A DATA DVD of the burial records, and persons buried in the Kaukapakapa Anglican-Methodist Churchyard Cemetery From various sources, compiled and put together by W Bruce Shanks great grandson of Gavin Brash Shanks and Elizabeth nee Leckie 18 Bowater Place Manurewa 09 266 0932 bruce.shanks@xtra.co.nz
INDEX Commences page 96 Page Numbers Central at base of each page fairly faint.
General view of Cemetery with Captain William Dawson's Memorial in foreground
Situated on the corner of SH 16 and Peak Rd Kaukapakapa South.
Aerial View of Churchyard about 1955
New Zealand Herald, Volume XLII, Issue 12839, 12 April 1905, Page 3 KAUKAPAKAPA:-IT has been, decided to enlarge the present cemetery by the purchase of a quarter of an acre of land adjoining from Mr. M. C. Henley, the purchase money having been raised; by public subscription. The land is to be vested in the Road Board, but is to be placed under the management of the trustees of tho original cemetery
Grave No.
First Name
Leslie Gavin Howie
Lily Bell
William Edward
Bell Margurite
Herbert Chaplin
George William
Sarah Louise
Henry James
Jane Russell
Harriette Amelia
Eliza John James 'Jackie'
Henry Joseph
M Alexandrina
Jessie Hannah
W H Snr
Lily Roberta
Mrs Elsie May
Wm H
Mary Jane
Mary Kate
Maxwell Morgan Harold Charles (Pat)
Rupert Victor
Thomas Snr
Elizabeth Frances
James William
Thomas Frank Infant son of T Holroyd
Audrey Lillian Infant son of Leslie Drinnan
Gavin Brash
Harriet Clara
Mrs Mary Jane
Robert James
Edith Annie
10D 11 11C
Child of George Brown
Miss Ann Jane
Susan Mrs John
MR William Henry Annie Lydia (Mrs W H)
William Salter
Lionel Frank
Marjorie Helen
Mrs W S
12 13
to be probed
Annie 11
Mrs Elizabeth wife of W,C.
Mrs Mary
Mrs Helene
Thos Henry
Mrs Margaret
Herbert Ann Elizabeth wife of John
Elizabeth Leckie
58 59
Annie Mary
Dallas Logan
Allen William
Annie Dorothy Mrs Alan (Naomi Flynn)
Mary Jane
John G T
Helen Whigham
Agnes Elizabeth
James lan Morris Desmond
Henry Charles
Thelma Ruby
Mrs Julia
Sarah Jane
Charles (Gotlieb)
Myra Elizabeth
William Howie
John E S
Amelia May
Janet Howie
W B Shanks
Jeffrey Gordon
John (Jack)
71A 71B 71C
Mrs Elizabeth (Lizzie)
Mary Alice
Frederick Henry
Elizabeth May
G Walter H
Emily Mary
Norman Campbell
Robert Sarah Eliza (Sally) (Sal)
Ronald Arthur
Jane Veitch
Marie & Ashes W.
David Alan W
Clara Lavis
Mrs J Ashes
Daisy Elizabeth
Henry Alfred
Margaret Fisher
Edward C
But Headstone
Parmanes Neil
Horace S
Andrew Peter
Walter Verner
Mrs Andrew
99B 99C
103 104 105
Mary Elizabeth
Mary J C
Mrs George
Margaret Louisa Florence (Mrs T W Hooper)
Frank Bruce
Thomas William
Richard Noah
Samuel Sage
Alexander Russell
Mrs Ellen
Mrs Sarah Maria (Mrs James Eli Cox)79
Charles Henry
Violet Ellen
Sarah Elizabeth
Mana Rose
Amy Stanmore
Mary Hannah
Annie Louise
Henry James
Frederick Joseph
Annie louise
Ellen (Mrs Snr)
Agnes B
Mary Jane
Florrie & T G R
Mary Infant of Andrew John
Lewis Gordon
Child of J H
Hope William Lachlan John
Margaretta Fossett
Mary Breese
Lachlan John
Kenneth Wilson
Antony Marcus B
William John
Violet Louise
Mrs Fanny
Mary Ann
John M
Mrs Fanny
Miss Fanny
Annie Margaret
Henry Janet Marion nee Cameron Mrs W
James Albert John Wright Molyneaux
Joseph Alexander
Charles Peers
Frederick Heber
Miss Frances
Mrs Ann
Mrs Sarah
Annie (Mrs John)
Violet Rosalie
Mrs Mary Isabella
Gordon Cameron
Dr J Steel
Eliza lsabel
Eliza Annie
Mrs Joseph (Flora)
Morris Clarke
Thomas James
Frederick lvan
Rebecca Sybil
Frederick Richard
Henry De H
Rachel Jane Charles Stanley Hall
Catherine Evans
Agnes Alice
Nigel Byrt
Edith Ann
Raymond Clive
H Dawson
Marcia Sheila
Miss Emma
Owen Edward Winifred May (Wyn) nee Taylor
Mrs Mary
Charles Wilfred
Charles William
Janet Agnes Muirhead Speirs
Annie Frederick Henry Lapage
Phyllis Lapage
Lyall Hamilton
Janet Cameron
Roy Gordon
Alan James
Mr John
Ethel Maud
Jeanette (Janet,)
George Raewyn Rauhuia Bernadette
William Keith
lsabel Anne
Mary Agnes
233 234
Winifred Myrtle
James Thompson
Keith Allan
Roderick Gardner
George & Madge
James Spiers
Gordon Goodwin
Charles Edward
Frank Edward
Mary Ann
Mabel Ronald Arthur , Arthur Harold and Amy Adelaide
Ernest Alexander
Vernard James
Laura Robinson?
Gloria Alice Rebecca
241 242
James Hamilton
Mary Eleanor
Frances J
John Leckie
Andrew George
John Thompson
Catherine lsa
Mary Matilda
Francis Hamilton
Herbert Joseph
Edith Annie
Rhoda Alice
Charlotte Hannah
Thomas John
Thomas Hubert
Thomas Francis
Emma Ada
Frederick George
Charlotte McEwan
Cyril Reginald
Lawrence Robert
Rex Vernon
Walter Dean
Kathleen Edith
David Bruce
Edward Richard
Eileen Constance
Dorothy Isabella Albert Edward Victor
William Patrick
Alfred Percival
Flora McDonald G
Alfred John
Kevin William
Donald John
Martha Caroline
John Francis
Norman Anthony
Clarence Edward Howie Edwin (Tuffy)
Elizabeth Jean
James Percy
Harriet Hannah Queenie
Peter Charles
Harry Phyllis nee WILSON
Mrs Cox
Mr Cox
Mrs Y Cox
James Robert
Mrs James Jordan
Richard McDonald
Bruce Trevor
Kenneth Clyde
Thomas William
Robert Gavin
Valerie Sybil
I & H Willis
Basil John Charles Edward Kenneth Alexander
INDEX to BURIAL RECORDS Number refer to entry in Register, and not plot Number Generally they are in order of burial( A copy is held at the Helensville Museum )
The settlement of Kaukapakapa by Europeans occurred in January 1860 with the arrival of three pioneer families including the Dye. Simcock and Dawson families. These were soon followed by other pioneering families this trickle of settlers, almost all Scottish and English, arrived during the 1860s and early 1870s. They were educated, middle class people who ardently believed in Christianity and education. When they arrived access was difficult and the pioneering families were very isolated. To reach the nearest town, Auckland, they had to walk 14 miles across country to Riverhead, and then take a boat down the Waitemata Harbour.
Route to Kaukapakapa from Auckland Ferry boat Yellow dotted Bullock Wagon or on foot Red dotted. "Many of the early settlers made this trip with a bag of sugar or a bag of flour (100 lbs) on their backs.� [page 6, red book]
Paddle Steam Ferry 1860-1880s Auckland Harbour
The early ferries 1850s and 1860s were simply whaleboats rowed. Followed by Steam boats and Paddle steamers. 44
A Bullock Wagon
Consequently, ‘The first concern of the settlers was to clear some ground and grow something in the way of food. Wheat and other cereals: were hoed in among the stumps. The first grain was ground by hand, but later Captain Dawson ( Plot 184 ) built a windmill, and with it he ground the grain for the settlers.” [page 6 red book] They also had a few fowls, invariably a large vegetable garden and a small home orchard. Hardship characterised the early settlers' lives. Their land was bush clad hills and flax covered swamps, their roads were muddy tracks, and all supplies had to be carried 14 miles on their backs from the nearest port. Fortunately they had a cordial relationship with the Ngati Whatua tribe, who taught them how to supplement their diet with native plants and fish, in return for European ideas and medicine. (From Riverhead The Kaipara gateway) by Ian B Madden published 1966 THE WAITEMATA-KAIPARA PORTAGE, THE reason behind the development of the Upper Harbour shipping was the fact that beyond Riverhead stretched the main land link with the Kaipara — The Portage. Apart from the use of this route by the Maoris since time immemorial and by the early European explorers previously referred to, we know comparatively little of the first Europeans to utilize the route for general transportation purposes. During .a pro- Railway meeting on 3rd November I869 the veteran Methodist Missionary. the Rev. William Gittos (I829-1916), advanced the claim that he was the first Pakeha to attempt to carry bulk across The Portage. Intent on moving a load ol missionary supplies, he employed 100 Maoris to cut a track. Spending many nights in the open the column slowly moved forward. The date would probably be I856, the year in which Gittos was admitted to the Ministry, though it could have been as early as1854, the year in which the Rev. Buller was transferred to Wellington. There had, of course. been many earlier movements of cattle. it is recorded that before 1846 vessels from New South Wales unloaded cattle at the Kaipara. These were subsequently driven to the Upper Waitemata Amongst the earliest of the Kaipara settlers to use The Portage route may be mentioned John McLeod (the Helensville pioneer). the (Clarks of Whakahara. and the Simcocks of Kaukapakapa. 46
McLeod first appeared in the Upper Harbour in the early 1850's. Whilst working for Thomas Henderson he journeyed from Riverhead by hill and swamp to the Awaroa. Impressed with what he saw he resolved to return to North America for his kinsfolk. Upon re-appearing with saw-milling machinery, on the Waitemata in I862. he refrained from using The Portage. As the late Mrs. C. Sheffield pointed out in Men Came Voyaging, (1963) the Flora McDonald was chartered for a North Cape journey to the Awaroa. Obviously, despite Gitto‘s efforts, The Portage was quite unattractive for bulk transportation. The Clarks had first settled at Mangakakahia (or Paradise) on the Northern Wairoa about 1858. The family moved to Whakahara about 1860. It is recorded that Mrs. Dinah Clark, the wife of Charles Clark, once made an adventurous trip by open boat to The Portage from the Kaipara side. Surviving a severe storm and flooded creeks, she ultimately reached the safety of Deacon s establishment at Riverhead. One can perhaps see in this the remarkable powers of endurance which were later manifested in her great-grand-nephew. Sir Edmund Hillary, conqueror of Everest Travelling North to South at the age 38 in 1853; she says. "We started to cross to Riverhead on Sunday. there was not even a road but the merest track. It rained all the way. From the fooot of Constitution Hill to the Waikoukou River water was knee deep. We crossed the tops of trees that had fallen. My blue petticoat was torn to shreds by this time. We got to Riverhead Sunday evening and slept there. On Monday we started for Auckland in a little open boat hired from Tom Deacon at a pound a trip. We had a head wind all the way with violent squalls. It took some hours hard pulling to round Kauri Point, the wind was so furious. Once the boat filled and we had a narrow escape indeed when almost at journey's end. We managed to get the boat ashore and bailed her out. We got to Auckland without further mishap. There was no wharf or landing place at that time and we had to wade ashore through mud knee deep., about the place where Albert St now ends." EMERGENCIES: Though the wide Kaipara Harbour may have presented innumerable commercial prospects to shipping masters, its coastline also tolled the death knell for many of them. In September, I841, the Rev. James Buller was obliged to make a hurried trip to Auckland when the brig Sophia Pale was wrecked. Ten years later. on the 3rd June, 1851. the 36-gun French corvette Alcmene, commanded by the Count d'Harcourt, was wrecked with the loss of 12 lives. The craft had only recently been refitted in Hobart at a cost of nearly £4000. Assistance was rendered to the survivors by the local chief Matiu, and a detachment ot the 58th Regiment under Lieut. Balneavis. The latter established a supply base at Riverhead from which stores and blankets were carted across The Portage to the scene of the tragedy. Later the Maori chieftain received a £10 Government Grant and the shipwrecked Frenchmen were hospitably entertained in Auckland by the ofiicers of the 58th Regiment. During three weeks of fearful westerly gales in September, 1853. the 600 ton barque Posthumus, an East lndiaman commanded by Capt Bruce and originally built at Liverpool Lamb and Melvin's mill at Riverhead was also the rendezvous for the badly shaken survivors from the 13-yearold brig, Salcombe Castle after she went down at Kaipara Heads on 16th Jul . 1863. Bound for McLeod s mill where she was to load timber, she had gone ashore during a gale — so severe that the crew were trapped aboard their vessel for at least I5 hours. THE ALBERTLANDERS: _ When the first party of these Kaipara-bound Non-Conformist settlers arrived in New Zealand in September, 1862. two routes were available to them. The first was by a steam packet the Tasmanian Maid (previously engaged in the Taranaki War) to the Mangawai River and thence overland to the Oruawharo River. The second was by cargo boat to the Upper Harbour. However, due to the breaking of an agreement by the Tasmanian Maid's master. the party was compelled to use The Portage. Thus it was that 300 - 400 passengers from the Matilda Wattenbach and the Hanover arrived at Lambs and Merlvin's Mill . there they erected a large tent ( capable of sheltering 150 people ) and 25 smaller ones. For several days the party awaited the arrival of bullock drays to move their 150 tons of luggage Drays however were at a premium and there was no progress at all until the military commander General Duncan Cameron (1808-88) made available Commissariat bullock-teams.
