Networking News - National Conference: One Month On - Nov 2018

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NOV 2018








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’m excited to bring you the November edition of Networking News, our new e-magazine which we will send to you each month. You told us that your inboxes were full to bursting, so in response we have radically changed the way in which we’ll communicate with you from now on. By gathering together our news into one monthly e-magazine, we’re reducing the number of emails you’ll receive from the Network while also highlighting the pieces that will be most useful to you.


Within these pages, you’ll find a range of news, features, and case studies from across the Network that we hope will help you to create lasting results within your business. One month on from the National Conference we look at the impact from the event that is still rippling across the broking community – turn to page 5 to read our special supplement and see how your fellow Members and Broker Network Partners made the most of our event. Considering going for an award in 2019? Our ‘Recognising excellence’ feature on page 18 will show you how to create an award entry that packs a punch as we gather tips and tricks from Members, Partners and Broker Network teams who have made the shortlist for industry accolades this year; some of whom have even won! Turn to page 16 to read our case study with Lucy Thornhill, Client Manager at Thornhill Insurance, who reveals all about the brokerage’s latest scheme, explains how it can benefit your business, and offers tips on how to go about setting up your own scheme. Our Insurer Partners have plenty of news to share with you too. Turn to page 4 to watch the video which takes RSA’s Risk Management proposition to new heights; find out how you can get involved with Ansvar’s charity competition this festive season on page 20; and discover how Miles Smith can help your clients to tackle employee absence on page 12. Finally, those of you who attended the National Conference will have heard Andy Fairchild launch our new Learning Network service on stage. This is a huge offering for the Network, so to help you get to grips with how you can use it within your business, head to page 14 to see our handy guide to the first of the Learning Network’s four strands: LINK. Hope you enjoy the read. We’d love to hear your feedback on the magazine: email with your thoughts.

Beth Ash

Communications Director




National Conference 2018: The Impact

We uncover your success stories and explore how the event made a difference to your business in our dedicated supplement.


Read up on industry developments and keep in the loop with everything that’s happening across the Network.

Top 10 Network Motor Trade Tips


Premier Member Darren Foy, SEIB Motor Trade Underwriter, offers some advice on how you can get the most out of the Network Trade Scheme.

BNU Rock ‘n’ Rollover


Want an extra 2% commission on new policies with a GWP greater than £5,000? Now’s your chance!

Introducing LINK


Discover how to power learning within your team by using our brand new learning platform, LINK.

Case Study: Thornhill Insurance


An in depth disussion with Client Manager, Lucy Thornhill on their new schemes.

People Power

Recognising Excellence

The team at Miles Smith explain how early intervention is crucial in tackling employee absence.


Our Social Network


It’s always busy over on our LinkedIn and Twitter pages, so we’ve rounded up some of our favourite posts from the last month. Will you spot yourself?


We speak to some of our many Members, Partner and in-house teams who are shortlisted for awards.

Win a £500 Charity Donation!


Ansvar’s competition allows you the chance to win a £500 donation to a charity of your choice, by placing a quote.

Disclaimer: Not intended for use by customers. NETWORKING NEWS | VISIT HUB.BROKERNETWORK.CO.UK



As the RSA Risk Consulting team launch their new proposition, Paul Trivett, who spoke on stage as part of Dan McNally’s ‘Speaking of Disruption’ panel, reiterates how RSA aims to use technology to improve customers’ experiences and why their Insurer’s partnership with Broker Network is vital. “It was fantastic to be at the National Conference, meet and talk with many Members and also share the stage with Dan McNally for the panel discussion on disruption. The conversation on disruption demonstrated how quickly the world is moving and how we are all aspiring to not only keep up but also get ahead. “I would re-iterate what I said on stage, which is that we need to remember our core skills around providing and giving insurance advice to our customers. We should use technology and better data science to leverage better outcomes for those customers, whilst adapting to their changing needs and demands. “Which is why at RSA we believe that being a people and partnerships business is at the core of everything

we do. Therefore, our partnership with Broker Network is really important to us and we will continue to listen to any feedback the Network gives us and deliver new and innovative products and propositions for its Members. “We also work proactively with your customers, understanding their needs to give full visibility and control. We work to ensure our flexible solutions are in tune with your customers’ business direction, ensuring they remain resilient and protected and freeing them to concentrate on what they do best, which is running their business. “And we do it all because we’re committed to delivering a first-class service before, when, and after our customers call upon our expertise.” Paul Trivett, Regions Underwriting Director at RSA Insurance The RSA Risk Consulting team have been working on creating a new proposition that serves the whole of UK Commercial. They have also developed a lot of new online content for Risk, focussing on the five practice leads where they have the expertise to really go the extra mile for their brokers.










THE IMPACT ONE MONTH ON, HOW ARE THE EFFECTS OF THE NATIONAL CONFERENCE MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR BUSINESS? We can hardly believe that it’s been just over a month since we were networking like crazy in Harrogate, yet those who attended are still seeing the impact of the conversations that took place at the National Conference. We spoke to a few of the attendees to see what was happening in their businesses as a result of getting together with fellow Members, Partners, Insurer Partners and the Broker Network team at the National Conference.

