Brown discharge during third trimester of pregnanc1

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Brown Discharge during third trimester of Pregnancy – Placenta Previa Placenta previa occurs when the placenta lies low in the uterus partly or completely covering the cervix and blocks the entrance to the cervix. It’s likely to be identified at the 20 week scan. In most cases the placenta moves up in pregnancy but if it remains low, you may be advised to have a Cesarean section. It is serious and requires immediate care. Placenta previa occurs quite rarely (1 in 200 pregnancies), it is an emergency situation that requires instant medical attention. Placenta previa caused bleeding during late pregnancy. Bleeding usually occurs without pain.

Placenta Previa risk groups: Women with several deliveries, Previous cesarean birth, Other surgery on the uterus, Carrying twins or triplets.

Brown Discharge during third trimester of Pregnancy – Labor Normal Late in pregnancy, vaginal brown discharge and/or vaginal bleeding may be a sign of labor. A plug that covers the opening of the uterus during pregnancy is passed just before or at the start of labor. A small amount of mucus and blood is passed from the cervix. This is called “bloody show.” It is common. It is not a problem if it happens within a few weeks of your due date.

Around the time of your baby’s due date, you could experience what’s known as a ‘show’ – the release of the mucus plug which seals the entrance to the cervix. Although it can be quite alarming when it happens, it’s also cause for celebration – your baby is finally on its way! Vaginal bleeding may be caused by the placenta detaching from the uterine wall before or during labor.

For More Information Visit:- Brown Discharge

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