Genazzano Gen-narrations Dec 2015 issuu

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December 2015 Contents

A Message from the Principal


Farewell to Trish


A Message from the Chair of Council


Investing in Education Bequests and Donations


Faith & Mission


Alumnae President’s Report




2015 Alumnae Golf Day


Fernwood Fitness Camberwell Donation


Community News




2015 Photos


GLS Breakfast


Outstanding Alumnae Awards Evening


Alumnae Profile: Janet De Neefe


Alumnae Profile: Olivia & Miriam Nervo


Alumnae Profile: Katrina Wakeling


Alumnae Profile: Danielle Sibosado


Genazzano Mothers’ Association


Genazzano Fathers’ Association






Friends of Hopetoun Hall


Valedictory Awards


ELC & Early Learning


Alumnae & Friends Playgroup


2016 Dates


May God fill your life with love, joy and peace this Christmas and throughout the New Year.

Genazzano Mothers’ Association

Deb O’Halloran Genazzano Fathers’ Association Gen-narrations is a publication of Genazzano FCJ College. Articles are provided by students, past students, families and staff for the information of the College community.

Rob Bischof Gen Aquatics

Peter McDonald Genazzano Rowing Committee

Nicky Vergano Genazzano Alumnae Association

Editor Sharyn Hanly 03 8862 1200 Design Three’s A Crowd 03 9326 9133 Genazzano FCJ College 301 Cotham Road Kew, VIC 3101 Telephone: +61 3 8862 1200 Facsimile: +61 3 8862 1133 Email:

Catherine Etty-Leal (Worsnop 2006) Friends of Sport Committee

John King Friends of Hopetoun Hall Committee Johanna Nesbitt Past Mothers’ Association Pamela Ricardo

A Message from the Principal PATRICIA A COWLING

In the 126th year since the founding of Genazzano FCJ College, the theme ‘Service in Companionship’ has been reflected in our undertakings, and has provided us with inspiration in this significant year.

The end of the year is a time for reflection and, for me, the end of a wonderful stage of my life as Principal of this marvellous College. Gen-narrations provides a glimpse of the many rich and varied programs and activities that have taken place during the year with students, past and present parents, alumnae and associations. In the 126th year since the founding of Genazzano FCJ College, the theme ‘Service in Companionship’ has been reflected in our undertakings, and has provided us with inspiration in this significant year. The year has been marked by wonderful achievements for individual students, staff and teams working at the College. We have completed an educational brief to guide the architect in establishing a schematic design for a Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths building. This building will be the first element in a new Master Plan that will be undertaken over the next 10 years, and Genazzano's response to the international focus on STEM. A particular highlight of the year was the celebration of 30 years since the establishment of rowing at the College, and we are delighted to have a wonderful book to celebrate this occasion compiled by Anthony Jackson, father of Ciara who graduated this year. Many alumnae will recognise themselves, their friends and family in this historical publication, which is available for purchase through the Advancement Office.

As the year draws to a close, I wish to commend our talented staff who are deserving of the highest praise and thanks for their work with the girls at all levels this year. I offer my grateful thanks for all that has been achieved. My sincere thanks are extended to so many individuals within our College community. In particular I wish to thank Sr Judith Routier fcJ, Province Leader of Asia-Australia, and all the FCJ Sisters who support our work with their prayers and guidance. Sr Maryrose Dennehy fcJ has again this year offered great companionship to students, staff and families. I pay particular tribute to the Chair of College Council, Mrs Lindy Priest, for her seven years of guidance and indeed to all members of Council, who have given so generously of their time to ensure that the governance and direction of the College builds from strength to strength. Our associations and committees have engaged in a robust year of wonderful activities for the students and their parents, and their fundraising in support of the College. We are indebted to them: Deb O’Halloran and the GMA committee; Rob Bischof and his GFA team; John King and the Friends of Sport Committee; Vic Sibillin, Nicky Vergano and the Gen Rowing Committee; Johanna Nesbitt and the Friends of Hopetoun Hall Boarding Community; and Catherine Etty-Leal and her Alumnae Committee. All are active and committed supporters of our College community.

The Outstanding Alumnae Awards Evening was held in September, recognising the achievements of our former students. The first award of the night was the Young Alumnae, with the winners being well-known international songwriters and producers Miriam and Olivia Nervo. The Outstanding Young Alumna (Posthumous) Award recipient, Katrina Wakeling (nee Hastings, 1996), had a unique ability to relate to all levels of society, so much so that on her passing in 2009, her family established a reading room for children in Nepal. The Outstanding Alumna Award recipient was Janet De Neefe, our cover girl; an artist, author and restaurateur who has lived in Bali for the past three decades and founded the Ubud Writers & Readers Festival in 2004 in response to the Bali bombings. All are wonderful award recipients exhibiting real inspiration. This year, the student body was led most capably by College Captains, Annabelle Freeman and Jessica Landy, and an outstanding Prefect body. To our outgoing Year 12 students and their families, I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for all that you have contributed to the spirit of our College community. I congratulate you on your achievements and wish you well as you continue the next stage of your educational journey. Please remain mindful that the spirit of Genazzano FCJ College will be with you, and as the newest inductees to our alumnae, you will always remain an important part of our College community. I warmly welcome Karen Jebb to Genazzano and convey to her my very best wishes as she moves into the role of College Principal for 2016. I am confident that Karen will find, as I have done, that the strength and the values of our FCJ community will sustain her in the many wonderful years ahead. May God’s Grace be with each of you this Christmas Season.


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Farewell to Trish– our College Principal (2001–2015) CATHY JENKINS DEPUT Y PRINCIPAL

Trish Cowling has always described being part of the Genazzano community as being akin to living in a small country town. Our community affects over 1100 students (around 900 families) and 200 staff daily. Over a period of 15 years that number swells to thousands of past families, students and staff who are united under one banner, Genazzano FCJ College, and most have been influenced by Trish’s leadership in some way. She has led this small country town with dedication and distinction, and she leaves a legacy of outstanding achievements.

Trish has been responsive to the changing educational landscape, leading an organisation structured to best support change management, which empowers Parent Associations and the alumnae and continually gauges community support and engagement.

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Trish has been a tireless advocate for curriculum review and renewal and she has fostered innovation and creativity in every aspect of Genazzano life.

• Developed learning enhancement

As the leader of our College, Trish has been a much admired, trusted and valued friend and colleague. She has taken care of her community and modelled the values of Marie Madeleine d’Houet. She has been a faithful companion.

• Provided ongoing support for Social Justice causes

No 'small country town' could have asked for more and we wish her well in her new endeavours. On a professional level she has: • Embedded the Stages of Learning • Introduced the ELC • Established a distinctive Year 9 program and separate campus • Increased VCE subjects • Introduced Mandarin and Latin to our language program • Established a Performance Psychology Centre

• Supported the Co-curricular Program to become an important component of life at Gen

• Managed planning and building programs, which delivered the Madeleine Centre for Music and the Performing Arts; the refurbishment of Grange Hill and the kindergarten; upgrades in the d’Houet and Wardell buildings; a permanent home for rowing at Hawthorn; development of the Tennis Court precinct; sustainability initiatives; building of the Father’s Steps and ongoing playground upgrades. The photos on these pages are just a snapshot of 'Life at Gen with Trish'.


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A Message from the Chair of Council LINDY PRIEST (LEE , 1967)

“Karen exemplifies the type of modern educational and religious leader who is ideally placed for Genazzano to continue nurturing girls and young women for 21st century career opportunities, balanced by an innate sense of social responsibility and personal purpose.” She is now studying to fulfil the requirements of an Executive Master of Business Administration through Australian Catholic University, which will be completed at the end of this year. I would particularly like to thank all of those on the selection panel involved in the interview process, particularly external members who generously provided their expertise. The important areas for our new Principal to concentrate on are: In the previous edition of Gen-narrations I spoke about our search for the next Principal of Genazzano, whose role is critical in continuing the great history and traditions of our FCJ school,while also enhancing the learning environment to not only meet, but also exceed the expectations of existing and potential students and their families. In August this year, a letter was sent to all parents announcing the much anticipated and exciting appointment of Karen Jebb as our Principal from 2016. Following is a short extract from that announcement: “Karen exemplifies the type of modern educational and religious leader who is ideally placed for Genazzano to continue nurturing girls and young women for 21st century career opportunities, balanced by an innate sense of social responsibility and personal purpose. Karen comes to Genazzano with an exemplary career as a Principal in the Catholic education system, a long history promoting science and maths and a strong track record developing her previous school, Our Lady of Sion College, a Year 7–12 Catholic School for girls in Melbourne.” Karen has demonstrated significant talent in strategic planning, leadership, team building and improved academic results during her 27 year career in Catholic girls’ education. Her academic qualifications include a Masters in Education, Graduate Diploma in Theology, Graduate Diploma in Educational Administration and a Bachelor of Education/ Bachelor of Science.

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• Mission • Vision and Strategic Leadership • Educational Leadership • Financial and Risk Management • Organisational Culture • Organisational Management • External Relations As usual the school calendar has been a very busy one, with many events over the year; the most recent has been the Outstanding Alumnae for 2015 evening, where Janet De Neefe was the 2015 recipient for her contribution to the Indonesian community and tourism industry. The International songwriters and producers Miriam and Olivia Nervo were the Outstanding Young Alumnae Award recipients for their contribution to music; and finally we acknowledged the wonderful legacy of Katrina Wakeling (Hastings) as the 2015 Outstanding Young Alumna (Posthumous) Award recipient. The Annual Music Concert at Hamer Hall was an outstanding success, as was the annual GLS Breakfast (Genazzano, Loreto Mandeville Hall and Sacre Coeur) this year hosted by Genazzano, with an inspirational speaker representing Genazzano, Danielle Sibosado (Class of 2012), a passionate indigenous mentor.

As the year draws to a close and we farewell our Principal of 15 years, Patricia Cowling, I would like to take this opportunity through Gen-narrations and on behalf of the Council, to thank her for her legacy; Genazzano is in a strong position and we are considered a leading Catholic day and boarding school in Victoria. Trish has been a much admired Principal and an inspirational leader. Her orations to our girls and school community are always thoroughly researched, beautifully written and superbly executed, often with ad lib interjections containing her own brand of humour. I know for Trish this is not retirement, but on behalf of the Genazzano community may we wish you every success and blessing in the years ahead. However we cannot rest on our laurels, there is still much that Council wishes to accomplish. I leave this to our next Principal, Karen Jebb, as well as our new Chair of Council, Mr Kevin Frawley. Kevin and I joined Genazzano Council in the same year, 2009, and as a senior commercial partner with Arnold Bloch Liebler, we have valued his intellectual competence and his calm and precise demeanour. He will be a wonderful Chair, bringing with him a personal knowledge of Genazzano gleaned through his three daughters Kate (2014), Anna (Year 9) and Alice (Year 7) as well as his wife Cathy (nee Beer, 1980). I have been honoured to have been part of the broader Genazzano community, as Chair of Council for the last seven years, President of the Alumnae Association prior to that for six years, as well as my involvement on the Committee at Hopetoun Hall, where my own daughter Catherine (2003) was a boarder. My connection with Genazzano goes back to my very first day as a Grade One pupil in 1955 (there was no Prep), my sister Karen (1971) (dec 1978), started four years later, and I have treasured the relationship that I have had with Genazzano and the FCJ Sisters ever since.



Highlights included a tour of Italy and Sicily with 13 of my classmates in 2012, particularly our visit to the small hillside town of Genazzano; then a pilgrimage to France ‘in the footsteps of Marie Madeleine’, together with other FCJ school leaders from around the world in 2014, gaining a deeper understanding of the charism and values of the FCJ community. It is therefore with much emotion and sadness I say au revoir. To my fellow Councillors: • Mrs Kathy Bowlen: Chair, Fundraising & Communications Committee; Member Council Executive; • Mrs Susan Danckert: Chair, Education & Innovation Committee; Member, Hopetoun Hall Committee of Management; Member, Council Executive; • Adjunct Prof Cynthia Dowell: Deputy Chair of Council; Chair, Finance & Risk Committee; Member, Genazzano FCJ College Library Fund; Member, Hopetoun Hall Committee of Management; Member, Council Executive; • Mr Kevin Frawley: Chair, Infrastructure & Sustainability Committee; Member, Finance & Risk Committee; Member, Council Executive; • Sr Frances Kennedy: Nominee, FCJ Province Leader; Member, Education & Innovation Committee; • Mr Jason Laird: Member, Infrastructure & Sustainability Committee;

• Dr Katherine McGrath: Member, Education & Innovation Committee; • Dr Rose Maria Prosser: Nominee, FCJ Province Leader; Member, Education & Innovation Committee; Member, Genazzano FCJ College Library Fund;


• Mr Luke Sayers: Member of Council; Thank you for committing your time and energy and providing your professional insight to ensure the continued development of our school. Genazzano is on a constant path of growth and change, but ever mindful of its history and our FCJ Ignatian spirituality. I wish to acknowledge Susan Danckert and the enormous commitment of nine years on Council, as she departs at the end of this year due to efflux of time; Susan more recently has been Chair of Education and Innovation, we wish her well in her future endeavours. I am also indebted to Kathy McGrath, who has recently resigned and thank Kathy for her insightful and perceptive input into Council over the last two years. Lastly I would like to thank Sr Judith Routier, Province Leader FCJ Sisters Asia-Australia, for her tremendous support and friendship. I wish Genazzano FCJ College, its students, teachers, parents and friends a most peacefilled Christmas and a successful 2016.


1 Lindy and her sister Karen outside the school gate in 1959 2 Classmates from 1967 on our trip to Palermo Italy in 2012 3 Visiting Malta to catch up with our Genazzano Italian and French teacher Lina Camilleri (Jenny Ainsworth, Louise Madden, Lindy Priest, seated Lina Camilleri) 4 Enjoying the hospitality of the de Bengy family near Parassy, France


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Investing in Education Bequests and Donations

“Our wonderful Genazzano FCJ College community is something of which I am very proud. It is in this community that generations of outstanding young women have grown, developed and acquired the knowledge and capabilities that have set them on their pathway to future success. Ours is a strong and vibrant Catholic community that has flourished for more than 126 years. It remains today a generous community whose members have, over the years, contributed significantly to ensure that our College continues to excel and to thrive. Together, we can maintain the strength of our College and community and build the future of all students who laugh, love and learn within it.” Patricia A Cowling Genazzano FCJ College Principal

The inclusion of Genazzano FCJ College in your Will is an important, wonderful and lasting way to contribute to the future generations of Gen girls. It is a valuable way to support further development of the College and maintain your link with the educational philosophy of the Sisters, Faithful Companions of Jesus. The generosity of past Genazzano community members has widely contributed to the ongoing educational excellence of the College. Throughout its history, Genazzano has worked towards financial security and independence, and a gift in your Will – irrespective of its size – can assist the College to confidently plan for the future. Bequests to Genazzano FCJ College typically support the following areas: Our mission at Genazzano is to ensure we continue to challenge our young Catholic women to live and act with discernment through an excellent academic program, quality religious education, intensive cocurriculum and active engagement with issues of social justice. While tuition fees and government funding contribute significantly to the College’s day-to-day operating costs, these funds do not extend to the following areas:

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• The College Building Fund To ensure that our magnificent buildings can be maintained for future generations and allow us to invest in new capital developments and projects supporting the College Master Plan. • Scholarships and Bursaries Fund Allow students who would otherwise be unable to do so to attend the College. • Libraries Fund Allow for library resources to be increased, with named book plates marking your gift to the College. • Rowing Fund Genazzano is celebrating 30 years as a rowing College and Gen Rowing is directed at providing students with the greatest opportunity to grow and develop as strong and confident young women. Assistance to the Rowing Fund increases the resources and opportunities for excellence for each rowing student. • General Purposes Enable the College Council to support the areas of greatest need. How do I make a bequest in my Will? Making a gift to Genazzano FCJ College in your Will is a simple procedure and ensures a lasting and tangible benefit for future generations of Gen girls. After you have provided for the needs of your family and loved ones, please consider making a gift to the College in your Will. To make a gift in your Will as a bequest, you should consult your solicitor or trustee to have a Will prepared or add a codicil to an existing Will. Bequests to the College can take the form of:

Once you have made your decision, your solicitor can help you to include or add the appropriate clauses to your Will. When your bequest is finalised, please contact the College so we can acknowledge your gift during your lifetime. Informing the College of your current Will is non-binding and you are free to change your intentions at any stage in the future. Donations and giving – with your support, we can achieve The College has undertaken an extensive capital works program over the past seven years with almost every building on the Kew Campus having been impacted upon by the 2023 Master Plan. The College Council is excited by the planned works that will take place over the next 10 year period. It is a significant program of works that will continue to transform the main campus, whilst maintaining the integrity of the beautiful green landscape for which the College is renowned. How can you support the College Vision and 2023 Master Plan? The giving program at Genazzano FCJ College draws together a wide range of supporters and friends for small and large projects, including new buildings, teaching and learning spaces, staff development and scholarships. You can join the Principal's Network, which recognises gifts and pledges over $5000. Principal’s Network members benefit from a unique relationship with the College, receiving invitations to a number of special events and functions. Our vision is ambitious and important for the education of all our students now and into the future. With careful planning and wide community support, we will achieve it.

• A percentage of your estate • The residue of your estate • A specific amount • Property, shares or articles of value • A trust in perpetuity

For more information on Bequests and Donations, please contact Linda Sprott, Director College Advancement on 8862 1204 or

• A life interest The will to give If you are considering making a bequest to Genazzano FCJ College, we invite you to contact the Director of College Advancement, Linda Sprott. All discussions about bequests are in the strictest confidence.

Please kindly donate to our 2015 Christmas Appeal by visiting our website at:


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“A fundamental FCJ response to the person of Jesus and the imperative of the Gospel is to be a Faithful Companion who works for social justice, for the ‘Common Good’ of all human beings. Our students at Gen respond to such a call with open hands, big hearts and lots of energy! It has been a privilege working closely with these girls. Below is a report from our ACRATH co-ordinators for 2015. The vision and organisation that these young women brought to their position saw an extremely successful ACRATH benefit concert not merely in financial terms (which is important) but raising College awareness to this issue and thus inspiring future Gen leaders to become agents of change in our world.” Lila McInerney, Deputy Principal: Student Learning and Wellbeing

This year, in 2015, we have been blessed to have been able to work so closely with the wonderful organisation that is Australian Catholic Religious Against the Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH). Human trafficking is the world’s fastest growing global crime with more than 27 million people across the world enslaved today. Living in such a safe and privileged country, it is a common thought that human trafficking does not exist in Australia, however our country is a common destination for victims being trafficked, particularly from South East Asia, Eastern Europe, and other places throughout the world. ACRATH works in Australia and internationally aiding the government in combating human trafficking and working directly with victims, largely being women and children whose already marginalised status in many societies leaves them vulnerable to traffickers. At the beginning of the year, a liturgy was held in our College Chapel to raise awareness of human trafficking within the school community and to pray for those living under such inhuman conditions that they receive a tangible freedom from their suffering.

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Our main fundraiser this year, however, was the ACRATH benefit concert held in July. This evening involved many student performances, silent auction and raffle items. The event was very well attended, successfully raising over $6000. We were also fortunate enough to have Sr Denise Mulcahy, an FCJ Sister who spends her time volunteering at ACRATH, present with us. We were very blessed to have had the support of several people in organising this event including Mrs Lila McInerney and the raffle donors, and all staff and students at

Gen who were present, as well as the wider community who attended the event. We both feel so honoured to have been able to raise awareness and funds for such a tragic and prevalent issue faced by so many throughout the world today. We hope that through Genazzano’s connection with ACRATH, we can work together to help eliminate human trafficking not only in Australia but also throughout the world, so that all people can live freely and determine the direction of their lives without restraint.

It was wonderful to see many new and old faces at the events of the past year and I look forward to welcoming many more in 2016.

Alumnae President’s Report

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all alumnae who participated in the events of 2015. It was, as it always is for the Alumnae Association, a busy year filled with laughter and lifelong friendships. It was wonderful to see many new and old faces at the events of the past year and I look forward to welcoming many more in 2016.

It has been a great pleasure to work with her over the past few years, particularly as she commenced at Genazzano the same year I started in Year 7! On behalf of the alumnae community, I wish you all the very best for your future endeavours. You will always be


I would like to take this opportunity to farewell our Principal, Patricia Cowling.

This year was Genazzano’s turn to once again host the annual GLS Breakfast. I’m pleased to report that this year’s breakfast event held at Kooyong Tennis Club was a sell-out! In 2016, the breakfast will be returning to the Members' Dining Room at the MCG on Wednesday 7 September 2016 at 7:00am. Be sure to buy your tickets early to avoid disappointment. It’s always guaranteed to be a wonderful morning with engaging and entertaining speakers.

welcome at alumnae events and we hope to see you attending in the future. I look forward to working with Genazzano’s new Principal, Ms Karen Jebb, and welcome her on behalf of the alumnae community. Finally, I would like to thank all those who support the Alumnae Association, including Linda Sprott, Sr Maryrose Dennehy fcJ and all the FCJ Sisters, the Alumnae Committee: Fiona Dickson, Sarah Cass, Melina Abbey,

The end of the year brings with it some changes for the Alumnae Association. Amanda Presta, who has worked tirelessly in the Advancement Office as the Alumnae Relations Manager is currently on maternity leave and we welcome Sharyn Hanly to the role during this time. Please feel free to direct any enquiries to Sharyn at the College and I look forward to us working together over the next 12 months.

Anastasia Abbey, Majella Pinnuck, Emily Biasotto and Claire Walpole; and a special thank-you to all alumnae, without whom the association would cease to exist. I look forward to seeing you all in 2016!


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OXAGEN teamed up with Tim Sneddon, (OX 2010) and drama aficionado, to direct our inaugural play. Bringing together ‘old’ and ‘new’ faces to our community, we were proud to present 'Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead', from 27 November – 5 December at Genazzano's Wardell Theatre. This erudite comedy cleverly re-interprets Shakespeare's Hamlet from the point of view of its two minor characters before their untimely demise. Our Trivia Night in October 2015 was hosted by William Balme (OX 2008) and featured live music by Chris Salce (OX 2010). Held at Centenary Hall Genazzano FCJ College, we successfully raised more than $600 for our play and 2016 musical. With many donated prizes and challenging questions, everyone had a great night! A Voice for Nepal was the result of OXAGEN’s successful collaboration with the Nirmal Education Foundation. A charity concert featured well-known songs and served family made refreshments, our thanks go to our incredibly generous community who raised more than $1200 for the Nepalese men, women and children currently living in crisis! Have you seen our new logo, which is on our updated website? OXAGEN has graphic designer Elly Patience to thank for our new designs and colour scheme. Visit us at and drop us a line. Visit Patience Design at OXAGEN Productions is very excited to announce its 2016 musical, The Wedding Singer, based on the Adam Sandler/Drew Barrymore 90s classic. Please follow up on audition notices and performance dates to avoid disappointment. We look forward to seeing you in 2016!

