“Smart Growth”
Achieving Long-Term Profitable Growth in
Property & Casualty Insurance In the insurance business, it seems like every new year presents itself as ‘the toughest year yet’. Merger and acquisition activity combined with the greater society’s switching of investments to more conservative portfolios, means there will once again be added pressure on mutual companies to compete with companies who have more capital to invest. But does access to capital really guarantee long term profitability? Of course not. Could all of this activity in the public marketplace be an opportunity for small to mid-size mutual insurance companies to win big? We think so. The key to success will be your ability to grasp and execute a strategy for improving your organization’s management of customers, processes and employees. If done properly, that focus will lead to timely innovations that will improve rates of acquisition and retention. Flexibility will be derived from the elimination of waste and the creation of real customer value. Feel free to call us to discuss our work and how we may be able to help your company position itself for ‘the toughest years’ ahead. Regards,
Bernard L. Rosauer President Evenbetteryet, LLC
Bernard Rosauer, President at Evenbetteryet, LLC, gained his experience while working for 21 years with three “WARD 50” insurance carriers. He improved operations for companies with various distribution channels: direct, captive agency and independent agency. In addition, he helped execute strategies for acquiring and retaining customers in successful affinity based business models. The markets he helped serve include: personal lines, commercial lines (CP, BOP, Transportation), and farm lines both in the public and mutual company space. In 1992, Mr. Rosauer began researching the drivers of long-term profitable growth in the Property & Casualty Insurance industry. The results of his research led him to the development of a methodology for helping carriers “change the way people think about insurance”. He specializes in helping companies channel their focus and resources away from waste and toward activities that drive long-term profitable growth.
-Evenbetteryet, LLC
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Think Customer. Think Process. Think Employee.
Methodology Customer: Implement and Measure Your Company’s “Net Promoter Score” (likelihood of referral).*
Process: Reduce waste and increase value from both a provision and consumption standpoint. “Learn to see” waste and value and train employees to do the same continuously.
Employee: Ensuring discretionary effort leads to value (in the eyes of your customers).
*NPS, Net Promoter and Net Promoter Score are trademarks of Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Bain & Company, and Fred Reichheld.
Our target market is the small or mid-size mutual carrier. We know the business. We know the markets. We know what drives profitable growth over the long term. And we’re here to help position your company for the future. Yes, we are here to help make you‌.. even better yet.
Contact us at 920.716.1284 or Visit us on the web at www.evenbetteryet.com
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