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We wish you all a wonderful school year, and as always, please reach out to your child’s teachers for any questions/ concerns, or if I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me and know that I have an opendoor policy. I can be reached at the school number (708) 758-5252, by email jlarson@ brookwood167.org or by cell phone at (708) 362-0115. It is an honor to serve as your principal.
Our Brookwood staff is looking forward to supporting your child’s academic and social emotional growth this year. During the first two weeks of school, teachers will be focused on building a classroom community by helping your child understand our Junior High School expectations.
The first day of school is Thursday, August 17th
All students will receive their schedule on this day. Students will be on a revised schedule on the first day so they can receive important information that will help them be successful this school year. Students will review our PBIS Circuits by taking a tour of our building, participate in getting to know you activities, and review our District Student/Parent Handbook expectations. Students will also be participating in social emotional wellness activities.