“AS A DIRECT RESULT OF THE NATIONAL CONFERENCE WE’RE LOOKING TO SIGN UP WITH XACT AND AMTRUST FOR THE FIRST TIME.” Amit Patel, Managing Director at Anami Agencies, explains that the opportunity to get face to face with Partner Insurers proved invaluable. “The National Conference proved extremely useful in terms of being able to move business forward,” says Amit. “After meeting with representatives from AXA, Xact and AmTrust at the event we have subsequently set up meetings to discuss what we can do together. As a direct result of the National Conference we’re looking to sign up with Xact and AmTrust for the first time.” Daniel Searle, Commercial Director, CCS Insurance Services, adds that he has been able to make connections with a new team at AXA Leeds thanks to the support of his BDM. “With the help of Ann Dewis, our BDM, I was introduced to a number of key people who are able to assist CCS on our growth journey,” says Daniel. “I was particularly happy with the introduction to the AXA Leeds team. We have recently moved our account to AXA Leeds from the NTC in Bolton, and we wanted to build relationships with the team. I am pleased that we now have dedicated underwriters to trade with, and we are even working with them on a scheme opportunity. It was great event and I am looking forward to the next one.”



Meanwhile, it was the chance to clear up misconceptions by meeting face-to-face that made the event so useful for Vahed Khan, Operations Director at IC Insurance Solutions. “We’d struggled to get face-to-face with Allianz, and when our meeting was cancelled both James McCarthy, our Broker Network BDM, and I were disappointed,” says Vahed. “However, James arranged for Allianz to meet with us at the National Conference, and having had the opportunity to have a face-to-face meeting, I feel that we are now better placed to start a working relationship with Allianz. Since, our meeting Allianz have been in touch with us to keep us updated and to ask us to complete the Allianz agency application, which appears to be positive.”

“THE FIRST MONDAY AFTER THE CONFERENCE, A MARKET WE HAD NEVER REALLY TRADED WITH PRIOR TO JOINING BROKER NETWORK DELIVERED FOR US ON A DIFFICULT TO PLACE ULTRA-HIGH-NET WORTH CLIENT.” This was the first ever National Conference for Asif Khan, Managing Director at Riverdale Insurance, having joined the Network this year. He explains that he and the team had already begun working on aligning themselves with Broker Network’s Strategic Partner Insurers, and this was assisted greatly by their BDM, who introduced them to new Partner Insurers on the day of the Conference. “As a new Member, we were also introduced to established Member brokers, and had some very positive conversations where other brokers had significant specialisms and access to markets that could also benefit Riverdale,” says Asif. Asif adds that the positive impact was felt within the brokerage quickly after the event. “The first Monday after the Conference, a market we had a live agency with but never really traded with prior to joining Broker Network, delivered for us on a difficult to place ultra-high-net worth client,” says Asif. “This client of course has significant additional business ventures, so it was great that one of the very first markets we met and had a conversation with managed to deliver for us on the very first case submitted to them!”


“WE HAVE HAD INTEREST FROM OVER 70 MEMBERS AND APPROVED NEARLY 30 AGENCIES.” Richard K Thompson, Managing Director at Greenfield Risk Solutions, says that he was able to settle a number of deals with a range of insurers. “I found the Conference extremely beneficial to our business,” says Richard. “We have confirmed deals on business transfers and growth deals with certain insurers that will not only make our book more secure but should increase our income at the same time. Overall, it was a very good investment of my time and I would recommend to any broker in our position, trying to enhance their income and extend their network.” Meanwhile, the team at Multi Car Insurance Services (MCIS), part of Norton Insurance Brokers, were delighted to see a spike in interest from fellow Members following the National Conference. “We have had interest from over 70 Members and over the course of the last couple of weeks we have already approved nearly 30 agencies, with a number of applications which are awaiting final approval,” says Andrew McDonald, Underwriting & Product Development Manager at MCIS.

“We have seen an active increase in quote requests and are working hard to show Members exactly how good the product is and what we can do with it. We are confident the success of the Conference will allow us to grow MCIS throughout the Network over the next 12 months.”

“I DID MORE BUSINESS AND HAD BETTER CONVERSATIONS THAN I DID AT THE BIBA CONFERENCE THIS YEAR – THAT’S GROW, PROTECT AND SUPPORT IN ACTION.” For Peter Goddard, Managing Director at Daulby Read Insurance Brokers, it was a great way to launch their new Cyber Risk Management tool to the rest of the Network. “We had lots of interesting conversations whilst demonstrating our tool, and we now have leads from Scotland to the South Coast to follow up, and we also signed up our two Insurers for our Cyber Data policy,” says Pete. “In fact, we couldn’t get through all of the brokers that wanted to see the product at the Conference. I did more business and had better conversations than I did at the BIBA Conference this year – that’s Grow, Protect and Support in action.”

