December 2009 Newspaper

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Youth and Adult Intervention Services路 Page 2

A Brief Profile of Brother Marcus! Motivational Speaker, Trainer, Author Brother Marcus was born on November 15, 1972 to Joseph and Carol Girard. Marcus comes from a large family where he is the middle child of three older brothers and three younger sisters. Marcus is married to Sister Cecelia and they have six wonderful children together. As a youth, Marcus grew up in a high risk, hard core inner city environment in Brooklyn, New York. Marcus lost many of his friends to dru gs, ga ngs, guns and violence. As a yo un gster, Marcus was determined that one day, he would find a way to help people overcome the negative circumstances and difficulty factors that are a natural part of everyone's lives. Brother Marcus attended College at the esteemed and prestigious Morehouse College. Cn 1994, Marcus developed a company called the Youth and Adult lntervention Services. This company now has over fifteen years experience with both Youth and Adult Leadership Development and Motivational Self-Esteem Training. Marcus has personally worked with many diverse groups of youth that has ranged from the extremely at - risk to the most elite students in America. His presentations provide valuable insight into the current mindset of today's youth and adults. Marcus has also developed several curriculums and programs that include a Statewide Manhood and Fatherhood Training Program and workshops on topics such as Marriage and Family Relationships and Parent E mpowerment. He has coordinated the Southwest Georgia Teen Fatherhood Program and worked with Teen Mothers in school systems. He has recorded several motivational CD's and is the author of the recen tly published book for males, "The Wise Men and Women Have Sent Me to tell You." Brother Marcus also serves as the host of the extremely popular Internet Radio Talk Show, " The Brother Marcus Show". Brother Marcus is a natural communicator who has personally motivated tens of thousands of youth and adults. He is frequently called in by various organ.izations and churches to conduct leadership development seminars, parenting classes, and to motivate employees. He is a cultivator of the human spirit. His enlightening and illuminating presentations reach deep into the hea rts and minds of audiences all over America and inspires self-improvement. You may reach him through h_is offices at 404-542-3808.


Connect with Brother Marcus at these sites: Brother Marcus! Youth and Adult Motivational Speaker / Trainer/Author/Consultant and Internet Talk Radio Host: Mobile Office Phone - 404-542-3808 Websites: , - Email *** Join Brother Marcus's Social Network! - http: //*** Hit Internet Radio Show: /brothermarcusshow Subscribe to our Internet Radio Show: Order Brother Marcus's First Book: https:/ Order Brother Marcus's First E-Book: Outstanding Health Products: Connect with Brother Marcus on Twitter: Connect with Brother Marcus on Facebook: Connect with Brother Marcus on My Space: hftp:llwww.myspace.comfbrothermarcus34 Connect with Brother Marcus on You Tube: http: // "Love and Unity are absolutely the Keys to our Survival in 2010!"

Youth and Adult Intervention Services路 Page 3

A Tribute to the Men and Fathers who are out here in the community doing the right thing! by Brother Marcus! These are times such that have never been before. Extraodinary times produce extraordinary men to deal with the problems and the issues of that time. I can only thank Almighty God for my sanity and the sanity of my brothers in a time like this! Thank you to all of my wonderful brothers out here who are still on the grind for their families and their communities. I'm talking about the brothers who give a damn about something and work to maintain what they care about. I'm talking about the men who get up early and pray and ask God to guide their path for them. I'm talking about the brothers who do what they do every day with very little encouragement and very little incentive to keep pushing the way they push. You are not a male, you are a Man and as a matter of fact, you are "the man" . I want to say that I'm proud of you and I love you brother because you continue to continue! One of the greatest differences between a man and a male is that a male does what he wants to do while a man does what he has to do. As one brother said, "Black men take care of and look out for the welfare of their mate and their children. Real men understand that their child is not the responsibility of the state to feed, clothe, or even more, raise their child."

