Parks Master Plan 2023

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The Brownwood Parks Master Plan was developed by the City of Brownwood with the technical support and design assistance of Halff Associates, Inc. A special thanks goes to the countless citizens, additional staff members and other community leaders for their insight and support during this planning process. The following individuals are recognized for their substantial contributions towards the creation of the 2022 Brownwood Parks Master Plan.


Stephen E. Haynes, Mayor

HD Jones, Ward 1

Ed McMillian, Ward 2

Melody Nowowiejski, Ward 3

Draco Miller, Ward 4

Walker Willey, Ward 5


Emily Crawford, City Manager

Marshal McIntosh, Deputy City Manager

Roland Soto, Parks and Recreation Director

Ray Tipton, Director of Economic Development and Tourism


Jill Amezcua, PLA, ASLA

Jordan Maddox, AICP

Matt Bucchin, AICP

Nathlie Booth, AICP

Whitney Linder


Resolution of Adoption

The City of Brownwood City Council passed Resolution No. R-23-02 on January 10, 2023, to adopt the City of Brownwood Parks Master Plan.

| ii
Table of Contents Acknowledgements.............................................................................................................................................. i Resolution of Adoption .......................................................................................................................................ii CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION AND CONTEXT..........................................................................................1 Purpose and Principles........................................................................................................................................2 Why Plan a Park System........................................................................................................................................2 TPWD Consistency................................................................................................................................................4 Plan Components.................................................................................................................................................5 Plan Timeframe....................................................................................................................................................5 Regional Context..................................................................................................................................................6 Planning Area........................................................................................................................................................6 Demographic Profile............................................................................................................................................8 CHAPTER 2: BROWNWOOD PARKS SYSTEM..........................................................................................11 Parks System Introduction................................................................................................................................12 Park Classifications............................................................................................................................................12 Regional Parks....................................................................................................................................................14 Community Parks...............................................................................................................................................15 Neighborhood Parks.........................................................................................................................................16 Pocket Parks.......................................................................................................................................................17 Special Use Parks...............................................................................................................................................18 Civic Spaces.........................................................................................................................................................19 CHAPTER 3: NEEDS ASSESSMENT...........................................................................................................25 Needs Assessment Parameters .....................................................................................................................26 Demand-Based Assessment.............................................................................................................................27 Focus Group Meetings......................................................................................................................................27 Cinco de Mayo Event ........................................................................................................................................27 Online Community Survey................................................................................................................................28 Standard-Based Assessment............................................................................................................................30 Level of Service - Park Acreage.......................................................................................................................31 Level of Service - Access to Park Land ...........................................................................................................32 Level of Service - Park Facilities.......................................................................................................................38 Resource-Based Assessment............................................................................................................................40 School Partnerships...........................................................................................................................................40 Streams, Floodplains and Drainage Corridors................................................................................................42 Rights-of-Way...................................................................................................................................44 iii | BROWNWOOD PARKS MASTER PLAN
CHAPTER 4: PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS AND IMPLEMENTATION.....................................................4 Plan Goals...........................................................................................................................................................47 Goal 1...................................................................................................................................................................48 Goal 2...................................................................................................................................................................50 Goal 3...................................................................................................................................................................51 Goal 4...................................................................................................................................................................52 Goal 5...................................................................................................................................................................53 Park Highlight: Riverside Park ..........................................................................................................................54 Implementing the Plan......................................................................................................................................56 APPENDIX A, PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT RESULTS...................................................................................A-1 | iv
MAPS Map 1.1, Regional Context....................................................................................................................................6 Map 1.2, Planning Area........................................................................................................................................7 Map 2.1, Existing Parks System..........................................................................................................................13 Map 3.1, Neighborhood Park Service Area......................................................................................................33 Map 3.2, Community Parks Service Area.........................................................................................................35 Map 3.3, Regional Parks Service Area .............................................................................................................37 Map 3.4, School District Property Locations..................................................................................................41 Map 3.5, Streams, Floodplains, and Drainage Corridors..............................................................................43 FIGURES Figure 1.1, Historic and Projected Population....................................................................................................8 Figure 1.2, Population Age Groups ....................................................................................................................8 Figure 1.3, Race and Ethnicity.............................................................................................................................9 Figure 1.4, Median Household Income .............................................................................................................9 Figure 1.5, Educational Attainment ...................................................................................................................9 Figure 2.1, Existing Parks System ...................................................................................................................20 Figure 3.1, Park Activation Priority Issues ......................................................................................................28 Figure 3.2, Brownwood’s Park Quality in Past Five Years.............................................................................29 Figure 3.3, Recreational Spending Priorities...................................................................................................29 Figure 3.4, Trail Connection Preferences, Top Ranked.....................................................................................29 Figure 3.5, Support for Financing Strategies to Increase Amount of Parks and Recreation Facilities and Programs Funding..............................................................................................................................................29 Figure 3.6, Park Land Level of Service in Brownwood, 2021.........................................................................31 Figure 3.7, Park Land Level of Service in Brownwood, 2030 (projected).........................................................31 Figure 3.8, Recreation Facilities Level of Service ...........................................................................................39 Figure 4.1, Proposed Trail Segments.................................................................................................................49 Figure 4.2, Implementation Action Plan...........................................................................................................57 v | BROWNWOOD PARKS MASTER PLAN




This planning effort was initiated by the City of Brownwood with intent to guide the City’s parks system in its role in meeting the needs of the community residents. This plan is the City’s first park plan since 2008 and will provide an important update for both near-term and future park, recreation and leisure opportunities. This chapter sets up the beginning phases of the planning process by providing the community context for the planning area.


A local community’s trust in its government stems from the City’s ability to be good stewards of the community facilities and capital resources. A plan is an invaluable tool for documenting the information needed to identify improvements, additions, and expenditure of those resources. Parks are City facilities, and an essential part of the City’s civic infrastructure, that directly impact the quality of life of existing and future residents alike. Therefore, it is important to understand the role parks and open spaces play in supporting a community that is a vibrant and desirable place to live. Parks and other civic spaces are the public’s primary destinations for exercise, play, fellowship, and other leisure activities. The ability to participate in these activities are definitive to how people view the quality of their community. The City of Brownwood Parks Master Plan has been prepared in recognition of this. It also addresses the following six key public benefits of parks.


For many, the sedentary nature of daily life requires exercise needs to be met through intentional actions as opposed to the byproduct of everyday activity. This requires a built environment that allows for and encourages people to be active. Exercise is a key component to physical health, while mental health is affected by social opportunities and the restorative effects of interaction with nature. Parks and open spaces provide the opportunities for both active and passive recreation.

• Active recreation includes organized sports and activities that require specific spaces for recreation or play.

• Passive recreation includes opportunities that promote interaction with nature and have a smaller imprint on the natural environment. Activities may include hiking, biking, kayaking, and wildlife viewing.

Parks and open spaces provide citizens with opportunities for active recreation such as the disc golf course in Riverside Park.



Parks are places to socialize, participate in groups or clubs, and meet new people. Some may talk with another parent as their children use a nearby play structure, while others may find common interests with other pet owners during the interactions afforded at a dog park. These social interactions help build a safe, connected, and friendly community.

Parks also provide an opportunity for community service and participation in group events or leagues. A neighborhood group can volunteer to maintain a specific park through an Adopt-A-Park program. Special events and festivals hosted in local parks are great ways to get to know neighbors and local businesses.


5 4 3 2

Parks and recreation programs, specifically those targeted towards teens and youth, can have a positive social impact by providing a supervised and safe environment. Organized sports as well as unstructured activities such as skateboarding, increase interaction with peers, and help develop life skills such as teamwork, leadership, and decision-making.

People will visit a community because of local attractions, including parks with desirable facilities or unique features. Festivals, concerts, sports tournaments, and special events typically take place in community owned public spaces. Even museums and sometimes libraries can be located within or adjacent to a park to increase community offerings in a central location. Brownwood and the surrounding area are already a destination for activities such as rodeos, athletic tournaments, fishing, and camping/RVing. Capitalizing on these existing attractions and enhancing those experiences is a way to increase local revenues.


Parks improve local economies by increasing residential property values through what is known as the Proximate Principle. This concept recognizes that people will pay more for a home when it is close to a park or green space. Higher home values create more revenue from property tax rolls.

The Proximate Principle extends beyond residential property. The relationship between private business and parks has a positive impact through an increase in demand for services. Hotels and restaurants that overlook a park, lake, or garden see increased customer satisfaction versus those without similar views. These relationships often lead to positive experiences and reviews and in turn generate more business and tax revenue for the community.

Parks and recreation programs provide opportunities for both adults and youth to participate in organized sports which contribute to community building and important life skills.


Parks, open spaces, and conservation lands remind us of our roles and responsibilities as stewards of the land. Proper practices and approaches to storm water runoff reduce flooding, prioritize clean water, and promote wise use of resources. The use of native plantings and water reclamation practices have the potential to provide mutually beneficial relationships of lower maintenance costs and opportunities for passive

recreation by providing wildlife viewing opportunities along walking or biking trails.

Finally, the designation of park land and open space is complementary to the build-out of a city. Understanding where future park land or open space should be located can encourage new development to occur in a manner that promotes other city goals and interests, such as protecting environmentally sensitive areas or buffering undesirable land uses.


The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) provides guidance for the development of a Parks Master Plan. Their guidance is intended to help municipalities organize park planning initiatives in a manner that improves the chances of being awarded points through the “Project Priority Scoring System,” which is used as part of a ranking for project funds through a matching grant program administered by TPWD. The guidelines are ancillary to TPWD’s desire to ensure an equitable manner for awarding funds to communities throughout Texas. Additionally, the guidelines promote a process that generates locally sponsored projects and are reflective of the community’s wants and needs.

A TPWD-consistent plan includes the following organizational components: plan goals and objectives, park land and facility standards, inventory of existing parks and park facilities, a needs assessment, an implementation strategy, and prioritized list of needs. These plan components are supported by public input and outreach, maps, graphics, and photos that add support and context for the issues covered in the plan.

Conserved park land not only provides community benefits such as wise use of resources, but also provides opportunities for viewing wildlife and enjoying nature.


The Parks Master Plan is organized by chapters that align with the steps of the planning process:

Chapter 1: Introduction and Context. This introductory chapter defines the purpose of the master plan and analyzes factors that influence the parks and recreation system such as demographics and lifestyle trends.

Chapter 3: Needs Assessment. This chapter incorporates a series of assessment methods that are used to inform plan recommendations and implementation strategies.

Chapter 2: Brownwood Parks System. This chapter provides details and context for the existing Brownwood parks and recreation system and identifies park classifications and characteristics of each.


Chapter 4: Plan Recommendations and Implementation. This chapter identifies plan goals recommended actions for new park facilities, improvements to existing parks, trail development, and operational elements.

The Parks Master Plan is the City of Brownwood’s blueprint for developing a consolidated municipal parks and recreation system. This plan provides direction for municipal park system development over the next 10 years (2023-2033), which includes a corresponding program of projects, actions, and initiatives.

Local planning requirements issued by the TPWD recommend that a new park plan should be developed no less than every 10 years. A plan update is encouraged after five years to maintain competitiveness for TPWD grants. Each update will act as an opportunity to measure success,make revisions to plan policies and implementation strategies. Plan updates and implementation provisions are detailed in Chapter 4, Plan Recommendations and Implementation.

Lake Brownwood State Park outside of Brownwood offers a variety of complementary outdoor recreation opportunities.


The City of Brownwood is located in Brown County and serves as the county seat. The climate is humid sub-tropical and the City is just north of the Edwards Plateau regions. The City is located on Pecan Bayou, which drains into the Colorado River Basin system. The City is 109 miles southeast of Abilene and 176 miles west of Waco. Brownwood is located 141 miles northeast of San Angelo and 194 miles southwest of Fort Worth. Further relationships to surrounding communities can be seen in Map 1.1, Regional Context, below.

Lake Brownwood State Park, operated by Texas Parks and Wildlife, is just 16 miles north of Brownwood. This park offers a variety of outdoor recreation opportunities as well as overnight camping, community event space and overnight camping.

Map 1.1, Regional Context


It is important that the park planning effort considers the entire extent of the area that is under the jurisdictional influence of the municipality. Regardless of whether a community has seen little growth or experiencing a population explosion, a city should look outside its current City limits for the parks and recreation opportunities that will allow it to take advantage of unique natural resources or to adequately be able to accommodate future growth.

The boundaries for the park planning effort include all areas inside the City limits, the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ), and Fabis Primitive Park (see Map 1.2, Planning Area). The City limits have approximately 15.1 square miles and the ETJ includes approximately 43.4 square miles.

MILLS COLEMAN COMANCHE MCCULLOCH BROWN SAN SABA Colorado River Brownwood Early Comanche Bangs Mullin Santa Anna Coleman Blanket Goldthwaite Lake Brownwood ¯ 0 5 10 2.5 Miles

Map 1.2, Planning Area

¯ 0 0 5 1 1 5 2 Miles Brownwood Water Supply Canal Adams Branch Pecan Bayou Pecan Bayou PecanBayou Trigg Park Taber Park Skate Park Mayes Park Bunin Park Snider Park Coggin Park Wiggins Park Kiwanis Park Allcorn Park Thomason Park Festival Park Riverside Park Letbetter Park Pat Coursey Park Cecil Holman Park Gladys Seward Park Camp Bowie Memorial Park Margaret and Stuart Coleman Plaza Bert V Massey II Sports Complex Camp Bowie Soccer Complex Fabis Primitive Park CooginAve MagnoliaSt 14thSt MainSt AustinAve SouthsideD r Brady Ave Milam Dr Stephen F. Austin Dr Legend Parks City Limits ETJ Limits County Minor Roadways Major Roadways Rivers and Streams Waterbodies Floodplain


The demographic breakdown of a community can contribute to a better understanding of the people a plannng effort is intending to serve. Effectively addressing public preferences and needs requires an understanding of the unique characteristics of the resident population. Key demographic and wealth metrics of Brownwood’s population are presented on pages 8 through 9.


According to the U.S. Census, the City’s population experienced little change overall between 2000 and 2020, despite a small fluctuation in 2010. The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) projects little population increase over the next several decades, as seen in Figure 1.1, Historic and Projected Population.


As shown in Figure 1.2, Population Age Groups, the largest population groups in the City of Brownwood are adults ages 25 to 34 and over the age of 65, both at approximately 15 percent of the population. The next largest age group is adults ages 55 to 64 at 12 percent of the population.

1.2, Population Age Groups

17,500 18,000 18,500 19,000 19,500 20,000 20,500 21,000 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 P o p u l a t i o n Historical Population (US Census) TWDB Population Growth Trend 18,770 19,288 18,862 20,610 Under 5 years 5-9 years 10-14 years 15-19 years 20-24 years 25-34 years 35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years 65+ years 6% 5% 7% 9% 8% 15% 11% 12% 12% 15% 8 | BROWNWOOD PARKS MASTER PLAN
Figure 1.1, Historic and Projected Population


The community of Brownwood is predominately white in terms of race, as shown in Figure 1.3, Race and Ethnicity. Out of the population that categorizes itself as white, about 30 percent is of Hispanic or Latino ethnicity.


The median household income is a measure that shows the point where approximately 50 percent of the households make below that number. The City of Brownwood finds their median household income below that of both the State and Brown County. These median income amounts are shown in Figure 1.4, Median Household Income.


The majority of the population over the age of 18 in the City of Brownwood holds a high school diploma (or equivalent). Figure 1.5, Educational Attainment shows that just under half of the City’s population over age 18 holds a bachelors degree or higher.

95.5% High School or Higher

47.8% Bachelors Degree or Higher

30% 70% Hispanic or Latino (of any race) Not Hispanic or Latino
$42,944 $49,180 Texas City of Brownwood Brown County $63,826 Figure 1.3, Race and Ethnicity Figure 1.4, Median Household Income Figure 1.5, Educational Attainment Source (all figures): 2020 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, U.S. Census Bureau
84% 7% 5% 3% 1% White Two or more races Black or African American Other Asian CHAPTER 1, INTRODUCTION AND CONTEXT | 9
Left: Howard Payne University, located in Brownwood





This chapter of the Parks Master Plan is intended to establish the organizational structure and provide a base assessment of the existing park system. This information will be used in the following chapters to develop the needs assessment and to provide context for park recommendations.

Park classifications, existing park properties, and recreation partners are all topics covered in this chapter. Park classifications provide the context to how each park functions and the role each park plays within the overall park system. Examining existing park land provides an inventory of park facilities. The identification of recreation partners is important to identifying specific park user groups and understanding existing and potential collaboration opportunities for recreational facilities and programming. These three topics will be discussed in further detail in the following pages. The City of Brownwood Parks and Recreation Department currently maintains 21 City-owned

parks, most of which include some type of planned amenities or facilities. The Department is tasked with managing the maintenance and upkeep of the facilities, grounds, and trails for these properties, as well as several non-park properties, as shown in Map 2.1, Existing Parks System. In addition, the Department assists with coordinating numerous community events, recreational programming and supports development review.


Organizing park land into a classification system is important for both the management and evaluation of the park offerings and services being provided to the local citizenry. The Parks Master Plan follows standard national, state, and industry practices for evaluating and classifying park land. In Brownwood today, there are six primary types of parks including regional, community, neighborhood, pocket parks, special use parks, and civic spaces.

Left Splash pad feature; Right: Play area at Cecil Holman Park

Map 2.1, Existing Parks System

¯ 0 0 5 1 1 5 2 Miles Brownwood Water Supply Canal Adams Branch Pecan Bayou Pecan Bayou PecanBayou Trigg Park Taber Park Skate Park Mayes Park Bunin Park Snider Park Coggin Park Wiggins Park Kiwanis Park Allcorn Park Thomason Park Festival Park Riverside Park Letbetter Park Pat Coursey Park Cecil Holman Park Gladys Seward Park Camp Bowie Memorial Park Margaret and Stuart Coleman Plaza Bert V Massey II Sports Complex Camp Bowie Soccer Complex Fabis Primitive Park Brownwood Middle School Brownwood High School CooginAve MagnoliaSt 14thSt MainSt AustinAve Stephen F Austin Dr SouthsideD r Brady Ave Milam Dr Legend Parks City Maintained Property Public Schools City Limits ETJ County Waterbodies Floodplain Rivers and Streams Minor Roadways Major Roadways å å å


Regional parks are large parks designed to serve multiple communities and provide a variety of amenities. These parks often provide an ideal staging ground for outdoor events, athletic tournaments, and festivals. These parks also provide passive recreation opportunities such as camping, hiking, and fishing, which requires design approaches that have a limited footprint on the natural environment. These parks may contain preserved land in conjunction with active and passive recreational amenities.

There is currently one regional park in Brownwood totaling 156.2 acres and which comprises approximately 32 percent of Brownwood’s total park land. Riverside Park is located in the northern portion of the city.


• Riverside Park


Brownwood’s regional parks include multiple amenities that attract residents from across the City. Highlights include:

• Walking and nature trail

• Playground areas

• Sand volleyball pit

• Disc golf course

• Fishing dock

• Boat ramp

• Pecan orchard

• Pecan Bayou

paddling trail

• Camping sites

• RV connections

A full inventory of regional park amenities is located in Table 2.1, Existing Parks System.

Above: Fishing at Riverside Park; Top Right: Riverside Park Disc Golf Course; Bottom Right: Riverside Park Play Area


Community parks are typically larger parks that offer a range of active and passive recreation opportunities for multiple neighborhoods. Amenities of community parks may include swimming pools, ball fields (often lighted) for organized sports, playgrounds and trails. Community parks generally provide multiple facilities while still leaving open space for unstructured recreation, natural areas, and landscaped areas for beautification. Brownwood’s parks system includes four community parks totaling 56 acres which comprises approximately 11 percent of Brownwood’s total park land. These parks are located throughout the city.


• Camp Bowie Memorial Park

• Cecil Holman Park

• Coggin Park

• Festival Park


Brownwood’s community parks include multiple amenities that attract residents throughout the City. Highlights include:

• Walking trails

• Central Texas Veterans Memorial

• Artillery displays

• American Legion post

• Bennie Houston Recreation Center

• Softball practice fields

• Baseball practice fields

• Basketball courts

• Tennis courts

• In-line hockey court

• Sand volleyball pits

A full inventory of community park amenities is located in Table 2.1, Existing Parks System.

Playground at Cecil Holman Park


Neighborhood parks are small parks designed to be within walking or biking distance to surrounding neighborhoods and subdivisions. Typically, they offer passive and active amenities including trails, playgrounds, pavilion and benches.

The Brownwood parks system includes seven neighborhood parks totaling 27.9 acres which comprise approximately six percent of Brownwood’s total park land. These parks are located throughout the city.


• Allcorn Park

• Gladys Seward Park

• Kiwanis Park

• Mayes Park

• Thomason Park

• Trigg Park

• Wiggins Park


Brownwood’s neighborhood parks include multiple amenities that attract residents from surrounding neighborhoods. Highlights include:

• Basketball courts

• Baseball fields

• Soccer fields

• Softball fields

• Tennis courts

• Skate park

• Splash pad

A full inventory of neighborhood park amenities is located in Table 2.1, Existing Parks System.

Top Left: Mayes Park Skate Park; Bottom Left: Neighborhood park outdoor basketball court; Above: Splash pad at Mayes Park


Pocket parks provide generally small areas of passive greenery, a place to sit outdoors, and sometimes a playground or activity. They may also be uniquely focused around a monument or historic setting. In urban contexts, these parks may take the form of plazas or court yards. In suburban areas, pocket parks may take the form of trail heads or even small-scale play areas. Pocket parks are typically accessed by walking or biking.

The Brownwood parks system includes four pocket parks totaling 1.7 acres which comprise approximately 0.35 percent of Brownwood’s total park land. These parks are located throughout the city.


• Bunin Park

• Letbetter Park

• Snider Park

• Taber Park


Brownwood’s pocket parks include amenities to serve nearby residents or patrons. Highlights include:

• Basketball court

• Play areas

• Open spaces

A full inventory of pocket park amenities is located in Table 2.1, Existing Parks System.

Above: Taber Park; Top Right: Basketball court at Bunin Park; Bottom Right: Play area at Snider Park


Special use parks tend to be diverse in size, category, and amenities because they are designed to serve a unique purpose and support specific activities. Because the facility accommodates particular or unique recreational activities, each special use park may provide only one or a few activities. Prominent examples of special use parks are athletic complexes, skate parks, dog parks, natural areas and nature preserves, or linear parks.

The Brownwood parks system includes two special use parks totaling 246.2 acres which comprise approximately 50 percent of Brownwood’s total park land. These parks are located in the southern portion of the city.


• Bert V Massey II Sports Complex

• Camp Bowie Soccer Complex

• Fabis Primitive Park


Brownwood’s special use parks include amenities that attract residents and visitors from the region. Highlights include:

• Baseball fields

• Youth softball fields

• Adult softball fields

• Soccer fields

• Concession facilities

• Pavilions

A full inventory of special use park amenities is located in Table 2.1, Existing Parks System.

Top Right: Camp Bowie Soccer Complex; Bottom Right: Camp Bowie Family Aquatic Center; Above: Bert V Massey II Sports Complex


These spaces are limited in their recreational use, serving as structured gathering spaces for formal community events or festivals and informal social gathering. Civic spaces are often defined by squares or plazas. These spaces are an important component of downtowns and other urban and suburban areas.

There are currently two civic spaces in Brownwood totaling 1.3 acres which comprises approximately 0.25 percent of Brownwood’s total park land. These spaces are located within downtown Brownwood.


• Margaret and Stuart Coleman Plaza

• Pat Coursey Park


Brownwood’s civic spaces include gathering spaces and serve for social gathering. Highlights include:

• Benches

• Gathering space

• Downtown views

A full inventory of civic space amenities is located in Table 2.1, Existing Parks System.

Top Left: Margaret and Stuart Coleman Plaza; Top Right: Downtown Brownwood views; Bottom: Mural at Pat Coursey Park

Figure 2.1, Existing Parks System

Use Parks

Existing Parks Active Facilities Facility Address Acres Baseball Fields (Competitive) Softball Fields (Competitive) Soccer Pads (Competitive) Softball Fields/ Adult Basketball Full Courts Basketball Half Courts Baseball / Softball Backstops Multi-purpose Practice Fields Disc Golf Course Tennis Courts Regional Parks 1 Riverside Park 600 Riverside Park Dr. 156.2 1 1 Subtotal 156.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 Community Parks 2 Camp Bowie Memorial Park 2710 Crockett Dr. 11.3 3 Cecil Holman Park 1100 Hall St. 10.4 2 1 4 Coggin Park 2001 Austin Ave. 16.4 1 4 5 5 Festival Park Milam Dr. & Dickman Dr. 17.9 1 2 Subtotal 56.0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 7 0 5 Neighborhood Parks 6 Allcorn Park 4th St. & Indian Creek Dr. 9.0 2 1 2 7 Gladys Seward Park 702 Walnut St. 0.9 1 1 8 Kiwanis Park W. Baker & Romines St. 3.5 1 1 9 Mayes Park 2700 Austin Ave. 2.9 1 3 10 Thomason Park 2408 Avenue B 2.4 3 11 Trigg Park Bluffview Dr. 6.7 2 8 12 Wiggins Park 1100 Victoria St. 2.5 1 3 Subtotal 27.9 0 0 0 0 1 2 5 18 0 3 Pocket Parks 13 Bunin Park 2001 Waco St. 0.5 1 14 Letbetter Park 704 Sharp St. 0.6 15 Snider Park 1701 11th St. 0.2 16 Taber Park Vincent St. & Avenue I 0.3 Subtotal 1.7 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Special
17 Bert V Massey II Sports Complex 3266 Milam Dr. 69.2 6 6 2 18 Camp Bowie Soccer Complex 2201 Calvert Rd. 25.6 23 19 Fabis Primitive Park 2700 FM 2125 151.4 1 Subtotal 246.2 6 6 23 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 20 | BROWNWOOD PARKS MASTER PLAN
Active Facilities Water Related Passive / Support Facilities Infrastructure Volleyball Courts (sand) Paved Hike/Bike Trails (miles) Un-Paved Hike/Bike Trails (miles) Nature area (acres) Playground (# of units) Skating Facilities Water Spray Pool Leisure Pool Covered Picnic Table Large Pavilions Small Pavilions Picnic Units BBQ Grills Benches Bleachers Drinking Fountains Lakes or Water in Park Adjacent to Creek Concession Bldgs. Restroom Bldgs./Portable Off Street Parking (# of spaces) Handicapped Parking (# of spaces) 1 1.00 2.50 46 2 20 1 22 1 1 2 130 4 1 1 3 46 2 0 0 0 20 1 0 22 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 130 4 1 4 3 1 35 7 0.25 2 3 1 1 7 4 2 1 1 48 3 1 1.00 1 2 6 2 19 7 2 87 4 0.12 25 6 1 23 8 1 2 1 1 0 26 5 0 0 0 15 2 3 53 19 5 0 1 0 1 0 6 170 14 2 1 3 1 9 3 1 1 1 38 6 1 1 10 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 2 1 1 21 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 4 3 4 16 4 0 0 0 0 6 1 3 1 6 1 1 16 5 4 2 2 0 0 0 2 69 9 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.50 3 2 24 6 3 3 698 20 16 2 16 12 4 2 2 400 20 186 3 1 0 1 0 186 0 0 0 0 16 2 3 16 3 2 36 10 1 0 5 5 1,098 40 CHAPTER 2, BROWNWOOD PARKS SYSTEM | 21
Existing Parks Active Facilities Facility Address Acres Baseball Fields (Competitive) Softball Fields (Competitive) Soccer Pads (Competitive) Softball Fields/ Adult Basketball Full Courts Basketball Half Courts Baseball / Softball Backstops Multi-purpose Practice Fields Disc Golf Course Tennis Courts Civic Spaces 20 Margaret & Stuart Coleman Plaza 607 E. Depot St. 1.0 21 Pat Coursey Park 200 Center Ave. 0.3 Subtotal 1.3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 City-Owned Recreation Facilities 22 Bennie Houston Recreation Center 505 Cordell St. 1 23 Camp Bowie Gym 3210 Milam Dr. 1 Subtotal 0.0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Total 489.2 6 6 23 2 6 3 8 25 1 8
Figure 2.1, Existing Parks System (cont.)
Active Facilities Water Related Passive / Support Facilities Infrastructure Volleyball Courts (sand) Paved Hike/Bike Trails (miles) Un-Paved Hike/Bike Trails (miles) Nature area (acres) Playground (# of units) Skating Facilities Water Spray Pool Leisure Pool Covered Picnic Table Large Pavilions Small Pavilions Picnic Units BBQ Grills Benches Bleachers Drinking Fountains Lakes or Water in Park Adjacent to Creek Concession Bldgs. Restroom Bldgs./Portable Off Street Parking (# of spaces) Handicapped Parking (# of spaces) 1 3 40 1 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 8 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 3 259 15 1 3 1 57 7 7 119 30 16 38 13 1 2 5 15 1,508 68 CHAPTER 2, BROWNWOOD PARKS SYSTEM | 23



In conducting an analysis of needs, a planning process should look at three different types of assessments. These assessment techniques are consistent with accepted methodologies identified by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and are described below:

• Demand-Based Assessment. This technique uses citizen input to determine actual and/or desired park usage. This assessment type provides a qualitative analysis of the park system and input for future improvements from the user perspective.

• Resource-Based Assessment. This technique recognizes potential opportunities offered by the built environment, the natural environment, or other resource-based partnerships. The identification of these opportunities allows for the City to pursue obtaining land, developing facilities, or partnering with local organizations to address recreation demands in a creative and responsible manner.

• Standard-Based Assessment. This technique uses locally developed level of service ratios to compare existing park land and recreation facilities to the projected need based upon the current and future projected population. This assessment relies on park land and facility benchmarks that are aspirational and unique to each community.

Individually these assessment techniques would not allow for a city to effectively plan its park system, but combined they are invaluable in ensuring the wise use of resources to grow a park system.

Improvements to the concrete surfacing are needed at the pavilion at Cecil Holman Park.


