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Nutrition Tips Week One ............................................................................ 2 Week Two ............................................................................ 3 5 Questions for Fat Loss ................................................. 4 All about Protein . ............................................................. 5 Week Three ..........................................................................6 Week Four ............................................................................7 21 Superfoods Reference Guide ..................................8 Week Five .............................................................................9 Fat Loss Supplement Guide for Men ....................... 10 Fat Loss Supplement Guide for Women ................ 13 Week Six . ........................................................................... 16 Calorie Control: A Simple Guide for Men . ............. 17 Calorie Control: A Simple Guide for Women ........ 18 Week Seven ...................................................................... 19

Nutrition Tips Week One 1.

Focus on habits – You can’t get on the scale in the morning and say “the scale is going to be lighter today.” But you can say “I’m going to eat a nutritious breakfast.” Eating a healthy breakfast is a good habit. Making the numbers on the scale go down is an outcome. Work to focus on habits and the outcomes will happen.


Be proactive – Everyone knows what they shouldn’t do. You know you should eat less sugar, get more sleep, and not eat all the bread in the basket when you go out to eat. Be proactive. Think about things you can do: drink green tea (instead of soda), take the stairs (instead of the elevator), or telling your waiter to not bring the bread basket to the table (so you can’t eat it all). Everyone is telling you what not to do. Be proactive, it’ll help you more,

Action Plan: Drink ½ ounce of Water for every pound of body weight daily.       

Drinking water is easy and it doesn’t cost anything The human body is 50-60 percent water. Hydration just makes you feel better Hydration improves the quality of muscles, fascia, and joints Every cell in the body needs water so give them what they need. Water boosts metabolism Makes you feel full so you’ll eat less

How much water do you need? Simply cut your total body weight in half and that’s how many ounces you will need daily. Body Weight (in pounds) / 2 = Water per Day 190 / 2 = 95 ounces per day Bottom Line: Drinking 2 cups of water (16oz) before a meal will keep you hydrated, make you feel fuller and boost metabolism. DRINK UP!!!!

“Thousands have lived without love, not one without water” – W.H. Auden


Nutrition Tips Week Two 1.

Initiate Change – Most of us go about change entirely backwards. Most of us are smart enough to know when we want to improve we need to change something substantial in our lives. Instead of tackling change the right way we implement change as much as we can as fast as we can. Lasting change happens when we focus on less.


Focusing On Less Helps You Achieve More – Tackle one simple habit at a time. Master it, practice it and make it as routine as brushing your teeth. When it comes to fat loss nutrition, there are only five important things you need to think about. ONLY FIVE.

First- to lose fat you have to DECREASE your calories. In other words you have to start eating less. Second- to support your muscle you have to gradually INCREASE your protein. In other words eat more lean meat, chicken, fish or whatever lean vegetarian source you choose. These foods help speed up your metabolism, help you feel full, and provide important amino acids. Third- to create the right environment for fat loss, you need to gradually DECREASE your carbs. In other words eat less sugar and starches- like processed grains. Eating too much of these foods can wreak havoc on your bloodstream, increasing hormones that lead to fat gain. Fourth- to make sure your losing fat in a healthy way, you need to gradually INCREASE your veggies. You can think of it this way: start replacing your grains….with greens. If you do this you’ll be getting more fiber, vitamins and minerals. Fifth- to support your metabolism, you need to gradually replace your bad fats with healthy ones. By adding things like olive oil, avocados, nuts, seeds and fish oils, you’ll speed your metabolism and lose more fat than ever before.

Action Plan: Read “5 Questions for Fat Loss” right before you put the next piece of food in your mouth this way you will be mindful of what you are eating. Think about how your calories, proteins, carbs and fats stack up. Calories – DOWN. Protein – UP. Replace some carbs with veggies, and replace the bad fats with good ones.

