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Res Tech
Information Technology Services (ITS) provides Internet throughout Brock campus, including residence. To access this Internet, simply connect to Brock Wifi or Eduroam and open up your internet browser. This should automatically re-direct you to a page, which asks for your login and password, which will be the same as your portal login. Any changes to your password will require a reconnection to the wi-fi system.
All residences are completely wireless. If you need instructions or assistance connecting your computer to the wireless system, please go to brocku.ca/wireless
Students are also able to connect gaming consoles and other peripherals to the wireless network. To do so, go to the IT website and refer to the Gaming section to set up your device.
Please visit brocku.ca/information-technology/servicecatalogue/residence-technology/resiot-setup for step by step instructions on how to connect to the wireless system with your gaming consoles and other devices.
Printers Only printers that have bluetooth or USB cable connections will function in residence
Email Set Up Full & up to date information regarding student e-mail can be found online at: brocku.ca/information-technology/info/ accounts-and-passwords/email
Common Area Phones Telephones are available for student use in traditional and semi-suite residence lounges and townhouse living rooms. The phones can be used for on campus or local calling. You must dial “9” when making a local call. Long distance calls cannot be made from these telephones. If you dial “0” on the common area phones in residence you will be connected to your Service Desk.
Cable TV in Residence Cable TV is provided in all traditional and semi-suite residence lounges and townhouse living rooms (Village and Quarry View). There is no cable in residence bedrooms. Flat screen TVs are provided in the traditional and semi-suite style residence lounges. For those in Village and Quarry View Residence who would like to bring their own TV, please note that Brock is supporting standard CATV frequencies. This means that when you are setting up your TV, you will need to set the input to Cable TV. For the full listing of channels available visit: brocku.ca/information-technology/service-catalogue/ residence-technology/cable-tv-channels
Need help with wireless or other IT issues? Contact the Computer Commons ITS HelpDesk at ext. 4375 OR submit an IT ticket at brocku.ca/information-technology/helpdesk
Just a reminder: Abuse of any of the services provided by Information Technology Services will not be tolerated, these include:
Harassment and/or sexual harassment via phone or e-mail OR Attempting to by-pass long distance restrictions or toll fraud
Failure to comply will result in services being disconnected. Re-instatement of services will be at the student’s expense.