LWS | May Newsletter

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May Newsletter L ongwood E lementary S chool

Longwood Elementary School 441 Longwood Drive Glenwood, IL 60425

School: (708) 757-2100 Absentee Line: (708) 756-2872 Dr. Reginald Patterson, Principal

A Message From The Principal

Dr. Reginald Patterson

VIRTUAL MEETINGS FOR REMOTE LEARNING The biggest challenge we have during this period is helping our students return to school not traumatized by this situation. Their social and emotional health is our number one goal so they can return to school with a continued love of learning. We are attempting to make this happen with the virtual meetings. This is an opportunity for seeing and hearing their teachers and classmates on a routine basis.

(Above), a schedule of the Zoom meetings for each grade level and alternative class. Contact your child’s teacher or check your Class Dojo message for the meeting password. Dr. Reginald Patterson Principal, Longwood Elementary School

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Longwood Elementary School

“Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence.” --Robert Frost


Longwood Elementary School

Parent Contact During Remote Learning Parents and students can contact staff members during the following periods: • Monday - Thursday 9:00 - 11:00 am and 1:00 - 3:00 pm • Monday and Thursday | Reading, Writing, and Social Studies • Tuesday and Thursday | Math and STEM/Science • Monday through Thursday | Art, Music, and Physical Education

Learning Packet #3 The final learning packet for this school year, Learning Packet # 3 will be available beginning Wednesday, May 6th. On that date and all Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays after, the building will be open from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm for Learning Packet # 3 pick-up. We are still asking for completed packets to be held at home for safety purposes. 33


Longwood Elementary School


Please remember to review the “Parent/Student Handbook� with your child. It is very important that your family is familiar with all school procedures.



Longwood Elementary School

COVID-19... Helping Children Cope With Changes Resulting From COVID-19 from the NASP (National Association of School Psychologist) STAY CALM, LISTEN, AND OFFER REASSURANCE Be a role model •

Children will react to and follow your reactions. They learn from your example.

Be aware of how you talk about COVID-19 •

Your discussion about COVID-19 can increase or decrease your child’s fear. If true, remind your child that your family is healthy, and you are going to do everything within your power to keep loved ones safe and well. Carefully listen or have them draw or write out their thoughts and feelings and respond with truth and reassurance.

Explain social distancing •

Children probably don’t fully understand why parents/guardians aren’t allowing them to be with friends. Tell your child that your family is following the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which include social distancing. Social distancing means staying away from others until the risk of contracting COVID-19 is under control. Showing older children the “flatten the curve” charts will help them grasp the significance of social distancing. Explain that while we don’t know how long it will take to “flatten the curve” to reduce the number of those infected, we do know that this is a critical time—we must follow the guidelines of health experts to do our part.

Demonstrate deep breathing •

Deep breathing is a valuable tool for calming the nervous system. Do breathing exercises with your children.

Focus on the positive •

Celebrate having more time to spend as a family. Make it as fun as possible. Do family projects. Organize belongings, create masterpieces. Sing, laugh, and go outside, if possible, to connect with nature and get needed exercise. Allow older children to connect with their friends virtually.

Establish and maintain a daily routine •

Keeping a regular schedule provides a sense of control, predictability, calm, and well-being. It also helps children and other family members respect others’ need for quiet or uninterrupted time and when they can connect with friends virtually.

Identify projects that might help others •

This could include: writing letters to the neighbors or others who might be stuck at home alone or to healthcare workers; sending positive messages over social media; or reading a favorite children’s book on a social media platform for younger children to hear.

Offer lots of love and affection. 5

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Longwood Elementary School

STUDENT PERSONAL ITEMS... CURBSIDE PICK-UP DATES There are several items left in the classrooms that we want to return to the students. Through planning on how to get these returned in a safe manner for everyone. We have decided to hold curbside pick-up dates. Teachers will spend the next time gathering and packing each student’s materials. Then, parents may come to school and pick-up items without having to enter the building. The first two curbside pick-up dates will be based on the student’s last name. • May 19th | Students last name beginning with (A - L) • May 20th | Students last name beginning with (M - Z)


Longwood Elementary School



Longwood Elementary School 441 Longwood Drive Glenwood, IL 60425

School: (708) 757-2100 Absentee Line: (708) 756-2872 Dr. Reginald Patterson, Principal

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