Kids today are struggling with reading. To help students succeed, teachers need more—more preparation, more support, more explicit how-to guidance on evidencebased instruction. We can help! From our gold-standard foundational textbooks to deeper dives on key literacy components, the expert-developed resources on the next few pages will help the teachers in your school or district with every aspect of creating successful readers and writers.
Teaching Fundamentals
Language Essentials for Teachers, Third Edition
BOOK by Louisa Cook Moats, Ed.D.; WORKBOOK by Louisa Cook Moats & Bruce L. Rosow, Ed.D.
From pioneering expert Louisa Moats: two cornerstone resources that give every K–12 educator the foundation of language essentials they need to deliver successful structured literacy instruction. The Speech to Print book supplies teachers with in-depth knowledge of the structure and function of language, plus case studies, activities, and analysis of student work samples. And the companion workbook helps teachers deepen their understanding of spoken and written English, practice and strengthen their skills and knowledge, and prepare to deliver high-quality reading instruction.
Book—$44.95 | Stock #: 53305 | 2020 | 344 pages | ISBN 978-1- 68125-330-5
Workbook—$34.95 | Stock #: 53336 | 2020 | 264 pages | ISBN 978-1-68125-333-6
“Provides maximum impact in an easily consumable package… strongly aligns with the science of learning to read and write.”
Jennifer Throndsen, Utah State Board of Education
Edited by Martha C. Hougen, Ph.D., & Susan M. Smartt, Ph.D., with invited contributors
Understand the science of reading and how to implement evidence-based instruction to increase the reading and writing achievement of Pre-K–6 students, including those at risk for reading difficulties. Listed by the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ)’s Teacher Prep Review as an exemplary text, this core textbook covers the research base for structured literacy instruction and practical guidance on the essential components of literacy instruction: oral language, phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, handwriting, spelling, and writing. Includes PowerPoint slides for each chapter, an answer key for the Knowledge Assessment questions, sample lesson plans, and sample syllabi for teacher educators.
$79.95 | Stock #: 53756 | 2020 | 416 pages | ISBN 978-1-68125-375-6
Also Available: Fundamentals of Literacy Instruction and Assessment, 6–12
The perfect first text on adolescent literacy, this volume prepares educators to teach reading and writing skills to older students within academic content areas.
$69.95 | Stock #: 73596 | 2015
By Susan M. Smartt, Ph.D., & Deborah R. Glaser, Ed.D.
“Exactly what we need to put the science of reading into practice.”
—Sharon Vaughn, The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk
After a universal screening assessment, what are the next steps? How can K–6 educators translate data into evidence-based instruction, targeted interventions, and improved reading outcomes? Aligned with the science of reading, this book has clear, practical answers.
This updated planning guide matches items on popular reading assessments with Tiers 1, 2, and 3 interventions that help struggling readers succeed. Teachers will get an introduction to the National Reading Panel’s big five ideas, assessment data for each, strategies for connecting assessment data to lesson planning, and activities for small-group and whole-group instruction.
$44.95 | Stock #: 56221 | 2024 | 288 pages | ISBN 978-1-68125-622-1
• New focus on today’s widely used assessments: DIBELS 8th Edition, Acadience Reading K-6, easyCBM, and aimswebPlus
• Convenient charts with clear summaries of assessments
• 90+ activities for use with struggling readers
• Guidance on instruction and intervention within MTSS
• New online materials, including 20+ pages of downloads
“Provides both distilled theory and research, with lessons you can teach tomorrow morning.” Shane Templeton, University of Nevada, Reno
By Bill Honig, Linda Diamond, & Linda Gutlohn
Combining the best features of an academic text and a hands-on teacher’s guide, this sourcebook on effective reading instruction is solidly grounded in the science of reading. Top-rated by the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ), this book comprehensively covers the scientific basis and instructional elements of the five components of reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.
To facilitate comprehension and learning, the Sourcebook is organized according to the guiding questions behind explicit instruction. Each chapter includes an explanation of the subject matter (what?); a summary of evidence-based research (why?); suggested instructional timelines, assessments, and interventions (when?); and step-by-step lesson models that bridge the gap between research and practice (how?).
