F.Y.I. August 2021

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Dr. Musa Olaka, Director, University Library Services, The John B. Coleman Library of Prairie View A&M University- A Texas A&M University System, is pleased to announce the selection of Kimberly M. Gay, Head of Reference and Information Services - Academic Reference Librarian II as a Director-at-Large on the Beta Phi Mu, The International Library and Information Studies Honor Society Executive Board.

(International Library and Information Studies Honor Society (Texas Woman's University and University of North Texas) 2014 -2015. Gay received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Mass Communication and a double minor in Sociology/ Fashion Merchandising and Marketing graduating Magna Cum Laude, 3.89 GPA from TWU.

Gay has more than 20-years of academic librarianship and has been on the library Gay’s term will be the first for a library staff staff of PVAMU for 15-years. member from a Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) in Texas in its 73- Beta Phi Mu was founded in 1948 at the year history. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by a group of leading librarians and library Throughout her three-year executive board educators. It was established to recognize appointment from 2021 to 2024, Gay will and encourage scholastic achievement work with BPM’s national and international among library and information studies stuendeavors of Library and Information Stud- dents. Beta Phi Mu recognizes the scholastic ies University programs. Gay will help rec- achievement and leadership potential of LIS ognize distinguished achievement and graduates, and fosters the values of scholarscholarly contributions to library and inship, leadership, and service in its members. formation studies or library education, and Eligibility for membership in Beta Phi Mu is to foster, sponsor and support professional by invitation of the faculty from institutions where the American Library Association, or and scholarly library projects. other recognized accrediting agency apShe will help promote, membership, curricu- proved by the Beta Phi Mu Executive Board, has accredited or recognized a prolums, and library services in branches of fessional degree program. In 1969, Beta school, public, special and academic librarPhi Mu was formally admitted to memberies nation and worldwide. ship in the Association of College Honor SoGay, who holds a Master of Library Science cieties (ACHS). ACHS certifies college and setting standand Information Studies Degree, Suma Cum university honor societies, ards for organizational excellence and for Laude, 4.0 GPA from Texas Woman’s University. Gay has been a life-time member of scholastic eligibility. In 1998, Beta Phi Mu became an official affiliate of the American BPM for 15 years. As a BPM member, she Library Association, the leading professionserved as the Chapter President of Beta al organization for librarians. Lambda Chapter of Beta Phi Mu 26

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