R. Cromwell of Henderson, one of the Matilda Wattenbach immigrants made some interesting comments in February, 1909. Though the immigrants were told by the authorities that they would only he obliged to pay for cattle feed, the cost of transporting goods became £6 per ton . Mrs. Kelly of Paremoremo and The Wade, however, undercut the Government teams by offering hers for . £3 per ton. Even so it took some considerable time to shift camp and many family groups were separated — the males going ahead and the women and children remaining at the flour mill. All this while there was a food shortage. Upon arriving at the Kaipara shore most of the settlers received a fairer deal. Several vessels were available for their conveyance to the distant allotments. These included Bonar‘s small cutter, Rambler and several native craft. Later on the craft of Joseph Masefield and his brother-in-law, John Channon, provided additional means of conveyance to the north. A DIFFICULT TIME: Though only some 14 miles separated the Awaroa from Riverhead, the financial cost of conveying goods was often considerable. One Kaukapakapa resident was obliged to pay £5 a ton and Sir Henry Brett said that by 1870 two dray-loads of goods cost £8.10.0. Samuel Stephenson of the Riverhead Hotel, however, offered to store goods tree of charge prior to conveying them across The Portage for £2 per ton. Philip McLeod was more reasonable for he charged £1.10.0 a ton only. for goods conveyed to his Kaipara Cutter Pai Marire. To this of course, had to be added transhipment costs at the various termini. The route was expensive in other ways too. In October 1869 Thomas Coates complained that in two days The Portage trip inflicted more damage upon his valuable imported sheep than the whole voyage from England! The reason of course is clear -— The Portage was often impassable for two or more months at a time. Incessant rain and lack of proper maintenance combined with the damaging effects of cattle to produce a quagmire. Thus it was that Mr. Heath chairman of a special public meeting held at Bonar's Mill said in August 1869 that Messrs McLeod's 12 bullocks were unable to carry a ton of goods along The Portage. Such complaints eventually led to the presentation of several petitions to the Government. Yet somehow the Portage remained. By February, 1866, a fair portion of the 100 lb-weekly quota of South Albertland butter received by the McLeods at Awaroa gravitated to Riverhead. Further evidence that the route was a necessary one is provided by the establishment of a line of coaches from Helensville to Riverhead. COACH SERVICES: Apart from the line of coaches established by Isaac McLeod of Helensville, The Portage was serviced by Messrs. Quicks Cobb & Co. from late April, I873, to the advent of the railway. Supported by a Government subsidy, The Portage line was in effect an extension of the Auckland-Hamilton service established by G. C. Quick in June, 1872. The four-horse coaches on the Riverhead run were driven by Frank Quick and James Smith. The latter (who died in August. 1916, aged 75), had emigrated to Auckland in 1863. After being employed by the Quick‘s on the Drury run, he transferred to the Riverhead one. Later he was employed by Messrs. E. D. & C. D. Halstead. George Quick, interestingly enough, organised the Auckland and North Shore Ferry Co. Ltd., in 1886, with a capital of £25,000. Even so, to many, The Portage remained synonymous with Purgatory! Even from the most benevolent point of view The Portage coach service was described as poor. The Weekly News, 30/ l0/1875, describes the position thus: “We do not mean that that service could have been improved upon. for what horse-flesh would be made to do in the hands of an experienced and powerful driver was done, and done well in so far as the villainous road would permit But there are very few who have travelled those few miles of road without a mental prayer for safe arrival at their destination."
So most travellers used the ‘Portage Road” that ran from Riverhead landing, along this road the early settlers walked the seven miles to ‘Blake’s Mill’ at Waikoukou where they stayed overnight. The next day they would continue on to Te Awaroa (Helensville), or Kaukapakapa The road was often a quagmire particularly as a result of the use of the road by bullock teams hauling logs or produce.
An excerpt from ‘They came for Kauri but…’ written by Alice M. Rea. “The morning dawned and Dandy Jack mounted the driving seat of a primitive looking vehicle absolutely devoid of springs and with only iron rimmed wheels to carry it on its rickety way … When they reached what appeared to be a small ravine over which the horses had to literally jump at such a rate as to lift the carriage into the air and thus draw it after them, Dandy Jack beat his animals towards the hazard and approached so speedily that no white-livered impulse could be obeyed by doubting passengers. Up and over they went and incredibly as it may seem, landed on the opposite bank. One horse had its leg broken and spine injured. Dandy Jack sat on its head while Yankee Bill used his sheath knife to put it out of its misery. The carriage was upside down and passengers began to emerge from its interior, the muddy ditch, fern and ti-tree scrub, and to congratulate themselves that they were still whole. The carriage was set up right and Yankee Bill’s horse replaced the dead one and away they went on their precarious way…” Although ‘Blake’s Mill’ at Waikoukou was well established by 1860, the first surge of European settlement began in the Kaukapakapa district. Here a number of settlers arrived in 1860 and this date is generally given as ‘the birth of European settlement’ in the district. The earliest ‘official’ European settlement in the area was in the lower Waikoukou Valley. The Pakeha had arrived in the Upper Waitemata Harbour in the early 1840’s and the settlement of the Ararimu and Waikoukou land was an extension of this settlement. The attraction in both cases was the extensive tract of kauri forest that covered the high country between Riverhead and the Kaukapakapa River. In the mid 1850’s much of the Crown land at Waikoukou was surveyed into allotments. These allotments were offered for sale at ten shillings per acre. However many blocks were taken up under the ‘Free Grant’ scheme to encourage immigration. The land available for European settlers was that at the mouth of the Waikoukou Valley. This settlement was located less than 2km from where you are sitting. Even before the survey of allotments had begun, land on the Waikoukou block was occupied by a number of settlers. They had been granted ‘Timber Licences’ by the Commissioner of Crown Lands.
William Farley Blake (1808-1888), from Westmeath in Ireland, arrived in New Zealand to begin work as a surveyor in Taranaki in 1841. Whilst in Taranaki he married Maata Takohi Tourawiri. Blake then travelled north with Maata surveying and gold prospecting. However he soon fell back on his knowledge of farming gained on the family property in Ireland and began to develop a farm at Riverhead, in the vicinity of the present Hotel called the Forrester’s Arms. In the 1850’s Blake’s interest soon turned to timber, which was plentiful and profitable, being in demand by the growing of Auckland. His ‘timber licence’, granted in 1854, was for land at Waikoukou
Blake, or ‘Te Pereki’ as he became known to Ngati Whatua, settled with Maata and their family near the junction of the Waikoukou, Ararimu and Tikokopu Streams, on the property now owned by Collard Bros. Ltd, Rothesay Vineyard. During the 1850’s ‘Blake’s Mill’ developed into the first European style village in the region. There was the mill itself, also known as ‘Waikoukou Sawmill’, and a number of mill cottages. Nearby was Blake’s home, which became known as the ‘Halfway House’. It was situated near the old Maori walkway that was known as the ‘Portage Road’. Here William and Maata Blake offered hospitality to travellers for twelve years. Associated with the house were stables for traveller’s horses and later horses used in McLeod’s and Cobb & Co.’s coach operations. In 1859 William Blake’s timber operations had an annual output of 154,080ft all of which was kauri and his production expanded in the early 1860’s. With the success of his milling venture Blake was able to purchase land blocks in the surrounding districts. This included land at Riverhead, Taupaki and 209 acres at Kaukapakapa in the area of the present township. The area surrounding the Blake’s house was now in pasture and the bush in the lower Waikoukou Valley had been cleared. However most of the valley was in virgin forest awaiting the milling onslaught of the 1870’s and 1880’s. The Blake family, the first settlers in the Waikoukou Valley moved on. At first they settled in the Thames district where William Blake was appointed ‘Goldfield Surveyor’ and then they moved to the Hawkes Bay where many of their descendants still live.
NOTES OF A STROLL TO THE NORTH. (FROM A CORRESPONDENT. The poet says, Man made the town, but God made the country I must confess I have a great fondness for the latter so having; a little time on my hands I took a trip to the North. After a pleasant sail past the Picturesque bays and capes ere long to be studded with pleasant villas, we arrived at the top of the Waitemata Next morning, in the cooler air, we commenced our walk up the hills, bathed in sunshine. The road, for the most part good, turns along the tops of the ranges, from some of the peaks getting most extensive views of the waters around Auckland, the distant valleys, and coast ranges in the distance. As we proceed the land is inferior for about nine or ten miles, with the exception of a few valleys. "We ascend gradually till we arrive at the watershed. of the Kaipara waters. From the highest point we see the valley of the river of that name, and the Wade district in the distance The intervening ranges are covered with timber, including some fine Kauri. Right ahead Les spread the fertile valley of the thriving district of the Kaukapakapa. The ruggedness has passed away, and instead our course for miles is over the rich level lands skirting the river, on the opposite side of which is native land a choice block belonging to Tamati Davis How pleasant it is to see the farmsteads dotting the landscape here and there with there cultivation, the cattle browsing in the rich fern and flax land, now and then hearing the mellow notes, of the tui and bell bird. The great want of the district is enterprising settlers to realise abundant wealth from the rich alluvial lands of the river Kaukapakapa. In no part of New Zealand have I ever witnessed such fine soil or heard of such abundant yields; screened from the cold winds it must possess a most genial climate. The farms around are rapidly undergoing improvements the abundant water communication is also a great desideratum. Mr. Outhwaite's valuable property down the river is also becoming an established business, fostered by the enterprise of Mr. Bonar, who is a host in himself. This place, by the way, forms the beau ideal of a New Zealand home. After crossing the lands fringing the river, so rich, and asking for the willing hand of toil to yield rich harvests, and ascending the gentle slopes-, we get a glimpse of that to-befamous Kaipara Harbour and the river. We bade farewell and turned in the direction of home, deeply impressed 50
with the importance of the district, now valuable, but which will inevitably become the most important of our northern settlements. To any one desirous of relaxation, I cordially recommend the same tour, feeling certain he will be amply rewarded for his trouble, ‘While some timber began to go down the river to McLeod's Mill which had started up at Helensville. the main industry was Flax Milling.� (page7 red book]
Flax Milling at Kaukapakapa 1870s
For years the land produced only a subsistence living, until the timber, gum and flax industries developed. There was a ready market in the South Island, Australia and England for the famously durable and beautiful kauri timber. Logs were floated down the Kaukapakapa River, hauled out at the river mouth, squared and loaded into sailing ships for Australia, or by train to Auckland. Having first been hauled by bullock teams to the area now known as Pioneer Reserve , where they were floated on the Kaukapakapa River, which was a much larger waterway in those days. At one time four flax mills driven by water wheels were operating in the area. In 1864 the first small church was built and although a very small community they replaced this with a larger Methodist Church in 1879-80
Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXI, Issue 2348, 28 January 1865, Page 5 OPENING OF A WESLEYAN CHAPEL AT KAUKAPAKAPA (FROM A CORRESPONDENT.) On Sunday, the 15th instant, the new Wesleyan chapel was opened by the Rev. Mr. Gittos, who preached a most appropriate sermon from the l6th vies of the 3rd chapter of St. John, to a very respectable and attentive congregation, of about thirty settlers, from the immediate district. The chapel has just been completed and handed over to the Wesleyan Mission, free from debt, at a cost of over eighty pounds sterling, of which amount about seventy pounds have been subscribed by the settlers on the Kaukapakapa It is comfortably seated for forty individuals. Mr. Gittos, in solemnly dedicating the chapel to the service of God, declared that he did so in no sectarian spirit, and that the chapel would be free to Evangelical ministers of every denomination. He most earnestly requested that the Episcopalian, Presbyterian, Independent, &tc, members present, would unite with him in soliciting the clergymen of these bodies to occupy the pulpit as often as convenient. In concluding his address Mr. Gittos warmly and most affectionately besought all present to avail themselves of the privileges they would now enjoy by regular attendance on the means of grace and, although much scattered in the bush, and at considerable distances, they would make it their aim to show to all around, by their presence on the Lord's day, that as for them and their households, they would serve the Lord. On Tuesday evening, the 17th instant, the subscribers and friends in the neighbourhood assembled in the above chapel to hear the financial statement of the building, and to spend a friendly hour over a social cup of the 52
invigorating, but not intoxicating beverage. A hymn having been sung, and a blessing asked by Mr. Gittos, the party, consisting of about fifty individuals, took their seats at the well-plenished tea tables, presided over by Mrs. Dawson, Mrs. C. and Mrs. J. Simcox,(sic) Mrs. Stavers, Mrs. Peers, and Miss Jenkins. Full justice having been done to the comforts of life, which were abundantly supplied by the ladies, Mr. Gittos returned thanks. Mr. Gittos having been called to the chair, entered into full particular-, of the disbursements, and warmly thanked the subscribers for being enabled, in so thinly a populated district, to hand over the chapel to the Wesleyan mission free from debt. Mr. Gittos gave a most encouraging account of the rise and progress of Kaipara and Kaukapakapa districts, and although little Government aid has as yet been tendered, the natural advantages of the Kaipara had induced many enterprising settlers to locate themselves on its banks, the natural productions, consisting of timber, gum, and fruit, would yet raise the Kaipara. into one of the most flourishing districts in the northern province, being so highly gifted in numerous navigable rivers and unsurpassed richness of soil. The cordial thanks of the meeting were then tendered to Messrs. Dawson and Dixon, for so energetically carrying out the details of the building and collecting subscriptions. Thanks were also passed to Mr. Henley for his handsome presentation for the site and ground for the chapel and also to Mr. David Sheehan for his kind liberality in supplying the windows for the same. Mr. Gittos having offered an impressive prayer, the different parties bade each other farewell, well pleased with the whole proceedings.
WESLEYAN CHURCH Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXI, Issue 2350, 31 January 1865, Page 4 On Sunday,; the l5th instant, a new, Wesleyan chapel was opened at Kaukapakapa by the Rev. Mr. Gittos. The building, which will afford sitting accommodation to forty persons, has been handed over to the Wesleyan Mission free of debt, at a cost of over £80 of which amount £70 had been subscribed by the settlers on the Kaukapakapa. A tea-meeting was held in the chapel on the following Tuesday evening. BUSINESS COMMENCES In 1865 .a carrying business called J.. W. & R. Drinnan ( Plot 190, Plot 96 and Plot 146C ) was set up and bullock wagons provided the main communications between Riverhead and Kaukapakapa. FLOUR MILL Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIV, Issue 3315, 2 March 1868, Page 5 A meeting was held on February 24, at Kaukapakapa, A. Bonar, Esq., in the chair, for the purpose of discussing the advisability of erecting a flourmill in the district. The meeting was well attended, and all present manifested a lively interest in the proceedings. Several of the speakers adverted very forcibly to the disadvantages under which the district was placed at the present time, contrasting the benefits that would accrue to every settler, and to the country generally, did they raise at least their own breadstuffs. Many of them found it difficult to find the means to raise flour it was the heaviest item in their household expenditure, while, in a country like this, with bad roads and high carriage, it ought to be the lightest. Nor would any district advance beyond this hand -to mouth style, unless some other system be adopted than that hitherto pursued. Did the settlers grow their own wheat, they would not only save themselves the expense of their flour and carriage, but the bran and sharps, which, if they want at present, they have also to buy and pay carriage for, would feed more pig« than would supply themselves, which would find a ready market almost anywhere. And then, again, from the straw there would be double the quantity of manure to what they had at present the result of which would be a larger quantity and better quality of root crops of every kind, which would again show itself with interest in the raising and feeding of cattle. It was proposed and carried that a prospectus setting forth the scheme should be drawn 53
out, and an endeavour made to get a sufficient number of shareholders to warrant the undertaking the amount of share to be fixed at £1. It was also proposed and carried that a site for the mill be obtained as near to the confluence of the Kaukapakapa and Kaipara rivers as practicable, in order to extend the advantages to the Kaipara and northern settlers generally. Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIV, Issue 3368, 2 May 1868, Page 5 A second meeting was held a few days ago at Kaukapakapa to take steps for the erection of a cooperative flourmill, for the benefit of the settlers in the immediate district. A subscription list was opened, with shares at £1 each. £76 was subscribed on the spot by a few of those present, and further sums have been promised. It was decided to commence by erecting a small water-wheel, with one pair of stones on the stream running into the Kaukapakapa river through Mr. Sinclair's land, near White's Hill. Messrs. R. Sinclair, C. Simcock, and.; W Dawson were appointed a preliminary committee of management.
