22 minute read

Appendix: The Normal Curve and Related Concepts Reading Difficulties in Bilingual Children

Augmentative & Alternative Communication

Supporting Children and Adults with Complex Communication Needs, Fifth Edition

By David R. Beukelman, Ph.D. (Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital), & Janice C. Light, Ph.D. (The Pennsylvania State University), with invited


The authoritative text on augmentative and alternative communication, this classic bestseller is now in its fifth edition—revised and updated for a new generation of SLPs, teachers, occupational therapists, and other professionals in clinical and educational settings. Partnering with a team of distinguished contributors, renowned experts David Beukelman and Janice Light deliver today’s most comprehensive, up-to-date introduction to AAC interventions and technologies for children and adults with complex communication needs. Future service providers will get in-depth coverage of essential AAC topics, enhanced by helpful study questions, valuable perspectives from people who use AAC, and case examples that illustrate key principles.

Significantly expanded with new chapters and companion materials, this definitive text will expertly prepare readers to support communicative competence for children and adults with complex communication needs.

WHAT’S NEW: Professionals will prepare for their work in the field with critical new information on: • Collaborating with family members and other communication partners • Making the most of mobile technologies and AAC apps • Selecting an AAC system and tailoring it to individual needs • Working effectively with families from diverse cultural backgrounds • Supporting inclusion across the lifespan (including education, employment, and community life) • Ensuring efficient patient–provider communication in medical settings • Providing communication supports to people with autism spectrum disorder

NEW ONLINE COMPANION MATERIALS include a resource guide to help practitioners and students learn more about AAC, sample responses to chapter study questions, and a sample syllabus.




SECTION I. PEOPLE WHO REQUIRE AAC 2. AAC Assessment 3. Overview of AAC Intervention 4. Collaborating with Family Members and Other

Communication Partners SECTION II. AAC SYSTEMS 5. Vocabulary Selection and Message Management 6. Representation, Organization, and Layout of AAC

Systems 8. Selection and Personalization of AAC Systems SECTION III. AAC INTERVENTIONS FOR INDIVIDUALS

WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES 10. Intervention to Support Communication and Participation of Beginning Communicators 11. Intervention to Build Communicative Competence 12. Literacy Intervention for Individuals with Complex


WITH ACQUIRED DISABILITIES 14. Individuals with Acquired Physical Conditions 15. AAC Supports for Adults with Severe Aphasia and/or

Apraxia of Speech 16. Adults with Degenerative Cognitive and Linguistic

Conditions 17. Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury 18. Patient-Provider Communication in Medical Settings SECTION V. FINAL THOUGHTS 19. The Importance of Advocacy



1. What Is the State of the Evidence? 2. Prelinguistic Communication Intervention for Young

Children with Intellectual Disabilities 3. Challenging Behavior and Communicative

Alternatives 4. Research on Communication Intervention for

Children Who Are Deafblind 5. Are We There Yet? Targeted and Phenotypic Communication Interventions for Children with Down

Syndrome or Autism Spectrum Disorder 6. Augmented Language Interventions for Children with Severe Disabilities 7. Parents as Partners in Effective Communication

Intervention 8. Putting It Together 9. Behavioral Heterogeneity in People with Severe

Intellectual Disabilities: Integrating Single-Case and

Group Designs to Develop Effective Interventions 10. Randomized Controlled Trials 11. Boxed in by Small Sample Size? Some Ways Out of the Box 12. Recent Innovations in the Assessment of Auditory

Discrimination Abilities in Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities Who Are Nonspeaking 13. The Role of Cultural, Ethnic, and Linguistic Differences 14. Measuring Communication and Language Skills in

Individuals with Severe Intellectual Disabilities 15. Where does Social Validity Measurement Fit into Identifying and Developing Evidence-Based Practices? 16. Section Discussion Summary: State of the Evidence 17. Communication Interventions for Individuals with

Severe Disabilities: Research and Practice Gaps,

Opportunities, and Future Directions

Communication Interventions for Individuals with Severe Disabilities

Exploring Research Challenges and Opportunities

Edited by Rose A. Sevcik, Ph.D. (Georgia State University), & MaryAnn Romski, Ph.D. (Georgia State University)

What does the latest research tell us about communication interventions for people with severe disabilities? Give your students the knowledge they need with this authoritative research volume, which investigates the effectiveness of today’s communication interventions, synthesizes evidence from current studies, and identifies urgent research directions for the future.

