Our Voice - April 2020

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APRIL 2020

Wellbeing Special Edition We’re all in new waters, so we wanted to bring you a dedicated wellness magazine, looking at how to practice a little self-care, what the ‘new normal’ looks like for people, plus more.



ALL STAFF WEBINAR 2.30PM, WEDNESDAY 8TH APRIL RIGHT NOW – MORE THAN EVER BEFORE – IT’S SO GOOD TO TALK. Join a webinar with the Bravo ExCo team for an update on how the business is reacting to the current situation, and put your questions directly to the team.

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER If you have any problems registering your attendance, please get in touch with the Learning and Development team at learningnetwork@bravo-group.co.uk

Hi all, Many of you who have worked at Broker Network in some form will recognise this magazine. ‘Our Voice’ has been running at Broker Network for a couple of years now, and it was always our intention to make it Group-wide. We know that right now we need to communicate with you more than ever, so we have accelerated our plans and today bring you a special ‘Wellbeing’ edition for our first Bravo-wide internal magazine. These are unprecedented times which can feel isolating and unsettling for many of us across the Group. Yet, over the past weeks, I have been fiercely proud of how we have come together as one, walking through the face of adversity as a unit. While we remain in the midst of these challenges, each and every one of us has adopted a stance of both resilience and positivity and I truly believe we will come out of the other end stronger than ever. As we move forward through each day, we’re each finding our own ‘new version of normal’ and, as we adapt to this new way of life, it’s crucial that we remain mindful of our mental and physical health. In this magazine, we share a personal insight from individuals within the Group on the challenges they face and their coping tactics, as well as advice and guidance on what you can do to maintain your own wellbeing. In pages four and five, gain insights from Claire Russell and our HR team on taking care of your mental health and learn more about what resources and support are available to you as a member of the Bravo Group. On pages ten and eleven we reveal how the ‘new normal’ looks for individual members across the Group. Within this, Knighthood’s Donna Taylor reveals how their team has successfully migrated to working from home by utilising video calls, allowing parents to work flexibly and encouraging healthy routines. One of the key things that we should take from these times is the importance of standing together and staying connected. Even though working from home is a significant learning curve for many of us, I am hugely inspired by the efforts that individual teams have made to encourage, motivate and look out for each other; keep talking, don’t be afraid to lower your guard and check in on your colleagues. No matter how challenging these times are at present, they will pass. Look after yourselves, take each day as it comes and stay safe.


Des In this issue... 04 Your Mental Health

06 If Truth be Told...

08 The 4.45 Club

10 The New Normal

12 Through the Keyhole

14 Resources

09 Stay Connected




MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS There’s been a lot of talk about mental health, specifically around wellbeing and work, in the press and on social media recently. And, in the current climate, it’s never been more important to look after our own mental wellbeing and that of others around us. However, the reality for many employees is that they still don’t feel able to talk about their mental health. As a Group, we’re taking the lead to make lasting change, not only within our business but within the insurance industry as a whole. We care about the wellness of all our people; we want each and every one of you to feel happy and healthy, as well as safe and supported. To pave the way in the industry and support you, we have partnered with wellbeing company Mental Health in Business (MHIB) to develop a programme that implements a positive culture around mental health across the Group. This includes: •

One in four people in the UK experience a mental health problem*

*The NHS Information Centre for health and social care


of employees feel uncomfortable talking to their line manager about their mental health*

Mental Health First Aid training – we want to ensure that more individuals across the Group are trained to offer initial support to their colleagues at times of need Leadership mental health workshops – we will be providing training and tools to better equip our leaders to be able to talk to their teams about their mental wellbeing, so that you feel you can have an open conversation with your manager On-going support – it’s our aim to make sure you know where to go for help, from the Mental Health First Aiders to our Wellbeing Champions, as well as external sources.

* BITC Mental Health at Work Report (2019)


of people say work affects their mental wellbeing * BITC Mental Health at Work Report (2019)

Self-care during the Coronavirus outbreak

Operations Director at Ethos Broker Perry Appleton, Claire Russell, is the founder of MHIB. We asked her to share her advice on how to look after your welfare and practice a little bit of self-care during the current Coronavirus pandemic.

The COVID-19 crisis has presented every one of us with stress, worries, fears and concerns. Many of us are faced with the prospect of our loved ones becoming ill, financial concerns or business challenges. Most of us are now working from home, self-isolating and practicing social distancing, and this presents new challenges because we’re not able to engage in our normal activities, as well needing to balance work with responsibilities as parents or carers and home-schooling children for some.