A Bullock Wagon Given their isolation and the lack of public facilities, some of the pioneers used their houses for public use for things such as post office or to hold stores for the local community. Mrs. Janet Drinnan (Plot 189 ) was one of these people. She kept a Store where goods brought by the bullock wagon which was run by her sons would be left until the settlers could call. She also carried some stocks and would sell to the settlers. The operations moved out of her house and into the Drinnan Store in 1881 which was located in South Avenue, next to the Methodist Church and the Bridge Hotel which was built in 1883. This store was later burnt down.
The Bridge Hotel
Frank Dye (Plot 164C ) used Granny Drinnan’s store until 1872 when he became so frustrated by the slow progress of the bullock teams that he built the original ‘General Store’ on the river bank, near where the slaughterhouse stands. In order to transfer goods to The Store he used his own boat to bring supplies from the Helensville Railway Station. Flooding caused him to relocate the house store three years later to near where the present dairy stands in Kaukapakapa Village.
This building later burnt down and was replaced with the current building in 1945. The current building is representative of construction that occurred during the war as it was likely constructed in haste, with a lack of good quality materials.
F. Dye’s Store Kaukapakapa by Louise Michaux From Kaukapakapa Through the Children's eyes 1917-1982 (Kaukapakapa 125th Jubilee ) Mr Frank Dye (Plot 164C) established his General Store in 1872, at his home close to the banks of the Kaukapakapa River in the area where the slaughter house and camphor tree now stand near Dye’s Bridge His supplies came. by train to Helensville, and were then transported up the river in his cutter ‘Enterprise’ which had been built by Mr Charles Simcock (Plot 198), another early settler. For ease of transferring goods from riverbank to store, a set of metal rails and a trolley were installed. In 1874 the Post office was moved from Mr Andrew Bonar’s residence to Frank Dye’s Store, as this was considered to be a more central position, and Mr Dye became the Postmaster. Over the years the store premises were enlarged, with the family's home an integral part of the whole building. A grain store and a gum store were also erected. In 1883 the Post Office facilities were increased by the addition of telephone connection for the district. For a number of years Mr Dye carried on a large trade in kauri gum and timber, sometimes shipping the former to London and the latter to Melbourne, Auckland and other ports. Frank Dye died in 1922 and the business was carried on by three of his sons. Flooding had been a regular occurrence, situated as the store was near the river, and the floods caused much damage to stocks and to furniture. The management of F Dye 8: Sons decided to move to higher ground, and in 1928 a large new shop of about 6,000 square feet floor space was erected. It opened with a ‘Store warming’- a dance in the new Store which was attended by some 450 people. This new store was near the railway line where the current store and vet clinic are now situated. In 1944 Dye’s store was completely destroyed by fire, and as a temporary emergency measure the business was continued from the Store's vehicle shed across the road, the trucks having been ousted and the end nearest the railway having been partitioned off to form the butchery. As it was still wartime, it was some while before new premises could be built, as most wood was reserved for the War effort. However a new Butchery and General Store were eventually built on the previous site - separate buildings this time, instead of under the one roof as they had been before. The Store and Butchery were subsequently sold in the late 1940’s and the Dye family retired from the storekeeping business after nearly 75 years of continuous service to the Kaukapakapa area. Sources: * The Cyclopaedia of NZ Volume 2 -Auckland Provincial District p 630. The Cyclopaedia Co. Ltd, Christchurch 1902. * Mr Peter Dye (pers. comm.) 1999 * Mrs Wyn Jordan (nee Taylor), letter, 28 September, 1928. * Kaukapakapa across the Year: 1860-1956 : T.G.R. Stevens * Mrs Mavis Kirby (pers. comm.) 1999 * ‘Southern Cross’, 21 February 1876 page 3. It is thought that the flooding in the village was likely exacerbated by the kauri logging higher up in the catchment and the flax milling and then later on by the construction of the rail line 1870 New Zealand Herald, Volume VII, Issue 2005, 22 June 1870, Page 3
STARLINGS—A correspondent writes to us from Kaukapakapa:—Being; aware that your columns are. always open for information which may be instructive to the members of the Acclimatisation Society, or indeed to any society or individual whoso aim it is to endeavour to render this our adopted colony more like home, by the introduction of first-class stock to improve our herds, sweet warblers to cheer our sombre woods and dells. insectivorous birds clear our corn and grass fields from caterpillars the salmon, or- the .-salmon trout to render our river more attractive to our Waltonian disciples—I have the pleasure of informing you and all interested in nature's beautiful pets, that a large flock of that, inimitable British bird, the starling, may be seen in this neighbourhood, in beautiful plumage, and seemingly enjoying; themselves on a low flat of grass land—from 30 to 50 couple congregating in one flock. I do not know from whence those birds have migrated perhaps they did 59
not find their quarters so comfortable in the Domain after Mr. Brighton ceased to feed them, or perhaps they lost all hope of the return of the lord and master of the Kawau, but I this do know that they are right welcome to all the land in the locality, and most sacredly have they been preserved by the ranger (if there is one now-adays). Further, every effort, will be made to induce them to remain and multiply on the banks of the Kaukapakapa by the erection of suitable boxes, fixed on trees or home-, for incubation, on a plan which has proved effectual in every county in Scotland where starlings visit. Should anyone desire a description of the same, you can have it on application to me.
1873 Public Hall Schoolroom and Library Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXIX, Issue 4833, 21 February 1873, Page 2 KAUKAPAKAPA: AN OPENING SOIREE. The opening soirée of the Kaukapakapa Public Hall (this was the one in South Cresc, built as a home for the Public School and Library as well) was held on Friday, the 14tb, as previously advertised. The continuous downpour of rain of Thursday night and Friday deterred many belonging to the neighbouring settlements from attending. There was however an assemblage of over 130 at the tea tables. After the tables were cleared away Mr. Robert Sinclair took the chair, and about two hours were pleasantly occupied by music and singing, interspersed with brief speeches from several of the gentlemen present. A harmonium, kindly lent for the occasion by Mrs. W. Bonar, and ably presided over by that lady and by Mr. F. Dye, increased the pleasure of the evening. This part of the proceedings was concluded by the usual votes of thanks to the ladies, to the chairman, and to Mr. Dye, who superintended the musical department. Dancing then commenced, and was carried on with zest till near daybreak. The sale of tickets brought in £12 2s. 8d. clear of all expenses —a very creditable sum considering the tempestuous weather. The hall will therefore shortly be quite free from debt.— [Correspondent.] It was in this Hall that the Kaukapakapa Public school commenced opening in 1873 with 17 Pupils under the tutorage of Mr S D Rikys., moving to a new purpose built building in South Crescent 7 years later, by 1902 there were in attendance 94 pupils , a headmaster, 2 pupil teachers and a probationer.
So the Kaukapakapa settlement was divided. On the south side of the river was Drinnan’s Hotel and store with its supplies brought in by bullock team from Riverhead, and on the north side Frank Dye’s store which received its supplies by boat. Frank Dye also ran the butchery, a gum store and the post office while acting as a Justice of the Peace, a timber merchant, and organist at both churches. The Wesleyan Chapel Replaced New Zealand Herald, Volume XVII, Issue 5958, 21 December 1880, Page 6
KAUKAPAKAPA. The new Wesleyan Church was opened on .Sunday, the 5th inst. Service was conducted in the morning by the Rev. Mr. Spence. of Aratapu. who preached a very earnest sermon, which was listened to with evident appreciation by those present. In the afternoon the service was conducted by the Rev. Mr. Smeaton. of Helensville, who gave us an intellectual treat well befitting the occasion. The congregations at both services were very large. Nearly every seat in the building was occupied. "The collections on both occasions amounted to £5 10s 6d.. On Thursday evening, the 9th inst.. a soiree was held in aid of the building fund. The evening was splendid, and there was a good turn out. It was intended to serve tea in the church. hut the weather was so tine that a proposal was made to have it outside, on the grass. instead. This was unanimously agreed and in a few minutes rows of 60
planks were laid on the grass, to sit upon, and tea and coffee were served more after the style of a picnic than a soiree. Everyone seemed to enjoy it heartily. The party afterwards adjourned to the church, when the Rev. Mr. Gittos presided. He spoke for half-an-hour. touching on various matters in connection with the church and the district. Several pieces of music (vocal and instrumental) were rendered in excellent style. by Mr Dye, Miss Morpeth. Mrs. F. 'Quick, and Miss McColl. The Revs, Jaggar and Brook also gave addresses. Mr. W Dawson. Treasurer, read the subscription list and balance-sheet:, which showed that the building was clear of debt, with a balance of £5. in hand. This and a considerable sum more, however, would be required to put a new pulpit and new seats in the church, which they proposed doing as soon as sufficient money could be raised. The singing of the evening hymn brought this part of the proceedings to a close. The public hall, which is only a few chains from the church, was then lighted up, and a concert took place, in aid of the same fund. One ticket admitted to all or any part of the evenings entertainment. Mr. R Sinclair occupied the chair. An excellent programme was then gone through. The hall was then cleared, and dancing was kept up till daylight. The proceeds from the entertainment amounted to .£16 14s. and added to the opening collections, £5 10s 6d, makes a total of £22 4s 6d, which will give a good help to put new seats in the church. The size of the building is 30 feet by 20 feet, exclusive of the porch and vestry, and will seat comfortably 120 people. It is in the Gothic style of architecture, very neat and symmetrical in its proportions, and will be very comfortable inside when the new seats are fixed, and a little more ventilation admitted. The plans were prepared by Mr. John Sinclair, who also superintended and carried out the work, assisted by Messrs. W. Dawson. C. Simcock, and R. Sinclair. The work has been done in a very faithful and creditable manner. [Own Correspondent, December 13
Yes by 1881 the population had reached 311.and a second Church was built this being Presbyterian and was called St Cuthbert's in North Crescent. Its building was not without dissension further dividing the district 1874 Telephone Line Starts New Zealand Herald, Volume XI, Issue 3921, 6 June 1874, Page 3 The necessary works for the proposed line of telegraph to connect Auckland with the Bay of Islands and Hokianga are proceeding under the management of Mr. Floyd, T.E., electrician to the telegraph department. The general course of the line will be from Auckland by Symonds-street, New North Road, and the Whan, to Riverhead, on the poles already erected. From Riverhead the telegraph will be alongside the railway to Helensville, and from Helensville it will be taken by Kaukapakapa, Komokoriki, and Warkworth to the Hoteo bridge, on the Mahurangi and Port Albert Road thence by Mangawai, Waipu, Mangapai, Whangarei, and Hikurangi to Kawakawa coal mines. From Kawakawa there will be a branch line to Russell, and the main line will be continued through Ohaewai to Hokianga Heads. The position of each telegraph pole has been already marked from Riverhead to Whangarei. A gang of twenty men commenced on the 25th May, at Riverhead to clear bush along the line of route to a sufficient width to prevent all possibility of damage to the wire from bush fires or falling trees, and tenders are called for the supply and delivery of heart of kauri or totara poles along the whole line. ….1876…. New Zealand Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 4528, 18 May 1876, Page 2 A petition is being signed at Kaukapakapa for the extension of the telegraph to that place. It states that the nearest station (Helensville) is too far off to be of any practical value to the settlement, and that it is a great disadvantage to business men and others in the settlement to have no means of quick communication' with Auckland and other business centres. That the progress made in the district would warrant the expenditure necessary for establishing an office, the northern telegraph wire crossing the Great North Road at a most 61
convenient position for the erection of a telegraph station opposite Mr. G. W. Murray's homestead, and that that gentleman is willing to, provide a site for the necessary buildings--one: rood of land fronting the main road, and underneath the present .North telegraph wire. The place would also be very convenient for a junction station, extending from thence to Waiwera. The petition is signed by Mr. W. G. Murray, Mr. John Steward, Mr. Frank Dye, Mr." Hutchinson, and many other gentlemen 1882 Still promised. Auckland Star, Volume XIII, Issue 3596, 17 February 1882, Page 2 The telephone is rendering possible the connection of a number of small places, where it would be impossible to maintain a telegraphic operator. Stations are to be opened at Aratapu, Kirikiriroa, Kaeo, Kohukohu, Paeroa, Tiki, and Turua. And also, if sufficient inducement is forthcoming at Paparoa, Kaukapakapa, Mangawai, Tapu, Te Aroha, Morrinsville, Waihou, Kaikohe Waimate, and Tamahere. The cause of further division New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 561, 8 November 1879, Page 6
A GENERAL meeting of settlers was held in the hall, on Monday evening, the 3rd instant, for the purpose of appointing a committee to carry out the erection of an undenominatimal church on the site given by Mrs. Drinnan, on the hill adjoining the Kaukapakapa bridge There was a considerable number of settler's, from all parts of the district, present, including the two ministers— the Rev. Mr. Jaggar and Mr. Smeaton. On the motion of Mr. Dye, Mr. R. Sinclair was called to the chair. He (the chairman) made a few remarks explanatory of the circumstances that led to the holding of the present meeting, which may be summarised thus The present church, belonging to the Wesleyan body, was too small. Some weeks ago a meeting was held to consider a proposal to enlarge the building; all were agreed as to the necessity of enlargement, but objections were made by a large number of settlers because it belonged exclusively to one denomination. The church, however, ha 1 been at the service of all denominations. That meeting was adjourned until information could be obtained as to whether a clause could be inserted in the deed giving other denominations a right t-> the use of the building. Shortly after, another meeting was held, when it was found that such could not be done all the Wesleyan Churches being made out upon a model deed that could not be altered. A proposal was made, by Mr. G. W. Murray, to build an undenominational church, on the hill above the Kaukapakapa Bridge, belonging to Mrs. Drinnan. It was not then known whether Mr. Drinnan would give, a site, as proposed, and the matter was left for consideration. Matters now stand thus —Mrs. Drinnan will give the site proposed. The Rev. Mr. Jaggar, and Messrs. Dawson and Henley, the gentlemen having to do with the present church, cordially fall in with the proposal. Mr. Smeaton also has expressed himself greatly pleased with the arrangement, so that he may be able to work in harmony with Mr. Jaggar. The business this evening, therefore, was to appoint a committee to carry out the work. Several settlers in one corner of the district did not approve of this proposal, and wished to build a church of their own, but that would hi the means of dividing the district-- a result to be avoided. A letter from Mr. Acheson Thompson was read, stating that, for certain reasons, he could not assist towards the erection of a church on the proposed site also from Mr. Hutchinson, approving of the district acting in harmony and building one church in the centre of the district. Mr. Shanks made some remarks in regard to the distance some would have to travel, and was in favour of two churches Mr. Smeaton and Mr. M. C. Henley also addressed the meeting at some length in favour of one undenominational church and unity of action. The following gentlemen 62
were then appointed a committee to carry out the work:—Rev. Mr. Jaggar (Plot 173A) and Mr. Smeaton, ex officio Messrs. Dye (Plot 164C) , Dawson (Plot 184), Murray, (Plot 36A) R. Sinclair, (Plot 53B) W. Goodwin, jun., (Plot 17B) C. Simcock, (Plot 198) James Drinnan, (Plot 190) J. Sinclair, (Plot 188) M. Hudson, M. C. Henley (Plot 173C), M. Marks (Plot 136B), and J. Simcock (Plot 196). Mr. Smeaton asked that his name might be withdrawn from the committee in the meantime, which was withdrawn accordingly. Mr. Dye made a proposal to have the harmonium now in use in the church exchanged for an American organ. he said he could make very good terms in regard to the change. He would advance the money (£l5) required in the exchange in the meantime; but if the people did not like the instrument, it could be sent back. This was seconded by Mr. Stewart, and agreed to. The meeting separated.—immediately after the newly appointed committee held a meeting, and appointed Messrs. Dye (Plot 164C) , James Drinnan, (Plot 190) and R. Sinclair (Plot 53B) as an executive committee to carry out the work. [A Correspondent, November 5
St Cuthbert's, North Crescent, Kaukapakapa was opened as an inter-denominational church in January 1881. They held three services that day: one for the Unionists, one for the Presbyterians and one for the Methodists. Its design originally included an elegant belfry, which has since rotted and been removed. The church was built for £210, and now has a Category II listing from the NZ Historic Places Trust. St Cuthbert's Presbyterian Church Opens in North Crescent New Zealand Herald, Volume XVIII, Issue 5992, 31 January 1881, Page 2 The new Kaukapakapa Presbyterian Church was opened on Sunday, Jan. 16 The Rev. R. Sommerville, of the Whau, conducted service in the morning, and in an appropriate sermon dedicated the church to the public worship of God. The Rev. David' Bruce conducted the afternoon service, and the Rev. Mr. Jaggar (Plot 173A) preached in the evening. The whole of the services were very well attended, and listened to with evident appreciation. The collection at the opening services amounted to £5 10s. The church has been provided with- an American organ, at a cost of £30, at which Mr. F. Dye (Plot 164C) kindly presided on the occasion. A soiree was held- On Monday evening, 17 th. January, in the schoolroom, in aid of the building fund. The proceeds of the soiree amounted: to £11.9s. The church has been called St. Cuthbert's It is built on a well chosen site of rising ground, given for the purpose by Mr. G. W. Murray.(Plot 36A) It is Gothic in the style of its architecture, cruciform in shape, with four gables, and a belfry at the apex of the gable above the entrance door. It presents a neat entrance outside, and forms a conspicuous and pleasing feature in the district. It contains a vestry and waiting-room; also an organ gallery, and will seat comfortably about a hundred people. The plans were prepared by Mr. Henderson, architect, of Auckland, and kindly presented to the committee. The building cost £210. Mr. Keyes, of Auckland, was the contractor. The church may be said to be clear of debt, only a balance of £12 14s 9d remaining, and that will be almost covered by several subscriptions that have yet to come in. Thames Star, Volume XII, Issue 3788, 17 February 1881, Page 2 Dancing- was one of the amusements at the soiree to celebrate the opening of the handsome Presbyterian Church at Kaukapakapa. The Rev. Messrs Bruce, Sommerville, and Smeaton were present. All Presbyterian parsons, therefore, cannot entertain the same scruples on the subject as the pastor of St. James Auckland.