Visit TeachingReadingSourcebook.com for a Sourcebook Sampler, Table of Contents, and more.
$85.00 | Stock #: 22354 | 2018 | 848 pages | ISBN 978-1-63402-235-4
“The authors artfully extend current reading research into meaningful classroom practice.” Education Review
By Linda Diamond & Linda Gutlohn
Learn the nuts and bolts of explicit vocabulary instruction with this comprehensive reference from the trusted Consortium on Reaching Excellence in Education. Educators from elementary to high school will get detailed guidance on the main elements of high-quality vocabulary instruction: specific word instruction, independent word-learning strategies, and word consciousness. For each of these elements, four sections give teachers the what, why, when, and how of effective instruction and make the strategies immediately understandable and useful.
Practical materials include graphics, definitions, and photocopiable supplements to use with the lessons: sample texts that introduce new words, activity worksheets, and charts of key concepts and strategies. (The updated reprint includes appendices now available for download online.)
$34.95 | Stock #: 69285 | 2006 | 232 pages | ISBN 978-1-55766-928-5
“Joan Sedita hit it out of the park with this amazing book...teacher-friendly and incredibly usable.” Linda Diamond, founder and past president, Consortium on Reaching Excellence in Education
By Joan Sedita, M.Ed.
Plan and deliver comprehensive, explicit, evidence-based writing instruction with this book, an instant bestseller aligned with IDA’s Structured Literacy approach and based on the latest research. Joan Sedita’s innovative Writing Rope weaves multiple skills and strategies into five fundamentals of a comprehensive writing curriculum: critical thinking, syntax (sentence structures), text structure, writing craft, and transcription (spelling and handwriting).
Teachers of Grades 4–8 will learn the fundamentals of effective writing instruction and get clear guidelines that demystify the process of helping students learn to write and write to learn across content areas. And with dozens of included templates, activities, and other resources—downloadable online—teachers will have the tools they need to design and deliver highquality writing instruction.
$39.95 | Stock #: 55897 | 2023 | 248 pages | ISBN 978-1-68125-589-7
BOOK edited by Judith R. Birsh, Ed.D., CALT-QI, & Suzanne Carreker, Ph.D., CALT-QI
ACTIVITY BOOK by Suzanne Carreker & Judith R. Birsh
Master the highly respected multisensory teaching approach to literacy with this bestselling textbook and activity book—and use it effectively with K–12 students who have dyslexia and other learning disabilities.
TEXTBOOK: Get rich background information on the systems and structures of the English language, plus a deep dive into the what and how of Structured Literacy Instruction. Includes practical guidelines on oral language development, alphabet knowledge, phonemic awareness, assessment of reading skills, executive function, spelling, handwriting, fluency, comprehension, composition, lesson planning, and more!
ACTIVITY BOOK: Get more than 100 activities that boost your knowledge in all the areas covered in the textbook. Includes helpful answer keys, lesson planning forms, and other practical activities and handouts.
Book—$84.95 | Stock #: 52261 | 2019 | 920 pages | ISBN 978-1-68125-226-1
Workbook—$34.95 | Stock #: 53084 | 2019 | 192 pages | ISBN 978-1-68125-308-4
PRACTICAL MATERIALS include activities, sample lesson plans, reflection questions, and photocopiable teaching resources.
By Nancy Lewis Hennessy, M.Ed.
Get a blueprint for delivering structured comprehension instruction in K–8 classrooms with this groundbreaking professional resource from Nancy Hennessy, former IDA President and an expert on reading comprehension. Aligned with the science of reading and IDA’s Structured Literacy approach, this book helps teachers:
• Learn critical background knowledge that synthesizes decades of research on comprehension
• Master the blueprint, a complete framework for organizing instruction on each facet of reading comprehension (including vocabulary, syntax and sentence comprehension, text structures, background knowledge, and levels of understanding and inference)
• Make it work in the classroom with guidance and tools for planning lessons, adapting to the needs of individual students, and assessing progress
$49.95 | Stock #: 54036 | 2021 | 304 pages | ISBN 978-1-68125-403-6
“Clear step-by-step instructional routines to implement in your classroom tomorrow.”
