Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions Agenda

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NO MATTER YOUR SPECIALTY WE HAVE A SESSION FOR YOU! Open to All Healthcare Professionals: MD’s, DO’s, DC’s, PharmD’s, PhD’s, PA’s,NP’s, RN’s, DPT’s, PT’s, RPh, LPN’s, Therapists, and all other Healthcare Providers and Administrators.

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PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS: • Advances in Regenerative Medicine

• Multi-Disciplinary Pain Management: Where are We Today?

• Advances in Non-Interventional Pain Management Workshop

• Multi-Disciplinary Pain Management: Where are We Going?

• Back by Popular Demand! Pain Management: The Great Debates

• Pharmacy Workshop • Managing Acute Pain Workshop • Advances in Interventional Pain Management Workshop

• Special Guest Lecturers

SPECIAL GUEST LECTURERS Brad Barnes CMC Culinary Institute of America

Jeffrey Fudin PharmD Albany Medical College

Neel Mehta MD Weill Cornell Medical College

Thomas Buchheit MD Duke University School of Medicine

Michelle Matthews PharmD BCACP CPE Massachusetts College of Pharmacy


ACCREDITATION Physician CME and Nurse CEUS and Pharmacy ACPE credits Awarded - Jointly Provided by AMEDCO SATISFACTORY COMPLETION Participants must complete an evaluation form to receive a certificate of completion. Your chosen sessions must be attended in their entirety. Partial credit of individual sessions is not available. PHYSICIANS / NURSES / PHARMACISTS Accreditation Statement In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and implemented by Amedco LLC and New York State Pain Society. Amedco LLC is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team. Physicians (ACCME) Credit Designation Amedco LLC designates this live activity for a maximum of 14.75 AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Nurses (ANCC) Credit Designation Amedco LLC designates this activity for a maximum of 14.75 ANCC contact hours. Pharmacists (ACPE) Credit Designation Amedco LLC designates this activity for a maximum of 14.75 knowledge-based CPE contact hours.

REGISTRATION REGISTER FOR FULL MEETING AND YOUR 2022 MEMBER DUES ARE INCLUDED! Full LIVE meeting (and post-meeting online) Rate MD, DO, DC, PhD, PsyD, PharmD (other Doctorate) ...... $700 PA, NP, RPh (Pharmacist non-doctorate) .......................... $475 Healthcare Practitioner,Nurse (RN, LPN), Therapist ....... $375 Practice/Hospital Administrator.......................................... $375 Trainee (full time student in a health profession) ............ $150 (Daily Rates also available - review all meeting rates online) *Trainees submitting a poster that is accepted can attend the meeting for free!

HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS The Society has a discounted rate at the following hotels: • Hyatt Place Poughkeepsie $159 Thursday and $179 (Friday & Saturday nights plus tax). • Residence Inn Poughkeepsie $149 a night plus tax. • If you are observing the Sabbath and need to walk on Friday and Saturday, the closest sleeping room option with a Society discounted rate at the Quality Inn. Visit for more information.

CANCELLATION POLICY Cancellations received before Sept. 15 will receive a refund less a processing fee of $25. After Sept. 15 and before Oct. 15, you may modify your registration and also substitute another individual should you be unable to attend. After Oct. 15, please contact the Society regarding any substitution. There are no refunds after Sept. 15. Thank you.

ADA COMPLIANCE AND ACCOMMODATION The Society’s events are accessible to people with disabilities. If you need assistance in participating in this meeting or event due to a disability as defined under the ADA, please call the society office at (844) 524-7246 or e-mail Robin at robin@ at least three (3) business days prior to the scheduled meeting or event to request an accommodation.

N E W YO R K S TAT E PA I N S O C I E T Y LI V E A N N UA L M E E T I N G A N D S C I E N T I FI C S E S S I O N S October 29-30, 2021 - The Culinary Institute of America, Hyde Park, New York PRELIMINARY AGENDA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2021 (Preconference Meetings) 6:00 - 7:30 PM New York State Pain Society Board of Directors Meeting 7:30 - 9:00 PM

Board of Directors and Industry Advisory Committee Dinner Hosted by Truetox Labs

6:30 - 8:00 PM

Exhibitor Set-Up

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2021 (Annual Meeting Begins) 7:30 AM Registration Opens and Breakfast Provided by Society 8:00 - 9:30 AM

Exhibitor Set-Up (Exhibit Hall opens at 9:30 am)

7:55 AM

Welcome and Opening Remarks – Charles E. Argoff MD, President

Session One: Where Are We Today? Moderator: Doug Cline MD 8:00 AM

Liability When Treating the Pain Patient and UDTs – Lawrence Kobak DPM JD

8:30 AM

National and New York Perspective on Pain Treatment in Workers’ Compensation – Bradley Cash MD

9:00 AM

Pending Changes to Reimbursements – Amy Turner RN BSN MMHC CPC CHC CHIP

9:45 AM

Networking Break with Exhibitors

10:15 AM Special Guest Lecturer – PRP – The Immunologic Basis of Analgesia in Regenerative Therapies: PRP, Stem cells, and ACS - Thomas Buchheit MD, Duke University 11:00 AM Special Guest Lecturer – Cancer Pain – Neel Mehta MD 11:45 AM Telemedicine – How to Examine a Patient –a Panel Discussion Sayed Wahezi MD, Charles Argoff MD, and Robert Duarte MD 12:15 PM Corporate Member Showcase (Lunch Provided, No CME Provided)

Session Two: Where are We Going ? Moderator: Philip Fyman MD 1:00 PM

The Future of Treatment of Diabetic Neuropathy – Charles E. Argoff MD

1:20 PM

The Future of Pain Medicine – Debating a Sea of Uncharted Waters in Novel Pain Therapeutics Amelia Persico Pharm D (Pro) Jeffrey Bettinger PharmD (Con) with Jeffrey Fudin PharmD

2:00 PM

The Future of Palliative and End of Life Care – Dana Lustbader MD

2:45 PM

Telemedicine –Future Trends in Patient Care – Carlisle Saint Martin MD

3:15 PM

Networking Break with Exhibitors

3:45 PM

The Future of Interventional Pain Therapies- Sekhar Upadhyayula MD and Richard Gasalberti MD

4:15 PM

Novel Techniques for Lumbar Fusions and Spine Outcomes – John Abrahams MD

4:45 PM

Annual Trainee Poster Competition – Moderator: Robert Duarte MD

5:00 PM

Special Guest Lecturer – Food, Healing, Growth and Aging – Brad Barnes CMC, Culinary Institute of America

5:30-6:30 PM

Networking Reception with Exhibitors (All attendees and guests are invited)

7:00 – 9:00 PM

Corporate Member Showcase Dinner with Silver Corporate Member Painscripts (No CME Provided. Dinner provided. Seating Limited)

SATURDAY OCTOBER 30, 2021 7:30 AM Registration and Exhibits Open (Breakfast Provided by Society) 7:45-8:30 AM 8:30 AM

Unlocking the True Potential of the Lidocaine Patch with ZTLido® Corporate Member Showcase with Gold Corporate Member Scilex (No CME provided)

Morning Plenary Lecture: Addiction: Acute Pain Management for Patients on Medication to Treat Opioid Use Disorder – Theresa Baxter MSN FNP-C

REGISTER ONLINE TODAY! and see you in October!

Session Three - Parallel Sessions Managing Acute Pain Moderator: Isaac Kreizman MD 9:00 AM

Acute Pain In the Outpatient Setting – Grace Forde MD

9:30 AM

Acute Pain In the Inpatient Setting- Jeff Xu, MD

10:00 AM Acute Pain In the Emergency Department – Andrew Chang MD 10:30 AM Networking Break with Exhibitors

Session Three – Parallel Sessions Pharmacy Moderator: Charles E. Argoff MD 9:00 AM

A Pharmacist’s Liability when Filling Prescriptions for Opioids- Harini Bupathi Esq.

9:30 AM

Debunking Myths: Opioid Prescribing Trends and the Pseudoscience of Morphine Equivalents - Jeffrey Fudin PharmD

10:00 AM Special Guest Lecturer – The Use of Buprenorphine for Patients Who Have Both Pain and Opioid Use Disorder Michelle Matthews PharmD, BCACP, CPE, 10:30 AM Networking Break with Exhibitors

Session Four - Parallel Sessions Interventional Pain Management Moderator: RIchard Gasalberti MD 11:00 AM Anatomy of an Interventional Pain Practice - Alexander Weingarten MD 11:30 AM Radiofrequency Ablation for Joint Pain – Ed Rubin MD 12:00 PM DRG and Other Wave Forms – Adeepa Singh MD 12:30 - 12:45

Annual Business Meeting – President Charles E. Argoff MD

12:45 - 1:45

Platinum Corporate Member Showcase with Salix Pharmaceuticals (Lunch Provided by the Society, No CME Provided)

1:45 PM

Minimally Invasive Spinal Canal Stenosis Strategies – Romanth Waghmarae MD

2:15 PM

Surgical Management of Neuroforaminal Stenosis - Foraminotomy, TLIF, or Fusions - Merritt Kinon MD

2:45 PM

Intraosseous (AutoHemoMyelo) Therapy: Possible Regenerative Effect on Spine Degeneration Mikhail Artamonov MD

3:15 PM

Percutaneous Surgeries for the Management of Chronic Pain - Sayed Wahezi MD

3:45 PM

Networking Break with Exhibitors

Session Four - Parallel Sessions Pharmacy Workshop and Non-Interventional Pain Management Moderator: Ralph Ortiz DO 11:00 AM Kratom: Science and Cynicism – Jeffrey Fudin PharmD 11:30 AM The Latest Trends in Cannabis Use – Paloma Lehfeldt MD 12:00 PM Identifying and Managing Substance Abuse When Managing Your Patient with Chronic Pain - Charles E. Argoff MD 12:30 - 12:45

Annual Business Meeting – President Charles E. Argoff MD

12:45 - 1:45

Platinum Corporate Member Showcase with Salix Pharmaceuticals (Lunch Provided by the Society, No CME Provided)

1:45 PM

CBD for Chronic Pain Update – Larry Good MD

2:15 PM

Medical Massage for Pain – Ali Guy MD

2:45 PM

UDT – Toxicology – Gregory Hobbs PhD

3:15 PM

Migraine Headache – Grace Forde MD

3:45 PM

Networking Break with Exhibitors

Session Five – THE GREAT DEBATES Moderator: Mila Mogilevsky DO and Robert Duarte MD 4:00 PM

Regenerative Medicine – is it Ready for Prime Time? Pro: Richard Gasalberti MD Con: Romanth Waghmarae MD

4:30 PM

CBD and Hemp Oil – it is Patient-Worthy? Pro: Larry Good MD Con: Ralph Ortiz DO

5:00 PM

New advances in SCS – is it Worth the Hype? Pro: Romanth Waghmarae MD Con: Adeepa Singh MD

5:30 PM

Psychadelics – is it Ready for Prime Time? Pro: Angela Guy MA MS and Dr. Ali Guy Con: Ralph Ortiz DO

6:00 PM

Debate Winners, Closing Remarks and Thank You – Bradley Cash MD, President 2020-2022.

THE NEW YORK STATE PAIN SOCIETY 560 Bay Isles Rd Box 9259 Longboat Key, FL 34228


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