NEW BEGINNINGS We were delighted to be able to welcome several prospective new Members to the National Conference in October, as well as our Members, Partners and Insurers. We’ve had some fantastic feedback and would like to introduce one of our newest Members, Prospero Insurance Brokers, who joined whilst at the Conference. Prospero Insurance Brokers will officially join the Network on 1st December after signing their contract agreement at the Harrogate Convention Centre.

Head of New Sales, Adam Lee says, “The National Conference was a fantastic platform for prospective members to engage with existing Members, Partner Insurers and also the Member Services teams. “There was an unprecedented amount of prospective Members who attended, all of whom have commented on how much value they have taken from the networking sessions, as well as the masterclasses.”


David Robertson, founder and Managing Director at Prospero Insurance Brokers, explains how the Conference was perfect timing for them to join after discussions with Network Sales Executive, Alexa Owen before the event. “We found the Conference really interesting. The Gala Dinner was absolutely fantastic as well. It was really nice to be invited prior to joining Broker Network and we were made to feel so welcome. “I previously worked for Castle Cairn who were a Member of Broker Network and it was always the plan for Prospero to join. We had been in discussion about joining prior to the Conference and it tied in really well. We thought it would be great to sign the contract at the Conference and be the newest Member on the day. “The support we have had up to now has been brilliant. Everybody we have spoken to or dealt with has been really helpful. The joining process went really smoothly and Alexa has been brilliant and a great help.”




60 SECOND SOUNDBITES For those who weren’t able to attend the National Conference, we wanted to bottle the atmosphere within the exhibition hall so we could bring the event to you. We asked our Executive Team, our Members and our Insurer Partners for their key highlights from the National Conference to give you a flavour of the event. ALEX ALWAY, Chairman, BN “This was my first Broker Network National Conference; imagine my delight to discover old friends and to be able to re-engage with business colleagues who I have known for many years. The simple but clear messages from the sessions emphasise Broker Network’s deep commitment to the broking sector – well done to all involved!” RICHARD TUPLIN, Chief Development Officer, BN “From walking around the exhibition hall and going to the workshops and talks, what was very evident is the ‘family’ ethos resonated with everyone who attended. There was a real community feel to the whole Conference and it’s great to see the future of broking being alive and well.” SUSAN ADCOCK, Chief Operating Officer, BN “We had some fantastic feedback from our Partners to say that the Conference was very professional and that it was useful for them to be able to catch up with Insurers and exhibitors. I personally thought it was very well organised, and great from an internal point of view – it gave us all a real sense of pride.” DES O’CONNOR Chief Commercial Officer, BN “The Conference highlighted all the great values that exist within this great business – a collegiate, collaborative approach was on display with Members, Partners and Insurers alike. There was a real sense of community, open dialogue where ideas and problems were shared and solved, old friends reconnecting, and generally speaking a real sense of fun.”



ANDY FAIRCHILD, CEO, BN “For me personally, it’s great to see feedback from Members, Partners and Partner Insurers that they saw so much passion on stage; from a business with a clear purpose, and an aligned team. In addition, the presentation, organisation and quality of the event was truly world class.” RICHARD PITT, Chief Network Officer, BN “There was a real buzz in the exhibition hall, and it was great to see Members talking to Insurers about their deals for 2019. Mark Wilkinson from Multicar told me that he’s got interest from over 70 Members in supporting his proposition! It was also fantastic to see great feedback on the Masterclass sessions and the amazing attendance; particularly as one of the presenters myself, having worked from 3am on the delivery of each Masterclass and main stage session!” SIMON DREW, Chief Financial Officer, BN “A few people said that the exhibition felt like a ‘mini BIBA’ and there was a real buzz in the room. It was great to see our Members and Partners networking, and the presentations were fabulous. The Royal Hall for the drinks reception was just spectacular. On a lighter note, the Last of the Summer Wine moment will stay with me forever!” DAN MCNALLY Insurer Relations Director, BN “It’s one of the most energetic and engaged exhibition areas I’ve seen in the market in recent years. We saw brokers and insurers do business in the week after the Conference, whether through re-energised connections or totally new relationships, which was fabulous.”


“Another fabulous conference and gala dinner. A great success! Not sure I am ready to beat the UK freediving record, but I seem to be winning the office chair flat race following Jim Lawless’ inspiration!” TIM SIMPSON-LEE,

Commercial (Broking) Director, Bishopsgate Insurance Brokers

“The BN salesforce did a great job in getting the right brokers in front of me and a number of them have already contacted me about brokers in their panels that they would like me to meet.” SCOTT LEONARD, Managing Director, Geo

& risk services

“The Conference was great fun, as well as being informative. So nice to catch up with lots of old friends and colleagues.” NICK HOUGHTON,

Managing Director, JM Glendinning Group

“The BN team were truly classy in content, delivery and overall orchestration of the whole event. It was a superb showcase of the spirit and substance of a successful and clear-thinking business.” GRAHAM BOFFEY,