Brother Marcus! Youth and Adult Motivational Speaker and Trainer

This world has worked very hard to keep us as men disinterested and uninvolved in being in the lives of our children. Look at how this society conspires against us. Just try to do what the mother child does effortlessly every day. More and more, you can see many black fathers out and about with their children. Some of the brothers are even in Men's restrooms in these restaurants trying to change their child 's diaper. The sisters reading this are already laughing! They already know that there is hardly any place in a man's bathroom to change a baby 's diaper! If you try to take your child to the doctor's office or to the clinic you immediately notice that the walls are pink and that there are only women 's magazines in the waiting room. The mother ofthe baby's name is on the files and your name is not even mentioned as the father. If a nurse should show up at your place she instinctively asks for the mother if you answer the door as the father. It's like you are not even there as a man. And this will happen time and time again wherever a brother goes. Go into a department store at the mall with your wife. The salespeople are trained to talk to your wife and not to you as a man. It is only when the wife directs them to her husband that they even notice that he is there! Black men are treated as if someone has erased us or as if we are completely invisible. Many brothers have taken this treatment as our cue for every kind of situation. Be seen and not heard. Sisters, is it really a wonder why your man won 't lead anything? He's probably expecting you to take the leadership. If a black man won 't lead in his home or in his community then what effect does it have on our male children? Is it any wonder why our black male sons are so out of hand? Do you really wonder why? Look at the chain reaction of how things have occurred. Black men are under assault by the media and have been for the last 450 years. In the last 20 years it's been one thing after another with the black male image. Consider the way the media crucifies every black man of prominence. Remember how they did Mike Tyson, Michael Jackson, Michael Vick and Michael Jordan. The media seems to hate any black man with the name Michael! Also, remember how they did Kobe Bryant, Chris Brown, Jesse Jackson and are currently doing AI Sharpton? Remember how they have beat on the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan for the last 30 years and how miserably they have failed. Look at how they are treating poor Brother Tiger Woods who mistakenly thought that he was not black. But there isn't any National Association of Cablasian People for him to turn to. But I digress. I want to return to thanking all of the men and fathers out here in the community who take care of their children even though they might not marry the mother because things didn't work out between them. " They say" that 70% of all black households in America are headed by a single black female. If this is true then this is a doggone shame! Thank you to all of the brothers who happen to be the more supportive parent of the children. Thank you to all of the men and fathers for understanding that being female doesn't necessarily make you the best parent of the child and some of the brothers have to go as far as taking full custody of their children. Thank you for understanding brothers that being a father is not just about dropping a few dollars in the hand of your child's mother or sending the money through child support. Thank you spending your time with your children as well as your dollars. Our children need us as their fathers now more than ever before. Thank you for being patient with the mother of your children who may have chosen, in their anger at you, to use the children to hurt you. Unfortunately some mothers don't consider how much damage doing this does to the children. Thank you for handling that properly my brother because it taught your children a valuable lesson. Thank you to all of the men and the fathers who decided to marry their sweetheart. Our children and our communities need to see us get married as men. Too many of us are playing the field and it's killing the morale in our community. "The worst misfortune that can happen to an ordinary man is to have an extraordinary father."

Youth and Adult Intervention Services 路 Page 4

We pass so many people every day that completely ignore us or treat us as if we have no intelligence whatsoever. Many look at us with such contempt and disdain right from within our own race and gender. Many black men are looked down upon because we may not have the College degree that someone else possesses. You can't imagine the baggage that a brother feels when he is constantly reminded that he spent some time in a prison on a daily basis. In my workshops with men and fathers most of them admit to feeling underappreciated most of the time. No one appreciates us until sometimes after we are dead and gone. Every day you live the old saying, " You never miss your well until the water runs dry" . Some of us as men hardly ever receive a thoughtful or kind gesture from anyone in our homes and never from anyone outside our homes. Sometimes, our birthday is not even remembered by our own children. Sometimes our bodies are racked with pain from the stress and the tension we live under daily. Many of us feel like there is no way we can win or even get ahead and there is no end to this kind of life in sight. My teacher taught me that when a man feels hopeless, he doesn't care. When a man feels underappreciated and like he can't win then that sometimes opens up the door to the strange woman to come in. One of the first thing the strange woman does it show a man some appreciation and that's what keeps him coming back to her again and again. But, brothers we are not a machine or a robot! We are not animals. We are men! The answers to our lives are not in the next bottle of liquor, or in some crack cocaine or even in the pleasure of the endless women we chase around the communities. You may say, " Well Brother Marcus, I'm going to die anyway." Well brother, you're telling the truth , you are going to die anyway, but why end it like this? Why go out in a cloud of smoke? Haven't we destroyed our lungs enough? Haven't we destroyed our blood enough? We are trying to fill a void in our lives that those things can never fill. That void or hole in our soul is our lack of an intimate relationship with your God. He is truly the only one who knows and who cares about our pain. As men, we have been running from Him most of our life. We have to begin to accept that the trials and the tribulations of our lives are being sent by God to ultimately bring us as men closer to Him. In my conclusion, I want to thank every black man for not killing somebody or going off " up in here, up in here" . That's so easy to do. Tupac said, " It takes skills to be real , time to heal each other." I'm praying for you brother because I know it's not easy. I know that many days you wish that you could just throw in the towel and just run . You may want to run as fast as you can to just escape the stress that engulfs your life. But that 's been our answer to everything in our life. So many of us are running right now from our children , our wives, our girlfriends, our Mosques, our Synagogues, and our Churches! We are running from duties and responsibilities. 1 know you get tired and I know you are already weary. The Scriptures of the Bible teach us in the Book of 1st John 3:14, " We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brotherhood." As men the time has arrived for us to pledge to each other to work together to change the reality under which our women and children are now living. I hate division and I love my brothers and sisters whether they are Christian, Muslim, Jewish, and Hebrew or whatever faith tradition they come from. We should never again allow any religious name to divide us when God has made us all brothers. We should never again want to hurt our own brothers again. The reason we have desired to do so in the past is because we have been walking around as " dead" men without any real aim or purpose. The Scriptures say, " Where there is no vision, the people perish." My teacher taught me that, " When we, as men, don't have life, then we, as men, don't have love. Then we, as men , don't have God, then we, as men , are powerless, because God represents force and power. And the thing that Black men don't have in Atlanta, Georgia, in America , or in the world, is force and power to determine our destinies. Our destiny is determined by others. We are like sheep, as the scripture teaches, and we have not had a good shepherd in front of us. How do you know that our shepherd has not been good? Because, if our shepherd had been good, God would be in our life, life would be in our life, love would be in our life, power would be in our life. And therefore, David the Psalmist was moved to say. " The Lord is my shepherd." Well , if the Lord is our shepherd, then we would never be in the condition that we are in. So we have to replace the old shepherd. We have to get rid of the rider that's riding the donkey. He's not a good rider. So we have to throw that rider off of our back, and let the true King ride us to glory!" Now who is this True King that has come and is this good shepherd among us today?