Melissa Loftus & Lori Sappington, hosts of the Melissa & Lori Love Literacy podcast
Nancy Lewis Hennessy, M.Ed., & Julia Salamone, M.Ed.
Put the Reading Comprehension Blueprint into action with this companion activity book, developed in response to popular demand! Perfect for professional development, this book is a practical field guide to intentional instruction that enhances reading comprehension skills for all learners. For each critical area covered in the Blueprint, this activity book gives educators:
• Clear guidance on the what, why, and how of instruction
• Sample lesson plans teachers can use as models for their own
• Instructional activities for students
• Ready-to-use tips for successful teaching
• “Try This” activities that help teachers hone instruction
• Supports for diverse learners
• Reader-friendly definitions of important terms
• Links to multimedia content for further learning
$34.95 | Stock #: 57624 | 2024 | 240 pages | ISBN 978-1-68125-762-4
“A true masterpiece… Every page is filled with pearls of wisdom.”
Judy Lariviere, Assistive Technology Specialist BESTSE LLE R
By Karen A. Erickson, Ph.D., & David A. Koppenhaver, Ph.D.
All students can learn to read and write with the right instruction and supports. That’s the core belief behind this bestselling book, your guide to providing high-quality literacy instruction to students with significant disabilities. Drawing on decades of classroom experience, the authors present their innovative model for teaching students with a range of significant disabilities to read and write print in grades preK–12 and beyond.
• Discover 10 factors for helping students with disabilities become literate
• Teach emergent readers with strategies for shared and independent reading, writing, and alphabetic and phonological awareness
• Help students acquire conventional literacy skills, with strategies for teaching comprehension, vocabulary, writing, decoding, and spelling
• Use assistive technology effectively
$39.95 | Stock #: 76573 | 2020 | 264 pages | ISBN 978-1-59857- 657-3
Effective Decoding & Spelling Instruction, Second Edition
By Marcia K. Henry, Ph.D.
“For those who enjoy the thrill of an ‘aha’ moment, there is one on every page.”
G. Emerson Dickman, Past President, IDA
Expertly teach decoding and spelling skills by teaching students the origins of words—and helping them understand and use components of the English language. Ideal for teachers of pre-K through middle school, this text includes classroom activities, lesson plans incorporating multisensory language-based instruction, and student work samples.
$42.95 | Stock #: 70748 | 2010 | 352 pages
Lessons from Science and Teaching, Second Edition
By Virginia W. Berninger, Ph.D., & Beverly J. Wolf, M.Ed.
“This book has it all...A must-read for all teachers of struggling readers.” Marcia Henry, Ph.D., Professor Emerita, San Jose State University
Covering all four learning disabilities that require differentiated instruction, this teacher training text prepares you to deliver explicit, engaging instruction customized to K–12 students’ needs. Uncover the why and how of differentiated instruction, use it effectively to organize routines and lesson plans, and learn from clear explanations of research findings.
$46.95 | Stock #: 78942 | 2016 | 320 pages
TILLS is a groundbreaking assessment that tests oral and written language skills in students ages 6–18. Reliable, valid, and comprehensive, TILLS is the one test kit you need to identify and diagnose language and literacy disorders (including dyslexia and developmental language disorder), document patterns of relative strengths and weaknesses, and track changes in language and literacy skills over time.
More comprehensive assessment. TILLS is the only test that assesses both oral and written language with an innovative framework that shows how these skills relate to each other.
More sensitive to picking up disorders. The TILLS normative sample only included typically developing students, to establish a standard for typical performance that can be differentiated from the performance of students with language and literacy disorders.
The only evidence-based model for diagnosing DLD, dyslexia, or both. The two language levels model (sound/word, sentence/discourse) creates quadrants that help you differentially diagnose.
