While being given the task of composing an essay you are told to keep it plagiarism free. This is because plagiarism has become one of the most recent and recurrent problems in academic writing. Plagiarism is basically copying an idea or part of a written material from some source without acknowledging the source. This act leads to the charges of theft and falsification. Besides being a legal offence it is viewed in academic circles as serious professional misconduct. Probably the stupendous proliferation of the Internet, making articles easily
available has given a fillip to this tendency but the problem was always there. Unless checked this disease of plagiarism will stifle independent thinking, an attribute considered essential in a student. To clear your doubts you can take expert help and stop wondering, ‘how to write my essay plagiarism free?’
Selecting a Topic It is best to choose a topic that interests you. However be careful to ensure that your topic is focused on some particular issue which can be accommodated within the ambit of your essay and not of a general type. If you want to know more about plagiarism free essay read about it in the net.
Collecting material for your draft Now you have to do some reading. Go to your university library and collect literature relevant to your topic from books and journals. You will find a lot of help from your librarian in guiding you to the possible sources. Your professor may also have suggestions. Note down the points supporting your line of argument or “thesis”. If you quote from any source or substantially follow the line of argument developed by an author be careful in noting it so that the fact may be acknowledged in your essay through reference and citations. Drafting an outline of the essay Jot down the points you have collected through your reading. Add to them any thoughts you may have had on the topic. Now proceed to arrange them in a
logical sequence. Develop every strand of thought so that it helps to establish your main proposition or thesis.
Composing your main proposition After having arranged your thoughts into a logical structure your main task will be to a clear exposition of your thesis statement. This statement will tell the reader what you intend to tell through the essay.
Writing the body and conclusion The body of the essay is the place where each main point is explained and developed to support the topic. Every main point will go to form a paragraph where the main point will be the first sentence of the paragraph. This will be followed by the supporting points with suitable examples to establish the argument. The conclusion wraps up your arguments into a few well thought out sentences and gives an overall perspective on the topic.
Crafting an introduction Now that you have an overall grasp over the topic proceed to write an introduction. It would be preferable if you could start with a statement that catches the attention of the reader. It could also be an anecdote or a quote from some newspaper.
Proof-reading and final review Check for all possible mistakes and inconsistencies. Ensure that the orders of the paragraphs in the main body are logical and make sense. See to it that all instructions of your university if any have been complied with. Review the essay by reading it once again taking care to eliminate all grammar and spelling mistakes. Your plagiarism free essay is now ready for submission.