Captain Acheson Thompson (Plot 175) who died just 2 years after the building of St Cuthbert's was instrumental in organising the construction. Gavin Brash Shanks (Plot 51) enlisted his brother the Rev William Speirs Shanks of Maryhill Church Glasgow, to help contribute funds and ideas.
The Big Red Bridge South Crescent on Skyline at upper left where Drinnan's Store Bridge Hotel, School and Hall and Methodist Church were situated
Some time in the late 1860's a bridge was constructed across the Kaukapakapa River. This comprised a wooden structure which was just wide enough to take one vehicle. It was referred to as the Big Red Bridge and was located not far from where the current bridge is situated near the intersection at Kahikatea Flat Road, State 64
Highway 16 and South Avenue. At that time South Avenue was an extension at what is now called Peak Road and the bridge was a continuation of South Avenue.
Kaukapakapa settlement was divided. On the south side of the river was Drinnan’s Hotel and store which had its supplies brought in by bullock team from Riverhead, and on the north side Frank Dye’s store which received its supplies by boat. Frank Dye also ran the butchery, a gum store and the post office while acting as a Justice of the Peace, a timber merchant, and organist at both churches. In 1872 a small building was erected and in 1873 school began with 17 first-day pupils, this building acted as public hall, library and classroom and was on the Northern side of South Cresc ( now in the corner with SH 16 diagonally opposite the Anglican-Methodist Church )
1880 NEW SCHOOL ROOM New Zealand Herald, Volume XVII, Issue 5945, 6 December 1880, Page 2 A most entertaining and successful gathering took place at Kaukapakapa, on November 11. in the new schoolroom, (On the present site. ) on the occasion of the annual flower show. The show was held in connection with and for the benefit of the school. The whole of the arrangements were under the management of Mr. W. Murray, head master, who deserves great credit for the way in which all the arrangements were carried out. The exhibits were not confined entirely to the children attending school, the first and second classes being for allcomers. The school-room was very tastefully decorated for the occasion by Dr. Stewart. After the judges had finished, and the names of the successful competitors, together with the awards, were affixed to the exhibits, the whole were arranged with a view to display for the evening's entertainment.
The unveiling of the memorial in the school grounds occurred in 1922. This was built in memory of those who served in the First World War. Funds were raised and volunteers were organised to work on the school swimming pool in 1952. "Water Diviners prophesied that water would be found at 210,feet, but they were wrong. Fortunately for the school and especially for Ken Tanner. who said to keep drilling, o good supply was found at 56O feet“ Ken Tanner was president of the PTA while the baths were made. Page 50 red book}. Later this swimming pool was extended. The school has gradually grown in size this has recently culminated in the removal of some of the prefabricated class rooms and the construction at a new two storey class room block with 6 new class rooms in 2010. A large netball and court area was created at the same time. This new concrete area has partially encroached onto the fields, making the small playing field area even smaller. The school is currently in the process of preparing a Master plan for the school grounds with the intention of gradually implementing work to the outdoor area over the next 10 years.
In 1883 a "Band of Hope” was started in the District with a membership of 40. {Page 23 red book} This appears as if it was the equivalent of KARRA of today. They held meetings monthly, and each member contributed 2d. Per month to defray expenses. In August 1883 the following excerpt carne from the minutes of one of their meetings — “The roads are in a frightful state, all through the District. I don‘t think we have gained much by the County Council taking aver the roads for the main road through here was never in such a state before. We would like to see a few of the County Councillors stuck in the mud between Mr. M. C. Henley (Plot 173C) : gate and Mr F. Dye's Store (Plot 164C) . But I suppose we must live in hope, for there is talk of introducing some Mt. Albert scoria to our roads some time in the far future."( from page 24 of the red book} ‘Planting fruit trees seems to have been the order of the day lately; to judge by the large quantities of trees that have been imported into this district, besides the goodly quantity produced by our local nursery. This District seems very suitable for fruit growing. Most of the orchards that were planted a few years ago are paying very well now, and as it is not well to put all one's eggs into one basket, the settlers here will find it much to their interest to grow fruit for market, as well as rearing cattle at the miserable price they fetch nowadays. Some excellent oranges have been grown here this season some of which turned the scale at three quarters of a pound.” [from page 24 of the red book} ‘The timber business, so lively here in the summer; seems pretty much at a standstill at present. The ring of the axe can he heard occasionally
The Railway Railway to KKK New Zealand Herald, Volume XVII, Issue 5776, 22 May 1880, Page 4 Yesterday, Messrs. Curtis, Pearce, Wright,, and Clark, members of the Railway Commission, left Auckland by train for Waikomiti, the present terminus of the Auckland section of the Kaipara Railway. Here they took coach to Riverhead, and then started by rail for Helensville. After partaking of refreshments, the party got horses, and accompanied by Mr. Isaac McLeod, as guide, rode out to Kaukapakapa a distance of seven miles, in. order to see the country over which, the proposed line of railway would have to be taken. The Kaukapakapa settlers have arranged .to furnish statistics relative to the amount of timber traffic which would accrue from opening up that district by a. branch railway. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXIII, Issue 7574, 2 March 1886, Page 4 A railway through the North would probably be one of the most paying lines in the colony. A branch ought to be made from coming through the county of Waitemata to the northern shore of the Auckland harbour. Then we Kaukapakapa, ought to have connection from the Central Railway to the East and West Coast.' All of these lines would pass through splendid country. Yet Sir Julius Vogel would postpone them all to the East and West Coast Canterbury line, Auckland Star, Volume XVII, Issue 152, 1 July 1886, Page 2
A public meeting held on Friday night at Kaukapakapa to consider the North Auckland Railway question agreed to the following resolutions: —(1) "That, this meeting greatly regrets the determination of the Government to reduce or in any way postpone the expenditure of £70,000 on the as immediate extension of this line." (2) "That as no engineering or other difficulty necessitating delay can be met with in the first section of 10 miles, a working survey could easily be made within three months." (3) That the number of unemployed makes this a most desirable time to let contracts and keep men in the colony Otago Daily Times , Issue 7716, 10 November 1886, Page 3 Steps are being taken to proceed with the survey of the extension of the Kaipara railway from Helensville to Kaukapakapa, much to the satisfaction of the northern settlers in that district, who have been desirous of participating in the benefits of the railway system for which they are taxed Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XXIX, Issue 2220, 6 December 1887, Page 2 PUBLIC WORKS STATEMENT. So far as can be ascertained regarding the Public Works Statement, there will be some further railway formation at the Rotorua end, and Thames Valley Railway, and extension of north of Auckland Railway into Kaukapakapa. It is expected by the northern members that tenders will be invited for this extension in two or three weeks' time. They count certainly on £15,000, but hope that a vote will be made of £25.000. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 8965, 1 February 1888, Page 4 Tenders have been recently called for construction of the Kaukapakapa sec the Helensville northwards railway some 7¾ miles in length, and is attracting a good deal of attention from contractors owing to the dearth of public works. The line is said to be light class work, easy country, and comparatively level. The contract is for formation and permanent way. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9042, 1 May 1888, Page 4
he Kaipara contract for formation of first four and a-half miles from Helensville station is about completed, and the formation of the Kaukapakapa section of three and a-half miles is in progress, and preparations being made for the permanent way of the whole, including the Kaipara section. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9309, 12 March 1889, Page 4 The erection of the railway station buildings at Kaukapakapa is being pushed on by Mr. Larkins, the contractor. Operations were commenced about a fortnight ago. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9351, 30 April 1889, Page 4 in our advertising columns. The first notifies that on and after Sunday, 28th April, the Kaipara; branch Sunday train from Auckland will not run beyond Waikomiti; it will reach Waikomiti at three p.m.,, and return from that station for Auckland at a quarter to five p.m. The times at intermediate stations will not be altered The second Informs the public that on Friday next the line between Helensville and: Kaukapakapa will be opened for: traffic, and that trains will run three days a week, namely, on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. The line between Kaukapakapa and Kanohi will be worked for goods traffic (only) in suitable quantities and by special arrangement. Rail comes to Kaukapakapa finally Auckland Star, Volume XX, Issue 83, 8 April 1889, Page 2 The cessation of the railway works at Kaukapakapa has inspired the pen of a Kaukapakapa correspondent as follows The stirring life of the past twelve months is gone, and save for the mark left by the busy workers, of bridge and rail, and road, one might fancy the sudden influx of population a dream. The work done, however, is no fantasy, but a good, solid, well-built reality."
Kaukapakapa Railway Station
This is a flood from 1971 Flood 1889 New Zealand Herald, Volume XXX, Issue 9414, 11 July 1889, Page 4 Our Kaukapakapa correspondent writes: —"Very heavy rains fell here last week, and on Thursday night and Friday morning the river rose higher than it has done for twelve years. A great portion of the main road through the district was under water, and all round Mr. Dye's store was an unbroken sheet of water from two to three feet deep. Two or three inches higher and it would have been in the store. Mr. Dye's people were up all night, and had all the goods lifted from the floor. I am glad to say that no serious damage has been done. All the bridges and culverts on the roads in the district have stood remarkably well. A few bridges belonging to private parties have been washed from their positions, but nothing very serious. On the railway, however, the damage 71
has been much greater. A heavy slip has occurred in the cutting at Pukanui Station, completely burying the line in a soft sticky mass for two or three chains. A large number of men are at work removing the obstruction, and I believe the train will be able to run to Kaukapakapa again soon. North of Kaukapakapa Station there are several heavy slips opposite Mr. Morrison's property, and part of the line displaced. At this same place there was a heavy slip about a fortnight ago, and which had just been cleared away when the rains of last week undid the whole of the work hat had been done. Beyond this point, where the line crosses a swamp, a considerable quantity of the ballast has been washed away. It is estimated that it will cost £100 to put the line in order again. It is most unfortunate for the contractors, Messrs. Wilkie and Wilson. Their three months' time for keeping the line in repair was up on Tuesday last, and they had almost all the damage done by the former rains cleared up when the downpour of last week made things worse than ever. The Messrs. Wilkie and Wilson were very much respected here, and great sympathy is felt for them.
