EVS Call Mindig Friss - Always Active

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Mindig Friss - Always Active EVS - Veresegyhรกz (HU) 12 months

Description of the Project In recent years, we have a lot of experience in encouraging young people, facilitating the realization of their ideas, we have also a lot of international experience as well. We want to welcome EVS volunteers with whom we can help each other mutually. The project aims to improve participants' competences, transversal skills appropriate to be able to work independently of their interests, develop and implement their ideas, especially the youth field. The participants could use these skills later in work and in their family life. Participants: Two young people from Romania and Slovakia, at their selection are only relevant to the area of interest and motivation. We are looking for young people who are interested in the youth field, and on-line/off-line campaign and visibility.


Profile 1 the EVS volunteer has good attitude to work or willing to learn with graphic program like Photoshop or Illustrator. S/he is interested to make graphic presentation of the local activities, can use social media and webmaster. The volunteer will work with experts. S/he has willingness to do activities, to bring up new ideas for the visibility of the organization and its programs. S/he has positive attitude to work with youth, to concentrate on the process rather than the result.


Profile 2 the EVS volunteer is keen to work with youngsters of primary school (6 – 14 years old) and secondary school (14 – 18 years old), is willing to lead hand-craft workshops and local activities, is motivated to work with youngsters, is able to teach basic English knowledge and/or his/her mother tongue.

Steps of implementation: Participants preparing, developing residential areas, preparing together with coordinator, mentor, sending organization. The introduction of voluntary work, with previous programs involved, encouraging their ideas into action. Evaluation during and at the end of the project, dissemination and increasing the visible reality of the project on-line and off-line tools, local media involved. Expected result is development of competencies, sensitization, participants and the target group, self-confident employment, entrepreneurship growth, supporting first steps in the adult world. The expected impact of the project to the participants after the reintegration is to realize their dreams both work and the family. We want to involve they in other projects, Erasmus + program promotion, possibly participation in a "europeer" program. They to be successful in employment and family life. The expected impact that the planned areas are strengthened, we can involve new young people, receive new volunteers.The organisation larger international projects can also take part. Local and international levels is increasing the visibility of our organisation.

Project Environment Veresegyhรกz is 25 kms from Budapest and it is well connected with buses and trains. Veresegyhรกz has around 17.000 habitants and the medium age is 36 years old, most the people work in Budapest or in General Electric Company. The city has 5 primary schools, a SPA, a public swimming pool, 50 sport groups with structures and on the next September it will be start the first secondary school. The particularity of the city is that the public buildings have heating system from thermal water. In the city we have 3 big natural lakes with one beach, where in the summer is possible to swim, 2 hotels and the famous (in Hungary) Bear Farm. The youth centre is situated in the city centre and we offer free and safety place for the youngsters. We are collaborating with the schools in the city and into the 2 big city close to us, Budapest and Gรถdรถllล .

About us Támaszpont Foundation for Mental Health Education and Prevention (Támaszpont MOPKA) is a NGO acting at local and international level of youth field, run by volunteer board members, legally established in 2011. Támaszpont MOPKA is Eurodesk partner since 2012, regional coordinator for Central Hungary since 2013. The aim of Támaszpont is to offer a free and safety place where the youngster can feel free to come and participate. The Objectives are: 

to provide useful leisure time activity for the youngsters;

to give support in education field;

to empower young people to be active in the local community and to be involved actively in civil society;

to promote the idea of volunteerism;

to raise awareness about common values such as tolerance, equal opportunities and cultural diversity;

to facilitate partnership and international co-operation between groups of young people;

to promote the Global Education.

International activity: Támaszpont MOPKA mostly participates in international youth exchanges and training courses.

To see our events and Youth Centre visit our Facebook page, Website and Google Album

Activities what we usually carry out during the year: 

Birthday of youth centre and welcome party

for EVS

VIF festival 2 days of performance of local music bands

Art exhibition from youth

EU Party

Earth-day celebration

Time to Move

1th of May celebration

Christmas’s party

INQUISITORTURA: city game with characters

Drogue prevention program

NYITOTT BÍRÓSÁG: open court program

Eager Leader Training course

Mentor KIT informal group of youth centre

and mask 

VÁROS ÜNNEP: birthday celebration of city

Summer program for youngster

The staff members and some volunteers Viki




Financial Condition Accommodation and food will be fully covered + pocket money for the personal expenses and the travel costs will be reimbursed according to Erasmus+ regulations. Distance between project location and participant home: 100 - 499 km: 180,00 â‚Ź

Accommodation The volunteer will share to each other an apartment close to the city centre and the youth centre 300m of distance. They will have a common bathroom, toilet and kitchen and independent bedrooms. The apartment is in independent house with garden and the volunteers will have free access to internet and TV.

Timetable of week

Working hours






Description of Description Description of foreseen of foreseen foreseen activities activities activities

Description of foreseen activities

Description of foreseen activities



(MORNING) Starting Ending time time

Help to the program program Weekly Administration preparation/ preparation/ Meeting with 10.00 12.00 meeting, Program Program the mentor online evaluation planing planing communication

Description Description of foreseen of foreseen activities activities




12.00 13.00








13.00 14.00








Language Club workshop

Community programs in the Youth centre




Community workshops: programs in 14.00 18.00 offline cooking the Youth communication centre Online


Football, gardening table-tennis, offline football-table communication


Modeling and/or offline chess communication

In the case Football, where the target age: table-tennis, present day football-table have a 10-14 / and handmade program the 14-18 programs Monday will be free

And handmade programs

Handmade workshop according Celebrations


Program for under 18, music, support, discussion


18.00 20.00




Topics: Europian Union, Jobs,Traveling, Family, Love



Contacts Bruno Pizzini Responsible of international projects Email: tamaszpont.mopka@gmail.com; bruno.pizzini@tamaszpont.net Mobile: 0036 7020 67 637 http://tamaszpont.net/

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