ISSUE: 007 / MARCH YEAR: 2022
HICKORY BEND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL March Madness rules the sports world, but for school March is just another month for our students to continue growing and learning as much as they can. March is also the important month of State Testing for our 3rd and 4th graders. fIt is so important that our students know the value of being able to demonstrate their knowledge and skill, but in the process let’s continue to work together to remind them of how unique and wonderful they are just being themselves. Testing days are best handled with little to no anxiety. We all know this to be nearly impossible! So, remember to let your All-Star know how much they are loved regardless of ANYTHING! Our school is a fun place to be. We are serious about learning and we are serious about fun, too. Maintaining a healthy balance of hard-work and rewards is key to a happy childhood (and adulthood!) Our students are growing through the many experiences and opportunities we share. Continue reading to see how we make Hickory Bend a place where children come to enjoy school: the learning part and the fun part. At your service and with a spirit of focused collaboration,
Ronisha Dubose | Principal
TECHNOLOGY HELPLINE If your child is having any technology problems connecting to their teacher’s Google Classroom, please contact our help desk at (708) 300-3553 or email our help desk: What is ClassDojo? Reporting of Absence(s): Parents must call the school to report their child absent before 8:30 a.m. The number for reporting absences is (708) 758-5190. Official attendance will be reported every morning at 9:00 a.m. If your child joins a teacher’s classroom late, they will be marked tardy in PowerSchool, and you will be notified through the Principal’s ClassDojo.
PLEASE JOIN OUR CLASSDOJO’S AND STAY INFORMED! It is important that you sign up for the Principal’s Class Dojo. I post important information such as if a bus is running late, important reminders regarding picture day, graduation information and other important topics. Please sign up today! ClassDojo is actively used in 90% of U.S. K-8 schools.
child’s feedback, and can message directly with teachers and school leaders. Please join my ClassDojo so you can stay informed on what is happening at Hickory Bend School. If you would like to join, please accept the invitation that we emailed to you or texted you, or contact the school at (708) 7584520, email, rdubose@brookwood167. org. All you will need to provide is your cell phone number or email address. Get Involved and STAY INFORMED!
ClassDojo is a free app that helps build amazing classroom and school communities. Teachers give feedback to students for any skill, like “Working Hard” and “Being Curious.” From the mobile app, parents view their
MATH CLUB Our top Math-letes (Math Athletes) are working hard to prepare to represent Brookwood 167 in the upcoming South Cook Math Bowl. Mrs. Binning and Mrs. Torres are leading the way!
becoming lifelong learners and decision makers.
improve the achievement of all students, regardless of
(disabilities). We share the accountability of
throughout the school. We
believe in using researchbased practices to achieve our goals. We promote school and community involvement because we believe that these
partnerships help us meet the needs of all of our students.
We are Committed to: •
to state-of-the-art technology. •
The school system
confidence, and
should teach students to
academic success by
think critically enabling
being interested and
them to become
involved in their overall
contributing citizens in
our global society.
All students are unique
environment with access
Families shape their children’s motivation,
In educating our children in a safe and nurturing
We Believe:
race, socio-economic status, gender,
In continuous
All Brookwood teachers use an online grading system
and should be challenged
improvement in all
to the highest level of
aspects of the school
called “PowerSchool” that
academic and artistic
system to foster a
they update every Thursday.
culture of excellence,
In the importance of
accountability and
staff development
check your child’s progress
In responsible
regularly. This program is
opportunities based
on best practices and
stewardship of financial
educational research.
and physical resources.
Providing students with
therefore, you will need an access username and
highly qualified teachers
password to see your child’s •
Providing our staff
progress. If you need your
with professional
username and/or password,
please contact the school
office at (708) 758-4520. There is a PowerSchool app
Brookwood School District 167,
available for your cellular
parents and community, will
phone that makes it easy for
create a learning environment
parents to stay updated on
in which all students excel at
their child’s progress.
We make a COMMITMENT to stand against bullying.
We will treat others with RESPECT and KINDNESS. We will have the COMPASSION to not be a bully. We will have the COURAGE to not be a bystander. It is our RESPONSIBILITY to help others and to report bullying.