The NEW HALL PROPOSAL FOR A NEW HALL ( Another problem for the divided district) New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9224, 29 November 1888, Page 3 KAUKAPAKAPA A PUBLIC meeting of the residents of the district took place in the hall on Tuesday evening last. The attendance was large. Mr. M. C. Henley presided. Mr. Henley explained the business, of the meeting, namely, to -consider a proposal to erect a new hall, 60 feet by :30 feet, and to utilise the old building as a platform, ante-rooms, and supper-room, according to plans laid on the table. He called upon Mr. John Sinclair to propose the first resolution, which he did as follows First, That a building 60 feet by 30 feet, as shown on plan, be erected. Seconded by Mr. W. Drinnan, and carried by a show of hands, only three dissenting. Second (proposed by Mr. James Drinnan, seconded by Mr. Joseph Simcock, junior), That all subscribers to the amount of £5 and upwards be a Building Committee." Carried. Third (proposed by Mr. Joseph Simcock, senior, and seconded by Mr. Henry Marks), "That, should the subscriptions fall short of the cost, sufficient money be borrowed on the land and building to carry out the work as proposed in the plan." Carried. The Chairman stated that this was merely a preliminary meeting, and that it would be necessary to convene another public meeting of the residents on Tuesday next to confirm the resolutions just passed, and he gave notice that such public meeting would be held in the hall for that purpose. Messrs. W. Lee, Dye, Shanks, and Hutchinson spoke against the proposal to build on the present site, stating that in their opinion a new site nearer the railway station should be chosen. The Chairman said as far as he could judge there would never be an unanimous vote on the question of site, but if those who were so much interested in getting a hall near the railway station would show by the meeting to be held on Tuesday next, by subscriptions, that they could and would build a hall, then he would be inclined to desist from the present proposal. The new building, which is not to be lined at present, is estimated roughly to cost about £180. A subscription list was opened, and £40 was subscribed in the room by six people. A vote of thanks to the chairman terminated the proceedings. A very successful concert took place in the school on Friday evening last, in aid of the funds of the Sunday-school—Captain Dawson, superintendent, in the chair. There was an excellent programme on the occasion. Miss Rimmer, of Helensville, and Miss Lewis, of this place, together with the local talent, contributed to a most enjoyable evening. The chairman thanked all who had come forward so freely to help him. On behalf of the Sunday-school children, Mr. Dye proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Dawson for the warm interest he has always taken in the Sunday-school, which was carried by rounds of applause. God Save the Queen brought a very pleasant evening to a close. The sum of £9 was taken at the door.—[Own Correspondent, November 19.] New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9227, 3 December 1888, Page 4
A public meeting of the residents of Kaukapakapa took place in the hall on Tuesday evening for the purpose of confirming, or otherwise, the resolutions passed at a meeting held on November 13. There was a large gathering on the occasion, and the keenest interest was taken in the proceedings. On the motion of Mr. R. Sinclair, seconded by Mr. Marks, Mr. M. C. Henley was voted to the chair. He briefly explained the business of the meeting. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. R. Sinclair suggested that, before proceeding to put the resolutions, the meeting should hear what the other side had to say. He understood that they had made up their minds to some definite action, and, if the meeting heard their proposals, there might be no necessity to put the resolutions at all. Messrs. Rapson, Dawson, and others spoke in favour of this, which, after some discussion, was adopted Mr. Hutchinson, who was chief spokesman for those living in the northern part of the district, said he would be extremely sorry to see two halls erected in the district, and he hoped the proposal he had to make would meet the views of the other side, so that the district could agree upon one spot, and erect one good hall as near the centre of the district as possible. His proposal was this He and those with him thought the Black Bridge the centre of the district, and they were prepared to come to that point; and, if this was agreed to, he and his party would subscribe ÂŁ100 toward building one good hall. Messrs. Dye and Dawson supported Mr. Hutchinson. Mr. J. Sinclair said that he and a large number on the south side thought that the point where the Wainui Road intersects the Main West Coast Road was the centre. He had prepared a list of all the dwellings in the district, which showed that there were rather more on the south and east of this point than there were on the north and west of the same. This list was severely scrutinised by the meeting, and some alterations were made which did not materially affect the point contended for. After a warm discussion, which lasted nearly two hours, each side maintaining their ground with a firmness and persistency which seemed at one time as if it would end in division, it was suggested that, as there was only fifteen chains of debatable ground, we should each come half way, and join hands. Mr. Hutchinson stepped into the middle of the floor, and said the suggestion was a fair one, and he was willing to adopt it. This met with rounds of applause from both sides, and, when put to the meeting, there were only two who dissented from it. Mr. Henley said that before he could give an answer as to whether he could give a site at the point agreed on, he would have to consult his brother in Wellington. This would take a week or ten days. It was arranged to hold another meeting on Saturday, December 1. The resolutions of the previous meeting, therefore, lapsed. The utmost decorum and good feeling characterised the proceedings through-out. A hearty vote of thanks to the chairman terminated the meeting. Mr Henley did donate the land which was on the highway halfway between Stoney Creek Rd and Dyes Bridge. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVI, Issue 9421, 19 July 1889, Page 3
OPENING THE NEW KAUKAPAKAPA HALL. The great event of the week, or, I may say, the mouth, was the opening of the new Public Hall on Friday evening last, with a grand concert and ball. Up to the very day of opening circumstances did not give much promise of success as far as numbers go. It rained every day, and night too, the whole week, and on Thursday evening there were heavy thunderstorms as well, making the whole place look as miserable as it could well be, and turning the roads into extended streaks of mud ankle deep. Friday, however, gave signs of .improvement, but there was still the uncertainty as to whether the train would run to Kaukapakapa that evening. This part of the line has been blocked for nearly three weeks. Mr. Coom came up over the line to see if traffic could be resumed on Friday. About 2 p.m. we learned that he had wired to Auckland that the line was clear, but it was not until after 4 o'clock that we knew for certain that the train would run to Kaukapakapa. This welcome news, together with a glorious afternoon, terminating in a clear frosty night, set the minds of those interested at rest. I am glad to say that the whole affair was a decided success, both as regards numbers and performance, and likewise financially. Of course it would have been a greater success had the weather been fine for a few days previous, and had it been known for certain that the train would run. Mr. Dye had charge of the musical part, and deserves great praise for the able manner in which all the arrangements were carried out. He was ably assisted by Miss Lewis, of this place, and other local talent, also by Miss Rimmer, of Helensville. 73
THE CONCERT. The proceedings were commenced by Mr. Robert Sinclair taking the chair at halt-past 8. After a short address, the following programme was gone through with great spirit: —Glee, Dame Durden," by Mr. Dye and company, was very well received; duet, "We are Fairies of the Sea," Mrs. Goodwin add Miss Lewis, was very well sung, and received applause; song; What Could it Mean !" Miss J. Simcock, was received with applause; song, "Yesterday," by Mrs. Osbaldiston, was sung in good taste, and got loud applause. This was followed by another song, "Waiting," by Miss Lewis, rendered in splendid style, and well deserved the loud applause it received. Next came a duet by Miss Sinclair and Miss Haszard, What are the Wild Waves Saying?" sung in good taste and well received; then followed a Scottish reading by Mr. Murray, "Boating at Gourock," which was given in that gentleman's usual happy style, and created much laughter. The song, "The Unfortunate Man," by Mr. Dye, in character, was done to the life, and fairly brought down the house with " encore." Mr. Dye responded by an extra, verse of his own composing. Song, "The Goat Bells," by Miss Haszard, was sung in excellent style, and received loud applause. Next came the song, "The Blind Girl to Her Harp," by Miss Sinclair, sung with good taste and feeling, and very well received; then followed Miss Rimmer with the song, "Gates of the West," which was encored, Miss Rimmer responding with "The Broken Pitcher". Both songs were excellently rendered. The duet, "Money Matters," by Miss Lewis and Mr. Dye, was simply perfect, and received loud and prolonged applause, and calls of " encore," Song, "A place in Thy Memory". Dearest," by Mrs. Goodwin, was rendered with good taste and feeling, and was well received. Then came the dialogue, Who's the Mother?" by Mr. George Dye and Mr. T. Marks, in character. This is the first time these young men have contributed publicly to our amusement. They deserve credit for their spirited get up, and their rendering of the piece, I hope I shall often in future have the pleasure of recording their names amongst those who provide amusement for us. They were well received. The next was a song by Miss Rimmer, " Let Me Dream Again," rendered in good style, and received with loud applause. Glee, "With Fair Ceres," from "Norma," by Mr. Dye and Co. This was excellently sung, and received much applause. This was the programme, which occupied about two hours. Votes of thanks having been passed, God Save the Queen concluded this part of the proceedings. THE DANCE. The hall was then cleared, and dancing commenced at eleven o'clock. At twelve refreshments of tea and coffee, with abundance of excellent sandwiches and cakes of all kinds, were handed round until everyone was satisfied. Dancing was again resumed, and kept up till five o'clock, just allowing time for the Helensvillans to return to their homes by the six a.m. train. Hot coffee and tea and sandwiches could be had without limit all through the night by everyone. THE BUILDING. The hall is oblong, 72 feet x 30 feet; the walls are 16 feet, with-an alcove of 4 feet, thus giving 20 feet from floor to ceiling. The stage, on which are two dressing-rooms and a. passage, takes up 12 feet of the length of the building, leaving a floor space of 60 x 30 feet. It is lighted by ten windows, 8 feet high by 3 feet, four on each side, and .two .in the front gable. At night four Rochester lamps, swung from the roof, provide ample light in every corner. There is also excellent provision made for ventilation.. For our ordinary gatherings the hall will be large enough for many years to come, but for some of our annual gatherings, such as the flower show, it will not be a bit too large. On Friday evening it was comfortably filled. Had the same occasion happened in the summer time, it Would have been crowded. About £l8 was taken at the door, but as there are a great many expenses incidental to the first opening, that sum will be reduced to about one half. If the result in money be not so great, it is great satisfaction for. those who have taken an active interest in the affair from the beginning to know that the opening was a success, and that all those who came went home pleased with their evening's enjoyment.—-[Own Correspondent, July 15.]
Observer, Volume 9, Issue 552, 27 July 1889, Page 8 A very successful ball was held in Kaukapakapa on Friday evening, the 12th, the occasion being the opening of the new hall. There were large numbers of visitors present, who all seemed to enjoy themselves. The music was supplied by Messrs Cheriton and Osbaldiston, and was all that could be desired, while Mr Dye made an efficient M.C. The most noticeable dresses worn were Miss Dye, white Indian muslin blue trimmings Miss Ranum, pale blue oatmeal cloth Miss Smith, white with pink body Miss Goodwin, white and pink trimmings Miss Kelly, white muslin, blue sash Miss J. Shanks, cream skirt blue body Miss Clark, white dress tartan sash Miss Laurie, pink satin, Miss Simcock, looked charming in pale pink; Miss Sinclair, pale blue Miss Lewis, black costume Miss Rimmer, black velvet Miss Bright, black velvet Miss McLeod, blue skirt, black velvet body Miss Wedge, white dress Mrs Goodwin,, grey silk Mrs Osbaldiston, olive green, pink trimmings Mrs Dye, pretty white Indian muslin cardinal plush trimmings; Mrs Caddy, navy blue Mrs Elvin, blue sateen Mrs R. Drinnan, white dress Mrs Murray, grey costume. The honour of belle was divided between Miss Ranum, Miss Dye, and Miss Kelly of Auckland. In 1954 a pillared porch and an extension to the south side of the hall were added as a memorial to local servicemen who had served in World War ll. The Roll of Honour were inscribed on a marble tablet and set in the pillars at the entrance. In 1998 the hall was moved to its current location adjacent to the school. This was due to the fact that the land surrounding its old location was flood prone and there was inadequate car parking facilities and little room for expansion of parking in the original location. Some members of the community instigated the Council purchase of the Kaukapakapa Reserve and the school assisted in the move of the hall so that they also could make better use of it.
The Kaukapakapa Hall was built in 1890 by Mr-Ashton after he'd built Henley House. The Hall was built in the flood prone area because Kaukapakapa used to think of itself as two parts -north and south — and both wanted to have the Hall on their side. Since no agreement could be reached, they put it in the middle of north and south Kaukapakapa. Silent movies were played in the Hall and Mrs O. E. Jordan sometimes played music to them. A generator which powered the projector was belt driven by a car - either a Model T or Model A. by being jacked up and belt driven off one back wheel. The projector room was suspended above the present stage and was approximately 2.4m x 5m (8ft x 10ft) and was lined with flat galvanised iron. This was probably for fire protection. The film was projected through the doors above the stage and onto a screen at the Hall entrance end. As a War Memorial project in the mid l950’s, the residents of the district made additions and improvements to the Hall. These included an entrance Foyer, changing rooms with flush toilets, a new kitchen and an extension to the body of the Hall. Previously, the ladies‘ chemical toilet was attached to their changing room which was to one side of the stage. The men’s toilet was outside and access was by external stairs at the back of the stage. We think it was of a 'dunny' type. The general impression is that floor has been replaced twice. The first time was in 1956 when the floor was raised 300mm (1ft) The next replacement was after the great floods in the late 1950's. After this it was realised that when flood waters were approaching opening the doors would allow equal pressure, and prevent bowing of the floor. Because of the timber structure of the roof, it is likely the roof was originally shingles. The present long run galvanised iron was put on sometime in the late 196O’s. It was hand- painted with two coats, by two people, after being rubbed down with a turps cloth. It took two weeks, taking breaks from the weather. It was done around winter time. To walk on the root‘ they used ‘duck boards’. The present coat of paint was put on with an air gun and only one coat gave a good cover. It was done in about one and a half hours, also by two people, one on the gun, while the other controlled an abseiling rope from a cherry picket. In 1992 the Hall had become almost derelict through a transition of the area from a traditional farming district to 4ha (10 acre) lifestyle blocks. Better road and transport made it easier to go further For entertainment. The Rodney Council were threatening to close Community Halls that weren’t sufficiently used to justify the necessary upgrading. But after two large public meetings, it was clear the community wanted to retain the Hall and was prepared to put in the effort required to do so. As a result, the Hall was brought back to a sound condition, with upgraded amenities. However because of the rapid increasing traffic density, roadside parking was coming more and more dangerous. The Rodney Council were persuaded that off road parking was justified. Money was allocated for the purchase of land, and design work for a carpark commenced.
