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Research awards and Canada Research Chairs (CRC)

Chancellor’s Chair for Research Excellence

Caitlin Mahy, Psychology: Associate Professor of Psychology Caitlin Mahy studies the development of prospective memory, which is the ability to remember to carry out an action in the future, as well as factors that influence prospective memory performance in early childhood and in aging, and how children project themselves into future scenarios. Her latest research focuses on how procrastination affects children’s thinking about the future and their self-control.

Distinguished Research and Creative Activity Award

Asif Khowaja, Assistant Professor, Health Sciences

Canada Research Chairs (CRC) at Brock, April 2023


• Andrea Doucet – CRC in Gender, Work, Care and Community

• Newman Sze – CRC in Mechanisms of Health and Disease


• Julia Baird – CRC in Human Dimensions of Water Resources and Water Resilience

• Karen Campbell – CRC in Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging

• Paula Duarte-Guterman – CRC in Behavioural Neuroscience

• Val Fajardo – CRC in Tissue Remodelling and Plasticity throughout the Lifespan

• Michael Holmes – CRC in Neuromuscular Mechanics and Ergonomics

• Matthew Kwan – CRC in Youth Mental Health and Performance

• Yifeng Li – CRC in Machine Learning for Biomedical Data Science

• Danielle Sirianni Molnar – CRC in Adjustment and Well-Being in Children and Youth

Dirk De Clercq, Management: Professor Dirk De Clercq studies entrepreneurship, including personal and organizational characteristics that determine employees’ entrepreneurial work behaviours; opportunities and difficulties entrepreneurial firms encounter when they seek to internationalize or create social value; and how the broader institutional environment stimulates start-up activities, growth-oriented entrepreneurship, and country-level innovation.

Early Career Research and Creative Activity Award

Asif Khowaja, Health Sciences: Assistant Professor Asif Khowaja’s research area is found at the intersection of health and economics. He studies the broader socio-economic impacts of community-based interventions; health-care costs for patients, caregivers, and those in the health-care system; and the economics of maternal, newborn and child health programs in Canada and abroad.

Brock University Indigenous Research Grants

These grants support research or creative activities in any discipline and on any topic that relates to Indigenous Peoples.

• Maureen Connolly, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences: “Decolonizing experiential learning on the Brock University campus: A case study”

• Liam Midzain-Gobin, Faculty of Social Sciences: “Indigenous Affordable Housing in Niagara”

• Constance Schumacher, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences: “Defining a Good Life: Community Partnerships and interRAI Data”

• Kevin Turner, Faculty of Social Sciences: “The sky is the limit for community monitoring of climate change impacts in Old Crow, Yukon”

Canada Research Chairs

The Canada Research Chairs (CRC) Program was created by the federal government to attract and retain top researchers. Tier 1 and Tier 2 CRCs are nominated by universities but must also be confirmed by their peers as being exceptional researchers and potential leaders – even world leaders – in their field. Brock University gained a new Canada Research Chair near the end of 2022. Yifeng Li is Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Machine

Learning for Biomedical Data Science. Also, Associate Professor Julia Baird’s Tier 2 CRC was renewed. In April 2023, Brock had 10 active CRCs. Brock University has a total allocation of 14 CRC positions.

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