" Love and Unity are absolutely the Keys to our Survival in 2010!"

Youth and Adult Intervention Services - Page 5

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"A woman can defend her virtue from men, much more easily than she can protect her reputation from women."

Youth and Adult Intervention Services - Page 8

Bring Brother Marcus in to speak at your Churches next program! We Specialize in: Men's I Fathers Day Programs Women's / Mothers Day Programs Youth Day P ograms Fashion / Talent Shows Saturday Academies Gender Specific Worksho Call 404-542-3808 for more

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Youth and Adult Intervention Services - Page 10

"Daughters need their Fathers too" by Qadeera Naasira " Daddy-daughter dance", she scoffed. "I haven't seen my Dad since I was three." She attempted to say it with indifference, but I could hear the bone-deep pain in her voice. I winced a little. I couldn't imagine life without my father. Unfortunately, there are millions of young girls out here that are forced to live in this cruel world without a father figure there to block the infidelities that often plague a young girl. Too many of our young sisters find themselves with an imposter in their homes. Too often I hear my friends venting about their "mother's husband." These men aren't their birth fathers; therefore, pure loathing overtakes their hearts. They have no respect for their iisubstitute Dads." Eventually, the ill don't' need a man", front will develop as a result of the premature abandonment of their natural fathers. Young girls feel sad without that essential missing piece. Such trauma sends them sprawling for protective cover. Many turn to the independent cover. They try to act as though having a man in their lives isn't even a necessary part of their existence. They treat young men who are unfortunate enough to enter their lives during this pained time as if they were lower than the scum at the bottom of their feet. Because of the pain and anger that they feel toward men there are many sisters who turn to other sisters for love. The homosexual rate of teenage girls has drastically increased over the years. These particular girls feel as if their fathers cheated them of something that was vital to their expedient survival and success. Though society would like to label them as lesbians, this is not completely true. They are simply lost and saddened by the unnecessary loss of their first protector. Still, there is another group of young women. These are the ones who stored all the hurt and pain of being abandoned by their fathers and discovered another member of the opposite sex who were willing to stand by their side and protect them. They easily bestow their love upon someone else. These are the young women who always seem to be hanging off the arm of a different young man every other day. They are constantly enthralled by them and are often found showering the young men in their lives with undeserved affection. They feel that they cannot survive without a boyfriend. These are the ones who are often willing to fight others for their place beside some immature man who sees them as a source of free and willing pleasure and little else. Each of these categories are full of teenage girls who must suffer unnecessarily because there is a lack of protection. The foundation of love and strength that normally comes from a father figure is absent in their lives, leaving them devoid and empty. Of course, you can use the excuse that your daughter may have their mother. However, if Dad has disappeared, the main financial source has disappeared as well. When this occurs, Mom must leave the sanctity of her home in search of a means to provide for her family; thus leaving her children vulnerable to all sorts of mature evils and indecencies. If the Creator, who is God, intended for mothers to only have a hand in the upbringing of a child, there would be no use for you as a Male. We would only have the history of an Eve and there would be no Adam. Therefore, when a man abandons his children, he has essentially told his God that he is unfit to be called a man. Brothers must keep in mind a simple fact:

"Boys make babies, but Men remain to care for them ." Any male can father a child, but a Man stands up and cares for the consequences of his actions that resulted from those pleasure-filled moments. The world is being overrun by hormonal boys who are finally realizing what God has given them the power to do. Very few of these hormonal boys are maturing into men with the capability and willingness to care for their

freshly built families. The question has been raised: What has happened to our fathers? What has caused them to flee? There are many solutions to these particular questions. One answer could be that they have fled from responsibility and commitment. It is like a perverse game of hide and seek. Baby mamas, children, and child support services are searching for the father. The father is doing everything he can to remain elusive. However, every now and then he slips up and allows one of the seekers to catch a glimpse of him. Sometimes, he finds himself in the arms of another unfortunate woman. Once again, he ruins another future and leaves another life seeking the support of one who never worried about the consequences of his actions or the ones he gifted with a lifetime of unprecedented pain.

Qadeera Naasira's Article continued on Page 11 "love and Unity are absolutely the Keys to our Survival in 2010!"

Youth and Adult Intervention Services· Page 11 Continuation of Qadeera Naasira's Article from Page 10 Another reason for the disappearance of so many of our potential father figures is actually quite obvious. Millions of men are locked away in county jails and state penitentiaries. A vast majority of them have children waiting for them on the outside. They are not able to take care of their families through their iron prison. While they're suffering hardships while locked up on the inside, their families are slowly breaking apart as the children rebel and the mother succumbs to the stress of becoming the main maintainer. However, incarcerations are a sorry excuse for why you left everybody in pain. Another percentage of fathers have left the Earth altogether. They have died of disease, brutality, accidents, suicide, homicide, and other varied forms of death. We can do nothing for this percentage of people. However, we can do something about those fathers who are on the other side of the bars and on the top side of the soil. We can do something for those who have decided to abort their offspring in an idiotic attempt to avoid the strenuous life that comes with raising children in a manner that will prove to bring their success as a participating member of America's society. Black fathers must understand that society's misgiving about the unnecessary parts of your presence in the home; you are an essential part of every household on the face of the planet. The world will not survive if you continue to plummet and remain at the bottom of the totem pole. Your wives/girlfriends need you . They need a strong man with a plan to stand by. They need your love and support. You are the infrastruc· ture of the world . Without your vision, focus, and determination, the responsibility of maintaining the livelihood of your family will fall upon the shoulders of your wife/girlfriend/baby mama. Surely no real man can flee and watch a single woman struggle to maintain her sanity, her house, and his offspring. It must also be understood that your children need you, especially your young daughters. Who else will teach them how to quickly differen tiate between a real man and a pleasure-seeking boy? Who else will show her how to prepare for the foolishness of men? Who else will be there to protect her when her barriers drop revealing how vulnerable she really is? Your daughters need-you. This is a point that will never be stressed enough. They need your love and support. They crave your presence in their lives. Time is showing that the absence of your being will be truly detrimental to their overall growth and development. Thank you for reading these words! Qadeera Naasira is a Youth Motivational Speaker. She is an AP Honor Student at Mt. Zion Magnet High School. She can be reached for speaking engagements or comment via email

"There's so much negative imagery of black fatherhood. I've got tons of friends that are doing the right thing by their kids, and doing the right thing as a father -- and how come that's not as newsworthy?" - Will Smith

Get these exciting lectures from Brother Marcus to encourage your family today! They are available on CD and DVD for just $5! Brother Marcus Speaks!:

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" ... Inactivity over long periods of times in our lives often speaks to the death of our minds and hearts ... "

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money even lea'ves Arab and Asian communities circulate their money 12 to 13 times before leaving their group. The white community circulates their money at least 8 to 12 times before leaving. Unfortunately, the black community circulates their money 8 hours before it goes out into another source. Even more disappointing, black people are the second largest consumer group in America with a combined buying power of over $892 billion currently and likely over $1.1 trillion by 2012."