To cope with the challenges we face individually, be resilient and bounce back after this crisis is over, we must all prioritise self-care. Practicing self-care shouldn’t just be a one-time thing, it is consistently repeating small habits, which together help to make sure you’re at your optimum health, physically, mentally and emotionally, that makes a difference. Self-care is fundamental to resilience, and there are four key areas that you can focus on – the body, mind, soul and connections.



When you take care of your physical health, you feel better mentally too. Physical wellbeing includes how much sleep you’re getting, the activities and exercise you’re doing and how you’re fuelling your body nutritionally. Managing existing health conditions and taking medication that is prescribed by your doctor are also part of good physical self-care. What can I do to boost my physical wellbeing?

For many people, observing religious or spiritual beliefs contributes to their overall health and happiness. Caring for and nurturing your soul, however, doesn’t have to involve religion. Spiritual self-care is important and can involve anything that helps you develop a deeper sense of belonging, meaning or connection with the universe, whether you enjoy breath work, meditation or religious practices. What can I do to boost my spiritual wellbeing?

• Plan

• Check

simple healthy meals for the week

• Be

still – pick somewhere peaceful and be quiet for a few minutes

• Go

for a walk or venture outdoors in your garden every day and get some vitamin D

• Take

a power nap – 10 to 20 minutes of sleep can rejuvenate you and leave you ready for action

• Do

some daily stretches or a short yoga practice

• Have

a good laugh – laughter is a great stress reliever

• Give

your body a daily treat like a long soak in the bath

• Put

on your favourite song and dance around the kitchen.


Your thoughts and the things that occupy your mind have a significant impact on your inner well-being. Gratitude, acceptance and self-compassion are fundamental to emotional health and resilience. Mental self-care could include doing things that keep your mind active, learning a new skill, reading books, doing puzzles, listening to music or simply doing something that makes you happy. What can I do to boost my MENTAL wellbeing? • Make

sure you still have a routine to your days

• Celebrate

the small wins and share them with your colleagues

• Take

regular breaks and move around

• Have

a digital detox – try putting a curfew on your devices

• Keep

a gratitude diary

• Set

time aside for ‘me time’ to do something just for you

• Try

a simple mindfulness practice.

in with your emotions – sit quietly and just be at one with what you’re feeling

• Think

about what you’re good at and find an opportunity for it today

• Have

a date with yourself – do something that nourishes your soul

• Ask

for help – it doesn’t have to be big but reach out

• Choose

who you spend time with today – even if it is remotely

• Give

a colleague positive feedback

• Write

down three things you are grateful for.


Human beings are hard-wired to need close connections, and they are key to self-care. But it takes time and energy to nurture close bonds with others and, when we are stressed or under pressure, we sometimes can neglect to take the time to invest in our relationships. What can I do to boost my connections? • Write

a list of the people you feel most connected to

• Have

regular ‘phone dates’ or video calls with friends and family

• Agree

with colleagues how you will stay connected with each other

• Be

proactive in arranging one-to-one time

• Ask

for what you need and encourage others to do the same

• Have

an end of the week call with your team and line manager

• If

you are feeling isolated talk to someone about how you feel.

We are certainly facing very difficult times, with many different and unforeseen challenges. I hope that you find this guide helpful as you navigate your way through the coming weeks and months. Remember, self-care is different for everyone, so find what feels right for you.




If the


be told…

… I really struggle with being at home on my own and not being able to visit brokers or go into the Knaresborough head office. When the Government first advised that everyone who could work remotely should do so, I missed that social interaction, and my poor husband would just get talked at when he came home because I hadn’t seen another human being all day. There are times when I felt very low; I would literally get out of bed at 8.50am, go downstairs and start working straight away. I wasn’t getting dressed properly, wearing any make-up and felt like I had no real sense of purpose. Of course, my social media posts were the exact opposite of this, as I was putting on the brave face for the business. Since the schools have closed and my husband and son are at home with me, I have a better routine and I’m feeling happier in myself. I still have low days – it’s really hard to do my job at the best of times but without seeing anybody or actively prospecting new brokers it’s nigh on impossible! Now we’re three weeks into working from home, my day starts out as normal with a cup of tea in bed (I’m a total princess, I know). But, then I’m up; I have a light breakfast and I’m at my laptop for about 8am. Then, I have a break at 9am to do PE with Joe Wicks with my son, Harry. My gym gear stays on and I go out at lunchtime on my bike to clear my head. After a quick shower and change of clothes, the afternoon starts strong and by 5.30pm I’ve done what needs to be done. I then make a point of turning my laptop and phone off as it is family time. I have my evening meal with my family and then, when Harry goes to bed, I do 30 minutes of yoga. I have never done this much exercise ever but I feel great. I do miss wearing high heels every day, seeing my colleagues and I even miss the brokers. I am loving the video calls (although I am sorry to those who have seen me without make-up on) and the interaction that we have all had as a Group on Microsoft Teams – it helps to keep me going. Stay safe everyone.

