Test bank for competing visions a history of california 2nd edition by cherny

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TEST BANK for Competing Visions A History of California 2nd Edition by Cherny http://downloadlink.org/p/test-bank-for-competing-visions-a-history-ofcalifornia-2nd-edition-by-cherny/ Mul ti pl e-c hoi c e ques ti ons 1. M o st Am erican sc ientists acce pt the t heo ry t hat hum ans m igr ated to No rth Am erica fo llo wing large m amm als across t he Bering Strait. M ost Am erican Indian peo ples a.

acce pt this t heo ry as the only ex planatio n fo r t heir prese nce h ere.


believe that t hey have always liv ed in t heir homelands because t raditio nal sto ries them squarely in the wo rld c reated for t hem by t he gods. place


po int to t heir m igratio n stories fro m t he no rth as suppo rting t he Be ring Strait theo ry. hav e no sto ries o f creatio n.

d. Ans:


P age: 5

2. Befo re Euro pean set tlement, Califo rnia Indians spo ke abo ut different languages and num bered abo ut . a.



o ne hundred; t hree hundred tho usand o ne hundred; t hree m illio n


te n; three hundred tho u sand


te n; three m illio n


P age: 6

3. Anthro po lo gists generally classify the earliest Califo rnia inhabitants into six gro ups based o n their a. religio us practice s. b. linguistic o rigins. c. places o f o rigin.

d. te rrito rial regio ns. Ans: b

P age: 6

4 . Which o f t he fo llo wing statements abo ut Califo rnia's dese rts is not accurate?



They co ntain v ery litt le plant o r anim al life.


One o f t hem includes t he lo west po int in t he United Stat es.


Sev eral lakes and rivers run t hro ugh t hem .


They are bo rdered by some o f t he highest m o untains in t he United States.


P age: 9

5. Aco rns we re an im po rtant fo o d so urce fo r m ost California Indians w ith o ne significant pro blem: a. They co ntain a po iso n, tannic acid, w hich m ust be leached o ut using a tim e -co nsum ing pro ces s. b. Each o ak tree pro duces o nly a few po unds o f aco rns, so harvest ing eno ugh t ake s a lo ng tim e. c. Oak tree s grow in o nly a few parts o f Califo rnia, so Indians w ho liv ed in other regio ns had t o trade fo r aco rns. d. Aco rns we re plentiful but no t highly nutritio us. Ans: a P age: 11

6. Califo rnia Indians used f ire to m anage t heir env iro nment fo r all o f t he fo llo wing purpo ses except a. to destro y plants o n w hich enemy t ribes relied. b. to c lear space fo r grasses to grow and gam e to fo rage. c. to c reate a lay er o f ash to no urish t he se ed -bearing grasses o f t he next seaso n. d. to driv e game into t raps. Ans: a

P age: 12 -13

7 . Which o f t he fo llowing st atem ents best desc ribes the Indian c o ncept o f land? a. They saw land as a reso urce fo r hum a n benefit. b. Their co ncept o f land w as sim ilar to that o f Euro peans in t hat they believ ed in land o wnership as the o rganizing principle o f so ciety . c. Their relatio nship to land included a st ro ng spiritual co m po nent t hat clo sely co nnect ed them to t he ir e nv iro nm ent. d. Because they saw land as sacred, m ost Indians in Califo rnia did not in any w ay want to alter t heir e nv ironm ent. Ans: c P age: 11 -13

8. What percentage o f all plant and anim al life no w in Califo rnia is no t nativ e to t he regio n but was intro duced by E uro peans and Am ericans? a.








Ans: d P age: 13

9 . Why did Califo rnia Indians no t develo p m aize agriculture? a. They did no t hav e the necessary kno wledge to plant co rn. b. M o st o f t hem had acc ess to a v ariety o f foo d so urces and t here was no need to dev elo p agriculture.

c. They traded fo r co rn, beans and squash w ith tribes further so uth. d. They relied heav ily o n t he cultiv atio n o f indigeno us plants and t hus did not need to grow co rn. Ans: b P age: 12

1 0 . The duties o f t ribal religio us leaders, o r sham ans, included



superv isio n o f c eremo nial life.

b. c.

prese rvatio n o f the tribe’s m edicinal knowledge . com m unicatio n with the natural wo rld.


all o f the abo ve.


P age: 14 -15

11. The narco tic po tio n m ade fro m jim so n weed (also k nown as datura) used in the co m ing -of-age cerem o ny is





to lo ache.




te mesc al.


P age: 14

1 2 . A swe atho use is also known as a a. berdache. b. peo n.





te mesc al.


P age: 16

13. The wo rd refe rring to peo ple o f a "t hird sex ," believ ed t o hav e spiritual po we rs, is





to lo ache.


peo n.


te mesc al.


P age: 18

1 4 . Which Indian gro up o riginally inhabited t he Lo s Angeles regio n? a.

Chum ash


To ngv a


Co ast M iwok Co stano an

d. Ans:


P age: 19 -20

15. Which o f t he fo llo wing so cial and re ligio us beliefs is not amo ng t he differences betw een Spanish and Indian so ciet ies? a. Califo rnia Indians accepted hom o sex uality , whereas Spaniards did no t. b. P rem arital se x w as usuall y acce pte d by Califo rnia Indians, w hereas Spaniards held it to be against their religio n.

c. M any Califo rnia Indians believ ed it was necessary to c rem ate t he dead, but Spaniards o ppo sed this practice . d. Califo rnia Indians generally did no t comm it t hemselv es t o a single partner, whereas Spaniards did. Ans: d P age: 18 -19

16. Singing and c hanting w ere an e ssential e lement in Indian a. b. c. d. Ans:

m arriage ceremo nies. initiatio n rites. leisure tim e act iv ities. all o f the abo ve.