Various public engagement efforts were undertaken to understand where the community wants to go. Over the course of the planning process, these included such things as focus group meetings, a community event, and an online community survey.


A series of focus group meetings were held at the onset of the public engagement process. Information collected during these meetings helped shape the community survey questions and generated ideas that could be incorporated later as recommendations. Two focus group meetings were conducted on April 19, 2022, with groups being divided by their area of interest and expertise. The focus groups included:

• BISD and other youth / school group leadership

• Parks and Recreation Advisory Board members

• Neighborhood interests / families / parents

• Local economic development leaders (i.e., MDC, tourism, business, chamber representatives)

• Sports complex users including athletic and other recreation related user groups


The Brownwood Annual Cinco de Mayo Celebration, which took place on May 6, 2022, provided a great opportunity to provide awareness about the Parks Plan process and inform event attendees about the online community survey. Input was solicited about the Brownwood parks system from a wide range of attendees and to inform them that their feedback will be incorporated into the Parks Master Plan. Event attendees had the opportunity to provide feedback through an intercept survey. Event attendees who participated in the intercept survey were asked about the facility or amenity that they would like to see added to the parks system. Survey respondents stated that they would like to see more splash pads and trails.


• Additional park fencing is needed

• Lighting is needed

• The parks system needs to be consolidated

• Additional seating is needed

• More trails are needed

• An additional practice facility is needed

• More picnic shelters are needed

• The drainage of the sports fields needs to be improved

• RV hookups are needed at the sports complex

Event attendees were also asked in the intercept survey what the focus of the Brownwood parks system should be. A summary of the top responses are listed below:

• Family-friendly

• Connectivity

• Usability (e.g., shade)

Cinco de Mayo event attendees had the opportunity to provide feedback about the parks system.


A community-wide online public survey was conducted to better understand the opinions, perceptions, and desires of the local community members. A successful outreach effort allowed for the participation of 1,238 respondents during the month of May 2022. The next two pages highlight key survey results that are important to inform priority actions desired by the community. The complete survey results can be found in Appendix A, Public Engagement Results.


• In the past five years, the quality of the parks has improved

• Favorite recreation activities are walking/hiking and festivals/special events

• Pedestrian connections are needed to parks

• Amenities are needed along trails

• Shade is needed in parks

• Lighting and security is needed throughout the parks system


• Walking/hiking on trails

• Going to festivals or special events

• Fishing

• Playing on playgrounds

• Enjoying water parks and aquatic facilities


• Parks

• Downtown

• Other trails

Figure 3.1, Park Activation Priority Issues

• Respondents’ satisfaction with recreational programming is lower for adults and seniors PARK

Lighting for early morning and evening use Shade

Accessible playground

Trails, walking loops around the park

Picnic pavilions for group events

Seating and socialization areas

Sport courts (e.g., basketball courts, tennis, pickleball)

Special events

Trails, greenway system connections

Splash pads

Sport fields (e g , multipurpose open space fields)

Interactive play areas

Dog parks

Nature play and self guided nature walks

Food truck events

• Shade

• Lighting for early morning and evening use

• Accessible playground

• Trails, walking loops around the park

• Picnic pavilions for group events

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Very Important Important No opinion Not Important Not Important at all 28 | BROWNWOOD PARKS MASTER PLAN



Nearly 50% of respondents visited a city park daily/weekly

94% of respondents agree or strongly agree that better parks would improve the image of Brownwood

Amenities along trails in the City of Brownwood such as benches, lighting, trees, etc , are important if I am to use a trail

I would like to see trails near where I live

I would like to see trails developed as an alternative means of transportation in the City of Brownwood

“ “
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Figure 3.4, Trail Connection Preferences, Top Ranked
1st Rank 2nd Rank 3rd Rank 4th Rank 5th Rank 6th Rank 7th Rank 8th Rank
Sports fields
parks Gathering spaces
trees in parks Passive areas
in parks Extension of trail system Playgrounds New recreation center Lighting/Security
Figure 3.3, Recreational Spending Priorities
Sidewalks connecting to
Improved 66% Stayed the Same 26% Declined 8%
Figure 3.2, Brownwood’s Park Quality in Past Five Years
Strongly Support/Support Undecided Oppose/Strongly Oppose 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Increase fees for those who participate in recreation programming Increase the Department’s annual budget Increase rental fees for park facilities Raise funds for new facilities through voter approved bond initiative Increase fees for those who use specialized or maintenance intensive recreation facilities CHAPTER 3, NEEDS ASSESSMENT | 29
Figure 3.5, Support for Financing Strategies to Increase Amount of Parks and Recreation Facilities and Programs Funding


This Parks Master Plan includes level of service (LOS) analysis of existing park size, park distribution and community park facilities. These service levels should be viewed as guidance so the City can make decisions on future amenities within parks, or future real estate decisions on parks. The LOS is established using locally developed metrics to compare existing park land and recreation facilities to the projected need based upon the current and future projected population. Three types of LOS-based analyses are described below.

Level of Service - Park Acreage. The park land acreage LOS analysis defines the quantity of park land acreage in the city, expressed as a ratio of acreage to population. It analyzes whether there is sufficient acreage to serve the population today and in the future. This analysis can also shed light on whether the amount of parks in the community is adequate to serve current and future residents.

Level of Service - Access to Park Land. The access to park land analysis examines the location and distribution of park land throughout Brownwood. This analysis determines how easy it is for residents to access park land, and identifies where park land is needed to meet the City’s target LOS.

Level of Service - Park Facilities. The facility LOS analysis defines the number of facilities recommended to serve each particular recreation need. Facility standards are usually expressed as a ratio of units of one particular facility per population size. For example, a facility standard for a baseball field is one field for every 5,000 residents of the city.

Park facilities such as the disc golf at Riverside Park can enhance the experience for the park user.


The purpose of park acreage levels of service is to ensure that sufficient area is allocated for all the outdoor recreation and open space needs of a community. To help determine an appropriate LOS, a “target” level is provided using a range of acreage to determine adequacy. Figure 3.6, Park Land Level of Service in Brownwood, 2021 provides the current LOS for park acreage and Figure 3.7, Park Land Level of Service in Brownwood, 2030 provides the LOS for park acreage based on 2030 population projections. Brownwood is currently within acreage targets for regional and neighborhood parks but are below the range for community park acreage. The classifications of pocket park, special use park, and civic space do not have target acreage recommendations.

Park Classification Existing Acreage # of Parks Average Size (ac.) Current Level of Service (Based on 20,610 population) Recommended Target LOS Recommended Acreage Regional Park 156.2 1 156.2 7.6 Ac./1,000 Residents 5.0 to 10.0 Ac./1,000 Residents 103.05 to 206.1 Community Park 56 4 14.0 2.7 Ac./1,000 Residents 5.0 to 8.0 Ac./1,000 Residents 103.05 to 164.88 Neighborhood Park 27.9 7 4.0 1.4 Ac./1,000 Residents 1.0 to 2.0 Ac./1,000 Residents 20.61 to 41.22 Pocket Park 1.7 4 0.4 N/A Varies Ac./1,000 Residents N/A Special Use 246.2 3 82.1 N/A Varies Ac./1,000 Residents N/A Civic Spaces 1.3 2 0.7 N/A Varies Ac./1,000 Residents N/A
Park Classification Existing Acreage # of Parks Average Size (ac.) Current Level of Service (Based on 18,770 population) Recommended Target LOS Recommended Acreage Regional Park 156.2 1 156.2 8.3 Ac./1,000 Residents 5.0 to 10.0 Ac./1,000 Residents 94.9 to 187.7 Community Park 56 4 14.0 3.0 Ac./1,000 Residents 5.0 to 8.0 Ac./1,000 Residents 94.9 to 150.2 Neighborhood Park 27.9 7 4.0 1.5 Ac./1,000 Residents 1.0 to 2.0 Ac./1,000 Residents 18.8 to 37.5 Pocket Park 1.7 4 0.4 N/A Varies Ac./1,000 Residents N/A Special Use 246.2 3 82.1 N/A Varies Ac./1,000 Residents N/A Civic Spaces 1.3 2 0.7 N/A Varies Ac./1,000 Residents N/A
Figure 3.7, Park Land Level of Service in Brownwood, 2030 (projected)
Figure 3.6, Park Land Level of Service in Brownwood, 2021


In addition to park land acreage, the location of park land is equally important. The City has nearly 500 acres of park land in total yet more than half of that land is found combined in Riverside Park and Fabis Primitive Park. While these are large and beautiful spaces for recreation, they are not readily accessible to nearby residents seeking more frequent park needs for their families and pets. The following sections evaluate parks from an accessbased assessment, which uses locational distances rather than the acreages previously described.

The level of service areas shown in the maps on the following pages indicate the areas of the community that are within accessible areas of a park, delineated in each map by park type. Areas between the identified service area have to travel further to reach parks and may be considered underserved, as defined by NRPA locational metrics. Note that these access standards are not indicative of a precise pedestrian shed but rather a general coverage area.

Access to park land is derived by applying service areas to specific types of park classifications and how they are intended to be used. For example, a neighborhood park is intended to serve the citizens in their immediate neighborhood. This park classification would have a smaller service area than that for a community park, which serves a much broader area. Associated with each map on the following pages are descriptions of the park classifications and their effective services areas, as locally defined for this plan.


Pocket parks are often unique to an area of a community, developed in a different historical context or serve a very specific purpose requiring a small footprint. No specific LOS target is recommended for pocket parks in the Parks Master Plan. Pocket parks may be appropriate where smaller parcels are an accessory to a larger resource.


Accessibility to neighborhood parks is an important consideration to ensuring equitable distribution of park space. Typically, neighborhood parks are centrally located to the residents they serve.

As illustrated on Map 3.1, Neighborhood Park Service Area on the follow page, Brownwood’s neighborhood parks are augmented with a one-quarter-mile and one-half-mile coverage area to represent a reasonable five-minute walking distance and a reasonable ten-minute walking distance, respectively. These are the recommended distances for ease of access to neighborhood park amenities. Gaps in coverage indicate that direct access to neighborhood parks for some residents may be more challenging.

While not fully developed as public park land, public schools do provide some additional recreational resources similar to those found in neighborhood parks. As such, the same coverage areas is shown on elementary and middle schools across Brownwood.

The level of service tables for park acreage indicate that there is adequate acreage of neighborhood park land in Brownwood based on the current and projected population, while Map 3.1 shows that there are gaps throughout the community that are not currently being served by a neighborhood park.

Neighborhood park development intended to meet the Parks Master Plan LOS targets should occur under the following provisions:

• Neighborhood park land should be principally reserved for recreational use;

• Neighborhood parks should be safe, maintained and improved to high standards; and

• Gaps in neighborhood park areas should be examined for the potential addition of small open spaces, trail/sidewalk improvements, or partnerships with other entities such as schools for green space.

¯ 0 0 5 1 1 5 2 Miles Brownwood Water Supply Canal Adams Branch Pecan Bayou Pecan Bayou PecanBayou å Brownwood Middle School Coggin Intermediate School Woodland Heights Elementary School East Elementary School Northwest Elementary School Trigg Park Taber Park Skate Park Mayes Park Bunin Park Snider Park Coggin Park Wiggins Park Kiwanis Park Allcorn Park Thomason Park Festival Park Riverside Park Letbetter Park Pat Coursey Park Cecil Holman Park Gladys Seward Park Camp Bowie Memorial Park Margaret and Stuart Coleman Plaza Bert V Massey II Sports Complex Camp Bowie Soccer Complex Fabis Primitive Park CooginAve MagnoliaSt 14thSt MainSt AustinAve Stephen F Austin Dr SouthsideD r Brady Ave Milam Dr Legend Parks 1/4 Mile LOS Coverage 1/2 Mile LOS Coverage Brownwood ISD Schools 1/4 Mile School Coverage 1/2 Mile School Coverage City Limits ETJ Limits County Minor Roadways Major Roadways Rivers and Streams Waterbodies Floodplain å å å å å
Map 3.1, Neighborhood Park Service Area


Community parks in Brownwood are intended to serve large neighborhoods or several neighborhoods within a one-to-two-mile service area, as shown in Map 3.2, Community Parks Service Area. This distance represents a reasonable one-mile walking distance and a two-mile biking distance. Although often accessed by the community by motor vehicles, they may also serve as neighborhood parks to the residents in their immediate vicinity. Community parks may host larger community events, sports, and activities.

Community parks in Brownwood are the most critical of all park facilities. There is currently excellent community park coverage throughout the entire community. All areas of the city are accessible to the community parks with the facilities that they provide to the residents. The City should continue to focus on developing the existing community parks for future improvements. The level of service tables for park acreage indicate that there is a deficit of community park land acreage in Brownwood, but the Community Parks Service Area Map tells a different story about how the current acreage serves geographic areas within the community.

The unique play area at Coggin Park, a community park, serves a large area of the community in central Brownwood.

Map 3.2, Community Parks Service Area

¯ 0 0 5 1 1 5 2 Miles Brownwood Water Supply Canal Adams Branch Pecan Bayou Pecan Bayou PecanBayou Trigg Park Taber Park Skate Park Mayes Park Bunin Park Snider Park Coggin Park Wiggins Park Kiwanis Park Allcorn Park Thomason Park Festival Park Riverside Park Letbetter Park Pat Coursey Park Cecil Holman Park Gladys Seward Park Camp Bowie Memorial Park Margaret and Stuart Coleman Plaza Bert V Massey II Sports Complex Camp Bowie Soccer Complex Fabis Primitive Park CooginAve MagnoliaSt 14thSt MainSt AustinAve Stephen F Austin Dr SouthsideD r Brady Ave Milam Dr Legend Parks 1 Mile LOS Coverage 2 Mile LOS Coverage City Limits ETJ Limits County Minor Roadways Major Roadways Rivers and Streams Waterbodies Floodplain


Regional parks are intended to serve the entire city and beyond, typically in a four-mile service area. Brownwood’s regional park, Riverside Park, is located on Pecan Bayou, which splits between the city and Early, and is a valuable amenity for residents and visitors alike. The bayou provides recreational opportunities such as fishing and kayaking. Most of the community is located within the regional park service area for Riverside Park, with the exception of the southern portion of Brownwood, as seen in Map 3.3, Regional Parks Service Area

Being the only regional park in Brownwood, Riverside Park is likely to see even more demand in the future and should be a priority for maintenance and facility upgrades. Riverside is likely to meet the regional park needs for the community for some time.


There is no specific LOS target recommended for civic spaces in the Parks Master Plan. The absence of LOS recommendations does not mean that publicly accessible civic spaces are not important public amenities in Brownwood. Depending on the size and nature of the civic space, the property may function in contributing to the LOS targets for other park classifications. Brownwood’s two Civic Spaces, Coleman Plaza and Coursey Park, are two spaces that provide social gathering places, event space, and shaded respite in the downtown area. The inclusion of new civic spaces should be considered in conjunction with any redevelopment efforts in downtown Brownwood.


There is no specific LOS for most types of special use parks such as sports complexes, primitive nature areas, etc.

While there is no specific civic space LOS target, spaces such as the Margaret and Stuart Coleman Plaza and nearby historic Santa Fe train in downtown, are important civic amenities.

Map 3.3, Regional Parks Service Area

¯ 0 0 5 1 1 5 2 Miles Brownwood Water Supply Canal Adams Branch Pecan Bayou Pecan Bayou PecanBayou Trigg Park Taber Park Skate Park Mayes Park Bunin Park Snider Park Coggin Park Wiggins Park Kiwanis Park Allcorn Park Thomason Park Festival Park Riverside Park Letbetter Park Pat Coursey Park Cecil Holman Park Gladys Seward Park Camp Bowie Memorial Park Margaret and Stuart Coleman Plaza Bert V Massey II Sports Complex Camp Bowie Soccer Complex Fabis Primitive Park CooginAve MagnoliaSt 14thSt MainSt AustinAve SouthsideD r Brady Ave Milam Dr Stephen F. Austin Dr Legend Parks 4 Mile LOS Coverage City Limits ETJ Limits County Minor Roadways Major Roadways Rivers and Streams Waterbodies Floodplain


Park system facility standards provide guidance on municipal investments for recreational structures and other facilities. This direction can be used to help program for parks with appropriate recreation facilities. Facility needs are based both on ratios related to existing population and future facility needs are derived from population projections. The park facilities identified in Figure 3.8, Recreation Facilities Level of Service do not represent an exhaustive list of recreational amenities; rather, they represent common facilities found throughout most municipal park systems nationwide. Their purpose in this Parks Master Plan is to assist in determining how existing parks should be programmed and/or expanded.

The baseline LOS for each facility type listed in Figure 3.8, Recreation Facilities Level of Service represents minimum recommended, locally-defined targets. Additional facilities may be added to, or removed from, those listed in Figure 3.8, Recreation Facilities Level of Service to reflect changes in public demands for recreational offerings over time.


Based on Figure 3.8, Recreation Facilities Level of Service table, the City currently needs to focus their resources on adding the following facilities to the parks system:

• Dog park

• Outdoor volleyball

• Amphitheater

• Football fields - although their are a large surplus of soccer fields that could serve double-duty

Overall, Brownwood has very few large deficiencies for major recreation facilities. Conversely, there are many sports field categories that are in surplus to the 10-year time horizon. There are also shared Brownwood ISD field facilities at the middle school and high school that can accommodate practice, soccer and football.

The playground at Cecil Holman Park is one example of a park facility that is currently adequately serving the community.

Figure 3.8, Recreation Facilities Level of Service

Facility Current Count Current LOS (1 Facility per # Residents) Target LOS (Per Residents) 2021 Need Based on 18,770 Pop. 2021 Deficit or Surplus 2030 Need Based on 20,610 Pop. 2030 Deficit or Surplus Active Recreation Baseball Field (Competitive) 6 3,128 1 per 5,000 4 Surplus of 2 5 Surplus of 1 Adult Softball Field (Competitive) 8 2,346 1 per 3,000 7 Surplus of 1 7 Surplus of 1 Soccer Field 23 816 1 per 5,000 4 Surplus of 19 5 Surplus of 18 Practice Fields/ Football/ Backstops 9 2,086 1 per 5,000 3 Surplus of 6 5 Surplus of 4 Playground 15 1,251 1 per 3,000 7 Surplus of 8 7 Surplus of 8 Tennis Courts 8 2,346 1 per 5,000 4 Surplus of 4 5 Surplus of 3 Outdoor Basketball Courts 7 2,681 1 per 4,000 5 Surplus of 2 6 Surplus of 1 Outdoor Volleyball Courts 2 9,385 1 per 10,000 2 Adequate 3 Deficit of 1 Skate Park 1 18,770 1 per City N/A Adequate N/A Adequate Dog Park 0 N/A 1 per City 1 Deficit of 1 1 Deficit of 1 Water Rec. Splash Pad 3 6,257 1 per 7,500 3 Adequate 3 Adequate Swimming Pool/ Aquatic Facility 2 9,385 1 per 15,000 2 Adequate 2 Adequate Passive Rec. Trails 6 3,128 1 mile per 4,000 5 Surplus of 1 6 Adequate Amphitheater 0 N/A 1 to 2 per City 1 Deficit of 1 1 Deficit of 1 Misc. Disc Golf 1 18,770 1 per City N/A Adequate N/A Adequate Indoor Recreation Facility 2 9,385 1 per 30,000 1 Surplus of 1 1 Surplus of 1 Park Features Pavilions 14 1,341 1 per 4,000 5 Surplus of 9 6 Surplus of 8 Picnic Facilities 21 parks 894 In all parks In all parks In all parks In all parks In all parks Drinking Fountains 13 1,444 In all parks In all parks In all parks In all parks In all parks Restrooms 15 1,251 Where feasible Where feasible Where feasible Where feasible Where feasible CHAPTER 3, NEEDS ASSESSMENT | 39


A resource-based assessment evaluates the inherent opportunities afforded to a community by natural areas or amenities, the characteristics of the built environment, and local partnerships. This assessment contains elements that are unique to the local community. The use of this assessment has the potential to highlight underutilized or overlooked elements to enhance the park system offerings without the need for intensive capital projects, including the acquisition of new property. In instances where property acquisition is unavoidable, this type of assessment can assist in the development of recommendations of where investments in the park system can be maximized.



In many cities the largest landowners are very likely to include both the City itself and the local school district. The Brownwood Independent School District (BISD) is the primary public school district serving the Brownwood community. BISD provides both recreation facilities and sports leagues for middle school and high school aged students. BISD schools and City parks are located near the residential neighborhoods they are intended to serve. Map 3.4, School District Property Locations shows the location of the community schools and a half-mile service area buffer. Middle and elementary schools (which oftentimes include

playscapes and other recreational amenities) often serve the function of a city-offered neighborhood park for residents in the nearby neighborhood. In the areas of the city that do not contain neighborhood parks, school properties have the potential to fill the service area gaps. Refer back to Map 3.1, Neighborhood Park Service Area for the mapped distribution of neighborhood parks without school areas shown. In Brownwood, opportunities for park enjoyment exist even if the facilities are not provided by City. One example of school facilities serving as a neighborhood park is Coggin Intermediate School which contains open space with playgrounds and soccer fields that are open to the public. Some school district properties remain closed to the community residents, after hours, for recreational access. The City and BISD should continue to examine future partnership opportunities in meeting the recreational demands of the community.


The City can also look for mutually-beneficial opportunities to share facilities with Howard Payne University to expand options for students and the community. The private university utilizes Gordon Wood Stadium for football events, and maintains several of its own recreational facilities, including a tennis center, a soccer complex, baseball fields, and practice fields that could serve dual purposes as the need arises. Brownwood Coliseum is currently managed and operated by the university, also allows for large community events.

The Brownwood High School is one resource in the community that has the potential to have shared facilities that are open to the public. Source: Brownwood Independent School District.

Map 3.4, School District Property Locations

¯ 0 0 5 1 1 5 2 Miles Brownwood Water Supply Canal Adams Branch Pecan Bayou Pecan Bayou PecanBayou Trigg Park Taber Park Skate Park Mayes Park Bunin Park Snider Park Coggin Park Wiggins Park Kiwanis Park Allcorn Park Thomason Park Festival Park Riverside Park Letbetter Park Pat Coursey Park Cecil Holman Park Gladys Seward Park Camp Bowie Memorial Park Margaret and Stuart Coleman Plaza Bert V Massey II Sports Complex Camp Bowie Soccer Complex Fabis Primitive Park CooginAve MagnoliaSt 14thSt MainSt AustinAve Stephen F Austin Dr SouthsideD r Brady Ave Milam Dr Legend Parks City Maintained Property Public Schools and HPU 1/4 Mile LOS Coverage 1/2 Mile LOS Coverage City Limits ETJ County Waterbodies Floodplain Rivers and Streams Minor Roadways Major Roadways å å å å å å å å Brownwood High School Brownwood Middle School Woodland Heights Elementary School East Elementary School Northwest Elementary School Coggin Intermediate School Howard Payne University


The City’s streams, floodplains and drainage corridors provide opportunities to serve as important community linkages and promote natural aesthetic qualities to be integrated into Brownwood’s park system. These corridors are identified on Map 3.5, Streams, Floodplains and Drainage Corridors. Key criteria in the preservation of creek and drainage corridors include the following:

• In Brownwood there is an abundance of pecan groves throughout the community on both private and City-owned property. This resource is an asset to the community. Fabis Primitive Park contains a large pecan grove and another large pecan grove is located on Woodson Road on the northeast side of Brownwood that is owned by the City. Riverside Park also contains a pecan grove that could be utilized for future trails;

• The Pecan Bayou Paddling Trail is part of the Texas Paddling Trail system. Along this paddling trail, there is an abundance of natural wildlife habitat;

• Opportunities exist to preserve floodplains and corridors along undeveloped or underdeveloped creek areas for public trails and amenities;

• Flood control with recreation opportunities could prevent unrestricted encroachment and destruction of the vegetative areas along creeks and their tributaries; and

• Land could be acquired and preserved in key drainage areas that could create linkages to adjacent neighborhoods. This could preserve more than just the minimum for drainage purposes.

There could be opportunities for riparian corridors to be used as a multi-purpose resource in the parks system for future actions by City. If land that is regularly subjected to flooding is acquired, all at-risk structures could be removed and the flood area could be restored to a healthy and functional ecosystem. This could mean returning the streams back to their natural state with the benefits of flood control and recreation access.

The Pecan Bayou Paddling Trail is one paddling trail in the area that provides recreational opportunities to residents and visitors.

Map 3.5, Streams, Floodplains, and Drainage Corridors

¯ 0 0 5 1 1 5 2 Miles Brownwood Water Supply Canal Adams Branch Pecan Bayou Pecan Bayou PecanBayou Trigg Park Taber Park Skate Park Mayes Park Bunin Park Snider Park Coggin Park Wiggins Park Kiwanis Park Allcorn Park Thomason Park Festival Park Riverside Park Letbetter Park Pat Coursey Park Cecil Holman Park Gladys Seward Park Camp Bowie Memorial Park Margaret and Stuart Coleman Plaza Bert V Massey II Sports Complex Camp Bowie Soccer Complex Fabis Primitive Park CooginAve MagnoliaSt 14thSt MainSt AustinAve SouthsideD r Brady Ave Milam Dr Stephen F. Austin Dr Legend Parks City Limits ETJ Limits County Minor Roadways Major Roadways Rivers and Streams Waterbodies Floodplain


Road right-of-way areas can be used as strategic elements within the park system to provide trail connections and assist in city beautification efforts. Right-of-way corridors can provide vital “overland” trail linkages between the trails in parks and open space corridors.

• Street Rights-of-Way. Multi-use trails and nearstreet sidepaths can provide extensive connectivity to key destinations in Brownwood. These include trails located on top of utility easements for both pedestrians and bicyclists. Sidepaths are a hard-surface pathway running parallel to a roadway and primarily designed to accommodate bicyclists and pedestrians.

• Highway Corridors. Highway 377 and Highway 84 are major corridors through the community and, at the moment, are not compatible locations for trails. However, as highway corridors are improved or upgraded, they can be complemented through the addition of multi-use trails to provide infrastructure supportive of alternative transportation modes.

• Railroad Rights-of-Way. As can been see on display at the Lehnis Museum, the Harvey House building and various other structures seen throughout the community, railroads have historically been a critical asset in the community. There are abandoned corridors, easements and forgotten rail properties that could be studied for rails-to-trails opportunities and trailhead connections. These connections could also foster regional linkages to destination areas. One example of an abandoned rail line in Brownwood is at Melwood Avenue that would provide a connection to Cecil Holman Park.

• Utility Easements. When present, utility corridors provide an opportunity in which multi-use trail networks can be supported. There is always the potential for partnerships with utility companies to co-locate a multi-use trail in existing and future corridors.

Utility easements and power line corridors could serve as strategic locations to develop trails and accessways.



To prepare the Parks Master Plan for successful implementation over the next 10 years, a clear of set of goals are necessary to establish desired outcomes. These goals will serve as the community focus and commitment to the Plan’s success. The framework for this implementation program is organized around five goal statements based on important community priorities for things like trails, park enhancements, and operations.

Connect parks and community destinations with trails

Enhance the park experience through design, arts and culture, and events

Provide recreational play and programming for all ages and abilities

Identify targeted improvements to ensure exceptional park amenities

The five goals are categorized into broad topics of equal weight, which are not ranked or ordered by priority. Each goal is introduced and summarized in the following pages and it is intended that decisions made in the coming years will be consistent with these overarching goals. Each goal contains specific plan recommendations that are detailed in the Implementation Action Plan table found on pages 57 to 60. Each of these plan recommendations are given targeted timeframe priorities that will guide budgeting and operational decision-making within the plan horizon. GOAL 1 GOAL 2 GOAL 3 GOAL 4 GOAL 5 Maintain existing parks and facilities efficiently and effectively



Connecting parks and community destinations is important to increase recreational opportunities in Brownwood.

As in most communities, trails are at the top of the list for Brownwood residents when it comes to desired amenities. This includes multi-use greenway trails, shared-use pathways along streets, and quiet nature paths.

During the community engagement efforts, trails ranked at the top of general amenities that the Brownwood public is seeking. Citizens of all ages are seeking to be outside, enjoying nature and getting exercise. Many people are realizing the social, health, and physical benefits of walking, jogging or cycling on trails as essential to their quality of life. One priority for the future includes connecting parks with a multi-use trail/sidewalk system.

Coordination and partnership with other departments and entities are critical, as well as ensuring the proper regulatory tools are in place. As municipal capital improvements are planned and funded, including trails and pedestrian facilities should be at the top of the priority list.


Multi-use trail networks provide active and passive recreation as well as connections between recreational areas, and parks, schools, and other community destinations. A well-designed multi-use trail system should serve both recreation and transportation needs.

Multi-use trail facilities and corridors may be located within public rights-of-way or easements. Because of its intended dual recreation and transportation function, the multi-use trail network is distinct from casual walking paths, hiking trails, or singletrack biking trails that are intended for the enjoyment of users within a fixed location.

Recommendation Actions can be found in the table on Page 57


Figure 4.1, Proposed Trail Segments CAMP BOWIE TRAIL AUSTIN AVENUE TRAIL

The proposed Camp Bowie Trail is an example of of a trail corridor that seeks to connect public parks and schools in a location that is mostly public land or right-of-way. This trail would be a showcase route for future 5k or 10k events. It would build on the existing trail throughout Massey/Festival parks and the existing sidepath on Calvert Road. It would culminate with a new loop trail on Allcorn and provide additional community benefit for Brownwood Middle School and Woodland Heights elementary students.

The Austin Avenue Trail is intended to be a multiuse sidepath for walkers and joggers along well-traveled streets connecting three parks and two schools. Located mostly along Austin Ave. between Coggin and Allcorn parks, this route would pair new sections of wider concrete with existing sidewalk elements that could be upgraded in the future. A formal crossing on Austin Avenue, at the signalized intersection of Idlewild/Magnolia, would create a spur access to East Elementary and Mayes Park as well.