Source: Precision Nutrition


5 Questions for Fat Loss Most people have heard about how to eat for fat loss. But they just can’t figure out what to eat when it comes time for a meal. And that’s largely because they’re asking themselves the wrong questions. That’s why we created this simple cheat sheet. It helps you ask the right questions at the most critical time – when it’s time to pick up the fork and spoon. To get the most out of this cheat sheet, simply print it out, fold it up, and make sure to ask yourself the following questions before your next meal.

Q1. Are you eating too much food? When fat loss is your primary goal, you should stop eating when you’re about 80% full. This will leave you satiated but not belly-rubbing full. So, for this next meal, do you plan on eating a little less than you normally would? You can eat from a smaller plate than usual. You can leave a little on the plate, instead of finishing everything in front of you. Or you can stop at one serving instead of going back for seconds. Whatever strategy you use, make sure you’re decreasing your calories compared to what you might normally eat.

Q2. Are you eating enough protein? Your protein intake determines whether you’re going to lose body fat or lean muscle. (Obviously, we want to lose the first and keep the latter.) So, for this next meal, is there enough lean protein included? Men should eat about 2 palm-sized portions and women should eat about 1 palm-sized portion. You can choose from sources including: lean meats (chicken, turkey, fish, lean beef, lean game meats), lean vegetarian sources (tofu, tempeh, legumes), or powdered protein supplements. Whichever type you choose, make sure you’re eating more protein than what you might normally eat.

Q3. Are you eating too many sugars or starches? Too many starches and sugars in your diet can prevent fat loss (or even cause fat gain). So, for this next meal, are there too many starches, particularly processed ones like bread or pasta? Men should eat less than 1 fist-sized portion and women should eat less than ½ fist-sized portion. Also, the amount of sugar should be minimized. Starches in the diet include grains, pasta, potatoes, rice, bread, and other carb-dense foods. And added sugars can be found in pop/soda, fruit juices, salad dressings, desserts, sweet snacks, and more. Again, you don’t have to cut these out completely. You just have to be sure to eat fewer of them than usual.

Q4. Are you eating enough vegetables? By replacing your grains with greens, you’ll still feel satisfied at the end of a meal while also increasing your intake of fiber and other important vitamins/minerals. So, for this next meal, are you eating enough vegetables? For fat loss, men should eat about 1 cup while women should eat about ½ cup. While most people think of salads when veggies are brought up, many other options are available. Baked, grilled, sautéed, or steamed veggies all count. As do foods like pesto or even kale chips. Regardless of which veggies you choose, make sure you’re eating more than usual.

Q5. Are you including enough healthy fats? Highly processed fats, often found in processed foods, can ruin your health and lead to fat gain. However, a healthy mix of other naturally occurring fats is important for fat loss. So, for this next meal, are you eating some healthy fats? You can choose from sources like olive oil, avocados, raw nuts (not roasted), raw seeds, and omega-3 rich fish oils. Whichever type you choose, make sure you’re adding healthy fats to your diet while replacing the unhealthy ones.

Copyright © 2011 by Precision Nutrition Inc. 4

Nutrition Tips All about Protein What are proteins? – Proteins are organic molecules made up of amino acids – the building blocks of life. These amino acids are joined together to create structures that are important to our body’s functioning. There are two main categories of amino acids in our body:  

Essential amino acids- our body can’t manufacture thus we must get them from our diet. Nonessential- those that the body can usually make on it’s own

Why is it important to get enough protein? - Since our bodies need proteins and amino acids to produce important molecules in our body – like enzymes, hormones, neurotransmitters and antibodies – without adequate protein intake, our bodies can’t function well at all. Protein helps replace worn-out cells, transports various substances throughout the body, and aids in growth and repair. Consuming protein can also increase levels of the hormone glucagon, and glucagon can help to control body fat. Glucagon is released when blood sugar levels go down. This causes the liver to break down stored glycogen into glucose for the body. It can also help to liberate free fatty acids from adipose tissue – another way to get fuel for the cells and make the body fat do something useful with itself instead of hanging lazily around your mid-section! How much protein do you need? – By following the recommendations below, you’ll not only ensure adequate protein, you’ll also be sure to maximally stimulate your metabolism, improve your muscle mass and recovery, and reduce your body fat.  

