2 minute read
PLAY a day in the life of dad GET YOUR OWN MUSIC!
OK, so I can’t decide if I’m officially old, if the music scene these days–or the current music scene–has no idea how to produce good music, or if the music of my generation just happens to be the greatest of all time. Follow me here for a bit. Growing up, there were only few and far between “classic” songs and/or artists that crossed generations and became music that not only I and my crew of friends liked but my parents liked as well. This seems to be the case for most past generations; parents did not like the music their kids were listening to. If you think back, you may remember that The Beatles were not always loved by the parents of the children who listened to them, and it was the same case with Elvis. It was only after years of shows, children, and aging parents did most people come around and all agree that, yes, this is great music. Now we come to today. First, let me give some context and facts, so we all know that this is 100 percent absolute fact and not my humble opinion. My daughter, as I have written about in the past, is about to be 14 (going on 24), is now at the age of dances and social functions, and she has been jamming out to music for years. I guess she got this from me because, in my former life, I was a DJ for a living. Anyway, the point is, she has been dancing around since she could walk, all while listening to music from one of our devices. For a while, most of the music was stuff my wife and I listened to. After all, she was still learning to discover what she liked, and so, when most of the music was “our” music, I thought nothing of it. However, we have entered the world of her friends coming over and closed door jam sessions, school functions and community dances, and most recently, the Mardi Gras balls. I have learned something, and remember, this is all FACT. My parents (and yours probably) said they did not like the trash we were listening to and what we were listening to was NOT music… Well, I’m singing a different tune… GET YOUR OWN MUSIC. You see, all the songs that they are throwing their hands up in the air to, running to the dance floor for, or singing along to at the top of their lungs while the windows are down are “MY MUSIC.” So, get your own! So, to the children out there, all I can say is, get your own music and leave mine alone, and don’t be surprised if when you go running to the dance floor, your mother and her friends are right behind you. If that is not something you’re ok with, then all I can say is be prepared for company on the dance floor when you hear this… Yo, VIP! Let’s kick it!. ■
If you think back, you may remember that The Beatles were not always loved by the parents of the children who listened to them, and it was the same case with Elvis.
Ray M. and his daughter, Camilla, are always smiling and laughing together.