Head of UK Distribution, Zurich

“I came away feeling invigorated and determined to push myself and Logic to the next level! Very proud to be a Member of Broker Network!” CRAIG DINNEWELL,

Sales Director, Logic Insurance Services

“So many of these things are not particularly valuable, but this really was. Great sessions, brilliant motivational speaker, we managed to do deals, move things on with insurers where they had been stalling, even pick up some opportunities with fellow Members. I’m really glad I brought the whole team, they all commented on how useful it was for them and very glad to have got them meeting more Members of Broker Network.” RHIANNON BATES,

Managing Director, The Risk Factor







MOTOR TRADE TIPS Premier Member Darren Foy, SEIB Motor Trade Underwriter, looks back on his time at the National Conference and offers some advice on how you can get the most out of the Network Motor Trade Scheme, which he talked with other Members about at the Conference. As I write these words, it’s hard to believe that more than a month has passed since we all got together in Harrogate for the National Conference. With Christmas and New Year rushing towards us, I thought now would be a good time to reflect on my Conference experience. Despite struggling with a nasty dose of man flu, I had a really enjoyable and worthwhile couple of days on the SEIB stand, promoting the Network Motor Trade Scheme to Premier and Advantage Members. I caught up with many brokers who already use the scheme, and discussed how they can get greater value out of this exclusive Motor Trade facility; as well as brokers who visited the stand to find out more before signing up to access the scheme for the first time. I’ve put together my top 10 tips for getting the best out of the Network Motor Trade Scheme. But remember, it’s your scheme, and if you have some suggestions about how it could work even better for you, then please call me.

To find out more about using the scheme to consolidate all or a major part of your existing Motor Trade Combined account, please contact your BDM to discuss. To speak with Darren, you can email him on or call 01708 850020.











Whilst Network Motor Trade is essentially an online facility, we’re happy to cast an eye over manual presentations to determine whether or not the risk fits the scheme before uploading them via the portal. Try to be as accurate as possible with your target premium. Appreciate you may not always know what you’re up against, especially when attacking business, but if an unrealistic figure is entered then the quote could fall down at the first hurdle! Preparation is key, especially on the larger risks, so wherever possible try to visit your prospective client. Take internal and external photos demonstrating the layout of the premises. This will give underwriters a much better understanding of the risk they are potentially taking on. Don’t be alarmed if your quote goes to ‘Refer’. Due to the very nature of Motor Trade Combined business, there are many elements of the risk which could create a referral which will need to be reviewed. In this situation, the system will generate an automated email which I will pick and come back to you with any queries raised. New ventures can be considered upon referral, but before using your valuable time to upload the details to the portal, ask your client the same questions the underwriter will ask. This will establish whether the risk is feasible or not, i.e. is the client experienced in the business activities to be undertaken? Do they have a business plan? If they can demonstrate this, it will give your client a much better chance of being offered terms. When the online portal offers an automatic quotation, please remember that if the desired premium is not achieved at this point, you still have the option to contact us to discuss, as we might be able to consider a further discount to compete. Before uploading details for a limited company risk via the portal, check Companies House to ensure the details you have obtained match up, i.e. information on directors, the date the business was incorporated, and any previous or current firms. Where possible view credit check reports to evidence the financial rating of the business. These checks are particularly important with clients who are brand new to you. If you get halfway through a quote and need to move on to something else, then don’t worry about losing information already keyed. The system is designed to automatically save your input at any point, so you can pick up where you left off. Always try to include the client’s email address under the ‘Company Details’ page. If you bind the cover online, an automated email for access to the Vehicle Management Database will be sent to the email address populated under this page. Try to be as accurate as possible when uploading risk details. If you bind cover then the information you’ve provided will be automatically populated to your new business documents.


Extra 2% commission through BNU on new policies placed with a GWP of £5,000-plus. Have you placed or have you been thinking about placing new business with Broker Network Underwriting? The team are currently offering an additional 2% commission to any new business placed with Broker Network BNU Underwriting (BNU), which has a premium over £5,000 and an inception date before 31st December, 2018. BNU is an exclusive market to Broker Network Members, and is now targeting more niche and specialist risks. With a team of experienced and empowered underwriters, they underwrite each case manually. The team already pay upper quartile commissions and compare favourably with the Strategic Insurer Partners, for example, their Commercial Combined Commissions apply across all sections (excluding Terrorism) and are not reduced for Employer’s Liability. Mike Ellis, BNU Managing Director, explains, “Many Broker

Network Members use BNU but often think that we only write smaller SME business, when actually we write a significant amount of business over £5,000 premium. In fact, 50% of our account falls into this category!

“50% of our account is business over £5,000 premium” - Mike Ellis, BNU Managing Director

“In order to encourage you to try us out on larger cases, we are offering an additional 2% commission on these cases.”

To find how the team can help you place new business, get in touch by emailing or by calling 0344 345 1336 Terms and Conditions: Offer applies to any piece of new business placed with a GWP of greater than £5,000. Offer expires 31st December 2018. Please provide the unique code from the front of the ticket at the point of submission or acceptance to claim additional reward. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion. Commission boost only applicable during first active year of policy.