Alexa Owen Network Sales Executive




I have never done this much exercise ever but I feel great.

For many of us, we may have only worked the odd day from home, maybe when the boiler needed fixing, and for some of us, we may have never worked a day at home before the current period of social distancing. Now, many of us are navigating the new world of working remotely every day, and it is an adjustment.

Did you know on average it takes more than two months before a new behaviour becomes a habit? That’s 66 days to be exact. We want you to know it’s okay to feel anxious, unsure and for it to take some time to feel like you’re in a new routine. So, we asked two of our mental health first-aiders to share their stories of how they’ve been coping and what challenges they have faced while working remotely.

… You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have. I’d been experiencing months of stress, planning and preparation for the move to a new house. This was coupled with anxiety about whether I’d be packed up to move on time and would I even like the place. Then, there was something called Coronavirus being reported in the news. In late January, I had so many worries but one of them wasn’t the virus – I had bigger issues to think about. Over the coming weeks, I’ve watched the virus pandemic grip the world and what we know as daily life has dramatically changed. Just one week to go before I was due to move house, the situation with the virus had got considerably worse. It was agreed with the landlord that I could move earlier with the threat of a lockdown looming. Again, this caused more anxiety, as I now had to be ready in just two days, three days earlier than initially planned. My stress levels were through the roof and I had so many questions. What happens if am not moved or only partially moved before the lockdown? Will I still be able to see my children? Will my mum and dad be ok as they are ill and self-isolating? What do I do about shopping as everyone is panic buying? I couldn’t sleep with worry and angst about the move and the pandemic, but I knew I had to stay strong and focused on moving. To help ease my anxiety, I wrote down what I needed to get done each day and if I achieved everything on that day it made me feel like I’d been successful; it kept me focused. When the day came to move all the big stuff, I felt at ease as my boys and I had already done eight trips over the weekend in the car, so it was only bulky items left to move on the Monday. A friend of the family who has a van was helping me to move house but he phoned in the morning to say he wasn’t available all day anymore, as he had to go to other jobs to clear the sites ready for the lockdown. Panic again! Not what I wanted to hear. Once more, I needed to stay strong and focused, I’d planned for things to go wrong, I just needed to hold it together. Thankfully, the friend returned mid-afternoon and I got moved. I watched the announcement that we were going into lockdown whilst I was cleaning the old place but afterwards, when I was driving to the new house, I felt a real sense of accomplishment and was just so relieved to have moved three days early. I did it! You just have to keep going, remain positive and stay strong in the face of adversity.

Matt Matt Nelson MI Analyst

To help ease my anxiety, I wrote down what I needed to get done each day and if I achieved everything on that day it made me feel like I’d been successful; it kept me focused. OUR



The nex t Bravowide 4:45pm Club wil l take pla ce on Fr iday 24th Ap ril.

CELEBRATING THE WEEKEND TOGETHER Join your colleagues for a drink and a catch up at 4:45pm on Friday afternoon once per month to round off the week and bring in the weekend. Want to make it a weekly event? Encourage your teams to get together every week at 4:45pm and keep the momentum going. Whether your tipple is a beer, gin or a big mug of Yorkshire tea, grab a drink, log on to ‘Microsoft Teams’ and down your tools – now’s the time to relax.




STAY CONNECTED That brief eye contact, that nod of acknowledgement or even that smile to a stranger on the street; without even realising it, in our normal day-to-day lives, we make connections wherever we go, no matter how seemingly insignificant. Now, more than ever, it’s vital that we continue to maintain connections using the methods we have available to us. In this ‘new version of normal’ we’re currently adapting to, we need to ensure that as a

Group we continue to talk to each other, share our experiences and remain present. Despite being unable to meet face to face, there’s plenty more that we can do. As we have demonstrated throughout this edition of Our Voice, our Group has universally tackled the issues we’re facing with resilience, humour and unfathomable strength. Make sure to check in with your teams, schedule regular video calls to keep in in touch and if someone appears to be struggling, reach out to them.