Women: 20-30 grams of protein per meal Men: 40-60 grams of protein per meal The Protein Chart

Food Type:

Lean, Complete Protein Sources

Food Timing:

Eaten With Each Feeding Opportunity


Lean Meats- (ground beef, chicken, turkey, bison, venison, etc.) Fish - (salmon, tuna, cod, roughly, etc.) Eggs- (whole eggs, egg whites) Low fat Dairy – (cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, skim cheese) Vegetarian Choices- (tofu, tempeh, soy) Milk Protein Supplements- (whey, casein, milk protein blends

Source: Dr. John Berardi, PhD, Precision Nutrition


Nutrition Tips Week Three 1.

Eat Food – Here’s the thing, you often hear nutritionists talk about the so called “macronutrients”, but the truth is we don’t eat calories, or proteins, or carbs, or fats. We eat food. So the question is if you really want to lose fat what food should you eat? Well it’s easy if you break it down one meal at a time. So let’s use breakfast as an example:    

the “on the go breakfast”- like bagel and cream cheese the “restaurant breakfast”- like eggs, bacon hash brown and toast the “at-home breakfast”- like a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice the “nothing breakfast”- which is where you eat nothing

So why aren’t these breakfasts great for losing fat? Well let’s look at our checklist from Tip 2:      

In most examples the calories are too high –such as the restaurant breakfast In addition, the protein is to low- such as in the at home breakfast Also, the carbs are too high None of the meals include veggies And finally, none of the meals include healthy fats-and some contain too many unhealthy fats. And of course the calories are way down –as in the nothing breakfast which is missing all the nutrients that support your lean tissue and speed up metabolism.

Here’s the bottom line. In each of these breakfasts there are fundamental flaws that will prevent you from losing fat and may end up causing you to gain fat. So the question is this: If you want to lose fat what can you eat? Well, the answer is easy: EAT REAL FOOD. Making healthy fat loss meals is real easy and totally do-able no matter what type of lifestyle you currently live. There are ways to make any meal healthier, faster, and better for fat loss. Just look at the examples from the Gourmet Nutrition recipes that are included in this handout. 2.

Take it Easy – If you want to lose fat in the context of real life, don’t try to change every meal or snack you eat at once because that’s too hard. It’s too much change.

Action Plan: Focus on improving one meal. That may seem small. But, really it’s a huge step towards fat loss, and one many people never take. Pick one meal to change and try one of the Gourmet Nutrition recipes.

Source: Dr. John Berardi, PhD, Precision Nutrition


Nutrition Tips Week Four 1.

Plan ahead and prepare feedings – The hardest part about eating well isn’t necessarily understanding which foods are good and which are bad. Nor is it understanding proteins, carbs and fats. Nor is it understanding when to eat certain foods. Really, the hardest part is consistency. Sometimes good nutrition is not about the food as much as it is about making sure the food is available when it’s time to eat. As a result, you’ll need to come up with food preparation strategies in order to ensure that you can consistently get the nutrition you need, when you need it. Some examples:       

Cook a bunch of meals on Sunday for the upcoming week Get up 30 minutes earlier to prepare your food for the day Hire a food preparation service Chop Veggies only Twice per week Pre-cook your protein Get personal meal sized Tupperware Get a shaker bottle “FAILING to PLAN is PLANNING to FAIL”

2. 21 Super Foods – When some people think of eating well, the often say things like. “I’m watching what I eat.” The idea of “watching what you eat” however, has become synonymous with eliminating foods from your diet. It you want to achieve optimal balance between health, body composition, and performance this is a mistake. You must also have replacements and additions, not just subtractions. In other words you need to learn which foods you should be eating more of. Spend most of your meals eating from the “good foods” list and you won’t have much time for those on the “bad foods” list. Action Plan: pick one of the strategies from the list above and use it this week. Read the attached 21 Superfoods Reference Guide and add more foods from that list as replacements.

