Vaping Press issue 007, vol 01

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ISSUE #007, VOL. 1

VAPING VS. SNACKING Vaping Away Cravings


ELIQUID REVIEW High Caliber’s Wow Worthy Juice





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There’s an old picnic bench outside of Vaping Press headquarters that acts as a home away from home for our building’s resident smokers. As the weather has begun to brighten and the days have become longer, the bench’s smoking frequenters have begun to visit their mecca several times each day. And, in watching the group slowly gather, enjoy a few drags and disperse, a thought occurred to the VP staff: how much of people’s lives are spent corralled into designated smoking sections? After watching the recurring gathering for about a week through the window of our office, we decided to become scientists for a day. Right before the midafternoon meeting of the smokers, we paid ourselves a visit to the old picnic bench and left something for the group: two simple 650mAh batteries, a couple of cheap clearomizer tanks and a couple half-empty bottles of tried and true juices, along with a note that simply said “try me.” Like a research team eagerly observing subjects, we peered out the window to see the result of our offering. And, when the group gathered to light up, they took a moment to consider the foreign objects left on their table. The result was like watching a child learn to walk. With no instruction or

guidance, it took our fellow office dwellers less than ten minutes to load up a juice and give it a try! And, from the looks of things, more than a few people enjoyed what they tried! We’re not sure if our experiment will yield any real results, but we can say that the batteries, clearomizers and the juice have all vanished from the table. We’ll see if they reappear next time the smokers meet, but for now, we’re content with the notion that we may have introduced people to something potentially life changing. As smokers across the country begin to take position in designated outdoor public smoking areas thanks to warmer weather, see what kind of impact you can have. Often times, all it takes is for someone to catch a glimpse of your on-the-go vape and a conversation is likely to ensue. Talking vape with someone shouldn’t be a crusade against smoking, just a few pieces of good information that will help people realize that there’s something else out there: something far more enjoyable, with far fewer risks. Here’s to stepping outside of that designated smoking area. Kyle Danowski



My Vaping Story


Chinese eLiquid

Part 3 of Matt’s Journey

A Stigma of Safety?



Eye on the Industry Big Tobacco Is All In

Talk of The Town How To Get Accurate Information


In An Era Of Endless Claims

Vaping Vs. Snacking Can Vaping Help Reduce Cravings?

17 3


Company Profile Highbrow Vapor Keeps It Classy

Cover Story Vaping: A Love Story


Starring: Grimm Green, The Vape Babe, Namber Juice, and You! A VAPING PRESS EXCLUSIVE!!!

ELiquid Review High Caliber



38 41

Product Review Kanger Protank

DIY Corner Blowing Vape Rings

The Local Vape Spotlight Pee Dee Vapers Club, SC

45 4


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My Vaping Story The Best Vape Money Can Buy You don’t need a lot of money to become a vaper. A couple of batteries, a charger, some juice and something to vape it out of, and you’re set. You can get all of that stuff for a decent price at any number of reputable online retailers. All you really need to go with that, is a little know-how. I know I don’t need more than one flavor of eLiquid to vape. Will I be satisfied? Well... if one flavor was all I knew, then I probably wouldn’t know the difference. I’d just need to find other ways to stimulate my taste buds and keep them fresh. I know I don’t need anything more than a fixed-voltage passthrough. Hey, as long as I keep it plugged in, that sucker will keep on firing, right?

I know that if I wanted to stick to just one clearomizer, I could probably make it work. Replacement coil assemblies are inexpensive, after all, and they don’t need to be replaced all that often. I figure that if I stuck with that kind of plan, I could probably get my monthly vaping costs way, way down from what I’m paying right now. But there’s a big difference between want and need, and when you start to turn this into a hobby, that line becomes awfully blurry. When I first got started vaping, I dove in headfirst. I didn’t wait more than a month before I had placed an order for a VAMO V2. I didn’t need it. But I had read about how much better the VAMO is in terms of


build quality and functionality relative to other PVs, and I just knew that it was for me. I had to have it. It didn’t take me long to go from a newbie to a somewhat knowledgeable vaper. I’m not trying to toot my own horn here — there are still plenty of devices and setups that I’ve never had the chance to try. But I know pretty much everything about the basic stuff, and I know enough about the features of APVs that I don’t really feel inclined to go out and spend a bunch of cash on the Tesla, the ZMax or the iTaste SVD, because they all basically do the same thing. But there’s one mod that’d been eating at me for months. I knew if anything, it was less functional as a vaping tool than my VAMO. It doesn’t have variable wattage, it doesn’t check ohms and when the battery is dead, it needs to remain plugged in to get a charge, where popping out the old battery and slotting a new one would be more convenient. Three months after buying my VAMO and thinking it would be the last PV I’d ever need, I ordered an iTaste MVP. I had to have it. I’m glad I got it, too. It’s a good device (and it’s a strong buy, given what it comes with). But I can’t see myself buying another PV for a good, long while. In vaping terms, does that mean I’m getting old? Maybe. I’m definitely a little skeptical of the new stuff coming out these days, bells and whistles be damned.

part three

a phone that can put power through a coil, and an app that will let you fine-tune your experience. It sounds crazy right now, but the future’s looking pretty bright in terms of innovation. When you see the industry’s growth projections and they tell you that this year will be twice as profitable as last year, does that mean there’ll be twice as many vapers arguing over battery chargers and wrap techniques in 2014? I doubt it. Instead, what’s driving this industry to new heights is the rapid-fire breakthroughs and the compulsion of vapers, like me, to feed the beast. See, the thing about a lot of this new stuff coming out is that despite fanboyism, some of it just doesn’t work. I’ve heard vaper after vaper sing the praises of devices that, for me, were too frustrating to put up with for long. The bells and the whistles are nice, but there’s something to be said for elegance. There’s just not as much that can go wrong. If you’ve got the funds, then by all means, open your wallet and go to town on every new device that hits the market. But remember, no matter how deep down the rabbit hole you find yourself, it’s not always worth it to buy the new hotness. It’s the tried-and-true stuff that’s worth holding onto. The PV’s That made matt cave

But then again, I’m sure there are plenty of experienced vapers out there that said the same thing when they were messing around with teabags. Those are the folks who are posting pictures of their collections online using the panorama feature on their iPhones. And even though I don’t have a lot of devices, that’s starting to become me. But that doesn’t mean that there won’t be something coming out that I just won’t be able to resist. Maybe they’ll come up with

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A Stigma Of Safety? American consumers have largely come to associate the words “Made in China” with the sort of race-to-the-bottom manufacturing practices that we all love to hate. Regardless of what side of the aisle you’re aligned with politically, we mostly tend to boil it down to a case of cause and effect. The argument is often oversimplified as either, “Cheap labor produces cheap goods, which are more affordable to American workers who are earning less because companies prefer to hire cheap Chinese labor,” or, “Cheap Chinese goods are making it impossible for American companies to compete at lower price points, so those companies have to grudgingly export their manufacturing jobs to China to stay competitive, which floods the market with cheap Chinese goods.” Whatever argument you happen to believe, it’s clear that there is at least a common perception that the state of manufacturing is being driven into a downward spiral by inexpensive, loosely regulated Chinese manufacturers. This has lately become a topic of great debate in vaping circles, as many have begun to question to quality of Chinese-manufactured eLiquids.

These concerns appear to be well-founded. As recently as 2007, major global toy manufacturer Mattel was forced to pull more than one million toys from retailers’ shelves because the Chinese manufacturers had used hazardous lead paint. It’s not like the manufacturer had made a simple mistake, either. The use of lead paint was the result of a calculated financial decision in which increased profitability outweighed any concerns for consumer safety. Examples like this have led to an understandable degree of mistrust from American consumers. The manufacture of eLiquid is particularly worrisome for two important reasons. One is that eLiquid is a consumable product that enters the bloodstream via the lungs, and in general it’s a good idea to know what you’re inhaling. Whatever gets put into the

“it’s a good idea to pay close attention to what people are saying about the products, as well as what the company has to say for itself.”


