Get The Job April 2019

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Research Potential Employers

One of the best ways to prepare for an interview is to get to know the company.

company. If they have a social media presence, that’s a great place to start. A simple search of their name can reveal charitable contributions, performance milestones and additions to their team. Be sure to men When you show interest in the tion things you relate to, regarding overall mission and are knowledge- the strides they are taking to grow. Former or current employees able about their accomplishments, will also give you an interesting it shows an interviewer you are seperspective in how the company rious about getting on board. operates, internally. Reach out to your peers who have or had a relaWHERE TO tionship with the group to find out FIND INFORMATION what they expect and what they Today’s technology gives job look for in prospective hires. seekers awesome tools to research a


Now that you know a little more, you should know how to share your research during the interview. Blatantly spouting out information can make you come off cocky or bland. Instead, plan how you will incorporate what you learned into the conversation. When a hiring manager asks if you have any questions about the company or position, it’s a great time to incorporate some of your research. You can ask them about recent milestones they made and what

it took to achieve them. The more prepared you are with how you will present the research will make both yourself and the interviewer more comfortable during your meeting.


Before you go into an interview, it’s also helpful to know the types of services you will be offering and a general idea of the clientele you reach out to. Understanding the crucial components of every operation, can help you strategize an effective way to stand out once you’re hired.

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Meet Daily Goals

While landing a dream job is the ultimate goal when seeking employment, there may be several obstacles to overcome before it works out. Don’t simply dish out resumes to everyone who is hiring. Instead, focus on a few options that fit your experience and talents, then plan daily goals to enhance your chances for an interview. couple of weeks to make a good follow-up im There are many ways to find great companies Once you begin the interview process, don’t pression. Stay in touch with respectful, sincere who are hiring in your area. Online tools make it forget to touch base with the human resources messaging. Even if you don’t land a position, try to keep simple to narrow down job openings by location, department regarding your application. Here are in touch with the hiring manager. They may recexperience and qualifications. Save time by set- some tips to follow to ensure a successful folommend another opening for you. low-up approach: ting specific instructions to search engines. Send thanks. HR recruiters and hiring managers love handwritten correspondence that Looking Elsewhere Be Loud on Social Media shows you’re serious about the opportunity. If you don’t hear back from a group of em Think of these platforms as a chance to ad- Mention something that was brought up in your ployers regarding your application, it’s back to vertise your skills and network with other pro- initial interview for brownie points. the drawing board. Keep a journal of the techfessionals. You should try to join groups with Don’t give up. Hiring managers are busy. niques you used during the first round of applyother job seekers in your community. Help each Stay top of mind by sending out a follow-up note ing and interviewing and adjust your strategy. It other find leads for positions. It just may lead to every week or so. Depending on how quickly can be helpful to let a professional peer critique connections that will assist you later. the role needs to be filled, you may have only a your notes and make suggestions.

Get Online

Stay in Touch

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Job Hunting While Unemployed

There are many reasons why Americans find themselves unemployed.

Perhaps a company downsized a position, shut down or simply terminated employment. Regardless of the reason, job hunting without a job presents sizable hurdles.


One of the biggest challenges for unemployed job hunters is the gap on their resumes. There are ways to strategically fill the gaps and using your free time to make a difference. Here are some beneficial tips from the UCLA Student and Alumni Services. If you lost your job: Be professional and mature about why you were terminated. Negative words about a previous employer will almost always be a deal breaker. Express your gratitude for the opportunity and what you learned from the experience. If you went back to school: Take advantage by explaining you took a break from your career to focus on expanding your educational goals. If you took care of family: Explain the general situation without being too personal. Perhaps, you had a new child, or a family member became ill. Showcase things you learned while you were being a caretaker and how it benefits you professionally.


There are likely many others in your community who found themselves in the same position. Network with other job-hunters to discover leads and offer support to one another. To find like-minded people, reach out on social media, at events like career fairs or at a public library. Encouraging others to land a position will also give you motivation.


An opportunity to get your qualifications in the hands of many different hiring managers is to attend a local job fair. You get the chance to explain your unemployment in a face-to-face setting without waiting on a scheduled interview.

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Take a Temporary Position

If the bills are beginning to pile up, you might find relief with a temporary job. Temp jobs can be a good source of income with flexible hours so you can still focus on finding your full-time career.

It is important to go into an interview for a temporary job with the same passion as you use for positions in your desired field. Not only can you gain a good level of practice for upcoming meetings, a hiring manager will expect you to respect the temp position you are applying for.

your social skills while getting to ship with your clients is another Not only can this occupation know a wide variety of people. The way to open doors to your future earn you a daily salary in the way of ability to create a welcoming and career. tips, being a bartender is an excep- comfortable experience for your tional social experience. You can guests can develop into amazing Landscaping, $29,700 meet industry leaders in fields you opportunities in the future. Gather a few tools and make a are interested in. Be sure to act prodifference to the neighborhood, esfessional, friendly and experienced. Sales and pecially if you live in a warmer reYou never know who you may wind Related Workers, $40,180 gion. Even if you just need to make up networking with on any given If you are well-versed in a prodextra money during the summer, Here are a few great ideas to shift. uct or subject, you can significantconsider when looking for a tempoly impact your financial situation. this could be a great path. Starting rary position, along with the annu- Wait Staff, $25,280 Commissioned sales positions are your own business can be inexpenal average salaries, per the United Another job that relies heavily usually performance-based, mean- sive while giving you experience in States Bureau of Labor. on gratuities, being a member of a ing your earning potential lays on business management and client rewait staff will help you fine-tune your shoulders. Creating a relation- lations.

Bartender, $26,260

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Social Media: Friend or Foe?

Job searchers have a love-hate relationship with social media. On one hand, promoting yourself through sites like LinkedIn or Facebook can provide big benefits if your content is professional. However, recruiters will quickly turn down your application if your profiles showcase unethical behavior. Before applying for jobs, analyze your online presence to ensure your accounts show your commitment to a career.


A 2017 study by the group Career Builder showed 70 percent of employers are reviewing candidate’s social media profiles. Here are the statistics the report revealed about why applicants were turned down. • 38 percent of candidates posted information of drinking or drug usage. • 39 percent of applicants posted provocative or inappropriate pictures, videos or information. • 23 percent revealed confidential information about a previous employer. On the other hand, social media can be helpful when advertising yourself to potential employers. These are the positive results from the report showing the types of content that landed people the job. • 38 percent revealed background information which supported professional qualifications. • 37 percent showcased great communication skills. • 36 percent were hired due to their professional image.


Before you can create a more professional online presence, it’s important to analyze the state of your profiles. Try a general inquiry of your name and location on a search engine and delete outdated accounts and inappropriate posts you made or are connected to. You want to paint your digital image as a wholesome, honest and profession-

al portrait.

you are regularly posting information regarding the industry you are BE ACTIVE trying to break into. Show off your Showing you are relevant and ac- creative side and knowledge about tive on social media accounts looks topics you are an expert in. great to employers, especially if You may also benefit when de-

livering comments or posts that show your personality and a few of your interests. Hiring managers can learn a lot through this content and confirm you are a great fit for the role and their company.

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