2 minute read
Code-Mixing in Bilingual Development
1. Overview of the Pyramid Model 2. Creating Connections with Children 3. Promoting Positive Child Outcomes through
Family Partnerships 4. Recognizing the Value of Positive Relationships with Colleagues 5. Classroom Environments 6. Schedules and Routines 7. Designing and Implementing Transitions in Early
Childhood Classrooms 8. Designing the Physical, Social, and Temporal
Environments to Teach Expectations and Rules 9. Promoting Children’s Engagement 10. Effective Teaching Strategies for Facilitating Social
Emotional Competence for all Children 11. Using Positive Descriptive Feedback to Improve
Children’s Behavior 12. Creating a Culture of Friendship 13. Teaching Children to Problem Solve 14. Supporting Emotional Literacy 15. Problem Solving Challenging Behavior 16. Implementing Individualized Behavior Support for
Children with Persistent Challenging Behavior 17. Implementing Pyramid Model Practices to Make a
Difference for Children
Unpacking the Pyramid Model
A Practical Guide for Preschool Teachers
Edited by Mary Louise Hemmeter, Ph.D. (Vanderbilt University), Michaelene M. Ostrosky, Ph.D. (University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign), & Lise Fox, Ph.D. (University of South Florida, Tampa) For more than a decade, the widely used Pyramid Model for Promoting Social Emotional Competence in Infants and Young Children has been helping early educators use research-based practices to boost social-emotional development. Now there’s a practical text that makes it easier than ever to implement this highly effective framework in preschool classrooms.
Created by the Pyramid Model developers and experts with extensive training experience, this is the first book to provide a comprehensive, step-by-step overview of the Pyramid Model for children ages 2–5. Early childhood educators will get a complete overview of the framework, plus in-depth guidance, evidence-based strategies, and helpful checklists for implementing all tiers of the Pyramid Model: universal, targeted, and individualized.
Ideal for use in preservice methods courses, Unpacking the Pyramid Model will give future educators the foundational skills they need to promote positive behavior and build all young children’s socialemotional competence.
LEARN HOW TO USE THE PYRAMID MODEL TO: • Construct a positive classroom environment that supports access and engagement for all students • Develop predictable schedules and routines that maximize participation and learning • Clearly define and teach behavior expectations and rules • Deliver intentional, explicit instruction in social-emotional competence • Support smooth and streamlined transitions that prevent challenging behavior • Create a culture of friendship and actively teach children friendship skills • Teach children about emotions and help them develop a “feeling vocabulary” • Give children the skills they need to solve interpersonal problems appropriately • Provide individualized support for children with persistent challenging behavior
US$49.95 | Stock #: 53909 | 2021 | 208 pages | 8 ½ x 11 | paperback | ISBN 978-1-68125-390-9