Source: Dr. John Berardi, PhD, Precision Nutrition


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Nutrition Tips Week Five Supplements for Fat Loss – There are over 40,000 nutritional supplements for sale in the US alone. While certain supplements can be useful in a fat loss program most people overestimate their importance. The industry here in the US is kinda like the Wild Wild West: lawless and unregulated. Products are mislabeled, meaning things that are on the label sometimes aren’t in the bottle, and things that shouldn’t be in the product somehow find their way in. And on top of that, companies regularly sell supplements that haven’t been tested to see if they actually work, or worse, that they’re safe for regular use. That’s not good. So if it’s such a big mess – and it is – then what exactly do you do? 1. Avoid taking supplements – the truth is you don’t need them. Lots of people have gotten in shape over the years taking nothing at all!!!! 2. Examine legitimate research – some supplements have a ton of research behind them that is readily available to the public. Do the research and get good advice from legitimate experts. *Dr. John Berardi has 3 PhD’s on his staff at Precision Nutrition to sort through all the research and interpret the scientific jargon for you.

Which Supplements to take – there are 4 supplements that can reliably help with a fat loss programwhile still being safe to use on a regular basis. Here they are: 1. Fish Oil – You may have heard a lot about Omega-3’s – and fish oil is the key source. There’s a ton of research, fish oil’s great for fat loss and it’s even shown to improve mood and motivation. 2. Multivitamins – A good multivitamin can help fix deficiencies of the modern diet which slow metabolism and impair your ability to burn fat. 3. Protein Powder – Adding some quick protein can be helpful when crunched for time. 4. Greens Product – Can come in handy if you don’t eat enough vegetables and are missing out on the micronutrients they contain. Action Plan: Read the Supplement Cheat Sheet it explains how to use the recommended supplements.

Source: Dr. John Berardi, PhD, Precision Nutrition


Fat Loss Supplement Guide – for Men Choosing nutritional supplements can be tough. There’s so much information available, and much of it is published by people who are biased in one direction or another. That’s why we have 3 PhDs on staff — to make sense of the mountains of supplement information available, legitimate or otherwise. At Precision Nutrition, we translate high quality research into simple recommendations our clients can use to lose body fat. So when it comes to supplements, we’ve reduced years of research into 4 simple supplement recommendations that you can use right away. The following 4 supplements are the ones we recommend specifically to our fat loss clients. These products can reliably help in a fat loss program, while still being safe to use regularly.

1. Fish Oil You may have heard a lot about Omega-3’s. And fish oil is the key source. There’s a ton of very positive research on fish oil supplementation, it’s been shown to be great for fat loss, and it’s even been shown to improve mood and motivation. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your fish oil.

CHOOSE THE RIGHT PRODUCT Not all omega 3-rich foods are created equal. So, even though flax seeds and flax seed oils are high in omega 3 fats, you can’t substitute these foods in place of fish oils. Further, not all fish oils are the same. For example, liver oils (like cod liver oil) aren’t the kind you should be using. No, to get the benefits we discuss above, you’ll want to choose omega 3 rich fish oils from the brands recommended below. Genuine Health (o3mega)

CHOOSE THE RIGHT DOSE Our clients start out by using 1 gram of fish oil per percent body fat they have. So, if they’re 10% body fat, they use 10 grams of fish oil. If they’re 20% body fat, they use 20 grams of fish oil. And so on, up to a maximum dose of 30 grams per day. We follow this protocol for 14 days. Then, we cut the dose in half. So, if a client starts out taking 10 grams for 2 weeks, they cut the dose down to 5 grams after that. If they start out taking 20 grams for 2 weeks, they cut the dose down to 10 grams after that. This latter dose (1/2 gram per percent body fat) can be followed indefinitely.