Shaped by a conference of The National Joint Committee on the Communication Needs of Persons with Severe Disabilities (NJC),* this interdisciplinary book includes contributions from more than 30 top scholars from diverse fields, including psychology, special education, and speech-language pathology. Each chapter gives readers a brief summary of research studies on a key intervention topic, insights on research design and measurement challenges, thoughts on future advances, and real-world clinical and educational recommendations. Essential for preservice communication professionals, this book offers powerful insights about today’s interventions—and sets a clear agenda for tomorrow’s research.

TOPICS COVERED: • assessment and measurement of communication and language skills in individuals with severe intellectual disabilities • challenging behavior and communicative alternatives • prelinguistic communication intervention for young children with intellectual disabilities • interventions for children who are deafblind • augmented language interventions for children with severe disabilities • the role of cultural, ethnic, and linguistic differences • parents as partners in communication intervention • targeted and phenotypic communication interventions for children with Down syndrome or ASD • and more

*The NJC conference was funded by the National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders . $59.95 | Stock #: 73633 | 2016 | 376 pages | 7 x 10 | paperback | ISBN 978-1-59857-363-3

TILLS™ Practice Kit

for use with the Test of Integrated Language and Literacy Skills™

By Nickola Wolf Nelson, Ph.D., Elena Plante, Ph.D., Nancy Helm-Estabrooks, Sc.D., and Gillian Hotz, Ph.D.

These convenient Practice Kits include the materials needed for training and practice sessions with the Test of Integrated Language & Literacy Skills™ (TILLS™), a test valid and reliable for assessing oral and written language skills in students ages 6–18 years. The TILLSTM Practice Kit gives you and your trainees access to essential materials for learning about TILLS and, in the process, about standardized testing in general.

The TILLS Practice Kits are ideal for use in preservice higher education courses and inservice trainings. They can help you introduce TILLS to aspiring or experienced professionals—and give them the practice they need to use TILLS and perform individualized assessment with confidence in future work settings.

THE TILLS PRACTICE KITS ARE USED TO: • Give trainees a complete overview of TILLS. Introduce the TILLS subtests and the three purposes of the assessment: identifying language/literacy disorders, documenting relative strengths and weaknesses, and tracking changes over time. • Familiarize trainees with the 15 TILLS subtests. With the included

Examiner’s Practice Workbook, TILLS trainees will work through practice exercises for each subtest that prepare them for successful administration of the TILLS and other standardized tests. • Provide concrete examples of standardized testing principles.

Beyond testing with TILLS, the materials of the Practice Kit can be used to emphasize assessment principles in general, such as using start rules, establishing basals and ceilings, and using standardized instruction and scoring procedures with fidelity. • Provide scoring practice. Using the Examiner’s Practice Workbook and downloadable audio files, TILLS trainees will practice scoring and interpreting all subtests, with extra instructional material and practice examples for the Written Expression subtest.

With this thorough introduction to a landmark language and literacy assessment, pre- and inservice professionals will be ready to use TILLS to enhance their future work in schools, clinics, and private practice.

US$49.95 | Stock #: 51981 | 2016 | Shrink-wrapped | ISBN 978-1-68125-198-1



Note: Trainees each should purchase a Practice Kit for use in their coursework or TILLS training session. Instructors should have their own Practice Kit, and they may request a desk copy of the Examiner’s Manual (as it is not included in the Practice Kit).

Examiner’s Practice Workbook: More than 100 pages of exercises on subtest administration, scoring

TILLS, and interpreting results, plus a tutorial to help you master T-unit division. Practice Kit Downloads: The audio files and normative data tables needed to complete the scoring of the exercises in the Examiner’s Practice Workbook (downloaded with a special code that is provided to the purchaser). Examiner Record Form (pack of 3): Two forms to work through the exercises in the Workbook for students of different ages, plus an extra copy of the form for additional practice. Quick Start Guide: A laminated trifold quick-reference guide to administration and scoring, perfect to take with you when using TILLS on the job and as a quick reference for trainees.




