5 minute read
LIVE dad next door
Dr. Paul Walker
DR. Paul Walker is more than a physician at Louisiana Urology LLC–he’s also a husband and a great dad. As a doctor, he knows everything about the selflessness that parenthood demands. After long days of caring for his clients and performing surgeries, he dedicates himself to spending time with his wife, Jill, and their four young children: John, Luke, Paige, and Grace. The couple works as a team to raise awesome children, from encouraging their success to having Sunday movie nights and teaching them about their faith. In fact, Paul is currently reading through the entire Bible. While not many people know about this endeavour, it directly reflects his and Jill’s decision to have a Christian household that always puts its faith first.
What does a normal day look like for you?
PAUL: My work week is pretty busy. Usually I get home between six or seven o’ clock, and I work every fifth or sixth weekend. When I get home, I like to focus on my kids and family, like playing sports with my boys and helping them all get ready for bed.
What are some of the joys and challenges of raising your children?
PAUL: One joy is getting to see them accomplish things and be successful with whatever they want to do. I’m pretty involved with helping coach and teach them, so anything they do that’s successful, especially if I was involved, is great. However, if they don’t succeed or do well, you take it hard as a parent. I have a close family, so when they struggle, we struggle.
What do you like to do as a family?
PAUL: We like to go on vacations. In fact, we just got back from Point Clear, which we like to visit once a year. We usually take a beach trip with family, too. There are also family movie nights on Sunday night where the kids pick a movie for us to watch. It’s not every Sunday, but we try to do it as often as we can.
What’s your favorite thing about being a dad?
PAUL: My favorite thing is getting to know my children by spending time with them. I also enjoy being a positive influence in their lives, knowing my involvement in their lives is positively impacting them while they grow up.
When you’re having tough times, or when a situation doesn’t seem good, try to put your faith in God and let him take care of it.
What has parenthood taught you?
PAUL: It taught me to put others ahead of myself outside my job. I learned there’s not much more important in life than taking care of them, being selfless, and getting that done before anything else.
What was your biggest challenge in parenting during the pandemic?
PAUL: There was a lot of job uncertainty especially late March, April, and May of 2020. It was difficult having to block all that out when you’re home doing the normal dad stuff. Giving your kids your full attention while dealing with the uncertainty at work was definitely a challenge.
What do you love most about your job?
PAUL: I like doing big surgeries, such as removing prostate and kidney cancers. Knowing I’m able to do something to help people is pretty awesome.
What has your job taught you about parenting?
PAUL: At work, I’m having to put the needs of the patient first, like having to stay late for them or add them in my schedule. I was a doctor before I was a parent, so that helped me understand you have to put the needs of your kids ahead of your own needs and make sure they’re taken care of.
What’s your favorite date night with your wife?
PAUL: We like to go to a nice restaurant and come home and watch a movie. My parents are usually the babysitters
What kind of dad would you describe yourself as?
PAUL: Loving, but firm when I need to be. I can be hard on them sometimes, especially on my boys, but they know I’m
coming from a good place because I show them lots of love behind the discipline.
What’s an important lesson you hope to teach your children?
PAUL: We are a Christian family, so always put God and your faith first. When you’re having tough times, or when a situation doesn’t seem good, try to put your faith in God and let him take care of it. Also, nothing in life is given to you. If you want something, you have to work for it. It’s the little things in life that make a big difference
What personality trait of yours do your children also have?
PAUL: I tend to be a perfectionist, and I can see that quality in all of them. I also like to do my own thing and not follow the crowd, which I see in little Grace. She’s independent, strong-willed, and doesn’t get walked over easily. I also can be quiet, but I have an internal strong personality, which I see in her as well.
Which family member has been your greatest role model in life?
PAUL: Both of my parents are big role models of mine. My dad is selfless and has strong Christian values, and my mom is a Godly woman who shows lovingness toward everyone. They both pray for us and have so much love for everyone.
Any advice for other parents?
PAUL: Treat every day with your kids like a gift. Kids grow up, so live each day to the fullest. I don’t always get to see my kids, like when I come home late from work, so I always make an effort to be with them when I can. ■
Before I go out, I always check to make sure I have…
my cell phone.
In my fridge, you will always find…
coffee creamer.
Favorite cuisine...
steak, mashed potatoes, bread, and a wedge salad.
My guilty pleasure is…
those Bachelor shows.
I’m always laughing at…
my kids.
My favorite television shows are...
24 or Blacklist.
My dream travel spot is...
Point Clear, AL.