GIVE US YOUR FEEDBACK As a Group, we are committed to continuing to keep you informed with the latest updates as and when they arise. Due to the circumstances we find ourselves in, this information is coming in thick and fast which means we’re constantly refining the ways we communicate this back to the Group. If you have any suggestions or feedback to help us better reach out to you, please do get in touch with internalcommunications@brokernetwork.co.uk




The new normal As the Group has had a little time to adjust to our new way of working during this period of social distancing, lockdown and self-isolation, we’ve each started to settle down to our ‘new normal’. Our coffee rounds are suddenly looking much more manageable, visits to the gym have been replaced with long walks, garden workouts and ‘PE with Joe Wicks’ and driving to work seems like a long distant memory. Take a look at how some of the Bravo family have adapted…


2 0 2 0

For many of us, keeping active is a vital part of maintaining not only our physical health, but also our mental wellbeing. As the gyms are now closed and we need to restrict our public outdoor activity to once per day, we need to start getting creative with how we exercise during lockdown. Our ExCo team have teamed together to show us how they’re keeping fit while social distancing and we’re not sure we can keep up with Des’ countless burpees. Is there an ExCo member that you resonate with the most?






Discover what different teams across the Bravo Group are doing to stay in touch.

The 4:45pm Club Every Friday, once per month, Bravo members come together virtually as a Group to bring in the weekend and celebrate the end of another challenging week. Some of our individual teams and Partners have even initiated internal 4:45pm Clubs!

Virtual Coffee Break To replace good old-fashioned coffee breaks in the Knaresborough office, the BNL Office has created a ‘Virtual Coffee Break’ for people to pop in and out as they please when they’re due a quick break.

Quiz and Fizz The L&D team have already had a team virtual quiz and drinks night and are now planning a virtual house party while playing ‘Cards Against Humanity’.


KNIGHTHOOD Find out how Ethos Partners, Knighthood, are coping with the recent changes: “These unprecedented times have highlighted what a strong, resilient team we have here at Knighthood. We have seamlessly migrated our business model from proactively visiting the vast majority of our clients, wherever they are in the UK, to the whole team working from home, embracing all the challenges that came along with it. As most of our team were unaccustomed to remote working we have ensured there is regular contact, utilising video calls and keeping spirits up with a group WhatsApp chat. Communication amongst the team remains our top priority.” “For many, the working day is challenging as children are home and activities that do not require supervision need to be prepared in advance. The day is often broken into chunks and where possible shift work between parents has become the new norm!” “Exercise is also becoming a vital part of the day with some of the team setting up bootcamps in their gardens during their lunch hour or going for a run / walk in the sunshine. Others are attempting Joe Wicks PE sessions with the kids in the mornings and some of the team are currently doing his seven day workout challenge in the evening, joining together on WhatsApp video calls. All of this is hopefully laying the foundations for healthier routines and the hope of some of the team is that they will end this fitter than when it all started (and help to offset the increased food and alcohol intake!)” - Donna Taylor.

We’d love to hear how other people across the Group are adapting to a new routine. Want to share your own experience across the Group? Just send any information and an optional photograph to: internalcommunications@brokernetwork.co.uk




, home m o r e gf ace. W orkin p w s k o r t o s d tome able w ions acros s t i u u c s c a a at mble quite orkst e t ’ w s n s w e a way… e o ar n e t r o h e t u h v i o t w ng into y of us t crea d alo e n e e i r s g i a o t y u r l h q c cu ick For t ates a to qu d the n m d i k a h r h e o b we’ve peek new w k y a n e a ith a sn ng w take o l a , roup the G

Strange hooman device

Help from the family

Willow, Samantha Dewhurst’s gorgeous pooch, wasn’t entirely sure what this weird contraption was, but she was 100% certain it wasn’t edible; so lost interest very quickly.

Weald’s Daniel Woods is grateful to his s son for letting him commandeer his des office, complete with Harry Potter and b for those rare quiet moments.

Testing boundaries When Amy Briscoe’s husband suggested they share a workspace, she didn’t realise it would be quite so tight a squeeze…

A purr-fect set up Meet baby Lola (left) and her big brother Pepper (right). They like to help owner Emma Teasdale with her work however they can, mainly via cuddles and blocking her screen when she’s due a break.




It’s still h

After a long sess on the hills, Evie Alan Sumner’s d rabbit instead.

Wood you believe it?

