foto | DanielErnst
Eyewear Factory With two factories, one located in Garopaba, Santa Catarina, Brazil, and the other located in Ezeiza, Buenos Aires, Argentina, the industrial park, which makes both solar and frames for Mormaii corrective lenses is among the largest producers of injected spectacles in the world, having qualified professionals, and the latest equipment.
Fábrica de Gafas Con dos fábricas, una situada en Garopaba, Santa Catarina, Brasil, y el otra situada en Ezeiza, Buenos Aires, Argentina, el parque industrial, lo que hace tanto solar y los marcos de los lentes correctivas Mormaii es uno de los mayores productores de gafas inyectadas en el mundo, con profesionales calificados y equipos de última generación.
Digital Injection Polishing ultrasonic vibration; Demineralized water purification; Decentered lenses cut with high-definition lasers; Paintings and colors created by hand; Quality, safety, comfort, technology and design.
Inyectoras digitales Pulido por vibración ultrasónica; Purificación en agua desmineralizada; Lentes descentradas recortadas con láser de alta definición; Las pinturas y los colores creados por la mano; Calidad, seguridad, conforto, tecnología y diseño.
Research and Design With striking design, Mormaii is one of the few labels of optical segment which has a dedicated team of designers who travel the globe in search of trends technology and the best raw materials. They are responsible for creation, research and study in product development, designed so that there is a perfect balance between weight, flexibility, ergonomics and strength, to meet the most different consumer profiles.
Investigación y Diseño Con un diseño rompedor, Mormaii es una de las pocas marcas del segmento de óptica que cuenta con un equipo de diseñadores que viajan por el mundo en busca de las tendencias, tecnología y las mejores materias primas. Ellos son responsables de la creación, investigación y estudio en el desarrollo de productos, diseñado para que haya un equilibrio perfecto entre peso, flexibilidad, ergonomía y resistencia, para cumplir con los perfiles de los consumidores más diversos.
154 773 12
Hand Painted | Grilamid in natura Lenses: P400 impact resistance base 8 Gr
154 311 02
154 317 01
154 313 70
154 770 12
154 775 09
POLARIZED 154 324 36
154 772 11
154 771 09
154 769 33
154 779 34
154 777 01
154 782 03
154 774 71
154 778 71
154 776 09
154 780 03
154 321 03
154 781 36
154 783 03
FLORA Hand Painted | Grilamid in natura Lenses: P400 impact resistance base 8 115 764 37
115 758 34
115 759 34
115 760 37
115 761 34
115 210 01
115 762 33
115 763 88
115 768 33
115 946 02
115 835 01
116 060 34
Hand Painted | Grilamid in natura Lenses: P400 impact resistance base 7 Gr
116 766 12
116 066 12
116 073 33
116 065 34
116 117 71
116 210 01
116 765 34
116 767 01
116 510 33
NEO.GRID foto | MicheleCruz
380 452 01
Hand Painted | NEO.GRID | Lenses: NEO.VISIONE | Base 8 NEO.V
380 458 71
380 450 01
380 459 02
380 455 02
380 451 71
380 456 71
380 117 01
380 457 01
380 453 01
380 454 71
GRILAMID foto | LufeGomes
362 372 34
Hand Painted | Grilamid in natura Lenses: P400 impact resistance base 6 Gr
362 374 34
362 375 12
362 378 01
362 391 01
362 380 12
362 117 71
362 376 80
362 381 80
362 371 81
362 379 11
362 377 11
362 373 33
363 388 34
Hand Painted | Grilamid in natura Lenses: P400 impact resistance base 6 Gr
363 390 37
363 393 09
363 210 01
363 392 81
363 385 33
363 117 71
Hand Painted | Grilamid in natura Lenses: P400 impact resistance base 6
364 390 37
364 389 33
364 210 01
364 117 71
364 382 34
364 385 33
364 388 34
364 383 09
364 387 37
364 385 09
364 384 37
364 382 81
364 386 81
JOACA 345 313 70
Hand Painted | Grilamid in natura Lenses: P400 impact resistance base 8 Gr
345 317 01
345 314 01
345 312 71
345 307 71
345 308 01
POLARIZED 345 321 03
345 320 01
345 331 71
345 328 01
345 327 01
345 311 02 345 309 02
345 330 71
345 323 36 cod.exp.345 323 40
345 324 36 cod.exp.345 324 40
345 322 03 cod.exp.345 322 39
345 319 01
345 326 03 cod.exp.345 326 39 345 329 01
cod.exp.345 321 39
