Erasmus+ 2018-1-IT02-KA101-047693 Rethinking pedagogy for an inclusive 21st century school
a.s. 2018/2020
The project Erasmus+ KA1 Rethinking pedagogy for an inclusive 21st century school aims to give the school a fresh start and create a welcoming environment where students can actively experiment, plan, and be in charge of their learning. The knowledge society requires that everyone becomes a lifelong learner to keep up with a constantly changing labour market and society. It’s a school’s mission to provide its students with the skills and competences with which to earn a living work and integrate into society. In details the specific objectives are: - changing the learning environment - spreading new teaching methods - making inclusion the distinguishing feature of the school - tackling early school leaving and sustaining motivation - training teachers to work in collaboration with the local community and significant stakeholders - fostering entrepreneurship through education - internationalizing the school The participants to the project are the head teacher and 15 teachers. Activities include onsite and online courses and the implementation of new approaches to teaching. The expected impact on participants is a broad understanding of innovative student – centred methodologies. The school will have a wider range of teachers capable of creating modules not only in their respective subject but also in collaboration with the team of colleagues that work on a class according to an interdisciplinary perspective. It is envisaged a positive effect on learners as well in terms of better acquisition of 21st century skills, entrepreneurial mindset and enhanced motivation. This will contribute to reduce the rate of early school leaving so that they will have better chances to succeed in the labour market as well as in higher education.
Erasmus+ KA 1 2018-1-IT02-KA101047693 Rethinking pedagogy for an inclusive 21st century school - Survey 1 December 2018 15 risposte
First name and surname 15 risposte
Damiano Franzosi Mariella Brunazzi Arabella pizzamiglio Maria Angela Cerri Marilena Morlino Paola Mirelli Francesca Cicognini Alessandra Mazzeo Elena calzari
Which language course are you attending? 15 risposte
B1 B2 73,3%
In your opinion, the language course is 15 risposte
Very good Good
Poor Very poor
Have you taken a methodological course offered by Teacher Academy (School Education Gateway)? 15 risposte
Yes No 26,7%
Have you taken a methodological course offered by European Schoolnet Academy? 15 risposte
Yes No 86,7%
Have you taken a Learning Event offered by eTwinning? 15 risposte
Yes 40%
How would you rate the overall value of the courses? 15 risposte
Very good Good Poor 13,3%
Very poor I haven't taken a course yet
73,3% 13,3%
Have you learned new classroom methodologies for developing your students' 21st century skills? 15 risposte
Yes No
Do you think you will be able to adopt innovative methodologies in your teaching practice? 15 risposte
Yes No
Are you ready to cross disciplinary boundaries to adopt an interdisciplinary approach? 15 risposte
Yes No
Did you attend the eTwinning seminar in Cremona? 15 risposte
Yes 40%
Are you registered on the eTwinning platform? 15 risposte
Yes No
Have you informed one of your classes that you are going to use the eTwinning platform? 15 risposte
Yes 40%
Have you launched an eTwinning project? 15 risposte
Yes No 86,7%
Have you joined another eTwinner's project? 15 risposte
Yes No 73,3%
Have you attended the onsite course offered by Future Classroom Lab in Brussels yet? 15 risposte
Yes No 86,7%
How do you value the Erasmus+ experience? 15 risposte
Very good Good
Poor Very poor
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Erasmus+ KA 1 2018-1-IT02-KA101047693 Rethinking pedagogy for an inclusive 21st century school - Survey 2 June 2019 15 risposte
First name and surname 15 risposte
Maria Angela Cerri Vita Paola Patrizia Mariella Brunazzi Maria Silvia Maltese Elena Calzari Alessandra Mazzeo Giuseppe Rositani Michele Frusci Paola Mirelli
Have you taken a methodological course offered by Teacher Academy (School Education Gateway)? 15 risposte
Yes No 20%
Have you taken a methodological course offered by European Schoolnet Academy? 15 risposte
Yes No
Have you taken a Learning Event offered by eTwinning? 15 risposte
Yes No 20%
How would you rate the overall value of the courses? 15 risposte
Very good Good
Poor Very poor I haven't taken a course yet
