Brookwood School District 167 Important COVID-19 Saliva Testing (Shield Illinois) Information for Families
Since August of 2021, Brookwood School District 167 has been working with Shield Illinois to have onsite COVID-19 saliva testing for students and staff. Our district secured a partnership with Shield Illinois and began the process for an “Opt-In” testing program as advised by Shield Illinois. Unfortunately, our schools did not receive the required minimum number of consents from our schools to use the “Opt-In” Program. Thus, Shield Illinois recommended that we begin the “Opt-Out” Program. Through this program, we will be able to identify COVID-19 cases quickly and proactively. The saliva testing will be provided by Shield Illinois – the University of Illinois’ PCR saliva test. The test has a sensitivity rate of 96.8% and a specificity rate of 98.9%. That level of accuracy means that the individuals being tested won’t need a second test to confirm the result. Shield Illinois will be able to begin our onsite testing program on February
2, 2022.
Who will be tested? All students will be tested unless their parents opt-out.
How is the testing done? The Shield Illinois testing is free, quick, and easy. The test is saliva-based and is NOT a nasal swab.
When is the testing done? Mondays: Hickory Bend Elementary School Wednesdays: Longwood Elementary School Thursdays: Brookwood Middle School Fridays: Brookwood Junior High School
Results will be available within 24-36 hours. Parents will be able to access their child’s results through a confidential digital portal. In addition to you receiving your child’s test results, Brookwood School District 167 and Illinois Department of Public Health (“IDPH”) will also receive your child’s test results, consistent with IDPH guidance and the Illinois Control of Communicable Disease Code. We are attaching an “Opt-Out” form should you reconsider having your child participate in this testing program. If you decide to “opt-out”, please complete the form and submit it to your child’s school office. If you have any questions, please email Lena Ayala-Martinez at
Thank you for your ongoing support!
Brookwood School District 167 “Opt-Out” Form for COVID-19 Testing What is this Notice? Brookwood School District 167 has partnered with the University of Illinois to test Brookwood School District 167 students, teachers, and staff members for COVID-19 infection. This notice provides information about the program to allow an informed consent for your child to participate in the testing program. By not opting-out of the testing program as described below, consent for your child to be tested for COVID-19 infection is presumed.
If you do NOT consent for your child to be tested for COVID-19 infection, complete, sign, and return the OPT-OUT form below to your child’s school. Parent/Guardian Information OPT-OUT Form: All sections required – please print clearly Only if you DO NOT want your child to be tested
Parent/Guardian Print Name:
Parent/Guardian Address:
Parent/Guardian Phone #:
Parent/Guardian Email:
Child/Student Information
Child/Student Print Name: Child/Student Date of Birth: Child/Student School: By signing below, I attest that I have signed this form freely and voluntarily, and I am legally authorized to make decisions for the child named above. I DO NOT consent for my child to be tested for COVID-19 infection. ONLY ORIGINAL SIGNATURES ACCEPTED – NO COPIES OR SCANS
Signature of Parent/Guardian