bottle of eLiquid you buy has a free pass to travel straight into your body’s vital systems. The limited oversight for eLiquid manufacturers makes this a rather frightening proposition. The second major concern is that propylene glycol, the base for most eLiquids on the market, is a highly effective solvent. In other words, it will readily dissolve a wide range of contaminants. If eLiquid comes into contact with anything from glues to industrial cleaning agents, those chemicals will easily incorporate into the chemical mixture, giving no real external indication that it has become contaminated. So far, no evidence of this type of contamination has been identified in an eLiquid. A few companies, like Dekang Biotechnology, Hangsen and Kanger have been working hard to lay these concerns to rest. Videos of both Hangsen’s and Dekang’s eLiquid manufacturing facilities have been uploaded to YouTube, depicting skilled chemical engineers operating in perfectly sterile laboratory settings.

“Dekang maintains a high degree of transparency regarding its ingredients and safety protocols, working hard to lay concerns to rest. ”

It’s important to note that eLiquid manufacturing is unregulated in both the United States and China. Whenever you find yourself ordering eLiquid from any manufacturer, it’s a good idea to pay close attention to what people are saying about the products, as well as what the company has to say for itself. Look for ingredient listings, product reviews and “In 2007, major descriptions of that company’s global toy manufacturing and handling processes.

Dekang also maintains a high degree of transparency regarding its ingredients and safety protocols. Other Chinese manufacturers have followed suit, providing customers with a thorough accounting for everything that goes into the production of their eLiquids.


Most major manufacturers have

Mattel was forced responded to consumer safety concerns to pull more than by providing detailed information about the cleanliness of their operations and

one million toys their quality control procedures. from retailers’ shelves because

This makes it much easier for consumers to identify trusted companies and single used hazardous lead paint.” out the questionable ones.

the Chinese manufacturers had



Eye On The Industry

Popular culture enjoys nothing more than torturously cannibalizing those things it used to consider cool. Discounting ironic trends (which, in time, will be savagely brutalized by future generations of cool people), it’s common practice for society to purge itself of the old and outdated. Over the past couple decades, cigarettes have found themselves firmly planted in the category of the uncool. Like a goth kid getting fitted for a pair of skinny jeans and horn-rimmed glasses, the largest tobacco manufacturers in the country have begun looking for ways to stay relevant in the eyes of today’s consumers. A combination of the social stigma attached to the act of lighting up, rising cigarette prices and improved public awareness about the dangers of smoking have caused cigarette sales to plummet lately. As more people are getting out of the smoking habit, Big

Tobacco has gotten into a somewhat surprising market: eCigarettes. The news that the three largest cigarette producers in the United States have purchased lines of the smoking cessation products (Lorrilard has purchased Blu, RJ Reynolds has Vuze and Altria has announced the upcoming release of a yet-to-be-named brand of eCigarette) has been met with a mixture of emotions from the vaping community. On the one hand, the tobacco industry stands to bring some much-needed attention to the eCigarette cause. The financial clout and political influence wielded by Big Tobacco can help smooth the way with federal and state regulation of the devices. It doesn’t feel good to root on the side of regulatory corruption, but sometimes the little guys win out while the higher ups are lining each other’s pockets.

11 8

Then there’s the public health benefit. The more people that have access to eCigarettes, the better. If tobacco companies want to make money by helping people quit smoking, then more power to them. It would be wonderful if the tobacco industry spent its time reducing the number of smokers. On the other hand, this could mean that smaller eCigarette manufacturers and vendors will get squeezed out of the market. Big Tobacco is nothing if not a ruthless competitor. You don’t want to be caught in the sights of any industry that thrives by selling deadly products to its primary customer base. These companies have the resources to bring fair market competition to a halt. eCigarettes are a $500 million business in the United States, compared to the $100 billion tobacco industry. Big Tobacco’s entry into the eCigarette game is based on the industry’s potential for growth. There’s little doubt that large tobacco companies are setting themselves up to secure the lion’s share of that future market. The most likely outcome will be that the FDA will choose to impose tobacco regulations on the eCigarette industry. This will force smaller companies to quickly adapt to enhanced standards for handling, labeling and distribution, while the larger tobacco companies already have the infrastructure in place to meet these regulatory guidelines. It will certainly kill some of the smaller eCig companies, as well as some of the smaller distributors and vendors of eCigarette products. A majority of larger eCigarette supply companies have already begun instituting self-regulation in anticipation of the FDA’s potential decision, which would bring them through the first suddendeath round of the impending fight for survival. What’s likely to follow is a diminishing market share in a growing industry.

