Report: Name Recognition, Influence and Age Groups in the Online (French) Horn Community

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Name Recognition, Influence and Age Groups in the Online (French) Horn Community Based on a Straw Poll Survey “Who’s Who in Your Horn Universe” 379 Total Votes at, October 20-24, 2011

Surveyed Age Groups and Vote Counts 40+ years old

25-40 years old

16-25 years old

106 votes


180 votes


93 votes


Country-based Bias USA





New Zealand












1% 1% 1%

Canada 3% Australia 5%

1% 1% 1%


1% 1% 1% 1%

UK 5%



Name Recognition, Influence and Age Groups in the Online Horn Community

Bruce Hembd, Horn Matters Page 1

All rights reserved.

23 names surveyed Radek Baborák Andrew Bain Dale Clevenger Stefan Dohr Annamia Eriksson Ronald Janezic Richard King Frank Lloyd Philip Meyers Jennifer Montone Marie Luise Neunecker Marc Papeghin

Steve Park David Pyatt Arkady Shilkloper James Sommerville James Thatcher Richard Todd Tom Varner Frøydis Ree Wekre Robert Ward* Gail Williams Sarah Willis

Procedure, goals and criteria “Have you heard of this horn player?” was the single question asked, with “yes” or “no” as required answers for each name. The primary goal of this survey was to gauge generational trending in name recognition of known horn players in the field with respect to internet technology and branding. Respondents were channeled into 3 age groups. Each group was given the same list of 23 names.* Names selected for the survey were determined on the following loose criteria: Body of Work Position/Status Web Site X-Factor Years of Service YouTube Videos

Notes on bias  

Bias #1 – 79% of the total votes generated from the USA. Bias #2 – The survey names list is subjective and is based on loose criteria.

Name Recognition, Influence and Age Groups in the Online Horn Community

Bruce Hembd, Horn Matters Page 2

All rights reserved.

Suggestions for future research Researchers are welcome to cite and reference the data in this report. Possible topics for building upon this report:   

On entrepreneurship and technology The role of YouTube in education Spheres of influence and the topic of Nationalism; the change from a local/regional trend to a global/international trend.

Raw Data Percentages are based on “yes” responses to the list of 23 names and 379 people surveyed. Responses are categorized into 3 age groups. Name R. Baborák A. Bain D. Clevenger S. Dohr A. Eriksson R. Janezic R. King F. Lloyd P. Meyers J. Montone M. Neunecker M. Papeghin S. Park D. Pyatt A. Shilkloper J. Sommerville J. Thatcher R. Todd T. Varner F. Wekre R. Ward* G. Williams S. Willis

Age: 16-25

Age: 25-40

Age: 40+

71.70% 25.47% 82.08% 81.13% 36.79% 13.21% 44.34% 58.49% 81.13% 39.62% 32.08% 28.30% 68.87% 58.49% 15.09% 53.77% 48.11% 41.51% 42.45% 55.66% 34.48% 72.64% 75.47%

65.59% 38.71% 95.70% 76.34% 52.69% 21.51% 59.14% 80.65% 92.47% 63.44% 63.44% 22.58% 60.22% 72.04% 51.61% 70.97% 75.27% 68.82% 70.97% 83.87% 60.34% 90.32% 68.82%

61.11% 28.33% 92.22% 63.33% 47.22% 24.44% 45% 68.33% 87.78% 55% 46.11% 22.22% 58.89% 61.67% 51.67% 70.56% 70.56% 68.33% 70% 79.44% 60.81% 79.44% 61.67%

Name Recognition, Influence and Age Groups in the Online Horn Community

Bruce Hembd, Horn Matters Page 3

All rights reserved.

Errata and disclaimer *The name Robert Ward was added after 52 votes had been previously tallied. The data for Robert Ward may have a margin of error as high as 8%. Within the metadata analysis this error should be weighed and considered. The raw data of this survey should be not construed as accurate fact. A margin of error is both likely and indeterminate. However when compiled as metadata the results are arguably suggestive towards current trending in brand name recognition within the field of French horn performance, interest and study.

Metadata The final two charts in this report compile the data into a visual medium where comparisons are more readily observed. These charts are presented “as is� without additional opinion or commentary.

Name Recognition, Influence and Age Groups in the Online Horn Community

Bruce Hembd, Horn Matters Page 4

All rights reserved.

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