CHOOSE LIQUID OVER CAPSULES We also make it easy on our clients by recommending liquid fish oil supplements (vs. the capsules). Liquid supplements are higher in purity, rarely cause the “fish burps” that are common with fish oil capsules, and make it much easier to get the recommended dose. 10

Copyright © 2011 by Precision Nutrition Inc.

For example, each tablespoon of liquid fish oil contains 15 grams of fish oil. So, would you rather take 1 tablespoon of fish oil in a day or swallow a whopping 15 capsules? If you’re anything like most of our clients, forget the capsules and go with the liquid.

CHOSE REPUTABLE BRANDS Our favorite liquid fish oil brands are the following: • Carlson Labs (Very Finest Fish Oil) • Genuine Health (o3mega) • Nordic Naturals (Ultimate Omega)

2. Multivitamins As you’ve probably heard, the modern diet often leads to small deficiencies of certain vitamins and minerals. These deficiencies can slow your metabolism and impair your ability to burn fat – among other things. And a good multivitamin can help fix that. Here are a few tips for choosing a good one for you.

CHOOSE THE RIGHT PRODUCT Like with most supplements on the market, choosing a multi-vitamin can be confusing. So many companies, so many products; it can be overwhelming. So, to keep it simple, here’s our advice. Any multi-vitamin is better than none. Even drugstore brands like Centrum represent a step in the right direction if you’re not supplementing right now. Genuine Health (multi+)

CHOOSE THE RIGHT DOSE It’s important not to overdose on vitamins as some of them (particularly the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K) can build up to toxic levels. That’s why you should stick with the recommendations on the label of the brand you choose.

CHOSE REPUTABLE BRANDS Our favorite multivitamin brands are the following: • Genuine Health (multi+) • Platnium Naturals (active X)

3. Protein Powder Protein powder’s not entirely necessary if you get enough protein from the foods you eat, like lean meats, chicken and fish. But since most people are crunched for time, they find themselves eating too little protein. That’s why adding some quick high-quality protein can be really, really helpful. So here are some tips for getting the most out of your protein supplementation.


Cytosport (Muscle Milk Light; contains milk protein)

Protein powder has come a long way since the early days of chalky whey protein. Nowadays, protein powders are extracted from all types of food sources – dairy, eggs, soy, and a host of plant sources like hemp, pea kernels, certain seeds and more. Plus, many of these options actually taste good. So, whether you’re lactose intolerant, allergic to milk, or choose to follow a plant-based diet, you can pick the right product for your unique needs. The key, however, is to choose simple products, without too many additional ingredients. The brands below will help you get on the right track.


Copyright © 2011 by Precision Nutrition Inc.

CHOOSE THE RIGHT DOSE As mentioned above, protein powders aren’t necessary as we can meet our daily protein powders from whole food sources. However, for those of us crunched for time, protein supplements can come in handy. The key is to not replace too much of those whole food sources with powders. That’s why we ask our clients to limit their protein powder to a maximum of 4 scoops (about 80 grams) per day.

CHOSE REPUTABLE BRANDS Our favorite protein brands for fat loss are: • • • •

Biotest (Metabolic Drive; contains milk protein) Cytosport (Muscle Milk Light; contains milk protein) Genuine Health (vegan proteins+; contains only plant-based protein) Vega (Sport Performance Protein; contains only plant-based protein)

4. Greens If you get enough veggies, a greens supplement might not be entirely necessary. But most people simply don’t eat enough vegetables, and are missing out on the micronutrients they contain — many of which help you lose fat either directly or indirectly. And a greens supplement can come in handy here. Here are some tips for choosing the right product.


Genuine Health (greens+)

There are hundreds of greens products on the market. However, very few have been studied for their effects on the body. One product, however, is different. It’s called greens+ and it’s been shown (in a handful of studies) to increase the antioxidant status of the body, improve pH, lower stress hormones, and more. We’ll, be honest. When we see that a product has been tested repeatedly in a research environment, we get excited. So we’re definitely excited about greens+ and its potential impact on fat loss as well as overall healthy.

