quality and design standards. Meeting a brief for a functional yet distinctive storage, repository and exhibition space, we drew on our recent experience and a Design Code we had developed for the University’s expanding Western Campus. Our design demonstrates innovation in materials selection as well as a strong creative concept where the outside of the building resembles the pages of a book falling open. This was a project about a distinctive and functional design that reinforces the University’s commitment to creating an attractive and high-quality campus.

“ I’m really proud of the fact that we took this brief and did much more with it than the ‘standard’ industry solution. Archives are usually just large black boxes. We looked at things differently, saw an opportunity and have created something with genuine design quality and character. We’ve delivered a creative building in step with the client’s vision for a creative campus.” Neil Rose Board Director

Highly sustainable design and BREEAM ‘Excellent’ certification Archive Building, University of Leeds (right)

118 Broadway Malyan _ Being Effective

Being Ef fective

Forum Coimbra

This project transformed a former textile factory site into a multi award-winning retail centre. By working in close partnership with the client’s team, we achieved a development of outstanding impact and value, both to the city and to the client. The 48,000m² centre includes a multi-screen cinema and approximately 150 retail units. It was the first large scale shopping centre for the ancient city. The effectiveness of our work helped the client to sell the asset mid-way through the development – an early indication of confidence in the quality of our product.

120 Broadway Malyan _ Being Effective

Forum Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal for Multi Development (top and bottom)


Major international awards won


Number of design disciplines Broadway Malyan provided to the project


Million visitors annually

48,000m2 Gross Lettable Area


Retail units

“ Forum Coimbra fully merited the 2007 ICSC European Award as Best Large Centre, not only for its commercial attraction, but also for the striking contemporary architecture, efficient retail layout and stunning interior decoration accompanied by innovative exterior lighting that make it a new monument for Portugal’s third city.” ICSC Award Jury

Forum Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal for Multi Development (top and bottom)

122 Broadway Malyan _ Being Effective

Mall of the Year at the Retail City Awards 2008 Best Shopping Centre at MAPIC Awards 2007 Best New Large Shopping Centre at the ICSC Awards 2007

Forum Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal for Multi Development (left)

Being Ef fective

ICSC Merit Award at the ICSC International Design & Development Awards 2008

Al Bandar

Al Bandar, Abu Dhabi for Aldar (top)

124 Broadway Malyan _ Being Effective

Being Ef fective

Winner of Best Residential Project (Built) at the Cityscape Abu Dhabi Awards 2011 Winner of Best Development at the CNBC Arabian Property Awards 2009

Our first architecture project in Abu Dhabi, we masterplanned and designed an entirely new island for ALDAR’s Al Raha Beach Development. With 530 luxury residential apartments and 5,000m² of retail and commercial space, we applied our international and sector experience to delivering a landmark result. The project was also the first high-quality, mixed-use, waterfront residential scheme of its kind in Abu Dhabi. It was significant for that reason and we worked in partnership with the client to underpin an excellent result.

“ We delivered a fully integrated approach and design service. Our design was good and stands among some of the best in terms of quality but what I’m really proud of is what we achieved in terms of delivery.” Ian Apsley Board Director


126 Broadway Malyan _ Contacts


Contact Us London



Riverside House 2A Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 9HA United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)20 7261 4200

Edificio Treviso Calle Julián Camarillo 42-4a Pta. 28037 Madrid Spain Tel: +34 91 375 0549

Estação do Rossio Largo Duque de Cadaval 17-1˚E 1200-160 Lisbon Portugal Tel: +351 21 321 9440


Abu Dhabi


ul. Emilii Plater 28 00-688 Warsaw Poland Tel: +48 (0)22 630 34 30 Fax: +48 (0)22 630 34 31

International Tower, 2103, Floor 21 Capital Centre (Adjacent ADNEC) 24th (Karama) Street PO Box 53670 Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 (0) 2 4999100

Unit No 502, Everest Classic Plot No – 390 Linking Road, Khar West Mumbai-400052 Maharashtra, India Tel: +91 (0) 22 67847000



São Paulo

152 Beach Road #08-07/08 The Gateway East Singapore 189721 Tel: +65 6415 3420

Suite 1205–1206 K.WAH Centre 1010 Huaihai Middle Road Shanghai 200031, P.R. China Tel: +86 (0)21 3366 5550

Av. Paulista, 1079 – 7º Andar 01311-200 São Paulo Brazil Tel: +55 11 2787 6377 Fax: +55 11 2787 6469

128 Broadway Malyan _ Contacts





Edificio Geminis Calle Cerro Colorado 5030, of 506 & 508 7560995 Las Condes Santiago Chile Tel: +56 2 22018797

203 D, Nizami Street Baku Azerbaijan AZ1010 Tel: +994 12 493 0943

Eastgate 2 Castle Street Castlefield Manchester M3 4LZ United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)161 819 2277




Interchange Place 151-165 Edmund Street Birmingham B3 2TA United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)121 236 2030

20 Chapel Street Liverpool L3 9AG United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)151 600 3500

Ilex House 10 High Street Theale Reading Berkshire RG7 5AN United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)118 932 3456

Weybridge 3 Weybridge Business Park Addlestone Road Weybridge Surrey KT15 2BW United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1932 845599

Credits Photographers


Max Alexander Ritam Banerjee Mark Bentley Gast達o de Brito e Silva Jonathan Browning Hufton + Crow Helder Ferreira David Graeme-Baker Fernando Guerra Nick Guttridge Bob Lee Matt Livey Martine Hamilton-Knight Alberto Martin Sara Martin McCoy Wynne Paul McMullin Miguel Mesas Andrew Peppard St George Morley von Sternberg Francis Ware Mateusz Wolski

Arqui300 Broadway Malyan Digital Light Doug + Wolf MoMo Graphics Pte Ltd Ninever Digital Graphics PTAH Red Vertex Squint Opera Virtual Artworks Vyonyx

130 Broadway Malyan _ Contacts


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission of the publisher. Every effort has been made to trace the copyright holders, but if any have been inadvertently overlooked the published will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity. Printed on FSC certified paper. Designed and produced by Broadway Malyan.

Mann Island, Liverpool, UK for Neptune Developments/Countryside Properties

“ The RIBA is delighted to be opening an architecture centre within Mann Island. This will provide us with an opportunity to showcase our world-class collections and to work with other cultural organisations on the Waterfront to raise the profile of good design.� Stephen Hodder MBE RIBA President Elect

Š Broadway Malyan 2013

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