Setting the benchmark Introducing our new mentoring bench. Mentoring is a fantastic way to boost your career, whether you are the mentee or mentor. If you are being coached, it gives you a sounding board, puts someone in your corner to cheer you on and shake those invisible pom-poms as you move forward. If you are mentoring someone else, the opportunity to grow is also there and seeing a colleague flourish under your wing can be hugely rewarding. Plus, you never know what you might learn yourself.
I would like to be mentored... If you’d like to be mentored by someone within the Group, this can benefit you hugely by allowing you to build your internal network, understand your skills and become more selfaware. It can also help you to navigate your career and reach further heights. During the programme, we’ll explore your personality profile using the PPA Thomas International assessment, which provides insight into how you operate at work, so we can find the right mentor for you and set you on your journey. Along the route, there will be networking opportunities with senior leaders across the business and structured events to make sure you and your mentor are moving forward on the same page.
Having someone in your corner [who]... is prepared to give you that guidance to get there can have a huge impact on your career. - Claudine Adeyemi, Lawyer