“The most likely outcome will be that the FDA will choose to impose tobacco regulations on the eCigarette industry. It will certainly kill some of the smaller eCig companies, as well as some of the smaller distributors and vendors of eCigarette products. ” For the consumer, this means that availability of eCigarettes will most likely peak in the near future, which is a great thing from a health standpoint. As smaller companies struggle to assert themselves against the enormous tobacco industry, we’re bound to see some amazing developments and dramatically improved market penetration. For a while, there might just be an eCigarette renaissance. The problem is that you could end up stuck with a stash of Betamax tapes in a VHS world. Better products don’t always make the cut in a highly competitive market environment. While it’s possible that Big Tobacco could use its resources to bring new and amazing things to the eCigarette industry, the chances are that we’re in for a wider availability of cheaply manufactured, disposable and wholly unsatisfying products. Another frightening proposition is that Big Tobacco might not hold a totally genuine view of eCigarettes as smoking cessation devices. It would be great for the tobacco industry if they found an addictive product that didn’t simply kill half of the people who habitually use it, and eCigarettes just might be the breakthrough they’ve been waiting for. The goal might not be cessation, but a long, healthy life of economic tithing from an army of addicts.


HOW TO GET ACCURATE INFORMATION IN AN ERA OF ENDLESS CLAIMS Where you get your information goes a long way toward defining how you see the world, and it’s important to know the credentials of the people you listen to. For instance, it might not be wise to elicit medical advice from your neighborhood drug dealer, or establish an entire political party’s national tax policy based on a pledge drafted by a twelve-year-old boy named Grover.

everything. Just play a video game once online, and you’ll probably notice that a surprising number of the nation’s Navy Seals have a rare condition that makes them sound suspiciously like a prepubescent child (it must have something to do with all the training they put those guys through).

But not everyone is all that skilled at filtering out the bad information out there, which is why examples like these spring so readily to mind. The problem isn’t necessarily that people are gullible or short sighted in any way, but rather that when people present themselves as experts on a given subject, we tend to take their word on it.

Because anyone can pretty much make any claim they want, it’s hard to know how to gather good information when shopping for eCigarette supplies. Retail websites tend to cover only the major selling points of their products and aren’t usually the best place to learn about the potential downsides of the things they sell. There’s also the unfortunate practice of some companies writing reviews of their own products on retailers’ websites.

On the Internet, people will have you believe they’re experts on just about

Learning how to sift through the available information and find quality


product reviews can take some finesse, but once you get the hang of it, it gets easy. Online vaping forums are often the best places to get honest user feedback on eCigarette products. There are usually a few well written and even handed threads on any given subject, and these forums are often searchable by topic. People don’t usually go on these forums to vent unnecessarily, and misleading or unhelpful information is often quickly identified by the forum’s moderators and contributors. In general, if every sentence is punctuated with more than one exclamation point, that person probably deserves to be ignored. It’s always a good idea to cross-reference any information you get from one source with that of another. If one website shows all five-star reviews for a product that you cannot find any information about anywhere else, you can likely chalk it up as

a manipulation. Phony reviews are usually easy to spot for their salesman-like language and one-sided representation of a product’s value. No matter how good a product is in real life, someone will inevitably have something negative to say, even if it’s unfounded. If nobody has anything bad to say on a whole list of product reviews, try to find another source of information on that product. When you’re shopping online for eCigarette supplies, try to view as many opinions as possible. It’s inevitable that some vendors and products will rise to the top, while others will fall by the wayside. Once you have established a few trusted sources for information and products, it’s easy to build from that. Before you know it, you’ll have established a network of resources that you can draw from every time you have an important question or concern.