345 318 01
345 325 03 cod.exp.345 325 39
344 196 01
Hand Painted | Grilamid in natura Lenses: P400 impact resistance base 8 Gr
344 117 71
344 209 71
POLARIZED 344 190 33
344 189 02
344 199 02
344 208 01
344 199 36 344 210 01
344 210 03 344 192 33
344 193 02
344 191 71
344 194 71
344 198 33
344 117 03
AMAZテ年IA Hand Painted | Grilamid in natura Lenses: P400 impact resistance base 8x4 (thoric)
330 139 33
330 134 02
330 133 34
330 135 01
330 131 01
330 117 71
330 210 01 330 138 71
330 130 33
330 132 34
330 136 71
330 137 33
335 306 71
Hand Painted | Grilamid in Natura Lenses: P400 impact resistance base 6 P400
335 117 71
335 166 33
335 168 33
335 169 02
335 170 33
335 210 01
335 302 33
335 303 01
335 304 02
335 305 33
335 167 34
ACQUA 287 099 09
Hand Painted | Grilamid in natura Lenses: P400 impact resistance base 10 Gr
287 117 71
287 942 09
287 005 01
287 946 02
287 117 01
287 729 02
287 913 01
287 521 01
287 913 71
287 210 01
287 996 02
287 100 01
287 101 71
287 102 14
287 028 09
287 999 09
279 747 09
Hand Painted | Grilamid in natura Lenses: P400 impact resistance base 10 Gr
279 915 01
279 745 09
279 117 01
279 117 12
279 210 01
279 943 08
279 729 02
279 747 12
279 942 09
279 976 09
EL CAPITAN Hand Painted | Grilamid in natura Lenses: P400 impact resistance base 8
252 890 01
POLARIZED 252 117 03
252 117 01
252 232 01
252 700 02
252 891 09
252 210 03 252 889 01
252 494 01
252 210 01
252 745 09
252 232 03
PERFORMANCE foto | JamesThisted
STREET AIR Hand Painted | Grilamid in natura Lenses: P400 impact resistance base 8 350 404 12
350 410 01
POLARIZED 350 414 71
350 406 11
350 405 14
350 410 03
350 210 01
350 407 01
350 412 02
350 408 11
350 415 71
350 413 09
350 411 02
350 403 12
350 210 03
350 410 72
350 409 09
350 117 03
350 412 36
350 411 73
345 313 70
Grilamid in natura / Metal Lenses: Nylon mask base 7 NYLON
278 038 71
278 039 01
278 041 71
278 210 01 POLARIZED
278 210 03 278 986 01
278 521 12
278 792 02
278 977 71
278 983 01
278 985 14
278 942 09
278 942 72
278 729 73
FLOATER 251 521 68
Anti-fog system Grilamid in natura Lenses: Nylon NST polarized water-repellent base 8 Nylon
POLARIZED 251 911 68
251 910 68
251 908 68
251 907 68
251 232 68
251 210 68
218 729 02
218 028 09
218 210 01
218 942 72
218 117 01
218 029 09
218 739 09
218 735 09
218 737 01
218 942 09
218 732 12
218 734 09
218 727 11
218 731 12
218 729 73
284 995 02
Grilamid in natura / Metal Lenses: Nylon mask base 7
284 094 37
284 043 71
284 097 01
284 946 02
284 915 01
284 088 71
284 210 01
284 992 01
284 089 02
284 210 71
284 994 71
285 042 01
Hand Painted | NEO.GRID | Lenses NEO.VISIONE | Base 8 NEO.V
285 043 71
285 042 01
285 999 02
285 942 01
285 047 01
285 048 01
285 210 01
285 977 71
285 521 01
285 729 02
287 913 71
285 990 01
285 997 71
285 998 02
COMBINATION foto | Zaira Mateus
Hand Painted | Combination Lenses: P400 impact resistance base 6
Hand Painted | Combination Lenses: P400 impact resistance base 6
369 117 09
373 420 33
369 416 80
373 422 85
373 421 80
373 117 09
373 210 84
373 397 34
369 117 71
369 399 33
Hand Painted | Combination Lenses: P400 impact resistance base 8
Hand Painted | Combination Lenses: P400 impact resistance base 8
370 399 34
374 423 37
370 417 81 374 417 81
370 117 33
374 424 33
374 210 33
370 418 80
Hand Painted | Combination Lenses: P400 impact resistance base 6
Hand Painted | Combination Lenses: P400 impact resistance base 6
372 396 34
368 397 33
368 210 80
368 398 33
372 425 33
372 210 01
368 396 81
372 419 81
372 398 80
367 395 37
Hand Painted | Combination Lenses: P400 impact resistance base 6
Hand Painted | Combination Lenses: P400 impact resistance base 6
371 419 37
371 210 33
367 396 81
371 397 34
371 416 33 367 117 33
371 395 37 367 397 34
/mormaiioculos /mormaiioficial
Mormaii Eyewear Brasil JR Adamver Ind. e Com. de Produtos Ópticos Ltda. Rod. SC 401 Km 7.5 | n• 6883 | Sto. Antônio de Lisboa | CEP 88050-000 | Florianópolis | SC | BR Tel / Fax: +55(48) 3216.2000 | Email: Mormaii Eyewear Europe Vila Luxembourg S.L. Spain European Headquarters Tel / Fax: + 34 952 03 81 90 | Email: