Erasmus+ 2019-1-IT02-KA229-063270
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Eel Discover One of Italy’s Endangered Species!
KINGDOM Animalia
CLASS Actinopterygii
The eel is a teleost fish of the Anguillidae family. the two dimensions vary from 40 to 80 cm. It has an elongated or almost cylindrical body, similar to a snake. the colour changes according to the different stages of life: brown back and yellowish belly in freshwater animals and black above and silver below for those in the sea. In fact, the eel is a migratory fish that moves from sweet to salty waters. Its weight is about 3kg. It feeds on both living and dead animals. It hunts at night or when the water is very cloudy, even in flood conditions, relying mainly on the sense of smell.
ORDER Anguilliformes
FAMILY Anguillidae
GENUS Anguilla
Its habitat It is a widespread species in the fresh, brackish and marine waters of the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea. Generally it populates environments with low or no current, but it can also be found in very rough waters.
SPECIES A. Anguilla
Why is it an endangered species? The eel is an endangered species because its reproduction is difficult and moreover with the pollution of the water many fish die... Finally, with fishing many people catch them, now they are protected and cannot be fished until a few years ago they were fished in all parts of the world. It’ very important to respect the law and don’t fishing the eels.
Black Vulture Discover One of Portugal’s Endangered Species!
KINGDOM Animalia
ORDER Falconiformes
FAMILY Accipitridae
GENUS Aegypius
SPECIES Aegypius monachus
The Black Vulture is the largest bird of prey in Europe, about 1m long, reaching 3m in size. This bird is almost exclusively necrophagous and rarely captures live prey. Physically, its plumage is totally dark, almost black and its head is bare, presenting tufts of feathers on the neck, has a pointed tail and its wings are kept slightly recurved down.
Its habitat
Why is it an endangered species?
The Black Vulture is a species associated with Mediterranean habitats, nesting mainly in rocky forests (Quercus suber) or holm oak (Quercus rotundifolia), almost always in remote places and mountainous areas, with steep slopes and far from the presence of man. Why is it an endangered species? There are several threats to the Black Vulture, from illegal poisoning, collision or electrocution in overhead power lines, illegal slaughter, reduction of trophic availability due to the scarcity of the wild rabbit, sanitary measures that require the removal of all cattle corpses, and maybe one of its food sources, the degradation of feeding habitat due to agricultural practices, more intensive pastoral and forestry, human disturbance in nesting areas, the installation of dams that reduce feeding habitat, as well as the deployment of wind farms and hydraulic infrastructure near nesting areas, also threaten the species.
Discover One of Italy’s Endangered Species!
CLAS SMagnoliopsi da
ORDER Ericales
FAMI LY Ericacea
The Apulian Heather is a spontaneous plant belonging to the Ericaceae family. It is the only species of the genus Calluna. It is a perennial suffruticosa, which grows a few tens of centimeters also in width and height; it is a needleleaved and evergreen. The name of the genus Calluna comes from the Greek word (kallýnō), a verb which means “to clean, sweep”: in fact, heather was once used to make brooms. The specific epithet vulgaris derives from the Latin adjective which means "common", "known by all".
Why is it an endangered species?
Its habitat
GENU SCalluna
It grows in well-drained acidic soils, in full sun or partially in shade, in coniferous, peat forests, undergrowth and broad-leaved trees (for example chestnut). Usually during the autumn season.
SPECIES C.vulgaris
Why is it an endangered species? The Apulian heather is present in Italy only in Puglia, where there are 13 known stations located along the Adriatic coast between Torre Guaceto and Alimini (Otranto) and near Gallipoli. It is included in the red lists of Italy and Puglia with the status of "vulnerable species", to be protected with the IUCN qualification (International Union for Conservation of Nature) as a threatened species.
Tortoiseshell Butterfly Learn About One of the United Kingdom’s Endangered Species!
Tortoiseshell butterfly is one of the commoner garden butterflies throughout the UK, the small tortoiseshell butterflies is bright orange and black with a row of blue crescents around the wing. The adults butterfly they drink nectar from the flowers and the caterpillars eat stinging nettles. Its habitat
You can see them between March and October. For the caterpillars are seen from May to August. Why is it an endangered species?
Unfortunately, this species is in an endangerment especially down the south of UK. The female butterfly would lay their eggs on the leaves of the foodplant, where larvae are feeding. The egg then ends up being eaten by the larvae and this prevent this specie of butterfly to grow.
Kingdom Class Order Family Genus
Animal Insect Lepidoptera Brush-footed butterflies Aglais urticae
Cicada Discover one of the United Kingdoms endangered species.
The Cicada are in the Auchenorrhyncha family, similar to Grasshoppers. The New Forest Cicadas are only native to The United Kingdom. Why are Cicadas endangered? The cicadas are highly endangered as their habitats are being damaged by animals which leaves them vunerable to predators. Due to climate change the winters are now wetter which puts the Cicadas at risk to being extinct. Family tettigarctidae Class Insectca Order hemiptera Genus cicada linnaeus Species new forrest Kingdom Animalia
Iberian imperial eagle Discover One of Portugal’s Endangered Species!
KINGDOM Animalia
The Iberian Imperial Eagle is a species of eagle endemic to the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula and northern Morocco. Until recently it was considered a subspecies of the Eastern Imperial Eagle, but studies of the DNA of both birds showed that they were sufficiently separated for each to constitute a valid species. This specie is the most endangered bird of prey in Europe and one of the most sensitive species to man-made disturbances.
FAMILY Accipitridae
GENUS Aquila
Its ishabitat Why it an endangered species? The Iberian imperial eagle prefers Mediterranean forest interspersed with open areas of pastures and cereals. It mainly eats: wild rabbits, partridges, pigeons and snakes
SPECIES A . adalberti
Why is it an endangered species? In the mid-twentieth century, eagles were killed by cattle raisers like many other raptors, although attacks of this species against herds were never observed. Also, the use of pesticides and the spread of myxomatosis, among other epidemics that affect rabbits - their main food source - were also other causes that led to the gradual extinction of this species.
Capra Varzaschese Discover One of Italy’s Endangered Species!
KINGDOM Animalia
The Varzaschese goat has strong horns and a short black coat, which sometimes shows a slight reddish-brown reflection in the sun. in autumn this type of goat forms a thick coat.
CLASS Mammalia
ORDER Artiodactyla
FAMILY Bovidae
GENUS Rupicapra
Its habitat The Verzaschese (or Nera di Verzasca) is a Swiss goat breed originating in the canton of Ticino with the main breeding center in the Verzasca Valley that extends from the northern end of Lake Maggiore to the north, where it is bred in a semi-wild form for an unspecified time. Rustic breed and resistant to both high and low temperatures. In Italy is bred in Why is it an endangered species? the provinces of Varese, Como and Sondrio. This goat feels the need to be free in the high pastures. In the traditional breeding was selected for meat production and remained closed in the stable for a short period in winter. In general, therefore, it prefers to look for food directly on the pastures, maybe even at high altitude on extreme lands. Verzasca is raised mainly to produce milk and meat derived mainly from the slaughter of kids.
R. rupicapra
Why is it an endangered species? The Varzaschese goat is an endangered species because now there are few specimens in the world and they also have difficulty reproducing ... Furthermore, as a result of pollution, this animal is subject to various types of pathologies, and it encounters further problems in reproduction. Precisely for this reason it is important to avoid contaminating or hunting these animals also because there are really many cases of species in extinction and it is essential to avoid because this situation, in addition to reducing our livestock population, undermines the economy of an entire productive sector and puts territorial biodiversity at risk".
Olive Tree
Discover One of Italy’s Endangered Species!
CLASS Magnoliopsida
ORDER Lamiales
FAMILY Oleaceae
SPECIES O. europaea
The olive, botanical name Olea europaea, meaning "European olive", is a species of small tree in the family Oleaceae, found traditionally in the Mediterranean Basin. The species is cultivated in all the countries of the Mediterranean, as well as in Australia, New Zealand, North and South America and South Africa. Olea europaea is the type species for the genus Olea. The olive's fruit, also called an "olive", is of major agricultural importance in the Mediterranean region as the source of olive oil; it is one of the core ingredients in Mediterranean cuisine. Hundreds of cultivars of the olive tree are known. An olive's cultivar has a significant impact on its color, size, shape, and growth characteristics, as well as the qualities of olive oil. Olive cultivars may be used primarily for oil, eating, or both. Olives cultivated for consumption are generally referred to as "table olives". W?
Its habitat Olive trees grow best in regions with hot, dry summers and mild but cool winters. In order to bear fruit, they need a two-month dormancy period of cool weather when temperatures are ideally between 40° F to 50° F. However, colder winter temperatures (below 20° F) can damage or even kill a tree that is left unprotected. Why is it an endangered species? Because various pathologies can affect olives. The most serious pest is the olive fruit fly which lays its eggs in the olive most commonly just before it becomes ripe in the autumn. Xylella fastidiosa bacteria, which can also infect citrus fruit and vines, has attacked olive trees in Apulia (Puglia), southern Italy causing the olive quick decline syndrome (OQDS). The main vector is Philaenus spumarius. A pest which spreads through olive trees is the black scale bug, a small black scale insect that resembles a small black spot. They attach themselves firmly to olive trees and reduce the quality of the fruit; their main predators are wasps.
By Harvey Brett-Hill
Leatherback turtle
The endangered leatherback turtle is a highly endangered species that have existed on this earth for over 100 million years and are one of nature's incredible beauties. The leatherback turtle is named after its leather type shell, which is different from other turtles' shells, which tend to be hard, not soft, and leathery.
They are one of the largest sea turtles to exist, spanning from 55 to 63 inches in length when fully grown and weighing in at 600 – 1500 pounds (680 kg (about twice the weight of a large motorcycle) they are also one of the most migratory, as the pacific leatherbacks travel from the coral triangle (Indonesia, Philippines, Soloman Islands and Papua New Guinea), all the way to the Californian coast, to feast on abundant jellyfish, every summer and fall, that accumulates to over 11,300 kilometers each trip!
The leatherback turtle is highly endangered for t two reasons, fisheries bycatch, and loss of habitat. Fishery bycatch is when the leatherback turtles get caught in shrimp nets and eventually drown, as they need to
surface to breath, but they cannot because they are stuck. They are also slowly losing their habitat because of global warming, sea levels are rising, reducing the space on beaches, also human and vehicle activity plays a big part in where the turtles can nest, and feed as there just is not enough space on beaches anymore. Coral reefs are also being destroyed by sedimentation and nutrient run-off caused by agriculture.
The European leatherback no longer visits the Uk anymore due to their habitats being destroyed, normally they’d nest in American coral reefs and make the mighty 6,500 km (potentially more) journey from the Bahamas to the Uk and mainland Europe to nest, but unfortunately, there Uk habitats have been destroyed on the west coast as many, if not, all beaches have become popular tourist destinations, and with the rise in sea level means there isn't any more space in the Uk for them to nest anymore, also due to climate change, the Uk does not have many jellyfish for the leatherback turtle to feed on, so the Uk has turned from a sustainable place for them to live, to a place where they can't even call home.
There is a company called the WWF who are doing there all to reduce fishery bycatching and the loss of their habitat by recommending and promoting turtle friendly shrimp fishing and protecting and placing the turtle habitats under the WWF protection program to help restore their only home. They are also doing the same for the European leatherback turtles Aswell.
HedgehogThe Isle of Wight Hedgehog lives in the Countryside's, they have big appetites and can get through 100 or more in 1 night, they can travel up to 2 miles a night in search of food, there is an estimate of less than 1 million Hedgehogs left in the UK. All Hedgehogs are lactose intolerant so no milk should be left out for them. There is a campaign to try to save the Hedgehogs on the Isle of Wight, there is also a Facebook page called ‘save our Hedgehogs Isle of Wight.’
Iberian lynx
Discover One of Portugal’s Endangered Species!
The Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) is a wild cat species endemic to the Iberian
Peninsula in southwestern Europe. It is listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List. In the 20th century, the Iberian lynx population had declined because of overhunting, poaching, fragmentation of suitable habitats, and the population decline of its main prey species, the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), caused by myxomatosis and rabbit haemorrhagic disease.
CLASS Mammalia
ORDER Carnivora
FAMILY Felidae
Its ishabitat Why it an endangered species? The Iberian lynx prefers heterogeneous environments of open grassland mixed with dense shrubs such as strawberry tree, mastic, and juniper, and trees such as holm oak and cork oak. It is now largely restricted to mountainous areas.
SPECIES L. pardinusa
Why is it an endangered species? The Iberian lynx has been brought to the brink of extinction because of a combination of threats that include the radical decrease of rabbits, the lynx's principal prey; a serious reduction in habitat; being caught in snares set for rabbits; accidental deaths caused by speeding vehicles on the expanding road network, and illegal hunting.
THE LITTLE TERN Discover One of Italy’s Endangered Species!
KINGDOM Animalia
ORDER Charadriiform es
FAMILY Larid ae
GENUS Stern ula
The Little Tern is a small, slender, migratory or partly migratory seabird. At less than 25 cm long it is two-thirds to half the size of any other south-eastern tern. Pale grey upperparts contrast with the white chest, underbelly and the moderately long, deeply forked tail (80 - 110 mm). The Little Tern has a black cap and black outer wing-edges. During breeding the bill (26 - 32 mm) and legs change from black to yellow, and a black wedge appears from the bill to the eye. During non-breeding, the Little Tern’s black cap shrinks to a black nape and its bill becomes black. Its habitat
Why is it an endangered species?
The tern is present in Puglia only in the spring/summer season, wintering in Africa and the Middle East. It prevailingly frequents wet coastal areas, but does not disdain also inland waters. It nests in colonies on a sandy substrata, where it digs slight depressions in the sand to lay and hatch its eggs.
SPECIES S. halbifrons
Why is it an endangered species? The decrease in numbers of the species is probably due to habitat loss (tourist development of beaches), human disturbance and predation by gulls and rats.
Apennine Chamois Discover One of Italy’s Endangered Species!
KINGDOM Animalia
CLASS Mammalia
The Apennine Chamois is a subspecies of the chamois, a goat-like mammal found in the mountains of Europe. Both male and female have hook-shaped horns that slightly curl backwards and grow little by little each year, never falling off. Their coats are light brown in the summer and darker in the winter, with a light coloured mark on the throat. There are also two darker bands on their flanks. Adult males prefer a solitary life and approach females only during the mating season. Groups consist only of females, young males, and “kids”.
FAMILY Bovidae
Its ishabitat Why it an endangered species? In the summer, the Apennine chamois prefers rock faces and pasture lands at heights above 1700 meters, and in the winter it prefers to retreat to the woods below. It mainly eats: grasses, leaves, buds, shoots and fungi.
SPECIES R. rupicapra
Why is it an endangered species? The Apennine chamois was said to have been hunted close to extinction until the Abruzzi National Park intervened with a reintroduction programme, which led to a return of the chamois in the Italian mountains. However the species is still threatened because of long periods of genetic isolation resulting in very little genetic variation.
Carpione del Garda Discover One of Italy’s Endangered Species!
The Carp is a fish that lives only in Lake Garda and belongs to the Salmon family. It’s different to other fish for the shape of the tail, for the fins that are very dark and for the bigger scales. It feeds of plancton and small invertebrates. KINGDOM Animalia
Its habitat CLASS Actinopterygii
This fish lives all it life in the lake and its never gets close to the shore, usually lives between 100 and the 200 m of depth.
ORDER Salmoniformes
FAMILY Salmonidae
SPECIES S. carpio
Why is it an endangered species? The Carpione Del Garda is an endangered species because the water of Lake Garda is too cold and researchers think it's the fault of new species such as trout feeding of Carpione eggs. Moreover, the researchers think that fishermen have fished too much without giving the carp the time to reproduce. Only artificial reproduction can do something.
Linaria tonzigii Discover One of Italy’s Endangered Species!
CLASS Magnoliopsida
These plants grow more or less to a height of 1m. They are herbaceous plants, with a perennial biological cycle, with wintering buds at ground level and protected by litter or snow that differ from other biological forms since, being annuals, they survive the adverse season in the form of seeds. The fruit is an ovoid to globose capsule. The seeds, numerous, are of two types: they have flattened shapes or the shape is irregularly ellipsoid with a wrinkled or reticulated surface. At the moment of ripening the seeds come out from two holes that open in the upper part of the fruit.n endangered species?
ORDER Scrophulariales
FAMILY Scrophulariaceae
Its habitat This plant lives in the alpine or sub-alpine environment, in particular in the area of Bergamo, Crema and Brescia. It survives in low but not too low temperatures ... The environment can be wet or dry but it prefers a dry environment.
GENUS Linaria
SPECIES linaria tonzigii
Why is it an endangered species? It is a species that is dying out because due to global warming its flowers are struggling to grow and it is important to prevent it from becoming completely extinct. .
Natterjack Toad The Natterjack Toad, with the archetypal “bubble throat”, is an amphibian (Bufo epidalea). They are different from the Common Toad in that they have a yellow line down the middle of their back and very short legs, which makes them not “so hoppy” as other toad species. They also have poisonous glands in an effort to stop being preyed on. However, many of their predators have developed immunity to this poison which has assisted in their demise.
Natterjack Toads are very rare now and only live in a few coastal locations. Their preferred habitat are heaths, marshes and shallow pools near sand dunes. Natterjacks are extremely noisy at night. This is to attract mates. There are so few Natterjacks that they need to do this to draw attention to themselves. Natterjacks need to lay their eggs in fresh water but due to the unfortunate loss of habitat, climate change, human intervention and competition from other species, are sadly in decline. Often the pools they choose to lay their eggs in, dry out and the tadpoles die. They are a protected species in the UK and interestingly, the Natterjack is the only toad native to Ireland. In Europe they are protected under the European Protected Species (EPS) directive. They can be found in small colonies in 17 European countries – including the south coast of PORTUGAL (temporary ponds around Faro & in the Moncarapacho region) Spain, Latvia and Lithuania. The Natterjack can live up to 15 years in a perfect environment. Let’s hope we can help them
do this. Would be awful to see them die out.
Endangered Species (Alfie Ayres)
Red Squirrel
The red squirrel is a species of tree squirrel; they can be located in Europe in countries such as the UK, Western European countries and Russia. They are found in woodlands where they create their habitats. Male and female Squirrels tend to be of the same size, their long tail helps them balance and steer when they are jumping from tree to tree and use their sharp claws to help climb trees. The coat of the squirrel varies in colour with the time of year and location the main two type of colours being black and red, but red is more common in the UK. Red Squirrels tend to live alone except for mating season. It is an endangered species because of the other animals for example the grey squirrel that kills red squirrels for food and territory. And for this reason, the Isle of Wight has become a haven for the red squirrel as there are no grey squirrels on the Island the current population of red squirrels on the Island is 3,500. There are also trails on the Island for people to walk through if they were wanting to spot a red squirrel. Kingdom: Animalia
Class: Mammalia Order: Rodentia Family: Sciuridae Genus: Sciurus Species: S. Vulgaris
Hippocampus guttulatus Discover One of Italy’s Endangered Species!
KINGDOM Animalia
CLASS Actinopterygii
The Hippocampus guttulatus, commonly known as the long-snouted seahorse, is a marine fish belonging to the family Syngnathidae. The long-snouted seahorse is a small-sized fish that can reach a maximum length of 21.5 cm, but the average size is more or less 12 cm. The body is slender, the snout is long and the tail is prehensile. Its head and dorsal ridge have often some more or less long and numerous dermal filaments which can be simple or bifid. Its color ranges from dark green to different variants of brown to yellow, and the body is often speckled with small white dots.
Why is it an endangered species?
Its habitat
The long-snouted seahorse can be found from Eastern Atlantic to the Western Mediterranean Sea, it likes shallow coastal waters from 1 to 20 m deep, usually inhabiting seagrass meadows and algal beds.
SPECIES H. guttulatus
Why is it an endangered species? In 2016, it was recorded a sharp decline in the seahorse abundance in Mar Piccolo di Taranto (South-east Italy). By analyzing long-term data, the present study sought to investigate the cause assuming two possible factors: environmental drivers, mainly temperature, which is decisive for the survival and nutrition of juveniles through affecting resource availability or the existence of trafficking of seahorses as reported by Manna in February 2019.
Iberian Wolf
Discover One of Portuguese’s Endangered Species!
KINGDOM Animalia
CLASS Mammalia
The Iberian Wolf is a subspecies of grey wolf with smaller dimensions. The male is usually larger and heavier than the female. These have triangular and rigid ears. Their coats are in shades of yellow, brown and black that become darker in winter. The Iberian Wolf lives in a wolf pack, whose number of members ranges from three to ten. It has mainly daytime habits, however, in the proximity of man, it becomes nocturnal.
ORDER Carnivora
FAMILY Canidae
Its ishabitat Why it an endangered species? The origin of the name of the Iberian wolf derives from the only place where it can be found, the Iberian Peninsula. In Portugal, it can be located in the mountainous regions of the North.
SPECIES C. lupus
Why is it an endangered species? The urban invasion of the Iberian wolf’s habitat caused its destruction and led to the scarcity of natural preys. Therefore wolves began to attack domestic and livestock animals such as sheep, cows and goats, which generated human hunt, the biggest reason for their risk of extinction.
Discover One of Romania’s Endangered Species!
KINGDOM Animalia
CLASS Mammalia
ORDER Carnivora
FAMILY Felidae
The Eurasian lynx is the third largest predator in Europe after the brown bear and the wolf, and the largest of the 4 lynx species. It has a short tail, characteristic tufts of black hair on the tips of their ears and long whiskers on the face. Under their neck, they have a ruff, which has black bars resembling a bow tie, although this is often not visible. As climates get colder, lynx have progressively thicker fur, lighter colour, and their paws are larger and more padded to adapt to the snow. Their paws may be larger than a human hand or foot. The Lynx has extremely fine eyesight and hearing, being able to detect small prey in the snow from tens of meters away. The Linx mainly hunts small ungulates, such as deer or black goats, but also smaller prey, such as rodents. It is a hunter who uses ambushes and surprise items, but it moves silently and attacks the prey unexpectedly, jumping a few meters. Lynx breed in late winter or early spring, and the gestation period is of approximately two months. Lynx can live up to 17 years in the wild and 20 years in captivity.
Its ishabitat Why it an endangered species? The Lynx prefers to live in higher altitudes, typically in mountain ranges. They also tend to stick to densely vegetated areas with lots of shrubs, bushes, tall grass, and trees. Heavy vegetation provides cover for the animals while they stalk prey. They live mostly in temperate regions, and are infrequently found towards the polar or tropical zones. The Lynx is also called the Carpathians Panther.
SPECIES Lynx-lynx
Why is it an endangered species? The main threats to the Eurasian lynx are hunting and habitat loss. Although the population has benefitted from the ban on legal international fur trade, illegal hunting still represents a major threat. Of course, the expansion of human settlements, deforestation, infrastructure works, or rather the change of habitat necessary for its survival, makes it impossible to maintain a healthy population of Lynxes. The lynx is a protégé of the Romanian fauna.
Varzese Cow Discover One of Italy’s Endangered Species!
KINGDOM Animalia
CLASS Mammalia
The Varzese Cow is considered the only native breed of bovine in Lombardy and belongs to the “Montagnine” group along with the Ottonese, the Cabellotta, the Bobbiese, the Tortonese and the Pontremolese. It is a rural race with a wheatcolored cloak, of medium size, its horns directed upwards change color according to age: from yellow to pearly. This charming cow produces both milk and meat, additionally it can live up to 20 years and if you don’t know, it is included in the Population Register of the native bovine populations and ethnic groups with limited diffusion.
FAMILY Bovidae
Its habitat Why is it an endangered species? The Varzese cow was probably imported into the Italian peninsula by the Longobards - In winter it lives in the stables to protect itself from the cold, in spring-summer it goes up to the mountain pastures to graze and in autumn he goes down to the valley and returns to its stable. In winter-autumn it eats hay and in spring-summer the grass of the meadows.
SPECIES B. taurus
Why is it an endangered species? The problem arises when livestock farming and agriculture are carried out in an industrial way: The heads of the Varzese has passed from the 40,000 of the 1960 to about 50 today. The Parco del Ticino Institution has noticed the environmental value of ecological and responsible farming. This breed is able to exploit even the leanest meadows, thus increasing the species of birds and vegetable, so, once again all nature is in interaction with the various elements that compose it and that diversity is an added value of extraordinary utility and beauty. We must preserve biodiversity!
Turtle Doves
Learn About One of the United Kingdom’s Endangered Species!
KINGDOM Animalia
ORDER Columbiformes
FAMILY Columbidae
GENUS Streptopelia
Turtle Doves are also known scientifically as Streptopelia Turtur is a species of bird that’s a part of the pigeons and doves bird family which live in the United Kingdom. Their UK conservation status is red and are protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. The turtle dove in appearance are known for the grey front, black and orange wings, black and white markings on the neck like gills of a fish and black beaks. In the UK they breed in 14,000 areas. Its ishabitat Why it an endangered species? During the Summer they reside in the east of England arriving between April and May to leave between July and September. They can be sighted passing by in Scotland.
Why is it an endangered species? The Turtle Doves have a variety of reasons are endangered which are food shortages on their breeding grounds as they only eat seeds, a disease called trichomoniasis and habit loss on winter grounds located in Africa.
The wart-biter cricket gets its unusual name from the Swedish practice of the 1700s of allowing the cricket to bite warts from the skin. A notable feature of the cricket is that it is a large bush-cricket with large powerful hind legs. It has large, dark eyes and it is typically green, often with dark brown or black blotches on the body and wings. It can only be found in five sites in the Southern England which include Sussex, Kent and Wiltshire.
The wart-biter cricket is typically found in calcareous grassland habitats, the cricket needs a mosaic of vegetation, including bare ground/short turf, tussocks and flowering forbs.
Unfortunately, this type of cricket has become endangered due to the loss and destruction of habitats. Environmental changes due to unsuitable grazing systems and other destruction of grassland habitats have caused a significant decline of this species. It is now very rare and only five isolated populations in Southern England remain.
The Miranda Donkey Discover One of Portugal’s Endangered Species!
KINGDOM Animalia
CLASS Mammalia
The Miranda Donkey is a donkey subspecies characteristic of the region of Terra de Miranda, Portugal. With a long, thick, dark brown coat, it has light patches on the back and lower trunk. Their ears are furry, large, wide at the base and rounded at the tip. Of tall height, around 1.35m, they are physically robust and with thick legs. They are also known for being extremely docile.
ORDER Perissodactyla
FAMILY Equidae
Its habitat Why is it an endangered species? The Miranda Donkey can be found mostly in rural areas and interior regions, more precisely in the most remote area of Trás-os-Montes. In nature, they mostly eat fiber-rich plants, grass and tree leaves. A stabled donkey eats quality straw, made of barley, wheat or oats, and hay.
SPECIES Equus africanus
Why is it an endangered species? Despite still being very useful to small local communities today, as a draft and transport animal, the Miranda Donkey has, however, been suffering a gradual process of population reduction. This is due to the lack of interest in cultivating the species, in the face of modern transport and traction alternatives, as well as the environmental impacts caused by man to its habitat and the mistreatment suffered by some specimens of the subspecies.
The Sado Dolphins
Discover One of Portugal’s Endangered Species!
KINGDOM Animalia
CLASS Mammalia
The Sado Dolphins or Roaz-Corvineiro The name Roaz-Corvineiro dolphin comes from their habit of gnawing (roer in Portuguese) on fishermen's nets in order to steal fish from them, corvineiro because the corvina is one of the favorite prey of these dolphins. They are distinguished from other species of dolphins by having a darker color (dark gray) on the back and by being large animals. They can weigh up to 600 kg and reach 4 meters in length, and in general have a robust head and body.