P age: 16 -19

17. Tribes t hat traced desce nt thro ugh t he m ale lineage are called



patrilo cal.

b. c.

m atrilineal. patrilineal.




P age: 20

18. Which two Califo rnia native gro ups liv ed in so ciet ies that we re bo th patrilineal and divided into so cial classes? a. Shastans and M iwoks b. M iwo ks and Y okuts

c. d. Ans:

Co stano ans and Yo kuts Chum ash and To ngv as


P age: 19 -22

19. The Chum ash o f Ce ntral Califo rnia are best k nown fo r their a.

ex pertise in woodwo rking and basket ry .


warlike re latio nship w ith neighbo ring t r ibes.


m ining o f cinnabar used to m ake co lo rful paints. v eneratio n o f grizzlies.

d. Ans:


P age: 21

20. Chum ash v illages a.

we re perm anent.


co nsisted o f well -co nstructed hom es built o f po les and interwo ven grass.


included v ario us ‘public’ buildi ngs like sto reho uses and c eremo nial buildings. are re presented in all o f t he abov e statements.

d. Ans:


P age: 22

21. Which Califo rnia Indians made bo ats fro m wo o d planks, allowing t hem to travel m iles o ut o n the o cean? a. M iwo ks b. Co stano ans c. Chum ash



Ans: c P age: 21

22. Amo ng the s ix tribes described in Chapte r 1 , which seem s to have been mo st engaged in warfare with its neighbo rs? a.

Chum ash


To ngv as


Co stano ans M iwo ks

d. Ans:


P age: 23

23. Which o f t he fo llo wing anim als appears in m any o f the California Indian t ribal sto rytelling traditio ns?



Grizzly bear


Co yo te




Ho rse


P age: 1 -30

24. Tule reeds were used by peo ples liv ing alo ng the m arshes and st reams o f c entral Califo rnia as a. m aterial fo r basket s. b. co nstr uctio n m aterial. c. fo o d.


all o f the abo ve.

Ans: d P age: 25

25. The theo ries o f ninet eenth century po sitiv ist sc ho lars like Lew is Henry Mo rgan postulate d t hat a. all Indians w ere " childlike," " indo lent," and dom inated by "brutal appet ites." b. all hum an so cieties we nt t hro ugh st ages o f " sav agery ," " barbarism ," and " civ ilizatio n." "Civ ilizatio n" im plied farm ing and c ertain ty pes o f t echno lo gy and sk ills which Califo rnia Indians lacke d. c. Califo rnia Indians were "diggers," m eaning t hey lacked k no wled ge o f farm ing and te chno lo gy . d. Califo rnia Indians were capable o nly o f perfo rm ing m anual labo r fo r m o re advanced peo ples, such as Spaniards, M exicans, and Am ericans. Ans: b P age: 27

Es s ay ques ti ons

1. One o f t he fe atures o f Califo rnia is its diversity , leading some to say t hat there are “m any Califo rnias.� W hat are some o f t he im po rtant co ntrasts in Califo rnia's climate , geo phy sical features, and plant and anim al life?

2. Califo rnia Indians co nsisted o f div erse gro ups, yet t hey also shared certain co mmo n characteristics. D iscuss som e o f the im po rtant sim ilarities and differences amo ng indigeno us so cieties. Rem em ber to specify the gro ups and re gio ns abo ut which y o u are writing.

3. Rich t raditio ns o f spirituality , ritual, and so ng we re comm o n to mo st California Indian gro ups.


all o f the abo ve.

Ans: d P age: 25 Ho w we re co ncerns and v alues surro unding foo d and sustenance, sick ness and health, and so cial relatio ns re flected in these practices?

4. D esc ribe wom en's stat us and e co no m ic and so cial ro les within t he div erse but largely patriar chal so cial sy stem s o f Califo rnia Indians. Fo cus yo ur discussio n o n re spo nses to t he fo llo wing two quest io ns: How did wom en w ield po wer? Ho w did se xual relatio ns suppo rt peaceful relatio ns amo ng dive rse Indian gro ups?

5. Co ntrary to ste reo ty pical no tio ns abo ut early Nativ e Am ericans, Califo rnia Indians e vo lv ed po litical and so cial st ructures that re co gnized co m pet itio n and gam bling and suppo rted a c lass hierarchy o r caste sy stem . What v alues and c haracte ristics amo ng t he six gro ups discussed in Chapte r 1 s et them apart fro m o ne another? In general, who w as re warded w ith the mo st privileged po sitio ns in Indian so ciety?

TEST BANK for Competing Visions A History of California 2nd Edition by Cherny http://downloadlink.org/p/test-bank-for-competing-visions-a-history-ofcalifornia-2nd-edition-by-cherny/ People also search: cherny, competing visions: a history of california pdf competing visions a history of california 2nd edition pdf competing visions a history of california ebook competing visions a history of california 2nd edition ebook competing visions definition

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