ASSIGNMENT HELP: Tips to Make Assignment Writing a Pure Pleasure

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The competition level has increased manifolds among the university and college students in the past few years. The university and the college students aggressively battle for the top positions, for which they have to do number of assignments. Assignment writing is totally based on the academic writing style. In most of the cases, it is found that the students are unaware of the assignment writing guidelines. A dreadful sight, isn’t it? Surely, not how you want to end up. So how do you make the awfully monotonous task of writing an assignment fun? Read on to unravel this secret‌

1. Pinterest it • Who doesn't like getting in on Pinterest? • It's a mine house of amazingly cool ideas and beautiful

pictures. But did you know it can be helpful in completing your assignment too?

• You’ll find some remarkable suggestions on Pinterest on

how to make writing an essay the simplest task. And when something so easy, it’s bound to be fun right?

2. Spin a yarn • Stop writing it in a flat tone. • Think of your assignment as a story that has to be told

with you as the teller of the tale. • Treat critics or situations you present in your paper as characters in your head that lead to the culmination of your fascinating anecdote. • Use some fancy words to breathe life into your assignment. • Take inspiration from the writing style of some of your favorite writers and emulate their flair for words.

3. Have your own ritual Writers have a daily ritual, and they just don't sit on their computers all day long, churning out pages after pages. • Start your own ritual. • Pick a time of the day when your concentration level reaches its peak

and choose that to write. • Have a cup of hot chocolate or your favorite soda by you. • Plug in your earphones and zone out if that helps.

Stick to this daily ritual, and you'll be enjoying your essay like never before.

4. Question yourself - Am I having fun yet? • This deep question can save your soul from boredom. Your

subconscious will automatically give the correct answer.

• If it says no, ask your subconscious - ‘what can I do to

make this fun?’

• Just do what it says. This simple trick can bring your

motivation back when you feel low.

5. Stop fretting The more you panic, the more disgusted you get at the sight of your assignment and end up avoiding it. Its okay if your professor asked you to write a 2000-word essay and your interest in it fizzled out in 200 words. Add some fillers to your assignment with the help of anecdotes, quotes, an infographic or maybe even a joke if your faculty would accept. Including these in your assignment not only make it a fun read but make your writing sessions enjoyable too.

6. Again question yourself - What do I like about my topic? The more you panic, the more disgusted you get at the sight of your assignment and end up avoiding it. Its okay if your professor asked you to write a 2000-word essay and your interest in it fizzled out in 200 words. Add some fillers to your assignment with the help of anecdotes, quotes, an infographic or maybe even a joke if your faculty would accept. Including these in your assignment not only make it a fun read but make your writing sessions enjoyable too.

7. Five unique sentences should do the trick Don’t get overwhelmed by the supposed size of your assignment. Start by just writing five sentences that form the core of your standard three-part assignment. Once you have these sentences in place, all you have to do is back them up with sound matter, which is not that difficult since you know exactly what to look for. Now that’s one major tension off your head.

8. Begin in the middle of nowhere Okay, not technically nowhere but in the middle of your assignment. Think about it logically. How can you start introducing something you haven’t even written yet? Rationally, the introduction should be written at the end of your assignment. This’ll take the pressure off you of coming up with a brilliant and engaging introduction right from the start.

9. Use tools and apps Are the complex formats and beyond comprehension referencing styles weighing you down? Or is editing yourself really not your forte? There are tons of apps and tools that can help you with formatting, referencing and editing. Tools like: Hemingway Editor, Citation Machine, etc. are particularly helpful.

10. Write like a poet This doesn’t mean you write in rhymes. Think blank verse and its joy-to-read language. The use of bland language can not only put of your assessor but can also tire you out and make you feel like you’re not writing anything substantial even though your points are meaningful.

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