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Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead’ Cast: Rosencrantz Sam Barson Guildenstern Giulia McGauran The Player Rory Dempsey Claudius David Efron Gertrude Bernadette Sheedy Hamlet Tim Haughton Ophelia Alix Roberts Polonius Will Balme Tragedians Rohan Dimsey, Jesse Glass, Ariella Gordon, Elly Patience, Anouk Petit Dit De La Roche

2015 Alumnae Golf Day CATHY GILBERT (1963)

The 85th Annual Interschool Golf Challenge was held at Metropolitan Golf Club on 13 April 2015. Genazzano FCJ College was represented by Bronnie Wraith, Margaret Batrouney, Carol Bartlett and Cathy Gilbert. Thirty girls’ schools competed in this year’s event with Firbank the eventual winner. The Annual Genazzano Alumnae Golf Day was played at Greenacres Golf Club on 20 April 2015. This year’s winners were: • Lady Patricia Connelly Trophy – Ellen Nora Connors • Runner-up – Leonie Silk • Longest drive – Bronnie Wraith • Nearest the pin – Geraldine Peck and Anne Wilkinson We had a beautiful morning, hitting off at 8am in fine weather allowing us to enjoy the lovely course. This was followed by lunch and plenty of chatter with old and new alumnae friends. Anyone wishing to join us next year is most welcome. Please forward your contact details to the Alumnae Office to register: or call (03) 8862 1200.

Fernwood Fitness Camberwell Donation Thanks to the generosity of Fernwood Fitness in Camberwell, Genazzano FCJ College has recently been gifted new and near-new gym equipment. Our Circuit and Fitness Room, situated in the d’Houet Building, can now boast more than 50 additional pieces of training equipment, allowing it to be fully utilised by all the Physical Education and Health classes. The equipment includes new treadmills, cross trainers, mountain climbers and upright, recumbent and spin bikes. We are grateful to one of our Early Years’ parents, Mrs Assunta Martino, for organising the donation. Her efforts resulted in almost $200,000 worth of equipment being donated to the College for the benefit of students and staff. This significant donation will allow our sports teams to access a complete array of cardio equipment to complement their fitness programs, ensuring they achieve great outcomes throughout the school year. Fernwood Fitness Camberwell has undergone a complete transformation and, together with Assunta, the proprietor Tom Hanley is offering a special Genazzano foundation membership deal for family and friends living near the gym. For further information visit: camberwell/

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Community News We Remember

Sr Teresa Hennessy fcJ

Sr Myrna Nunan fcJ





On 14 February 2015, we were saddened, yet also relieved, that Sr Teresa Hennessy fcJ died peacefully at Caritas Christi Hospice in Kew. We were saddened because we miss Teresa from our lives, but relieved because she had suffered greatly since she was first diagnosed with cancer in December 2013. Teresa was a former student of Genazzano FCJ College and, as an FCJ Sister, taught at Genazzano, Stella Maris, Frankston, Vaucluse FCJ College Richmond, FCJ College Benalla, and for six years, at an FCJ School in Fitchburg, Massachusetts, USA. After a sabbatical year at the East Asian Pastoral Institute in Manila, Teresa asked to be missioned to the Philippines. Her request was granted in 1993 when her much loved ministry was the education and pastoral care of the scavenger children found on the dump sites at Payatas in Manila. Many tributes have been received thanking God for all that Teresa accomplished during this time. One of the tributes, from a Jesuit priest with whom Teresa worked, sums up best what Teresa was about. “Whilst in Manila, she cared for the poor, never minding the heat or dirt. Every morning she set out in the heat or in the rain, to meet the children of Payatas, sharing with them all her expertise, but more so, all the love of her heart. She helped many to build a better life by providing schooling and learning skills.” This FCJ Ministry continues today.

In the last week of September, Sr Myrna Nunan, who had been a resident of Mary Mackillop Aged Care Facility for several years, deteriorated quite rapidly and died very peacefully on 1 October 2015. Sr Myrna and her sister Claire Nunan, who passed away last year, had been a boarder at Genazzano in the 1940s and some of Myrna’s school friends attended her Requiem Mass. As an FCJ, and after teacher training, Myrna taught at Vaucluse FCJ College, an FCJ school in Fitchburg, Massachusetts, USA and was the founding Principal of St John’s Primary School in East Frankston. However, Myrna was best known for her tireless work with young Vietnamese women who came to Australia by boat as refugees, during the 1970s and 80s. Myrna first lived with up to 12 young women in a house in Hawthorn, then later in another house in Kew. The girls received counselling, were welcomed into a number of schools for their secondary education, were provided with companionship and, of course, accommodation and meals. Many people assisted Myrna with this ministry, including Genazzano parents and students. Myrna never hesitated to ask for what she needed for ‘her girls’ and there are many funny stories of her requests and the unusual people who helped her. Myrna’s Requiem Mass was celebrated at St Ignatius Church,

Failing health caused Teresa to return to Australia and join the FCJ Community in St Albans. During the next few years, Teresa tutored Sudanese students and was a source of joy and hope to many people. In December 2013, Teresa was diagnosed with cancer and underwent surgery and radiation therapy. On her discharge from hospital, Teresa was welcomed to the Moonbria Avenue community as she was receiving assistance from Eastern Palliative Care. Eventually, in late January, Teresa moved to Caritas Christi, where she died, after witnessing great peace and joy. We rejoice with Teresa in her new life with her faithful companion, Jesus. 1 2 g e nna r r at i ons

Richmond at her request, and was attended by her family, FCJ Sisters, FCJ Companions in Mission, and friends, including many Vietnamese women Myrna had lovingly cared for in the past. Myrna is survived by her elder sister, Nina, who as Sr Claire is a Little Sister of the Poor. Myrna also had nieces and nephews who were devoted to her and her sisters, who visited all three regularly. Myrna is greatly missed by her family, her FCJ Sisters and hundreds of the Vietnamese community in Melbourne. However, I think I can say with certainty, that we are relieved that Myrna is now free from all pain and enjoying the fullness of eternal life.

Community News We Remember

Isobel Prowse

(Class of 2009) BY ANNE MCILROY

Some of us at Genazzano FCJ College were lucky enough to be the teachers of Isobel Prowse. Some of us were her friends, and some were both. Isobel was a remarkable person. Her physical disability was considerable, as she had very little sight and she had to cope with the pain of rheumatoid arthritis, but these never slowed her down. As my student, I never heard Bel make any excuse. Actually she never needed to because she completed all the work required and then did extra. I was aware of her fragility, but I was more aware of her determination and formidable intelligence. Her courage was obvious to all who knew her. Bel was the Dux of the College in 2009 and went on to study Media Communications at Melbourne University. I taught Literature to Isobel in Year 11 and Renaissance History in Year 12. She was always an interested student and was blessed with a capacity to write beautifully. Her writing was recognised by The Age when it published her account of cycling with her father on the tandem bike they shared. Teaching is a privilege, as you are able to share a part of your students’ lives. With Bel this was always interesting and challenging. Her interest was always broader than the confines of the subject at hand. Watching Bel

do her Year 12 exams I was full of admiration for her, but then we all were. All Bel’s teachers were very aware of the privilege of being part of her academic progress. Bel loved Italy. She studied Italian; she loved the art and architecture of the Renaissance world. She studied in both Florence and Venice, and she and I were part of a Melbourne University Intensive subject in Venice in 2011.

and Anthony, shared a pride and supported her and she, in turn, was very proud of them. Here at Genazzano, we share in a small way, their profound loss and sadness – but Bel has left those who knew her and loved her, an unforgettable legacy of inspiration, courage and achievement.

When Isobel enrolled for this course, the convenor of the course was worried about how she would cope in Venice, with all the bridges and the water. She was the only one who was worried. Those of us who knew Bel, knew she would be fine. A group of us stayed in an old Venetian apartment and went to lectures in Renaissance History and Language. When I think of that time, I think of how much she loved Venice and how she relished the history and the art. I was only auditing the course, but Isobel was not and she completed all the writing required and achieved the highest marks. I remember how much we laughed. Bel had what some people call a ‘wicked sense of humour’; it wasn’t wicked but she could always see the funny side. Her humour was a large part of who she was. The support and love of Isobel’s family was clear to all of us who taught her. Her brothers and sisters, together with her parents, Anne

1 Isobel Prowse, in Venice, with fellow students from Melbourne University History School 2 Isobel at Port Douglas 3 Isobel, learning how to blow glass at Murano in Venice

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Community News Deaths

We remember prayerfully the following people who have passed away recently.

Bruna Antonelli

Kim Elizabeth Butera

Mother of Joseph (past parent dec), mother

Wife of Domenic and mother of Jemma (Year 7). Aunt of Amanda Kouskouras (Year 12) and Merysa (2009)

in law of Franca (past parent dec), grandmother of Lara (2000 and staff) and Jason (Xavier College 1998)

Penelope Bailey (nee Kerr, 1972) Past student and staff member. Mother of Belinda (2000), Shannon (2003) and Stephen. Daughter of Vivienne; Sister of Judy Mullen (1978), Libby (1979), Louise, Greg, Peter, Mark, Paul and Stephen

Tom Barnes Grandfather of Olivia Barnes (Year 7) and Elizabeth (2012)

Joy ‘Marguerite’ Barnsley (1951)

John Ede Husband of Jan (White 1957)

Trazel Gill (nee Schneider, 1956) Josephine Cavanagh (nee Ceravolo, 1982) Wife of Michael and aunt of Georgia Ceravolo (Year 7)

Pamela Rae Charleston (nee Leavold, 1960) Wife of Frank (dec), mother of Julia and Shane, sister of Patrice Leavold (dec, 1972)

Dominic Bifiano

Winifred Chiminello aged 93 years, mother of Mary Kofoed (past mother), grandmother of Elizabeth (2002), Genevieve (2009) and Marty

Son of Fiona Bird (nee Shiels, 1976) and nephew of Elizabeth Shiels (1974) and Louise Shiels (dec, 1979)

Helen Boffa Past pupil of Vaucluse FCJ College, mother of Julie (1978) and Jenny Burge (1984), grandmother of Natalie (2014)

Philippa Bourke Daughter of Dr. Helen Bourke (Vaucluse alumna)

Ian Buchanan Husband of Mary McGrath (nee Wilson), former staff member and step-father of

Judy Cosgrave Wife of Peter, mother of Pete, Marie (nee Muff), Tim, Cath, Nick and Louise, mother-inlaw of Margaret (Holland 1977) and Deirdre (Minihan 1979), grandmother of Anna (2006), Sarah (2008), Tess (2012), Olivia (2010) and Kate (2013)

John Cullen Loved by Liz, Megan (Year 12) and her siblings Shaun and Danielle, Damien and Justin

Barry Curtis Husband of Joy and father of Anna Hojok (1982) and Caroline (1988)

Madeleine (1982), Philippa (1984) Caitlin

Jade Djapri

(1986) and Meg (1990)

Son of Margaret Djapri (nee Bisogni, Boarder 1977), grandson of Denise Bisogni (1955) and nephew of Sarina Wilson (1980)

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mother of Courtney (2010)

Husband of Kim. Father of Lachlan, Simon and Emma (2002 School Captain)

Winifred Chiminello

Damian Paul Bird

Wife of Ross Dufty (past GFA Treasurer),

Gary Cartwright

Sister of Mary and Tom (both dec)

Husband of Vera, former staff member

Virginia Dufty (nee Sheridan, 1972)

Wife of Gerald, mother of Paul, David and Anneliese, sister of Geraldine Parnell (1957) and Marcelle Wood (1964)

Steven Gray Son of Elizabeth (Beth) (dec, 1943), brother of Elizabeth (Liz) (dec, 1973) and Natalie (1979)

Arthur Hammett Husband of Fran (1950), father of Christine Hammett (1973), Genevieve Stout (1975) and Andrea Cridland (1983), grandfather of Lucy O'Dea (2005), Dominique O'Dea (2011), Belinda Kelsey (1998) and Bianca Limb (2005)