OF APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS 1. Interprofessional Collaboration 2. What Is Applied Behavior Analysis? 3. Components of Behavioral Teaching 4. Data Collection II. APPLICATIONS OF ABA WITHIN

PROGRAMS FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH ASD 5. The Lovaas Model of ABA 6. Pivotal Response Treatment 7. Incidental Teaching 8. Verbal Behavior 9. A Guide to the Early Start Denver Model 10. Precision Teaching and Fluency 11. A Guide to the Picture Exchange Communication


SUCCESSFUL INTERVENTION 12. Integrating Behavior Analytic Concepts with Communication Interventions: ABA Terms Demystified 13. Assessment in SLP and ABA 14. Behavioral Objectives that Guide Effective

Intervention 15. Assessing and Treating Challenging Behavior

Within and Beyond Speech Therapy 16. Strategies to Enhance SLP–ABA Collaboration:

Working Toward Interprofessional Practice

ABA for SLPs

Interprofessional Collaboration for Autism Support Teams

Edited by Joanne E. Gerenser, Ph.D. (The Eden II Programs), & Mareile A. Koenig, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, BCBA (West Chester University)

To help ensure the best outcomes for learners with autism spectrum disorder, speech-language pathologists (SLPs) and behavior analysts (BAs) need to work together to support positive behavior and effective communication. This book provides tomorrow’s SLPs with a clearer understanding of applied behavior analysis (ABA)—and bridges the gap between the two fields with a comprehensive plan for collaboration. An important new addition to courses in speech-language pathology, this textbook clears up the myths and misconceptions surrounding ABA and builds a clear path to interprofessional practice between SLPs and BAs. Through chapters coauthored by practitioners from both disciplines, future SLPs will learn how to move past ABA stereotypes and controversies, incorporate the best ABA-based practices into their work, and break down the barriers to productive collaboration with BAs. An essential part of every preservice SLP’s education, this timely text shows how experts from two vital fields can learn from each other and work as a seamless team to support better lives for people with autism.

YOUR STUDENTS WILL: • Discover why SLPs should collaborate with behavior analysts— and get practical strategies for connecting with BAs and learning from their expertise • Master the fundamentals of ABA, including its key terminology, its core behavioral teaching components, and its data collection methods • Learn how to apply the interprofessional education and interprofessional practice model (IPE/IPP)—a framework widely used in health care and education—to collaboration with BAs • Get step-by-step guidance on using proven ABA-based interventions, including the analysis of verbal behavior, Pivotal Response

Treatment, Incidental Teaching, and the Picture Exchange Communication System • Learn how to integrate ABA with speech-language pathology in critical areas, including assessment, goal-setting, and behavior intervention STUDENT-FRIENDLY FEATURES: Learning objectives, reflection questions, vignettes, and a helpful glossary make it easy for SLPs to absorb and apply new terminology and strategies.

Interventions for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Complex Communication Needs

Edited by Jennifer B. Ganz, Ph.D., BCBA-D (Texas A&M University), & Richard L. Simpson, Ed.D. (formerly of University of Kansas)

“This book is a ‘must-have’… There is no better resource on intervention to support the communication and participation of individuals with ASD who have minimal or no speech.”

—Janice Light, Penn State University

People who have both autism spectrum disorder and complex communication needs require specialized, multidisciplinary interventions and supports to boost their independence and quality of life. Find up-to-date, evidence-supported information and strategies in this textbook, a volume in the respected Augmentative and Alternative Communication series.

This essential resource brings together more than 30 internationally recognized researchers from three important disciplines: augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), special education, and applied behavior analysis (ABA). Preservice practitioners will discover how to combine key interventions from these disciplines to make positive differences in the lives of the people they work with.

With this meticulously researched guide to today’s best strategies and supports, your students will have the information they need to improve outcomes for people with autism and complex communication needs.