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Is your Business Dying? pg.13 Then advertise with "The VAl Digest"! ... Most Black Businesses die and close down because of the lack of Advertising!.. Our Newspaper is published monthly by Brother Marcus! & The Youth and Adult Intervention Services I Office Number - 404-542-3808 Brother Marcus and The Youth and Adult Services Digest willingly accept our responsibility to build our community. God willing, every issue we put 2,000 copies of our newspaper out all over Atlanta, Georgia and the surrounding communities and tens of thousands of people receive our paper via our weekly online edition on the Internet.

We have the most affordable ad's of any newspaper in the city! Place your business card Ad for just - $10. Place a '!. Page Ad for just - $25. Place a Y. Page Ad for just - $50. You can place a whole page Ad (Black & White) - $100. You can place a whole page Ad (Color) - $125. We will construct your business card or flyer for you for free if you advertise with us! Simple procedure: Contact Brother Marcus at the number listed above. We will carefully and accurately scan your business card or flyer's information that you want to get out to the public and publish it in our newspaper. What you give us will be printed. We will then faithfully distribute it to the people of Atlanta, Georgia, the surrounding counties and broader community to let them know about you and your business. We do this for no additional charge to you. We don't stack papers, we give them to 2,000 actual people and distribute the rest via the Internet.

"God willing, the next edition of our Paper will be coming out in January 2010! Advertise your business for just $10. to nearly 50,000 people. You can't beat that with a stick! You can never have enough advertising if you're in business!" Call Brother Marcus at 404-542-3808 Email your Card or Ad to:

Youth and Adult Intervention Services - Page 14


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* FOR CATERING & D~lIVERY ~L~~$~ (~bn4f I!QURS IN ADVANCE "love and Unity are absolutely the Keys to our Survival in 2010!"


Youth and Adult Intervention Services - Page 15

The Voice of the

Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan in Atlanta, Georgia is Brother Abdul Sharrieff Muhammad! Dear beloved Family: As-Salaam Alaikum (Peace be Unto You)! Brothers and Sisters the Honorable Minister louis Farrakhan is now teaching the people about the time and what must be done. Hehas already completed Part 1 & 2 of this dynamic series. You can hear his lectures live via webcast at Muhammad Mosque #15 located on 3642 Campbellton Road here in Atlanta, Georgia. Please call us at 678-705-1361 for directions or for other information. You don 't want to miss the Minister as he is speaking to our community. What I wanted to share with you in this article is on the tremendous levels of violence in the black community. In our communities today, we have become gangs, but not a brotherhood based on righteous principles. We've degenerated into gangs that have turf that we don't own. Our mothers are renting a project house owned by the federal government, and we call it your turf. Why don't we make it ours? The Honorable Minister louis Farrakhan teaches us that the male spirit is an aggressive kind of spirit in a man. He teaches us that the black man is by nature a soldier, but we have to channel him, we have to guide him, and we have to direct that aggressive tendency. In the white community they have playgrounds, and ball parks, and little leagues, and police athletic leagues. They have developed something to channel the aggress ive tendencies in the male, but in the Black community there is nothing for our babies. Our children are forced into playing in the alleys, playing in the streets or playing by the railroad tracks. They play with cars, and stones, and bricks, and cans, and with their creative mind they take a piece of board cut skates in half, and make skateboards. The skateboard came from poor people. There is very little in our communities to properly channel the energy of our youth and because of that lack we now see all of this gang violence in our communities. So the boys that live in this area of town don't like the boys that live in that area. "So you'd better not cross over that street into this area. If you do, we're going to deal on you." Can you imagine that white folk denied us all of these years because of the color of our skin, and now we have become so dumb, that we who wear blue are going to kill somebody who wears red, or we who wear red are going to kill somebody who wears blue, because they don't have on the right color? You take your cap, and if you turn it backwards it means one thing, and if you turn it on the side it means another, if you turn it and cock it to the front it means another. Any of the ways you cock your hat could get you killed! look at us. The people of God killing each other over some money, over some male or female, over some tennis shoes, or a jacket, or some dope deal that went wrong. We carve up our community and we sell drugs to our children so that we can come up and have money with a dead white president on it. But we are dealing death to our people for a piece of paper that white folks have made valuable, while they have devalued human life! And we, the people of God, have allowed them to devalue us, and elevate the value of a car, or some rims . We have devalued the spirit and life of God, and made paper more valuable than human life. So we rob, and we shoot, and we kill for paper, with a dead white man on the paper! look at what we have been made into! We are the laughing stock of the world. We can join the army and be all that we can never be in society, and go and fight on a foreign battlefield for a freedom that we have never enjoyed. look at us, a devalued human being. And the House of God is veiled over with filth and indecency. The woman of God walks the streets of Atlanta, a cheap prostitute, and the man of God makes her a whore, and he becomes a pimp, and this is the level of his productive life. He glories in sport and play, while his mind refuses to revolve around creative ideas that would lift him into the realm that he may be a reflection of God. He is a devalued human being. And because his life is worth nothing, and he hates himself as a Black human being, then it's nothing to him to kill his brother. So we go and open up the AK and pump bullets into him, and watch him gasp his life away. And what the Honorable Minister louis Farrakhan is trying to get us to see that we don't realize is that we are becoming the enemy of God! God 's greatest desire in this hour is to save the Black man and woman, and we are out there killing that which God wants to save! The Nation of Islam advocates that the technique of non-violence be instituted among our family members. We have to make a pledge that we will not lift our hands to harm our brother or sister, and that we will suffer the insult of one another peacefully, and will not reach for a weapon to solve a problem between the members of the family.