Mary Hulin Mother of Genazzano teacher Maryann Hulin

Oreste Joseph (Joe) Iozzi Dearly loved husband of Angela and loved father of Catherine (1996), John and Robert

Barbara Keener Grandmother of Phoebe (Year 2) and Caroline Houlihan (Year 8)

Norah Eileen Knight Mother of Eileen (1965), Maureen (dec), Rosemary (1969), Christopher, Anthony, Nora-Mary (1976), Daniel and Brendan (dec)

Geoff rey Lancaster Father of Mary-Anne (1980) and Gabriella (1981)

John Lewin

Catherine Patchell

Husband of Pauline (nee Lodge, 1952). Father of Geraldine (1979), Bernie, Paul, Denise (1982), Claire (1985) and Lucy (1987) and Simon

Past pupil FCJ College, Benalla, mother of Angela Knights (1979), Katrina (1980), grandmother of Sarah Knights (2010)

Fiona Lindner (nee Sinclair) Wife of Richard and mother of Pia and Nicholas, Alumna of Stella Maris FCJ College, former staff member Genazzano FCJ College

Francesco Pricolo Father of Rossana Cerabona (1979)

Isobel Prowse Alumna and Dux (2009), daughter of Ann and Anthony, sister of James, Hilary, Esmond, Mary (2008) and Claire (2012)

Alan Martin Husband of Barbara, colleague of Genazzano staff 1991–1999

Nancy Mills (nee Cooke, 1940) Mrs Nancy Mills (1940), mother of Elizabeth Gasparini (1966), sister of Beryl (dec, 1945) grandmother of Katharine Bates (1991)

Katherine (Kate) Morkham (1998) Daughter of Julia (nee Hayes, 1962 and former staff) and John, sister of Tom

Sr Myrna Nunan fcJ (1944) Passed away Mary MacKillop Aged Care, 1 October 2015 in her 90th year, Sister of Jack (dec), Sr Claire Marie (Little Sisters of the Poor) and Claire (dec, 1945) Alumna (1945). Aunt of Mary-Anne Nunan (1977), Anthony and Jenny (past parents) and great-aunt of Sophie Nunan (Year 7)

Valerie Joan O'Connor Past pupil of Vaucluse FCJ College, mother of Adrian, Jacinta Griffiths (1973), Timothy, Felicity O'Connor-Sauvet (1981) and Jane Starling. Grandmother of Elizabeth Griffiths (2004)

Patrick O'Loughlin Husband of Rosita (nee Barbeta, 1948), father of Kate (1980), Daniel (current parent) and Sean, grandfather of Alice (Year 7)

Concetta Ranieri Mother of Nadia (1984)

Purchase your copy of 30 Years of Rowing at Genazzano FCJ College

Anna Sturgess (nee Dickson, 1960) Wife of Arthur, mother of Simon, David and Alexandra, sister of John (dec), Margaret (1963) and Andrew

Maurice (Reece) Tehan Husband of Nannette (nee Reis, boarder 1964)

Mary Tregear (nee Hayden, 1960) Wife of Geoffrey, mother of Julia, Amelia and Suzanne and grandmother of Lucy. Eldest sister of Ann, Pauline, Bryan (past parent), Catherine (dec) Elizabeth, Margaret, Louise and Andrew

Patrick Trost Past parent and husband of Wendy (1947). Father of Katrina (1970), Gretchel (1973) and Anita (1980)

Take a look back at our College history on the water, with the new ‘30 Years of Rowing at Genazzano FCJ College’ book. The book, authored by current parent, Anthony Jackson, commemorates this significant milestone, and documents the achievements, memories and experiences of the past and present Genazzano rowers. Told by students, coaches, College staff and parents, 30 Years of Rowing at Genazzano FCJ College tells the story of the culture, values and commitment of excellence that exists in Genazzano Rowing today. If you would like to purchase a copy, please find the details below.


Jill Walsh


Mother of Felicity Walsh (1983). Grandmother of Clementine (Year 12) and Heidi (Year 10)


Wahib Younane


Father of Joseph and father-in-law of Katherine (staff) DECEMBER 2015 1 5

Community News

Weddings & Engagements


Catherine Eglezos (2007) married Andrew O'Keefe (Xavier College 2007) on Saturday 7 November 2015, at the Greek Orthodox Parish of Saint Eustathios. The reception was held at Normanby House, Thornbury.

Lara Antonelli-Leorke (2000) and Cardin Leorke welcome Augustus Joseph Bryan Leorke born on 22 September 2015.

Jessica Chan (2003) married Alan Wong on Saturday 17 October. Their wedding ceremony was held at Eureka 89, followed by a civil ceremony and tea ceremony. The reception was held at the Park Hyatt ballroom.

Belinda Kelsey (Class of 1998) had a son. Grandson of Genevieve Stout (nee Hammett, 1975) and nephew to Bianca Limb (nee Stout, 2005). Brother to Harvey (4) and Hudson (2).

Sybil Baulch (Boarder 2002) married Sam Clark at Port Fairy on the 11 of April 2015. Michelle Miller (Class of 1999) married Max Henson on 4 April 2015 at Roh Kudus (Holy Spirit) Catholic Church in Bali, Indonesia. They have been living and working as teachers at an international school in Bali for the last two years.




1 Birth – Augustus Joseph Bryan Leorke 2 Birth – Sebastian Kelsey Kovacevic 3 Wedding – Jessica Chan 4 Wedding – Michelle Miller 5 Wedding – Catherine Eglezos 6 Wedding – Sybil Baulch



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Class of 2010 5 Year Reunion

Class of 2005 10 Year Reunion

Saturday 10 October at MCC Sports Club, Kew

Drinks and canapÊs at d’Houet Multipurpose room

Class of 2000 15 Year Reunion

Class of 1990 25 Year Reunion

On a pleasant spring evening in November, the Class of 2005 gathered for its ten-year reunion. The d'Houet building, where we spent much of our time in Year 12, was a fitting venue to share and celebrate many fond memories of our time together. It was wonderful to hear of the achievements that have occurred for many of our peers since leaving school. Thank you to the Genazzano Alumnae Association for assisting with the organisation of the event. Clare Allen.

Friday 16 October at QPO, Kew

Friday 1 May at the Madeleine Centre

Class of 1980 35 Year Reunion



By the level of chatter emanating from the upstairs lounge at the Bouzy Rouge Hotel in Richmond, there was no doubting the Gen girls were out on the town! On Saturday 10 October 2015, the class of 1980 celebrated its 35 Year Reunion with a group of fifty attendees. Naturally, there were hugs all round and a lot of laughter, reminiscing and happy memories shared. A number of girls travelled from interstate and country Victoria for the reunion so a big thank you to all for making the evening such a memorable event. It was a privilege to have with us two very special FCJ Sisters, Sr Maryrose Dennehy and Sr Catherine Flynn. All the girls extend their thanks to the Sisters for making the effort to come out on a stormy Melbourne night to join in the fun. Also in attendance were a number of our teachers, namely Mrs Adrienne Hourigan, Mrs Ann Magee, Ms Helena Dunn (Clark) and Mrs Ann Regan. It was very special to share with these amazing ladies the many paths the girls had travelled since our school days. The Gen spirit was very much alive and well on the night, and we look forward to getting together again in another five years.

Saturday 10 October at Bouzy Rouge, Richmond

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Class of 1975 40 Year Reunion



1975 was a big year in Australia. Prime Minister Gough Whitlam was dismissed, AC/DC recorded their first album High Voltage, North Melbourne won the VFL premiership, Picnic at Hanging Rock was released, a loaf of bread was 24 cents and The Rocky Horror Show changed musicals forever. Meanwhile, in a convent school in Kew, Year 12 students listened to 3XY and debated whether they swooned over Sherbet and Summer Love or rocked it with Skyhooks and Balwyn Calling. Sr Marie Stewart was Principal, Sr Maryrose taught Renaissance History and Mrs Camilleri gave us some European glamour. Back of the chorus spots in the Gen-Xavier musical, The Gondoliers, were eagerly sought whilst Miss Donoghue trained the choir and encouraged beautiful voices to soar in Eisteddfods. Mrs Smith taught us the finer points of literature demystifying de Lampedusa’s The Leopard. Monday was tuck shop day, we Walked Against Want and the boarders lived on the top floor of the Wardell Building. And so much more, with study, boys, and plans for life beyond the Cotham Road gates.

Class of 1965 50 Year Reunion

40 years later… It’s 2015 and thanks to Genevieve Stout (nee Hammett) and Virginia Tregonning (nee Chapman) we shared an afternoon of laughter, old stories and long-held secrets at the QPO on Sunday 15 November. Friends greeted each other with hugs and kisses and the years melted away as we saw in these glamorous women present mere glimpses of that girl long ago in a school uniform. Guest of honour was Sr Maryrose Dennehy fcJ who has miraculously kept up with so many of her students and their children. Stories of pranks were told and mysteries solved as we wove the web between intervening years. And didn’t everyone look great – not a real housewife of Melbourne in sight! Our common bond was belonging to the class of 1975 at the well-loved school upon the hill!

Sunday 15 November for lunch at QPO Kew


Saturday 20 June for lunch at Greenacres Golf Club, Kew East

Class of 1955 60 Year Reunion


Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club was the venue for a high tea to celebrate the 60-year reunion of the Class of ‘55 on Sunday 8 November 2015. It was a beautiful, sunny afternoon and 40 of us enjoyed the venue, conversation and excellent food. Many travelled from interstate as well as country Victoria to attend, and apologies were read from those who were unable to attend. There was much laughter and chatter, reminiscing good times and fond memories, with most remarking that it didn’t seem like 60 years! Owing to the success of the day, it was decided to reconvene in five years and do it all again. Sunday 8 November for High Tea at Kooyong LTC DECEMBER 2015 1 9

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A snapshot of 2015

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GLS Breakfast

Speaking before an audience of 295 friends, family, students, staff and fellow alumnae, these inspiring women talked about their journeys to date, and their hopes and dreams for the future.


For the 13th consecutive year, the Alumnae Associations of Genazzano, Loreto Mandeville and Sacré Coeur Colleges came together on the morning of Wednesday 2 September 2015 for the annual GLS Breakfast. Hosted this year by Genazzano FCJ College, the sell-out event was held at the Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club. The event featured three talented guest speakers, including passionate indigenous mentor, Danielle Sibosado (2012) from Genazzano; psychologist and occupational rehabilitator Bridie Scanlon (2003) from Loreto Mandeville Hall; and multi-faceted Chairman and Director Paula Dwyer (1978) from Sacré Coeur. Speaking before an audience of 295 friends, family, students, staff and fellow alumnae, these inspiring women talked about their journeys to date, and their hopes and dreams for the future. All proceeds from the GLS Breakfast provide scholarships and bursaries for students across all three Colleges. In 2016 the GLS Breakfast will be held on Wednesday 7 September at 7.00am at the MCG in the MCC Members’ Dining Room. Put this in your diary now to avoid disappointment as tickets sell out quickly.

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1 Students from Genazzano listen intently to guest speakers 2 Principal of Genazzano FCJ College Patricia Cowling with guest speaker and alumnae Danielle Sibosado (2012) 3 Genazzano FCJ College Captains Annabelle Freeman and Jessica Landy with guest speaker Danielle Sibosado (2012)

Open Day 2016 Sunday 20 March 1.30pm – 4.00pm

Open Mornings 2016 9.30am – 11.00am Wednesday 24 February Thursday 28 April Tuesday 24 May Friday 15 July Tuesday 9 August Tuesday 11 October

301 Cotham Road Kew VIC 3101 Telephone 03 8862 1000

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Outstanding Alumnae Awards Evening


The 2015 Outstanding Alumnae Awards Evening took place on Tuesday 15 September 2015 in front of an audience of 200 alumnae, current and past families and members of the wider Genazzano FCJ College community. The first award of the evening went to international songwriters and producers Miriam (Mim) and Olivia (Liv) Nervo. The award was accepted by their father, Garry Nervo, on their behalf as they were currently performing in Ibiza. In addition to a Grammy award, sold-out live performances and a string of hit singles, the girls can now add a Genazzano Outstanding Young Alumnae Award. “We can't believe it,” says Liv. “It feels like yesterday when we were attending assembly listening to other girls receive similar awards.” The twins have penned hits for the likes of Kylie Minogue, Miley Cyrus and Britney Spears. Today, as DJs and producers, they tour the world performing to an ever-growing fan base. The recent release of the duo’s debut album, Collateral, showcases a heady willingness to push the boundaries.