POWER The team at Miles Smith explain how early intervention is crucial in tackling employee absence. Could it make an impact on your clients’ businesses? It’s often said that the most important assets of a business are its people, and at Miles Smith we agree. It’s why we’ve spent significant time and resource creating EIS, our Early Intervention Scheme. The scheme helps manage employee sickness absence, allowing your clients to run their business stress-free, safe in the knowledge that no matter what happens, they are prepared.

THE STARTLING STATISTICS Employee absenteeism is an ever-increasing problem for businesses across the nation. It is estimated that the annual cost of work-related injury and ill health costs the UK economy almost £15 billion every year and that 137.3 million working days a year are lost due to sickness or injury in the UK.

THE IMPACT OF EMPLOYEE ABSENCE Put simply, it’s far ranging. There’s the direct financial impact it will have on your clients’ businesses. Not only will they incur sick pay, they are very likely to have to fund expensive, short-term people cover to ensure they maintain business as usual. But of course, it won’t be business as usual, because in addition to the direct costs, sickness and absence is hugely disruptive to their overall operations and workflow. There’s the immediate loss of skilled and valued staff; there’s important management time and resource being spent on arranging temporary cover at short notice; there’s the additional recruitment and training costs; there’s the increased workload on colleagues, who are quite likely to become demotivated and stressed. It’s the very definition of a vicious circle. And, of course, there’s the possibility of employers’ liability claims from the employees who are absent. There really is an awful lot to consider.

EARLY INTERVENTION IS CRITICAL In many walks of life, you will hear about how early intervention is critical, and it’s the same for employee absenteeism. Unmanaged, short-term sickness of up to four weeks can very easily turn into long-term absence. After just six weeks of sickness absence, a person’s ability to return to work falls away rapidly, with almost 20% of

people who reach this point permanently remaining off sick, and eventually leaving paid employment. Common sense dictates, even if they do manage to eventually get an employee back to work, the longer they have been absent, the harder it then becomes for them to easily integrate back into the workplace. So, if your clients are not in control of the situation it can soon have a far greater impact than just the short-term issues. Early intervention is crucial in breaking this cycle. Surprisingly, the majority of people who leave work through ill health do not do so because of a severe illness. Indeed, most suffer from common health complaints experienced by all of us, such as muscle, joint or back pain, and mild to moderate mental health issues. Yet, the issue is that without treatment these conditions often deteriorate until they become so debilitating that an employee simply feels unable to return to work. However, these are all conditions that potentially can be treated under EIS.

EIS MEETS A VERY REAL NEED EIS has been designed to provide fast track access to treatment for employees who are absent from work due to physical injury, stress, depression and anxiety, and helps promote a speedy recovery and quick return to work. An additional benefit of EIS is that once the employee’s treatment has been completed, the employer receives a high-level report from the treating clinician. This provides details of the condition suffered by the employee, its cause, the treatment provided under EIS and an update on the condition at discharge. The report could be helpful, in the event that an employers’ liability claim is made in the future, to identify a potential fraudulent claim, particularly as the report is compiled by an independent clinician at the time that the employee sustained the condition.

Help your clients manage their employee sickness absence by providing them with quotations for EIS. For more information, please visit or contact your Broker Relationship Manager at Miles Smith.




social network. We’ve rounded up some of our favourite posts from the past month.

3.03bn active social media users worldwide

116 minutes the average daily time spent on social media

Social media is a great way to raise the profile of your brokerage, engage with your clients and create a community.

Prospero Insurance Brokers



@Madoc_Rhodes @InsurewiseLtd



J M Glendinning Ltd

Have you got something to share on LinkedIn or Twitter? Tag Broker Network in your posts so we can keep up to date with everything that is happening and share your updates.

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Broker Network





Since Learning Network officially launched on 1st November, we’ve been delighted to see so many of you already logging in and registering for modules on our refreshed learning platform: LINK. If you haven’t taken a look yet, here’s a sneak peek of what you can expect on the new system…


Our content is as wide ranging as your business needs. Featuring everything from technical insight to soft skills support, as well as that all important regulatory assessment, our invaluable content is delivered in a variety of engaging and innovative ways. Here are just a few examples…

BITESIZE MODULES Covering a wide range of topics such as managing emails effectively, setting objectives and identifying training needs, our bitesize modules can all be completed in between 15 – 30 minutes.

WEBINAR RECORDINGS Browse our library to rewatch our favourite webinars from the Webinar Wednesday programme.



GUIDES TO BEST PRACTICE These handy guides simplify complicated areas, such as fraud and cross-selling, to help you gain a crucial understanding of the responsibilities and requirements of working within a regulated business.


Our comprehensive, must-have Broker Assess training, testing and compliance solution from the CII is always available to ensure you and your team can tick off your regulatory requirements and remain compliant.