Our own DIY superstar, Liam Lord, has r finished building his own desk from scr Luckily, he managed to pick up the woo lockdown started…

Get involved! Have you had to get creative with your own home workspace? We’d love to see how others across the Group have made their home offices work for them. Make sure to send through your pictures to internalcommunications@brokernetwork.co.uk


six year-old sk for his new books on cars

Tricky business When he suddenly started bumping into tables, Chris Ball started to wonder if he hadn’t quite got the hang of this facemask malarkey yet…

Going a little nutty Rob Evan’s new office had a little visitor recently in the form of a peckish squirrel having a quick bite to eat on his garden table… you don’t see that every day!

hop and roll to Evie

Hard at work

sion of chasing rabbits and pheasants likes to take up residence next to desk and play with her favourite toy

Nicholas Yaxley has been busy and working hard since his move to home working. Unfortunately, he forgot to turn off his dual screen functionality before sending us this picture…


What do you want?!

recently ratch. od before

Bennett Christmas’ Paul Brayne got quite the surprise when instead of stationery, he found Cookie the cat asleep in his work drawer after climbing in from round the back.




RESOURCE CORNER Other helpful resources:


IN THE PIPELINE… Our number one priority as a business is looking after your wellbeing. We are living in unsettling times and understand each of us will be affected by this in different ways, as a result we are looking to implement further support for all employees across Bravo Group through an Employee Assistance Programme. This free benefit will be available to you and your family members and provides a suite of wellness services, offering you a structured way to work through physical or mental health issues and financial difficulties. The service is completely confidential, free of charge and includes: : app and online portal: to access a comprehensive library of resources • 24-hour helpline: confidential support line available anytime where you can talk directly to in-house counsellors, legal or financial experts and gain actionable advice • Telephone counselling: work through your problems with a qualified therapist • Face-to-face counselling sessions: speak with a qualified professional in a private and confidential setting near you. • Mobile

DON’T FORGET… The fantastic Working from Home Toolkit on LINK that the Learning and Development team have put together has a wealth of information. With practical tips and guidance, it contains modules on the importance of setting up a dedicated workspace, how to maintain structure throughout your working day (and then switch off) and advice on looking after your mental health and wellbeing. CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE WORKING FROM HOME TOOLKIT




Calm Sleep more, stress less and live better with the Calm app. Calm offers a seven-day free trial for anyone who downloads the app. Click here for more about Calm

Couch to 5K Your week to week guide to go from the sofa to running 5k in nine weeks – whether you’ve never run before or want to start running again, Couch to 5K is a great place to start. Click here for the week to week guide

GoNoodle This YouTube Channel aims to get kids moving to be their strongest, bravest, silliest, smartest and best selves. Suitable for all the family, over 14 million children each month exercise with GoNoodle. Click here for GoNoodle

Elefriends is a supportive online community where you can be yourself. Managed by Mind, it's a safe space for you to share experiences and listen to others. Click here to sign up

Charity SANEline is operating a support line via email support@sane.org.uk, as well as their Textcare service, which provides bespoke one-way messages directly to your mobile phone. Click here to send a message

The Body Coach With his P.E. with Joe series, along with his array of workout videos, Joe Wicks has become the nation’s personal trainer. Click here to workout with Joe

Yoga with Adriene Fancy getting your downward dog on? Yoga teacher Adriene Mishler has a vast catalogue of online yoga sessions, including 30-day journeys.

Mind Menta l health charity ‘Mind’ has a broad range of valuable inform ation and resourc es to help you take care of yoursel f during the Coronavirus outbrea k.

The Domestic Violence Helpline The National Centre for Domestic Violence’s (NCDV) 0800 970 2070 helpline is free to call. You can also text “NCDV” to 60777 and someone will call you back. NCDV also offers a free Injunction service for everybody, where you can refer yourself and others.

Charlie Waller Memorial Trust (CWMT) Set up in memory of Charlie Waller, CWMT aims to get people talking about depression, and has a range of practical, evidence-based information and tools to support people and their families with their mental health. Click here for more information

Click here for your yoga practice

Rhiannon Lambert Harley Street Registered Nutritionist Rhiannon Lambert talks about nutrition and the Coronavirus and how to eat well on a budget in her podcast series. Click here to listen

Click here for Mind’s resourc es

Samaritans are ava ilable 24/7 to listen to you and help you talk through your concerns, worries and troubles. If you need to speak to a Samaritan, you can call them on 116 123 at any time, day or night, or ema il them on jo@samaritans.org , where they aim to come back to you in 24 hours.

Click here for more information

British Nutrition Foundation The British Nutrition Foundation has some great ideas for healthy meals with limited ingredients and busts the myths around nutrition and immunity during the Coronavirus outbreak.

Headspace Headspace is the everyday mindfulness and meditation app for stress, anxiety, sleep, focus and more. Headspace offers a two-week free trial, and with its newly launched ‘Move Mode’ you can train your body and your mind at the same time. Click here for more about Headspace




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