This year we also had an Outstanding Young Alumna (Posthumous) Award recipient, Katrina Wakeling (nee Hastings, 1996), who had a unique ability to relate to every pocket of humanity, from the poverty-stricken child to the influential corporate leader. As Katrina’s mother Jo Hastings reflects, perhaps it was due to her upbringing in Berwick, effectively a country town in the years of Katrina’s childhood. “She thrived on the difference in her life. She loved coming home to her own community because she was very involved there but she also loved the challenges and opportunities and choices that Genazzano offered.” Following school, Katrina completed a Rotary Exchange to Iceland and travelled with her brother Simon through Nepal. Upon her sudden passing in 2009, Katrina’s family established a foundation that has funded a reading room for children in Nepal. Katrina’s senior health and safety role at Visy Industries required an ability to relate to both shop floor workers and board-level executives. “She was not afraid to say, ‘This is not right,’ but it wasn’t about her; there was no ego there. She understood what was required to create change and you can bring that back to her time at Genazzano.”

Says Liv: “Music was always a passion of ours … at Genazzano, we were involved in anything and everything that had to do with music, from the Gen-Xavier musicals to simply choosing music as our electives.

It was with much fondness that Genazzano FCJ College recognised the life and contribution of Katrina Wakeling, which continues to inspire us all. This award was accepted by Katrina’s mother, Jo, and her father Rob Hastings.

“Genazzano's positive girl power ‘we can do’ attitude is something that we needed, especially in the early stages of our careers where we were working very hard and we didn’t feel like we were getting anywhere. The world is a large and wonderful place with so many opportunities. The harder you work, the luckier you become. Follow your strengths and don’t try and fit in!”

Following the interview with Jo and Rob Hastings, the Stage Band performed the ‘Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy’ by Don Raye, conducted by Genazzano’s Head of Jazz and Contemporary Music, Emily Tarrant. The second part of the evening was dedicated to 2015 Outstanding Alumna of the Year award recipient, Janet De Neefe, who flew in from Bali to accept her award.


While Bali is renowned for its laidback and relaxed character, life there for Janet De Neefe (1976) is anything but quiet as she enthusiastically throws herself into an incredible array of roles and activities. The artist, author and restaurateur moved with her husband to the Indonesian island nearly three decades ago, where she founded the world-renowned Ubud Writers & Readers Festival in 2004 as a response to the Bali bombings. “When the bombings occurred I felt it was my duty to help, for both the Balinese and the Australian victims. It had a huge impact on all of us and I will never forget the sadness of that time. It was like a huge grey cloud over our heads for so many, many months.” De Neefe remains very fond of her school days and thankful for the determining values she has carried throughout her life. “I really loved school. For me, the delight in having special friends around me five days a week was a joy. I think Genazzano taught you that anything is possible if you work hard enough. “There was a lovely sense that the world was our oyster and that beyond school we could achieve anything and move in any arena. I think Genazzano gave me an indomitable spirit to harness my dreams and turn them into a reality.” The evening concluded with a spirited performance of the Genazzano School Song and all guests were given a cupcake, kindly provided by the Alumnae Association. The following morning, guests returned to the College and were once again presented in front of the whole school.

1 School captains Annabelle Freeman and Jessica Landy with Janet de Neefe and Lindy Priest 2 Vocalist Gemma Digiglio (2010) entertains guests

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Janet De Neefe (1976)

While Bali is renowned for its laidback and relaxed character, life there for Janet De Neefe (1976) is anything but quiet as she enthusiastically throws herself into an incredible array of roles and activities. The artist, author and restaurateur moved with her husband to the Indonesian island nearly three decades ago. She is the Founder and Director of the Ubud Food Festival and Ubud Writers & Readers Festival, author of two books, owner of three restaurants and driving force behind a Balinese cooking school. “It is a sheer juggling act and I simply do the best I can,” says De Neefe as she explains how she manages the hectic load. “Each day I do a little of everything, from overseeing the bakery to checking on the writer’s festival. From the minute you wake until late at night you are working!” De Neefe is a Genazzano 2015 Outstanding Alumna Award recipient, due in large part to her founding and ongoing directorship of the annual Ubud Writers & Readers Festival. Established in 2004, initially as a response to the Bali bombings, it has been named by Harper’s Bazaar UK as, “one of the top festivals in the world”. Its mission is to celebrate extraordinary stories and amplify brave voices, tackle global issues and big ideas. “When the bombings occurred I felt it was my duty to help, for both the Balinese and the Australian victims. It had a huge impact on all of us and I will never forget the sadness of that time. It was like a huge grey cloud over our heads for so many, many months.

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“The Ubud Writers & Readers Festival was born out if this tragedy as a means of revitalising or re-flowering the community. From day one it has always featured many Australian authors alongside Indonesian and international stars and some exciting artistic collaborations have occurred because of this cross-cultural exchange.” Despite the length of time De Neefe has been living away from Melbourne and the years that have passed, she has been able to retain an affiliation with the school through the peer relationships she built. “I have stayed connected with the school by way of my fabulous school friends who are really like extended family. We meet all the time either in Bali or Melbourne and they are wonderful supporters who are there for me whenever I need them. “I really loved school. For me, the delight in having special friends around me five days a week was a joy. And we had so many funny moments as you could imagine! We were all a little mischievous which of course added to the spirit of adventure. “There were so many teachers who were inspirational. I could never forget Mrs Hyatt, our eccentric English teacher in the junior high years. When I am writing I always think about the rules she drummed into us and the theatrical way in which she did it! In Year 12, our other English teacher was Mrs Smith. She opened my eyes to great literature with such gusto that it was impossible not to be inspired. “I am actually really honoured to be invited back to my school to receive this award. I never in my wildest dreams imagined I would be returning in this capacity and am proud to have been nominated.”

De Neefe remains very fond of her school days and thankful for the determining values she has carried throughout her life. In many ways, the College’s focus on family, community and rituals complements the Balinese way of life and perhaps explains the ease with which she connected with the people of Bali. “Everything I do is based on my own breed of kindness, humanity and compassion. I learnt this from the Balinese and maybe I also learnt this from the religious teachings at Genazzano. “I think Genazzano taught you that anything is possible if you work hard enough. There was no sense of gender inequality, maybe because there were no male students, or that life presents limitations. “There was a lovely sense that the world was our oyster and that beyond school we could achieve anything and move in any arena. I think Genazzano gave me an indomitable spirit to harness my dreams and turn them into a reality.”

“When the bombings occurred I felt it was my duty to help, for both the Balinese and the Australian victims. It had a huge impact on all of us and I will never forget the sadness of that time. It was like a huge grey cloud over our heads for so many, many months.�

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Olivia (Liv) & Miriam (Mim) Nervo Outstanding Young Alumnae Award Recipients (1999)

If the current crop of students at Genazzano FCJ College seeks proof the world truly is at their feet, they need look no further than the inspiring musical journey of the all-conquering Nervo twins, Miriam (Mim) and Olivia (Liv). The Grammy award-winning girls can now add a Genazzano Outstanding Young Alumnae Award to a string of hit singles, sold-out live performances and all-star collaborations that have brought them fame and fortune across the globe. Yet despite a whirlwind few years in the notoriously fickle music industry, it’s gratifying to hear the girls remain grounded as they speak with great fondness of their school days and the honour of receiving a prestigious alumnae award. “We can't believe it,” says Liv. “It feels like yesterday when we were attending assembly listening to other girls receive similar awards.” Following their graduation, the twins signed with Sony/ATV Music Publishing to pursue careers as song writing partners, penning hits for the likes of Kylie Minogue, Miley Cyrus and Britney Spears. Perhaps the greatest achievement of their collaboration to date has been writing the Grammy Awardwinning single, ‘When Love Takes Over’, as performed by David Guetta and Kelly Rowland. Today, they are just as well known as DJs and producers, touring the world and garnering an ever-growing fan base. Such is the scale of their success, the London-based twins, who perform under the name NERVO, were recently named by Forbes magazine as the highest-earning female act in electronic dance music. The recent release of the duo’s debut 2 8 g e nna r r at i ons

album, Collateral, showcases a heady willingness to push the boundaries, with Rolling Stone magazine describing it as a “… fiery debut album, laced with head-rattling hooks and frosty, evocative vocals” that “… succeeds by being refreshingly different from the norm.” Reflecting on their rise to stardom, Liv is keen to point out the musical opportunities presented to them by the College and the support they received from staff. “Music was always a passion of ours … we definitely explored this during our time at Genazzano. We were involved in anything and everything that had to do with music, from the Gen-Xavier musicals to simply choosing music as our electives. “Ms Donohue and Mrs McGrath were both phenomenally passionate teachers – and actually friends by the time we graduated. Their care for us far exceeded their obligations as teachers. We sent Ms Donahue a card a few years ago thanking her for her belief in us. We miss her!” Of course, while music was front and centre for the girls from a very young age, there was much more to their time at Genazzano, for which they credit their ability to navigate the music industry without burning out like so many before them. Says Liv: “we were both rowers and we also loved to swim, so a lot of early mornings! “Genazzano's positive girl power ‘we can do’ attitude is definitely something that we needed, especially in the early stages of our careers where we were working very hard and we didn't feel like we were getting anywhere. We remember (the school as)

Guetta, the French producer and popular global DJ, encouraged the girls to turn their attention to DJing, and by the end of 2012, the duo (who perform under the name NERVO) had opened for pop star sensation Britney Spears on her US tour.

having a focus on producing honest, good, positive, well mannered ladies which is always a great way to be, don't you think?” If there’s a theme that binds together NERVO’s music, performances and general outlook, it’s a sparkling and effervescent optimism. So it’s not surprising the girls have some fairly straightforward and practical advice for the current student body. “Keep working hard, ladies! The harder you work, the luckier you become. Follow your strengths and don't try and fit in. Make your own mould and path. “The world is a large and wonderful place with so many opportunities. Manners will get you everywhere!”

“We are so sorry for your loss, we know all about your daughter Katrina but you now must know you have many daughters here in Nepal.�


Katrina Wakeling (1996)

A Genazzano FCJ College Outstanding Young Alumna (Posthumous) Award recipient this year, Katrina Wakeling (nee Hastings, 1996) had a unique ability to relate to every pocket of humanity, from the poverty-stricken child to the influential corporate leader. Perhaps, Katrina’s mother Jo Hastings reflects today, it was in part due to her upbringing in Berwick, now considered an outer suburb but which was effectively a country town in the years of Katrina’s childhood. For one, it gave Katrina great joy to be a little bit different – she wasn’t a boarder at Genazzano but also not a product of the inner city. “She thrived on the difference in her life. She loved coming home to her own community because she was very involved there but she also loved the challenges and opportunities and choices that Genazzano offered,” says Jo. Katrina’s enrolment at Genazzano itself was not typical. Her father, Rob, had worked at the College and observed a caring staff group and a restlessly committed student body. Though distance was an issue, Rob felt this was the right school for his daughter, and she thrived from the moment she started. “Education was always very important to us. From the early times we looked at where (our children) would most benefit. Rob was very impressed with the quality of the staff and the opportunities. Katrina really wanted to have some more challenges in her life and that’s how she came to go to Genazzano. “We had to explain, ‘It’s a long day for you,’ and generally she’d leave around six-thirty or a quarter-to-seven in the morning, get on the train from Berwick into Richmond, back to Camberwell then on the tram to Gen.