CHAPTER 4, PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS AND IMPLEMENTATION | 49 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Feet 0 ¯ Legend Proposed Trail Existing Trail Parks City Limits ETJ Limits Roadways Rivers and Streams Waterbodies Floodplain å å å Festival Park Bert V Massey II Sports Complex Camp Bowie Soccer Complex Allcorn Park Milam Dr Stephen F Austin Dr Indian Creek Rd IndianCreekDr AustinD r Longhorn Ln Calvert Rd Stephen F Austin Dr 4thSt StewartSt Brownwood Middle School Woodland Heights Elementary Brownwood Senior High School 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 Feet 0 ¯ Legend Proposed Trail Parks City Limits ETJ Limits Roadways Rivers and Streams Waterbodies Floodplain å å å å Brownwood Middle School Woodland Heights Elementary Brownwood Senior High School East Elementary School Skate Park Mayes Park Coggin Park Allcorn Park Margaret and Stuart Coleman Plaza Indian Creek Rd IndianCreekDr AustinD r MagnoliaSt ParkwayDr RoselawnAve AustinD r Stephen F Austin Dr 4thSt


Festivals, events, and attractions have impacts that go well beyond what can be measured in economic terms. They contribute to the quality of life by strengthening communities, providing unique activities and events, building awareness of diverse cultures and identities, and acting as a source of community pride.

Parks can provide sites for sports tournaments, which can be major sources of revenue. A facility like the Bert V Massey II Sports Complex is a substantial tournament-oriented facility that is well-used in Brownwood.

For many, community attractions are as much a draw as organized formal events and tournaments. Downtown is increasingly becoming an asset as a community gathering place and cultural nucleus. Regional parks such as Riverside Park has potential to be a regional attraction. The community should continually seek more reasons for people to travel to Brownwood to enjoy its parks and public spaces.


Planning for cost recovery can help provide better park experiences with enhanced amenities. Creative and unique ways to generate revenue help provide new financial ability for programming, amenities, and other needs. In many cities, as parks include more amenitized options that require added operational support, user fees are increasingly included to cover costs.

Recommendations for Brownwood to explore include assessing recreation and user fees, expanding events/tournaments, creative partnerships and sponsorships, and exploring more facility and space rentals for parties and functions.

Recommendation Actions can be found in the table on Page 57

The Centex Cup is one event that occurs in the fall at the Camp Bowie Soccer Complex.



Brownwood recognizes the importance of inclusive park amenity elements for various ages and special needs. While compliance with the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) is a must for all future parks and park renovations, additional attention should be placed on play spaces, facilities, and park access.

Parks and recreation have historically focused on the able-bodied and the young; however, there are more vulnerable members of the community that are seeking park enjoyment as well. Brownwood has recognized this and will continue to plan for inclusive elements within parks. This should include ensuring accessibility to and within parks to ensure safe, comfortable, and encouraging methods of accessible movement; equipment and play space that includes inclusive design elements; recreational offerings for seniors and those with declining physical abilities, and general health and outdoor education for the community.


The development of most Brownwood parks occurred before the passing of the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). These requirements allowed more inclusion of accessibility in the built environment. Making parks accessible and inclusive is a significant responsibility cities are assigned. It is important to communicate, educate, and promote these additions to parks and park facilities to the general public. Providing a complete listing of park features that contribute to accessibility and promote inclusive play can serve as both a reference tool for local citizens and a benchmark for the City.

Recommendation Actions can be found in the table on Page 57

Park amenities programmed for various ages and abilities ensures that many can enjoy recreational access.


Improving parks and facilities starts with determining community desires and then moving forward to provide those amenities. In the public input gathered during this planning process, participants identified broad and specific improvements that are recommended in this plan. Targeted enhancements provide an cost-effective approach to new and updated park amenities.

By providing improved access and pedestrian connectivity throughout the park system, park users will benefit by getting to and from the parks more easily. Better access to parks show improved physical activity levels among park users, as well as better perceptions of park safety.

Regular park enhancements produce quality and fun public parks that instill a sense of ownership and community pride.


There are many ways to fund park improvements that do not overburden local taxpayers. It’s important to understand available sources and how to position Brownwood for funding resources in the future. Some sources include:

• Texas Parks and Wildlife Department

• Land and Water Conservation Fund

• Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Grants

• National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council Grant

• Foundation and Company Grants

• Trust for Public Land Action Fund


Recommendation Actions can be found in the table on Page 58

The playground at Coggin Park is an example of an enhancement that can increase users’ ability to enjoy the space.


The staff of the Parks and Recreation Department provide excellent service to the community, as evident by high marks received during public outreach. This is a testament to a good culture and focus on serving the public well, but it also speaks to having knowledgeable and well-trained staff.

It is imperative that Brownwood parks remain in high regard in the community and continue to provide a consistent and high-level of customer service. This will take education of the public, elected officials, and management to ensure that proper funding, staffing, and effort is consistently supported. Operating a large system of land, facilities, and amenities is a constant effort with budgets that often demand creativity.

Priorities for the department in the future include an efficient staff in a structure built for growth, proper credentials and skill sets, and an ability to do more with less.


Planning for the replacement of playgrounds and key park amenities keeps the park system fresh, safe, and attractive for park users. A key implementation step after this plan is the need to prepare a targeted replacement schedule for playground equipment. A certified playground assessment will provide a more in-depth view of necessary upkeep versus replacement to ensure safety and viability of the playgrounds in Brownwood’s parks.

It is important to continue maintaining parks at a high standard to showcase parks as key community destinations. Recommendation Actions can be found in the table on Page 60

Park Highlight: RIVERSIDE PARK

Riverside Park is the City’s only regional park, where unique amenity opportunities exist. Specific recommendations for Riverside improvements and activities are detailed on this spread.


• Create a better sense of arrival to the park entry. Pedestrian safety improvements, landscaping, screening of the lift station

• Consider relocating the park entry sign to the corner of Market Street and Riverside Park Drive

• Consider a feature roundabout at the confluence of the three driveways and sidewalk crossing to better distribute traffic and provide a sense of arrival at that location

• Re-align the one-way drive from the north back into the main entrance road near the park office area to open up the park office for future amenities and to enhance pedestrian safety

• Remove the middle one-way driveway from the park office to the entry to reduce vehicular traffic, improve safety and reduce maintenance – this driveway can become a multi-use trail

• Consider making the main entrance road twoway up to the current park office area with more defined, striped head-in parking

• Add a trailhead at Market St and Riverside Park. Extend either a paved or nature trail from the Old Bridge down through the trees west of the disc golf course to connect to the trailhead

• Around the playground area, improve and define parking areas with walking paths to the playground from each side road

• Re-think parking locations throughout the park to ensure logical, proximate locations to amenities and reduced circulation of vehicles

• Consider the future purchase of property around Riverside Park Drive to protect the entrance of the park and create opportunity for a future amenity or drainage needs

• Work with TxDOT and the owners of United Supermarket and Hendrick Health to locate two small Riverside Park directional signs flanking the Riverside Drive intersection

Left: The entrance sign to Riverside Park could benefit from additional entry enhancements; Right: Disc golf under the large trees


• Add additional trail amenities along the Riverside Park Trail including seating, trash cans, dog waste stations and lighting

• Around the playground area, add additional lighting and access improvements

• Add wayfinding and Riverside-branded signage throughout the park

• Add a fishing pier in a location mindful of occassional flooding concerns

• Add a formal paddling trail launch location with equipment rental

• Add a second sand volleyball court

• Construct a natural seating amphitheater on Pecan Bayou as part of the consideration of Riverside Park Drive realignments, ensuring adequate space and removal of traffic conflicts

• Expand event or festival offerings throughout the year - for example, a springtime bbq cook-off, festival of lights event during the holidays, etc.


• Identify grading and drainage solutions throughout the park

• Design landscaped LID drainage features such as raingardens or bioswales to naturally drain low spots and create featured educational amenities

• Replace asphalt and add curbs where appropriate to maintain pavement integrity and protect from stormwater

• Replace the cable and wooden bollards with curbs or stone block/boulders

• Mill the large fallen oaks near the trail for a Visitor Center bench or table

A formal paddling trail launch site could improve access to Pecan Bayou and become a regional draw

Implementing the Plan

Brownwood’s elected and appointed officials and City staff assume the primary roles for making decisions on implementation actions, budgeting, integration of this plan into refined park plans and maintaining up-to-date codes and processes. The Parks and Recreation Department will be the primary leader in its role of operating, maintaining, and expanding parks and recreation offerings. Ultimately, plan outcomes will result from a community-wide effort and determination of success will be an ongoing evaluation.


This section contains a recommended implementation action plan table. The actions listed within these tables are allocated by three categories of timing and reflects the action’s target priority or ongoing nature.

The actions recommended within this plan generally fall into one or more of the following categories of action:


Partnerships include two or more entities working close together to serve as champions of the plan.


Official procedures or policies used to make City decisions.



New or altered programs, staffing, or operational procedures.

The time frames for the table actions focus on initiation and not necessarily completion:

• Short-term: To be initiated or completed within the next five years

• Long-term: To be initiated within the next five to 10 years, or as opportunities arise

• Ongoing: Recommendations that are to be continually implemented during the course of the plan horizon


Implementation by level of priority guarantees that the City is responding incrementally to community needs and desires. This does not mean that the plan will serve all needs and desires of the public for the entirety of the next 10 years. The following updates are recommended to keep the plan current and relevant over time.

• Five-Year Update. Undertaking an official plan update every five years allows the City to remain competitive in the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) grants process, as five-year updates are needed to ensure strong scores in the grant application point system. This can be prepared and adopted in a short report format and attached as a supplement to this plan.

Larger-scale capital improvements incorporated into the greater capital improvement program or bond initiative. These projects may include outside funding sources or funding matches.


Additional study or examination required to determine the best result.


Council approved regulations used to direct growth or additional actions.

• 10-Year Update. Towards the end of this plan’s time horizon, it is recommended that the City prepare for a new master plan with an assessment of facilities and priorities. While neither the five-year or 10-year update are strict requirements to continue qualification for grant funding, TPWD does place a higher point value on creating a new plan every 10 years.


Figure 4.2, Implementation Action Plan

Goal 1 - Connect parks and community destinations with trails

Seek to expand trail investments throughout the community using existing right-ofway, easements, or targeted acquisition locations

Add a trail connecting Allcorn Park to Festival Park

Add a trail connecting Allcorn Park to Coggin Park

Add trail markers along trails for distance tracking

Add additional connectivity to other parks

Goal 2 - Enhance the park experience through design, arts and culture, and events

Commission and seek funding sources for local artists to provide various works of public art in the parks and activated public spaces

Add interpretive educational displays or art showcasing local Comanche history

Continue to expand the wall murals throughout Brownwood and use a promotional tool outside the community

Ensure that new or refurbished parks are designed and maintained to accommodate multigenerational and multi-cultural recreational facilities, program offerings, and events

As amenities and service offerings increase within the parks, seek to balance than with revenue-generating enhancements in parks such as pavilions, event-focused facilities, and pay-to-use amenities within free parks, while periodically evaluating other cost recovery methods as needed

Continue to promote and expand family-oriented programming, special events, festivals, and concerts in various locations to enhance community identity, activity, and education

Explore the cost-feasibility of adding rentable recreational vehicle parking spaces near Bert V Massey, Festival Park or Camp Bowie Complex makes sense for patrons of tournaments and events in the area

Consider commissioning a simple yet new brand for Brownwood’s park system that could be used in the marketing/communication material for the department and slowly integrated into facility and signage upgrades or replacements

Goal 3 - Provide recreational play and programming for all ages and abilities

Expand recreational activities oriented towards the whole family

Encourage exercise classes such as running groups or Tai Chi to community members to increase recreational program offerings that don’t require facilities or supervision

Add additional athletic programming opportunities for adults and seniors

Build additional inclusive play facilities at Allcorn Park to foster a recognized inclusive destination at that park for individuals and families

Continue to make Brownwood parks more ADA-compliant by including accessible ramps, signage, etc. so that the Brownwood parks of the future can accommodate citizens of all age groups and abilities

Action ShortTerm LongTerm Ongoing


Goal 4 - Identify targeted improvements to ensure exceptional park amenities

Seek opportunities to provide additional shade in key areas like playgrounds, splash pads, rest areas, walking paths, etc. by increasing the inventory of pavilions, sunshades, and shade trees

Conduct a park safety assessment with the Police Department to determine areas where security lighting upgrades are most needed. Suggested enhancements could be combined into one capital improvement project addressing lighting issues in all parks.

Allocate resources towards improving the condition of existing restrooms or fund replacements over time to maintain safe and clean locations for park patrons (e.g. Wiggins Park)

Increase the number of trash receptacles in high traffic areas of the community and regional parks, particularly near picnic and events areas

Add additional curbs or parking stops along with striping and fire lanes to parking lots throughout the parks system to maintain adequate and clearly defined vehicle parking while ensuring safety of park patrons, particularly Trigg and Riverside Parks Maintain and strengthen partnerships with BISD to maximize shared use opportunities such as pedestrian connections like Safe Routes to School, shared maintenance costs, shared use facilities such as playgrounds or athletic fields, and general planning for facilities

Encourage and facilitate more volunteer park maintenance and clean up groups. Publish a list of volunteer and donation opportunities to allow the public to help improve City parks.

Park-Specific Improvements

Seek conversion of a tennis court or two at Coggin Park to full-time pickleball courts and continue to monitor the need for additional new or converted pickleball facilities in the future

At the Bennie Houston Recreation Center, focus attention on building improvements to make sure this facility is suitable for the future to accommodate events, neighborhood activities and is complementary to adjacent Cecil Holman Park

Add a paved or granite loop trail around the perimeter of Allcorn Park that connects ties back into the street pedestrian network

At Camp Bowie Fields, consider the purchase of property north of Gordon Wood Stadium Drive for additional parking for athletic fields and location for a trail Assess and improve stormwater drainage challenges at Bert V Massey II Sports Complex, generally, but specifically near the concession area

Explore converting a portion of the City-owned pecan orchard on CC Woodson into a passive natural park with nature trails, an educational component, and picnic areas

Replace the obsolete asphalt walking trail around Coggin Park to concrete and reconsider the alignment in some areas to provide better connections to local streets and parking areas

Expand and re-orient the parking lot at Allcorn to provide additional spaces, better circulation and plan for future expansion and usage of facilities at Allcorn, including possible pickleball court(s)

Construct a medium-height perimeter fence along 4th Street and Indian Creek Drive at Allcorn Park, around the active playground area, to provide a safety buffer to the busy intersection

58 | BROWNWOOD PARKS MASTER PLAN Action ShortTerm LongTerm Ongoing
Figure 4.2, Implementation Action Plan (cont.)

Figure 4.2, Implementation Action Plan (cont.)

Construct a low-amenity, starter fenced dog park in a location with established shade and proximity to restrooms and drinking fountains. Ideal locations include Coggin, Riverside or Holman

Riverside Park

Create a better sense of arrival to the park entry. Pedestrian safety improvements, landscaping, screening of the lift station

Work with TxDOT and the owners of United Supermarket and Hendrick Health to locate two small Riverside Park directional signs flanking Riverside Drive

Consider a feature roundabout at the confluence of the three driveways and sidewalk crossing to better distribute traffic and provide a sense of arrival

Add a trailhead at Market St and Riverside Park. Extend the either a paved or nature trail from the Old Bridge down through the trees west of the disc golf course to connect to the trailhead

Consider relocating the formal park entry sign to the corner of Market St and Riverside Park Drive

Add additional trail amenities along the Riverside Park Trail including seating, trash cans, dog waste stations and lighting

Consider the future purchase of property around Riverside Park Dr to protect the entrance of the park and create opportunity for a future amenity or drainage needs

Remove the middle one-way driveway from the park office towards the entry side to reduce vehicular traffic, improve safety and reduce maintenance – turn this driveway into a multi-use trail

Consider making the main entrance road two-way up to the park office area with more defined, striped head-in parking

Re-align the one-way drive from the north back into the main entrance road near the park office area to open up the park office for future amenities and to enhance pedestrian safety

Replace asphalt and add curbing where appropriate to maintain pavement integrity and protect from drainage

Around the playground area, add additional lighting

Around the playground area, improve and define parking areas with walking paths to the playground from each side road

Identify grading and drainage solutions throughout the park

Expand event or festival offerings throughout the year, for example a springtime bbq cook-off, festival of lights event during the holiday season, etc.

Re-think parking locations throughout the park to ensure logical, proximate locations to amenities and reduced circulation of vehicles

Design landscaped LID drainage features such as raingardens or bioswales to naturally drain low spaces and created featured educational amenities

Add wayfinding and branded signage throughout the park

Replace the cable and wooden bollards with curbing or stone block/boulders

Add a fishing pier in a location and design mindful of flooding concerns

Consider a formal paddling trail launch location with equipment rental

Mill the large fallen oaks near the trail for a Visitor Center bench or table


Goal 5 - Maintain existing parks and facilities efficiently and effectively

Develop a M.O.R.E. assessment and estimate (maintenance, operations, revenues, and expenditures) as a precursor to a system-wide maintenance plan of individual parks to ensure long-term maintenance and operations funding

Take steps towards achieving Commission for Accreditation of Parks and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA) accreditation from the National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA)

Conduct a annual conditions assessment led by parks staff where each park is walked, photographed, and scored to identify issues. Present findings to City management.

Evaluate the acquisition of additional maintenance equipment to increase efficiencies regarding park maintenance operations. Consider sharing unique maintenance equipment with other governmental entities to reduce costs.

Establish an annual Parks Department workshop or retreat ahead of the annual budget to discuss resource and staffing needs along with ongoing community partnership opportunities

Work with City Management and Communications staff to promote positive messaging about the parks system and the good culture of the Parks staff to generate public enthusiasm for Brownwood parks

Establish a general replacement projection program for playgrounds and playground-adjacent facilities throughout the park system to ensure a long-term plan to provide updated and safe facilities for users

Encourage parks and recreation staff to obtain professional licensure or certifications to increase internal technical capabilities and minimize the need for professional services

Increase internal communication and alignment of general City CIP projects and large maintenance efforts to create efficiencies of construction costs for park and trail improvements - specifically for materials, design contracts, and budget allocations

Take steps to remove Kiwanis Park from the parks system and make the property available for sale or re-use as the City deems appropriate

Take steps to remove Snider Park from the parks system, make the property available for sale, and find another way to honor the Snider family’s contributions to Brownwood in a visible location in another park/civic space in the community

Take steps to remove Bunin Park from the parks system and make the property available for sale or re-use as the City deems appropriate

Take steps to transfer maintenance of Taber Park and the Stone Creek Circle open space lot to a neighborhood organization to reduce maintenance costs to the City

Retire some of the outdated playground equipment at Letbetter Park. Letbetter is a pocket park that serves a small number of homes downtown and full playground replacement is not necessary, yet existing equipment is becoming obsolete.

Replace the slide at Thomason Park with more modern equipment and amenities

(cont.) Action ShortTerm LongTerm Ongoing
Implementation Action Plan



Q 1 W hat is your approximat e age?

Brownwood Parks M aster Plan 1 / 164 0 57% 7 4 81% 59 20 70% 254 24 86% 305 18 17% 223 15 97% 196 14 91% 183
A ns wered: 1, 227 S k ipped: 11 TOTA L 1, 227 0% 1 0% 20% 30% 40% 5 0% 60% 70% 80% 90% 1 00% Un der 1 8 1 8-24 25 -34 35 -44 45 -5 4 5 5 -64 65 + ANS WE R CHOI CE S RE S P ONS E S Under 18 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+

Children ages 9-12

Children ages 13-19

Brownwood Parks M aster Plan 2 / 164 45 92% 563 21 53% 264 20 07% 246 19 82% 243 21 94% 269
2 Do you have any children under t he age of 19 living in your home? Check all t hat apply. A ns wered: 1, 226 S k ipped: 12 Tot al Res pondent s : 1, 226 0% 1 0% 20% 30% 40% 5 0% 60% 70% 80% 90% 1 00% No ch il dr en Ch il dr en u n der age 4 Ch il dr en ages 5 -8 Ch il dr en ages 9-1 2 Ch il dr en ages 1 3-1 9 ANS WE R CHOI CE S RE S P ONS E S No c hildren
under age
4 Children ages 5-8

Q 3 I n which area of Brownwood do you live (based on map above)?

Brownwood Parks M aster Plan 3 / 164 12 27% 151 35 17% 433 29 49% 363 23 07% 284
A ns wered: 1, 231 S k ipped: 7 TOTA L 1, 231 0% 1 0% 20% 30% 40% 5 0% 60% 70% 80% 90% 1 00% A r ea A A r ea B A r ea C I do n o t l ive in t h e Cit y ANS WE R CHOI CE S RE S P ONS E S A rea A A rea B A rea C I do not liv e in t he Cit y limit s of B rownwood

Q 4 I n t he past year, how of t en have you or your f amily part icipat ed in or used t he f ollowing? A

Parks M aster Plan 4 / 164
A t t en ded an even t in a c Par t icipat ed in a yo u t h Par t icipat ed in an adu l t Par t icipat ed in an y cl as s
ns wered: 1, 064 S k ipped: 174


Parks M aster Plan 5 / 164 Par t icipat ed in act ivit ie... Us ed a pr ivat e gym o r fit n e... Us ed a Cit y facil it y fo r... V is it ed a Cit y par k o r par k


Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

V is it ed a Cit y par k pavil io n

V is it ed a Cit y pl aygr o u n d

V is it ed a Cit y s w immin g po o l

V is it ed a s ch o o l par k

6 / 164


Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

7 / 164 0% 1 0% 20% 30% 40% 5 0% 60% 70% 80% 90% 1 00% D a ily We e k ly Mont hly Annua lly Ve r y Ra r e ly Wal ked fo r fit n es s o r t R o de a bicycl e fo r fit n es s


Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

A t t ended an ev ent in a c it y park s uc h as Cinc o de May o or t he A nnual Great E as t er E gg Hunt

P art ic ipat ed in a y out h at hlet ic league

P art ic ipat ed in an adult at hlet ic league

P art ic ipat ed in any c las s or program of f ered by t he Cit y of

B rownwood P ark s and Rec reat ion Depart ment

P art ic ipat ed in ac t iv it ies f or s eniors

Us ed a priv at e gy m or f it nes s c ent er

Us ed a Cit y f ac ilit y f or a meet ing

V is it ed a Cit y park or park f ac ilit y

V is it ed a Cit y park pav ilion

V is it ed a Cit y play ground

V is it ed a Cit y s wimming pool

V is it ed a s c hool park in t he ev enings , on t he week ends , or during t he s ummer

Walk ed f or f it nes s or t o get s omewhere in t he Cit y

Rode a bic y c le f or f it nes s or t o get s omewhere in t he Cit y

8 / 164 1 61% 17 4 55% 48 18 22% 192 40 42% 426 35 20% 371 1, 054 3 82% 40 16 22% 170 7 82% 82 12 98% 136 59 16% 620 1, 048 0 57% 6 2 58% 27 2 01% 21 4 11% 43 90 73% 949 1, 046 0 29% 3 1 81% 19 4 19% 44 12 29% 129 81 43% 855 1, 050 1 15% 12 3 63% 38 1 91% 20 3 63% 38 89 68% 939 1, 047 10 33% 108 16 25% 170 7 74% 81 4 11% 43 61 57% 644 1, 046 0 95% 10 2 00% 21 8 09% 85 21 60% 227 67 36% 708 1, 051 11 64% 123 37 94% 401 33 59% 355 9 74% 103 7 10% 75 1, 057 2 01% 21 14 53% 152 25 05% 262 30 31% 317 28 11% 294 1, 046 5 13% 54 26 69% 281 29 63% 312 13 58% 143 24 98% 263 1, 053 1 62% 17 13 14% 138 12 67% 133 27 33% 287 45 24% 475 1, 050 0 00% 0 0 00% 0 0 00% 0 0 00% 0 100 00% 1 1 18 50% 195 25 81% 272 18 69% 197 7 02% 74 29 98% 316 1, 054 4 45% 47 8 82% 93 8 63% 91 6 73% 71 71 37% 753 1, 055 DAI LY WE E KLY MONTHLY ANNUALLY V E RY RARE LY OR NE V E R TOTAL


Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

Q 5 Tell Us Your St ory! Tell us about a good experience you had in one of ourBrownwood area parks, why t he parks syst em is import ant or

A ns wered: 641 S k ipped: 597

1 The beaut y of our c it y mak es mot iv at es me t o get out s ide and ex erc is e or part ic ipat e in an ev ent I t being our c ommunit y t oget her

2 We lov e our park s around us ! The s maller t oddler f riendly it is , t he bet t er!

3 My s on has made it a point t o play in ev ery park in t own We lov e f eeding duc k s in Riv ers ide or at t ending 1 of t he s plas h pads

4 I grew up in B rownwood s eeing and v is it ing t he park s I 'm s o s ad t o s ee t he c ondit ions of t he roads at Riv ers ide I t has alway s been my f av orit e park bec aus e it is s o nat ural and t he wat er is nic e t o s ee Hey, a no f is hing z one wit h a bridge or s omet hing t o f eed t he f is h would be c ool I lik e t he c at s , don't lik e t he dog poop on t he nat ure t rail or t he duc k s Roos t ers are weird

5 No

6 I lov e t he open area Not c rowded, plent y of park ing and Riv ers ides walk way s are enjoy able A ls o E njoy ed t he s c enic v iews and c leanlines s of our pa rk s B at hrooms need work

7 We t ruly enjoy riv ers ide park Lov e t he pec an bay ou and t he duc k s I would lik e t o s ee more play ground equipment f or y ounger c hildren added and als o may be an enc los ed s plas h pad

8 Lov e t he walk ing t rail at s ev eral of our park s

9 The park I hav e been lat ely is Wiggins park The new play ground is nic e but I k now hat more irk s t ill needs t o be done

10 The park s are a great dev elopment f or k ids They help k ids dev elop s oc ially, phy s ic ally, and emot ionally

11 Lov e our park s ! E s pec ially riv ers ide

12 We liv e c los e t o A lc orn P ark My c hildren hav e gone here f or y ears We lov e going here wit h f riends and f amily This park prov ides f or many people The junior high s t udent s of t en s pen d t hine here af t er s c hool The y ounger c hildren lov e t he play ground There is s pac e where loc al lit t le league s port s prac t ic e You will s ee y oung people get out las t ed on t he t ennis c ourt s by t he s enior t ennis play ers The bas k et ball area is alway s a plus t o k eep t he k iddos ac t iv e This c ould us e a c ov er The s plas h pad is WONDE RFUL! When f amilies don’t want t o go t o t he loc al pool t his plac e will help y ou c ool of f ! The bat hrooms are t y pic ally c lean and ac c es s ible whic h is a huge plus ! Hope t o one day t ak e my grand k iddos here Thank y ou

13 Riv ers ide P ark walk ing t rail, Nat ure Trail, and t he newer t rail are beaut if ul s c enery and peac ef ul

14 My k ids and I lov e t he park I t ’s great f or t hem t o get s ome f res h air and great f or me t o get s ome s anit y out s ide of t he hous e

15 E njoy ing wat c hing k ids play

16 I really enjoy walk ing on t he s idewalk s at Riv ers ide park Trut h is , f ix ing t he s t reet s will enhanc e t he c it y 's ov erall t ot al dev elopment The dev elopment of t he c it y is dy namic and we t hen hav e t o driv e wes t on A v e K hillbilly humps and bumps

17 We lov e t he park s in B rownwood! We ut iliz e t hem of t en! My k ids lov e going t o all t he s plas h pads and t he park s - we hav e s pent many hours t here ov er t he y ears mak ing memories and

9 / 164
meaningf ul t oyou, or just anyt hing posit ive about your int eract ion wit h parks and recreat ionin general.
5/ 30/ 2022 7: 17 P M
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5/ 27/ 2022 5: 21 P M
5/ 27/ 2022 4: 18 P M


Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

hav ing f un!

18 Coggin park is t errible c ant walk wit h a s t roller on s idewalk s t hey need t o be redone lik e riv ers ide 5/ 27/ 2022

19 Our f av orit e ac t iv it y as a f amily by f ar is play ing dis c golf and hik ing/ bik ing t he t rails We do enjoy us ing t he park s and f ac ilit ies f or our k ids ' T-ball and s oc c er prac t ic es

20 I lov e t he s plas h pads f or t he c hildren, it was s uc h a great idea t o put I t hink t h ere s hould be an added pav ilion at A lc orn P ark and t he met al s lides be remov ed ’it is s o hot f or t hes e c hildren and t hey c an burn t hems elv es I als o t hink t hat t he t rac k around Coggin P ark needs renov at ion added pav ement I was running t he ot her day and alway s t ripping ov er roc k s et c My s on f ell a f ew t imes Ot her t han t hat t hings are great

21 I us ed t o liv e c los e t o Coggin P ark and my f amily walk ed t here and play ed t here quit e of t en We t ak e our grandc hildren t here when t hey c ome t o v is it in t he s ummer and ev en as t hey get older, s t ill lik e t o go and play,

22 My boy s lov e t he s plas h pads ! I enjoy t hem being able t o play in wat er wit hout worry

23 I jus t lov e wat c hing my daught er play and t ry ing new t hings

5/ 27/ 2022

43 P M

11 P M

5/ 27/ 2022 12: 46 P M

5/ 27/ 2022 12:

24 We pers onally don't u s e t he park s but hav e s een s uc h great res pons e f rom t he c ommunit y and neighborhoods wit h t heir growt h it will only mak e our c ommunit y bet t er 5/ 27/ 2022

25 P lay ed in s of t ball league f or y ears Rais ed k ids in t he ballpark s B rownwood born and rais ed

27/ 2022

26 Lov e t he s plas h pads es pec ially t he one by Woodland Height s Lov e t he s hade prov ided by t he t rees at Riv ers ide park 5/ 26/ 2022

27 The mount ain bik e t rail at Riv ers ide P ark is ex c ept ional I als o meet my K enpo ins t ruc t or t wic e week ly at Coggin P ark f or les s ons

12 A M

29 A M

14 P M

5/ 26/ 2022 5: 30 P M

28 My hus band and I grab lunc h and t ak e it t o Riv ers ide quit e of t en Lov e t o jus t s it and wat c h 5/ 26/ 2022 5: 09 P M

29 Lov e t he walk ing t rails in our park s

30 I lov e walk ing at Riv ers ide P ark I t 's beaut if ul, peac ef ul, and c alming I enjoy s it t ing near t he wat er and wat c hing t he duc k s s wim and waddle! P eople are f riendly I liv e alone, s o ev en a s hort c onv ers at ion wit h s omeone is nic e I 'm new t o t he area, s o I 'm s t ill learning where t he v arious park s are

31 Riv ers ide park and t he bay ou in general hav e s o muc h pot ent ial t o at t rac t people and t o c at er t o t he ones t hat liv e here The t rails at riv ers ide are great , but need t o be maint ained bet t er as t hey are of t en ov ergrown B ik e lanes in t he c it y would be great A t rail s y s t em t hat c onnec t s all A , B , & C liv ing areas would be great Cont inue t o mak e our c ommunit y healt hy by prov iding t he opport unit y t o do s o I realiz e it may be out of reac h, but c hec k out what B ent onv ille A rk ans as has done wit h t heir c it y I t s quit e int eres t ing Thank s

32 Lov e t he areas where y ou c an walk t he nic e walk ing pat hs

33 I lov e Riv ers ide P ark ! Great f ac ilit y

34 I enjoy ed going t o t he s plas h pads around t own A s a y oung mot her who barley work s it ’s nic e t o k now I c an s t ill c reat amaz ing memories wit h my baby (s ) I wis h when I was y ounger my mot her had ac c es s t o c heaper or f ree ac t iv it ies around t own lik e my c hildren hav e!