Research sources

e-cigarette forum

Reddit: ecigs



taste your juice






Our USA Made e-liquids feature pharmaceutical grade ingredients, purity certified nicotine from North Carolina and the highest quality, food grade flavorings. Between our genuine, best-in-class e-cigs and commitment to customer service,

high quality is all we do. Give us a try and become a VapinLizard at

Can Your PV Keep You from Impulsive SNACKING? In 1925, Lucky Strike cigarettes took an interesting new tact in its advertising. Prior to this time, cigarettes were mostly marketed to men, but the female market was left largely untapped. In an effort to draw in women smokers, the company crafted an advertising campaign that centered on the use of nicotine as an appetite suppressant. While the ability of nicotine to reduce the sensation of hunger was a widely acknowledged side-effect of smoking, Lucky Strike’s “Reach for a Lucky” campaign marked the first time that cigarettes were sold explicitly as a method for achieving weight loss. The most dangerous thing about this campaign was that it worked. Nicotine is a powerful appetite suppressant, and Lucky Strike was unabashed at using negative body imagery in order to encourage more people to smoke. The ad campaign was soon adapted to appeal to both men and women alike. People from all over were

happy to take up smoking in exchange for the promise of moderate weight loss. Of course, we now understand the inherent problem with this approach. Cigarettes tend to produce negative health effects that far outweigh the benefits of shedding a few pounds. New nicotine delivery methods, however, have some people revisiting the original concept of using nicotine to lose weight. Scientists have only recently begun to understand the specific mechanism by which nicotine inhibits appetite. It wasn’t until 2011 that researchers identified the neurons that nicotine acts upon to limit the hunger response. A study conducted at Yale University School of Medicine found that nicotine could reduce food intake by up to 50 percent in mice, and lower total body fat by between 15-20 percent. The research indicates that nicotine is possibly an even more effective weight


loss drug than previously suspected. Researchers hope to use this data as the basis for creating a new generation of powerful, targeted and non-addictive weight loss drugs. eCigarettes are capable of introducing nicotine to the system without exposing the body to the harmful carcinogens found in cigarette smoke. They provide an immediate dose of nicotine that can be taken whenever a craving arises. This appears to work equally well at reducing cravings for nicotine as it does at combating hunger. One of the most common complaints people have when trying to quit smoking is that they feel a sudden increase in appetite, which can lead to excessive snacking and weight gain. eCigarettes can help manage the snacking impulse while easing the transition away from analog cigarettes. By allowing people to take in a controlled dose of nicotine whenever they need it, eCigarettes allow users to taper off without replacing the smoking habit with a snacking habit. eCigarettes have other

“A study conducted at Yale University School of Medicine found that nicotine could reduce food intake by up to 50 percent in mice, and lower total body fat by between 15-20 pERCENT”

tricks up their sleeves for fighting hunger, as well. eLiquid comes in a variety of flavors, which can satisfy the sweet tooth and fulfill wide range of food cravings. These flavors can cover everything from chocolate cake to roast beef. While eCigarettes can be used to curb the appetite, nicotine is still a highly addictive substance, and should be used with care. Anyone who has experienced the effects of nicotine withdrawal would probably prefer suffering through hunger pangs.

“Lucky Strike’s “Reach for a Lucky” campaign marked the first time that cigarettes were sold explicitly as a method for achieving weight loss.”

Most eCigarette users vape as a means of satisfying their nicotine addictions without resorting to smoking. Now, eCigarette users can vape as a means of satisfying their hunger without resorting to snacking. In general, it’s best to avoid chemical dependence, but it’s hard to tell if taking on a nicotine addiction would be a step forward or a step backward for individuals struggling with weight issues.