The days were long but it built a determination and discipline and some resilience into her and she worked out ways to use that time and was just very committed. “She had some mentors there. Marg Horton springs to mind, she was her PE mentor, and Pat Fitzgerald, who was the Principal at the time. (The school had) such strong leadership models, who gave her great inspiration.” Following school, Katrina literally took the path less travelled. Whether it was successfully applying for and completing a Rotary Exchange to Iceland or travelling with her brother Simon through Nepal, Katrina explored a wonderful diversity of experiences. “She went trekking with Simon and came back fired up because she’d been reading since she was 5 years old … and was just blown away by the fact the kids over there couldn’t read. She came back saying she had to do something about it. When we lost her we started a foundation and built a reading room there in her honour. (Earlier this year) we visited it up in the mountains and it was absolutely brilliant. The little girls stood up and spoke in English and said, ‘We are so sorry for your loss, we know all about your daughter Katrina but you now must know you have many daughters here in Nepal.’”

outspoken but stood her ground. Going to Visy, she had the strength to walk into that male-dominated environment and start telling the boys what to do to make it a safer place. “She was not afraid to say, ‘This is not right,’ but it wasn’t about her; there was no ego there. She understood what was required to create change and you can bring that back to her time at Genazzano.” Jo Hastings is justifiably proud of Katrina’s life and achievements, and she speaks with great pride of her legacy. But she notes with emphasis Katrina’s unmatched joy at becoming a mum to Lewis, now 6, just a few short months before her sudden passing in 2009. “One of the most important roles in her life was becoming a mother. Her passion and her love as a mother to Lewis, wife to Lachlan and a daughter and sister to us was second to none.” It is with much fondness that Genazzano FCJ College recognises the life and contribution of Katrina Wakeling, which continues to inspire us all.

According to Jo, the breadth and nature of these experiences likely played a part in Katrina’s success in her senior health and safety role at Visy Industries, as the ability to relate to both shop floor workers and board-level executives was central in developing the progressive outcomes for which she was renowned. “She was a pretty determined person. If she set her mind to something, she would do it, no matter what it took. She became a very strong, independent person who wasn’t DECEMBER 2015 3 1

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Danielle Sibosado (2012)

The Kimberley Exchange, a program of shared experiences for students of Genazzano FCJ College and St Mary’s College in Broome, is renowned for promoting tolerance and understanding between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians. For one St Mary’s student, the program was the catalyst for something more than a oncein-a-lifetime visit to Melbourne – it has led to a permanent move south. Danielle Sibosado (2012) spent the first three years of her high school education at St Mary’s before successfully applying for a boarding and academic scholarship at Genazzano. “I have four older brothers and two older sisters and a few of them did the exchange as well. When I was growing up I always wanted to go on the exchange because I’d seen them do it. When I did the exchange … I fell in love with Melbourne – it’s got a good music scene and the school was great. I’d never really seen a school with such good facilities and such nice grounds!” Given her Kimberley upbringing and subsequent Genazzano education, it’s perhaps not surprising to discover that Sibosado, is a passionate advocate of education for indigenous Australians. “I started doing a course at RMIT in 2013 studying the music industry and through that I got involved with (community radio station) 3CR. That got me thinking a lot about the issues facing indigenous people. Around the same time I started working for an organisation called AIME, which stands for Australian Indigenous Mentoring Experience, as a facilitator working with Year 9 indigenous kids in Ballarat and Gippsland. I was still doing my music industry course but had a realisation that maybe youth work was something I wanted to do and was something 3 2 g e nna r r at i ons

I was passionate about so I changed courses half way through last year. “The whole point of AIME is to try and get indigenous students going all the way through high school to Year 12 because the rates (compared with non-indigenous students) are different. I think it has a lot to do with identity. If you’re at a school where you don’t feel comfortable … it can really play a role in how you feel about (continuing) through school. If you’ve worked out who you are and what you want to be, it’s a bit easier to manage everything else.” For Sibosado, boarding at Genazzano helped grow her independence and she describes with pride having to make her own way to farflung grounds during winter to play football, and her appreciation of the faith shown in the boarders by the boarding house staff. “I loved the boarding school. There were only 40 students so it was really small, which was nice. Everyone got to know one another. We enjoyed the trust of the headmistress and the supervisors, especially our year level because we always communicated well with the ladies of the house. In turn, they put a lot of trust in us and we never thought to break that trust. That meant … if you go into the city they prefer you go with another person in the boarding house but they trusted us enough to allow us to do that ourselves. From that, we gained a lot of independence.” Sibosado comes from a very large family of ten children (for the record, she was number seven), several of whom have also enjoyed an education in Melbourne. When it’s put to her that it takes a very special kind of parent to allow a child to pursue their educational and developmental dreams on the other side of the country, Sibosado explains that both her parents travelled to Perth for their education and wanted to afford their own children every opportunity.

“When I did the exchange … I fell in love with Melbourne – it’s got a good music scene and the school was great. I’d never really seen a school with such good facilities and such nice grounds!”

If there is something that appears to define Sibosado, it is that she is a free spirit who, thanks to her time at Genazzano, has a limitless number of pathways to follow. “There are so many different opportunities at Gen. You can give anything a try. There are so many different sports that I didn’t really know about or had never played before, and I gave them a shot and ended up really enjoying them. I’ve taken that away from school – if there is an opportunity I will just take it and see what happens! “The teachers I had were always so encouraging. I’ve gone back to Gen a couple of times and they all still remember you. That sense of community is something I’ve always appreciated, especially being so far away from home.”

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Genazzano Mothers’ Association

“The band Big City Beat had us on the floor dancing from the first to the very last song, the food was delicious and we put the ‘fun’ in fundraising.”


As President of the Mothers’ Association and

A great deal of time and effort goes into an

with the fourth and final term of 2015 upon us,

event such as the ‘Oriental Nights’ ball, and

complete with social gatherings, fundraising

planning began six months prior with our very

and College functions requiring Association

dedicated committee. I’d like to say a big

support, I look back fondly on another busy year.

thank you to Johanna Nesbitt who chaired

Our Annual Ball titled ‘Oriental Nights’ was a wonderful evening and a fabulous success. Held at Zinc in Federation Square on Saturday 29 August, the night had a great buzz about

the committee, together with Zana Bytheway, Sonia Cappellazzo, Helen Condilis, Julie Douglas, Cathy Frawley, Belinda Rotella, Nadia Peters and Bozena Zembrzuski.

it. The band Big City Beat had us on the floor

Time spent together meant we got to know

dancing from the first to the very last song,

each other well with lots of fun along the way.

the food was delicious and we put the ‘fun’

Sharing the journey contributes to building

in fundraising. It was wonderful to welcome

friendships and we now have many new

parents from ELC through to Year 12, including

friends. I extend my warm and sincere thanks

boarders’ parents. Thanks to all who attended

with a special mention to Josephine Lee who

and contributed to its success.

worked with Johanna on Trybooking online.

Once again, we were supported by the College and we thank Principal, Trish Cowling, for her influence and support in allowing us to use the College’s resources. The support of Deputy Principal Student Learning and Wellbeing, Lila McInerney, and our Board Chair, Lindy Priest was also appreciated as was their attendance on the night. We have already started planning for the 2016 event, securing a fabulous venue and beginning excited discussions on the all-important theme for the night. Both past and present parents and alumnae are warmly invited to attend, so please keep an eye out for your invitation early in 2016, and get together with friends to book a table. As outgoing President, it has been both a privilege and pleasure to work with the GMA for the past two years. I’m pleased to announce the new President duly elected at our AGM on 9 November is Carmel Nee. I wish Carmel and her Committee all the best and warmly encourage mothers to get involved in the GMA. Apart from being of assistance to the College and the teachers who guide our daughters, there is much to be gained on a personal level.

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Genazzano Fathers’ Association ROB BISCHOF GFA PRESIDENT

Oh how quickly the year has flown, and the GFA has both created and capitalised on opportunities to continue to build a strong and vibrant community of fathers and guardians that strive to fulfil our passion to love, laugh and make a difference in the lives of our daughters. We have good reason to be proud of our many achievements in 2015. They include: • Opening the Fathers’ Steps Project in May – this represents a symbol of guidance, permanency and purpose, visionary of the support and nurturing provided by fathers to their daughters as they take each step along the path of their educational and developmental journey at the College • Holding three father-daughter masses, with an attendance of more than 240, and raising close to $1,000 for the FCJ Missions • Running three very successful fatherdaughter camps (for Years 5–8) and a fatherdaughter ‘weekend away’ (Year 10), that helped nearly 300 dads and girls connect and share priceless experiences together • Creating fun and special moments at the father-daughter bowling and traffic school events, then together with the whole family at Gen Outback • Supporting College activities, which included the Talking Careers event, the set up for Gen Welcomes, providing BBQ support for Open Day and then additional special events held at the All Hallows and Grange Hill campuses • Holding Corporate and Social activities that bring friends and partners together to have fun, building a community of fathers who feel engaged with the GFA and raise funds for GFA projects. These include the GFA Greetings and Thank you BBQs, Winemakers Dinner, Footy Tipping Comp, Golf Day, and the Footy Finals Luncheon (with almost 350 attending, raising a record $40,000+ for the Association in 2015). • Raising awareness about the importance of a father’s influence and our role in nurturing the growth and development of our children, including guidance and education for fathers with feature presentations such as ‘Computer use and IT facilities at Genazzano’ and ‘Cultivating a growth mindset – what fathers can do.’

To the many Genazzano fathers that have participated in, supported and helped run the GFA events over the year, it is these mighty efforts that have made the year such a success for the GFA. How satisfying it was to see so many new dads bravely taking their first steps into the GFA, and witnessing their joy in sharing special moments with their girls. The GFA Executive Committee has shown outstanding leadership, energy and commitment – Julian Di Battista, Rob Furlan, Jerome Joseph, Mark Lewis, Jordan Papadopoulos and Neville Drake – who have freely given many hours of time and made a real difference to the Association. Of course, none of our achievements would have been possible without the amazing support of the College, and with this I extend a very special thank you to our Principal, Patricia Cowling, for being such a strong and enthusiastic advocate of the GFA over the years. I look forward to embracing the challenges and opportunities ahead for the GFA as I enter my second year as President. With the GFA theme this year ‘on a journey together…’, we look forward to seeing many dads join the team in 2016, embrace the journey of our girls as they grow and develop during their time at Genazzano, and help all Gen dads and the GFA to love, laugh and make a difference for our children. DECEMBER 2015 3 5

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GenAquatic continues to go from strength to strength as it builds a welcoming environment for both competitive and non competitive swimmers. The national governing body, Swimming Australia, has recently recognised that swimming is a life time activity and they need to broaden their attention from the swimmers who represent Australia to the wider community. We agree. Just three years ago we had less than 40 swimmers in the club; we are proud to announce that number has grown to 80, building strong bonds with each other and showing remarkable improvement. While we cater for girls at the College, GenAquatic is open to the wider community with almost 40% of our swimmers being male. This year with the help of our club captains Hannah McDonald and Allegra Mattioli, we have built a great club atmosphere. Lenin McMahon, our Junior Mentor, has done an amazing job integrating our younger swimmers (8–12 year olds) into the club. Our club AGM and Dinner was the social highlight of the year with close to 100 attendees. It’s great to see the team all dressed up, and quite a change from their tracksuits or swimmers! At the competitive end, we are going from strength to strength. Taiga Yoshida reached nationals and finished a remarkable 6th in the 13 years and under 100m breaststroke. He also managed to break two state records, which have stood since 1988! Three years ago we only had one state qualifier, today we have more than six with State qualifying times. At the recent State Short Course Championships, Wakana Yoshida, Taiga Yoshida, Hannah McDonald and Darren Tan all competed, with three of our swimmers reaching the finals. These achievements must be attributed to our hard working Aquatics Manager, Andi Smith, and Head Coach, Amon Soerink, whose reputation around the swimming circles is growing in using science rather than just ‘more laps’ to improve performance while creating a great environment. It’s unanimous, everyone loves our ‘Fun Fridays!’

