BJHS | Updated Graduation Information

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”CONGRATULATIONS” • Graduation isn’t the end of a tough journey. It is the beginning of a beautiful one… • Your brilliant achievements are remarkable. May all your dreams come true. Good luck and congratulations. • Start each day believing in your dreams. Know without a doubt that you were made for great things. • Graduation is an exciting time. It marks both an ending and a beginning; it’s warm memories of the past and big dreams for the future.

201 East Glenwood-Lansing Road Glenwood, IL 60425 (708) 758-5252


Mandatory Procedures The following Mandatory Procedures must be followed by each graduate and family: 1. Graduates will be given a specific time to arrive at Brookwood Jr. High School between 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

7. Each graduate will be escorted into the school by a staff member and will line up following

2. Graduates will only be allowed in the school parking lot at their given time. 3. Only one (1) car is allowed per graduate. No limousines will be allowed as we do not have room.

social distancing requirements of six (6) feet apart. 8. Each car will park in the Brookwood Middle School lot and wait for their child. The ceremony will be streamed live and parents and family

4. Each car must have the sign (school provided) with

members will be able to watch their child walk

graduate’s last name in the front passenger side

across the stage from any electronic device.

window. A staff member will check off each graduate

Everyone must remain inside their vehicle at all

as they arrive and will signal the Glenwood Police

times. If family members attempt to exit their

and Fire Department to allow them into the school

vehicle, they will be asked to leave.

parking lot only if it is their designated time. 9. Graduates will proceed, six (6) feet apart, with 5. The Glenwood Police and Fire Departments will be directing traffic and will only allow ten (10) cars into

their masks on and wait in the main hallway until it is his/her turn to enter the gymnasium.

the lot at a time, so please do not arrive early. 10. When the graduate enters the gymnasium, they 6. Each car will pull up in front of the main school doors and let the graduate out of the car. The driver must then

will proceed to the stage area and wait until his/her name is called.

proceed to the Brookwood Middle School Parking Lot entrance located off of S. Rhodes Street. Graduates

11. When the graduate’s name is called, they will

must wear a mask the entire time, until they get to the

remove their mask, walk across the stage and

stage area. Only one (1) graduate is allowed in each

pick up their paper diploma (real diplomas will

car unless they are from the same family.

be mailed home at the end of June after we receive them) from the table.



Mandatory Procedures 12. As graduates walk across the stage, a photographer will be on hand to take each graduate’s picture in their cap and gown. 13. The graduate will exit the stage and be escorted across the street to the Brookwood Middle School main parking lot, to their vehicle. 14. When graduates are escorted back to their vehicle, they are expected to exit the Brookwood Middle School parking lot and return home. AT NO TIME, SHOULD STUDENTS OR FAMILIES, EXIT THEIR VEHICLE TO VISIT WITH OTHER STUDENTS, FAMILIES OR STAFF. We will continue this process until all (142) graduates cross the stage and receive their diploma. The Glenwood Police and Fire Department are very serious and adamant that we follow the procedures we have outlined above. They have made it very clear that if students and families do not follow these procedures, they will shut our celebration down and we will have to disperse. This will only hurt our graduates who have worked so hard to get here, so we are asking that all families and students please cooperate and follow all of the procedures we have outlined.


More Important Information Filming of the Graduates: •

We have a professional videographer filming

As we are including the signs in our celebration

each student walking across the stage. We

on June 3rd, for students, by displaying them

will also be filming it on Facebook Live so that

on Glenwood-Lansing Road in front of the

parents and families can watch in real time.

school as you pull into the lot, we are asking

All footage will be included in the graduation

that parents pick them up after the celebration

video that will be shared with students and

has concluded (8:00 p.m. on June 3rd) or on

parents in mid-June.

June 4th at the school.

Obtaining a Cap & Gown: •

Graduate Lawn Signs:

Your child was measured for his/her graduation

Graduate Commemorative T-Shirts: •

Students will receive their T-Shirt with their

gown and I am happy to say we have received

Cap and Gown on their Personal Belongings

our order of all caps and gowns. If you have

Pick Up Day.

already paid for a cap and gown, your child will receive it on their designated personal belongings pick up day which is May 26th,

Awards: •

A virtual awards assembly was taped and will

27th or 28th. A letter was mailed home last

be available for viewing at 1:00 p.m. on Friday,

week with your child’s pickup date and pickup

May 22nd. The link will be posted on Ms.

time. If you need to purchase your child’s cap

Larson’s Class Dojo,on the district website at

and gown ($42.00), you can contact the school, and on the district

office (708) 758-5252, or (708) 362-0115

Facebook page.

starting on Tuesday, May 19th, from 9:00 a.m.

an award will receive their physical award

- 3:00 p.m. and you can pay by credit card. You

on their personal belonging pick up day. The

can also pay for Cap and Gown during your

graduates that were named Valedictorian and

child’s personal belongings pick up day.

Salutatorian will be given the opportunity to

Any student that received

give a class speech for the graduation video.

Decorating Cars: •

Students that were recognized as Best in Class,

We encourage graduates and families to

will also have an opportunity to participate in

decorate their cars as part of our celebration

the graduation video.

for students.

Placard: •

The sign that must be displayed in your vehicle window to enter for graduation, will be given to you on personal belongings pick up day.

BROOKWOOD JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL Ms. Jill Larson, Principal B R O O K W O O D 1 6 7. O R G

201 East Glenwood-Lansing Road Glenwood, IL 60425 Phone (708) 758-5252 Fax

(708) 758-3954

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