35 A t hlet ic park s are in great c ondit ion!

36 I n our lat e 50's early 60's , our go t o s pot is riv ers ide park we enjoy t he dis c golf c ours e, pic nic areas , and f is hing in pec an bay ou, along wit h t he s c enic t rails

37 Riv ers ide park is t he c los et s t o us s o it ’s alway s f un going t here wit h our daught er S he lov es going t o t hat park

38 We hav e grandc hildren who e njoy Coggin f or pic nic s and play ! My hus band and I t ak e lunc h t o Riv ers ide t o jus t res et when t he day s are hec t ic !

39 t he k ids really hav e f un/ t hey really enjoy it / good plac e f or t hem t o play

40 Greens pac e and ac t iv it ies are nic e

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Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

41 My f av orit e park s are t hos e inc luding nat ure, Riv ers ide, and t he Camp B owie area s haded t rails

42 I lov e t o play pic k le ball I play at Coggin P ark on unus ed t ennis c ourt s t hat hav e been mark ed f or P ic k leball I would lov e t o s ee dedic at ed pic k le ball c ourt s t hat are paint ed wit h c ont ras t ing c olors and lines I would lov e t o s ee A llc orn P ark c onv ert ed t o a permanent P ic k leball f ac ilit y

43 My f amily us ed t o run week ly at Riv ers ide park We lov ed t he t rails

44 Wa s glad t o s ee people us ing c ourt s f or ot her t han t ennis

45 Lov e walk ing at Riv ers ide and Fes t iv al P ark s

46 The park s are great f or t he people of t he c it y I play P ic k le B all and wis h we had s ome des ignat ed c ourt s

47 Riv ers ide P ark is amaz ing! ! ! Lov e t he s idewalk , lov e t hat it ’s one lap = one mile! ! ! Lov e t he nat ure t rail in t he bac k

48 Riv ers ide park is ex c ellent as a walk ing park

49 I us e Coggins park f or pic k leball

50 I abs olut ely lov e Riv ers ide park f or it s green s pac e, wildlif e, wat er, and well k ept walk ing t rail I t is one of t he reas ons why I lov e B rownwood I us e it f or f it nes s , walk ing t he dogs , or t o eat lunc h during my lunc h hour I als o jus t lov e driv ing t hrough t he park P LE A S E P ROV I DE A GOOD QUA LI TY DOG PA RK ! Look at S an A ngelo f or a good ex ample!

51 E njoy walk ing my dog at Riv ers ide PA rk

52 I lov e Riv ers ide, and part ic ularly t he hik ing t rails , t hey are really f un! I hav e been running t hem! Coggin is 3 bloc k s f rom my hous e, s o it is v ery c onv enient I als o us e Gordan Wood S t adium t rails , jus t not as of t en The v ariet y of t rails we hav e is really nic e

53 I t nic e t o get s ome f res h air and s ay hello t o neighbors

54 We enjoy t he nat ure at riv ers ide

55 I don't go muc h of any where es pec ially t o t he park s any more c uz I c annot get around v ery good s omet imes t he las t f ew y ears we'v e had birt hday part ies at Coggin P ark t hat 's about it wonderf ul I 'm s ure f or people t o v is it brownwood's alway s had a good out look on our c it y and I hope t hey c ont inue s ome of t he t hings t hat t hey do do s ome people I don't approv e of and t wo ot hers t hey don't do any t hing t oo as f ar as s t uf f around t heir hous e rat her hous es go c omplet ely wit hout being rec ogniz ed be c leaned up

56 E njoy walk ing on pat hs

57 Lot s of wooded areas t o hang out and s mok e weed

58 I lov e eat ing lunc h at a s ha dy park and t ak ing my grandk ids t o s wim and play

59 I liv e in OK C and v is it my s is t er and mot her in B rownwood and I play pic k leball wit h area res ident s when I v is it about 3 or 4 t imes a y ear

60 We lov e t o t ak e our k ids t o riv er s ide park and t he t he v arious s plas h pads in t he s ummer t ime I t giv e t he k ids pos it iv e int erac t ions wit h ot hers in a s af e env ironment

61 I run at Coggin P ark ev ery morning I t is right nex t t o our hous e I get t o obs erv e people us ing t he park f rom s un up t o s un down ev ery day From walk ers , t ennis play ers and bas k et ball play ers t o pic k le ball play ers and c hildren’s s oc c er prac t ic e, t he park is c ons t ant ly in us e Hearing t he laught er t hat c omes f rom t he park or s eeing t he f un ac t iv it ies going on is alway s a t reat f or us O n my daily runs I hav e met s o many k ind people, we hav e a c rowd t hat is t here eac h morning and we all k now eac hot her’s names now I ’v e liv ed in B rownwood f or 3 y ears and Coggin park has been a c ons t ant in my ex erc is e rout ine I ’m t hank f ul we hav e it

62 My s on enjoy s t he play ground at Coggin P ark He lik es going t o t he s plas h pad at A lc orn park We v is it t he aquat ic c ent er of t en during t he s ummer Our f amily als o lik es Riv ers ide park f or walk s and t he new play ground

63 We lov e t he Cit y P ool, it is c lean, af f ordable, and a great way t o s pend t ime wit h t he k ids

64 We walk in Riv ers ide P ark at leas t t wic e a week weat her permit t ing bec aus e it has a great

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Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

walk ing pat h We meet at t he Riv ers ide P ark P av illion us ually onc e a week f or B ible S t udy We bring our grandc hildren t o Coggin P ark or Riv ers ide P ark f or t he play ground whenev er pos s ible Out s ide ac t iv it ies are import ant

65 To be hones t , I had been dis abled mos t of 2021 s o now t hat I ’m c los e t o f ull-healt h again I t ry and t ak e my k ids t o t he park s as muc h as pos s ible I mov ed bac k t o B rownwood af t er 20y ears liv ing in big c it ies s o c oming home and not hav ing a pac k ed park or pay ing f or park ing is a welc oming f eeling! P lus , my k ids enjoy P ok émon Go and t he park s hav e a lot of pok e s t ops and pok e gy ms !

66 Coggin park has great walk ing t rails B ut t he play areas need more s hade

67 The s wimming pool is our f av orit e plac e as a f amily !

68 I f eel lik e our loc al park s are v ery c lean and k ept up ex t remely well E v ery t ime we go t o t he park my k ids ha v e s o muc h f un t hey don’t want t o leav e The mos t import ant is t hat I f eel s af e and s o do my k ids !

69 Riv ers ide park is one of my f av orit e plac es t o t ak e my grands ons t o play on t he play ground and wat c h t he duc k s

70 I lov e Riv ers ide P ark bec aus e of t he s c enery and walk ing pat hs inc luding t he nat ure t rail I t is alway s c lean and v ery peac ef ul

71 Clean and well k ept park s are a s ign of c ommunit y res pec t f or eac h ot her and our c it y A ll of our park s enc ourage t his res pec t and of f er a s af e and enjoy able env ironment f or our f amily

72 I liv e near c oggin park and us e it f requent ly I us e t he riv ers ide park almos t daily t o walk my dogs on t he t rails

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73 We'v e s of t ball 5/ 23/ 2022

74 I t ak e my grandc hildren t o Coggin P ark or Riv ers ide f requent ly I als o liv e by a neighborhood park t hat is t he Thomps on P ark , and my grandc hildren play t here f requent ly There are mult iple c hildren in my neighborhood t hat als o play at t he Thomps on P ark I t would be really nic e if t heir c ould be a bas k et ball goal ins t alled f or t he c hildren at t his park I hav e a v ery us ed goal t hat is in t he edge of my y ard by t his park and lot s of c hildren p lay wit h t hat goal I als o t ak e my grandc hildren t o t he A quat ic Cent er in t he s ummer mont hs and t hey t ruly enjoy it

75 More park s are needed or updat ed , us ually park s are s mall and not adequat e f or t he growt h of B rownwood A ls o why does n’t B rownwood hav e a munic ipal Golf c ours e, people need t hings t o do out s ide/ out doors

76 Relax ing plac e

77 Great t ime at t he ev ent s held in downt own area

78 We f requent ly v is it s plas h pads , and our loc al park s f or f amily out ings wit h our babies

79 Coggin park 55 y ears or s o ago My grandparent s t ook me t o t he park of t en lOV E D I T A S A K I D A ND UTI LI ZE I T FOR my grandk ids of t en

80 I lov e t o walk at Riv ers ide P ark I look f orward t o t he road being work ed on I t would be f un t o hav e a ropes c ours e or s omet hing f un f or c ollege age and abov e I would lov e t o s ee a LOT les s park s f or our Cit y t o hav e t o maint ain

81 I would us e t he walk ing t rail/ s idewalk when I mak e t ime t o ex erc is e I t it s ref res hing t o s ee t he c hildren out and about hav ing a good t ime out on t he play ground Very import ant f or t hem t o hav e a nic e plac e t o enjoy A nd a s af e env ironment t o us e as a f orm of ex erc is e

82 Lik e t he improv ement s done t o t he park s We need a bet t er park or s plas h pad on t he nort h s ide of t own as well We only hav e a lit t le rink y dink park t hat has been neglec t ed

83 S ev eral ev ent s hav e allowed t he c ommunit y t o gat her and get t o k now one anot her I t c reat es t he abilit y and v enue t o allow dif f erent walk s of lif e t o int erac t and get t o k now one anot her


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84 I grew up in B rownwood and lov ed going t o Coggin P ark as a k id I hav e good memories of t he wis hing well and pond I was s orry t o s ee s o many of t he beaut if ul t rees t ak en down along t he road and park ing Now I t ak e my grandc hildren t here and als o t o Riv ers ide P ark We lov e t he new equipment at bot h park s Riv ers ide P ark was my t herapy during t he pandemic and s t ill is 12:
05 A M


Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

85 I enjoy jogging/ walk ing in park s , es pec ially t he c amp B owie walk ing t rail I t ’s import ant t o me not t o hav e t o worry s o muc h about t raf f ic when ex erc is ing I t ’s beaut if ul and v ery benef ic ial I wis h t here were more plac es t o ride bic y c les away f rom t raf f ic

86 I lik e t hat our park s are k ept c lean and maint ained A ls o, t he c it y polic e s eem t o pat rol t hem quit e f requent ly whic h mak es me f eel bet t er about my t eenagers hanging out t here

87 Riv ers ide park is a beaut if ul plac e t o walk and f is h! Very s pec ial t o me and my f amily ! Lov e riding my bik e around Gordon Wood s t adium, beaut if ul ride!

88 The c it y s t reet s are not v ery pedes t rian f riendly s o I depend on t he walk ing t rails in park s t o get a lot of my ex erc is e

89 I lov e t he park f or t he t oddlers My 2 y ear old lov es it but he get s bored f as t wit h it being not a lot of t hings t o do I wis h we had more t hings f or babies t o do or play wit h

90 E njoy ed at t ending great granddaught ers birt hday and wat c hing t he c hildren play on s plas h pad B irt hd ay part y at park pav ilion

91 I lov e wak ing t he t rails at Riv ers ide I grew up us ing Coggin park , play ing bas k et ball and t ennis A lt hough t he public c ourt s around t own aren't bad, it would be nic e t o hav e s ome bet t er f ac ilit ies

92 Great plac e t o t ak e v is it ing f amily and t o t ak e t he dog f or a walk

93 A s a mot her of s oon t o be 4 c hildren, park s are an impo rt ant part of our liv es We es pec ially enjoy t he s plas h pads and c it y pools as it is s o hot in t he S ummer Thank y ou f or all t he work and ef f ort t o maint ain t hes e plac es You are apprec iat ed

94 I hav e grandk ids t hat lov e going t o t he park I t get s t hem out of t he hous e wit h s omet hing pos it iv e f or t hem t o look f orward t o

95 Lov e t he t rails f or ex erc is e Lov e Riv ers ide P ark nat ural beaut y and wat erway S plas h P ads are awes ome f or f amilies and f ree P ark s are f or all res ident s and prov ide qualit y t ime, healt hy ac t iv it ies , and happy memories

96 The park s here are v ery impres s iv e They are v ery c lean and f un The only problem I believ e is t hey need more s hade

97 Lov e t he s plas h pad by ac orn E A RLY NE E DS A N A WS OME S P LA S H PA D

98 Lov e t o go f or pic nic s walk ing in a peac ef ull, s af e park We f eed t he duc k s week ly at riv ers ide Wis h t he c anoes were a regular opt ion

99 We f requent t he s k at e park near E as t E lement ary and I t hink it would be benef ic ial t o add a play area f or t he y ounger k ids and als o a bas k et ball c ourt I t would giv e t he k ids in our area more opt ions f or out s ide play

100 We h ad a t errif ic f amily reunion at t he park ac ros s f rom t he Vet eran's A dminis t rat ion building A t t hat t ime, I was s o glad t o s ee how well t his park was c ared f or I am in t he minorit y, but t his was not t he plac e t o put a play ground I t s hould hav e been lef t a plac e f or people t o hav e s ome quiet t ime t o ref lec t , and it c ould hav e eas ily bec ome a major drawing point f or B rownwood Wit h t hat s aid, t he f ew t imes I hav e been t o Coggin and Riv ers ide, I enjoy ed s eeing f amilies play ing t oget her

101 My hus band and I go f or walk s daily

102 Our 3 grandbabies lov e t he s plas h pad and t he play ground at Riv ers ide park

103 A llc orn P ark , handic ap s wing (when it ’s not brok en)

104 We hav e t hree s mall c hildren we s pend s ev eral day s a week at t he park s / p lay grounds or hik ing at Riv ers ide We lov e t o go t o t he park and enjoy all t he updat es and t he way t hat mos t of t he park s are t ak en c are of

105 My c hildren and I enjoy all of t he park s around here, inc luding t he walk ing area at t he bas eball f ields ! We enjoy hik ing at riv ers ide…t he t rails are pret t y c ool! I pers onally would lik e t o reques t an indoor f ac ilit y where I c an t ak e my s c hool ag e k iddos f or t he s ummer! I jus t bought a day c are las t y ear and one of my c onc erns is t hat B rownwood is limit ed as f ar as indoor plac es I c an t ak e t hem when it ’s t oo hot out The goal eac h y ear is f or us t o t ak e t hem on f ield t rips bet ween t he hours of 12: 30 pm-at leas t 2 pm while t he y ounger k iddos are napping We t ak e

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Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

t hem t o t he bowling alley …pleas e mak e s ure t hey don’t c los e! ! ! ! We t ak e t hem t o Lehnis Railroad, and t o t he library The ot her t rips are out doors A gain, any indoor f ac ilit ies t hat day c ares c an rent , or park s wit h lot s of t rees and s hade!

106 A s a f amily in t he s ummer we lov e at t ending t he new s plas h pads and s t ay ing c ool during t he heat

107 I enc ourage my grand k ids t o be out s ide and mov ing t hey lov e riv ers ide t he mos t

108 Grandk ids , great grandc hildren Lov e all t he park s

109 We abs olut ely lov e brownwood park s ! ! E v ery one has done an amaz ing job maint aining t he park s & k eeping it f un & s af e f or our k ids Thank y ou!

110 I ride regularly on t he t rails at Riv ers ide park wit h my mount ain bik e There are v ery f ew plac es t hat we c an ride I t would be great if more c hallenging f eat ures c ould be added t o t he bik e t rails at Riv e rs ide park

111 The A lc orn s plas h pad is c ool Coggin P ark / Riv ers ide has really look ed nic e

112 my granddaught er lov es t o go t o riv ers ide park t o s ee t he duc k s s he c alls it t he duc k park i would really lik e t o s ee s ome f lowers t here it would mak e it look more beaut if ul

113 My hus band and I will be married 58 y ears t his mont h We had our f irs t k is s at Coggin park We lov ed t o v is it t he old wis hing well and s t roll t hrough t he park Great dat e!


115 We lov e riv ers ide park t o eat lunc h or go t ak e are grandk ids t oo They als o really enjoy t he s plas h pads

116 Riv ers ide park is s haded and a nic e plac e t o walk A lc orn park is a good plac e t o y oung k ids f or t he s plas h p ad only 5/ 20/ 2022

117 The park s I hav e v is it ed s eem t o alway s be well maint ained

118 The walk ing t rail by Gordon Wood is amaz ing! I f eel s af e walk ing my dog wit hout f ear of s t ray s or aggres s iv e dogs running f rom bet ween homes lik e t hey do in neighborhoods I do, howev er, f eel I am t he only one pic k ing up af t er my dog

119 S plas h pads are t he bes t es pec ially f or M y 4 y ear old s on

120 I enjoy walk ing at Riv ers ide park The pat h is ev en I k now t hat it is 1 mile around The s c enery is beaut if ul I als o f eel c omf ort able t ak ing my dogs t here

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123 Njoy t he park s area bec aus e i lov e being out s ide and i hav e lot s of grandc hildren i lik e t o k eep out s ide and bus y i lov e t he park areas y al hav e done but we need more f or our c hildren 5/



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121 Riv ers ide park is t he bes t howev er t here are problems wit h people dumping t heir unwant ed c at s and poult ry t here TNR has done amaz ing at c urbing t he unwant ed lit t ers by hav ing t he c at s s t eri liz ed The c it y did not help in any way what s oev er wit h t he c os t s as s oc iat ed wit h hav ing t hat done I lov e being able t o s ee t he c at s t here, howev er i hat e s eeing a new one ev ery t ime i go (whic h is daily ) There needs t o be s t ric t er f ines and liabilit ies f or people t hat dump t here May be t rail c ams or c c t v would help Howev er, people need pros ec ut ed f or dumping t heir animals B rownwood is s ev erely la c k ing in t heir c are and laws of domes t ic at ed animals 12:
122 We lov e t o walk t he t rails at Riv ers ide and play on t he play ground almos t daily
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124 I ’m rais ing my 6y r old granddaught er & s he lov es going t o t he park s , s plas h pad & aquat ic c ent er
125 The P ark s y s t em is meaningf ul f or memories P lay ing wit h y our c hildren on park equipment , going f or a walk or run, t ak ing pic t ures , play ing dis c golf , hav ing lunc h, enjoy ing wildlif e and ambienc e I t ’s all meaningf ul and prov ides c olor f or our liv es
46 A M
126 We us e t he park s f or s oc c er prac t ic e an d I lov e t o run during t hat t ime B et t er t rails around c oggin and A lc orn would be nic e
13 A M
127 Lov e t ak ing our dog and baby t o walk in bot her c oggin, and Riv ers ide park Riv ers ides bac k t rails are my f av orit e t hing t o walk !
33 P M


Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

128 Wiggins P ark was our neighborhood park , s eeing it s o neglec t ed along wit h t hat neighborhood is heart break ing The rec ent improv ement s are apprec iat ed S ure need elec t ric it y s o we c an enjoy ev ening ac t iv it ies s inc e t he heat is unbearable t hes e day s A pav ilion and more park ing would be wonderf ul A s idewalk f or walk ing around t he park onc e t he t ree grow would als o be nic e Thank y ou

129 The nat ure t rail at t he newly renov at ed Riv ers ide park is s o great !

130 P ark s are c lean, good s hady plac es t o walk our dog, and s emi-s af e area t o t ak e our s mall grandc hildren

131 I lov e t ak ing my grandc hildren t o t he park We us ually go t o Riv ers ide P ark We lov e it t here it is a beaut if ul quiet park We f eed t he duc k s go hav e lunc h or go t o walk We may not go as mu c h when it ’s hot B ut nic e weat her we go a lot

132 I lov e t he Camp B owie pool and wis h t here were more hours t his s ummer I als o t hink it wouldn’t be a bad idea t o hav e a s ec ond c it y pool, one t hat was a t radit ional lap/ rec t angular pool Thank y ou f or put t ing in t he s plas h pads !

133 NC

134 I lov e how B rownwood had updat ed play ground equipment at s ev era l park s I t mak es t he park s more enjoy able and ac c es s ible!

135 Us e t he s mall library box ; s it and enjoy ; walk t he t rail by t he s t adium; s wim laps at t he pool; eat dinner at riv ers ide; s omet imes walk at riv ers ide

136 My k ids hav e really enjoy ed t he s plas h pads ! A ls o, we lov e t hat t he s oc c er f ac ilit y is s o nic e!

137 I lov e t ak ing my s on t o go play on t he p lay ground Feed t he duc k s at riv ers ide

138 I hav e t aught aqua f it nes s at Wiggins and t he Wat er P ark f or ov er t en y ears The Cit y has been a f ant as t ic part ner in t hat and we alway s had v ery large c las s es

139 My k ids play s oc c er and s of t ball, and bot h s port s c omplex es are alway s s o well k ept Clean, manic ured, and v ery c lean bat hroom f ac ilit ies

140 My 4 y ear old and I are t ry ing t o v is it all t he park s in t own

141 We hav e not liv ed here long s o hav en’t had any ex perienc e wit h park s or rec reat ional v enues

142 I us ed t o walk at Riv ers ide P ark and enjoy ed s eeing t he animals es pec ially t he c at s The c at s not being t here is a dis appoint ment

144 I believ e it is import ant t o hav e an out door s pac e t o mov e around and hav e ac t iv it ies I hav e t ak en wat er aerobic s f or many y ears at t he c it y pools and hope t o be able t o c ont inue in t he f ut ure

145 N/ a

146 The park s and play grounds are s o f un f or t he c hildren t o learn and grow wit h ot her c hildren

147 I lov e Riv ers ide bec aus e it ’s s hady but I walk more at Coggin bec aus e it ’s c ent rally loc at ed I t hink ex erc is e equipment needs t o be updat ed at Coggin There is s o muc h room at Coggin f or ot her t hings

148 Thomas on P ark is in our neighborhood We are t here all t he t ime We lov e all of t he park s in B rownwood!

149 B enc hes at P at Cours ey P ark are a great regrouping s pac e

150 E njoy ing walk ing around t he park s

151 Lov e being able t o us e t he park s f or y out h s port s Not jus t t he ball f ields but all t he park s f or prac t ic e et c als o lik e walk ing laps around t he park wit h my dog and or f amily

152 I t hink Riv ers ide P ark is probably import ant t o ev ery body t o do a bik e ride or walk f or ex erc is e or t ak e t heir dogs f or a walk lik e I do and I als o t hink t hat t he s plas h pads are great f or k ids in t he s ummer bu t I t hink t he one on A us t in av enue by E as t element ary S c hool c ould us e a lit t le more s pruc ing up t o mak e it more welc ome f or t he k ids and ot her t han t hat I am an elderly

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143 Lov e riv ers
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pers on who s t ill work s part -t ime and has elderly parent s t o t ak e c are of s o I don't get out a whole lot ex c ept t o eat dinner onc e a week by my s elf

153 My k ids lov e t he park s around B rownwood

154 I alway s t ook my Mot her (95) bef ore s he died A ll my f amily s pent E as t er, f amily meet ings at Riv ers ide P ark S t ill go t heir We did go t o RI V E RS I DE RE S T area bef ore y ou gav e it t o Chic k f lay That was a bad mov e on t he c it y ’s part

155 I us e t he walk ing t rac k at Coggin P ar k I grew up as a c hild us ing t he park t o play in and my c hildren play ed s oc c er t here and had birt hday part ies t here I lov e Coggin P ark

156 S ome of t he ans wers c ould not be ans wered under t he “Daily, Week ly, Mont hly, et c ” heading I lik e walk ing at t he park s Coggin needs s ome work on t heir s idewalk s t o mak e t he s urf ac es les s haz ardous f or s enior c it iz ens , but t he at mos phere is lov e ly ! !

157 My s on and I lov e going t o t he wat er park , us ing t he walk ing t rail at Camp B owie, and us ing t he t ennis c ourt s at Coggin or A lc orn park ! I us e t he walk ing t rail at Camp B owie all t he t imelov e it !

158 Riv ers ide is a gem Wonderf ul t o hav e a s hady plac e t o walk

159 They are c lean, lawns well k ept

160 Riv ers ide park is a s t aple f o r our f amily ev ent s I c an’t jus t lis t one From t he long t rail t o t he ex t ended nat ure t rail

161 We us e t he walk ing t rail by Gordon Wood s t adium of t en We re als o at t he S oc c er c omplex mos t week ends f or S oc c er My hus band and I are v ery ac t iv e wit h Cent ex S oc c er A s s oc iat ion by s erv ing as Commis s ioners t o mak e t he s oc c er program bet t er t han ev er

162 S oc c er and bas eball f ields are f ant as t ic I ’m proud of t hem and enjoy bragging on how I c e t hey are

163 The park s are well k ept and t hey are nic e t o v is it My daught er lov es t o go s winging in t he park s

164 I grew up in B rownwood, I mov ed away f or 10 y ears B ringing my k ids here t o grow up brings bac k all t he good memories I had here as a c hild, we s pent many a day s at c oggin and riv ers ide park s B een bac k 2 y ears , my k ids are in lov e wit h t he park s and t he his t oric al park by t he hos pit al I ’m glad t o s ee lif e being brought bac k t o t hes e muc h lov ed plac es , it ’s import ant t o k eep t he program running s moot h s o our park s s t ay f un and beaut if ul

165 I enjoy Coggin P ark and s plas h pads wit h f amily and niec es and nephews while t hey play in t he wat er I would lik e t o walk my d ogs around t he park and in my neighborhood but people are not leas hing t heirs , s o I do not f eel it is s af e f or mine That is t he s ame reas on I do not ride my bik e as of t en Dogs c has e me Camp B owie pool is way t oo c rowded in t he s ummer s o I do not s wim t here any more That 's about it

166 I f eel it ’s needed f or our y oung people as well as our s enior c it iz ens We c an do our walk ing and f eel s af e and our c hildren hav e a s af e plac e t o play

167 I lov e Riv ers ide park ! I t ’s a beaut if ul park and hav ing t he duc k s around is s o f un! I t would be neat t o ins t all a c oin operat ed duc k f ood dis pens er s o people c ould t os s healt hy f ood t o t he duc k s I would lov e t o s ee t he boat ramp ref inis hed as well!

168 Fix up A lc orn P ark and s urrounding s t reet s

169 One of t he f irs t dat es my hus band went on was a hik e t hrough t he t rails at Riv ers ide park I was eas y, beaut if ul and c ool ev en during t he heat of t he day We’v e s pent hours t ak ing our k ids , niec es and nephews and f riends ’ k ids t o riv ers ide, Coggin park , and t o t he aquat ic c ent er (when it ’s open-whic h s hould be more! I t ’s s oooooo HOT) We’v e enjoy ed s o muc h of all t he park s in t own

170 Fabis P rimit iv e P ark is my f av orit e A c t ually didn't k now about it unt il about 10 mont hs ago and hav e liv ed in B rownwood now f or nearly 20 y ears

171 Us ed t he s k at e park , t oo many of t he bas eball and s oc c er f ields t o k eep t rac k , and during s ummer B owie pool almos t daily

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172 We us e t he dis c golf c ours e at t he B rownwood c it y park I t ’s s hady and beaut if ul t o be in t he 5/ 17/ 2022 6: 30 A M

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grov e of Oak s We lov e us ing t he s plas h pads , s idewalk s f or bik ing or t ry ing out new s c oot ers , s k at eboards

173 I hav e a t oddler and a t eenager B ot h girls S omet imes we play t ennis at Coggin park

174 B as eball f ac ilit ies look great k eep up t he good work

175 Great plac e t o let y our c hildren get f res h air, ex erc is e and hav e f un als o great f or t he parent s t o get s ome ex erc is e as well

176 E njoy going t o Riv ers ide park Walk around t he park and s omet imes around t he t rails I s ee t he pers onnel are doing an out s t anding job

177 Walk ing pat hs are great es pec ially if t here is s omet hing t o look at B eaut if ul t rees , animals et c

178 I t ak e my y oung c hildren week ly t o t he park s t o enjoy out s ide t ime, t he play grounds , and t o s oc ializ e

179 lov e t o t ak e my daught er t o enjoy good weat her and f ri ends

180 One of my f av orit e park s is Riv er S ide park , bec aus e of t he s hade t rees , l us ed t o t ak e my dog f or a walk , he was a huge dog, he was Rhodes ian Ridge bac k , he lov ed going t o t he park , he lov ed t o jump in t he wat er t o c has e t he duc k s he didn't hurt t hem but he lov ed t o play wit h t hem, he unf ort unat ely died, but l s t ill go t o t he park and walk wit h my lit t le dog I really wis h we had a dog park where all t he dogs c an play t oget her, t hat would be really great

181 The park giv es our f amily and our homes c hool group s omeplac e t o hangout and hav e out s ide f un wit hout it c os t ing money

182 Lov e t he P av illion at Riv ers ide B ut c ould us e a c ouple more

183 I hav e 11 y r old t riplet s and s pend lot s of t ime at t he park s play ing, birt hday par t ies , s port s et c

184 We v is it a lot of t he c it y park s and hav e lov ed s eeing t he c ont inual addit ions and improv ement s being made, we pray f or a bik ing pat h and t hings f or k ids a lit t le older but we lov e s eeing t he growt h!