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This year we also welcomed Matt Welsh, who I’ve heard competed in swimming at a few Olympics and even trained at our pool! Matt has joined Genazzano as a ‘sports ambassador’ and we look forward to learning from his wealth of experience! Our challenge next year is to provide continued and flexible pathways for GenAquatics members to stay involved with the club upon leaving school or wanting to keep fit. We aim to build on our inclusive environment yet increase our competitive edge and be a swimming club to be reckoned with! Our heartfelt thanks to: • Heidi Smith, who took over from Amon as Head Coach while he was on leave • Ocha Restaurant which provided catering at our Annual Dinner • Telstra which provided us with a wonderful grant • Our committee members, especially Andrew Appleton, who provides the swimmers and the committee with all the necessary information • Andrew Smith, who quietly makes the BBQ happen and • Kerry Miles, who stepped down this year after four years as Club President. Our final thanks is to Genazzano FCJ College, whose generous support makes this all happen and provides us with a pathway to gain much needed training in a 50m pool at Hawthorn.


A wonderful book has been produced, authored by Anthony Jackson, which commemorates this milestone. The book ‘30 Years of Rowing’ is available for purchase through the College.

In 2014–15 we celebrated our inaugural season in our new home of rowing – the Genazzano/Xavier Rowing Sheds. Both the rowers and coaches have benefitted greatly from the amazing facilities and equipment the club now has on offer. The girls trained enthusiastically throughout the season, with the aim of competing at their very best at the Head of Schoolgirl, Regatta held in March 2015. Genazzano had 19 entries at the Regatta coming away with 11 medals. Our Senior 1st and 2nd Eight, together with the Year 10As and Bs travelled to Sydney for Nationals, where they performed strongly, showed great determination and were wonderful representatives of the College, if not medallists. A highlight of the season was Rowing Victoria giving us the opportunity to co-host our first regatta in February 2015 – the Junior State Championships at Geelong. Thanks to our hardworking regatta sub-committee and our very enthusiastic parents, the event was very successful and showcased Genazzano Rowing amongst the wider rowing community. The 2015–16 season is now in full swing. While the coaches focus on producing fit and technically well-trained girls, the Committee is again working on the Junior

State Championships, which we are again cohosting in 2016. In September, we launched the season by celebrating the College’s 30 years of rowing – the club has come a long way since its beginnings in 1985, and we took time out to celebrate those who have contributed to building the Genazzano Rowing Club we see today. A wonderful book has been produced, authored by Anthony Jackson, which commemorates this milestone. The book ‘30 Years of Rowing’ is available for purchase through the College. We have a new committee on board this season after having to say goodbye to some wonderful and dedicated long serving members. Particular thanks must go to Vic Sibillin, who has held the reigns as President for the past five years. He and his team have left the club financially and spiritually strong. I would like to thank the Genazzano Rowing Committee, past and present, for their hard work over the past year. With our loud and passionate supporter group, dedicated coaches and talented rowers, the spirit of the Genazzano Rowing Club will continue to be the envy of many schools on the river banks. Go Gen!

DECEMBER 2015 3 7

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The Friends of Hopetoun Hall was formed during 2013, resulting in some fantastic social opportunities for the boarding community. As we farewell our girls at the beginning of each term, and deliver them into the very capable care of Lauren Kennedy (Director of Boarding) and her staff, a number of parents have enjoyed lunch together at a local venue, providing an opportunity to get to know each other and share their knowledge and experiences of boarding at Genazzano. The GMA ‘Oriental Nights’ Ball held on 29 August was well attended by boarding parents, who had a fabulous time dancing the night away. Word was they may have been the last to leave!! The Xavier-Genazzano Getaway weekend for boarding families in May was also well attended. This year’s event was organised and hosted by Cathy and Rob Campagnaro in Bendigo. Their son Dominic will finish Year 12 at Xavier College this year. The weekend began with a relaxed gathering over pizza on Friday night and progressed to wine tasting at Mandurang Winery on Saturday, followed by a guided tour of the Ned Kelly exhibition at the Bendigo Art Gallery. We all enjoyed a delicious meal at The Gallery Café on Saturday night before gathering for mass at the Catholic College Chapel on Sunday morning. Cathy and Rob then hosted a lunch at their home after mass. There were several new and old

Genazzano FCJ College boarding families in attendance, in addition to current families. It was a fabulous opportunity to share our love of boarding and remind ourselves that the sacrifices we are making in sending them to ‘the city’, are all worthwhile. In August, the traditional City/Country Mothers’ lunch was, once again, well

It was a fabulous opportunity to share our love of boarding and remind ourselves that the sacrifices we are making in sending them to ‘the city’, are all worthwhile.

supported by the Genazzano community. This year it was held at Fowles Winery in Avenel and a delicious morning tea was supplied by the local bowling club as we made our way to our destination. Fr Chris Middleton SJ, Rector of Xavier College, celebrated mass and we were delighted to have Sr Maryrose Dennehy fcJ, as our guest. We celebrated our annual Boarder’s Mass at Our Lady of Victory, the parish church of the Boarding House, on Sunday 4 October, a wonderful start to Term 3. Many current girls and their families attended and welcomed the new families of 2016. After mass we enjoyed lunch together in the parish hall, providing a great opportunity for new students to ask any questions. Whilst leaving our girls in the Boarding House is always difficult, we are forever grateful for the wonderful opportunities and experiences that the Catholic community of Genazzano FCJ College is providing them. DECEMBER 2015 3 9

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Valedictory Awards The Celine Khoury Award for Philosophy

The Denise and Frank Donovan Award for Literature

The Michelle Foley Award for Global Politics

Elise Tutton, Year 11

Olivia Lynch

Emma Bendall

The Peters Family Award for Religion and Society

The G E Downes Family Award for Literature

The Gabrielle Trainor Award for Legal Studies

Anna Wilton

Emma Bendall

Johanna Curtain

The Genazzano FCJ College Alumnae Association Award for Art Production

The Helen Santamaria Award for English and Literature

The Christine Martin Award for History: Renaissance

Krista Lam

Sophie Kerr

The Di Palma Family Award for Food and Technology

The Gladys Holzer Breheny Award for History: Revolutions

Anushni Fernandopulle

Sophia Di Mattina, Year 11

The McLaughlin Family Award for Health and Human Development

The RTG Award for Software Development

Stephanie Avro

The Three’s A Crowd Award for Media Stephanie Avro

The Margaret Tutty (nee Chamberlin) Award for Studio Arts Lily Rokebrand

Amelia Antonello

Olivia Lynch

The Mackay Family Award for French

The Genazzano FCJ College Alumnae Award for Product Design and Technology

The Genazzano Mothers’ Association Award for Health and Human Development

Catherine Ingham

Olivia Camilleri

The Carmel Murphy Award for Italian

The Choong Foundation Award for Visual Communication and Design

The Genazzano Mothers’ Association Award for Health and Human Development

Jessica Spurio

Krista Lam

Caitlin McClusky

The Kaye Coghlan Award for Drama and Theatre Studies

The Spicer Family Award for Physical Education

Claire Warrillow

Alicia Smaldino

The Genazzano Mothers’ Association Award for English Krista Lam

The Joan Connellan Award for English Irene Ryan

Annelise Pereira

The Morna Fazio (nee Grogan) Award for Japanese Rachel Ingham

The Michael Wilson Family Award for Latin Madeleine Kerr

The Katrina Wakeling (nee Hastings) Award for Physical Education

The Allan Buckley Award for Further Mathematics

Casey Targett

Stephanie Avro

The Nexia Australia Award for Accounting

The Genazzano Fathers’ Association Award for Further Mathematics

The Diane Foster Hogan Award for English

Nicola Fitt

Ella Menzies

The Glover Family Award for Business Management

Ciara Ward

Natalie Baring-Gould, Year 11

The Genazzano Fathers’ Association Award for Further Mathematics

The Rotary Club of Balwyn Award for Economics

Mary Gilmour

Emma Steele

The Sr Anthony Buckley fcJ Award for Specialist Mathematics Emily Rickard

The Campion Award for English

The Jennifer Russell Award for Geography

Emily Rickard

Amanda Kouskouras

The Sir Murray McInerney Award for Music Performance

The Gabrielle Walsh Leonard Award for English Language

The Fuji Xerox Australia Award for Global Politics

Jacinta Ryan, Year 11

Giulia Falvo

Giulia Mirabile

The Choong Foundation Award for Biology

The Mary Corcoran Award for English Sophie Kerr

The O’Connor Memorial Award for English Olivia Camilleri

Lauren Lambrineas, Year 11 4 0 g e nna r r at i ons

The Barbara M. Nogaki Award for Biology

Long Tan Award Caitlin McClusky

Bridget Connelly

The Dr Gemma M. Kirwan Award for Chemistry

The Genazzano Friends of Sport Award for Sportswoman of the Year

Emily Rickard

Gemma Sibillin

The Norma de Gruchy Award for Chemistry

The Joan Crowe Memorial Award for Sporting Excellence and Team Spirit

Madeleine Kerr


Marielle Salom

The Psyhogios Family Award for Psychology Casey Targett

The Genazzano Fathers’ Association Award for Psychology Jessica Spurio

The Genazzano Past Mothers’ Association Award for Reliability and Endeavour Isabella Digiglio

The Christina Cassar Memorial Award for Reliability and Endeavour

The Dr Denis Clark Award for Psychology

Stephanie Avro

Stephanie Avro

The Dr Jane Connor Memorial Award for Outreach to the Community

The Sister Dolores Kirby fcJ Award for Physics


Sarah Biasotto

Emily Rickard

The Peter and Jenni Bolton Award for Christian Leadership and Service

The WATPAC and Cullen Family Award for Significant Contribution to Music Ella Menzies


Olivia Culvenor

The Gannon and Danaher Award for Christian Leadership and Service

The Jennifer Russell Award for Excellence in Music Olivia Camilleri

Meaghan A’Hearn

The Ann Lorkin Award for Faith in Action

The Genazzano Fathers’ Association Award for Christian Leadership and Service

Ciara Jackson

Giulia Falvo

The Sr Maryrose Dennehy fcJ Award for Faith in Action


Jennifer Douglas

The Peck Family Award for Christian Leadership and Service

The Marie Madeleine d’Houet Award for Courage and Confidence

1 The Diane Foster Hogan Award for English – Ella Menzies, presented by: Michelle Jennison

Alessandra Di Mattina

The Suzanne Mania Award for Christian Leadership and Service

2 The Gabrielle Trainor Award for Legal Studies – Johanna Curtain, presented by: Deborah Everitt

The Genazzano Alumnae Mary Winter Award for Loyalty

3 The Sir Murray McInerney Award for Music Performance – Jacinta Ryan (Year 11), presented by: Jan Blazejczak

Anna McMeel

Caitlin McClusky

The Brian Reid Award for Christian Leadership and Service

The Principal’s Award for General Excellence

Sienna Waldron

4 The Principal’s Award for General Excellence – Emily Rickard, presented by: Chair Lindy Priest and Principal Patricia Cowling