"Is Ego poison the number one cause of physical violence and murder?"

Youth and Adult Intervention Services - Page 16

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"love and Unity are absolutely the Keys to ou r Survival in 2010!"

Youth and Adult Intervention Services - Page 17


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su among community would go down dramatically, and our neighborhoods would look much better. Look for a brother or sister who is in business to support when you have money. Many black businesses are trying harder than ever to have the products and services that you need. They are also working on treating you with the honor and respect you deserve as a customer." "God wants man to have religion more than in his soul; he wants him to have it in his shoes."

Youth and Adult Intervention Services - Page 18

Parenting Workshop: Here is an exercise designed to help parents better understand their teenager. Parents should read each question carefully and answer as best they can. For each question, respond "Most Always," "Sometimes," "Not Very Often." 1. Do you regularly spend a 15-30 minute block of time alone with your teenager, just listening to his/her life experiences? 2. Are you and your teenager in conflict about expectations, rules, or differences of opinions? 3. Do you discuss personal matters, such as sex or personal fears, with your teen? 4. Do you give the impression that you really trust your teenager to do what is right for himself? 5. Do you take the time to patiently explain your reason for saying "no" or not letting your teen do something? 6. Do you patiently listen to your teen's reasons for wanting to do something? 7. Do you really support your teen's interests and encourage him in his accomplishments? 8. Do you have regular family meetings in which the whole family gets together to talk things over and make decisions? Complete these statements:

What worries me about my teen's behavior is: ____________


What I want my teen to do in life is: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I can help my teen most by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Teen Exercise With Parents

Here is a communication exercise designed to help teens better understand their parents. The teen should read each question carefully and answer as best he can. For each question, respond "Most Always," "Sometimes" or "Not Very Often ." 1. Do your parents wait until you are through talking before "having their say?" 2. Do your parents tend to lecture and preach too much to you? 3. Do your parents really listen to your needs, frustrations, joys, sorrows? 4. Do you discuss personal matters, such as sex, with either of your parents? 5. Do your parents seem to trust and respect you and your opinion? 6. Do your parents explain their reason for not letting you do something? 7. Do you help your parents to understand you by telling them how you think and feel? 8. Does your family talk things over with each other regularly through regular family meetings?

9. Do your parents support you in your interests and encourage you in your accomplishments? Complete these statements: What worries me most about my future is ____-,-___________ The most difficult subject to discuss with my parents is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ What I want most for my life is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ My parents can help me most by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Now that both of you have finished these exercises, the next step is to discuss them with each other as soon as the three of you are able to sit down together without any interruptions. It is okay to ask each other to explain answers in more detail and to clarify an answer, but it is not okay to argue with them or make them defend their answers. The more parents and teens talk, the more they learn.

"Love and Unity are absolutely the Keys to our Survival in 2010!"

Youth and Adult Intervention Services - Page 19

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Youth and Adult Intervention Services - Page 20

" If you need the services of any Vendor in this Newspaper, please call them or go by to see them. Be quick to tell them that you got their business card I information from the Youth and Adult Intervention Services Digest. Black businesses need your support now more than ever before. Please share some of your money with a black business today! "

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Youth and Adult Intervention Services - Page 21

"Characteristics of Good and Not so Good M n" from Brother Abdul Rahman Muhammad Not So Good Men 1. Doesn't worship any God and doesn't believe in any religion