185 More ac c es s ible areas f or dis abled

186 I hav e t wo dogs t hat I walk regularly at Coggin P ark and t hey abs olut ely lov e it !

187 The park s y s t em is great but t he polic e need t o k eep t he bad k ids out of t hem

188 Lov e t he work t hat ’s been done t o riv ers ide Hope f or a bet t er pav ilion and bat hrooms in t he f ut ure

189 Going t o t he park s & play grounds is one of t he only ac t iv it ies we hav e t o do and great ly enjoy it

190 Riv ers ide park has alway s been one of my f av orit es ! I as a k id had s ev eral of my birt hday s t here and play day s t here! Now my lit t le girl enjoy s play ing t here! We als o lov e t o do pic nic s t here as a f amily ev ery onc e in a while! We do f is hing t here as well and t hat s wonderf ul! A long wit h lit t le f amily walk s !

191 Lov e t ak ing t he k ids and pet s f or walk s and bik e rides P lay on t he play grounds Hos t part ies

192 Cec il Holman P ark is where I grownup play ing and now my k ids play t here

193 My c hildren, grandc hildren and great grandc hildren us e t he park regularly I am 85 y ears old and not able t o enjoy lik e I hav e in t he pas t I f eel all t he park s and ac t iv it ies are ex t remely import ant

194 During t he s ummer mont hs we enjoy t ak ing t he k ids t o t he park s t o ride bik es and play at t he park s The park by HMCB is s o nic e and s haded and great area f or running and riding bik es I t is t he perf ec t f ree s ummer day ac t iv it y

196 I hav e enjoy ed t he walk ing t rails by Gordon Wood and t he bas eball f ields A ls o t he park s in t win are great I lov e t ak ing my niec e t o t hem when s he s in t own

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197 E njoy riv ers ide park and t he walk ing pat h COGGI N PA RK ON E A S TE R The wet park on I ndian c reek is als o a f un park

198 Giv es t he c hildren a plac e out s ide t o play

199 The park s y s t em is meaningf ul t o me bec aus e it ’s a s af e plac e I c an t ak e my c hild t o play

200 I lov e my walk s at t he riv ers ide park ❤ t he t rees ! A nd t he peac ef ulnes s about it

201 I would lik e inf ormat ion about wat er aerobic s I am c ert if ied t o ins t ruc t , and enjoy t ak ing t he c las s es

202 I l ov e our S port s Complex B ut we c ould really us e a s pac e f or bas k et ball would lov e t o s ee more t ournament s hos t ed here s o ot hers c ould s ee what a great job our P ark s c rew does

203 Don't go t o t he park s

204 For our s on’s 7t h birt hday we did a park t our and v is it ed ev ery c it y play ground in one day ! I t was f un t o v is it our us ual f av orit es and t o get t o ex perienc e new park s

205 I walk in Riv ers ide P ark daily and enjoy t he v iew, duc k s and c at s , and well-maint ained grounds

206 Nic e walk ing pat h at riv ers ide

207 My whole ent ire f amily walk ed ov er t o Wiggins P ark and play ed s of t ball as a f amily bac k in t he 90's I t was jus t dirt and old equipment Glad t o s ee it 's s t art ing t o be t ak en c are of

208 I lov e f es t iv a l park due t o t he s c enery and walk ing t rail I lov e t he walk ing t rail at riv ers ide as well I t ak e my dog and f es t iv al is more enjoy able f or her

209 I lov e aqua f it nes s and I 'm v ery glad t hat Wiggins is get t ing muc h needed upgrades I s inc erely wis h t hat t he c it y had an indoor pool f or y ear round wat er f it nes s c las s es and s wimming 5/ 16/ 2022

210 I t ak e my daught er t o Coggin P ar k bec aus e it ’s c onv enient ly loc at ed and in a s af e neighborhood My daught er is 3 now and lov es t he lit t le bus I t ’s dif f erent t han t he t hings we hav e f ound at ot her park s We als o lov e B rownwood f it nes s and t heir day c are opt ion I t ’s great f or parent s t o hav e a c hanc e t o do s omet hing f or t hems elv es and f or a reas onable pric e

211 The bas k et ball goals and t he s oc c er goals at A lc orn hav e been us ed regularly by my f amily My y ounges t c hild play s on t he play ground and s plas h pad

212 We lov e t o walk and pus h our k ids in t heir s t rollers while we do s o! S o I t hink it ’s great t hat riv ers ide and c oggin park bot h hav e s idewalk s t hat go around t hem!

213 We lik e t he park s and how well k ept A s we are s eniors we would lik e t o daily but c an't B rownwood has grea t park s f or any t hing y ou want t o do

214 My wif e and I lov e t o play P ic k leball and pref er t o play out s ide when t he weat her c ooperat es

216 Fun f or 2 y ear old S af e plac e f or t eens t o meet and hand out

217 I t ook my grandc hildren t o s wim les s ons at Wiggins and I really enjoy ed t he s maller group I lov e s ll t he improv ement s at Riv ers ide and hope t hat Wiggins c an get t he s ame at t ent ion I t was nic e s eeing t he older generat ion c oming out t o Cinc o de May o but t hey had t o bring t here own c hairs and c ov ers out

218 Thank y ou f or put t ing in newer play areas in t he c it y park s I am a t eac her at Nort hwes t element ary and would lik e t o s ee a pav ilion and c ont inued growt h at t rigg park I t would be nic e t o hav e a f ull play ground and c ov ered pic nic area s o t hat we c an hav e s c hool pic nic and walk ing f ield t rips f or t he s t udent s Thank y ou

219 Really lik e t he wat er park s

220 I really enjoy ed t he walk ing pat h at Fes t iv al park and t he newer pat h at Riv ers ide while c ondit ioning my s elf f or t he A ppalac hian Trail bac k in 2020 I enjoy ed t hat t hey weren't ov er c rowded I enjoy nat ure more t hat in t own s t uf f Now ev en t hough I s aid I don't us e a lot of loc al amenit ies , it 's bec aus e our k iddos are grown and mov ed out We did us e t hem when k ids were y ounger I really would lik e t o s ee s ome plac es / ac t iv it ies f or y ounger k ids I k now s ome t hings hav e t ried in t he pas t and didn't s urv iv e I f eel lik e it 's bec aus e t hey were poorly f unded

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o eat lunc h in park 5/ 15/ 2022 7: 59 P M
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and parent s didn't f eel s af e leav ing t heir k ids t here I don't k now if y ou ev er went t o t he s k at ing rink as a k id, but Tammy, Gary, May, and S uz an really c ared f or t he k ids and made s ure eac hone was s af e and s ec ure while in t here c are! ! Wis h y allt he bes t of luc k in y our growt h in t he f ut ure! !

221 I enjoy walk ing at t he Riv er S ide t rails

222 We mov ed t o B rownwood in S ept ember and we lov e t he park s ! Where we c ome f rom t here are hardly any c it y park s and we f eel it ’s a big part of what m ak es t his a c ommunit y ! We f eel s af e in t he park s and f eel part of t he c ommunit y

223 We t ak e out t wo s malles t grandc hildren t o t he dif f erent park s t o P lay We us e t he pool in t he s ummer and s plas h pads

224 My s on play s bas k et ball at Mc Donald park and went t o HP U bas k et ball ev ent t here t oo

225 I f requent ly walk in t he c it y walk ing t rail near B rownwood Midd le S c hool Great ex perienc

226 The park s y s t em is import ant t o me bec aus e it 's s omewhere my f amily c an go t o and f orget about real lif e is s ues and jus t enjoy s ome nic e f res h air and hav e s o muc h f un We als o c reat e s o many memories t here

227 We at t end 5 or 6 B irt hday part ies , or s plas h pad part ies a y ear, f or lit t le neic es / nephews Lot s of f un

228 I lik e t o walk in t he park s f or ex erc is e, and I enjoy t he lit t le f ree libraries t hat are av ailable in t he park s My grandc hildren enjoy t he s wimming and play grounds when t hey v is it

229 Wiggins park needs , c ov ered pav ilion, s idewalk , k eep t he pool probably needs t o be work ed on , any t hing would help k eep t his park a more pleas ant niegborhood park c ould us e t he s idewalk as a great walk ing ar ea aroundt he park , and more t han one pav ilion, t o be us ed f or book c lubs , pic nic wit h f amily and f riends

230 I hav e enjoy ed walk ing on t he nat ure t rail at Riv ers ide and I us ually walk around t he out er perimet er of t he park t o f eel c los er t o nat ure 5/ 15/ 2022

231 Wat c hing my grandc hildren part ic pat e in y out h s port s and k nowing t hey hav e f ac ilit ies t o t heir benef it 5/ 15/ 2022

232 My c hildren abs olut ely lov e t he way er park and s plas h pads We us e t he s plas h pad at allc orn park week ly or more when it is warm enough Riv ers ide is t heir f av orit e f or pic t ures and f or c ooler weat her play We us e Coggin int ermit t ent ly but lov e it f or t ennis We rec ent ly dis c ov ered s ev eral of t he s mall c ommunit y poc k et park s and hav e enjoy ed t ak ing t he k ids t here (many are out dat ed but t hat 's part of t he init ial draw t o s how t he k ids what park s us ed t o be I k now t hey will ev ent ually get updat es

233 The dis c golf c ours e is amaz ing! A s is t he mount ain bik e t rail at Riv ers ide I t would be nic e t o hav e more ex t ens iv e ac c es s t o bot h! B et t er t rails and more holes

234 My f amily jus t mov ed t o Zephy r and hav e enjoy ed t he park s in B rownwood but would LOV E t o s ee more f a mily f riendly plac es and env ironment s We f ound needles at one park (S CA RY ! ) and many are c los e t o bus y roads s o we would lik e an indoor or more ex c lus iv e and s af e opt ion

235 None

236 Thoroughly enjoy ed t eac hing t he Coggin P ark f ree Tennis les s ons Got a t remendous res pons e I us ed t o enjoy play ing Tennis ev ery day unt il t he c ourt s and net s got s o run down t hat it jus t w as n't enjoy able any more I t 's s hamef ul when out of t owners c ome here f or t ournament s t o s ee t he dis grac ef ul c ondit ion of t he f ac ilit y B lac k ey e on t he f ac e of t he park s depart ment and t he c it y Who want s t o c ome s ee t hat ?

237 Good plac e t o s pend lunc h and relax

238 I mov ed here almos t 6 y ears ago Were I c ome f rom, t here's s o many t hings t o do! A s a f amily or as an indi v idual, it does n't mat t er S o, when I c ame in here, I t hought it was v ery boring I hard a really hard t ime adjus t ing, and ev en t hought about mov ing I s t ay ed bec aus e I hav e t wo girls , and I s t ill believ e it 's a s af e t own t o rais e t hem B ut let me s ay t his : t he Cit y is s t irring t hings a lit t le bit lat ely, and f or good! ! I 'm get t ing ex c it ed! Our y oung k ids des erv e t o hav e f un, t oo Not ev ery one lik es s port s Wit h all t his being s aid, I 'm glad and eager t o s ee all t he

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improv ement s t his Cit y is mak ing B ut , lik e I s aid, not only k eep lit t le k ids and older people in mind Our y oungs t ers need plac es where t hey c an hav e f un and not only by doing s ort s

239 E njoy t ak ing my grands ons t o play

240 We us ually go t o riv ers ide park

241 The s oc c er f ields are great and s o many k ids are inv olv ed, as are t he bas eball f ields The s wimming pool and f ac ilit ies are great I ’d lik e t o s ee s omet hing f or us S enior Cit iz ens

242 I lov e all of t he animals

243 I lov e t he park s s o muc h in B rownwood S o muc h bet t er t han any park ev er ex perienc ed in df w I would lov e t o s ee s hade ov er play areas , s o it wouldn’t be s o hot A n area f or y ounger c hildren s o t hey don’t get t rampled on

244 I enjoy riding or walk ing in Riv ers ide P ark

245 I 'v e liv ed in B rownwood f or 3 y ears in J uly One of t he t hings I lov e about t he t own is t he number of c it y park s

246 Grew up going t o c oggin park and s t ill E njoy t ak ing my k ids t here A ls o lik e t ak ing my k ids t o t he s plas h pad at A lc orn

247 I t hink any t hing t o improv e our park s helps ev ery one lov e B rownwood any t hing pos it iv e is good f or ev ery one

248 S addened by t he f eral c at populat ion

249 S orry Mov ed here jus t ov er one y ear ago and hav e not made any ef f ort y et t o v is it all t he f ac ilit ies and park I nt end on doing do when t he t emp goes below 100 Lol

250 Lov e going t o t he wat er park s and play grounds wit h my grandc hildren

251 J us t lov e going t o Cit y P ark f or nat ure walk

252 I lik e Riv ers ide

253 I lov e t o work out out s ide during t he warm Mont hs !

254 The Coggin P ark on A us t in needs more t rees s hading t he k ids play areas A not her needed t hing is more play equipment f or k ids as t his s eems t he mos t popular park in t own A us t in A v e, howev er, pos es a danger due t o t he s peed and amount of v ehic les on A us t in A not her nic e t hing would be f or t he c it y t o s pray weed k iller as goat heads and s ome k ind of gras s but s mak e t h e gras s port ions int olerable f or walk ing, play ing, and pet s

255 We are low inc ome and t he park is all we c an af f ord

256 I enjoy f is hing at Riv ers ide park and we go t o Fabis t o f is h I enjoy t he peac e and quiet t here

257 A s a S A HM (S t ay at Home Mom) t o a t oddler, es pec ially during t imes of pandemic , it helps k eep me s ane t o get out of t he hous e and t ak e t he k iddo t o t he park Our daught er lov es Riv ers ide es pec ially, bec aus e s he c an s ee t he duc k s and gees e in a v ery s hady and pret t y area We go almos t daily when t he weat her is c ooler A ls o, not s ure if t he Train Mus eum is inc luded in t his s urv ey, but we go quit e of t en E v ery one is s o nic e, and t he lit t le ones lov e t he t rains !

258 Liv e c los e t o Coggins P ark I go t here ev ery day f or a li t t le ex erc is e

259 I hav e us ed Coggin park as a daily ex erc is e rout ine I los t 30 pounds ut iliz ing t he t rac k and t he f ormer ins t alled ex erc is e equipment I k now Coggin is pac k ed daily and t he pav ilions are us ed week ly I t ’s a great park

260 The pav ilion is nic e t o us e plus my grandk ids lov e t o go t o t he park

261 i lov e c oggin park and riv ers ide park al way s c lean and s af e 5/

262 I us e t he c it y ball park s t hey jus t need more s hade and pav ilions 5/

263 E njoy ed t he bay ou k ay ak ing

264 I t ’s a plac e I c an t ak e my y ounges t c hild t o hav e f un

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265 Riv ers ide is my f av orit e! ! abs olut ely beaut if ul wis h c oggin park were more lik e it

266 Lov e t he bik e and bik e t rail Us e it at leas t 5 t imes a week Need more t rails

267 I lik e t o us e t he t rails f or walk ing ex erc is e I want t o be able t o do in any park in order t o hav e dif f erent s c enery

268 My s on lov es Coggin P ark bec aus e he has more t hings t o do ov er t here I lov e Riv ers ide f or The walk ing t rails , es pec ially t he new ones My f amily lik es t he s plas h pads Obv ious ly t he one by t riple T is t he f av orit e B ut t he one c los e t o Nort hwes t is where we normally go My s on’s ex c it ed about t he bik e park He’s jus t now get t ing us ed t o riding around

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276 Lov e t he bas eball and s of t ball f ac ilit y Would lov e t o t urn t hat and t he mens and womens s of t ball c omplex int o s omet hing bigger s o t hey c an ac t ually s erv e real f ood ( mak e a res t aurant or what ev er it t ak e t o s erv e t he people t here) I ’v e s een it in Calif ornia f or y ears

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269 A bs olut ely lov e t ak ing my lit t les t o t he park s in B rownwood f or all dif f erent reas ons We lov e Coggin park f or t he play ground and hus band and I walk t he t rac k , lov e t he park ov er by E as t E leme nt ary bec aus e of t he wat er f un and s k at e park , and riv ers ide bec aus e of t he beaut if ul t rail behind S o glad t hey are t ak en c are of and maint ained 12:
270 Well I was really enjoy ing f eeding t he c at s at Riv ers ide, unt il t he may or dec ided t o not let us any more When I go t o Riv ers ide one of t he c at s ev en remembers my v ehic le S he was bone s k inny when I f irs t s t art ed t o t ak e c are of her I a ls o lik e t he lit t le f ree libraries and us e of res t rooms I wis h t he park near Chik -f il-a had a res t room (t he roads ide park not riv ers ide)
271 I grew up in B rownwood and I ’m happy t o s ee t he improv ement s in t he c it y park s The s plas h pads are awes ome! Riv ers ide park is s uc h a nic e plac e t o eat lunc h and t he walk ing t rails are great
272 My f amily lov es t o go t o Riv ers i de on S unday af t ernoons when t he weat her is nic e and eat lunc h We als o lik e t o go walk ing at Coggin P ark
273 I lov e t he Riv ers ide P ark wit h t he duc k s and f is hing
274 Lov e t he riv ers ide park walk ing t rail and t he s port s f ac ilit ies
275 P lay ground in good s hape S af e Would lik e more ac t iv it ies
P eople lov e it and if y ou c ould s erv e beer at t he adult f ields f or mens and womens leagues would be unreal and league night s and t ournament s !
277 Wat er pads ar e great f or k ids but eas t elm one needs s omet hing more lik e woodland area They all s hould be lik e t hat one
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278 When my s on play ed bas eball and prac t ic ed at t he B ert Mas s ey Complex , it was nic e t o walk while he prac t ic ed When my c hildren were y ounger we f requent ly went t o t he A quat ic Cent er and Coggin P ark
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279 I t ak e daily or night ly 2- mile walk s at one of our park s f or my healt h and I enjoy part ic ipat ing in my ot her hobbies at our park s Coggin P ark is in t errible and uns af e c ondit ion Hundreds of v is it ors us e t his park ev ery week The walk ing/ running pat h is haz ardous & c rac k ed & c rumbling s o no runners ris k injury by us ing it any more The light s are A LL out around t he c hildrens ' play grounds and one light nev er work s on t he wes t end of t he v olley ball c ourt Mo s t dangerous and pot ent ially deadly is t he f ac t t hat alt hough we are in t he s eas on of 100+ degree daily t emperat ures , NOT ONE s ingle drink ing f ount ain work s in t he ent ire park ! S ome k id or adult is going t o s uf f er a heat s t rok e, heat ex haus t ion, or dehy drat ion and die bec aus e of t his c it y 's neglec t of it s park s Then y ou're going t o f ac e a huge laws uit t hat y ou c annot win and we t he t ax pay ers are going t o hav e t o pay f or t hat t oo
280 We lov ed s eeing t he c at s at Riv ers ide Would alway s meet people f rom out of t own who had heard about t hem! Don't k now why t hey had t o be mov ed! !
281 We lov e v is it ing t he c at s at Riv ers ide P ark I t is s o awes ome t hat we hav e t hat !
282 The wat er f ount ains t hat of f er drink s f or t he dogs are great !
283 Does t h e library c ount ? I wis h I us ed t he park s more!
284 Our park s hav e beaut if ul walk ing t rails
285 Riv ers ide P ark is an underus ed res ourc e S pif f y it up pleas e


Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

286 My f amily, inc luding grandc hildren, really enjoy t he walk ing t rails and pic nic areas B et t er play grounds would be a great as s et f or f amilies

287 I lov e t o walk at riv ers ide park 2-7 t imes a week bec aus e t he t rail and regular s idewalk are maint ained well and it ’s a nic e area t o v is it I als o lov e hammoc k ing wit h my f riends t here when we c an

288 Coggin park is great Walk ing, t ennis , s port s , play ground, pic nic We als o hav e ana annual c hurc h pic nic at Riv ers ide ev ery y ear I am v ery pleas ed t hat Riv ers ide has rec eiv ed a f ac elif t A nd is muc h more pleas ant t o v is it wit h t he f amily hav e a pic nic , t o go f is hing, park s are great !

289 P lay ing pic k elball at Coggin park

290 My grandc hildren v is it and I t ak e t hem t o t he park plus my 94 y e ar old mot her lov ed eat ing lunc h in t he park s

291 Coggin park reminds me of my c hildhood, holds lot s of memories ! Riv ers ide park is jus t s

peac ef ul

292 Lov e t he Riv ers ide nat ure t rail and Fes t iv al park bot h, enjoy t ak ing t he dogs walk ing t here, nic e s c enery and generally peac ef ul

293 P ic k leball at Coggin P ark

294 When my c hildren were s mall we us ed s ev eral of t he park s regularly Now, I mos t ly us e Riv ers ide P ark f or get -t oget hers or t ak ing my dogs t here A ls o, f or dis c golf Lov ely park


296 E v ent s in t own mak e t he area f eel more liv ely and inv it es t he c ommunit y and ot hers out s ide of t o go and enjoy a piec e of brownwood E v ent s lik e Woof s t oc k and c inc o de May o are s ome I hav e enjoy ed my s elf

297 Walk daily at Riv ers ide P ark wit h our dogs

298 Our S unday s c hool c las s meet s onc e a mont h af t er c hurc h at Riv ers ide P ark We us e a pav ilion t o gat her and eat lunc h, t hen our k ids play

299 I am new t o t he area s o I ’v e not had t he opport unit y t o leis urely enjoy t he park s Coggins park is near me and I enj oy t hat one

300 I us e t o s pend a lot of t ime ev ery day on t he nat ure t rail at riv ers ide wit h my dogs of f leas h running and play ing in t he wat er Now it 's dif f ic ult t o f ind a plac e f or t hem t o play and ex erc is e We lov ed t hat t ime eac h ev ening bec aus e as large dogs t hey c ould s t ret c h t heir legs and run and s wim I t was a ment ally relax ing t ime f or me t o wat c h t hem and prov ided opport un it ies f or lot s of beaut if ul pic t ures

301 Riv ers ide P ark is our f av orit e: t he s et t ing on t he bay ou, t he t rees , t he duc k s and roos t er, s quirrels and birds ; t he gk ids lov e t his park ’s play ground equipment ; I lik e t o t ak e my lunc h and eat under one of t he t rees

302 I enjoy going t o Wiggins P ark s wimming pool in t he s ummer I t is more f or s eniors lik e my s elf I als o enjoy s ee ing t he muc h needed improv ement s at t he park

303 The c it y s oc c er and bas eball/ s of t ball c omplex es are awes ome and v ery well t ak en c are of I t hink it is a huge as s et t o our c it y, our y out h and t he abilit y t o bring y oung f amilies t o B rownwood

304 Children lov e go play and as an adult enjoy c hildren hav ing f un

305 The park play grounds are a wonderf ul plac e f or t he k ids t o get ex erc is e, and meet and mak e new f riends

306 When my c hildren were y ounger we us ed t he park s of t en I t was a great way t o get out doors

307 I enjoy v ery muc h t ak ing my granddaught er t o t he park s in B rownwood I t ’s import ant t o hav e a plac e t o go and c onnec t wit h nat ure and hav e f un A ls o t o hav e a plac e t o hav e gat herings

308 I enjoy daily walk s and get t ing t o k now t he ot her people t hat walk ev ery day as well

309 We need bet t er and updat ed play ground equipment on nort h s ide of brownwood We hav e 2

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park s one of wit c h has bas ic ally been abandoned A nd t he ot her has has t he s ame equipment s inc e I was a c hild my s elf The play equipment t hat is t here is v ery out dat ed and dos e not apply t o all age groups For ins t anc e, y ou t ak e a t oddler ages 1-3 t here’s only regular s wings not baby s wings , only 1 t all s lide A nd huge c limbing t hing t hat has been t here s inc e I was c hild (I us ed t o lov e t hat t hing) ! B ut it would be nic e if it was more age inc lus iv e I t k inda def eat s t he purpos e of hav in g a park in y our neighborhood when y our hav ing t o driv e ac ros s t own jus t s o y our k ids c an ac t ually play A ll t he park s around hav e rec eiv ed new play ground equipment , and if not t hat at leas t a s plas h pad We’re t he las t t hing t hat was done at nort h s ide park was t hem repaint ing t he 2 t ables t hat hav e been t here f orev er and when t hey put up t hat bus s t op s he’s s pot Wit c h again was Y E A RS A go

310 We lov e t he amenit ies !

311 I lov e how well k ept Riv ers ide park is ! I t 's alway s beaut if ul & it 's great t o s ee people f is hing

c anoeing

312 Great s pac es and ac c es s ibilit y in park s !

313 When my k ids where y ounger we f requent ed t he park s week ly f or rec reat ion and a c ouple t imes a week f or s port s prac t ic es Now t hat t hey are ov er 10 we rarely ut iliz e t he f ac ilit i es unles s at t ending a c hild’s birt hday or walk ing at riv ers ide

314 We’v e had many bday part ies at park s We lov e t he pav ilions and t hey way t hey are s et up

315 I t ’s a was t e of t ax pay er money B rownwood will nev er t hriv e unt il y ou f ind leaders hip ot her t han our bac k wards may or and his money hungry brain t rus t The c it y needs roads and s ewer and wat er lines redone

316 We hav e enjoy ed t he dis c gif c ours es and I really enjoy ed t he c inc o de May o ev en at Wiggins and am E x c it ed t o s ee upgrades t here The s plas h park s hav e been great - I lov e s eeing t he k ids play ing in t hem I t would be awes ome t o get one at Wiggins and Coggin I t hink v ery pos it iv e t hings are happening in B rownwood and am ex c it ed t o s ee what is in s t ore f or t he f ut ure

3 17 Lov e s eeing wildlif e and nat ure, walk ing my dog, s eeing t he c at s Great ex perienc es

318 Lov e Riv er S ide park s it t ing by t he wat er and wat c hing t he wildlif e

319 My grandc hildren lov e t o play at t he park and t he s plas h pads When my c hildren were y oung we s pend quit e a bit of t ime at t he park , had birt hday part ies t here

320 I t was s o awes ome when t he riv ers ide park walk ing t rails were upgraded and ex panded! I us e it all t he t ime We als o LOV E t he dis c golf c ours e and us e it of t en I t ’s a great way t o s oc ializ e wit h new and old f riends

321 Hav e enjoy ed t he play ground equipment f or c hildren at t hree dif f erent park s in t he c it y Well maint ained and s af e E njoy ed a walk at Riv ers ide

322 The only t ime y ou c an hav e a grea t ex perienc e in a B rownwood area park is when t here are no t eenagers hanging around This is why B rownwood needs an arc ade during t he day, a loc at ion f or 13-18 y ear olds t o s pend money, eat junk f ood, and work on t heir S t reet Fight er 2 c ombos

323 I hav e 2 granddaught er t hat I am rais ing and t hey lov e t o go t o A lc on park and play on t he Merry go round and s lide int o t he s and af t er play ing in on t he s plas h pad

324 I walk at Riv ers ide P ark and Coggin, s omet imes at Fabis I us ually t ak e my dogs wit h me P ark s aid are well maint ained I ’m happy t here are v olley ball c ourt s av ailable A nd I t hink t he s plas h pads are great f or all

325 My k ids lov e play ing at t he s plas h pad at A lc orn P ark They lik e t he s t ruc t ures

326 What does it hones t ly m at t er? P ark s hav e been updat ed and b Mas s ey is minimal if s ome plac es out of t own

327 I eat lunc h at Riv ers ide P ark almos t ev ery week day I walk t here whenev er t he weat her allows I lov e t he t rees t he riv er, and t he animals

328 Lov e t he greenery and beaut if ul t rees Nat ure s oot hes and heals

329 I lov e lov e lov e Coggin park it s one of my f av orit es I us ed t o hangout t here all t he t ime My abs olut e f av orit e jus t f or t he v iew alone would def init ely be Riv ers ide park it 's where my

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hus band and I t ook our wedding pic t ures and where my Dad n I t ook my s enior phot os

330 K ay ak ing at Riv ers ide P ark !

331 I lov e t o be out in nat ure and t o s ee/ int erac t wit h ot her people doing t he s ame wit h t heir f amily There’s more t o lif e t han s it t ing around doing not hing and def init ely more t han t ec hnology

332 Walk ed t he hik ing t rail at Riv ers ide and us ed t here walk ing t rac k Wis hed t hey had one c los e t o Woodland Height s area

333 A s a y oung parent I v is it ed Coggin P ark nearly ev ery day walk ing wit h my c hild Now I v is it les s regularly wit h y oung niec es and nephews I hav e great memories in Cit y P ark s and at hlet ic f ac ilit ies

334 I lov e walk ing at Riv ers ide P ark I hav e nev er had any problems t here and I f eel s af e while walk ing

335 I 'm a s enior & hav e a lg f amily t hat lov es out doors & we are alway s holdi ng f amily c elebrat ions at one of t he park s A ls o go t here t o walk The c it y park s are v ery import ant t o us Hope t here will alway s be f ut ure improv ement s & s een t o good up k eep Thank y ou!

