Decorate A Practical Nursery BY THABITHA DOLAMO
Planning the perfect nursery for your perfect little bundle of joy can be a daunting task. How do you want to welcome your baby into the world? As a world traveller, a princess, a space explorer, a lover of your favourite animated character — or would you prefer a black-andwhite palette, bold colours or soothing monotones? The possibilities are endless, and can be overwhelming at best! Start with some basic guidelines to hone your vision. There are seven components that can give you a strong framework for creating your ideal space.
Colour Whether choosing a neutral colour palette, like a charming nursery in greys and beige, or something bolder, colour choice provides the foundation for your vision. Peaceful tranquillity, enchanted princess, world traveller — it all evolves from wall colour.
When shopping for cribs, dressers, armoires and
If you’re on a budget while nesting, there is one
more, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the
place not to cut cost: the rocker or easy chair.
options. Consider the functions that work best
Whatever your seating choice, you will log many
for your space and life. For instance, if you can
hours of the day and night keeping your little
accommodate a round or oval crib as the
one soothed, fed and rested. Your comfort is
room’s centrepiece, go for it, but consider the
essential. A rocker or glider is also another way
increased difficulty in shopping for that infant
to bring in a pop of colour while prioritizing
bedding in a nonstandard shape. Convertible
your cosiness.
cribs are a wonderful way to provide function through the stages of growth.