1 minute read
Our Beloved Rosia Mitchell, Assistant Principal for Brookwood Junior High, will be in our hearts forever. Her sphere of influence reached every school in the district and beyond. She was a light to every space she entered, and that light will endure for generations to come.
Read these kind words written by Ms. Trennisha Thompson:
“Rosia Mitchell was my son’s vice principal at BMS; a year or two later, she was the Assistant Principal at BJHS. She told me she was following the students, so I said, “ Well, are you going to follow them to HF or Bloom?” She thought about it for a second and giggled. I worked with her briefly at BJHS. Whenever the students needed to be redirected, she was always right there to lend a helping hand. When she walked into the classroom, you could hear a pin drop. Her presence demanded respect! Nobody wanted to sit in her back office after getting reprimanded in school, but somehow EVERYBODY wanted to be in her back office and just talk to her because the students always talked about how cool she was.
School hourS
Students’ school day is from 8:30 a.m. until 3:10 p.m.
Students should not arrive earlier than 8:10 a.m.
If ever you have questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to our staff. No question is too small, and no concern is too big for us to handle as a team. As always, we look forward to working in partnership with our families to ensure our AllStars continue to grow and succeed
Ms. Mitchell had a passion for sports. She enjoyed playing basketball with the students. Sometimes, she would even let them win! Her presence will be missed by her family and friends, countless students whose lives she has touched in some way, and a plethora of people at Brookwood School District 167. We will truly miss you.”
To ensure that our students excel academically, they must attend school daily and be on time. When students are tardy, they miss valuable instruction, primarily in reading and language arts. Attendance will be tied into our school’s PBIS expectations in which students will be able to earn rewards and participate in fun activities.
When your child has to be absent, please inform the front office. Our absentee number is 708-757-2120.