336 The park s in brownwood hav e alway s been of great pride t o t he c it y and s hould be k ept t hat way f rom bas eball games t o f amily gat hering my f amily has been v is it ing t he c it ies park s all my lif e and it was my great es t honor at one point t o help c are f or t hos e park s bef or mov ing on t o bigger and bet t er opport unit ies and I hope t o s ee more done wit h t he park s in t he f ut ure

337 My s on and I enjoy ed f is hing and c anoeing in Riv ers ide park

338 Riv ers ide park is a great plac e t o v is it , great walk ing pat hs , good f is hing, a great plac e f or k ids t o play, I hav e 11 grandk ids and t hey lov e v is it ing t he park when t hey c ome t o v is it I t ’s nic e t o be able t o jus t s it and wat c h t he wildlif e roaming

339 Na

340 Would lik e t o s ee a f enc ed in s pac e wit h benc hes f or dog park or run

341 The park s are nic e t o go v is it Riv ers ide oak has been muc h bet t er We’v e t ak en grandk ids t o t he s plas h pads and t hey enjoy ed t hem

342 P lay wit h grandc hildren at t he park

343 I c an’t s ay t hat t hey are import ant t o me, but , v ery import ant t o my grandk ids

344 A f t er my ac c ident walk ing is great s ourc e of ex erc is e The park s are beaut if ul and s haded A ls o great f or holding birt hday part ies

345 The pandemic really s howed our f amily t hat t he out doors is jus t as import ant as our indoors We ne ed c lean & s af e park s s o we c an mov e our bodies , s ee our neighbors , and ex is t in wide open s pac es where t here is n’t an ex pec t at ion t o s pend We’d lov e more nat ure/ wildlif e opt ions We s aw t he buf f alos in S an A ngelo t his s pring and it was s o lov ely B rownwood needs park at t rac t ions lik e t hat I t would als o be amaz ing t o hav e plac es t o walk t hat are s af e f rom t he heat Climat e c ont rolled would be ideal, but ev en jus t s helt ered walk ing t rails t o prev ent eas y burning We’re grat ef ul f or P at Cours ey, Coggin, Camp B owie memorial, Riv ers ide, & t he c it y pool as well The park s are es s ent ial t o our daily liv ing and we t hank t he c it y and s t af f f or mak ing our park s a priorit y

346 I walk at Coggin P ark ev ery day ! I lov e Coggin P ark , it ’s one of my f av orit e plac es any where and hold many happy m emories f or me and my k ids Now I t ak e my granddaught er t here t o play S o t hank f ul f or B rownwood’s Cit y P ark s !

347 B rownwood is my home t own (B HS 1977) Rec ent ly, my hus band & I mov ed here f or our ret irement y ears B ot h of us hope t o t ak e adv ant age of t he Cit y f ac ilit ies & ac t iv it ies t hat are prov ided We will c hec k out t he Cit y P ark webs it e f or t hat inf o

348 My eight y ear old daught er and I walk t o Coggins P ark daily We enjoy t he play ground and jogging pat h We hav e als o part ic ipat ed in s oc c er and f oot ball prac t ic e wit h f amily Las t ly, my daught er has ex plored learning about t he dif f erent t y pes of t rees and f ound bees pollinat ing f lowers whic h aligned wit h s c ienc e les s ons s he was learning at t hat t ime

349 My boy s are in s c out s and really enjoy, f i s hing and t he nat ure t rails

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350 I would hav e t o s ay t he Mex ic an park s inc e s als a s t art ed t o giv e it a v oic e and s t art t o hold a c inc o de may o ev ent it

351 I enjoy t ak ing my grandc hildren t o park s in B rownwood when I f eel we are all s af e The s port s f ac ilit ies are awes ome f or y out h

352 we hav e birt hday part ies at t he park I walk in t he park s t o get ex erc is e

353 No good ex perienc es Don't go t o c it y park s - t oo many drug deals being done or pros t it ut es wait ing Tax es are t oo high f or s eniors in t he f irs t plac e

354 My c hildren lov e going t o t he park and ev ery t ime we driv e by one, t hey beg t o s t op We t ak e t hem almos t week ly t o t he s plas h pad nex t t o our hous e during t he s ummer and t hey c an s pend hours play ing on t he play grounds at t he park The ot her day a f riend and I t ook our s ons t o Riv ers ide P ark s o we c ould walk and let t he k ids ride t heir bik es I t was s uc h a relax ing and wonderf ul t ime

355 Riv ers ide park is great ex c ept t he 7 mile t rail at t he bac k of t he park needs benc hes f or older people t o res t on The park in E arly where t he old f oot ball s t adium was loc at ed would be a great plac e f or a s t at e wide art s and c raf t s f es t iv al

356 Cit y needs t o add more s plas h pads t hru out t he c it y

357 The park by t he VA is amaz ing and lot s of s hade t o wa t c h t he lit t les play The s plas h pads are a great s ummer t reat B ill A lc orn park c ould us e more updat ed play equipment lik e t he ot her park s - es pec ially f or y ounger c hildren (under 10)

358 I believ e B rownwood needs more s idewalk s , bik e and s c oot er pat hs This will mak e walk ing a bik ing muc h eas ier f or lot s of res ident s and I mean ev ery where s hould be t hes e! !

359 Clean and well t ak en c are of J us t need t o work ont he bat hrooms

360 I went t o a birt hday part y at t he park by Triple T's I t was nic e t o us e t he pav ilion and t he s plas hpad along wit h t he play ground equipment

361 I lov ed t he park s , but

362 E njoy walk ing at t he park

363 Lov e play ing dis c golf at Riv ers ide park The s port is growing by leaps and bounds Wit h las t y ear's P DGA c hampions hip winner net t ing $75k eac h and t hous ands of s pec t at ors , t his would great ly impac t t ouris m in B rownwood

364 I apprec iat e t he walk ing t rail around Coggin P ark I do believ e y ou need more light ing as I walk v ery lat e due t o heat

365 P ark s are great f or k ids and ex erc is ing

366 I lov e Riv ers ide park The Riv er, s uc k s , s hade, park area, great area t o t ak e pic t ures I lik e hik ing t rail

367 The park s hav e c ome a long way in t he pas t c ouple of y ears and s eem t o be f requent ed wit h more people They are a great and s af e hang out s pot f or y ounger people and f amilies You guy s are doing great wit h t he renov at ions and s hould t ak e s ome pride in a job well done

368 We lov e t he walk ing areas , t h e lov ely t rees , us ing t he s plas h pads and pool (when c hildren are v is it ing ), s eeing t he riv er, walk t rails , and animals

369 Look ing f orward t o more park s

370 I lov e t he park s I liv e c los e by and it ’s a walk away wit h a t ennis c ourt and play area f or t he c hildren

371 Lov e t he abilit y t o hav e a great park wit h walk ing pat hs and t ennis c ourt s s o c los e t o m y hous e

372 Our park s are beaut if ul, and ev en if I do not get out in t hem ev ery day, I hav e t o driv e by t hem ev ery day The t rees are s pec t ac ular t o s ee in s pring and s ummer, t he green gras s and f lowers are uplif t ing, and it brings a s ens e of happines s t o s ee people c ons t ant ly us ing t he park s They are wort h ev ery penny we s pend on t hem Riv ers ide park is t ruly magic al wit h t he riv er a nd oak t rees Thank y ou f or prov iding t hes e areas t o us and f or us

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373 Walk ing at Riv ers ide park is t he only out door ac t iv it y t hat I c an get my t eenage t o engage in I enjoy our walk s and t alk s I jus t wis h t here was more s hade

374 Na

375 Riv er v iew park t rail is f amily f riendly and we lov e it S ome more plac es t hat hav e a s haded walk would be us ed by many of us wit h k ids Mos t of t he play grounds hav e minimal s hade on t he play s t ruc t ures S ome of t he c anv as t riangular s ails c ould look nic e and c reat e a f un s pac e out of t he beat ing s un E s pec ially around t he s plas h pads ! Creat ing addit ional s hade at t he play grou nds and k id f riendly loc at ions would be lov ely


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378 I work in B rownwood, not liv e I rarely us e t he park s ex c ept f or work relat ed ac t iv it ies B ut I def init ely t hink t his c it y needs more out door rec reat ional opport unit ies E v en jus t nic e walk ing/ hik ing t rails I k eep want ing t o t ak e adv ant age of t he k ay ak t rail (whic h I don't t hink is c it y ) P erhaps s ome f is hing opport unit ies , jus t t o giv e people more inex pens iv e, out door rec reat ion opport unit ies

379 Lik e t o pic nic oc c as ionall y and walk around

380 I t ’s import ant f or our k ids t o hav e s ome where s af e t o go play t o meet f riends and jus t t o s t ay ac t iv e

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393 I hav e t wo k ids ages 9 and 10 We t ry t o promot e a healt hy lif es t y le and s et t he ex ample by 5/ 12/ 2022

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376 I hav e been a res ident of B rownwood my whole lif e I hav e been a y out h c oac h and was inv olv ed in t he park s y s t em wit h my c hildren and Grandc hildren I am pleas ed t o s ee t he growt h of t he P ark S y s t em ov er t he las t 10 or s o y ears I t has c ome a long way I t c an s t ill be improv ed My only t hought is don't build it and t hen let it not bec o me as muc h of a priorit y as it is now Cont inue t o improv e and maint ain I t is good t o s ee s ev eral employ ees of t he c it y t hat are t here work ing all t he t ime There was a t ime t hat mos t of t he upk eep was done by t he c oac hes , parent s , and ot her inv olv ed c it iz ens 1:
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377 I lik e t o walk at riv ers ide park and s omet imes eat at t he park
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381 Great plac e f or my c hildren t o int erac t wit h ot her c hildren of t he s ame age and in t he s ame neighborhood
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382 I t hink t he s plas h pads are a great res ourc e when it is hot out s ide and k ids are f ree in t he s ummer I enjoy walk ing at t he park s and look f orward t o hav ing our s oon-t o-be t oddler enjoy ing t he play grounds ! P ark s are v it al t o our c ommunit y
383 NA
384 We’v e walk ed in t he Riv ers ide P ark area a c ouple of t imes - good ex perienc e bot h t
385 P ark s are a great plac e t o do my walk ing The pools are great t o c ool of f in t his c oming up s ummer
386 I mov ed h ere 3 y ears ago and I hav en’t really gone t o many s pot s in t own s t ill learning what ’s out t here
387 We lik e t o play wit h boomerangs , f ris bees et c at t he s oc c er f ield in t he area We als o lik e t o walk and ride bik es on t he s idewalk s in t he park by t he f oot ball s t adium, by t he pool & in our neighborhood
388 We enjoy ed t he dis c golf and play areas when t he k ids were y oun ger
389 The Cent ral Tex as Vet erans Memorial is an out s t anding park !
390 I n my t eenage y ears , my f riends would play at t his park daily and ac t ually t hat was t he only plac e as His panic s where we c ould hang out or meet f or birt hday part ies A s a S enior c it iz en now in my 70’s , I enjoy t he park and reminis c e about my y ounger y ears I t ’s import ant t o k eep t his park going f o r now f or my great grandk ids now 12:
391 Welc oming out door areas a a plus t o any c ommunit y !
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392 Going t o Camp B owie aquat ic c ent er f or my f amily is t he highlight of our day We are gos h out of wat er We wis hed t here were more aquat ic opt ions being Camp B owie is t he only one of it s k ind it get s c rowded f as t and bec omes les s E njoy able The c it y park s are great but may be c on s ider adding s t at ionary ex erc is es equipment es pec ially along hik e t rails The s plas h pads are a great f eat ure t oo Good wholes ome f un f or ev ery one
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part ic ipat ing ours elv es We go t o t he t rac k a lot and us e mult iples c it y park s I n t he s ummer we als o v is it t he s plas h pads on a regular bas is They abs olut ely lov e it

394 We are s eniors and our c hildren and t heir f amilies do not liv e here I am a f an of park s and my hus band and I hav e s ome land t hat I hav e dreamed t hat one day we c ould hav e a v olley ball, t ennis , and or bas k et ball c ourt c omplet e wit h light s , f enc e and benc hes on t he land I t would als o be nic e t o hav e a c ov ered area wit h a res t room (nic e t o hav e, probably a problem t o k eep c lean ) P hil and S us an P ark er 432-557-5779

395 E as t er E gg Hunt and ev ent s I lov e f or my c hild t o be able t o enjoy t hings in a s af e env ironment B eing f airly new here in B rownwood I would lik e t o s ee t he c it y do more f or s pec ial ev ent s and do a large light ing s et up f or Chris t mas and holiday s

396 Riv ers ide has had great improv ement s Fis hing and k ay ak f riendly Memorial park by Hos pit al is a good park f or walk ing

397 I lov e t he s hade t hat Riv ers ide P ark prov ides I lov e t he t wo dif f erent lev els f or ages prov ided at s ev eral of t he park s I jus t wis h more s hade was prov ided

398 I abs olut ely lov e May es P ark being s o c los e t o my home Coggins is obv ious ly an old f av orit e and Riv ers ides new play ground is great A ls o lov e walk ing t he t rail

399 I t hink our c it y park s are v ery well k ept and t hat t he s plas h pads are a great addit ion I enjoy relax ing in t he park s of t en

400 I f eel it ’s s omet hing great f or t he c ommunit y, we jus t need more at t rac t ions f or older k ids (t eens ) and adult s

401 I great ly enjoy t he nic e walk ing s urf ac es and pat hs

402 P ark s are great ! Only one t hat I s ee t hat needs improv ement is Feas t iv al P ark ac ros s f rom S t adium P ot holes and v ery undev eloped park ing areas during Foot ball/ S port s ev ent / S eas ons ! B oat ramp at Riv ers ide P ark needs at t ent ion als o Thank s

403 I lik e t o walk but I don't lik e in t he s t reet Howev er, t he park s near me hav e horrible walk ing pat hs I s t umble on t h em We need lev el walk ing pat hs and I 'd lov e bic y c le t rails or whic h t here are none

404 When I was k eeping c hildren, Riv ers ide park was t heir f av orit e Coggin park , v ery nic e but t he play equipment us ually hot not muc h s hade

405 Loc at ion, amenit ies

406 I wis h t here was more f or S eniors t o do we went t o t he wat er park s ev eral t imes and it is alway s c los ed I was t old it is n't opening unt il s c hool is out what about us s eniors , perhaps in t hes e hot day s we would lik e t o go t o a pool wit hout a lot of s c reaming k ids all wint er I as k ed around if t here is a public indoor pool f or wat er ex erc is es nope I 'm f rom Mic higan t hey hav e a lot of t hat up t here s omet hing t o help us s eniors would be really apprec iat ed

407 Ther e needs t o be s plas h pads at t he Holman and Wiggins park s and MORE S WI NGS ! S ome of t hat equipment has been t here bef ore I was born and t he k ids t oday aren’t int eres t ed There needs t o be WI FI

408 I lov e walk ing in Riv ers ide Coggin and Fes t iv al P ark The t rees and pat hs are nic e in Riv ers ide and Fes t iv al

409 I lov e t he walk ing pat h at t he memorial park Would be great if c oggin park s idewalk s c ould be repav ed

410 t he park at av e B and C bet ween 12t h and 13t h is abs olut e t ras h I t ’s s o bad due t o t he c it y only inv es t ing in park s on t he s out hs ide t hat it is lit erally a f ield wit h ey es ores Why does my ward s uf f er? A re t he c hildren in my neighborhood not wort hy of s omet hing as nic e as t he k ids in t he s out h of t own? I will buy t he bloc k f rom t he c it y i f y ou wis h t o leav e it lik e a dump bec aus e it is bad f or ev ery one’s propert y v alue but my t ax es s t ill went up 125% in t he las t c ouple y ears but we k now y ou wont do any t hing about t he dump in t he neighborhood t hat has s ome rus t y pipes f or k ids t o enjoy and s ome s t ic k ers and weeds My t ax es f und nic e park s f or k ids in t he s out h of t own

411 I wis h i c ould us e t he c it y 's s wimimg pool t he f ull day ins t ead of half a day

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412 Our c hildren enjoy going t o Coggin P ark or Riv ers ide P ark t o play We als o oc c as ionally us e t he s plas h pad at A lc orn P ark The park s are alway s c lean and t he equipment is in s af e, work ing order

413 My s on and I hav e great ly enjoy ed Riv ers ide P ark ! We go almos t week ly f or a pic nic / walk and play I t ’s a gorgeous park We are new t o B rown Count y and t his is t he only park we’v e v is it ed s o f ar!

414 We enjoy going t o t he park s but t he res t rooms need at t ent ion

415 While pregnant las t y ear I walk ed and I walk ed my dog almos t daily, es pec ially in t he las t f ew mont hs o f my pregnanc y A s of now, I walk my dog and bring my baby in his s t roller week ly f or an out ing f or all of us and f or a work out We t end t o us e Coggin park more of t en bec aus e it ’s c los er t o us but we lov e Riv ers ide P ark f or it s s c enery and all of t he animals My baby lov es s eeing t he animals

416 I was born in B Rownwood, grew up here, rec eiv ed t wo degrees f rom Howard P ay ne Univ ers it y, own a bus ines s employ ing 60 people, plan t o liv e my lif e out right here bet ween t hes e c it y limit s igns S o, s ome of my earlies t and f ondes t memories inv olv e going t o Coggin P ark f eeding t he duc k s , play ing on t he play ground, and c elebrat ing many a birt hday wit h f riends and f amily A s a c hild in B Rownwood, going t o t he park was one of t he mos t ex c it ing out ings f or my f amily whic h did not hav e t he res our c es t o do many t hings I t allowed my f amily t o bond and c elebrat e out doors s omewhere bes ides our own bac k y ards I als o enjoy ed Riv ers ide P ark as well A s an adult wit h grandc hildren now, I hav e enjoy ed c reat ing many of t he s ame s imple but meaningf ul memories going t o our area park s t o walk , f eed t he duc k s , f is h, and y es c elebrat e a birt hday or t wo I n s hort , B Rownwood would not be t he c ommunit y it is wit hout hav ing great out door c ommunit y park s Our park s are int egral t o t he f amily ex perienc e and qualit y of lif e in our c ommunit y !

417 E v ery t ime I go t o a park , it s enjoy able Whet her it is jus t me out f or a walk , or a plac e t o t ak e my grandk ids A lt hough, Coggin P ark really needs it 's t rail repav ed I hav e t ripped one t oo many t imes I don't walk t here as muc h any more

418 My f amily lov es t he park s and play grounds t hat B rownwood has t o of f er! We als o lov e t he s wimming pool! We wis h t he pool had a longer s eas on t hat it was open t hough

419 They r great f or t he k ids and s eniors f or s port s and ac t iv it ies There s hould be more f or f amily get t oget hers r f amily ac t iv it y B igger s plas h pads More f or s eniors

420 We lov e Coggin P ark f or f it nes s relax ing, and s oc ializ ing! We lov e bas k et ball c ourt s and t ennis as well Thank y ou f or k eeping t hem green and s af e!

421 Nephews birt hday part y at riv ers ide

422 I liv e behind A lc orn park My grandc hildren & I made f requent us e of it t ill t hey f k nis hed s c hool Now my great grandc hildren lov e t o v is it " me" (t he park ! ) My y ounges t s on was married at Riv ers ide P ark in J uly 2020

423 Hav e at t ended f undrais ers f or c ommunit y s upport !

424 My f amily walk s daily at Fes t iv al P ark , Riv ers ide P ark or Coggin P ark We als o t ak e our grandc hildren t o play on t he play grounds P ic nic s at t he c it y park s are als o a great ac t iv it y t hat we enjoy

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427 I of t en go ro Riv ers ide P ark t o s it and wat c h t he ac t iv it y and enjoy t he birds and c at s I als o, at t imes purc has e a lunc h and go t o t he park t o eat and enjoy t he beaut y of t he park Howev er, t he pav ement des perat ely needs repairing

428 I lov e t he walk ing/ running t rails in B rownwood We us e t hem almos t daily f or f it nes s and


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425 We go ev ery day when we hav e t he grandc hildren we go f or walk s at t he riv ers id e park and play at t he ot her v arious park s and way er park s we t ak e duc k f ood t o t he duc k s and pic nic lunc hes We lov e t he park s here I t giv es us a t as t e of t he out doors wit hin t he s af et y of home 12/
426 The park s in B rownwood giv e us s omet hing t o do wit h our k ids when t he weat her is nic e! We lov e going t o play / walk at riv ers ide park & go a f ew t imes a week when t he weat her permit s The s plas h pads hav e been a lot of f un f or all 3 of our k ids , it giv es t hem a c hanc e t o get out and int erac t wit h ot her k ids in t he c ommunit y We are t hank f ul t o hav e park s , s port s , and play areas all around t own


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walk ing our dog I would lov e t o hav e a dedic at ed dog park f or s mall and large dog B ic y c le lanes on s ome of t he larger/ bus ier c it y s t reet s would be great as well

429 My k ids lov e play ing at t he park s ! ! P lay ing on t he play ground, in t he bas k et ball c ourt s or s plas h pads

430 I work wit h a dis abled populat ion and t he inc reas e of ac c es s ibilit y ov er t he y ears has made a huge dif f erenc e f or t hem

431 Cit y park s a great way t o s pend ac t iv e t ime wit h my daught er

432 I go t o riv ers ide park t hey k eep c lean it 's v ery peac ef ul t here and I hav e s een t he polic e mak ing rounds t here I f eel s af e

433 Grew up in B wd and play ed at Coggin P ark Had Girl S c out s out ings at Riv ers ide P ark

434 We enjoy walk ing pat hs and of t en t rav el out of brown c ount y t o s ee arboret ums of f ered c los e by

436 My oldes t granddaught er is in a wheelc hair We v is it ed t he park on 4t h and I ndian c reek bec aus e it had a wheelc hair ac c es s ible s wing, but t here is only one and it is f requent ly not operable S he lov es it when it is , t hough My grands on lov es t he s plas h pads ! We go where it is handic ap ac c es s ible alway s

437 My grandc hildren and I enjoy pic nic k ing at Coggin P ark and Riv ers ide park

438 P ark s are needed not only f or k ids but adult s t oo A plac e t o relax and unwind as well t o ex plore and ex erc is e A c alming at mos phere

439 P ark are c lean us er f riendly P ark s f eel s af e f or f amily and f riends

440 The grounds are k ept up

441 We enjoy t he walk ing t rail at f es t iv al park

442 I e njoy t he walk ing t rails by Gordon wood s t adium, but t he amount of people wit h leas hles s dogs is A S TONI S HI NG Would lov e t o s ee a law put in plac e t o prot ec t res pons ible pet owners


444 Clean, quiet , s af e, at t rac t iv e park s et t ings f or walk ing, running, or bik e riding Nic e t ennis c ourt s P ark s in t he m iddle and s out h of t own are bet t er t han t he park s in t he nort h part of t own

445 My f amily mov ed f rom Colorado and jus t dec ided on Tex as 5 y ears ago we s old ev ery t hing and jumped in our t ruc k and c amper and s pent a mont h t rav eling around Tex as We s t ay ed at t he Riv ers ide P ark and it 's his t ory f rom t here We dec ided B rownwood area was our new home

446 A lway s needing a s af e plac e t o t ak e my y oung c hild t o play

447 I lov e t he duc k s at riv ers ide and eat lunc h t here f requent ly I f we c ould mak e it s af er i t hink more people would us e it

448 I us e t he park by Gordon Wood, and it is alway s met ic ulous ly maint ained

449 P ark s are great f or y out h, us e, enjoy ment , and aes t het ic s ! Thank s

450 I don’t hav e one

451 The B ert Mas s ey S port s Complex has been v ery ac t iv e in brining t ouris m t o t own and help our c it y wit h rev enue I would lik e t o s ee t hat c omplex t ak en c are of by adding more s hade pav ilions , irrigat ion on t he gras s y areas and t o prov ide a large bet t o prot ec t s pec t at ors f rom f oul balls

452 I t ’s a great plac e t o meet ot her adult s while our k ids play We enjoy all t he park s but us e Coggin and riv ers ide mos t A f enc ed in park where parent s don’t hav e t o worry about t heir k ids as muc h would be amaz ing The v olley ball c ourt at Coggin alway s has s t ic k ers in it and it ’s hard t o play in t he s and while wearing s hoes We would lov e f or t he c it y t o hos t t ennis les s ons again

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J us t good f or re lax ing
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Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

453 I t allows us t o get out and hav e a way t o ent ert ain ours elv es wit h t here being not hing els e around f or f un

454 The park s are f airly c lean

455 I t was great t o go as a s t udent t o v is it t he park af t er t he S t arr t es t s

456 Roland S ot o and t eam hav e done an ex c ept ional job E v ery t ime I go t o t he f ields I ’m impres s ed The park s only get more beaut if ul Very grat ef ul!

457 The s plas h pad by Woodland Height s is s o wonderf ul wit h all of t he int erac t iv e f eat ures !

458 I 'v e had t ons of good t imes at t he park s when I was y ounger I would lov e t o s ee t hem us ed by f res h f ac es !

459 I us e t o t ak e my girls t o riv ers ide park ev ery week when t hey were lit t le They lov ed it t here

460 A ny park I ’v e t a k en my s on has alway s been c lean/ well k ept up wit h it s eems lik e, he lov es it

463 Lov e t he neighborhood park s The walk ing pat hs are great

464 I t is alway s nic e t o be able t o at t end a park or bas eball f ield t hat is well k ept and hav e bat hroom f ac ilit ies Great ex perienc e

465 Would be good f or t he y out h t o k eep t he s wimming pool at Wiggins P ark A ls o, more park ing at t hat park would be helpf ul

466 My c hildren are in t he y out h bas eball league and prac t ic e in t he park They als o play while t hey are t here af t er t hey hav e prac t ic ed

467 The riv ers ide park is import ant f or our f amily and s hould bef ore ot hers Get t ing out int o nat ure is import ant t o get k ids o f f of v ideo games and elec t ronic s Not t o ment ion, nat ure is import ant f or ment al healt h as well We s hould hav e more ev ent s , and more ev ent s in Riv ers ide P ark The rod run is a s t art , but t here s hould be more Lik e a 4t h of J uly f es t iv al out t here, s imilar t o c inc o de may o, a f all f es t iv al at t he s t art of f all t o c elebrat e t he s eas on, and many ot her ac t iv it ies f or t he c it iz ens here t o get inv olv ed wi t h t he out doors again

468 The guy s hav e done a great job wit h t he park s around t own

469 Wiggins P ark needs a new pool, bet t er park ing, more pav ilions t hat are c ov ered f or part ies , and more s it t ing areas

470 Took grandc hildren t o Riv ers ide P ark

471 Walk ing t rails at riv ers ide along wit h dis c golf Coggin adding s huf f leboard

472 I part ic ipat ed in a Cinc o de May o c elebrat ion at Wiggins P ark las t S at urday I t was awes ome t o s ee s o many f olk s out t here

473 E njoy walk ing pat hs P lay ground f or c hildren f or c lean and and f eel s af e Wat er aerobic s are f un but need more c las s es / t imes

474 f eels good t o walk / jog and c onnec t wit h nat ure V is it ing Hav ing t hes e park s giv es opport unit ies f or f amily t o s pend t ime t oget her

475 I hav e a s ugges t ion f or new ev ent , “ c onc ert in t he park ” t o k ic k of f t he hot weat her where t heir would be f ood and games and of loc al mus ic ians in brownwood A nd I was t hink ing about anot her ev ent f or gardening ex po DOWNTOWN B ROWNWOOD A nd pos s ibly f it nes s in t he park Where t rained and f it nes s ins t ruc t ors help get t he c ommunit y f it nes s I als o t hink we nee d t o hav e more ev ent s held at t he c olluis um ins t ead of driv ing all t he way out t o A bilene and s urrounding areas when we mak e B rownwood great again

476 Coggin park and A lc orn park were plac es we v is it ed s ev eral t imes per week when our k ids were muc h y ounger

477 P lay ed pic k leball at Cohan park and made lot s of new f riends

478 My k ids lov e t he s plas h pads !

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B irt hday part ies
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Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

479 We enjoy t ak ing our grandc hildren t o t he park and s plas h pads

480 I lov e Riv ers ide bec aus e of t he s hade while walk ing t he pat h! I t ’s pret t y and peac ef ul!

481 Coming f rom a s maller t own, t he amount of park s and s plas h pads are awes ome f or our 3 c hildren The bas k et ball c ourt s c ould us e s ome improv ement s The one in early is awes ome! Hav ing t hos e around t own would be great !

482 I us ed t o walk at Riv er s ide park ev ery morning I lov ed doing t hat bes ide t he riv er- nic e v iews and great pat hs f or walk ing I t ak e grandk ids t o Coggin P ark - They lov e it - t hey are 7 and under

483 The park s are begining t o look muc h bet t er t han t he prev ious y ears s o f or t hat reas on i ut iliz e t hem more

484 Don’t really hav e one all of t he pl ay ground equipment in my neighborhood is met al and is way t o hot f or t he k ids t o play on

485 I lik e t he new walk ing/ bik ing t rail around t he s oc c er/ bas eball/ Gordon Wood s t adium I go t here of t en during t he s ummer I als o ride/ walk at Coggin Walk I wis h we had t he s plas h pads when my c hildren were y oung - t hey would hav e lov ed t hem!

486 The park s are alway s well t ak en c a re of Gras s is nev er ov ergrown and equipment is t ak en c are of if it needs s omet hing done t o it

487 E v ery t ime I hav e v is it ed Coggin park , t he c it y pool, or t he s plas h pad at t he end of 4t h s t reet t hey are alway s c lean and wort h going t o again and again

488 My grandc hildren lov e going t o Riv ers ide & A llc orn park Coggin is t o s pread out f or t hem

489 My f amily and I lov e t he aquat ic c ent er and it ’s v ery af f ordable We lov e t he c it y park s and t he pav ilions

490 My Grands ons were v is it ing f rom out of t own They lov ed going t o t he s plas h pads and play ing on equipment at Riv ers ide P ark

491 I t giv es my k ids a f ree ac t iv it y t o s t ay ac t iv e and hav e out door play ! !

492 I lov e t he c it y park s I wis h t here was a par k t hat was more t oddler f riendly We lov e t he v et erans park but it is quit e s mall and would be nic e t o hav e an area where we c ould get s ev eral us es out of We lik e t o go f or walk s as a f amily and t hen c hill by t he play ground I t would be s o nic e if we had a nic e park wit h a nic e s haded area f or parent s t o c hill out by t he s ide, as well as hav e a nic e lit t le walk ing t rail Our park s jus t do not s eem ai med f or t oddlers t o play independent ly

493 My boy s enjoy Coggin park

494 The park s prov ide c lean ent ert ainment and relax at ion when we k now it is s af e and c lean I enjoy t ak ing grandc hildren t o play and hav e pic nic s

495 Family his t ory inc ludes many bday part ies a f amily reunions in Riv ers ide and Coggin P ark s Grew up near Coggin P ark Rode bik es t here, h ung out wit h f riends at play ground, play ed t ennis , had s c hool pic nic s t here ❤

496 My k ids lov e t he A llc orn park s plas h pad and t he walk ing t rails at Riv ers ide

497 I grew up c los e t o Coggin P ark The c it y has work ed hard t o k eep t he park c lean and lands c aped beaut if ully The play ground is us ed by s o many y oung c hildren B ut t he v andalis m J uv eniles hanging out at night dis res pec t ing our park s has got t o s t op ! The c it y needs t o s upport our law enf orc ement bet t er we need of f ic ers t o pat rol and c urf ews s et and enf orc ed The c it y needs t o do what t hey need t o do by mak ing t his an import ant is s ue The prot ec t ion of our park s is ev ery bit as import ant as any ref lec t ion on our c it y S upport our c it iz ens and c hildren hire P ark polic e enf orc e c it y laws and s hut down t he c ri minal ac t ion or we will be lik e Ft Wort h where my s on in law is a f iref ight er and t he c riminal element has t ak en ov er t he park s Can't happen here? S ure it c an A ddres s it or we will all hav e t o liv e wit h it Giv e law enf orc ement s ome help our s mall f orc e c an only handle s o muc h


My hus band and I us ed t he walk ing pat h at t he aquat ic c ent er daily, but want t o walk at night when it i s c ool There is no light ing t o s ee We als o go t o Riv ers ide P ark t o walk , but t he park c los es at s uns et

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Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

499 Riv ers ide P ark is t he gem in t he s y s t em Unf ort unat ely, in t he las t c ouple of y ears t he undev eloped nort h part of t he park has been mut ilat ed in order t o c reat e mount ain bik e t rails I walk in t his area f requent ly and hav e almos t nev er s een any bik ers us ing t he t rails P leas e ret urn t he area t o nat ure!

