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Brock Dining Services
All students living in residence are required to have an All-Access meal plan. Traditional, Semi-Suite and Townhouse residence students have two All-Access meal plan options to choose from. Your meal plan selection for traditional, semi-suite and townhouse residence students is completed through the residence application process, with the 7 Day All-Access meal plan being the default. Students wishing to change their meal plan by way of up or downgrading, you may do so before September 30th. After this date only upgrades will be permitted. All changes must be completed by emailing the Brock Card office at brockcard@brocku.ca. Email subject line: Meal Plan Upgrade or Downgrade, with the body of the email including Student ID#, full correct spelling of first and last name; followed by: please upgrade or downgrade my meal plan to the X Day All-Access meal plan.
All-Access Portion of the Meal Plan The All-Access portion of a 7 Day All-Access meal plan provides unlimited daily access to both the DeCew and Lowenberger Fresh Food Company dining halls, with no restrictions from Move-in day to Move-out day in April; noting that a 5 Day All-Access plan is only valid Monday to Friday. The All-Access portion of the meal plan will expire 24 hours after your residence move out date in April.
Dining Dollars Your dining dollars are an extension of your AllAccess meal plan, available for use at all Brock Dining Services locations only, including both the DeCew and Lowenberger Fresh Food Company dining halls, The Guernsey Market, Starbucks-Market location, Hungry Badger (Pita Pit, Pizza Pizza and Tim Hortons) and Tim Hortons Schmon Tower. Unable to use all your money by the end of the academic term? You will be able to carry over any unused dining dollars to the next academic year!
Flex Dollars Your flex dollars (not tax exempt) are exactly as they sound, flexible to be spent at most on-campus eateries, laundry facilities, beverage and snack machines, the Campus Store and more (brocku.ca/dining-services/flexdollars). Your balance decreases after each purchase. Please note: Your All-Access dining dollars will carry over into a taxable plan that can be used at any Dining Services location on campus. Should you leave Brock, any unused dining dollars are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Capital Improvement Fund CI fund consists of a fixed cost based on All-Access meal plan size, which is allocated to a capital improvement fund to help maintain and renovate residence infrastructure and to help with operating costs in the dining halls across campus. This is a non-refundable cost and is automatically deducted at the beginning of the academic year.
Dining Services Information (including Hours of Operations): brocku.ca/dining-services
Meal plan inquiries: brocku.ca/dining-services/meal-plan-information
Brock Card inquiries: brocku.ca/dining-services/about-brock-card
Dining Hall Walking Map See Appendix D
If you have any food allergies or concerns, please contact: On-Site Registered Dietitian: Rebecca Delduco: delduco-rebecca@aramark.ca Your Dining Hall Manager at: DeCew Dining Hall x4532 Lowenberger Dining Hall x3348
Dining Service Locations: DeCew and Lowenberger Fresh Food Company Dining Halls, Guernsey Market, Starbucks - Guernsey Market, the Hungry Badger (Pita Pit, Pizza Pizza and Tim Hortons) and Tim Hortons Schmon Tower.