2. Drink Alcohol, Beer and Liquor 3. Gambles all of his / the familys money away 4. Doesn't keep his word when he says he is going to do something. Student Minister 5. Goes to work late if he has a job at all Abdul Rahman 6. Doesn't keep appointments and is dishonest Muhammad 7. Doesn't return phone calls and dodges all of his responsibilities 8. Mistreats his woman and beats her down and does this is front of his children 9. Mean to his children and wont support them spiritually, financially or morally 10. Are Lazy, trifling and hate their own black self

Good Men 1. Is a God fearing Man and prays and worships his God in spirit and in truth

2. He loves his wife and his children and sees to it that they have food, clothing and shelter 3. He is on time when his shows up and takes care of the business of the business 4. He answers appointments and returns all phone calls. He is dependable. 5. He doesn't pass the buck. He accepts his responsibility to build his community. 6. He pays his debts. 7. He is charitable to the poor. He shares his knowledge with his people. 8. He works hard to take care of his family even if that means working two jobs. 9. Is clean mouthed and respectful. He doesn't smoke, use drugs or drink alcohol because he understands that long life and health is predicated on how he treats himself today. 10. Uses his money wisely to secure a future for himself, his family and his community There are many more characteristics of not so good and good men. These are just some of them. A good man is under a great deal of pressure from this society to be just like the not so good man but he doesn't break under the pressure. The good man holds onto his dignity and is patient because God never breaks His promise and He always speaks the truth. The good man strives hard to remain chaste and strives to be faithful to his wife. The good man is a genuine lover of his wife and puts her on a high pedestal. He protects her at all costs even if it means giving up his own life. We as men must begin to seek more knowledge from the cradle to the grave. We are coming into a righteous world because God is setting up His kingdom. We must be prepared to live in the way that He will direct us to live through His Messenger and His Apostle among us today. "When you educate a man you educate an individual; when you educate a woman you educate a whole family."

Youth and Adult Intervention Services - Page 22




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Love and Unity are absolutely the Keys to our Survival in 2010!

Youth and Adult Intervention Services路 Page 23

Recent Progress Page! Motivational Speaker and Trainer, Brother Marcus, recently traveled to Towers High School in Dekalb County to speak to three class rooms filled with young JROTC students. Please find the Instructors recollections listed below. To purchase your copy of anyone of the messages please call 404-542-3808. "Your presentations yesterday during your visit to our Air Force JROTC classes at Towers were absolutely amazing. Your manner of reaching the cadets "right where they were" and captivating them with their language and thought processes gave every cadet that listened to you something to take away and think about. You literally drew them in with your words and held them "captive" as you worked through issues that each of them face on a daily basis. I appreciated your professionalism in your delivery and your candor in integrating your personal stories to help the cadets understand how to visualize "who they are" and "who they can become." You gave them a "map" on how to get there and kept them focused on your every word. THANK YOU for the time and energy you gave in each of your presentations. You gave us the most valuable and precious gift that you have and we could never repay-your time. Please know that we are truly grateful for all that you gave and we know that there were some ears that went beyond listening to actually "hearing" what you said." Gratefully Yours, DONALD C. LATSON, COLONEL, USAFR (Ret) Senior Aerospace Instructor Towers High School Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps 678-874-2294

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"It is less painful to learn in youth than to be ignorant in age,"

Youth and Adult Intervention Services - Page 24

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Love and Unity are absolutely the Keys to our Survival in 2010!

Youth and Adult Intervention Services - Page 25

Twenty Five Ways that Fathers can enjoy spending time with their children and Vice Verca! 1 - Have a "Date With Dad" once every three months with each of your children. 2 - Hold a Sunday Afternoon Family Board Games marathon. 3 - Do a basic home or car repair job together. 4 - Cook up a special meal for Mom. Have the children make menus, and everyone serves as a waiter or waitress. (And clean up afterward!) 5 - Go to breakfast together. Let your child order for you. 6 - Build a model together ... but let your children do most of the actual work. 7 - Take a nature hike. 8 - Go camping overnight or for the weekend. 9 - Bake a major batch of chocolate chip cookies to distribute to your child's friends. 10 - Get two inexpensive cameras and lots of film. Do photo shoots rogether on walks, at the zoo, around the house, etc. Select photos and work on a scrapbook. 11 - Select key Scripture verses and memorize them together, discussing what each verse means to you. Reward each other with frozen yogurt each time you both can quote ten new verses. 12 - Throw a baseball or a football to each other. 13 - Play some video games together. 14 - Work on a computer together. 15 - Go to your child's athletic or special activities-encourage and praise (but don't be a pushy "Little League Parent!"). 16 - Say, "I want to pray for you this week. What's on your mind? What would you like me to pray about?" 17 - Design and plant a flower garden together. 18 - Make a basket of fresh fruit, breads, gourmet crackers and canned goods and leave it on the porch of a needy family. Ask, "What's the best thing that happened to you today?" 19 - Ask your children to pray for you. 20 - Put together a surprise "This Is Your Life" program for Mom or for the grandparents. 21 - Tell your children why you love their mother. Have them tell you why they love her, Then get a piece of poster board and join the kids in writing all these reasons on a giant greeting card with crayon. Have the children decorate and deliver the card to Mom. 22 - Join with one or two other families for a family skit and talent night, with everyone participating. Rent a video camera to record the event for posterity. 23 - At dinner, have everyone share "My Most Embarrassing Moment." 24 - With 3 x 5 cards, staple together a handmade coupon book for each child. Each coupon entitles them to a one-on-one date with Dad for ice cream, a ball game, bowling or roller skating, a game of their choice, pizza, etc. Suggested rule; Limit one coupon per month per child. 25 - Go to the gym and workout together. Many fathers are willing to give their children everything except themselves.

