Cafe et Galerie was the result of a project in which we were to design a multi use space which needed to include an art gallery, a cafe, and a small office space. Our preliminary reasearch included researching a well known interior designer we were given. We then had to incorporate that designers style or signature pieces into our design. This project was completly hand drafted and was one of the first we did.
Cafe et Galerie will utilize the concept of Yin and Yang. With a curved interior wall, the spaces will flaunt a yin and yang shape. The spaces will be able to be either independant or used together with entry doors in both spaces and doors leading from one space to the next encouraging a circular circulation pattern. Both spaces on the first floor will have equal floor space, a second floor on the cafe side, and an office space above the art gallery with two offices and a small conference room. Elevators will provide acessability to the second floor and a curved staircase will provide manual access upstairs. The interior will be designed with Florence Knoll and her work in mind. The art gallery will showcase furniture and textiles by Knoll, while the cafe and office space will show off functional uses of their furniture and textiles.
Chiswell Manor was our first project which we rendered. We designed the house from the ground up to fit the celebrity client of our choosing. We chose the location, searched for an available plot of land, and learned the importance of diagramming and adjacency matrixes.
Chiswell Manor will be a getaway for a busy and hardworking person. It will use soft, earthy colors, natural wood tones to create a relaxing atmosphere for the client. With a classic layout, the home will include space for relaxation, hosting, and hobbies. The home will be design around place attachment theory, so creating a space that feels like home is top priority.
This project will focus on supporting the client’s progressive need for environment support and mobility aids by adjusting her existing home. To increase accessibility, we will revamp the home’s overall interior while simultaneously addressing place attachment by leaving as many belongings as possible to fit within the renovated design. We plan to achieve our goals by creating storage solutions and making all rooms safer and easier to manage. We will give the client a sense of tranquility by using organic and simplistic forms within the interior. Overall by modifying her current home, she will be able to safely and comfortably age in place.
To assist our client’s aging in place, her home requires adjustments in order to increase accessibility, comfort, and quality of life in a presently cluttered and restricted environment. Our client is looking to modify their current space to alleviate both current and future mobility issues. Also, allowing for better opportunities to display and store items to reduce disorganization. Creating a nonrestrictive living space that reflects personal tastes, aids in daily function, as well as increases resell value.
The goal of this project is to create a more enabling space so the client can age safely and confortably. The plan is to revamp the overall interior of the home, but leaving as many belongings as possible to fit in with the renovated design. The plan is to widen door frames, create better storage, create better walking space, updating lighting, and making bathrooms safer and easier to manage. The client stated she wanted suggestions for a new laundry room/ craft room layout, so we will come up with at least one suggestion for the client. We will look into changing the bathing situation to make it less cluttered and more user friendly; keeping in mind the potential for a decrease in mobility for the client. WIth this project we will keep as low budget as possible.
Based on how the client has their existing environment decorated it can be assumed that they enjoy collecting small knick-knacks and sentimental items. Displaying possessions can be seen as a way to better identify with a space, making it more suitable for individual expression and needs. Minuplilating space is a natural reaction to having an environment that better suits daily rou-tines and rituals. Strengthening a sense of ownership of inhabited places. Retaining a home environment that is comfortable, safe, and recognizable supports a sense of security and safety. Our client also lives alone and over time will need a progression of mobility aids and environmental supports all to continue the objective of remaining in a non-restrictive environment, assist in a better quality of life and a heightened sense of identity. The home has a closed floor plan with narrow hallways and bathrooms and any large layout changes would not be possible. Window placement also limits furniture layout along with the placement of doorways.
Sycamore Clay Collective is the result of a project which we were to create a viable retail space for Ames, Iowa. We started by visiting the site in downtown Ames, Iowa and taking measurements and preliminary notes. We used what we observed in London as inspiration for our retail space.
Sycamore Clay Collective will be a multi-use retail and studio space. Using bright earthy colors we will create a fun environment that will soar beyond your typical pottery store or studio. Users will be able to come in and shop local pottery, plants and accessories. Users will be able to use the space in one a time or a membership style. The space will incorporate elements that tie it to the earth, Ames, organic shapes, and inspire creativity. In the space, local cermacists and artists will showcase and sell their work. With the application of playful color and retro elements, the space will attract both younger and older crowds alike.
Sycamore trees used to line the railroad going through Ames. Although the railroad has moved to a new location, the sycamores remain standing along university BLVD and parts of campus.
This is a project we did throughout the second semester of our first year. We started in AutoCAD following our professor’s tutorial to learn how to use AutoCAD. We then moved to Revit and did the same thing; follow our professors tutorial to learn how to use Revit. We finished the project by learning to use Enscape and creating renderings. This design has no set concept, it is simply a culmination of things I learned to do while learning new programs.
The Reiman Gardens Interiorscaping Project was a semester long project for a Horticulture class I took. We worked with the University gardens, Reiman Gardens to design their rotating garden space in their conservatory. The plan had to have a theme that was synonymous with the season of your choice. We planned everything from hardscapes to plant schedules and maintence to renderings. Our projects were sent to a judging comittee of interiorscapers from Reiman Gardens to judge our plan, research, and overall viability of the design.
The Crown will be a timeline walkthrough of Queen Elizabeth’s 70 year reign and what she lived to see and the impact she had. People will be able to walk through a colorful interiorscape design adorned with flowers and foliage symbolic of major career moments of Queen Elizabeth II. The design will showcase 16 moments in Her Magesty’s reign starting with her coronation and ending with her death.
My design will take place in the spring time. Spring is symbolic of new life and color, which will be a big part of my design, as Queen Elizabeth was dedicated to always dressing in color. I also plan to mix in plenty of foliage and vines. There will be visual appeal as well as the smell of spring.
Regarded as Queen Elizabeth’s favorite tiara, The Vladimir tiara was originally owned my the Romanov’s. Once they had to flee Russia, their jewels were sold to provide them income. This tiara was sold to Queen Mary of England.
I plan to have a large, 3D printed model of this made. it will have to be made in sections and puzzle-pieced together. It will be made hollow to be lightweight, and suspended by cables.
I plan to adorn it in assorted vines to create a sort of halo around the planted design below.