Bromley High School Sixth Form Guide 2016

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‘Exceptional’ Overall grade

ISI Inspection 2016


‘The school is extremely successful in meeting its declared aims of fostering a love of learning and fulfilling intellectual potential’ ISI Inspection 2016

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How do we ensure you fulfil your academic potential? Our experience tells us that you will achieve the best possible academic results if you are happy and well supported. It is important to us that you are recognised as an individual within the Sixth Form community; where your strengths are known and can be built on, and where any difficulties can be quickly spotted and addressed. Being a member of a small tutor group, with an experienced tutor will provide you with the necessary academic and personal guidance.

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Our specific support consists of: Excellent teaching by experienced staff - the recent ISI inspection graded teaching as ‘excellent’ and pupil achievement as ‘exceptional’ Regular one-to-one tutorials with your tutor ensure that they know you very well Academic target setting and progress reviews in discussion with your tutor every term Close academic monitoring by all subject staff and communication through the tutor system Close communication with parents informing them of your progress at regular intervals Extension sessions offered by subjects to enhance learning and prepare for university entrance by looking at topics not on the syllabus Subject clinics to support students with strategies to address any challenges you may experience Individual interviews with the Head of Sixth Form leading to detailed and individualised support for your UCAS application Rigorous and successful reference writing system which accurately reflects current trends in university entrance demands Tailored Oxbridge programme of support including interview and entrance test preparation, college choice and visits Medical, Dentistry and Veterinary (MDV) Programme providing specific support and advice with UKCAT and BMAT entrance tests as well as interview practice, including a Bromley High version of the MMI (multiple mini interview) scenarios now popular for these courses Up-to-date links with former Bromley High pupils who are currently studying a range of courses from Art Foundation and Architecture to Engineering, Law, Medicine and Veterinary Sciences at leading universities and colleges The Head of Careers provides individual guidance on University applications and the practicalities of the UCAS system The PSHE programme develops an independence of mind in addressing topics such as budgeting for university and living independently away from home The GDST Alumnae Network – you become a member and can communicate with over 60,000 former students for advice and guidance

‘Pupils achieve excellent results in national examinations and make excellent progress in relation, most notably in the Sixth Form.’ ISI Inspection 2016

Welcome to

SIXTH FORM THE BROMLEY HIGH ADVANTAGE ‘Excellent teaching promotes pupils’ progress and supports aims of the school. Teaching is characterised by careful planning, focus on the specific needs of individuals, rapid engagement, brisk, purposeful pace which maintains pupils’ interest.’ ISI Inspection 2016

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There are plenty of leadership opportunities to develop the soft skills essential for future success.

‘All aspects of their lives demonstrate the highly successful achievement of the school’s intention to develop pupils with self-belief and a strong sense of social purpose.’ ISI Inspection 2016 Outlook Expedition to Madagascar 2015

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Leadership Opportunities In the Sixth Form at Bromley High we are aware of the need to develop independent and forward-thinking young women prepared for the challenges and demands of leadership in the wider world. The Bromley High Sixth Form gives you the chance to experience leadership and recognise your own individual style and strengths. You will have the opportunity to experience or apply for: Team building and public speaking through external agencies Using Improv comedy workshops to develop listening skills and give you confidence to think on your feet Personality profiling to make you more self-aware and to assist with your interactions with different people Mentoring younger years as part of the Big Sister programme As Pastoral Mentors for Year 7 As Academic Mentors for Year10 Developing confidence in public speaking and skills of argument Leading current affairs discussions within your tutor group Attending formal lunches with the Headmistress Studying Critical Thinking as an AS Level Opportunities to debate against other schools in Oxford Union and ESU competitions and to participate in Model United Nations Leadership of school and wider community events Organisation of our annual Senior Citizens’ Tea Party Planning and leading lessons for partner schools where pupils have profound learning difficulties Organisation of Year 7 Christmas Party and School Discos Organising a Fashion Show Responsibility for putting on your own Sixth Form drama production from costumes to lighting Organising a school magazine for students Running a student based company- as part of the Young Enterprise scheme Opportunity to edit the school magazine Leading and running subject specific societies and clubs Leadership of Expeditions Gold Duke of Edinburgh expeditions in challenging terrain World Challenge expeditions, most recently to Madagascar and soon Cambodia and Laos Leadership of whole school Co-ordinating school council Applying for leadership positions including: • Head Girl and Deputy Head girl positions • Head of House • Senior Prefects • Sports Captains • Charity Prefects • Eco Reps • ICT Prefect • Music Prefect • Applying for leadership positions in national organisations eg, GDST School Council

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Curriculum The academic curriculum is at the heart of student life in the Sixth Form, therefore we offer a formal curriculum of great breadth and depth so that girls can tailor their own programme of study to address their individual academic strengths. Students choose to study four subjects at A level initially and either continue with four, or drop to three at a later point. A list of A level subjects on offer is below.