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V1.0 September



V1.0 September 2018





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N S U R A N C E In each edition of Networking News, we want to focus on one of our Members who have a success story to share with the rest of the Network. This month, we’ve been talking to Thornhill Insurance, a family run broker with 36 years of trading experience. We spoke to Lucy Thornhill, Client Manager, who told us all about the two schemes, Packagesure and Adultsure, they are promoting through the Network; and how they have used several of our Member Services within their business.


COULD YOU TELL OUR MEMBERS ABOUT HOW LONG YOU HAVE BEEN IN THE SCHEMES ARENA? The business started to wholesale insurance in the early 1990s with a fish and chip shop scheme that has run successfully under various insurers ever since. WHAT MADE YOU WANT TO CHANNEL INTO SCHEMES? For us, schemes are a vital part of our business. We put a lot of focus into the running and development of the scheme business, be it the compliance, background checks or our involvement in the claims process.




We enjoy the underwriting aspect of running schemes and pride ourselves on using our extensive experience to provide common sense underwriting with a can-do attitude to assist both brokers and their clients. WHAT MAKES YOU DECIDE ON THE SCHEMES YOU’VE CHOSEN? We always look for niches and areas that we think we can add value or improve on. We run several schemes and Packagesure and Adultsure are our schemes for Broker Network. Packagesure for us is about simplifying the process; a one stop shop for all SME business and a swift and seamless quote and bind product. Our main focus is always customer service and we feel this is what sets us apart from our competition.


Adultsure is more niche still, and this came after a conversation with an underwriter. We did some research and here we are now! We really feel like this is a totally unique offering, we worked hard on our website and branding to set the right tone and are very proud that we did this all in-house, including our bespoke built quote engine for our package business. WHAT IS THE STRANGEST QUESTION AROUND RISK THAT YOU’VE HAD WITH ONE OF YOUR SCHEMES? “Will the policy cover the ‘T-Girls’ walking up and down the stairs in their high heels?” Funnily enough, a member of our staff then asked why girls are carrying tea down the stairs! COULD YOU TELL OUR MEMBERS ABOUT THE SCHEMES YOU’RE PROMOTING THROUGH BROKER NETWORK? Firstly, we launched Packagesure to offer a solution to general SME risks. We see this as our very own one stop shop and are constantly working to add more products at the right rates for Network Members. We also offer Liability with a quote and buy online and commercial combined insurance through the site. From a corner shop to a fish and chip shop to a freehouse to a guest house, Packagesure has it all covered.

We see Adultsure as our one of a kind brand – this is bespoke insurance for the adult industry. This is a huge industry that has previously been problematic for insurers, and after a long period of research and development, we now have a slick brand, great rates and super service. We are really excited about the future of Adultsure and the potential it has for growth. Adultsure can cover everything from adult retailers to parties, saunas to nightclubs. WHAT DO YOU THINK ARE THE BENEFITS OF USING SCHEMES FOR BROKER NETWORK MEMBERS AND WHY SHOULD THEY CHOOSE YOUR SCHEMES? I know I keep going on about it, but good old fashioned service. We have the right attitude and go above and beyond to ensure our clients and brokers are happy. Our online portal is simple and effective; quotes can be processed and bound within minutes and documentation is instant. Finally I’d say; it’s the breadth of our support – we value all of our clients, big or small, there are no minimal levels of support needed to access our products. WHAT SERVICES HAVE YOU TAPPED INTO AT THE NETWORK WHILST PROMOTING YOUR SCHEME? Our BDM Simon Kerry has been a great support in the launch process and for us, he is key in bringing the schemes to the Network. We have worked with the Placement Consultancy team to enter the schemes in the directory, the Marketing Consultancy team to launch at the Conference with our fantastic magician, and the Communications and Events team to promote and educate Members about the products. I have also signed on to the Organic Growth Programme, not to promote the scheme, but to develop my own skills within the business.

HAVE THERE BEEN ANY MEMORABLE MOMENTS WHILE PROMOTING YOUR SCHEME THROUGH THE NETWORK? Getting our name up on the boards as a sponsor at the Conference was a key moment and very exciting – we didn’t think we’d see Thornhill Insurance sitting alongside Markel, Hiscox, Chubb and AXA! Also, pitching Adultsure at a Network consultancy day in London – it is a bit tongue in cheek! WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT PROMOTING YOUR SCHEMES THROUGH THE NETWORK? I like the support, the straight talking and the opportunity the Network gives to us as a small, but incredibly ambitious Member! WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO ANOTHER MEMBER WANTING TO SET UP A SCHEME? Talk to your BDM to discuss ideas, take their advice, and be patient! These things take time to set up and implement, the compliance is complicated but the Network will be behind you to help. Also, talk to us! We may know an underwriter for your scheme. We are always happy to have a chat and offer advice from our experiences wherever we can. WHAT HAS BEEN THE IMPACT ON YOUR BUSINESS USING AND PROMOTING SCHEMES? The schemes are a key part of our business. We see their growth and development as an instrumental part of our future plans. ARE THERE ANY SCHEMES YOU’RE WORKING ON NOW OR IN THE NEAR FUTURE THAT YOU’LL BE PROMOTING THROUGH THE NETWORK? Yes, we have a few more in the pipeline – watch this space!

