2 minute read

ALL Summer Fun Calendar 2023 . june

Join us for free family fun at Children’s Bookfest!

Take turns adding ideas to a family kindness jar.

It’s Great Outdoors Month! Go outside and listen for nature sounds.

Help improve fine motor skills by shaping letters using homemade playdough.

Take a walk and move your body by hopping, skipping, marching, and dancing.

It’s National Best Friends Day! String beads to make a friendship bracelet.

Use sidewalk chalk to draw a perfect summer day.

Create a silly song by using a favorite tune.

Write a 4-line rhyming poem to celebrate the day in your own unique way!

Practice sorting and use colored socks to make a simple pattern.

Have your child listen closely while you’re cooking. What sounds do you hear?

It’s Flag Day, hunt for rectangles and stars today.

Sing “B-I-N-G-O” and use movements instead of clapping.

Tell or read a funny story together.

Make a yummy vegetable snack for National Eat Your Vegetables Day.

Celebrate Global Beatles Day by listening to their songs

Read Juneteenth: A Children’s Story by Opal Lee and have a family conversation about you learned.

Make your own bubble solution and blow bubbles.

Make colorful ice (with 2-3 drops of food color) and create art on the sidewalk.

It’s International Yoga Day! Try making animal yoga poses complete with animal sounds.

Celebrate World Rainforest Day by reading a non-fiction book about the rain forest.

Use pipe cleaners and a colander to create a unique piece of art.

Take a family walk, collect nature items, and count what you collected.

Use a ruler (or your feet) to measure things around the house.


Play an alphabet searching game. Choose a letter and search for it out in the world. Imagine stories for things you see outside your window. Create your own storybook.

Write pairs of rhyming words on separate slips of paper. Practice matching and play a game of “Memory”.

Bring books with you everywhere you go and find new places to read together.

Happy Fourth of July! Create your own fireworks in a jar wednesday

Learn five facts about cows for Cow Appreciation Day.

Run your finger along the words in books when you read to your child.

To help with transition, sing about activities while you do them.

Borrow a BCL birding backpack and point to birds and plants/trees and describe them together.

Talk about a favorite color and go on a color hunt or mix colors with paints or colored water.

Take a break from technology for a day and enjoy the simple things of life.

Read a book using different voices for different characters.

National Be Nice to Bugs Day! Read a book about bugs.

It’s National Give Away Something Day! Find a “Little Free Library” and donate a book you no longer need.

It’s National Ice Cream Day! Make simple ice cream or popsicles together.

Use household items to make musical instruments and have a family jam session.

Make your own telephone and play a listening game.

Choose a book and “read” only the pictures to create a new story.

Create a picture book using magazine and catalog photos. Add the words together.

While grocery shopping, read aloud words on packages of the items you put in your cart.

Spend time with friends and talk about the values of friendship and being together.

Use ABC magnets on a cookie sheet to build words and sing the ABC song.

Talk and sing about opposites, such as loud/ soft and fast/ slow.

Have a rainbow day! Read books about colors and look for colors all around you.

Read a book about feelings and have a family talk about expressing feelings.

Create a watercolor masterpiece for World Watercolor Month!

Build a reading nook and snuggle up together to read a book.

Play I-Spy to improve memory and concentration.

Practice counting by 1s, 5s, and 10s.

Dip a Q-tip in paint and practice writing letters.

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