CHOOSE THE RIGHT DOSE Using label recommendations, stick with 1-2 servings a day.

CHOSE REPUTABLE BRANDS Our favorite greens brands for fat loss are: • Biotest (Superfood) • Genuine Health (greens+) • Progressive Nutritional Therapies (Veggie Greens) So there you have it, our 4 supplements for long-term, sustainable fat loss. A lot of thought and a lot of research have gone into these recommendations. These supplements are what I use personally. And they’re also what I have our clients use. Nothing more. So if you have a question about a supplement that we didn’t talk about in this guide, just know that we’ve been doing this a long time and have seen it all. If it’s not one of those 4 — fish oil, multivitamin, protein powder, greens supplement — then I don’t use it regularly, and neither do our clients. And we produce more dramatic fat loss stories than probably anyone else, anywhere else.


Copyright © 2011 by Precision Nutrition Inc.

Fat Loss Supplement Guide – for Women Choosing nutritional supplements can be tough. There’s so much information available, and much of it is published by people who are biased in one direction or another. That’s why we have 3 PhDs on staff — to make sense of the mountains of supplement information available, legitimate or otherwise. At Precision Nutrition, we translate high quality research into simple recommendations our clients can use to lose body fat. So when it comes to supplements, we’ve reduced years of research into 4 simple supplement recommendations that you can use right away. The following 4 supplements are the ones we recommend specifically to our fat loss clients. These products can reliably help in a fat loss program, while still being safe to use regularly.

1. Fish Oil You may have heard a lot about Omega-3’s. And fish oil is the key source. There’s a ton of very positive research on fish oil supplementation, it’s been shown to be great for fat loss, and it’s even been shown to improve mood and motivation. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your fish oil.

CHOOSE THE RIGHT PRODUCT Not all omega 3-rich foods are created equal. So, even though flax seeds and flax seed oils are high in omega 3 fats, you can’t substitute these foods in place of fish oils. Further, not all fish oils are the same. For example, liver oils (like cod liver oil) aren’t the kind you should be using. No, to get the benefits we discuss above, you’ll want to choose omega 3 rich fish oils from the brands recommended below. Genuine Health (o3mega)

CHOOSE THE RIGHT DOSE Our clients start out by using 1 gram of fish oil per percent body fat they have. So, if they’re 10% body fat, they use 10 grams of fish oil. If they’re 20% body fat, they use 20 grams of fish oil. And so on, up to a maximum dose of 30 grams per day. We follow this protocol for 14 days. Then, we cut the dose in half. So, if a client starts out taking 10 grams for 2 weeks, they cut the dose down to 5 grams after that. If they start out taking 20 grams for 2 weeks, they cut the dose down to 10 grams after that. This latter dose (1/2 gram per percent body fat) can be followed indefinitely.

CHOOSE LIQUID OVER CAPSULES We also make it easy on our clients by recommending liquid fish oil supplements (vs. the capsules). Liquid supplements are higher in purity, rarely cause the “fish burps” that are common with fish oil capsules, and make it much easier to get the recommended dose. 13

Copyright © 2011 by Precision Nutrition Inc.

For example, each tablespoon of liquid fish oil contains 15 grams of fish oil. So, would you rather take 1 tablespoon of fish oil in a day or swallow a whopping 15 capsules? If you’re anything like most of our clients, forget the capsules and go with the liquid.

CHOSE REPUTABLE BRANDS Our favorite liquid fish oil brands are the following: • Carlson Labs (Very Finest Fish Oil) • Genuine Health (o3mega) • Nordic Naturals (Ultimate Omega)

2. Multivitamins As you’ve probably heard, the modern diet often leads to small deficiencies of certain vitamins and minerals. These deficiencies can slow your metabolism and impair your ability to burn fat – among other things. And a good multivitamin can help fix that. Here are a few tips for choosing a good one for you.