RESEARCH-BASED GUIDANCE ON: • Using evidence-based teaching methods with learners of all ages • Conducting effective assessment and linking results with intervention planning • Selecting high-tech and low-tech AAC options that meet individual needs • Bringing about lasting changes to behavior with functional communication training • Evaluating specific interventions that target social communication • Implementing parent- and peer-mediated interventions • Using customized visual and environmental supports in a variety of settings



1. Characteristics of Individuals with Autism Spectrum

Disorder Who Have Complex Communication Needs 2. Autism-Focused Assessment and Program Planning 3. Overview of Evidence-Based Practices for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Complex Communication Needs 4. Overview of AAC for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Complex Communication Needs 5. Considerations in Implementing Aided Low-Tech

AAC Systems for Individuals With Autism Spectrum

Disorder and Complex Communication Needs 6. High-Tech Aided AAC for Individuals With Autism

Spectrum Disorder and Complex Communication

Needs 7. Functional Communication Training for Durable

Behavior Change 8. Effective Strategies for Working with Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Complex Communication Needs 9. Evidence-Based Methods for Teaching School-Age

Children and Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Complex Communication Needs 10. Evidence-Based Practices for Adolescents and Adults

With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Complex Communication Needs 11. Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions for Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Complex Communication Needs 12. Parent- and Peer-Mediated Interventions for Children

With Autism Spectrum Disorder and Complex Communication Needs 13. Visual and Environmental Supports for Learners With

Autism Spectrum Disorder and Complex Communication Needs 14. Conclusions and Directions for Future Research



I. FOUNDATIONAL TOPICS 1. Introduction to Systematic Observation and

Measurement Contexts 2. Validation of Observational Variables 3. Estimating Stable Measures of Generalized Person

Characteristics Through Systematic Observation 4. Designing or Adapting Coding Manuals 5. Coding 6. Common Metrics of Observational Variables 7. Observer Training and Preventing Observer Drift 8. Interobserver Reliability of Observational Variables II. ADVANCED TOPICS 9. Introduction to Sequential Analysis 10. Research Questions Involving Sequential

Associations 11. Generalizability Theory III. PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER 12. Summary of Recommendations for Best Practices in Observational Measurement

Observational Measurement of Behavior

Second Edition

By Paul J. Yoder, Ph.D. (Vanderbilt University), Blair P. Lloyd, Ph.D., BCBA-D (Vanderbilt University), & Frank J. Symons, Ph.D. (University of Minnesota) An essential textbook for anyone preparing to be a researcher, this comprehensive volume introduces graduate students to key principles of observational measurement of behavior. Based on a course the highly respected authors taught at Vanderbilt University and the University of Minnesota, this text delves deeply into a highly effective approach to observational measurement: systematic observation.

Students will master both the theoretical principles of systematic observation and recommended research methods and techniques. They’ll learn from practical examples that illustrate complex concepts, clear explanations of recommended research methods, definitions of key terms, and exercises and assignments that help them practice putting principles into action. Online companion materials include two six-month licenses for proprietary observational software that students can use to complete the exercises and assignments in this book.

Ideal for use in research methodology courses in diverse fields—including special education, communication sciences, psychology, and social work—this fundamental graduate text will prepare future researchers to skillfully collect, summarize, and communicate their observations of children’s behavior.

STUDENTS WILL: • Fully understand key methods of observational research and measurement • Get comprehensive information on both foundational and advanced topics • Learn from real-world examples based on the authors’ experience • Apply specific recommendations for effective techniques and best practices ONLINE COMPANION MATERIALS: To enhance their courses, instructors will get a full package of online materials, including two six-month licenses for observational software, a media file students can use to practice coding behaviors, a suggested schedule for a semester-long course, exercises for students, and assignments with corresponding grading rubrics.

US$59.95 | Stock #: 52469 | 2018 | 272 pages | 7 x 10 | paperback | ISBN 978-1-68125-246-9

Pivotal Response Treatment for Autism Spectrum

Disorders, Second Edition

Edited by Robert L. Koegel, Ph.D. (Stanford University School of Medicine), & Lynn Kern Koegel, Ph.D. (Stanford University School of Medicine), with invited contributors

The pioneering experts behind Pivotal Response Treatment have created a comprehensive modern guide to this highly respected, research-based approach, completely reworked and revised for a new generation of therapists and educators. Strengthened with new research and more step-by-step guidance, this bestselling PRT text is now reorganized to support children on their whole developmental trajectory, from infancy through adulthood. New and revised chapters cover critical topics—including assessment and self-management— and the book’s down-to-earth, accessible style ensures that your students can grasp PRT principles and apply them effectively.