Want to find out more about what Thornhill can offer through Adultsure and Packagesure? Packagesure:


HOW DO I PROMOTE A SCHEME THROUGH BROKER NETWORK? We launched the Broker Network Member Schemes, Facilities and Affiliates Directory as a result of Member feedback and our ongoing commitment to helping Members grow their businesses. The Directory enables product sharing and business opportunities between Members and contains information on Premier Member schemes and facilities only.

THE LATEST SCHEMES MARINE TRADE Insurance Risk & Claims Management Limited (KGJ Group) Marine Trade Combined is aimed at all types of commercial business connected with the Marine Trade and can incorporate non-marine activity under the same policy.

MARINE LEISURE AND CLUB Insurance Risk & Claims Management Limited (KGJ Group) IRCM’s Marine and Leisure Combined policy can cover all types of watersports facilities, sailing, rowing, water skiing, cable ski, water parks with land based activities, as well as waterside.

If you have a scheme that you would like to be considered for the Directory, please contact your BDM to discuss how we can help you promote it through the Network. There are two versions of the Directory; firstly, the electronic Hub version which is updated regularly, and a hard copy which is produced twice a year.

SPECIALIST BOATS AND YACHTS Insurance Risk & Claims Management Limited (KGJ Group) With over 50 years’ experience in the Marine Insurance industry, the team offer a wide range of solutions for boats and yachts.

NURSERY INSURANCE William Taylor Insurance Services Ltd

Comprehensive Nursery Insurance Scheme underwritten by Ecclesiastical which is Exclusive to William Taylor.

MULTI CAR INSURANCE Norton Insurance Brokers Limited

A vehicle scheme designed to cater to the needs of your client with multiple vehicles of all types.






We’ve been blown away by the sheer number of awards nominations and wins we’ve seen across the Network recently, with Members, Partners and our in-house teams all seeing their achievements put in the spotlight. INSURANCE TIMES AWARDS The Network as a whole is getting four opportunities to celebrate at this year’s Insurance Times Awards, with Lockyers, Finch Group, The Risk Factor, and our own Communications and Events team all making the shortlist.

“I have an abject fear of presenting and

public speaking. In the couple of hours building up to the presentations, I was in cold sweats!” Lockyers are up for Commercial Lines Broker of the Year (a category in which they were successful at the Broker Network Awards); and Excellence in Technology, for which their entry was focused on their online portal, My Business Toolkit. We asked Jon Newall, CEO at Lockyers, what it was like presenting to a panel of judges. “The presenting was okay, however I have an abject fear of public speaking, so the couple of days before were nerve racking, and in the hours building up to them, I was in cold sweats!” says Jon. As Lockyers is a multi-award winning brokerage, we asked Jon for his top tips on creating a stand out awards submission. “Read the criteria carefully and make sure you meet or mention every one of them in your entry and presentation,” he advices. “And don’t panic when presenting; the panel are only human… though I really need to listen to myself more!” Speaking of his Broker Network Award win, Jon says “It means absolutely everything. It proves our systems work; we are good at what we do; and we are getting the most out of being Network Members.”

prepare for the next one. It was challenging presenting to the same set of judges three of the four times; I had to come up with new jokes! The judges also had a lull in energy after lunchtime, which had a big effect on the way I needed to adapt and get them engaged.” Rhiannon has some top tips for other brokers thinking of entering awards next year. “Everyone wants to go for Independent Broker of the Year or Commercial Broker of the Year – and I say go for it. But also have a look at the rest of the list and think creatively about what else you might qualify for. Think about why you are entering the award, and which audience you’re trying to impress. For us, an award for diversity and inclusion, and championing customers’ needs, was most appropriate for what our clients are looking for. What fits for your clients? Remember that this is also a great opportunity to create a buzz with your staff; as well as the insurers and business partners you work with. And the awards providers never publish a list of people who didn’t get through to the shortlist – you’ve got nothing to lose!” Rhiannon adds that once you’ve decided on your category, the hardest part is sticking to the tight word count. “I write as if I have no word count, then refine and refine, and focus on the strongest points. Use the judges’ criteria and look at how you can tell your story of going above and beyond the day job to make something smarter, better, or stronger.” For The Risk Factor team, it was hugely impactful to win a Broker Network Award. “It was really amazing to be recognised, but even more meaningful for us to be acknowledged amongst our Network peers.” say Rhiannon. “There were several other brilliant start-ups in our category that we’d heard great things about, so it was rewarding to be chosen within such a competitive category. It was such a big shift for our team to move from consulting to the broking world, and being able to hold up that award and say “we did it” was a fantastic feeling.”

