Lion league monthly memo march

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March 2017 | What is INCLUSION?

ICE BREAKER 1. Partner up/Group, whatever works best for the class/meeting size, you would want at least 6 different points of view. Explain to the students there is no right or wrong in this scenario. 2. Come up with your own definition of inclusion- DO NOT USE A DICTIONARY OR YOUR PHONE, this should come from your mind. 3. Share out the definitions while the leader of the group (teacher or club sponsor) writes down key words and phrases on a large visual space such as a board or poster. 4 . Discuss our similarities and differences in the various definitions, ask thought provoking questions to lead everyone to the conclusion that everyone views inclusion differently. (For example: Amanda said inclusion means making sure everyone can play while Jill says everyone is treated fairly, are those alike or different? What do you notice about these definitions? Is everyone here saying the same things about inclusion? Do we have a common knowledge of what that looks like? etc.) Explain the mission of the league: The purpose of the Lion League and why we are here is to make sure everyone understands and is empathetic to our definition of inclusion. The more we as members of the community can model acceptance, inclusive attitudes, and a general positive disposition to the subject the more the idea can spread. Arielle: not sure this is the mission, but it’s a good jumping off point right?

INTENTIONAL THINKING So, let’s look at the real definition of inclusion Include is defined as; to contain as part of a whole OR to make part of a set. This is a great way to start thinking about inclusion. If your school is the whole, then it is so easy to think about including everyone, because by definition they are part of the whole. But, if your whole is a small group of five students, it becomes a lot harder to be inclusive.

INTENTIONAL THINKING You can create inclusion by: Being aware of who is around you. (Ask students, what does that look like to you?) Re spe ctin g the strong spirit, courage, and strength it takes for kids that have differences to come to school everyday. Lis tening to the needs of others around you, no matter how it may look. “Inclusion is a mindset that we are all part of a whole set. If parts are missing we become useless and lose value.” –Arielle Hobbs

I N T E N T I O N A L A C T I V IT E S Please discuss and add your own to this list.

ASK YOURSELF THIS Does inclusion only have to do with students with a disability? Who can you get to know better?

Ask someone if they need help with their homework? Example Find common ground or interests.

What can you learn from a student who is different from you? Do you share any similarities with your disabled peers?

CHALLENGE Watch this TEDtalk on your own and be ready to discuss as the next meeting Find and LIKE The Lion League on Facebook and Instagram

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