Have you learned new classroom methodologies that may support your students' acquisition of 21st century skills? 15 risposte
Yes No
Did you try to adopt innovative methodologies in your teaching practice? 15 risposte
Yes No 20%
If so, which one in particular? 15 risposte 2 2 (13,3%)
1 (6,7%) 1 (6,7%) 1 (6,7%) 1 (6,7%) 1 (6,7%) 1 (6,7%) 1 (6,7%) 1 (6,7%) 1 (6,7%) 1 (6,7%) 1 (6,7%) 1 (6,7%) 1 (6,7%) 1
0 Flipped classroom Museum Learning I haven’t tried anything yet
Padlet, Quizziz and Too‌ not yet Padlet Project based learning
Did you cross disciplinary boundaries to adopt an interdisciplinary approach? 15 risposte
Yes No 13,3%
Do you think an interdisciplinary approach to teaching and learning can support the development of key competences ? 15 risposte
Yes No 26,7%
Did you launch an eTwinning project? 15 risposte
Yes No
Did you join another eTwinner's project? 15 risposte
Yes No 20%
Did your students like trying a new learning experience? 15 risposte
Yes No
Do you think eTwinning projects may add extra educational value to your lessons? 15 risposte
Yes 33,3%
No Maybe
Which on-site workshop did you attend? 15 risposte
Active learning in my school and classroom
26,7% 20%
Collaborative projects for the future classroom Developing key competences through project-based learning Interactive technologies for the future classroom
Enhancing STEM practice and strategy in secondary schools
Did the on-site workshop provide you with guidance and useful hints to implement new approaches to teaching and learning? 15 risposte
Yes No Maybe 13,3%
Do you think the workshop you ran at IIS P. Sraffa after the mobility had a significant impact on your colleagues? 15 risposte
Yes 53,3%
No Maybe
How do you value the Erasmus+ experience? 15 risposte
Very good Good
Poor Very poor
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Erasmus+ KA 1 2018-1-IT02-KA101047693 Rethinking pedagogy for an inclusive 21st century school - Survey 3 May 2020 15 risposte
First name and surname 15 risposte
Letizia Tripodi Mariella Brunazzi Paola Patrizia Vita Arabella Pizzamiglio Maria Angela Cerri Rocco Caggianese Marilena Morlino Michele Frusci Silvia Maltese
Has the Erasmus+ experience been useful to innovate your teaching methods and strategies? 15 risposte
Yes No
Have you used student-centred teaching methods and strategies during the current school year? 15 risposte
Yes No
Have any of the hints and suggestions you were given during the online and onsite courses been helpful for distance teaching during the COVID-19 emergency? 15 risposte
Yes No 13,3%
Have you planned new modules during the school year 2019/2020? 15 risposte
Yes No
Have you crossed disciplinary boundaries to adopt an interdisciplinary approach? 15 risposte
Yes No 13,3%
Do you think an interdisciplinary approach to teaching and learning can support the development of key competences? 15 risposte
Yes No 26,7%
Have you joined an eTwinning project during the current school year? 15 risposte
Yes No 20%
Do you think eTwinning projects support project-based learning and help implement an interdisciplinary approach? 15 risposte
Yes No Maybe
Have you continued your professional development by attending training events organised by Avanguardie Educative, one of the European Portals or other recognised organisations? 15 risposte
Yes No
How do you value the Erasmus+ experience? 15 risposte
Positive It has been a valuable experience which has supported my professional development and helped me create connections with like-minded colleagues. This has led to enlarge the community of teachers I collaborate with and to improve my approach to teaching. I have been also inspired to design new both eTwinning and Erasmus+ projects which are contributing to the internationalization of the school. The experience was very interesting and useful to devolep new teaching strategies. Positive and useful I think that my experiences with Erasmus projects have continually reshaped me and helped to provide new teaching approaches to try to involve increasingly demotivated and/or eager pupils to broaden their knowledge. In addition, the possible comparison with colleagues of different nationalities allows a constructive discussion on teaching and an exchange of ideas to better address the teaching that must always be more innovative.
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The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.