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Alumni Class Notes
We welcome the newest members of the BFS alumni community, the Class of 2020! Please read all about them on the next page. In the meantime, here’s a few updates from other alumni. We love to hear about how you are all doing, so please keep us updated at alum@brooklynfriends.org.
Marcus Levitt ’72 reports that he retired from USC in Los Angeles three years ago after teaching there for over three decades. “My wife and I moved to Medford in southern Oregon where her sister lives. Our two kids, Jesse and Betsy, are grown up and live in Portland. We live on a beautiful property in a cool house that we had renovated and feel amazingly lucky (selling our house in L.A. largely made this possible!). I have been continuing my scholarly work in the field of Russian literature and culture, writing and translating and editing, and I have been invited to teach in the fall at the School of Higher Economics (a new western-style university) in Moscow. I am on FB and would be very happy to reconnect with old friends from BFS. My email is: levitt@usc.edu.” Best of luck to you, Marcus, on this new phase in your life.
eric drooker ’77
does it again. His cover of the March 30, 2020 New Yorker magazine “Grand Central Terminal” early on in the pandemic in New York City, was chilling.
darrick hamilton ’89
is really making the news! Darrick was recently named to the Biden-Sander’s Unity Task Force. Darrick is currently the Executive Director of the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity and a Professor at the John Glenn College of Public Affairs at The Ohio State University. He will rejoin The New School in 2021 as the founding director of the newly created Institute for the Study of Race, Stratification and Political Economy. Congratulations to Magnus hedlund ’91 who was recently made Partner Director of Engineering at Microsoft. This July he celebrated his 25th anniversary at Microsoft.
kyle neptune ’03, Assistant Coach for Villanova University Basketball, was named one of the top 40 college basketball coaches under 40 by ESPN! Kyle was a member of Brooklyn Friends School’s 2003 State Champion Boys Varsity Basketball Team and scored 1,650 points in his time as a Panther.
We recently heard from the daughter of a member of the class of 1936. clark Benson attended BFS for a few years in lower school and she shared this remarkable picture of her father’s first grade class in 1925. Sadly, Clark lost his battle with lung cancer in 1980.

The BFS Alumni LinkedIn group is rolling. Please connect with us at Brooklyn Friends School Alumni.
In Memoriam Marna Press Dann ’54 Jane Ellen Wiener Einhorn ’54 Ann Hallan Lakhdhir ’50 Jane Morehouse Johnson ’51
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1 The cover of the New Yorker Magazine illustrated by Eric Drooker ’77 2 1st Grade Classroom, 1925