Youth and Adult Intervention Services - Page 26

"Hey brother and sister, this is your everybody's brother, Brother Marcus! Please Share your email with me! We have so many things going on that we would like to keep you informed about. Simply email We promise you that we will not sell your email address to anyone and will only use it to keep you informed! Thank you and God bless you and your family in 2010! I love you!" "Understanding Hell and Heaven as conditions of Life" ~



~~~ ~~



A holy man was having a conversation with God one day and said, 'God, I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like.' God led the holy man to two doors. He opened one of the doors and the holy man looked in. In the middle of the room was a large round table. In the middle of the table was a large pot of stew, which smelled delicious and made the holy man's mouth water. The people sitting around the table were thin and sickly. They appeared to be famished. They were holding spoons with very long handles, that were strapped to their arms and each found it possible to reach into the pot of stew and take a spoonful. But because the handle was longer than their arms, they could not get the spoons back into their mouths. The holy man shuddered at the sight of their misery and suffering. God said, 'You have seen Hell.' They went to the next room and opened the door. It was exactly the same as the first one. There was the large round table with the large pot of stew which made the holy man's mouth water. The people were equipped with the same longhandled spoons, but here the people were well nourished and plump, laughing and talking. The holy man said, 'I don't understand.' It is simple,' said God. 'It requires but one skill. You see they have learned to feed each other, while the greedy think only of themselves.' Its estimated 93% won't forward this. If you are one of the 7% who will, forward this with the title '7%'. I'm in the 7% Remember that I will always share my spoon with you.

Love and Unity are absolutely the Keys to our Survival in 2010!

Reginald S. f\.luhummad Phone (4D4j641¡6142 P.O. 601 10652 . • Atlanta, GA 30310 Em~il:

Youth and Adult Intervention Services - Page 27

How you can you help Brother Marcus and the Youth and Adult Intervention Services? Our Wish List! As we strive to serve youth and adults in Georgia we need people to donate or sponsor: Pencils Paper ~ A Computer A Projector A Projector Screen Free or Discounted Field Trip Tickets Sponsors for Educational Field Trips Watches for our Male Students


Pens • A Thermal Printer Cases of Blank CD's and DVD's A Laser Printer Gas Cards Free Coupons Any incentives that you can donate All kinds of hygiene products

"I am striving as hard as I know to help parents and young people here in the State of Georgia. Please help me to reach them! I really need somebody out here that sees the good work that God is blessing me to do to help me to purchase: A DVD I CD Duplicator! This would help me to distibute the positive messages that I have been blessed to develop all over the State. I have faith in my God and I am asking in His name. When you give to help me you can see the effects immediately. You are seeing what God is blessing me to do with nothing. Just imagine what he will bless me to do with something if you will just help me! Won't you please help me to bless many more thousands of youth and adults in 2010? We need your financial donations to help us with our Radio Broadcasts. We need a Van or some other reliable vehicle to help us get around throughout the State of Georgia to do our work. Every week we travel 1,000 miles or better working with youth and adult. We will receipt you for every thing you donate to help us. Help Brother Marcus as he strives hard to accept responsibility to build his community! Please bless us with these items that we may bless others . We would happily come out to your location to secure these items and put them into service to our many clients. We've served tens of thousands of youth and adults throughout the State of Georgia and we have a 15 year track record. We need your help! .....young people today do not beli eve in do as I say and not as I do .....

"For your Youth and Adult Training needs call The Youth and Adult Intervention Services"

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