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Post lockdown resolutions: Take or Trash

As many of us start to emerge from lockdown, we have a chance to keep up the good routines we’ve developed over the past few months – and wave goodbye to some bad habits that have crept in! A few people from around the Group shared with us what they’ll take from lockdown, and what they’ll trash…

NIAMH DURKAN Head of People, Ethos Broking


Not booking up every evening and weekend; its nice to have some time to yourself and not have to rush constantly to meet friends and family.

PETER FOSTER Regional MD (South), Ethos Broking

I will definitely be taking the work life balance forward. My exercise regime was poor for someone who was very fit in younger years. During lockdown I have run circa 600km and employed a PT twice per week to do strength and conditioning work. I feel better, have a clearer head and believe it makes me more productive. Online shopping, I need to remember I don’t have shares in ASOS and am not responsible for keeping the economy afloat!

I’ll be stopping the unnecessary travel and very long hours that accompany that way of life. It’s unproductive, expensive, terrible for family life and forces exercise out of one’s schedule due to time pressure. It’s the quickest way to burn out and lockdown has shown me the light! I can reduce my travel and hotel nights by 50% and by using MS Teams etc.

ANDREW HAINSWORTH Placement Team Executive, Broker Network

I’ve started to make sure I take 30 mins at the end of each day, to switch off by either going for a walk, listening to a podcast or doing some form of exercise.

ERIC RICHARDSON Managing Director, Boyd Insurance

Appreciation of my wife’s culinary talents which I was never previously home in time to enjoy.

CHLOE GRINTER Executive PA, Bravo Group

Remembering to appreciate the little things, it’s easy to take things for granted, like BBQs and walks with friends.

ALAN SUMNER Regional MD (North), Ethos Broking

I’m walking the dog much more than I ever did and I want to continue with this – I never got the chance on weekdays before lockdown. I’m also more conscious on what I am spending money on, so hope to keep to less discretionary spending! I need to cancel my Netflix subscription; I don’t know if it’s possible to complete Netflix but I don’t feel like I’m far from it!

Home haircuts, she might be a good cook but…

So, I’m going to have to stop online cushion shopping! How many cushions does a girl really need?

I’ll stop expensive travel/ overnight stays and use Teams calls wherever possible. Also, I might need to stop my midmorning ‘tea and toast’ and afternoon ‘tea and biscuit’ regimes, although my diet has improved with more homemade meals, less takeaways or shop bought sandwiches…

SIMON COLETTA Insurer Markets & Product Executive, Ethos Broking

Going for a walk every day. Also, doing a weekly drawing challenge with my mum! LORNA WRIGLEY Head of Engagement, Bravo Group A break at lunch time – due to kids being at home, where my diary permits, I’ve tried to sit and eat lunch with them, away from the computer screen, which has been lovely. BARRY MURPHY More exercise and eating healthier. Breaking my house in the name of DIY… I’ll help re-boot the economy by graciously paying expert tradespeople to do a far better job than I could

ever manage! Slouching whilst I sit! I need to be more mindful of how I’m sitting and my posture, remind myself to factor in more time to

Compliance Support Officer, Broker Network

move even if it’s a quick stand and stretch. ‘Manky Mondays’ – stop eating Maltesers and Double Decker ice cream on a Monday night!

AARON BUNYAN Business Development Manager, Compass

Walking two hours each day, unbelievable how this has helped me clear my head, plus it means I can take calls on the move. ANN DEWIS Cooking more meals from scratch again and also using some of the ingredients from my own garden, I’ve had more time to get back out and enjoy gardening again! I originally wanted to work in horticulture but in my teens I suffered with hay fever so was advised against taking this route. Less miles in the car, I can be even more productive on video

Business Development Manager, Broker Network

calls verses driving five hours a day. Drinking too much tea while I am working! My husband is used to regular tea / coffee breaks so I get a regular cup of tea delivered throughout the day!

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