But while the land purchase was being negotiated, a photograph appeared in the NZ Herald, showing the Hall surrounded by flood water. Seeing this, members of the Rural and Township Committee decided that further expenditure was not justified and directed that an alternative site be sought. This led, after much hard work, to the Hall being relocated onto its present site beside the school, in the early hours of the morning of 6 May, 1999At this point it should be acknowledged that without the effort of Mr. Alan ]ordan, (Plot 236) the Hall might not have been shifted, especially when the cost of shifting escalated. The Council were starting to wonder if shifting was feasible. Mr. Jordan spent many hours dealing with the Rodney Council, the Hall Committee, Mr. Peter Dye from whom the land was purchased from and the Principal of Kaukapakapa School, Mr Tony Westrupp. “The driving force which kept us going was the aim of making it accessible to the school, so they could use it on a day to day basis. The school had plans to build its own Hall and this was the only chance to help both the school and the community," said Mr. Jordan. Mr Osborne’s Recollections of the Hall From Kaukapakapa Through the Children's eyes 1917-1982 (Kaukapakapa 125th Jubilee )
I was a building contractor at the time.. The hall committee asked me ii I would undertake alteration on the hall in a more or less supervising capacity. Broadly speaking, the committee would pay the two carpenters I employed, but any work I did would be on a voluntary basis, as my own contribution. I agreed to do this providing Owen Jordon (Plot 221 ) took the responsibility of having the voluntary labour there on the job, which he did. Most of the force were Kaukapakapa farmers and had an all round knowledge of how things were done or should be done, and were good keen men and said so as well. The construction part of the work was all plain sailing with the more skilled men doing the cutting out and plenty of hammer hands to do the nailing up. Handling the men was no problem because Owen knew them all pretty well and how they got on or didn't get on together. He would work out his daily labour force on that basis. To my knowledge we never had a carpenters’ union man on the job maybe because we had an undercover arrangement that when they came on the job the boss wasn't there. The construction part was well on the way when some ladies turned up on the job to check it out. I was approached by Mrs Violet Osbaldiston (Plot 201 ). Owen had told her to see me. "Where are you starting the stage" she asked? “Oh! I said “Is this something to do with the stage?" “It is!" she said “The Women's Division have made and sold things for years to pay for this stage." “Don't you like the depth of it?" I said 77
She measured off 7 inches or so. "There, that's to come off”, she said and added that the proscenium (surround) of the stage up to the ceiling had to be shifted back as well. “Have you got the paint to do the job yet"? “No." "Don't put it on until we pass the colour either", she said Owen Jordan was discreetly smiling from the discussion. When the danger of her presence had disappeared we discussed the paint job and decided to get it so we'd have a job for wet days. It arrived, so did a rainy day, and we put on a second coat. We thought it looked good, until the ladies saw it and turned it down. “Miles too dark. That's not the colour we picked", they said. We all agreed. “We'll give you a call when we have got the right colour." It rained again and the labour were there to paint. What to do? Bang another coat on, so on it went. But we did have a plan. We'll meet them at the door and assure them they were right the first time, it was too dark, but you'll love this lighter shade when you see it", we all said. Sure enough they did and said so! Beauty is said to be in the eye of the beholder and of course this incident proved it. We weren't short of painters provided you didn't require them for a scaffold. The ceiling of the hall is pretty well up. We made a gantry scaffold with wheels on two of the legs. Now! Who would get up there? “Not me" said one and all. We had it already for the next day and when we got to work, here was Owen Jordan (Plot 221) and he had Parkinsons disease at that stage. He was up there slapping it on. The paint was kept well mixed with his shaking a lot. So far most of what has been said, concerns the men folk and not much about the local women, so I'll put a little time now on the fair sex. We had just come through five to six years of war, and the women not physically involved in the Services had organised themselves into groups to sew, knit, cook etc, and as well as make up food parcels, pack them securely and send them off. Seeing that the work on hall included memorial pillars at the front entrance these enthusiastic women did their bit towards the whole hall project. Many of them were from pioneer stock, not afraid of hard work, and born innovators as well. The lady (Mrs Bell Henley Plot 26A) who lived across the road in the two-storeyed house was the caretaker for the hall at that time and she took the job very, very seriously. She was there part of every day keeping stock of hall property. She was very proud of the twelve tables that the hall had possessed at the time, which was both a good thing and a bad thing, because we had to account for them daily. There came the time when the committee planned for an opening service. Owen Jordan rang me late one night and told me he had forgotten that we had to have a hall sign made, painted and ready to send off to a sign marker on the transport truck to Auckland the next morning. This of course meant I would have to go down to the hall and make it. This was unexpected but there was no way out, so I went down to do it. There wasn't much durable dressed timber there at this stage of the job, but by chance my eyes spotted the kauri tables. They were the right size, durable timber and already made. I was tired (remember!), so I took the legs off painted them, and put them out in front ready for the trip to town. I came home and before going to bed rang Owen. “Owen, the sign board for the hall is all done and painted and I've put it up on the front of the hall" I said. The Opening Service came and went without a hitch, that is until the next day. My phone rang, a voice enquired, “Are you going down to the hall today?" “Yes I'll come if you need me" I replied. "Can you come at 10.30?" she asked “Yes I'll see you there" We met and went inside. “I've counted the tables, and one is missing. You count them", she said I did and she was right, of course, one was missing “Where is it?" she said “l know for sure, they are all at the hall”, I replied. So we counted them again and there were only eleven tables. “One is missing", she kept saying . "No, its not", I replied “They are all here at the hall 78
“Where is it then?" We walked outside to the centre of the road and turned and looked at the hall, and I pointed to the new sign. “There it is!" I think she was overcome by emotion, because she couldn't speak for a time. That’s not an unusual reaction in those who feel things as our pioneering for-bears did. This is an honest report of things that I recall as they happened during the restoration of the Kaukapakapa Hall as a memorial to Service men and women from this and surrounding districts.
Morris Henley was a classical scholar with a degree from Wesley College, Sheffield, and shared his love of books with the early Kaukapakapa settlers, running a library from his own home from 1865, before the district library opened .
New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 467, 12 May 1865, Page 5 PUBLIC LTBRARY FOR KAUKAPAKAPA A MEETING -was held on the 1st instant, at Mr Bonar's, Tarawaparore, for the purpose of endeavouring to establish a. Public Library in this district. Mr. M. HENLEY having been requested to act as Chairman, stated that everything required a beginning and that although the settlers were not as yet numerous, they were increasing and flourishing, and much required some food for the mind, after the labours of the day; many of the settlers desired that a Library of instructive books might be bought for the general use of the district. He would not at present say more, but would call on Mr. Bonar to propose the first resolution. 1st. Mr. BONAR proposed that a subscription list be opened to receive the names of those willing to become members, and that the entrance- fee for such should not be under 10s. Carried. 2nd. Mr MURRAY proposed that in order to insist in the purchase of books, a quarterly subscription of 2s. 6d. should be paid by each member. Carried. 3rd. Mr. Bonar proposed that all books having an immoral or infidel tendency be excluded from this Library. Carried. 4th. MR WALFORD proposed that as soon as a sufficient subscription is collected, a meeting to be held of the whole members, when each member would have the privilege of proposing books to the amount of his subscription the meeting to have the power of rejecting any books of such tendency as mentioned in third resolution. 5th. Proposed by Mr. T. BONAR that any member not being able to attend, can in writing, propose books at the general meeting. 80
Mr. HENLEY was appointed Librarian and secretary, and Mr. GAVIN SHANKS, Treasurer. The thanks of the meeting were then tendered to Mr. Henley for his offer of a room for library purposes, for the active part he has taken in promoting the movement, and for his dignified, conduct, in. the chair.
Kaukapakapa Library [From Kaukapakapa Through the Children's eyes 1917-1982 (Kaukapakapa 125th Jubilee ) ] A settlers' Library was first established by Mr. Morris Henley in his home in 1865 After the erection in 1873 of a building (30ft x 18ft) chiefly for use as a school, this was also soon in use as the Kaukapakapa Public Hall. In 1874 the Library became the Kaukapakapa Public Library and the books were moved to this new building, which was situated in the vicinity of where Peak Road now meets the main Highway. Mr. W. Goodwin was the first Librarian. At the Annual Meeting of the Library members on 29 January 1878, Mr. G. W. Murray (Plot 36A) (who was then the headmaster of the School) was appointed Librarian so that members of the Library would be able to change their books during the day. Mr. Murray agreed that his duties would include attendance at the Library on Tuesdays and Fridays between the hours of mid-day and 1 p.m. On 26 July 1879 the Library became Incorporated under the Public Libraries Powers Act of 1875. In 1879 an acre of land was bought by the Education Board where the current school stands. Before the end of the year, a school had been built by the Education Board and the Kaukapakapa School had moved to its present site. The Annual meetings of the Library for 1880 and 1881 were both still held in the Hall, but from 1882 onwards, all Library meetings were held at the School. Mr Murray (Plot 36A) continued as Librarian all the way through to I905. In 1907 negotiations were begun with the Board of Education in Auckland so that a small building could be placed on the school grounds to act exclusively as a Library. Tenders were eventually called for, and in 1910 the winning one was that submitted by John J. Sinclair (Plot 37) for the sum of sixty-five pounds, twelve shillings and six pence. The new Library was duly built in 1911. Electric light was installed in it in 1932. In 1961 the Library Committee was asked to move the Library from its site near the flagpole. This area was needed for a new classroom, and the Library was shifted to a position on the road edge of the football paddock. In 1967 the Committee was asked to move the Library yet again because of the development of the new school playing field. This time Mr Harry Dye (Plot 232) made a site available on a section of his farm and the Library was moved across the road to a position opposite the main school buildings. The Library has recently made yet another move, and now nestles close to the re-positioned Kaukapakapa Hall on its new site next to the school playing field. Compiled by Louise Michaux, Kaukapakapa 1.8. 99 Sources: Kaukapakapa across the Years 1860-1956 — T G Stevens Minute Book of the Kaukapakapa Public Library No I - 1874 - 1960 Minute Book of the Kaukapakapa Public Library No 2 - 1961 -1990 Papers and correspondence, Kaukapakapa Public Library archives.
Gradually as the land was cleared farms with dairy cows and sheep were developed. The arrival of rail in 1889, and the establishment of a creamery in 1902 alongside the railway station gave the dairy industry a great fillip.
Notorious for badly formed roads which connected the town to Riverhead, Tauhoa and Helensville by the early 1880s, they were of poor quality, and most access was by the river.
ROADING Roading was always in contention. New Zealand Herald, Volume XVII, Issue 5756, 29 April 1880, Page 3
THE KAUKAPAKAPA ROAD DIFFICULTY. A public meeting was held in the hall on Saturday evening last, to consider what steps should be taken to get the road opened to the railway terminus at Helensville. The opening of this road has been the subject of agitation for the last four years. The continued delays have retarded the progress of this district very much, and at times have given rise to considerable bitterness of feeling towards the Government. The meeting was called by the chairman of the District Board, and at the hour appointed (7 p.m.) a large number of settlers assembled in the hall. Mr. G. B. Shanks, the chairman of the Board, was voted to the chair. In opening the meeting he said he had called the settlers together to see what could be done to open this road. The county of Waitemata was allotted its share of the ÂŁ65,000 vote for works in the North, and he thought this was a good time to take action. Be had no resolution to propose, but would leave it to the meeting to decide what was to be done. Mr. Rapson said that their representative in the Council (Mr. R. Sinclair) was present. He believed he had had an interview with the Hon. Mr. Whitaker on the subject, and they should hear what he had to say first. Mr. Sinclair said when the Minister of Works came to Auckland a number of his fellow settlers expressed themselves desirous that a deputation from the district should wait on Mr. Oliver, and urge the Government to open this road, and at last it was resolved that he (Mr. Sinclair) should go, in company with the county chairman (Mr. Waller), as a deputation, and lay the matter before the Minister of Works. But when he (Mr. Sinclair) got to Auckland he found it was Mr. Whitaker that he must apply to, and not the Minister for Works. Mr. Whitaker stated to the deputation that after providing for the maintenance of the Great North Road, there were other two roads he wished the Council to undertake the first of these was a branch road connecting the Riverhead road with the Great North Read about the Wade, in order that cattle from the North might be driven that way on to Auckland the other, he was glad to find, was our own road to the railway. (Cheers). Mr. Whitaker showed the deputation the plan of the road that he wished the Council to undertake. The plan is according to the survey made by the Public Works Department nearly two years ago. Mr. Sinclair pointed out that part of the road in question would pass through private property. He also produced a letter from the Public Works office, Wellington, dated 25th September last, to the chairman of the Waitemata Council, stating that "Instructions had been issued by the 82
Surveyor-General to lay down on the map of the colony the line of road Helensville to Kaukapakapa, and asked the Attorney-General if that process .would relieve the Council from compensation claims. Mr. Whitaker stated it would not. He (Mr. Whitaker) thought these claims should not be heavy, seeing the desire the settlers had for the road to be opened. This was the substance of what bad passed between the Attorney-General and the deputation in reference to this road. Mr. Sinclair further stated that we might give up all ideas about the present Government making this road. The Government expects the Council to do it, and to do it out of its share of the £65,000. Mr. Rapson said he was glad the result of the deputation had been so far satisfactory. He had had a conversation with Mr. Whitaker on the subject some time back, and what had been stated by Mr. Sinclair was what he (Mr. Rapson) also learned at that time. It was to the Council they must go, and demand that the road should be opened. It was absurd and unheard of that a road of such importance should be delayed as this has been for the last four years. Their mails had to be carried in sufferance over private property, through people's gardens and cultivations, three times a week, while they could not reach the railway without rendering themselves liable to an action for trespass, and he was credibly informed that several of the owners were going to close the road. He proposed, That Messrs. Dye, Murray, and Rapson be appointed to draw out a petition to the Council urging the necessity of this work being undertaken at once." He said there was no necessity for waiting until the spring. The bridges might be commenced at once, at least those over Hill's Creek and Pipitiwai Creek, where all the material could be floated on to the ground. The proposition was seconded by Mr. John Drinnan, and passed unanimously. Mr. Shanks thought the Council should be asked to expend a specific sum on the road. Mr. Sinclair said what he proposed was that the £500 voted for the road by a former Council should be refunded with another £1000 added, making in all £1500, which he thought would be sufficient to open the road, and after that it could be improved by time. It was unanimously agreed to name this sum in the petition. Mr. Hutchinson* proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Sinclair for the interest he had taken in trying to get this road opened, which was seconded, and passed amidst applause. Mr. Dye said that there were expenses connected with their trip to town, and as they were undertaken in the interest of the whole district, he thought it was hardly fair that gentlemen should give their time, and be made to pay their expenses too. He moved that Mr. Sinclair's actual expenses be paid out of the general rates. Several of those present were doubtful whether such expenses could legally be paid out of the rates, but were willing to subscribe to pay travelling expenses. In a very few minutes a sum was raised more than sufficient to pay Mr. Sinclair's expenses. Mr. Sinclair said he would propose that the same gentlemen who had been appointed to draw up the petition should communicate with the Minister for Public Works, re extension of railway to Kaukapakapa. A sum of £25,000 was put on the estimates for the extension of the railway to this district. It was retained on the estimates in the statement made by Mr. Macandrew before he left office. It is on the estimates of the present Government under the heading, KaiparaWaikato Railway and in the records of the House, it will be found that, in reply to a question by the Member for Rodney, the Minister for Works stated that "The Government intended to extend the Railway to Kaukapakapa. The reason given by Sir George Grey's Government for declining to undertake the road was because of their intention to extend the railway to this district. He thought, therefore, they had a right to ask the Government when the tenders were to be called for this extension. This proposition was seconded by Mr. William Lee, and passed unanimously. A vote of thanks to the Chairman concluded the meeting.—[Own Correspondent, April 26.]
About 1885 a timber tramway was constructed, running from the Kaukapakapa River up the Stony Creek Rd through a tunnel to the back of Mr Wm Hellyer's property. Horses were used to draw the trucks and on the down grades the team, having been taken off, the loaded train would go down under the conytrol of the brakes, the logs then being unloaded into the river.
In the late 1880’s roads became navigable when metal from Dawson's Quarry in Rapson’s Road was used to surface the major routes, although the roads were still mostly unmetalled in 1920.