Emily Rickard

Imogen Kuner

DECEMBER 2015 4 1

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ELC & Early Learning ‘Flow’, flowing at Grange Hill JUDITH E PAPHA Z Y JOYFULLY, MENTORING 'FLOW ' AT GR ANGE HILL 3. Delig ht

May I suggest you read ‘Flow Theory Introduced in the Early Years’ on the Gen website:

1. En gros se


2. Con centrating so as to have a background understanding of this wonderfully creative way of becoming fully engaged in learning? Now in its second year ‘Flow’ continues to generate enthusiasm, curiosity and the desire to explore in the Preps and Year 1s. Thus, learning becomes a challenging adventure for both the girls and teachers. ‘Flow’ helps the girls to grow their skills by engaging in the learning tasks, being committed to learning and by exhibiting persistence even if the task is hard and requires significant effort. Have you ever been so engaged in something that you lost track of time? Did you feel mentally and emotionally absorbed? Did the activity/task fill you with enjoyment and satisfaction? If so, you have experienced ‘Flow’. In Prep and Year 1 our enthusiastic teachers have collaborated to provide environments in which learning tasks, whether in Literacy, Numeracy or Inquiry, challenge the girls’ skills so that they become engaged and immersed in whatever they are doing. At such times the girls and teachers are in ‘flow’ which, according to Csikszentmihalyi (1990), is a state “of such involvement that nothing else seems to matter, the experience itself is so enjoyable that people will do it ... for the sheer sake of doing it.” Csikszentmihalyi’s (1990) Flow Theory is predicated on three necessary conditions: clear instructions about the task, attainable goals with the match between skills and challenge understood, and with clear and ongoing feedback. The Prep and Year 1 teachers provide these conditions so that the planned learning tasks allow and encourage the girls to become engaged and immersed, committed to and persist with completing the task or project. Professor Cavanagh (2014), an eminent researcher into school learning environments, discusses the importance of “feelings such as happiness, creativity and excitement, and conditions that provide challenge, require concentration, ensure 4 2 g e nna r r at i ons

4. Wonderm ent

rbed, d an d abso 5. En gage e other th of us oblivio

inclusion and have goal orientation.” These are all attributes of the ‘Flow’ experience.

Teachers’ Comments:

Let’s look at how the girls (and teachers)

“I find that I am in ‘flow’ when my energy and enthusiasm match the girls. It is an extraordinary experience to be so deeply involved ... a world within the world of the classroom ... disrupted only by the lunch time bell.”

talk about ‘Flow’ and let’s see the girls in flow. Let’s see them experiencing ‘Flow’ as the pure enjoyment of creating.

“I’m excited because I have really good stories in my head, I really like what I have written.” (Ava)

“... in this state (’flow’) the girls are completely engaged, making connections, exploring, analysing, reasoning, making judgements and using various strategies to make meaning. When the bell goes, even at the end of the day, they don’t want to stop. Being part of this is one of the most rewarding aspects of my job.”

“I love doing experiments, they make me think about things. I think and think and wonder, I don’t want it to stop.” (Emma)

“I know that when I am in flow nothing else matters and I am totally immersed in what I am doing.”

“When I am working on my projects I am excited and happy. I feel proud of my work.” (Allegra)

“Flow is so powerful for learning and well being ... we work to make environments where this can occur daily.”

“I feel like I’m going to explode, sometimes I feel like I’m in the circus learning new tricks.” (Micaela)

“‘Flow’ was a totally new concept to me – though I believe it is something I have aimed for my entire teaching career without actually knowing it – I have noticed as the year progressed that when in ‘flow’ the girls are not only happy, engaged and focussed but have also become more independent learners.”

Girls’ Comments: “I feel happy and confident when I love what I’m doing – maths, especially time, I feel good about myself.” (Lara)

“I feel like I’m in my work and I don’t want to stop being in that world.” (Charlotte) “I feel like I do when I eat ice-cream.” (Evanthia) “I feel like there are fireworks coming out of my head, like there’s a party in my brain.” (Eva)

“‘Flow’ is a delight for both girls and teachers.”


At the beginning of Term 4, numerous exciting camps occur at Grange Hill, taking advantage of the warmer spring weather before the searing heat of summer arrives. For weeks before camp there is a hive of activity among the girls as they organise their camp list, go on sleepovers at their friends’ or relatives’ homes or simply sleep in a sleeping bag on their own bed to get used to climbing in and out of this strange cocoon. At Genazzano FCJ College our camp experiences are progressive. Beginning at Year 2 the girls eventually build up to the three day and two night camp in Year 4, in preparation for the much longer camps of Years 5 and 6. Preparation for camp begins at Year 2 level with the fun-filled Genazzano-based Camp Gen. With the help of Wurundjeri Elder Ian Hunter, the girls explore Genazzano’s beautiful grounds for native plants. Camp Gen has a learning focus based on the way in which the original custodians of our land looked after God’s creation, and this is very much in keeping with the focus on environment and sustainability that runs through the Term 4 unit on Biological Science Inquiry. This environmental awareness thread is ever present in the Year 3 Camp where, again through Botanical Gardens’ workshops and a night spent at Melbourne Zoo, the girls discover new and amazing facts about the world around them. Zoo Snooze is a real adventure, a night time tour of the zoo with all the sounds, smells and excitement of being the only ones wandering around the wilds of the park in the dark. Year 4 adds another day and night to their camp adventure with a three day, two night excursion to Marysville. The girls again explore the concepts of sustainability through helping maintain the veggie garden and hen coop. Food is gathered for the evening meal and the Waste Watchers program instils the message ‘Take what you want but eat what you take!’. They also learn how to problem solve as a team as they tackle the ‘Initiatives’ challenges, the low ropes and boulder courses.

Camps are great fun and create memories to last a lifetime. They are also an important way to develop resilience and independence. With three camps under their belt by the time they leave Grange Hill, the students are well prepared for the longer camps experienced in the Middle and Senior Years. The Performance Psychology Department has an excellent tip sheet to help students and parents alike prepare for their camp adventure. Tips for parents whose daughter may be a little anxious about going on camp: • Discuss your daughter’s worry with her class teacher • Prepare your daughter for camp by talking about the activities she will experience on camp. Focus on the fun things! • Have your daughter spend a couple of nights away from home in the months leading up to camp • Ask your daughter to take something with her to camp that reminds her of home and brings her comfort, such as a photo or special trinket • Show empathy and that you understand camp can be scary. However, also show you are confident she will have a good time • Do NOT tell your daughter you will collect her from camp if she is not enjoying herself. Let your daughter know that she is expected to go and stay on camp like all other students • Decide on a reward for your daughter for going on camp. Share this with your daughter so that she can look forward to it while she is away (e.g. a dinner out, take away, DVD) • Remind your daughter of how she has overcome fears in the past • Ask your daughter what she is worried about and how she can help herself • Keep the goodbye short on the morning of camp. Say a proper goodbye at home before you leave for school.

DECEMBER 2015 4 3

g en a z z a no f c j col l e ge


In Term 4, Genazzano FCJ College commenced a facilitated co-educational weekly playgroup for alumnae, friends and members of the wider Genazzano community. It is a warm, friendly, supportive and educational environment in which children and parents/carers feel welcome and confident, and are able to have FUN. To date we have enrolled 15 families and numbers continue to grow. The children attending range in age from 6 months to 3 years. Activities include painting, playing with play dough and shaving cream, building with blocks, playing with cars, taking our dolls for a stroll in their prams, reading in the tent, outside games in the playground and music through songs, rhymes and dancing. However, most importantly we are meeting new people and getting to know each other! Our playgroup caters specifically for children’s needs, strengths and interests within a safe and stimulating environment. Activities that support and further a child’s development and creativity change weekly. In the early years, the focus of a child’s development is gross motor skills, speech/ language and cognitive development. Playgroup activities cater for multiple levels of ability and build social and emotional skills as well as fine motor skills.

4 4 g e nna r r at i ons

For parents and caregivers, playgroup provides an opportunity to make new friends and meet new people with whom to share concerns and successes, ideas and experiences, and learn from one another. Through playgroup, parents learn about child development and new ideas for home. Most importantly, parents are able to spend time playing with their children, enjoy being together and share the experience. The program is facilitated by Rita Bresciano, who has three children of her own aged eight, seven and five. Rita is a qualified primary school teacher with extensive experience working with children in the early years. In addition, Rita facilitates an educational play program for children aged 16 months to 4 years, and a pre-school readiness program for children aged 3 to 5 years. Our final session for the year is on Tuesday 2 December.

In 2016, sessions will again be held on a Tuesday morning but extended to an hourand-a-half in the Grange Hill Hall, and will be open to children aged 0 to 3 years. For all registration enquiries please visit the website and fill in the online registration form. alumnae/alumnae--friends-playgroup We welcome new and existing families to join us at playgroup and extend an invitation to you to bring along a friend.

Reunions in 2016

2016 dates

Becoming a Genazzano girl is the beginning of a lifelong connection, and reunions are a fantastic way to strengthen friendships and bonds.

Open Mornings 2016 Time: 9.30am – 11.00am Wednesday 24 February Thursday 28 April Tuesday 24 May Friday 15 July Tuesday 9 August Tuesday 11 October

Potential reunion dates for 2016 are: • 5 Year Reunion – Class of 2011 – Saturday 8 October • 10 Year Reunion – Class of 2006 – Sunday 17 April • 20 Year Reunion – Class of 1996 – Friday 2 December

Open Day 2016

• 25 Year Reunion – Class of 1991 – Friday 6 May

Sunday 20 March, 1.30pm – 4.00pm

• 30 Year Reunion – Class 1986 – Saturday 15 October • 40 Year Reunion – Class of 1976 – Sunday 15 May

Alumnae Events

• 50 Year Reunion – Class of 1966 – Saturday 30 April

Genazzano Day Mass and Luncheon: Sunday 1 May

• 60 Year Reunion – Class of 1956 – Sunday 13 November

Alumnae Golf Day: Monday 9 May

• One Year Reunion – Class of 2015 – Friday 25 November

Alumnae AGM: Wednesday 25 May Outstanding Alumnae Awards Evening: Wednesday 10 August

If your class year is celebrating a milestone in 2016 and you would like to volunteer to help organise your reunion, please contact the Alumnae Relations Manager on 8862 1200 or via email:

GLS Breakfast: Wednesday 7 September Memorial Mass: Sunday 6 November

Alumnae Playgroup A facilitated co-educational playgroup for Alumnae and friends began in Term 4, 2015. This will continue in Term 1, 2016, occurring Tuesday mornings from 9.30am – 11.00am in the Grange Hill Hall. Please register your interest by emailing the Alumnae Relations Manager:

The Alumnae Relations Manager will provide organising committees with promotional and administrative support including class lists, invitation design and mail out, venue and catering suggestions, online and print promotion as well as a small financial contribution from the Alumnae Association.

or by completing the online form at: alumnae--friends-playgroup

2015 Christmas Appeal

Please complete this form and return it to: Genazzano FCJ College, 301 Cotham Rd, Kew VIC 3101


■ $50 ■ $100 ■ $250 ■ $500 ■ $1000 ■ $2500 ■ $5000

Other $

If paying by cheque, please make payable to the appropriate fund e.g. Building Fund, Library Fund or Scholarships and Bursaries Fund.



Genazzano Alumna

Peer Year

Given Names If parent – student Year level(s)


Phone (AH)


Card Number Name on Card

■ Master Card

■ Visa

■ AMEX (attracts a 1% surcharge)

Expiry Date (dd/mm/yy)

■■ / ■■ / ■■


Note: Gifts over $2.00 are an allowable deduction for income tax purposes under provision of the Income Tax and Social Service Contribution Act VJ 80/13. 07/06/1973

DECEMBER 20 15 4 1 CRICOS Provider No.03298G

2015 Christmas Giving: Building our future Please kindly donate by visiting our website at


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