Reaping the Benefits of High Class Service COMPANY: HIGHBROW VAPOR NAME: Your name: Bryan Peck POSITION: OWNER IN OPERATION SINCE: 2011 Add a touch of class to just about anything and people will go crazy over it—plenty of companies have already seen this technique work to great avail. The problem with a lot of “classy” products, however, is that they might look nice, but they’re far from the top tier of excellence, or cost so much that the end experience doesn’t measure up to the hype of the price. It’s rare, when a high-class product lives up to the reputation that precedes it—especially when it comes to something subjective, like taste. In the world of eLiquid, it gets no classier than Highbrow Vapor—even the name

exudes a sense of cosmopolitan charm. And, living up to the identity that it has created for itself through such a distinct brand, Highbrow Vapor has created a buzz in the eLiquid industry that surrounds a reputation of stellar products and services. Dealing exclusively in eLiquid, Highbrow is catering to the pallet of those who expect nothing less than a classy vape. The Strive For Vape Perfection “Highbrow started as a pure hobby initially, along with a love of hard work,” says Bryan Peck, Owner of Highbrow


Flavor favorite

A luscious made in heaven combination of coconut, chocolate and almond. Try this when you have the urge for something decadent and sultry.

por. “The pursuit of perfection is knowing it can never be attained. We strive for diligence and creativity when it can be tapped and enjoy the satisfaction of helping others more than anything. Mix these all together and add in some painful bumps along the road and you’ve got Highbrow Vapor.” In the quest for a higher caliber of product offerings, Highbrow’s eLiquid selection yields 45 different flavors, each with a unique essence that makes them truly remarkable in turn. Fruits, beverages, desserts and many more distinct options line the proverbial shelves of Highbrow’s website, beckoning to anyone perusing the online storefront in search of something sophisticated. And, aside from introducing people to well-refined tastes, the company goes about branding itself in such a way as to peak anyone’s curiosity, causing shoppers to fill their carts on intrigue alone. Highbrow’s specialties lay in fruits and desserts, but much talk has also centered on its custom RY4 variation, Highbrowbacco-RY4. For Bryan, the chief formulator of these creative flavors, it can be hard to pick a favorite amongst so much variety, but he assures us that every choice can be narrowed down by simply honing in on a specific taste.

“Picking a favorite is tough but I can answer it by category,” says Bryan. “For tobacco I would choose the Highbrowbacco-RY4, steeped for a week or two. For desserts, the Cheesecake Torte and when it comes to fruits, you can’t go wrong with our citrus vapes. I always tell people to try a little Cappuccino Diablo with cream if they’re a coffee vape head!” Old Fashioned Charm In a marketplace that’s constantly striving to find and carry the newest hardware innovations, Highbrow is taking the road less travelled with its sole dedication to eLiquid. Rather than wrap himself up in the hustle and bustle of finding and trying hardware and accessories, master chef Bryan instead focuses his efforts on continually improving his liquid creations. The “old fashioned approach,” as he likes to call it, has cemented Highbrow’s status as a reputable vendor in almost every sense of the word. But, having a niche way of doing things isn’t without its trials, as the company has come to discover in its years of operation.

Flavor favorite

Highbrow uses their own vanilla bean infusion as well as premium caramel and cocoa flavorings to produce just enough sweetness to match a bold underlying tobacco flavor. Highly sought after for a reason. products/highbrowbacco-ry4

17 19

Flavor favorite

A crisp, clean, slightly tangy and refreshing twist on a favorite fruit. A unique and wonderful orange flavored juice that avoids tasting like candy. A sublime taste that lends itself to a creamy dreamsicle. orange-de-sangre-1

“We’ve lost a few credit card processors because of the nature of our industry and we deal with the occasional unhappy customer, but this is just to be expected along the way,” says Bryan. “We’re doing things the old fashioned way, which takes a long time, but we believe that our methods provide a superior product.” A superior product is something that’s hard to come by in many growing industries and the vaping market is no exception. Where quality is king and competition is fierce, Highbrow relies on its finely tuned eLiquid to keep valued customers coming back when the bottle runs dry. Exacting precise measurements, using only the finest flavoring ingredients and scrutinizing each flavor’s ratio is just part of the process at Highbrow: a standard that has come to define the liquids associated with it. “We’re old fashioned over here,” says Bryan. “Our only goal is to provide a consistent product that people enjoy. Everything else works itself out.”