New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9049, 9 May 1888, Page 6 KAUKAPAKAPA:-This little parish is uncommonly lively at the present time with railway works. Fulton's original contract, now being worked by Mr. F. Dye, is almost completed, and the contractors for the last section, Messrs. Wilkie and Wilson, are acting very wisely by sub-letting a great portion of the work, and the subcontractors, with the fine weather, are getting on well with their work, so that in all probability the Kaukapakapa folks will be able to travel right through to Auckland by train in twelve months from date. Kaukapakapa has been in luck's way of late. A splendid gravel quarry has been discovered on Phoenix Farm, the property of Captain Dawson. It was just the one things needed in Kaukapakapa, for not a yard of metal was known of in the place before. The consequence was that the roads in winter were bogs and quagmires, and almost impassable for vehicles. I am glad to say that this need not be the case any longer, as the owner of the gravel is willing to treat with the Road Boards and County Council on very liberal terms. The gravel is of such excellent quality that the Government have decided to allow the contractors to ballast the entire line from Helensville to Kaukapakapa with it. I am told the engineer pronounced it better than scoria ashes for that purpose. One good thing in connection with it is there seems to be millions of tons of it, and it is situated on a water level, and all the central roads are very easy to be got at. The railway contractors are busy preparing to lay down a tramway to the quarry .The weather has been very fine of late. We could do with a little more rain for the young grasses, as they have had rather a check of late by the frosty nights. Although the timber has been so low in price of late, the business has been very active. Five or six large teams of bullocks are constantly to be met on our roads. The wet weather, shortly to be expected, will undoubtedly put a stop to them.—[A Correspondent.] New Zealand Herald, Volume XXV, Issue 9181, 10 October 1888, Page 6 New Quarry.—Mr. W. Dawson wrote offering the Council any quantity of road metal from his new quarry at Kaukapakapa, the same as was now being used for ballasting the new extension of the railway at that settlement, at a royalty of 6d per yard. Mr. Sinclair brought with him a small lot as a sample for the Council's inspection. The Engineer reported it as being excellent in quality, and practically unlimited in quantity. It was resolved that the Engineer should report upon the probable cost of conveying the metal to Helensville, and along the main West Coast Road. Auckland Star, Volume XIX, Issue 260, 3 November 1888, Page 3 KAUKAPAKAPA QUARRY. —Mr Dawson wrote forwarding a sample of metal from his quarry at Kaukapakapa He offered it at 9d per yard royalty.—Cr. Sinclair said that he had twice been to see the contractor, but without success. The matter was therefore adjourned until next meeting,
KAUKAPAKAPA:-Two petitions are at present in course of signature in the district. One is to the General Manager of the Railway Department, Auckland, asking for facilities for loading cattle and sheep at the Kaukapakapa station. This is a very reasonable request, and should meet with favourable consideration from the department. At present there are no means of loading and unloading cattle, and they have to be driven to and from Helensville, a distance of seven miles. In the case of sheep, the roads are so bad for several months in the winter and early spring that it is impossible to drive them at all. The other petition is to the Chief Postmaster, Auckland, praying for the establishment of a money order office at Kaukapakapa and the opening of a branch of the Post-office Savings Bank. Both of these wants have been felt for some time, and now that the extension of the line is being proceeded with, the want of these conveniences is being felt more keenly. I am told that numbers of people come to the post-office expecting to be able to send money, and have to go away disappointed. It is earnestly hoped that the post-office authorities will grant the prayer of the petition.—Own Correspondent;]!
New Zealand Herald, Volume XXVIII, Issue 8634, 1 August 1891, Page 1
A TRIP ON THE WEST COAST ROAD. [BY EDWIN S. BROOKES, JUN.] Leaving Helensville early in the morning, as there was no train running that day to Kaukapakapa, it gave me sufficient time to take notice of any improvements that have been taking place during the past few years. The road may be considered an improvement to the track of olden times— that is, between Helensville and Kaukapakapa. The grades are fair, but it is, like most others at the present time, almost impassable through the recent wet weather. The railway was my chief object of inspection, and I found it a capital laid out line between those two townships, with almost a level track or easy gradients the whole of the way. About midway is the wharf, which has only a short time back been completed. To me it had all the appearance of a white elephant. Time alone will prove this, but what astonished me was to see such an elaborate piece of work with no switchoff from the line to the wharf, so as the railway could be brought into direct communication with it. This, after so large an outlay, is an oversight. Arriving at the valley township of Kaukapakapa, one is at once struck with its rural aspect and somewhat modern buildings, as there are an equal number of stores, churches, and hotels. Here the railway ends at present for traffic, but the line is finished for another mile or so beyond, to what is called the tunnel, where a large number of men are employed in completing the same. It was my intention to have visited the works, but, owing to the shortness of time and the anticipation of bad roads, it had to be abandoned. Still it is evident, as soon as this line taps the farming community at the Kaipara Flats and Hoteo, far different will have to be the arrangements made as to the running of the trains. Many may argue that a railway north is not needed. To this all I can say is that if the north of Auckland is to progress and compete with the south the railway will have to be pushed ahead. Having breakfasted at the Kaukapakapa Hotel, kept by Mr. Holmes, who has every convenience for travellers, I was soon in the saddle and proceeding on my journey. The weather cannot always be chosen for these expeditions, as Jupiter Pluvias was already threatening, and it was not long before the rain came down in torrents, when myself and horse had to get under the lee side of some tea-tree for shelter until it had somewhat subsided. When coming to the top of the range, about two miles on my journey on the West Coast Road from Kaukapakapa, there is a splendid view of the Kaipara Harbour and surrounding country to the east. In the immediate vicinity there is nothing but gum land, barren and useless, until coming to the Waitangi River, which distance no homesteads enliven the view. To make up for this, on the 86
right-hand side of the road, down by the river, is to be seen an old Maori pa called Waitangi. This, I learnt from a native I met, has been abandoned for about 200 years. The bop of it is covered with green grass; such a contrast to the sombre hue of the fern. About half a mile farther on I came to the Makarau River. This cannot be mistaken, as there, is a swing gate in the middle of the bridge. Having dismounted to open the gate, then, on passing through, I took a look up the river. There were a few dwellings to the right of the same, but no distant view can be obtained, although it is the largest river until reaching the Hoteo. At this time a native came up, so I asked him who the land belonged to on the left, which was mixed bush. He said it belonged to him. His name was Raki, a chief of the Ngatiawa tribe, and he said, he remembered me coming to Puatahi with William White in 1862. This road I have not been through until this trip, as I was now on my return journey, except as a native track which I have taken on several occasions in the early days of the Albertland settlement. After leaving the bridge, crossing what was once a mangrove swamp, commenced some thirty chains of gravel and metalled road, of which each side is bush land. It finishes on the top of the hill, and from this point quite a picturesque view is. obtained of the Makarau River, winding in its course in the valley below. From this point forward the grade is easier, so that a fast trot became indispensable, as a good distance had to be got over by dusk. I was not long before coming to the Kakanui River, where there is a native settlement. Most of this land belongs to a native named George King, and appears very good. The land runs from here for a short distance through fair soil, when it opens out again into kauri gumfields, which may always be told by their barren appearance. After passing the Ahipara River, it was not long before I arrived at Glorit, Mr. Gardener's estate, where there is drawing towards completion an accommodation house, which will be a half-way house between Port Albert and Kaukapakapa.
There is also an establishment here for tinning fish, flaxmill, &c, and, as the flat here is rather extensive, with a number of houses dotted over it, it has quite a thriving look with it. Some of the paddocks are well divided and securely fenced, with a number of acres under the plough. This place is about 15 miles from Kaukapakapa. After leaving the flat the laud becomes poor again, until arriving at the recently surveyed block of land near the native settlement of Puatahi. A number of these sections are taken up, and some good houses erected near the 87
road, showing a most industrious class of settlers, with their grass land and gardens fenced in. Close here commences, the first contract of which is now completed, the formation of a road towards the Hoteo River. It runs by the native settlement, through fifty chains of forest. The grade is easy, and undertaken by Inger Brothers. The following portion to the Hoteo Bridge is also now under weigh, really making the connecting link between the two portions of roads. Why such a work should have been so long delayed is one of those incomprehensible things of the past. Crossing the Hoteo, passing by Mr. Stevenson's farm, this portion running through the Chalmerston Settlement, for which tenders have been called to make the bad places passable at all states of the tide. Reaching Tauhoa, houses may be seen dotted all along the road, with flourishing farms well stocked; but on entering the Wharehine district there is a very indifferent road, which the settlers are endeavouring to persuade the Government to complete, and it is most likely they will be successful. From here on to Port Albert the road is in very fair condition. This road, when there is expended upon it another small grant, will open to all northern settlers one of the best driving roads to Auckland for cattle, and also a first-class summer road. Through the kindness of Mr. Kensington, of the Survey Department, I was enabled to ascertain that about £100 would complete it. Asking him whether this had been placed upon the estimates, he informed me it had not, and said it would be as well for me to write to the member about it. This course I followed, and received from our member (Mr R. Thompson) the intimation that it will not be his fault if it is not completed. One or two comments, in concluding, I would just like to make. The first is: Our Councils have been too indifferent about this road. In many portions of it the tea-tree is growing in some of the worst places to a great height on both sides of the road, leaving only a few feet wide for the roadway. Therefore it is- impossible for the sun to get to it and dry it up. A the width of half a chain along these places would make a vast difference, and the travelling public would be much benefited. Second, the absence of any useful timber was most apparent. We forgot that all this land is comparatively useless without Its. There must be fencing, firewood, &c. The leader in your valuable paper came none to soon—" The Preservation of our Forests." From my own knowledge of my own district there is hardly a stick of any value left— and mown down for export. These valuable trees, that have taken over 500 years to attain their prime, have been sold in many cases without any regard for the future, showing a reckless regard for our own wants. Are we at no distant date going to repurchase a much inferior. timber at an additional cost almost prohibitory to the farming community Hence it will be well to grapple with this problem before it is too late, and, as it is already initiated in other countries, we shall show our wisdom in following their example. New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXI, Issue 9411, 18 January 1894, Page 6 KAUKAPAKAPA The holidays are now over, and things run pretty much in their old grooves again. It is pleasing to be able to say that they have passed off pleasantly and without accident as far as this district is concerned. The bachelors gave their annual ball on Friday, the 12th, in the hall. The evening was fine, and there was a nice gathering. As usual, it was quite a success. Messrs. W. Drinnan and T. Naughton acted as M.C.'s. A concert, under Blue Ribbon auspices, took place in the hall on the 16th January, Captain Dawson in the chair. There was an: excellent programme, which was,. duly appreciated by those present. Amongst those who assisted were several who used to help at these monthly gatherings years ago, but who have now left the district and returned on holiday. We are having a nice spell of splendid harvest weather, and those having that work to I do are making the most of it. From what I can learn, the oaten crop will be rather light this season, but it will, have the advantage; of being saved in splendid condition. Most of it will be got in without getting a drop of rain, and I have not heard of any caterpillar this year.- -[Own Correspondent.]
The Creamery New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 11925, 28 March 1902, Page 3 KAUKAPAKAPA. THE Hafton estate has again changed hands during the past week. Mr. Clarke having sold out to Messrs. Savage and Brown at a considerable advance on his purchase about fifteen months ago. The establishment of a creamery in the district will enhance the value of all lands in the neighbourhood, and it is to be hoped that the efforts now being put forth in this direction will be successful. 1 am pleased to learn that the new purchasers) of Hafton are both family men, and that they have gone into possession at once. I wish them every success in their new undertaking.
Auckland Star, Volume XXXIII, Issue 146, 21 June 1902, Page 6 KAUKAPAKAPA A meeting of the Kaukapakapa branch of the Farmers' Union was held on the evening of the 18th instant. There was record attendance. Mr F. Dye, chairman of the branch, presided. The report of the sub-committee set up to gather information regarding the erection of a creamery was presented to the meeting. It showed that there were settlers willing to guarantee milk from 217 cows, and that were there communication rail opened daily to Ahuroa milk from 190 more cows might be relied on. The secretary was instructed to Write to Messrs Ambury and English offering a guarantee of £100 if they would erect a creamery at Kaukapakapa. The sum of £78 10/ was promised by those present; this shows that the settlers are in earnest over the matter, and will leave no stone unturned to make the creamery a success. The secretary, Mr G. W. Murray, was requested to write to the Minister of Railways urging the desirability of daily communication by train with_ the settlements immediately to the north of Kaukapakapa. Five new members joined.. Auckland Star, Volume XXXIII, Issue 174, 24 July 1902, Page 2 KAUKAPAKAPA A meeting of the Kaukapakapa branch. of the Farmers' Union was held in the hall on Monday night, the chief business being in connection with the creamery. Mr Dye presided. The secretary read correspondence from the Hon. the Minister for Railways, stating that the question of daily train communication with Ahuroa would be duly considered, and from Messrs Ambury and English erect a creamery. It was agreed mat the guarantors pay their donations to Messrs Dye and Murray, trustees appointed for that purpose, on or before Monday the 11th August, 1902. It is confidently expected that the opening of the creamery (some time in the spring) will bring i new era of prosperity to the (Correspondent.) New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12112, 4 November 1902, Page 7 KAUKAPAKAPA. A meeting of the Farmers' Union was held in the Public Hall on Saturday evening, Mr. F. Dye in the chair. Correspondence re creamery was read. Mr. Parr, solicitor, Auckland, wrote advising re £100 guarantee fund. Messrs. Ambury and English also wrote on the same subject, declining to take the £100 guarantee, and stating that they had confidence in the Kaukapakapa settlers, and believed they would do their utmost to make the creamery a success. Mr. Parr also wrote declining to make any charge, for his professional services. The following resolutions, were unanimously adopted:—-1. "That the settlers of Kaukapakapa offer their cordial thanks to Messrs. Ambury and English for the prompt and efficient manner in which they have carried out their agreement regarding the erection of a creamery in the district, and that the settlers pledge themselves to do all in their power to make the creamery a. success. They also wish to j express their appreciation of the courtesy and good feeling that, prompted Messrs. Ambury and English to decline to accept 89
the guarantee of ÂŁ100 offered to them by the settlers. 2. That a cordial vote of thanks be given to Mr. C. J. Parr, barrister and solicitor, Auckland, for the trouble he took in preparing an agreement between the Farmers' Union of Kaukapakapa and Messrs. Ambury and English free of charge."
The Creamery
The creamery was opened in 1902 and located at the entrance to the Railway Station. Auckland Star, Volume XXXVI, Issue 235, 2 October 1905, Page 6 COUNTRY NEWS 90
KAUKAPAKAPA. The creamery has started work. The supply of milk is a long way below that of last season, but may improve later on There is no sign of the potato blight so far. The creamery was built next to the railway station to service the developing dairy industry.