“It was really amazing to be recognised, “Keep the judges engaged, and try to but even more meaningful for us to be acknowledged amongst our Network peers.” get testimonials.” Presenting for four separate awards on the same day at Insurance Times, Rhiannon Bates, Managing Director at The Risk Factor, had a long day ahead of her. “There was a lot of hanging around,” says Rhiannon. “Though that did give me a good amount of time after each presentation to focus and



We’re also really excited to say that our first Broker Network Partner, Finch Group, has been nominated for Commercial Lines Broker of the Year. “It’s an honour to have been nominated,” says Vince Gardner, Managing Director. “Making the shortlist for such a prestigious award confirms the hard work that the team at Finch Group have put in to complete


on five acquisitions in 2017, followed by a sixth in May of this year. We’ve expanded our footprint from Reading across South England and we’ve grown both organically and by acquisition, so it’s been a great year for us already, but to win this award would really help us to celebrate!” Vince adds that his top tip is to be innovative with your presentation. “Use a variety of media like video to keep the judges engaged, and try to get testimonials to strengthen your entry.”

INSURANCE POST’S INSURETECH AWARDS We are delighted to say that our Marketing Consultancy have recently won a third prestigious industry award. The team received the Customer Experience Award – Intermediary in the Insurance Post’s Digital and Insurtech Awards 2018 for the Marketing Portal. Ellie Dreisenstock, Head of Marketing Consultancy, says, “This project was a year in the making with everyone in the team involved in the planning, designing and development of this significant piece of work, which is now used daily as valuable marketing tool by our brokers. “We submitted the award entry knowing that we would be up against some extremely strong digital contenders, so we were slightly shocked but very excited to have been shortlisted and even more surprised and delighted to have won.”

RISING STARS In addition to their Broker Network Award, the team at Lockyers have taken home silverware this year for Managing Director Martin Weaver. Martin was presented with the Trevor Williamson Memorial Prize for the best Diploma in Insurance completion by the CII Leeds branch, having achieved the highest mark of all those who took the test across the Leeds area. Martin comments, “Personally, I feel honoured to receive this award and I’m thankful that the hard work has paid off. I’m already putting my knowledge to good use, working with the Lockyers team to help our clients get the right protection.” Martin isn’t the only individual to have been recognised within the Network over the past couple of months. Alison Fordham, Corporate Events Manager at Broker Network, was named as one of Conference News’ 30 under Thirty for 2018. We’re sure you’ll agree that Alison did a fantastic job in organising the National Conference and it’s great to see that she is getting the recognition that she deserves.

“A win really would be the icing on the cake.” Meanwhile, our own Communications and Events team are up for Digital Media Campaign of the Year for our webcast, Broker Network Live. “I thought it might be a little nerve wracking presenting to the judges, but compared to facilitating the panel on Broker Network Live it was a breeze!” says Beth Ash, Communications Director at Broker Network. “It’s an honour just to be shortlisted as we’re in a very strong category, but a win really would be the icing on the cake.”

category; and the judges have also awarded The Learning Network a Highly Commended for the ‘OCN London Inspiring Learning for All’ Award to recognise the high quality of their entry. Madeline Burton-Cole, Learning & Development Executive, comments, “We’ve worked incredibly hard this year to introduce learning and development to those we work with here at Broker Network and we are pleased that this has been recognised externally. Now onto the next one.”

BROKER NETWORK AWARDS IN THE PRESS We’re always thrilled to see our Members in the press, so we’re doubly excited to see two of our brokers making the headlines thanks to their Broker Network Award wins. Premier Member, Bennett Christmas received local media coverage in the Brighton Argus for their Independent Insurance Broker of the Year Award win. Meanwhile another of our Premier Members, Gravity Risk Services, had their Growth Strategy of the Year Award success picked up by regional media outlet Midlands Business News.


LEARNING AT WORK WEEK AWARDS We’re delighted to announce that the Learning Network team have won an award this year’s Learning at Work Week 2018 Awards, and have been Highly Commended in another category. The team have won the ‘ Innovation in Learning and Development’ Award for 2018 in the SME




Place a quote for a chance to win a £500 donation to the charity of your choice One of our Specialist Insurer Partners, Ansvar, is offering Broker Network Members the chance to give a gift of £500 to the charity of your choice. If you process a quote (either online or offline) from 1st December to 31st December 2018 you’ll be in with the chance of winning a draw which will take place on 4th January 2019. ACCESS TO ONLINE TRADING Ansvar is one of the UK’s leading insurers in the not-forprofit sector and the free church. The team only work with insurance intermediaries, providing a range of products for the niches in which they specialise. They have a number of online products including Small Charity, Charity Protect and Protect Plus, which encompass the very small to medium sized charities. Their Event policy covers a range of charity fundraising events, and a suite of offline products are available too.

If you have an agency with Ansvar, you can use the online selling system on the Ansvar website. If you haven’t already signed up for web access, email to request a logon ID to be set-up. Rita will need the names and email addresses for each individual user who will require access. Don’t have an agency with either Ansvar or Ecclesiastical and are interested in having one? Please speak to your Business Development Manager. For full terms and conditions click here.

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