With this proven approach backed by more than 25 years of research, future professionals will be ready to support children with autism as they enjoy more positive interactions, more effective communication, and higher academic achievement.

USE THE PROVEN PRT APPROACH TO: • Advance children’s communication and language skills • Aid early identification and intervention • Improve children’s motivation and performance in school • Foster friendships with peers during play dates and other social interactions • Increase positive behavior by combining functional assessment and self-management strategies • Decrease disruptive behavior • Help young adults make a smooth transition to college, career, and community life

PRACTICAL MATERIALS: Each chapter features learning goals, key insights to remember, and helpful study questions (also available online to download and print).

WHAT’S NEW: New and completely reworked chapters on working with infants and toddlers, linking strengths-based assessment to treatment planning, improving adolescents’ communication and social skills, teaching parents how to implement PRT, combining functional behavioral assessment and self-management strategies, helping young adults succeed in college and the workplace.




CONTEXT 1. The History and Basic Components of Pivotal

Response Treatment 2. Assessment, Feedback, and Treatment Planning 3. Ecocultural Theory and Cultural Diversity II. BEGINNING STAGES: EARLY INTERVENTION 4. Intervention for Infants and Young Toddlers 5. Teaching First Words 6. Expanding Friendship Opportunities for Children with ASD III. CHILDHOOD: TREATMENT OPTIONS AT HOME

AND AT SCHOOL 7. Parent Education in Pivotal Response Treatment 8. Inclusive Education 9. Motivational Academics IV. ADOLESCENCE AND YOUNG ADULTHOOD: MOV-

ING TOWARD INDEPENDENCE 10. Functional Behavior Assessment and

Self-Management 11. Improving Communication Skills in Adolescents and Adults with ASD 12. Improving Socialization in Adolescents and Adults with ASD V. ADULTHOOD: HIGHER EDUCATION

AND EMPLOYMENT 13. Improving Outcomes in Higher Education for

Adults with ASD 14. Supporting Individuals with ASD in Employment




1. Introduction to Treatment of Language Disorders in Children, Second Edition I. INTERVENTIONS TARGETING EMERGING

COMMUNICATION AND LANGUAGE 2. Hanen Programs for Parents: Parent-Implemented

Early Language Intervention 3. Responsivity Education/Prelinguistic Milieu

Teaching 4. Enhanced Milieu Teaching 5. Focused Stimulation Approach to Language

Intervention 6. The System for Augmenting Language: AAC and

Emerging Language Intervention 7. Print-Referencing Interventions: A Framework for

Improving Children’s Print Knowledge 8. Phonological Awareness Intervention: Building

Foundations for Successful Early Literacy

Development for Preschool Children with Speech-


LANGUAGE AND LITERACY 9. Language Intervention for School-Age Bilingual

Children: Principles and Application 10. Comprehensive Reading Intervention in

Augmentative Communication 11. Effective Interventions for Word Decoding and

Reading Comprehension 12. Complex Sentence Intervention 13. Supporting Knowledge in Language and Literacy:

A Narrative-Based Language Intervention 14. Social Communication Intervention for Children with Language Impairment 15. Parameters of Service Delivery and the Strathclyde

Language Intervention Program

Treatment of Language Disorders in Children

Second Edition

Edited by Rebecca J. McCauley, Ph.D. (The Ohio State University), Marc E. Fey, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, (professor emeritus, University of Kansas Medical Center), & Ronald B. Gillam, Ph.D. (Utah State University)

“Comprehensive and superbly readable.”