The Kaukapakapa Saleyards by Frank Henley [From Kaukapakapa Through the Children's eyes 1917-1982 (Kaukapakapa 125th Jubilee ) ]
The Kaukapakapa Saleyards were situated at the Kaukapakapa or north-western end of Kahikatea Flat Road opposite Wyn’s Close and bounded at the back by the creek. As far as I know, they were owned and built by the Loan 8: Mercantile Agency Co and were very old in my memory. The sales which were by auction, were held on a regular basis each second Tuesday for both dairy and beef cattle. At various times of the year there were also special sales or fairs, such as the Spring Cattle Fairs and Sheep Fairs. Stock sold to local buyers would be dispersed and carried either by truck or frequently by drovers on horseback. A feature at Spring Cattle Fair time was the big mobs of stock driven to Kaukapakapa Sale from the Hobbs and Shakespeare properties on the Whangaparoa Peninsula. 91
All stock which had been sold for slaughter would be driven down to Kaukapakapa Railway Station and railed to the freezing works at either Westfield or Southdown at Otahuhu. New Zealand Railways always provided cattle or sheep trucks (wagons) to take these animals to the Works. For twelve or so years, in the 1950's and 60's, I had the job of cleaning and repairing the saleyards. All the large quantity of effluent was disposed of over the bank into the creek. . A small and very primitive shed at the farthest corner of the saleyard property was used as a tearooms. It was built of corrugated iron and with a dirt floor, a sink bench and a copper to heat water. For furniture, it had plank seats around the walls, but was a very much appreciated facility. The Methodist Women's Guild and the Women’s Division of Federated Farmers took turns to provide tea and sandwiches for sale patrons. My mother (Bell Henley Plot 26A) delighted in ‘doing’ the sale teas and since she belonged to both organisations she was nearly always on duty. The Kaukapakapa Saleyards by Frank Henley The Kaukapakapa Saleyards were situated at the Kaukapakapa or north-western end of Kahikatea Flat Road opposite Wyn’s Close and bounded at the back by the creek. As far as I know, they were owned and built by the Loan 8: Mercantile Agency Co and were very old in my memory. The sales which were by auction, were held on a regular basis each second Tuesday for both dairy and beef cattle. At various times of the year there were also special sales or fairs, such as the Spring Cattle Fairs and Sheep Fairs. Stock sold to local buyers would be dispersed and carried either by truck or frequently by drovers on horseback. A feature at Spring Cattle Fair time was the big mobs of stock driven to Kaukapakapa Sale from the Hobbs and Shakespeare properties on the Whangaparoa Peninsula. All stock which had been sold for slaughter would be driven down to Kaukapakapa Railway Station and railed to the freezing works at either Westfield or Southdown at Otahuhu. New Zealand Railways always provided cattle or sheep trucks (wagons) to take these animals to the Works. For twelve or so years, in the 1950's and 60's, I had the job of cleaning and repairing the saleyards. All the large quantity of effluent was disposed of over the bank into the creek. . A small and very primitive shed at the farthest corner of the saleyard property was used as a tearooms. It was built of corrugated iron and with a dirt floor, a sink bench and a copper to heat water. For furniture, it had plank seats around the walls, but was a very much appreciated facility. The Methodist Women's Guild and the Women’s Division of Federated Farmers took turns to provide tea and sandwiches for sale patrons.
My mother (Bell Henley Plot 26A) delighted in ‘doing’ the sale teas and since she belonged to both organisations she was nearly always on duty.
For many years Miss Sinclair (Plot 38) would also serve on Methodist days. Her family presented the District with Sinclair Park. During the 1950's a new tearoom was built beside the road and it had a real floor and electricity. By this time, the saleyard owners were Dalgety Loan Ltd. For many years, all cattle had to be free of cattle tick before they would be moved into or out of the district. To meet these legal requirements most districts had a cattle dip. The residents of Kaukapakapa formed the Kaukapakapa Cattle Dipping Association of which my father ( Bert Henley Plot 26B ) was for many years the secretary and overseer. The dip, which was a large concrete trough with associated stock yards, was built on saleyard land and was frequently in use after a sale. The dip held about 900 gallons of liquid, water mixed with Coopers Cattle Dip Powder, which amongst other chemicals, included arsenic. Once year the dip was emptied, cleaned and refilled. To empty it, a plug was pulled and 900 gallons of evil stinking liquid was released into the creek. Then the refilling - 900 gallons of water had to be pumped by hand. A tiresome job that took virtually all day. Eventually the regulations for cattle were dropped. The dip for quite a number of years, was used only for dipping sheep. In time, spray dipping of sheep became the accepted method and so the Cattle Dipping Association ceased to exist and the dip was destroyed.
KAUKAPAKAPA METHODISM Methodism came to Kaukapakapa in the year 1864Mr W. White being appointed in 1864 as a Home Missionary, to reside at the Wade. This must have been a test of stamina and courage, as he had oversight of Wade, Wainui and Kaukapakapa Transport in those days being by foot or horseback, great faith was needed to carry on the work of God in so large an area. During his ministry a small church was erected at a cost of £80/ 0/ 0. _ The Rev. T. J. Jaggar had been in Fiji Methodist Mission with Revs. J. Hunt and J. Calvert from 1838, where he had charge of the Mission Printing Press. These were the dreaded cannibal days—after a short retirement in New Zealand, he was appointed to take charge of Kaukapakapa and with his wife lived near the church in a cottage in Mr Henley’s paddock. Evangelistic in his preaching Mr Jaggar reached the hearts of his people, and his was a very happy ministry. It ended with his death in 1879. His remains, along with that of his wife, lie in a grave behind the present church. . Mention must be made of his faithful henchmen: Messrs Henley Bros., Simcock, Sinclair, and Capt. Dawson. These men along with their minister laid a sure foundation for the work of God in the district which time has borne out throughout the 100 years past. The yester years have testified to their faithfulness, and tenacity of purpose, creating in the district a very high sense of Christian values. The work having prospered, a desire for a better place of worship began to stir the people. ERECTION OF CHURCH IN 1880 Mr Henley gave the land, and in Dec. 1880, the present church was built. Standing on rising ground its present condition stands as a memorial to the sound workmen of the past. The interior was altered only a year or so ago. Many more years of service and witness to the goodness of God will be held in the shelter of its walls, and to God be the Glory. In the early years Sunday School work was commenced by Capt. Dawson. This has carried on through the years, and could be called the cradle of Christian worship. Scholars of every denomination have received their knowledge of Scripture and passed out to take their place in the community. The present building was erected in 1919, and was added to in 1955 so that it could be used for social work in the district. EARLY SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS Teachers at the time of building were: Mrs W. Stevens Snr., and Miss R. Henley. “Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for such is the kingdom of God ” Mk . . 10.14. The school hall stands next to the Church. Mention must be made of Mrs H. C. Henley who has been connected with the Sunday School work for the past 43 years. Much of the leadership has been carried on by her, and its challenge for Christ and Christian worship owes much to her untiring eflort for so lengthy a period. The present superintendent is Miss Nellie Long also many years in the work. Being part of the Kaipara Circuit, Kaukapakapa naturally fluctuates in numbers on the roll. We have 17 scholars at present.
Kaukapakapa Methodism has always enjoyed a strong Women’s Guild and M.W.M.U. work. Through the years these two organisations have proved a great asset in the district both spiritual and financial, this has helped the trust to carry out recurring renovations to the property, etc. The Guild was formed in the year 1922, members were:Mrs Sinclair (President), Mrs Spencer (Secretary), Mrs Stevens, Mrs Diprose, Mrs J. Russell, Mrs M. Henley, Miss R. Henley, Miss Sinclair. The M.W.M.U. was commenced in the year 1949. President was Mrs F. Peterson, and Secretary, Mrs G. Connelly. Today these organisations have united and are known as the Methodist Women’s Fellowship. President, Mrs H. Henley, Secretary, Mrs J. Wilson, Treasurer, Mrs R. Dixon. HALLOWED GROUNDS -- A MEMORIAL In the grounds is the Cemetery where lie the remains of many of the early settlers of the district. This hallowed ground stands as a memorial to our pioneers. Here we pay our respects to Mr H. C. Henley and now to Mr J. Gillies for their work in keeping it so beautiful and pleasant for relatives to visit and care for the graves. “I am the resurrection and the life, saith the Lord. 95
He that believeth on Me, though he die, yet shall he live; and whosoever liveth and believeth on Me shall never die.” FIRST PARSONAGE NOW SOLD In the year 1911 a Parsonage was built on land purchased from Mr Robt. Russell. Erected by Messrs Osborne and Leach it still is occupied as a private dwelling being sold to Mr Claude Surrey in 1958, because of the purchase of a parsonage in Helensville. The trust was formed in 1871. The original trustees were James Redfern, Thomas Wilson, James Trounson, James Cliff, Wm. Dawson, Morris Henley. Present trustees are T. G. R. Stevens, H. C. Henley, Mrs B. M. Henley, Mr F. Henley,,'-Mr R. Dixon, Mr A. M. McLean, Mrs M. Wilson and Mr J. Wilson. These have charge of the Church and Sunday School buildings, also the Cemetery. As we enter into the 2nd century we pray God’s blessing to continue with us as it has in the past. This is a far different period of time and experience as lived by our pioneers. We are ever on the brink of new scientific revelations. The atomic age and nuclear power, along with the reaching out into space, calls us to a challenge such as never before. Let us never forget that this is God’s world and He has a purpose for individual man to perform according to his ability and talents. Our Heavenly Father when appointing Joshua to lead His people said to him, “Be strong and of a good courage.” That is also a command to us as Christians of the present and future generations. “The Church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord. The same yesterday, today, and forever.” He is the power of God and the wisdom of God. We have the assurance of His promise “l am with you always, to the end of the age." Ministers and Home Missionaries who have served at Kaukapakapa 1862Mr Gittos (visited quarterly) 1867-1832 .... .T. Jaggar 1889-1890 George Pearson 1890-1891 Henry Price 1892-1894 Samuel Buchanan 1894-1897 George Stephenson 1897-1899 Thomas R. Richards 1899-1900 William Wills 1900-1902 W. Grantham 1902-1907 W. H. Speer 1907-1914 . A. J. Leach 1914-1916 ... .. J. A. Lamond 1917J. H. Edmondson 1918-1920 F. C. Pace 1920-1922 .... ,, H. Spencer 1923-1924 J. W. Baylis 1924-1926 W. H. Wilson 1927-1928 E Hill 1928-1931 J. Common 1932J. H. Edmondson 1933C.D. McRae and D. Haylock 1934-1935 .... R.S.Johnson and C. L. Dudcr 1936H.R. Wright
1937-1939 1939-1943
Kaukapakapa-Silverdale A. O. Jones W. M. Jones
1944-1946 .. 19471948-1951.... ..
19521953-1955 1956-1959 1959-1962
North Waitemata Home Mission Station L. E. G. Sharp M. McM0rran F. D. Peterson 1st North Waitemata Circuit 1951 .. D. J. Stallard .... .. M. R. Edgar B. Scammell . .. L. A. Bowen Kaipara Circuit
1963- .... .. . 1964-
L. A. Bowen W. E. Moore
Lay Preachers Messrs R. Pengelly, L. J. Carter, T. G. R. Stevens, M.McLean, V. Stevens, R. Hawes. D- Cole. B. Shaw. R Dixon. OREWA PRINTERS LTD
Kaukapakapa is now a green, prosperous district with some historic buildings to remind us of our past. Henley House and St Cuthbert’s Presbyterian Church are officially listed by the New Zealand Historic Places Trust. The second Methodist Church (1880 ), the cemetery (1863), the Public Hall (1889) and the library (1908) are all rated historically significant.
Page 1 About, and general view of cemetery from behind Church with Capt illustrations)
Dawson's grave in foreground. (
Page 2
Aerial View of site from 2015 ( illustrations)
Page 3
1955 Aerial view of Church and cemetery ( illustrations)
Page 4
Picture of Church reproduced from Red Book with Mrs Joseph Simcock
Page 5
Blue Ribbon Picnic workers. ( illustrations)
Page 6
Burial Records Kaukapakapa Cemetery History of Churchyard details
Page 7
Tribute to Ina Stevens 1929-2014
page 8
Photo of School children and original church in 1878 ( illustrations)
page 9
Cemetery Layout Part 1 Closer to Peak Rd at left of page and SH 16 at
page 10
Cemetery Layout Part 2 Left side continues from Right Hand side of part 1
page 11
Names to Plots 1 to 57
page 12
Names to Plots 58 to 110
Page 13
Names to plots 111 to 164B
Page 14
Names to plots 164A to 231
Page 15
Names to Plots 232 to 310
Page 16
Names to plots 311 to 339
Page 17
Index to Kaukapakapa Burial Register A to O as to about 1978
Page 18
Index to Kaukapakapa Burial Register P to Y as to about 1978
Page 19
Burial Records from Register (Generally in order of burial) 1 - 32 Commencing 1864
Page 20
Entry 33 to 50 1887-1899
Page 21
Entry 59 to 87 1896 to 1904
Page 22
Entry 88 to 124 1905 - 1919
Page 23
Entry 125 to 164 1919-1927
page 24
Entry 165 to 205 1928 to 1942
page 25
Entry 206 to 243 1942 to 1966
page 26
Entry 244 to 260 1967-1976 Public Section 261 - 274 1937 - 1942
page 27
Entry 275 to 312 1943 to 1962
page 28
Entry 313 to 340 1962 - 1975
page 29
Entry 341 to 347 1975 to 1978 and 3 cremations.
side-saddle on horseback ( illustrations)
page 30 Headstone transcriptions Although Numbered they bear no relationship to the plots but in the order the transcriber worked. How ever they have all been added to the Plot and Headstone photographs within the main body of this work. 1 -14 page 30
Headstone Transcriptions 15 to 29
page 31
Headstone Transcriptions 30 - 42
page 32
Headstone Transcriptions 43 - 56
page 33
Headstone Transcriptions 57 - 67
page 34
Headstone Transcriptions 68- 80
page 35
Headstone Transcriptions 81 - 96
page 36
Headstone Transcriptions 97 - 110
page 37
Headstone Transcriptions 111- 127
page 38
Headstone Transcriptions 128 - 145
page 39
Headstone Transcriptions 146 - 158
page 40
Headstone Transcriptions 159 - 165
page 41
page 43
Plan of where Andrew Bonar's property was and early settlement details ( illustrations) Route details Auckland to Kaukapakapa via Riverhead Ferry and overland. ( illustrations) Auckland 1860 and Paddle Steam Ferry ( illustrations)
page 44
Riverhead and Bullock Wagon ( illustrations)
page 45
Andrew Bonar's home. ( illustration) Early History and Kaipara Portage
page 42
page 46 - 50 Traversing the Kaipara Portage cont'd. page 51
Flaxmilling and Timber milling commences with ( illustration)
page 52
First Wesleyan Church Opens ( illustration)
page 53
Business commences.. Flour Mill
page 54
Drinnan's commence a store in their home and Bullock wagon team (
page 55
The Bridge Hotel ( illustrations)
page 56
Drinnan's Store ( illustrations)
page 57
Dye's Store , Cutter and Henley's first house ( illustrations)
page 58
Dye's Store ( illustrations )
page 59
Dyes Store, and Starling's liberated
page 60
1873 Public School, Hall and Library and 1880 Wesleyan Chapel replaced.
page 61
1874 Telephone connection mooted. 1879 Another Church suggested
page 62
1880 St Cuthbert's Presbyterian church Opens
page 63
St Cuthbert's and Red Bridge ( illustrations) 99
page 64
Where the original crossing was on the Kaukapakapa River (
page 65
New Schoolroom built on present site 1880 article and ( illustration)
page 66
Band of Hope and Blue Ribbon Group article and ( illustration)
page 67
The Railway suggested
page 68
Rail finally comes to Kaukapakapa with ( illustration)
page 69
Kaukapakapa Railway Station and 1889 Flood ( illustrations)
page 70
The New Hall Proposed 1888
page 71 - 72 The New Hall opened 1889 page 73
Hall opening and further additions with ( illustrations)
page 74 76 Further details on Public Hall page 77-79 The Library page 80 - 81 Roading page 82
Hellyer's Tramway and Dawson's Quarry ( illustrations)
page 83
Dawson's Quarry continued.
page 84 - 86 Two further needs Loading yards at Rail and Post Office banking Coast Road" 1891 page 87 88
services. and a Newspaper article "A trip on the West
The Creamery ( Dairy Factory) with ( illustrations)
page 89 -91 The Sale yards with ( illustrations) page 92 - 95 The Methodist Church Centenary 1964
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