Delphinidae GENUS Tursiops
Its ishabitat Why it an endangered species? In Portugal, they can be sighted along the coast from north to south. There is a group of Roaz-Corvineiro dolphins that can be seen in the Sado estuary in Setúbal. This is the only resident population in an estuary in Portugal, and one of only three known in Europe.
SPECIES T. truncatus
Why is it an endangered species? Although the Roaz-Corvineiro dolphin species is classified as "Low Concern" in Portugal, the resident population of the Sado estuary is considered to be fragile due to the low number of individuals, inbreeding problems, and intrinsic factors of the species such as slow reproduction.
Discover One of Italy’s Endangered Species!
KINGDOM Animalia
CLASS Insectia
The honey bee is a flying insect known for their construction of colonial nets from wax and production ad storage of honey. The best know honey bee (the western honey bee) has been domesticated for honey production and crop pollination. The wax is used for making candles, soap, lip balms and cosmetics.
ORDER Hymenoptera
Its ishabitat Why it an endangered species? The original habitats of the honey bee are tropical climates and heavily forested areas. They prefer live in gardens, woodlands, orchards and meadows. Whitin their natural habitat, bees build nets inside tree cavities.
Why is it an endangered species?
Apis mellifera Apis nearctica
The reasons for extinction can be very different: use of pesticides, the progressive lost of wild habitat caused to the urbanization, parasites and pathogens, global warming, … Why are bees so important? Pollination is at least partly responsible for about the 75% of agricultural production, so it’s necessary for our food. We are dependent on the activities of bees so it’s important to protect them, for example, planting plants and flowers that can attract them.
The lesser kestrel
Discover the most widespread bird of prey in Europe!
KINGDOM Animalia
ORDE R Falconiforme
The Lesser Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) is a small brown bird measuring 34 to 38 centimeters from head to tail and whose wingspan is 70 to 80 centimeters. The hooked beak is bluish with yellow wax; the legs are also yellow. The male of the kestrel has, in the upper area of the body, a brown plumage with black spots, while the head and tail are gray-blue; the tail has a single horizontal black stripe on the tip. The female kestrel is darker than the male and her back, wings and tail have black stripes. Young kestrels are similar in appearance to females. The common kestrel is similar in appearance to the Eurasian Its habitat Why is it an endangered species?
Common kestrels' preferred habitats are open, grassy fields and farmland, which provide them with sufficient open space to hunt; sometimes they can also be seen in wooded areas and swamps. These hawks are found in a wide range of altitudes, from sea level to nearly 5000 meters.
SPECIES F. tinnunculus
Why isn’t it an endangered species? The kestrel is not considered an endangered species and is the most common bird of prey in Europe. Some declines due to pesticides occurred in the 1950s and 1960s, but the populations have recovered a good number. These hawks are typically not targets for predation.
White Clawed Crayfish White Clawed Crayfish are the only crayfish native to the UK .White Clawed Crayfish are endangered because of the invasive species that come over from North America called the signal cray fish.
Habitat The crayfish live in rivers, streams, canals and lakes.
Kingdom – Animalia Class – Malacostraca Order – Decapoda Family - Astacidae Genus – Austropotamobios Species – Palilipes
Bella Jones- White tailed eagle
A white-tailed eagle is one of the largest UK birds of prey. They are versatile and opportunistic hunters, that sometimes take food from other birds and otters. They eat large fish, other birds, rabbits and hares. They also eat Carrion, which is an important part of their diet in the winter months. When hunting for fish they fly low over water and then stop to hover for a moment and drop to catch the fish. They have a huge yellow beak with brown feathers and a long white tail. You would usually find these birds in coastal saltwater-based areas(beach) and Inland freshwater areas. White tailed eagles are related to Bald eagles and on average they have the largest Wingspan of any eagle species. They can reach the speed of 70mph when flying, so they are very quick. They became extinct in the UK and then was reintroduced. The Wildlife foundation have reintroduced them to the Isle of Wight. Kingdom-Animal Class-Bird Order- Accipitriformes Species-H albicilla Sub species- Halbicilla/h.a. groenlandicus Common name-White tiled eagle