SPELLING BEE UPDATE CONGRATULATIONS!!!! The following students for winning the Hickory Bend School Spelling Bee and representing our school in the Brookwood 167 District Spelling Bee: • Timothy Imarenzor (SCHOOL CHAMPION and 4th Grade, 1st Place) • Khairi Shipps (4th Grade, 2nd Place) • David Chiquito(3rd Grade, 1st Place) • Maame Djondo (3rd Grade, 2nd Place) • Ella Wheeler (2nd Grade, 1st Place) • Maya Gavin (2nd Grade, 2nd Place) Thank you Ms. Burras, Ms. Gajewski, and Mrs. Menos for your help with the Spelling Bee!
To keep our students engaged in activities that challenge their minds and bodies, we offer a variety of activities before and after-school.
UPCOMING EVENTS 10th, March Family Math Night | 6:00 p.m. 11th, March Odd Sock Day 14th, March Pie (in the face) Day 15th - 31st, March IAR Testing (3rd & 4th Grade Only) 22nd, March Spring Pictures 25th, March Early Dismissal | 2:00 p.m.
“Act as if what you do makes a difference.” -william james
PI DAY, 3.14 Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th (3/14) around the world. Pi (Greek letter “π”) is the symbol used in mathematics to represent a constant — the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter — which is approximately 3.14159. Pi Day is an annual opportunity for math enthusiasts to recite the infinite digits of Pi, talk to their friends about math… and throw a pie in the face of your faaaaaaavorite teacher/principal/staff member! In addition to activities throughout the day in their classes revolving around Pi, students have purchased tickets to throw a pie in the face of their favorite Hickory Bend Staff member. Tickets cost 50 Dojo points (PBIS). So far, about 150 pies have been purchased! Be sure to check out next month’s newsletter for some cream-filled photos of some very loved staff members.
RACE THROUGH SPACE The Race through Space is still on!!! The goal is for our All-Stars to reach the goal of 12,000 points as a grade level by the end of March and be awarded a Glow Party! So far, Kindergarten and 3rd grade are in the lead! Want a glow party???? Be Safe, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible!
SOUTH CHICAGO DANCE THEATER What a treat to celebrate Black History Month by enjoying an educational, fun, and riveting performance by the South Chicago Dance Theater. Not only did our students learn very important history information, but they also had a chance to experience dance themselves.
LOVING LETTERS Thank you to all the parents and staff members who took the time to write a Loving Letter to our All-Stars. On Valentine’s Day, every student in the building received a special note to remind them of how much they are loved and how special they are.
BLACK HISTORY PARADE As we celebrate Black History Month, we honor those who have changed our world for good...
CELEBRATING 100 DAYS!!! It’s hard to believe we have been in school for over 100 days! Our students celebrated this milestone on February 7th by engaging in fun activities surrounding the number 100.
TWOSDAY, 2-22-22… TU-TU, TIES, AND TUBE SOCKS OH LET’S HAVE SOME FUN!!! A day full of activities around the number 2… and a cool costume to match!
+1 708-758-4520 +1 708-758-0364
600 E. 191st Place Glenwod, IL 60425
VISITORS If you need to come into the school for any reason, for safety reasons, you will be required to wear a mask, and you will need to have a current Driver’s License that will be checked in our Raptor Security System. Raptor® provides a line of sight as to who is always in our school. The system provides school and districtwide reporting for all visitors, volunteers, and contractors that have signed in/out of our buildings.
This is
important for safety reasons.
HICKORY BEND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENT SAFETY VEHICLE TRAFFIC FLOW IN THE OVERFLOW PARKING LOT Thank you for the attention you have all given to ensuring safety in the parking lots. However, despite our best efforts, we have still suffered a number of “close calls” due to both speed and traffic flow. In order to increase safety, the following is being asked of all vehicular traffic. If you plan to park your vehicle… • Please use the overflow parking lot that is shared with the school and the church. • Please ENTER the shared parking lot from the NORTH (nearest the stoplight), and EXIT the shared parking lot from the SOUTH (near 192nd street). This will encourage one-way traffic in and out of the shared parking lot. If you plan to remain in your vehicle to dropoff/pick up your student… • Please enter and exit the parking area
through the north entrance (nearest the stoplight). Please adhere to the cone patterns and do not drive around a vehicle that is slightly delayed. Please do not drive between cones.
At All Times… • Please travel at slow speeds. • Please obey the direction of the staff.
Thank You for Your Cooperation!