1 minute read


Congratulations to Principal (Dubose)

My hope is that Summer did its good and perfect work to give everyone moments of fun, relaxation, and restoration. For all who attended our Summer School program and all who spent time reading and practicing their math skills, to you, I send Kudos! It is vitally important that learning never stops. Weeks and weeks of not practicing any skill could result in weakening of the skill: Weeks can make you WEAK! So, again, Kudos to those who continued learning. To those who could have done a bit more to keep those skills sharp, remember it is never too late! Picking up a book is NEVER a bad idea!

The first day of school is Thursday, August 17th

I can be reached at the school number (708) 7584520, by email rpenner@ brookwood167.org

Please continue reading for some great advice on how to end summer and prepare to return to school. We also have important information regarding what to expect in the first few weeks of school. Enjoy the last couple of weeks of Summer Break. I hope to see you all at the All-District Backto-School Bash on August 11, 2023.

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