CHOOSE THE RIGHT PRODUCT Like with most supplements on the market, choosing a multi-vitamin can be confusing. So many companies, so many products; it can be overwhelming. So, to keep it simple, here’s our advice. Any multi-vitamin is better than none. Even drugstore brands like Centrum represent a step in the right direction if you’re not supplementing right now. Genuine Health (multi+)

CHOOSE THE RIGHT DOSE It’s important not to overdose on vitamins as some of them (particularly the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K) can build up to toxic levels. That’s why you should stick with the recommendations on the label of the brand you choose.

CHOSE REPUTABLE BRANDS Our favorite multivitamin brands are the following: • Genuine Health (multi+) • Platnium Naturals (active X)

3. Protein Powder Protein powder’s not entirely necessary if you get enough protein from the foods you eat, like lean meats, chicken and fish. But since most people are crunched for time, they find themselves eating too little protein. That’s why adding some quick high-quality protein can be really, really helpful. So here are some tips for getting the most out of your protein supplementation.

CHOOSE THE RIGHT PRODUCT Genuine Health (vegan proteins+; contains only plant-based protein)

Protein powder has come a long way since the early days of chalky whey protein. Nowadays, protein powders are extracted from all types of food sources – dairy, eggs, soy, and a host of plant sources like hemp, pea kernels, certain seeds and more. Plus, many of these options actually taste good. So, whether you’re lactose intolerant, allergic to milk, or choose to follow a plant-based diet, you can pick the right product for your unique needs. The key, however, is to choose simple products, without too many additional ingredients. The brands below will help you get on the right track.


Copyright © 2011 by Precision Nutrition Inc.

CHOOSE THE RIGHT DOSE As mentioned above, protein powders aren’t necessary as we can meet our daily protein powders from whole food sources. However, for those of us crunched for time, protein supplements can come in handy. The key is to not replace too much of those whole food sources with powders. That’s why we ask our clients to limit their protein powder to a maximum of 4 scoops (about 80 grams) per day.

CHOSE REPUTABLE BRANDS Our favorite protein brands for fat loss are: • • • •

Biotest (Metabolic Drive; contains milk protein) Cytosport (Muscle Milk Light; contains milk protein) Genuine Health (vegan proteins+; contains only plant-based protein) Vega (Sport Performance Protein; contains only plant-based protein)

4. Greens If you get enough veggies, a greens supplement might not be entirely necessary. But most people simply don’t eat enough vegetables, and are missing out on the micronutrients they contain — many of which help you lose fat either directly or indirectly. And a greens supplement can come in handy here. Here are some tips for choosing the right product.


Genuine Health (greens+)

There are hundreds of greens products on the market. However, very few have been studied for their effects on the body. One product, however, is different. It’s called greens+ and it’s been shown (in a handful of studies) to increase the antioxidant status of the body, improve pH, lower stress hormones, and more. We’ll, be honest. When we see that a product has been tested repeatedly in a research environment, we get excited. So we’re definitely excited about greens+ and its potential impact on fat loss as well as overall healthy.

CHOOSE THE RIGHT DOSE Using label recommendations, stick with 1-2 servings a day.

CHOSE REPUTABLE BRANDS Our favorite greens brands for fat loss are: • Biotest (Superfood) • Genuine Health (greens+) • Progressive Nutritional Therapies (Veggie Greens) So there you have it, our 4 supplements for long-term, sustainable fat loss. A lot of thought and a lot of research have gone into these recommendations. These supplements are what I use personally. And they’re also what I have our clients use. Nothing more. So if you have a question about a supplement that we didn’t talk about in this guide, just know that we’ve been doing this a long time and have seen it all. If it’s not one of those 4 — fish oil, multivitamin, protein powder, greens supplement — then I don’t use it regularly, and neither do our clients. And we produce more dramatic fat loss stories than probably anyone else, anywhere else.