500 Lov e play ing P ic k leball at Coggin park That ’s how I get my ex erc is e The c am araderie bright ens my day

501 New P ark s Direc t or Roland is a great guy, hopef ully will get t he t ennis c ourt s re-s urf ac ed S id has als o been great help in get t ing t hings s quared away in t he P ark s

502 I enjoy t ak ing my grands on and let t ing him play I believ e

503 E njoy ing t ak ing my f amily t here and get t ing ex erc is e

504 The c it y of B rownwo od Tex as is get t ing laws uit s agains t t hem es pec ially J os e Gonz alez f or hurt ing my brot her B obbie Went wort h I now hav e my c ous in Hank Garc ia phone number t o

505 Our s on is at t he age t o s t art enjoy ing running around s o we v is it riv ers ide and c oggin park and t he s plas h pads regularly but t he play grounds need more t oddler f riendly equipment

506 The park s y s t em in our B rownwood area means s o muc h t o me I t 's a plac e where I get t o t o mak e s o many memories wit h my c hildren and parent s We lov e t o pic k up s omet hing f rom a f as t f ood res t aurant af t er a long day, s it down and enjoy a meal t oget her t hen get s ome s weet play t ime bef ore we head home and f inis h up our day !

507 Riv erP ark is beaut if ul but it needs new pav ement really bad I t appears Fris bee go lf has been s uc c es s f ul

508 I t is jus t s o ref res hing t o get out and walk t he pav ed walk ing pat hs and get ex erc is e P lus s ome park s hav e res t rooms t hat are unloc k ed whic h mak es it v ery c onv enient The c it y of brownwood park s are def init ely a bles s ing

509 We of t en eat our lunc h at Riv ers ide P ark or on oc c as ion at Coggin P ark S inc e 1983, we hav e held and at t ended regular m eet ing wit h our c hildren and ot her f amilies We enjoy t he pav ilions and t he f ields

510 S t af f really work s hard t o improv e t he park s

511 Y y ggf

512 My c hurc h us ed t he P at Cours ey P ark f or a Chris t mas part y I t was beaut if ully dec orat ed and c lean and t he s pac e was v ery us ef ul f or our ev ent Thank y ou!

513 We lov e k ay ak ing f rom Riv ers ide and F abis --s uc h eas y ac c es s We als o lik e t he nat ure/ running t rail in Riv ers ide s inc e we're t rail runners A nd it 's not unus ual t o s ee people we k now at Riv ers ide

514 My f amily goes t o Coggin P ark of t en I t is well k ept , s hady, has plent y of s lides , s wings and t ables We lov e it

515 We lov e Riv ers ide bec aus e of t he play ground, nat ure t rails , and riv er Light ed pat hway s along t he wat er, bridges , liv e mus ic , f ood/ s now c one s t ands and wat er f eat ures would be f un ideas f or s ummert ime

516 Riv ers ide P ark is amaz ing!

517 We lik e Coggin P ark We really t he updat ed Riv ers ide P ark and enjoy t he walk ing pat hs

518 We lov e t o go t o Riv ers ide P ark t o walk around and s ee t he duc k s I wis h t here were more benc hes , es pec ially near t he wat er

519 I t ak e t he aqua f it nes s c las s es at Wiggins pool ev ery s ummer it is of f ered Very dis appoint ed t o hear it has been c anc elled t his s ummer due t o delay s in rehabbing t hat pool!

520 A lway s hav e a good t ime wit h f riends downt own wit h t he new s pot s of int eres t ! I ’m glad it ’s growing and hope t hat it c ont inues t o grow I wis h t hat it would ex pand in more f is hing holes , hi k ing areas , or k ay ak ing s pot s

521 I lov e t he f ac t t hat y out h s port s (bas eball and s of t ball) hav e grown s o muc h! I t would of been bet t er, if t he adult s of t ball c ould of not been af f ec t ed by t he growt h The new f ields were built

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Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

and it was lik e t hey were t ry ing t o pus h it out One t ime las t y ear durning adult league night , a y out h t eam was prac t ic ing on t he mark ed f ield They would not mov e and k ept hav ing prac t ic e ev en longer jus t bec aus e t he league was wait ing on t he f ield A t s ome point , adult s of t ball when in s eas on, needs t o be able t o us e t he t wo f ields t hat were built f or adult s of t ball and not f or lit t le k id prac t ic e Then t he priv ileges of s ome y out h t eams ov er ot hers S ome get t o us e t he f ields f or prac t ic e and ot hers don’t They are k ept loc k ed s o people c an’t us e t hem There are park s and rec people t hat get paid t o k eep t he f ields and grounds up, let t hem do t his daily or let ev ery one be able t o us e t he f ields

522 Walk ing downt own, af t er s it t ing at work mos t of t he day it ’s nic e t o t ak e a quic k bris k walk I t will be nic e onc e c ommon grounds is c omplet e t o giv e a lunc h res t aurant in t he downt own area A s m all deli would be nic e

523 We enjoy walk ing v ery muc h at Riv ers ide park and Coggin Coggin really needs t heir bas k et ball c ourt s updat ed and may be ev en anot her one added bec aus e it 's alway s bus y !

524 We hav e alway s enjoy ed Coggin P ark and hav e done many ac t iv it ies t here: walk ing, play ground, pic nic k ing We als o go out t o Riv ers ide on a regular bas is : mos t ly f or walk ing a nd oc c as ionally pic nic k ing We part ic ularly enjoy t he nat ure t rail We were ex c it ed when t he Cit y c leaned up t he park and moderniz ed t he f ac ilit ies We plan on s pending t ime walk ing on a regular bas is

525 I t ’s f ree I t ’s out doors play ground are v ery nic e

526 We lov e t he s plas h pad, s wimming pools and play grounds We of t en get t oget her wit h f amily at our loc al park s and enjoy a meal and f amily t ime I would lov e t o s ee more s plas h pads wit h a s lide in our park s Family f un v enues

527 I lov e walk ing at Riv ers ide P ark There’s plent y of s hade I would lik e t o s ugges t put t ing in mac hines t hat dis pens e f ood f or t he duc k s lik e t hey do at Zoos

528 A

529 We liv e in E arly, ac ros s t he s t reet f rom Mc Donald P ark , but f requent Riv e rs ide f or many reas ons The nat ure t rails , walk ing t rail, play ground, f is hing, duc k s , s hade, et c !

530 We lov e t he aquat ic c ent er! S omet hing f or ev en a big f amily c an do t hat ’s c heap and f un!

531 I ’m a B angs res ident , but my k ids play Cent ex s oc c er, at t end pres c hool, and go t o FE AT s t udios , s o we s pend mos t of our t ime in B rownwood I lov e t he play grounds and s plas h pads We als o lov e t o walk around t he riv ers ide t rails I c oac hed a U5 s oc c er t eam, and I t would be nic e t o hav e gras s y areas where we c ould prac t ic e f or s port s t hat don’t hav e s t ic k ers We had a lot of c ry ing 4 y ear olds t hes e pas t f ew week s af t er t hey f all down bec aus e I hav en’t been able t o f ind a good f ield t o prac t ic e on Ot her t han t hat , my k ids and I lov e t he park s

532 I lov e riv ers ide park my f amily lov e t o go now and t hen t o t ak e t he k ids t o play I lov e t ak ing morning walk s wit h my 3 grown daught ers we als o ac t ually do a lit t le f is hing t here B ut I would lov e t o hav e an area f or riding a bik e

533 My s on and I lov e v is it ing Coggin park week ly while we wait on s is t er t o get f inis hed wit h danc e c las s es

534 I liv e right ac ros s f rom E as t E lement ary, and hav ung t he s plas h pad and s k at e park has added s ome ex t ra lif e t o our neighborhood where t here us ed t o be none really I t 's nic e t o hav e f amilies out t here in t he ev enings enjoy ing t heir t ime while I 'm t ak ing ev ening walk s While I unders t and it c ouldn't be t oo large bec aus e y out h s oc c er us es s ome of t he land in t he park , it 'd be nic e if s ome play ground equipment c ould be added c los e t o t he s plas h pad, t oo, es pec ially f or f amilies when t he weat her is t oo c old f or s plas h pad us e

535 I lik e t he park s t hat are s haded wit h large s idewalk s f or bik es and walk ers Lik e riv ers ide

536 The walk ing pat h improv ement s at riv ers ide and by f es t iv al park hav e been great I us e t hos e almos t daily

537 I enjoy t he walk ing t rail around t he s t adium and s of t ball f ie lds

538 P ark s are well maint ained P ark s t af f are f riendly and dedic at ed t o k eeping t hem us able

539 The P ark s are alway s well maint ained and c lean

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Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

Need s plas h park in early

541 Lov e wat c hing my grand s on play bas eball on t he new f ields and t ak ing my grand k ids t o t he aquat ic c ent er

We lov e t he out doors f eeling at riv ers ide park

I lov e Riv ers ide P ark f or pic nic s , wat c hing duc k s , people, t he wat er, beaut y, walk ing pat hs Coggin P ark is als o relax ing, good f or pi c nic s , walk ing, beaut y of nat ure

546 Green s pac e and park s are import ant t o t he growt h of any c it y as t hey promot e t he healt h of t hos e in t he c it y and s urrounding areas , allow f or c ommunit y inv olv ement , and at t rac t f amilies t o t he area I grew up in New B raunf els where we hav e amaz ing park s and out door s pac e I n 2003, I went t o HP U t hen mov ed away af t er I graduat ed I nev er t hought I would c ome bac k t o B rownwood bec aus e t here was n’t muc h t o do, but wit h t he rec ent growt h of downt own, addit ion of res t aurant s , bus ines s es , and c ool ev ent s , and t he f amily -f riendly f oc us of t he t own, my f amily purc has ed s ome land jus t nort h of t own and now c ons ider B rownwood our s ec ond home K eep doing what y ou’re doing!

547 I ride f or f it nes s , would lik e t o s ee a mount ain bik e park f or mount ain bik ers ONLY I nt own park s are c lean and s af e t o ride

548 I really enjoy t he Camp B owie walk ing t rail

549 I apprec iat e t he work t he c it y put s in t o k eep our park s c lean A lt hough we hav e/ had t he is s ues wit h t he c at s it ’s improv ing ev ery y ear, s inc e y ’all s t art ing f ix ing t he problem

550 Walk at Mas s ey, Holman, c oggin and riv ers ide t o s t ay in s ha pe! P lay bas k et ball at B ennie Hous t on c ent er t o s t ay ac t iv e A ls o c hip golf balls at Holman park

551 I really enjoy Riv ers ide P ark bec aus e of t he s hade and B ay ou E njoy walk ing pat hs at all t he park s

552 I would lik e t o s ee a bigger wat er park B rownwood area people s pend t hous ands of dollars eac h y ear going t o out of t own wat er park s The wat er park we hav e is nic e but it c ould be bigger B rownwood s pends millions on on f oot ball, bas eball, and s oc c or f ields Then s et around and wat c h people leav e t own t o got o ot her plac es t o s pend t heir money Liv ed here all my lif e B rownwood alway s been t his way Not muc h t o bring people t o B rownwood s ame 3 indrus t ries las t 50 y ears B ut f as t f ood plac es on ev ery c orner

553 We hav e a v ery pos it iv e ex perienc e wit h t h e s oc c er and bas eball f ac ilit ies Our s oc c er c omplex is one of t he bes t if not THE B E S T in wes t Tex as We t rav el all ov er t he s t at e f or s oc c er and c an at t es t t o how nic e our c omplex is

554 My s n daught er really lov es t he s n s wings at riv ers ide and c oggin

555 The bas eball park s are a wonderf ul plac e f or our grandk ids t o play

556 Us ed t he walk ing/ bik e pa t hs t o ride bik es

557 I lov e all t he upgrades t o t he park s

558 P lay ing t ennis and wat c hing my grandk ids play on t he park jungle J im apparat us

559 The s wimming pool by t he f oot ball s t adium is great when my grandc hildren v is it f rom out of t own The ball f ields were great when oldes t grands on play ed c it y league a number of y ears ago P ark ing was alway s an is s ue I don’t lik e t he pay f or s lot s park ing at t he f oot ball f ield Not ev ery one c an af f ord t hat lit t le nic et y More out door bas k et ball c ourt s f or y oung people Get rid of t hos e s t upid ex pens iv e wat er s pray s (???what ev er t hey ’re c alled) t hat y ou put in What a was t e of t ax dollars Could s ure us e s ome plac e f or indoor s wimming during t he wint er E v en s c hools up nort h hav e t hat A nd I bet A n ic e s k at i ng rink indoors would be a winner I f y ou had a building f or indoor ac t iv it ies A nd why don’t we hav e a wat er s k i t eam around here? B rings in huge amount s of money in ot her areas We hav e a lak e I bet we hav e t he t alent A ll we need are at hlet es s nd s ome c ompet it ion

560 I enjoy walk ing at Riv ers ide P ark , als o t ak ing my grandc hildren t o play Riv ers ide is my f av orit e bec aus e of s haded walk ing, plac es t o s it , not jus t t o eat but benc hes along t he way

5/ 10/ 2022 4: 29 P M

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4: 23 P M

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17 P M

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2: 55 P M

5/ 10/ 2022 2: 26 P M

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e t o Me! 5/ 10/ 2022 4: 50 P M 544
! 5/ 10/ 2022 4: 47 P M
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10/ 2022 4:
Lov e t he s plas h pads
40 P M
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36 P M
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33 P M
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5/ 10/ 2022 3: 09 P M


Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

The k ids lov e t he s plas h pads als o Lot s of f un f or t hem

561 I s ure hope y ou hav e plans t o name s omet hing in t his c it y af t er J on Oc hoa

562 I lov e t ak ing my k ids t o t he park s and let t ing t hem play I hav e als o play ed f ris bee golf and f ound t hat t o be enjoy able The abilit y t o get out and enjoy t he park s wit hout hav ing t o s pend a lot of money is really a great of f ering

563 We des perat ely need a f it nes s c ent er t hat c an ac c ommod at e brown c ount y A indoor lap pool f or f it nes s , wat er aerobic s and t herapy Work ing a/ c , c hild c are (k ids c lub) ev en if it is priv at ely owned we need t o bring t his t o t his area

564 I enjoy walk ing out at t he B ert Mas s ey S port s c omplex I t is v ery nic e and s af e

565 The c it y park s are v ery nic e and well k ept

566 Our f amily abs olut ely lov es t he addit ions and improv ement s t o t he park s es pec ially t he s plas h pads wit h wat er f eat ures ! We es pec ially lov e t he f oc us on bringing ac t iv it ies t o t he c ommunit y s uc h as E as t er egg hunt , wheels t hat mov e and c inc o de May o f es t iv al! K eep up t he great work and k eep t he new and ex c it ing t hings c oming!

567 I enjoy early morning walk s daily in Coggin P ark A lway s meet nic e people I n a great env ironment !

568 Children and park s go hand in hand The s plas h pads are a great addit ion, but I would rec ommend t hat t hey are all done t o mat c h t he one at A lc orn P ark , and add one t o Riv ers ide park

569 We lov e all t he park s and v is it t hem s ev eral t imes a week ! Lov ing all t he improv ement s t

570 Lov e t o s ee t he animals in t he park s

571 Lov e t he ba s eball and s of t ball f ields

572 The k ids lov e Riv ers ide P ark wit h t he updat ed play ground equipment and all of t he nat ure t rails

573 I hav e s ev eral grandc hildren inv olv ed in y out h s oc c er and bas eball/ s of t ball I ’m v ery impres s ed wit h t he way t he f ac ilit ies are maint ained A ls o go t o c oggin/ riv ers ide park s of t en They are alway s c lean wit h equipment k ept in good s hape

574 I hav e t hree c hildren under t he age of 5 s o we are at t he park s daily ! Our f av orit es are Coggin and Riv ers ide but it is dif f ic ult t o go t o Coggin in t he s ummer bec aus e of t he lac k of s hade ov er t he equipment We lov e t o be out s ide and lov e and apprec iat e t he updat es at Riv ers ide!

575 We lov e t he s plas h pads !

576 I enjoy areas f or my dog, t ennis , dis c golf , work out areas t o do pull ups

577 Lov e Riv ers ide park I t 's as good as a c it y park any where Good job k eep it up Walk almos t daily and t ak e my Grandc hildren t here a lot

578 I walk at Riv ers ide daily and apprec iat e t he c leanlines s of t he park and res t room f ac ilit y

579 My mos t f requent us e is at t he Vet erans Memorial P ark , I walk t here wit h m y dogs ev ery morning I als o oc c as ionally us e Riv ers ide or Coggin when my grandc hildren c ome t o t own

580 My k ids go t o park s 3 dif f erent ones t o play wit h f riends and t o int er ac t wit h ot hers t his is t he highlight of t heir day and if c ant go dont unders t and

581 P ark s are an ex c ellent way t o bring y oung f amilies t o t his wonderf ul, growing c it y ! I hope t o s ee s ome t hing uniquely c reat ed t hat c an be s et apart f rom what we c urrent ly hav e and t hat would be s omet hing we’d hav e t o go t o a big c it y t o f ind! Let ’s bring t hat s omet hing loc al! For t he k ids and f amilies of t his c ommunit y we c all home!

582 Walk ing in t he park s is wonderf ul Us e A lc orn regularly and lov e going t o Riv ers ide on t he bac k loop

583 Great plac es t o walk dogs and t ak e t he grandk ids t o play

584 I lov e liv ing c los e t o Coggin P ark ! I t is a great plac e t o walk or run I als o lov e get t ing t o hik e t he t rails at Riv ers ide!

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o B W! 5/ 10/ 2022 1: 06 P M
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5/ 10/ 2022 8: 26 A M
5/ 9/ 2022 4: 35 P M


Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

585 We enjoy walk ing around Coggin P ark in t he mornings y ear-round

586 I am a P ic k leball play er The t ennis c ourt s need s ome lov e and would lik e P ic k leball c ourt

587 P lay grounds are nic e; i lov e t hat t here are areas wit h s hade t hat are c los e t o and hav e v is ibilit y t o t he play ground area

588 We lov e t he t rail at Riv ers ide and t he updat ed play ground equipme nt t here

589 Lov e t he pic k le balls c ourt s t aped of f at Coggin P ark …wis h t here were more plac es t o play

590 The s plas h pads are a wonderf ul ex perienc e!

591 I am 64 and learned about P ic k leball about f our y ears ago I t is my f av orit e s port now and is great ex erc is e and a means of meet ing new f riends A lt hough c ourt s are limit ed, I apprec iat e t he f ew we hav e

592 P lac e f or f it nes s wit hout c os t We enjoy t he pull-ups bars and t hings t o s upplement walk / runs We enjoy t ennis and bas k et ball c ourt s as well

593 The park s are great and t he s plas h pads are a wonderf ul addit ion I t would be nic e t o hav e wat er f eat ures on all of t hem t hough

594 Can be a great plac e t o get out s ide, f res h air, ex erc is e

595 J us t a great plac e t o let t he k ids hav e f un and part ies

596 P lay ing P ic k leball

597 I t ak e my Grandc hildren t o t he dif f erent c it y park s of t en They are great I t would be nic e t o hav e s ome of t he play s c apes in s ome s hade E v en early morning t he plas t ic s lides c an get v ery hot

598 My hus band and I LOV E t he growing s port of P I CK LE B A LL! A LL ages c an play ! New es t and f as t es t growing s port ! A LL lev els of c ompet it ion

599 A lway s c lean an inv it ing Us ed Coggin park f or lunc h during COV I D-19

600 We are a f amily of 5 wit h 3 k ids When we hav e t ime we mak e an ef f ort t o be out door, whet her it is walk ing, t ennis , v olley ball or pic k leball I t is es pec ially import ant nowaday s f or t he y ounger generat ion t o be out s ide rat her t hen t ending t o t heir elec t ronic s We of t en hav e birt hday pic nic at A llc orn P ark Or jus t enjoy t he s plas h pad on hot s ummer day s

601 Would lov e t o hav e pic k le ball c ourt s t o play on

602 My daught er lik es t o play at all t he play grounds , and s he enjoy s t he s plas h pads when t hey open up

603 P lay ing pic k leball in t he park t ennis c ourt s

604 Really want t o s e e new pic k leball dedic at ed c ourt s

605 I hav e liv ed I N B ROWNWOOD my whole lif e I t 's a beaut if ul c it y We need s af er plac es t o walk early in morning

606 We v is it Riv ers ide park mos t ly I lik e t he bay ou running t hrough it and s it t ing at t he t ables t o hav e a pic nic I t ’s pleas ant , peac ef ul and relax ing t o jus t s it t here and t ak e in nat ure P ark s do needs an area f or t he y oun ger t eens t o hang out A s plas h pad f or 12-16 or y ear olds or older would be nic e That age lik es t he wat er, t oo Thank y ou

607 My k ids lov e t he play grounds at Coggin and Riv ers ide We enjoy us ing t he s plas h pads & aquat ic c ent er when t hey are open Would lov e t o s ee anot her f ull-s iz ed public pool as our c ommunit y has grown t oo muc h More s haded areas / play grounds would be great !

608 We t ak e our grandk ids of t en t o park play grounds We play P ic k leball on t he park t ennis c ourt s week ly

609 My c hildren lov e going t o t he park s They lov e t he new equipment , es pec ially at Riv ers ide, and t hey ac t ually lov e t he c at s at Riv ers ide t oo We all hik e t hos e t rails and enjoy f amily t ime My daught er c hos e a “park hop” f or a birt hday part y and we v is it ed 18? …park s in 2 hours S o f un and memorable s eeing t he v ariet y of park s we c an enjoy

20 P M

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10 P M
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26 P M


Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

610 I play P ic k leball at Coggin P ark week ly when weat her permit s B rownwood needs dedic at ed

P ic k leball c ourt s We hav e people v is it ing B rownwood, and t hey are c ont ac t ing ot her B rownwood P ic k leball play ers t o f ind c ourt s t o play on P leas e c ons ider mak ing dedic at ed

P ic k leball c ourt s f or B rownwood Thank y ou!

611 Hav e begun t o play pic k leball on s ome f airly rough c ourt s but lov e t he opt ion if play ing

612 We jus t mov ed here f ull t ime, had a plac e at t he lak e Your park s are way bet t er t han Midland/ Odes s a I would lov e t o s ee Communit y buildings in eac h park lik e t he ones in Lubboc k , TX They all hav e a k it c hen and open area t o s et up t ables and c hairs f or ev ent s / part ies / s howers / reunions New pic n ic t ables in ex is t ing park s May be s c reened in P av ilions

613 We abs olut ely need t o hav e pic k leball c ourt s Our group play s ev ery day and s omet imes t wic e a day We are growing eac h mont h and t he more we grow t he more we hav e t o s it and wait f or games P leas e pleas e pleas e giv e us s ome pic k leball c ourt s

614 Riv ers ide P ark is great f or running & walk ing I enjoy play ing pic k l eball at Coggin P ark ev en t hough t he c ourt s are not v ery good and t here’s no winds c reens

615 The walk ing t rails are awes ome, c oggin park walk way s need s ome at t ent ion t hough!

616 We hav e a gem in Riv ers ide P ark

617 Riv ers ide is my f av orit e park in B rownwood I lov e t he s hade f or walk ing and my f amily lov es t o play Fris bee golf My c hurc h has rent ed t he pav i lion t here many many t imes and it 's s uc h a nic e s pac e f or gat herings

618 The park s are ok ay but allc orn by woodland height s needs new play equipment ! I ’m 30+ y ears old and t hat was equipment we play ed on as a c hild! ! ! !

619 Our park s is t he only t hings our lit t le ones c an s af ely do and be out s ide B e t here s elf I am a homes c hooled mot her and t his is one way my c hildren ge t s int erac t ion wit h ot her c hildren P lus , I am able t o get my ex erc is e in while I am t here bef ore I go home f or t he day They are import ant Mot her wit h 3 c hildren s t ill at home I dont want t o pay out of poc k et dailey jus t s o my k ids c an go play s omewhere

620 Really apprec iat e t he walk ing at riv ers ide

621 Riv ers ide is s o pret t y and peac ef ul and t hank f ul f or it

622 We liv e walk ing dis t anc e t o A llc orn P ark We hav e c elebrat ed birt hday s at t he s plas h pad, t ak es our dogs f or walk s and our daught er t o t he play ground almos t ev ery day The park is t he reas on we c hos e our hous e, s o we c ould hav e a wide open s pac e c los e t o home

623 The park s are great , t he k ids lov e t he t rails at Riv ers ide Our only rec ommendat ion is a s plas h pad at Riv ers ide wit h good s hade and more plac es lik e t he t rails ! Fabis park c ould hav e alot of pot ent ial wit h s et in s t one bat hrooms and t he bank s c ut bac k lik e Riv ers ide is Mos t of f abis is c lif f lik e s horeline The pec an bay ou c ould be us ed lik e mos t of t he riv ers running t hru bigger c it ies K ay ak ing is at an all t ime high but t here aren't enough plac es t o get in/ out of t he wat er wit h t hem ot her t han Riv ers ide whic h is quit e a walk t o drag k ay ak s and gear t o t he wat er f rom t he t ruc k UTI LI ZE THE P E CA N B AY OU! : ) THA NK S FOR THE GOOD WORK !

624 Dat e t ime wit h my wif e! We go f or walk s and jus t hav e t ime t oget her

625 I t us e t o be great at lunc h t ime t o s it and wat c h t he k it t y c at s and t o f eed t he duc k s A lmos t t herapeut ic and def init ely peac f ul

626 I would lik e a s af e plac e t o walk my dog t hat is c ent rally loc at ed & not out in t he I ndus t rial area

627 We jus t had my s on 3rd birt hday part y at t he c oggin park pav ilion and it was perf ec t , my s on and our f amily had a great t ime at t he park I 'm s o glad we hav e s uc h a nic e rec reat ion areas in t own


629 S o t hank f ul f or t he B rownwood P ic k leball group and being able t o us e Cogg in t ennis c ourt s f or play

630 We lov e Riv ers ide park and t he ev ent s t hat happen t here We v is it it of t en and only wis h t he road going t hrough it was bet t er s o we c ould v is it it more

5/ 8/ 2022

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5/ 8/ 2022 11: 48 A M


Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

631 My f amily lov es t he s plas h pad at A lc orn P ark I wis h t he ot her t wo s plas h pad park s had s imilar equipment

632 Walk regularly in t he park s B rownwood has great park s but t hey need t o k eep wit h t he t imes A dog park is badly needed here

633 B rownwood needs a public I NDOOR pool The s wimming s eas on is s o s hort due t o hiring mos t ly s t udent s f or t he out door s wimming poo ls We are lac k ing indoor rec reat ion in t he c it y of B rownwood How about an ac t ual Rec c ent er wit h a gy m, indoor walk ing t rac k , pool wit h s ome s lides ? P eople would us e it !

634 I lov e all of t he walk ing t rails B igges t is s ue f or us ing park s wit h c hildren is t he s t ic k er burrs

They are horrible at Coggin P ark & at t he park near Woodland Height s Children c an’t play on t he wat er pads bec au s e of all of t he s t ic k er burrs The ent ire walk ing t rail at Coggin P ark is c ov ered in t he s t ic k er burrs s o I y ou c an’t walk y our dog t here I would als o lov e t o hav e a dog park & pic k le ball c ourt

635 I t is s omewhere I c an t ak e my c hildren and get t hem out s ide! We lov e t he park s pools and s plas h pads I lik e t o walk and all t he ev ent s I t enric hes our liv es great ly

636 Our k ids lov e t he s plas h pads ! ! ! ! We would lov e t o s ee a wat erpark be c onv inc ed t o build in B rownwood! ! !

