3 minute read
Addressing the media Safe Haven/Rally Points: HB…………..………………………………….……………………...………………….50
1. Work with the school nurse to inform staff and students about best hygiene practices 2. Continue to authorize maintenance personnel, nurse and health clerks to order products needed for cleaning and disinfection 3. Do not allow students who have not been in attendance due to illness to report unless cleared in writing from a licensed physician 4.. As soon as students become ill at school, require a parent or designated adult to pick them up 5. Create a plan to cover teacher’s classes internally should an outbreak with staff occur 6 . Work with the superintendent when initiating calls to the local
Board of Health 7. Communicate with parents, staff and surrounding school districts 8. Coordinate alternate school instruction and or school closure 9. Decisions regarding cancellation of school events will be communicated in a timely manner 10. Hold an emergency staff meeting at close of school to brief staff 11. In the event of a school closure, the primary concern is the safety and wellness of all staff, students, and families. 12. Be sure all staff receive ongoing support and training to utilize remote learning tools and understand expectations prior to the start of the school year 13. Be sure all students receive ongoing instruction and support in utilizing remote learning tools and the understanding of expectations at the beginning of the school year and throughout the school year 14. Be sure all parents/guardians receive ongoing guidance and support in understanding the remote learning plans and expectations 1. Follow school policy/procedure for communicating assignments 2. Keep sub plans updated and in predetermined designated area
3. Teach students best practices for hygiene (i.e. covering mouth when coughing or sneezing) 4. Send ill students immediately to the nurse 5. Providing students with access to facial tissue, hand sanitizer in the classroom 6. On-going personal, medical care in the event of illness 7. Calling the school principal with ample notice in the event of personal illness 8. Follow the District’sRemote Learning
Plan guidelines and expectations
CRIT/Sweep Team Responsibilities
1. Report to Administrator-in-Charge for directions 2. Help with parent notification and distribution of parent letter 3. Perform any duties as assigned by the principal
Example: Parent Letter H1N1
Dear Parent or Guardian:
We were informed today that we have a confirmed case of H1N1 (swine) influenza at Brookwood Jr. High School. With directives from the Illinois and Cook County Health Departments and recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), we continue to make every effort to limit cases of influenza A (H1N1) virus (swine flu). To ensure the safety of all of our students and staff, we are taking the following preventative measures: closely monitoring student and staff absences due to influenza-like illness, aggressively excluding ill students and staff from school for the recommended 7-day period of time emphasizing the importance of hand hygiene and “cover your cough” etiquette.
The symptoms of H1N1 virus are similar to the symptoms of the regular flu and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills, and fatigue. Some people have reported diarrhea and vomiting. If you notice these symptoms in your child, please contact your doctor immediately. If your doctor believes that your child may have the H1N1 virus, be prepared to keep your child home from school for seven calendar days after the symptoms started. If your child is still sick after seven days, keep him/her home until completely well and showing no symptoms, for 24 hours.
If your doctor does not believe that your child has the H1N1 virus, our normal rules apply: 1) your child must be fever-free for at least 24 hours, 2) you must have a note from a doctor, and 4) all medication given at school must have a written doctor’s order and be signed by a parent.
If you have any questions or would like further information about the H1N1 virus, please contact the Cook County Department of Public Health at (708) 449-2000 or visit www.cookcountypublichealth.org