Copyright © 2011 by Precision Nutrition Inc.

Nutrition Tips Week Six Calorie Control – When is a calorie not a calorie? When it comes from whole (versus processed) food. You see, digesting food costs energy. And we expend more calories/energy digesting whole foods than we do digesting processed foods. Thus, if you want to lose fat, choose whole foods as often as possible. Counting Calories? – If you heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times; The best – maybe even the only – way to lose weight is to count calories. After all it’s a pretty simple equation: Calories In vs. Calories Out. Eat more calories than you burn, and you gain weight. Eat fewer calories than you burn and you lose weight. Except, counting calories isn’t that simple. The Problem With Calorie Counting: st

1 – on the “calories in” side – you need to figure the amount of calories in the foods you want to eat. And that takes handbooks, websites, databases and math. UGH! nd

2 – you have to assume that all the handbooks, websites and databases’ calorie estimates are correct. They’re often not. Research has shown they can be off as much as 25% because of incorrect labeling, laboratory measurement error, and food quality. rd

3 – on the “calories out” side – Estimating your calorie expenditure each day comes with another 25% because of the equipment you’re using, laboratory measurement errors, and individual differences. A possible 25% error on the “calories in” side, and another 25% error on the “calories out” side. Is it even worth:    

pulling out measuring cups dusting off the food scale wheeling in the abacus to keep the calorie tally subscribing to apps and web services to track these less-than-accurate numbers?

Calorie counting is a drag! No wonder so many people give up and go back to eating the way they were before. The Calorie Counting Antidote – Here’s the good news: calorie counting is rarely necessary. All you need is the ability to count to two and your own hand. Here’s how it works:    

your palm determines your protein portions. your fist determines your veggie portions. your cupped hand determines your carb portions. your thumb determines your fat portions.

Action Plan: add more whole foods to your diet, work to eliminate processed foods, and read the Simple Guide to calorie control handout.

Source: Dr. John Berardi, PhD, Precision Nutrition




Nutrition Tips Week Seven Watch Your Sugar Intake – Hidden sugar is everywhere, not just on our counter tops. It’s often found in breads, dressings, sauces, and even some fruits (packaged). Diets high in sugar cause a host of health problems:    

Reduced insulin sensitivity (restricting the conversion of glucose to energy) Poor carbohydrate sensitivity Diabetes Excess fat gain (especially on our love handles and upper back)

Most people don’t know that high sugar diets can lead to something called glycation. This happens when there are high amounts of sugar in the blood can cause the binding of sugar molecules to blood proteins. This reduces their biological activity of these proteins causing: premature aging, cancer, cataracts, Alzheimer’s, kidney disorders, and joint pain. Even if we knowingly avoid table sugar we can still consume a lot of sugar. Just look at the following: Breakfast: 1 ½ cups cereal, 1 cup orange juice, 1 cup milk

= 15tsp sugar

Snack: 2 toaster pastries, 1 can soda/pop/coke

=7tsp sugar

Lunch: sandwich, granola bar, 1 cup apple juice

= 7tsp sugar

Snack: apple sauce, Gatorade

= 7tsp sugar

Dinner: salad w/dressing, potato, steak, 2-3 cookies

= 6-7tsp sugar

That’s close to 180 grams of SUGAR!!!!!!! Way to much! So what to do? Always check the ingredient label before buying a food. Look for and avoid the following: sucrose, glucose, fructose, maltose, dextrose, maltodextrin, corn syrup, honey, cane sugar, sugar beets, high fructose corn syrup, maple sugar, molasses. Action Plan: make it a habit to read the ingredient labels on the foods you buy and stick to as close to zero grams of sugar when choosing foods for your refrigerator or pantry, your health, body composition and performance will thank you! How was that for being short but sweet?

Source: Dr. John Berardi, PhD, Precision Nutrition


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