Lot Size +/- 126 Acres
Three parcels of land assemblage
Four grazing pastures
Equestrian barn with ten stalls
Feed barns, office buildings, and agricultural outbuildings
Price Per Acre
Wildlife corridor restoration and conservation easement
Parkers Branch Stream flows through the property
Five income-producing rental homes
Four prominent areas: King's Summit, Twin Oaks, Double Humps, and Main Office Area
356 Ridgeview Rd, Leicester, North Carolina, 28748 2 Drive time
Age Profile: 5 Year Increments
Source:Esri, ACS Esri forecasts for 2022, 2017-2021, 2027 ©2023 Esri
8% 4% 0% 20% 10% Population Total <10 0% <$50,000 20% 16% 12% 8% 4% 0% <$15,000 10-14 Population Growth $150000 15-19 $35,000 20-24 $250000 Average Diversity HH SizeIndex 25-29 $75,000 $400000 30-34 Median Age 35-39 $150,000 $750000 Median HH Income 40-49 50+ $200,000+ $1000000+ Median Home Value 8 6 Median Net Worth 4 2 Age <18 0 2 4 Age 18-64 6 8 Age 65+ Home Value Household Income Mortgage as Percent of Salary
of 60 minutes
Services Home Ownership Educational Attainment Blue Collar Housing: Year Built White Collar Commute Time: Minutes <9th Grade HS Diploma Some Co lege Bach Degree No Diploma GED Assoc Degree Grad Degree <1939 1960-69 1990-99 ≥ 2020 < 5 1 5 - 1 9 3 0 - 3 4 4 5 - 5 9 5-9 20-24 35-39 60-89 1940-49 1970-79 2000-09 10-14 25-29 40-44 90+ 1950-59 1980-89 2010-19 17.5% 23.8% 58.7% 553,735 0.78% 2.27 40.7 45.6 $58,736 $288,656 $142,953 18.2% 57.9% 23.9% 68 2% 31 8% Own Rent
Drive time of 60 minutes DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE 356 Ridgeview Rd, Leicester, North Carolina, 28748 2 Norri s Lake Douglas Lake 40 26 26 40 321 Nantahala National Forest Great Smoky Mountains National Park Pisgah National Forest Morristown Asheville Greenville Johnson City Spartanburg Shelby Lenoir Morganton le EDUCATION EMPLOYMENT KEYFACTS HOUSEHOLD INCOME ($) 9% 26% NoHigh School Diploma HighSchool Graduate SomeCollege Bachelor's/Grad /ProfDegree 30% 36% INCOME $58,736 Median Household Income $36,348 Per Capita Income $142,953 Median Net Worth 58.7% 23.8% 17.5% Services BlueCollar WhiteCollar Unemployment Rate 2.5% 553,735 237,699 45.6 $49,961 Population Households MedianAge MedianDisposableIncome 200000+ 75000-99999 50000-74999 35000-49999 25000-34999 15000-24999 150000-199999 100000-149999 0-14999 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 This infographic contains data provided by Esri The vintage of the data is 2022, 2027 ©2023 Esri