Senior Booking information

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ofal i f e t i me


1.Pi ckyours es s i on onl ocat i ons hoot$150 or s t udi os hoot$150 or combi nat i on$250

( addhai randmakeupf or$75)

2.Cal l us 9282371149 Haveyourcr edi tcar dr eady T obookyourRevol ut i onar y S eni orS es s i on

a$250depos i ti sr equi r ed. ( r emai nderi st ur nedi nt ocr edi t )

l ayer sar egood

pr ops

•S car ves ,j ewel r y,j acket ,hat s . . . i t ’ s al l gr eat .I tcanchangeanout f i t qui ckl yf oranaddi t i onal l ook. •I fyou’ r enots ur eabouti t ,br i ngi t anyway.

•F eel f r eet obr i ngyourownpr op. I ns t r ument s ,s por tgearandbal l s , pet s ,et c. • Il ovecar s !Il ovet r ucks !I fyoul ove your s ,l et ’ ss hootwi t hi t !

s omel i t t l et hi ngs

s har ei t

eyourpi csf oryourpr of i l eon • Don’ tcol ororcutyourhai rt heday • Us acebook,T wi t t er ,I ns t agr am,and bef or e.Youmi ghtnotbeus edt oi tyet .F Pi nt er es t . •I t ’ sni cet ohaveanas s or t mentof •S har eyourgal l er ywi t hal l your cl ot hesf r om cas ual t odr es s y.Mos t f r i ends . i mpor t ant l y,BEYOU! eraf r i endandget2F REE8x 12s •I fyou’ r enots ur eabouts omet hi ng, • Ref • Wewantyout obehappy!We t ex tusormes s agesusonF acebook. wantyout ol oveyours hoot ! Wewantyout ohavet hebes t ex per i enceofyours eni oryear !

Il oves neakpeeks ,s obe checki ngoutF acebookand I ns t agr am f oracoupl eofyour i magess hor t l yaf t eryours es s i on! Wi t hi nacoupl eofdaysaf t er yours es s i on,youcancont act t hes t udi ot os etupyouror der s es s i ondat e. Youcanex pectt ovi ew your i mages12weeksf r om your s es s i ondat e.Pl anoncomi ng i nt ot hes t udi of oryourBI G REVEALofyouri mages .Dur i ng t hi st i meyouwi l l bechoos i ng whatyouwoul dl i ket oor der andhavet heoppor t uni t yt o s ees omeoft hes peci al t y pr oduct sweof f er .Ourpr i nt packagess t ar tat$300.Our aver agef ami l ys pendsar ound $800. F oryourconveni ence,wedo of f erpaymentpl answhi chwi l l al l ow yout obr eakupyour paymenti nt os ever al aut omat edcr edi tcar d payment s . F i nal pr oductwi l l beavai l abl e f orpi ckupatt hes t udi owi t hi n 23weeksf r om pur chas e. Cus t om al bum des i gncant ake l onger .

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