—Chris Dollaghan, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas

Thoroughly updated to meet the needs of today’s students in SLP courses, the second edition of this classic textbook prepares future professionals to evaluate, compare, select, and apply effective interventions for language disorders in children. Using realistic case studies and many new video clips that show each strategy in action, the expert contributors introduce your students to 14 current, researchbased intervention models and examine practical ways to apply them in the field. The new edition covers interventions for both emerging communication and language and more advanced language and literacy, in a consistent chapter format that makes it easy for students to compare treatment approaches. A textbook SLPs will keep and reference often throughout their careers, this balanced, in-depth look at interventions will prepare professionals to choose and implement the best interventions for children with language disorders.

YOUR STUDENTS WILL LEARN ABOUT: • the theoretical and empirical basis of each intervention • target populations for the intervention • assessment and decision making • practical requirements for implementation • considerations for children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds • future directions STUDENT-FRIENDLY MATERIALS: A video clip to illustrate each intervention (on the included DVD and available online); case studies; learning activities that challenge students to apply their new knowledge WITH NEW CHAPTERS ON: Print-Referencing Interventions • Language Intervention for School-Age Bilingual Children • Comprehensive Reading Intervention in Augmentative Communication • Complex Sentence Intervention • Narrative Language Intervention • Social Communication Intervention for Children with Language Impairment • Strathclyde Language Intervention Program (SLIP)

Introduction to Clinical Methods in Communication

Disorders, Fourth Edition

Edited by Rhea Paul, Ph.D., CCC-SLP (Sacred Heart University), & Elizabeth Schoen Simmons, M.S., CCC-SLP (Sacred Heart University)

Fully updated and revised based on the 2020 ASHA standards and recent AAA standards, the new edition of this bestseller is the core textbook for all students in clinical methods courses—and a reliable reference for practicing SLPs and audiologists. Leading authority Rhea Paul and newly minted research scholar Elizabeth Schoen Simmons bring together more than 20 academics and clinicians for a state-of-the-art guide to contemporary evidence-based practice. Covering a broad range of disorders and developmental levels, this text sets emerging professionals on the path toward mastering all the fundamentals of practice, from conducting effective assessment and intervention to ensuring that practices are family-centered and culturally inclusive. Tomorrow’s clinicians will use this foundational textbook to guide their professional decision-making and provide the best possible services for people with communication disorders.

WHAT’S NEW: • New chapter on using principles of observation to gather accurate, valid data in clinical settings and more deeply understand clinical processes and procedures • Expanded information on intervention principles, with case studies highlighting practical applications and an emphasis on evidencebased practice • More on counseling in communication disorders, clinical documentation, relationships with supervisors, and single-case experimental design • Updated information on technology in clinical practice • New emphasis on automated analysis of communication samples • Chapters on clinical competence and family-centered practice by renowned experts • New student-friendly text features, such as learning objectives, study questions, and problem-solving questions • Case studies and clinical examples throughout • Reflects most recent ASHA and AAA standards

WITH NEW FACULTY MATERIALS, including a test bank for each chapter and suggested projects that professors can assign students to practice the principles outlined in each chapter.




1. Introduction to Clinical Practice in

Communication Disorders 2. Ethical Practice in Communication Disorders 3. Evidence-Based Decision Making in

Communication Assessment and Intervention 4. Principles of Communication Assessment 5. Communication Sampling Procedures 6. Communication Intervention: Principles and Procedures 7. Professional Communication: Effective Counseling

Techniques and Clinical Documentation Strategies 8. Public Policies Affecting Clinical Practice 9. Clinical Service Delivery and Work Settings 10. Issues of Cultural and Linguistic Diversity 11. Technology and Communication Disorders 12. Family-Centered Practice 13. Principles of Clinical Observation


You can request exam/desk copies of up to two books that are relevant to your course needs. If you see a book in this catalog that you’re interested in previewing, please look it up on www.brookespublishing.com, click the Request Exam Copy button found on the book’s page, and complete the request form. (All requested information must be supplied before we can process your order.)


The Brookes Download Hub is your home base for the online course materials— slides, test banks, sample syllabi, and more—that come with Brookes books. Sign up with your faculty email address to download companion materials, “favorite” your books to keep track of your online materials, and get free access to companion materials for ALL Brookes books. Registration is easy—sign up today! https://downloads.brookespublishing.com

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