637 I grew up in B rownwood A s a c hild we mos t ly play ed at Coggin P ark or Riv ers ide P ark I c aught t adpoles in Coggin P ark af t er a rain f illed t he lit t le s t ream running t hrough it (we us ed t o get rain bac k t hen ) Dad t ook us perc h f is hing in t he B ay ou at Riv ers ide and we would alway s go look at t he old Train Lat er, I t ook my own c hild t o play in bot h t hos e park s B ot t om line, park s c an be plac es of f un in y our y out h and bring bac k s weet memories when v is it ed in y our s enior y ears

638 Veronic a is t he bes t depart ment s t af f t o deal wit h

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5/ 8/ 2022 10: 25 A M

5/ 8/ 2022

639 We apprec iat e t he upgrades t o Riv ers ide P ark inc luding t he nat ure t rail The s plas h pads are a big hit als o wit h f amily and f riends 5/ 7/ 2022

5/ 6/ 2022

10: 20 A M

12 P M

30 P M


41 P M

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5/ 8/ 2022 11: 04 A M
5/ 8/ 2022 10: 35 A M
640 The park s are get t ing a lot bet t er, Riv ers ide P ark nat ure t rail is nic e t o walk , has s hade, t o walk out dog Our park s are doing bet t er, but f or a c ommunit y we need t o s t ep up a f ew more lev els and s et ours elv es apart f rom ot her c ommunit ies s imilar in s iz e A Y MCA building would be great f or t he c ommunit y, new bas k et ball c ourt s , (E arly has t he bes t in t he area, but it ’s not c ov ered) an ins ide gy m would be great or a c ov ered double bas k et ball c ourt 7:
641 We lov ed t he s plas h pads ! 5/ 6/ 2022

Q 6 How sat isf ied or dissat isf ied are you wit h t he qualit y, appearance, andmaint enance of t he f ollowing parks and recreat ion element s in t he Cit y of Brownwood?

A ns wered: 901 S k ipped: 337 Over al l par k pr o per t ies Tr ail s S po r t s fiel ds (e g , S po r t s co u r t s


Brownwood Parks M aster Plan 40 / 164 S po r t s co u r t s (e g , Pl aygr o u n ds A qu at ic amen it ies R iver fr o n t par ks (e g , Do g par k


Brownwood Parks M aster Plan


S port s f ields (e g , bas eball, s of t ball, s oc c er)

S port s c ourt s (e g , bas k et ball, v olley ball, t ennis , pic k leball)

P lay grounds

A quat ic amenit ies (e g , pool, s plas h pad, et c )

Riv erf ront park s (e g , Riv ers ide, Fabis )

Dog park

Res t rooms

41 / 164 37 32% 334 34 19% 306 16 98% 152 8 27% 74 3 24% 29 895 31 29% 275 31 29% 275 25 82% 227 9 10% 80 2 50% 22 879 47 14% 421 17 02% 152 32 14% 287 2 58% 23 1 12% 10 893 23 44% 207 23 33% 206 39 52% 349 9 51% 84 4 19% 37 883 33 63% 299 33 75% 300 22 38% 199 8 10% 72 2 14% 19 889 36 33% 323 25 20% 224 26 66% 237 7 76% 69 4 05% 36 889 44 94% 400 30 90% 275 15 06% 134 6 63% 59 2 47% 22 890 0 00% 0 0 00% 0 0 00% 0 0 00% 0 0 00% 0 0 13 19% 117 26 72% 237 31 12% 276 17 93% 159 11 05% 98 887 0% 1 0% 20% 30% 40% 5 0% 60% 70% 80% 90% 1 00% Ve r y Sa t isfi Slig ht ly Sa t i Ne ut r a l Slig ht ly U ns Ve r y U nsa t i R es t r o o ms V E RY S ATI S FI E D S LI GHTLY S ATI S FI E D NE UTRAL S LI GHTLY UNS ATI S FI E D V E RY UNS ATI S FI E D TOTAL Ov erall park propert ies

Q 7 I n t he past f ive years, do you f eel t hat t he qualit y of parks and recreat ion in t he Cit y of Brownwood has improved, st ayed t he same, or declined?

Brownwood Parks M aster Plan 42 / 164 66 22% 590 26 15% 233 7 63% 68
A ns wered: 891 S k ipped: 347 TOTA L 891 0% 1 0% 20% 30% 40% 5 0% 60% 70% 80% 90% 1 00% Impr o ved S t ayed t h e S ame Decl in ed ANS WE R CHOI CE S RE S P ONS E S I mprov ed S t ay ed t he S ame Dec lined

Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

Q 8 Check t he box t hat best describes how st rongly you agree or disagree wit h t he f ollowing st at ement s.

A ns wered: 901 S k ipped: 337

43 / 164
I’m s at is fied w it h t h e Bet t er par ks w il l h el p t o Bet t er par ks an d r ecr eat i Befo r e addin g n ew amen it ie


44 / 164 0% 1 0% 20% 30% 40% 5 0% 60% 70% 80% 90% 1 00% St r ong ly Ag Ag r e e D isa g r e e St r ong ly D i No Opinion I’m w il l in g t o pay addit io n I’m w il l in g t o pay addit io n Th e Cit y s h o u l d pu bl i
Brownwood Parks M aster Plan


Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

I ’m s at is f ied wit h t he ov erall qualit y of park s in my neig hborhood

B et t er park s will help t o improv e our c it y image

B et t er park s and rec reat ion f ac ilit ies would help s t rengt hen our c it y ec onomic ally

B ef ore adding new amenit ies , I believ e t hat t he Cit y s hould more f ully dev elop t he park land and open s pac e t hat it already owns

I ’m willing t o pay addit ional Cit y t ax es and/ or c ons ider a bond init iat iv e t o s ee t he qualit y of ex is t ing park s and rec reat ional amenit i es upgraded

I ’m willing t o pay addit ional Cit y t ax es and/ or c ons ider a bond init iat iv e t o s ee new park s and rec reat ional amenit ies dev eloped

The Cit y s hould publis h a lis t of v olunt eer and donat ion opport unit ies t o allow t he public t o help improv e Cit y park s

45 / 164 15 26% 137 49 78% 447 20 27% 182 6 24% 56 8 46% 76 898 65 04% 586 29 52% 266 1 33% 12 0 78% 7 3 33% 30 901 55 63% 499 31 77% 285 5 02% 45 1 00% 9 6 58% 59 897 35 75% 321 36 30% 326 12 92% 116 1 89% 17 13 14% 118 898 0 00% 0 100 00% 1 0 00% 0 0 00% 0 0 00% 0 1 0 00% 0 100 00% 1 0 00% 0 0 00% 0 0 00% 0 1 42 41% 380 43 97% 394 3 35% 30 0 89% 8 9 38% 84 896 S TRONGLY AGRE E AGRE E DI S AGRE E S TRONGLY DI S AGRE E NO OP I NI ON TOTAL

Q 9 How sat isf ied or dissat isf ied are you wit h current at hlet ic or ot her recreat ional programming provided by t he Cit y of Brownwood f or people in t he f ollowing age groups?

A ns wered: 896 S k ipped: 342 Yo u n g ch il dr en (u n der age 5 ) Ch il dr en , ages 5 -8 Ch il dr en , ages 9-1 2 Teen s ages


Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

47 / 164 0% 1 0% 20% 30% 40% 5 0% 60% 70% 80% 90% 1 00% Ve r y Sa t isfi Sa t isfie d D issa t isfie d Ve r y D issa t No Opinion Teen s , ages 1 3-1 9 A du l t s , ages 20-5 5 S en io r s o ver t h e age o f 5 5



Brownwood Parks M aster Plan 48 / 164 10 09% 89 30 39% 268 9 18% 81 3 63% 32 46 71% 412 882 12 73% 112 33 41% 294 6 82% 60 2 27% 20 44 77% 394 880 11 24% 99 32 92% 290 7 83% 69 2 61% 23 45 40% 400 881 7 49% 66 24 74% 218 14 07% 124 5 79% 51 47 90% 422 881 4 76% 42 23 10% 204 19 71% 174 7 13% 63 45 30% 400 883 4 53% 40 20 05% 177 16 53% 146 7 81% 69 51 08% 451 883 V E RY S ATI S FI E D S ATI S FI E D DI S S ATI S FI E D V E RY DI S S ATI S FI E D NO OP I NI ON TOTAL
c hildren (under age 5)
ages 5-8
ages 9-12 Tee ns , ages 13-19 A dult s , ages 20-55 S eniors ov er t he age of 55

Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

Q 10 Using t he list below, choose you or your f amily' s t op f ive f avorit e recreat ion act ivit ies.

A ns wered: 727 S k ipped: 511

A r ch er y

A r t / cr aft s cl as s es

Bas ebal l

Bas ket bal l

Bikin g – R o ad Bike

Bikin g –M o u n t ain Bike

Bikin g – BM X

Bo at in g

Campin g

Can o ein g/ kayaki n g

Dan ce/ yo ga

Dis c go l f /

F r is bee go l f

Exer cis in g at a pr ivat e gym

F is h in g

F l ag / t ackl e fo o t bal l

Go in g t o fes t ival s o r

Go in g t o a do g par k / w al ki

Go l fin g



Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

Gr o u p exer cis e / fit n es s

Gymn as t ics

Ho r s eback r idin g

Hu n t in g

M o t o r iz ed r acin g / ATV

Pickl ebal l

Picn ickin g

Pl ayin g in a yo u t h at h l et

Pl ayin g in an adu l t at h l et

Pl ayin g in a s en io r at h l e

Pl ayin g o n pl aygr o u n ds

R acin g even t s (5 k, mu d r u n

R u n n in g / jo ggin g

S h o o t in g s po r t s (Tr ap

S kat ebo ar din g

S o ccer

S o ft bal l

S pl as h pad

S w immin g –

L eis u r e /

S w immin g –

In do o r

S w immin g / divin g –...

50 / 164


Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

divin g Ten n is

V iew in g n at u r e / w il dl ife

V o l l eybal l

Wal kin g / h ikin g o n

Wat er par k (facil it y w i

Wo r kin g o u t / l ift in g w eigh t s

I/ w e do n o t r ecr eat e

Ot h er (pl eas e s pecify)

51 / 164 0% 1 0% 20% 30% 40% 5 0% 60% 70% 80% 90% 1 00%


Brownwood Parks M aster Plan


A rc hery

A rt / c raf t s c las s es

B as eball

B as k et ball

B ik ing – Road B ik e

B ik ing – Mount ain B ik e

B ik ing – B MX

B oat ing


Canoeing/ k ay ak ing

Danc e/ y og a

Dis c golf / Fris bee golf

E x erc is ing at a priv at e gy m

Fis hing

Flag / t ac k le f oot ball

Going t o f es t iv als or s pec ial ev ent s

Going t o a dog park / walk ing t he dog

Golf ing

Group ex erc is e / f it nes s c las s es

Gy mnas t ic s

Hors ebac k riding

Hunt ing

Mot oriz ed rac ing / ATV park

P ic k leball

P ic nic k ing

P lay ing in a y out h at hlet ic league

P lay ing in an adult at hlet ic league

P lay ing in a s enior at hlet ic league

P lay ing on play grounds

R ac ing ev ent s (5k , mud run, bik e rac e, t riat hlon, et c )

Running / jogging

S hoot ing s port s (Trap, S k eet , Rif le/ P is t ol Range, et c )

52 / 164 2 89% 21 13 89% 101 10 87% 79 10 87% 79 9 35% 68 3 99% 29 0 28% 2 8 94% 65 23 93% 174 18 16% 132 7 29% 53 4 54% 33 7 15% 52 27 37% 199 2 34% 17 36 73% 267 18 16% 132 7 98% 58 3 99% 29 1 51% 11 2 61% 19 7 84% 57 1 93% 14 7 84% 57 13 34% 97 10 32% 75 3 16% 23 1 24% 9 27 10% 197 2 89% 21 8 25% 60 9 08% 66


Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

S k at eboarding

S oc c er

S of t ball

S plas h pad

S wimming – Leis ure / f it nes s

S wimming – I ndoor

S wimming / div ing – Compet it ion


V iewing nat ure / wildlif e / birding

Volley ball

Walk ing / hik ing on t rails

Wat er park (f ac ilit y wit h s plas h pad, s wimming pool, et c )

Work ing out / lif t ing weight s

I / we do not rec reat e

Ot her (pleas e s pec if y )

Tot al Res pondent s : 727


1 I would lik e t o s ee more ac t iv it ies at t he lak e Lik e rent ing k ay ak s or c anoes

2 A c t iv it ies f or s pec ial needs k ids

3 Yout h A c t iv it y Cent er (They c ould YA K at t he YA C) Gy mnas ium t y pe

Roller s k at i ng

5 I would lik e t o s ee improv ement in t he S r c it iz ens c ent er A gy m and s wimming pool There is a large populat ion of S rs We pay ex orbit ant propert y t ax es , lik e ev ery one els e, and des erv e amenit


be more inf ormat ion on s enior c it iz en ac t iv it ies

dog park a wat er f eat ure is needed in B rownwood

14 Met al det ec t ing & ret urning los t v aluables t o t heir owners when pos s ible

17 B rownwood needs t o f ix t he pot holes in s ome of t hes e roads around t own bef ore was t ing my money on a bunc h of s t uf f t hat will be des t roy ed in a y ear or t wo

53 / 164 1 65% 12 6 60% 48 5 64% 41 19 26% 140 17 61% 128 9 49% 69 0 41% 3 5 36% 39 14 17% 103 2 20% 16 40 58% 295 26 27% 191 5 91% 43 0 41% 3 3 99% 29
5/ 26/ 2022 12: 33 P M
5/ 23/ 2022 8: 58 P M
5/ 23/ 2022 4: 46 P M 4
5/ 22/ 2022 12: 11 P M
ies 5/ 18/ 2022 9: 03 P M 6 More t hings f or k ids
abilit ies 5/ 17/ 2022 9: 04 P M 7 Lunc h at Riv ers ide and Coggin park 5/ 17/ 2022 7: 52 P M 8 A ny t hing dog f riendly 5/ 17/ 2022 6: 30 P M 9 Mart ial A rt s 5/ 16/ 2 022 8: 44 P M 10 I would lik e f or t here t o
5/ 15/ 2022 6: 59 P M
5/ 15/ 2022 3: 20 P M 12 Danc ing 5/ 14/ 2022 9: 54 P M
5/ 14/ 2022 4: 01 P M
13 A ut is m s ens ory f riendly
5/ 13/ 2022 5: 20 P M
S it t ing and play ing
5/ 13/ 2022 4: 00 P M
s 5/ 13/ 2022 3: 53 P M
wit h t he c
Riv ers ide
and pet t ing t he c at
5/ 12/ 2022 10: 36 P M


Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

We need may be an amus ement park of s ome s ort I magine t he employ ment and opport unit y t hat would bring t o brownwood A ls o more c on c ert s and ev ent s s hould be here

54 / 164 18 Tai c hi 5/ 12/ 2022 10: 12 P M 19 Reading book s ins t ead of burning t hem 5/ 12/ 2022 9: 09 P M 20 The dog wat er f ount ains s hould be regularly c hec k ed f or operat ion 5/ 12/ 2022 2: 22 P M 21 Roller blading 5/ 12/ 2022 12: 13 P M 22 MOTOCROS S RA CI NG 5/ 12/ 2022 11: 16 A M 23 A ny t hing ex t remely handic ap ac c es s ible 5/ 12/ 2022 11: 13 A M 24
5/ 12/ 2022 10: 27 A M 25 A s t ronomy 5/ 11/ 2022 9: 57 A M 26 B igger wat er park 5/ 10/ 2022 4: 33 P M 27 ROCK CLI MB I NG! 5/ 10/ 2022 11: 46 A M 28 K ay ak ing 5/ 8/ 2022 7: 18 P M 29 S it t iy n and f eeding duc k s , c at s , and roos t ers 5/ 8/ 2022 1: 21 P M

Q 11 I f addit ional t rails were const ruct ed t o t he f ollowing locat ions in t he Cit y of Brownwood, what would be your t op t hree locat ions t o connect t o? (Please choose up t o t hree answer choices. )

Brownwood Parks M aster Plan 55 / 164
A ns wered: 727 S k ipped: 511 0% 1 0% 20% 30% 40% 5 0% 60% 70% 80% 90% 1 00% Do w n t o w n Empl o ymen t ar eas Go l f co u r s e Near by n eigh bo r h o o ds Ot h er t r ail s Par ks R es t au r an t s S ch o o l s S h o ppin g ar eas S w immin g po o l


Brownwood Parks M aster Plan 56 / 164 50 07% 364 7 84% 57 7 43% 54 37 69% 274 37 96% 276 70 84% 515 21 46% 156 14 17% 103 17 47% 127 18 84% 137 Tot al Res pondent s : 727
Downt own E mploy ment areas Golf c ours e Nearby neighborhoods Ot her t rails P ark s Res t aurant s S c hools S hopping areas S wimming pool


Q 12 T he f ollowing st at ement s are relat ed t o a t rail syst em or sidewalks and bike lanes used t o connect dest inat ions, as opposed t o looping t rails wit hin a park. Please rank t he st at ement s f rom 1-8 O ne being t he st at ement t hat you most st rongly agree wit h and eight being t he st at ement t hat you least st rongly agree wit h.

57 / 164
Brownwood Parks M aster Plan
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 I
ft s u
s ... I
s e
A men it ies al o
ail s I
en I
r idin g my
ns wered: 719 S k ipped: 519
w o u l d l ike
o s ee t r ail
w o u l d l ike
o s ee t r ail
pr efer s o
r face cr u
w o u l d u
exer cis e
n g t r
w o u l d u s e my bicycl e t o g
w o u l d al l o w
ch il dr
pr efer


I would lik e t o s ee t rails dev eloped as an alt ernat iv e means of t rans port at ion in t he Cit y of B rownwood

I would lik e t o s ee t rails near where I liv e I pref er s of t s urf ac e c rus hed granit e t rails ov er c onc ret e t ra ils

I would us e ex erc is e s t at ions if plac ed along t rails

A menit ies along t rails in t he Cit y of B rownwood s uc h as benc hes , light ing, t rees , et c , are import ant if I am t o us e a t rail

I would us e my bic y c le t o get t o work if t rails or bik e lanes made it more ac c es s ible t o my employ ment area

I would allow my c hildren t o us e t heir bic y c le t o get t o s c hool if t rails were more ac c es s ible in my neighborhood

I pref er ri ding my bic y c le on s t reet s and roads ins t ead of of f -s t reet t rails

Brownwood Parks M aster Plan 58 / 164 24 04% 157 19 45% 127 12 40% 81 11 64% 76 13 63% 89 8 12% 53 4 44% 29 6 28% 41 653 5 55 24 62% 161 23 55% 154 17 43% 114 12 39% 81 9 48% 62 4 28% 28 3 06% 20 5 20% 34 654 5 90 14 79% 97 15 70% 103 17 99% 118 18 90% 124 11 59% 76 6 86% 45 6 25% 41 7 93% 52 656 5 18 5 72% 38 10 99% 73 17 47% 116 20 03% 133 18 37% 122 9 19% 61 10 39% 69 7 83% 52 664 4 57 26 07% 177 19 59% 133 17 53% 119 15 61% 106 11 93% 81 5 01% 34 2 36% 16 1 91% 13 679 5 98 4 23% 28 4 68% 31 6 50% 43 6 80% 45 14 95% 99 32 63% 216 17 98% 119 12 24% 81 662 3 45 2 10% 14 3 44% 23 5 69% 38 7 49% 50 10 48% 70 17 96% 120 32 19% 215 20 66% 138 668 2 93 3 81% 26 3 08% 21 4 69% 32 7 04% 48 8 94% 61 13 05% 89 19 94% 136 39 44% 269 682 2 70 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TOTAL S CORE
Brownwood Parks M aster Plan 59 / 164 31 91% 231 68 09% 493
13 Did you know t hat t he Cit y of Brownwood has 19 cit y parks? A ns wered: 724 S k ipped: 514 TOTA L 724 0% 1 0% 20% 30% 40% 5 0% 60% 70% 80% 90% 1 00% Yes No ANS WE R CHOI CE S RE S P ONS E S Yes No
SURVEY RESULTS Brownwood Parks M aster Plan 60 / 164 56 94% 406 43 06% 307 Q 14 Do you t hink t he Cit y of Brownwood needs all 19 parks? A ns wered: 713 S k ipped: 525 TOTA L 713 0% 1 0% 20% 30% 40% 5 0% 60% 70% 80% 90% 1 00% Yes No ANS WE R CHOI CE S RE S P ONS E S Yes No

Q 15 How import ant or not import ant are t he f ollowing when t hinking about how t o make t he Cit y of Brownwood parks more act ivat ed? (" Act ivat ed" means how t he park space and amenit ies can be best suit ed f or park users. )

Parks M aster Plan 61 / 164
S k ipped:
A cces s ibl e pl aygr o u n d Co mmu n it y gar den s Do g par ks
A ns wered: 723


Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

F o o d fo r es t s (pu bl icl y

Edu cat io n cl as s es in t

Exer cis e s t at io n s

F o o d t r u ck even t s

Gr o u p



Parks M aster Plan 63 / 164 exer cis e/ fit In t er act ive pl ay ar eas L igh t in g fo r ear l y mo r n in M o vies in t h e par k Nat u r e pl ay an d s el f gu i


Brownwood Parks M aster Plan 64 / 164 Picn ic pavil io n s fo Pu bl ic ar t in s t al l at io n s S eat in g an d s o cial iz at io S h ade


Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

S pl as h pads

S po r t co u r t s (e g ,

S po r t fiel ds (e g ,

S pecial even t s (e g , r aces

65 / 164


66 / 164 0% 1 0% 20% 30% 40% 5 0% 60% 70% 80% 90% 1 00% Ve r y Impor t Impor t a nt Not Impor t Not Impor t No opinion Tr ail s , w al kin g l o o p Tr ail s , gr een w ay s ys
Brownwood Parks M aster Plan


A c c es s ible play ground

Communit y gardens

Dog park s

Food f ores t s (public ly ac c es s ible edit able plant ings )

E duc at ion c las s es in t he park (e g , int erpret at iv e walk s )

E x erc is e s t at ions

Food t ruc k ev ent s

Group ex erc is e/ f it nes s c las s es in t he park (e g , y oga, boot c amp, et c )

I nt erac t iv e play areas (e g , boc c e/ hors es hoe c ourt s , c limbing/ bouldering roc k s , et c )

Light ing f or early morning and ev ening us e

Mov ies in t he park

Nat ure play and s elf guided nat ure walk s (wit h int erpret at iv e s ignage)

P ic nic pav ilions f or group ev ent s

P ublic art ins t allat ions

S eat ing and s oc ializ at ion areas

S hade

S plas h pads

S port c ourt s (e g , bas k et ball c ourt s , t ennis , pic k leball)

S port f ields (e g , mult ipurpos e open s pac e f ields )

S pec ial ev ent s (e g , rac es , neighborhood pic nic s , f es t iv als , c onc ert s )

Trails , walk ing loops around t he park

Trails , greenway s y s t em c onnec t ions

Brownwood Parks M aster Plan 67 / 164 69 44% 500 25 00% 180 0 69% 5 0 42% 3 4 44% 32 720 28 51% 205 46 59% 335 13 63% 98 3 62% 26 7 65% 55 719 33 66% 241 45 53% 326 9 92% 71 4 19% 30 6 70% 48 716 100 00% 1 0 00% 0 0 00% 0 0 00% 0 0 00% 0 1 15 46% 111 38 16% 274 24 51% 176 5 99% 43 15 88% 114 718 19 19% 137 45 52% 325 20 31% 145 3 50% 25 11 48% 82 714 31 71% 228 43 81% 315 14 19% 102 2 09% 15 8 21% 59 719 19 72% 142 51 25% 369 15 28% 110 2 08% 15 11 67% 84 720 38 30% 275 49 72% 357 6 55% 47 0 97% 7 4 46% 32 718 75 69% 545 20 83% 150 1 53% 11 0 28% 2 1 67% 12 720 24 79% 178 41 92% 301 19 36% 139 4 18% 30 9 75% 70 718 33 01% 237 45 40% 326 10 45% 75 1 95% 14 9 19% 66 718 56 05% 403 38 39% 276 2 36% 17 0 70% 5 2 50% 18 719 19 39% 139 37 10% 266 24 69% 177 6 00% 43 12 83% 92 717 50 00% 359 44 43% 319 2 23% 16 0 70% 5 2 65% 19 718 87 47% 628 11 70% 84 0 00% 0 0 14% 1 0 70% 5 718 47 56% 341 38 91% 279 6 56% 47 1 81% 13 5 16% 37 717 49 58% 356 38 72% 278 3 48% 25 1 53% 11 6 69% 48 718 41 28% 296 42 26% 303 7 11% 51 2 23% 16 7 11% 51 717 48 89% 352 41 67% 300 4 03% 29 1 11% 8 4 31% 31 720 62 00% 447 33 56% 242 1 53% 11 0 14% 1 2 77% 20 721 48 75% 351 40 69% 293 3 19% 23 0 56% 4 6 81% 49 720 V E RY I MP ORTANT I MP ORTANT NOT I MP ORTANT NOT I MP ORTANT AT ALL NO OP I NI ON TOTAL

Q 16 To meet t he needs of it s populat ion, t he Parks and Recreat ion Depart ment may require addit ional f unding. How st rongly would you support or oppose t he Cit y considering t he f ollowing f inancing st rat egies t o increase t he amount of f unding available f or parks and recreat ion f acilit ies and programs?

A ns wered: 670 S k ipped: 568 In cr eas e t h e Depar t men t ’s In cr eas e fees fo r t h o s e w h In cr eas e fees fo r t h o s e w h


Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

I nc reas e t he Depart ment ’s annual budget

I nc reas e f ees f or t hos e who us e s pec ializ ed or maint enanc e int ens iv e rec reat ion f ac ilit ies

I nc reas e f ees f or t hos e who part ic ipat e in rec reat ion programming

I nc reas e rent al f ees f or park f ac ilit ies

Rais e f unds f or new f ac ilit ies t hrough v ot er approv ed bond init iat iv e

69 / 164 30 13% 201 41 83% 279 21 44% 143 4 35% 29 2 25% 15 667 17 59% 117 40 30% 268 26 17% 174 11 58% 77 4 36% 29 665 12 43% 83 36 08% 241 28 44% 190 17 07% 114 5 99% 40 668 13 02% 87 42 51% 284 22 01% 147 15 87% 106 6 59% 44 668 25 97% 174 34 48% 231 21 94% 147 10 15% 68 7 46% 50 670 0% 1 0% 20% 30% 40% 5 0% 60% 70% 80% 90% 1 00% St r ong ly Su Suppor t U nde cide d Oppose St r ong ly Op In cr eas e r en t al fees R ais e fu n ds fo r n ew S TRONGLY S UP P ORT S UP P ORT UNDE CI DE D OP P OS E S TRONGLY OP P OS E TOTAL

Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

Q 17 I f you had $100 t o allocat e t o t he f ollowing, how would you divide it ?

A ns wered: 569 S k ipped: 669

L igh t in g/ S ecu r i t y

Ext en s io n o f t r ail s ys t em

New r ecr eat io n cen t er

S po r t s fiel ds

Pl aygr o u n ds

S idew al ks co n n ect in g t

Pl an t in g t r ees in par ks

Pas s ive ar eas (picn ickin g,

R es t r o o ms in par ks

Gat h er in g s paces (e g

70 / 164
0 1 0
30 40 5 0

Q 18 How do you like t o receive inf ormat ion about t he Cit y of Brownwood programs or act ivit ies? (Select all t hat apply. )

Brownwood Parks M aster Plan 155 / 164
A ns wered: 650 S k ipped: 588 0% 1 0% 20% 30% 40% 5 0% 60% 70% 80% 90% 1 00% Cit y o f Br o w n w o o d Email an n o u n cemen t s F l yer s /s ign age Cel l ph o n e New s paper S o cial media Tel evis io n V is it ed/cal l ed a Cit y o ffice Wo r d o f mo u t h Yo u t h s po r t s o r gan iz at io n Ot h er (pl eas e s pecify)



156 / 164 55 54% 361 34 15% 222 22 00% 143 19 54% 127 19 54% 127 74 31% 483 6 77% 44 1 69% 11 18 31% 119 8 62% 56 4 62% 30 Tot al Res pondent s : 650 # OTHE R (P LE AS E S P E CI FY ) DATE 1 Tex t mes s age 5/ 28/ 2022 8: 19 A M 2 Radio 5/ 28/ 2022 3: 43 A M 3 We need pic k leball c ourt s 5/ 27/ 2022 1: 42 A M 4 Quart erly News let t er wit h c alendar (E mail/ mail) 5/ 24/ 2022 4: 35 P M 5 Mail 5/ 21/ 2022 8: 57 A M 6 Radio 5/ 20/ 2022 7: 40 P M 7 Radio 5/ 19/ 2022 2: 44 P M 8 radio 5/ 17/ 2022 2: 55 P M 9 Mail 5/ 17/ 2022 2: 14 P M 10 Radio 5/ 15/ 2022 6: 45 P M 11 Radio 5/ 14/ 2022 12: 16 P M 12 K OX E c om and B rownwoodNews c om 5/ 13/ 2022 2: 39 P M 13 Radio 5/ 13/ 2022 9: 15 A M 14 S t op was t ing my t ime 5/ 12/ 2022 10: 42 P M 15 B rownwood News 5/ 12/ 2022 6: 37 P M 16 The only not ic e I want is t o hear t ax es hav e been lowered 5/ 12/ 2022 4: 29 P M 17 radio 5/ 12/ 2022 4: 16 P M 18 Radio 5/ 12/ 2022 12: 27 P M 19 billboards , radio 5/ 11/ 2022 10: 21 P M 20 Tex t 5/ 11/ 2022 3: 31 P M 21 B r ownwood News 5/ 11/ 2022 10: 00 A M 22 Radio 5/ 10/ 2022 8: 59 P M
Brownwood Parks M aster Plan
B rownwood
E mail announc ement s Fly ers
s ignage Cell phone News paper S oc ial media Telev is ion V is it ed/ c alled a Cit y of f ic e Word of mout h Yout h s port s organiz at ion Ot her (pleas e s pec if y )
y of
webs it e


Brownwood Parks M aster Plan

157 / 164 23 Loc al Radio 5/ 10/ 2022 7: 50 P M 24 Through t he k ids s c hool 5/ 10/ 2022 7: 19 P M 25 B rownwood News c om 5/ 10/ 2022 4: 43 P M 26 Radio 5/ 10/ 2022 1: 08 P M 27 Radio 5/ 10/ 2022 11: 53 A M 28 B rownwoodnews c om and radio 5/ 10/ 2022 11: 40 A M 29 Fac ebook page 5/ 8/ 2022 5: 20 P M 30 FB 5/ 8/ 2022 11: 26 A M
13620 BRIARWICK DR. | BUILDING C | AUSTIN, TX 78729 | 512.777.4600 | WWW.HALFF.COM

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