Powerful TILLS profiles give you an at-a-glance understanding of your students’ strengths and needs—something other tests can’t offer.
One test kit does it all. Screen, assess, and evaluate progress over time with just one TILLS test kit.
A real time-saver. Spend less time testing, more time helping students! Experienced clinicians can administer TILLS in 90 minutes or less. (It can also be chunked into several sessions.)
Test of Integrated Language & Literacy Skills™ and TILLS™ are trademarks of Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. The contents of TILLS were developed under Grant No. R324A100354 from the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education. Those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
[TILLS] culls out and differentiates problematic areas of language and literacy, as well as areas of strength, that no other formal measures accomplish…A unique and seminal contribution to language and literacy assessment.
Sue Ellen Krause, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, BCS-FA, Speech-Language Pathologist
and Pinterest!
First, you’ll identify students at risk for a language/literacy disorder with the evidence-based Student Language Scale (SLS), a quick 12-question screener completed by the teacher, parent, and/or student. The SLS helps you screen for language/ literacy disorders with high levels of accuracy, gather input about strengths and needs from multiple sources, and determine if the student needs further comprehensive assessment with TILLS.
The SLS can also be used as a standalone screener— see www.brookespublishing.com to learn more!
After the SLS helps you identify children at risk for a language/ literacy disorder, use TILLS for diagnosis. Through 15 subtests, you’ll assess and compare the full range of students’ oral and written language and literacy skills. The resulting scores (quick to generate with the TILLS Easy-Score) and the at-a-glance TILLS Profile Chart help you identify and track a student’s strengths and weaknesses—information you’ll use as you develop customized interventions.
By Nickola Nelson, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Elena Plante, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Nancy Helm-Estabrooks, Sc.D., CCC-SLP, & Gillian Hotz, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Kit includes 1 Examiner’s Manual, 1 Stimulus Book, 1 Set of Tele-TILLS Instructions, 25 Examiner Record Forms, 1 Technical Manual, 1 Quick Start Guide, 1 Examiner’s Practice Workbook, 25 Student Response Forms, 50 Student Language Scales, 1 USB drive of digital audio files, and 1 tote bag.
“Practical, reflective, and with razor-sharp focus on student outcomes…a mustread.” Carol Tolman, co-author, LETRS, Third Edition
By Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D., & Daryl Michel, Ph.D.
Improve student outcomes through effective collaboration between instructional coaches and teachers! This is your step-by-step guide to instructional coaching in K–12 schools using the popular, field-tested SFC model. Using evidence-based practices, the expert authors help you master three key roles of coaching: Facilitator, Collaborative Problem-Solver, and Teacher/Learner.
You’ll discover how to build respectful and mutually beneficial professional relationships with every teacher—from the most eager to the most reluctant— and work together to help all students learn and thrive in the classroom. To help you put the SFC model into action, the book offers practical activities and materials, including application exercises, reflection exercises, virtual coaching tips, and 20+ pages of ready-to-use downloadable forms.
$39.95 | Stock #: 54944 | 2021 | 232 pages | ISBN 978-1-68125-494-4
“Outstanding…Chock full of ideas for adapting and differentiating literacy instruction.” Nancy Hennessy, educational consultant and author
Edited by Elsa Cárdenas-Hagan, Ed.D., CCC-SLP, CDT, CALT, QI
Provide English learners in Pre-K–Grade 6 with explicit, systematic instruction on the key components of language and literacy. For each component, you’ll get a dedicated chapter with research-based insights on how to teach English learners, guidance on making connections across languages when teaching that component, and ready-to-use principles and strategies for effective instruction.
• Deliver instruction in phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, spelling, and writing skills
• Apply insights from the science of reading on how best to teach English learners
• Use specific, evidence-based principles, strategies, activities, and sample dialogues to guide your instruction
• Leverage technology to adapt and enhance instruction for English learners
$44.95 | Stock #: 79659 | 2020 | 264 pages | ISBN 978-1-59857-965-9
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