Art Biology Business Studies Chemistry Classical Civilisation Dance Drama English Economics French Geography German History Latin Mathematics Further Mathematics Music Music Technology PE Physics Photography Psychology Philosophy and Ethics Spanish Design Technology



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‘The comprehensive curriculum, complemented by the extra-curricular provision, is a significant feature which encourages pupils to strive for excellence.’ ISI Inspection 2016

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Sixth Form Curriculum EPQ In addition to their A levels, girls may study the EPQ; this may be completed in Year 12 or Year 13. The EPQ is a research based qualification comprising of a single extended piece of work on a topic of their choice which requires a high degree of planning, preparation, research and autonomous work, providing valuable additional evidence for entry to higher education. EPQ stands for Extended Project Qualification, and is the equivalent of an AS grade, but has the added advantage of being able to obtain the A* grade. It is a qualification highly prized by universities.









Leadership Enterprise Creativity Cultural Sporting Community


The Darwin Programme The Sixth Form is a chance for students to continue to develop their broader education: to be exposed to a wider range of skills and experiences that will prepare them for lifelong learning beyond the confines of their chosen specific academic disciplines. Thus the Darwin Programme of electives offers students a chance to study a range of academic, cultural and practical activities.

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List of clubs Athletics Art Drop-in sessions DT Award Scheme Badminton Club Ball Skills Café Scientifique Cantabile Chamber Strings Chess Club Christian Union Classics Society Creative Photography Cultural Society Drama Club Football Fun Run Club GCSE & A Level Choir Geography Society (Geog Rocks) German and Spanish Film Societies Hans Woyda team training for Maths History Reading Group History Society Knit & Natter Mathematics Society Career Talks MDV Society (Medics, Dentists and Vets) Model United Nations Music Tour to Prague Netball Netball Training Percussion Ensemble Philosopy and Ethics Society Pocoflutes run by 6th form Poco-reeds run by 6th form Puzzle Club for Maths Rock Band Senior Dance Senior Debating Senior gym club Senior Orchestra Senior Voices Senior X-Country

‘The school is a lively environment with active learning evident inside and outside ’ ISI Inspection 2016

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The Holistic Approach - concentrating on your well-being and developing your skills beyond the classroom through a range of clubs, societies and activities.

Your well-being As part of the Sixth Form at Bromley High, you will be pastorally supported by your own personal tutor as well as the Head of Sixth Form and Head of Careers and your various subject teachers. It is important however as you move towards adulthood and greater independence that you begin to take responsibility for your own well-being; the PSHE programme will help you to develop these skills and greater self-awareness.

Your enrichment Through the school’s new Darwin Programme we have a series of elective courses that form part of the wider timetabled Sixth Form curriculum. These include opportunities to: run and develop a business as part of the Young Enterprise Scheme, develop a school magazine, put on a play, be part of the community service volunteering schemes at our partner schools, study AS Critical Thinking, Architecture, Debating, Italian and UKCAT/BMAT test preparation for Medical Schools.

‘The extra-curricular programme is a strength of the school.’ ISI Inspection 2016

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‘Pupils take responsibility for their learning seriously, particularly notably in the Sixth Form.’ ISI Inspection 2016



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University Entrance and Careers Some of you already have your sights set on a particular career or course of study, most of you will be very unsure of the direction you wish to take after A-Levels; our dedicated Careers guidance works in tandem with the Sixth Form Programme throughout your two years here. Our Sixth Form Careers guidance provides the relevant information and opportunities to enable you to make the right decision for your future. In March, initial guidance will be given on options in Higher Education and the world of work for you and your parents. You will also have:

Individual interviews with the Head of Sixth Form leading to detailed and individualised support for your UCAS application Access to rigorous and successful reference writing system which accurately reflects current trends in university entrance demands Opportunities to visit Oxford and Cambridge, as well as Bath and Bristol with the school A visit to a UCAS Convention Tailored Oxbridge programme of support including interview and entrance test preparation, college choice and visits Medical, Dentistry and Veterinary (MDV) Programme providing specific support and advice with UKCAT and BMAT entrance tests as well as interview practice, including a Bromley High version of the MMI (multiple mini interview) scenarios now popular for these courses Up-to-date links with former Bromley High pupils who are currently studying a range of courses from Art Foundation and Architecture to Engineering, Law, Medicine and Veterinary Sciences at leading universities and colleges Specific advice and individual support on writing personal statements and CVs. The Head of Careers provides individual guidance on University applications and the practicalities of the UCAS system

‘Sixth form pupils appreciate and enjoy this programme, and the opportunities and excellent careers guidance that it provides.’ ISI Inspection 2016

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‘Pupils highly value and enjoy the relationships they have forged with the adults that support their learning.’ ISI Inspection 2016

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Oxbridge Programme Tailored Oxbridge programme of support including interview and entrance test preparation, college choice and visits



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‘The school has an excellent range of resources in all areas which provide inspiration, facilitate high-level study and include diverse ways to scholarship.’ ISI Inspection 2016

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‘A strong sense of community pervades the school, with pupils displaying warm relations amongst each other and with teachers.’ ISI Inspection 2016

‘Relationships between staff and pupils and between the pupils themselves are excellent. A strong sense of mutual respect permeates the school: pupils say they are well supported.’ ISI Inspection 2016

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Like a chat to find out more? Contact us with any queries, or call to make an appointment to discuss the next step... on 020 8781 7000 or email:

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‘A genuine love for learning pervades the school’ ISI Inspection 2016


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