Reaping The Benefits of High Class ServiceThe method to Highbrow’s stellar business model is nothing short of successful and continues to exhibit great results for the veteran company. With each passing day, more and more customers experience the sustainable quality of Highbrow’s exquisitely brewed juices. For Bryan and the rest of Highbrow Vapor, it’s this fact that centers them on their mission for the pursuit of perfect. “Our proudest moments are most certainly when we read the emails from folks letting us know that we helped them kick the habit once and for all,” says Bryan. Like many vendors in the vaping industry, however, Bryan doesn’t force-feed Highbrow eLiquids to people who may not have a taste for them. Understanding that taste is subjective and preferences vary, this company simply offers a quality product to potential customers, making it easy to find and easy to buy, but not easy to ignore. A higher class of eLiquids does exist to those seeking it, but doesn’t impose itself in such a way as to exclude the masses, as so many other “classy” brands have seemingly done in their search for a niche portion of their respective industries. “Try as many products as possible until you find what works for you,” says Bryan. “With the wide range of liquids and hardware out there, you’re doing a disservice to yourself by remaining loyal to one brand if you’re not happy!”

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STARRING: GRIMM GREEN, THE VAPE BABE, NAMBERJUICE, AND YOU! Flashing lights and flashy signs. The tinkling hum of slot machines. Strippers, booze and blackjack tables. Glitter Gulch. Lost Wages. The Gambling Capital of the World. Vegas, baby! Vegas! Las Vegas has come by plenty of nicknames over the years, but perhaps the one that sticks for most is Sin City, as the Nevada city is packed with temptations. It’s a destination for debauchery. And for former smokers who are looking to stay off the analog habit, it’s a relapse waiting to happen. That was just as true for Nick Green as it would be for anyone. Green, then an exsmoker for about three years, had planned a 2009 trip to Las Vegas with his brother. Green had quit smoking to earn a position as a taste tester for Starbucks years before, where his senses needed

to be keen and smoke-free. But, having moved to a different position less reliant on his taste buds, smoking was once again an option. “I knew that going down to Las Vegas and spending time in the casinos, at bars, at the blackjack tables, that that whole vibe and atmosphere of cocktails, and gambling, and late nights and smoking all kind of go hand in hand,” Green recalls. “I just figured this was inevitable that I was going to start smoking again, especially if I went to Las Vegas. But I kind of didn’t, I don’t know. I was really torn. I had quit for so long. Why would I start up again?” Green searched for “fake cigarette” on Google, looking for something that would give him the experience of smoking without falling completely off the wagon. That led him to YouTube, where he found a


review for the Janty KissBox, a pen-style electronic cigarette. Before he knew it, Green had fallen down the YouTube rabbit hole, watching review after review of different vaping products. Eventually, he settled on the Smoke 51 kit, making the $200-plus purchase on ahead of the trip. “I didn’t know anything going into it. I didn’t know if I would need juice. I didn’t know how long a cartridge would last. I just assumed that kit would be enough that I could use it - not forever, but a good amount of time — and that quickly wasn’t the case,” Green says. “I burned through two cartomizers in about three days and it was good. It was fine. It got me interested. We ended up

going to Las Vegas anyway and smoking through a carton of cigarettes and when we got back, I was more determined to get more into electronic cigarettes and a good kit. Just basically do my homework more rather than just buying something without having any knowledge of what I needed.” Undeterred, Green returned to his home in Carson City, Nev., and got to work on learning everything he could. “I started filling up cartridges with this delicious clove juice that happened to be 36 milligram. I just figured I should go as high as I could find just so I didn’t have any cigarette cravings,” Green recalls. “I really wanted to be really satisfied by it, so I just went with what I could find and that was 36 mg Dekang Clove juice from Pure Smoker. I got that and I used it for


about a month and then I got a 510 kit, and then I got a Screwdriver shortly after that, so it was pretty much all downhill after the 901 kit. I credit that first 901 kit as the kit that kind of got me off cigarettes.” He didn’t know it at the time, but soon, thousands would credit him for the same.

THE BIRTH OF GRIMM GREEN Learning about it wasn’t enough for Green. With knowledge came enthusiasm, and for Green, that meant the urge to tell someone about his discoveries. “I thought it was great, and I just wanted to tell as many people as I could,” he says. But after his brother and his girlfriend at the time, there weren’t too many people interested in hearing Green talk about vaping. Green took to the Internet, uploading his first video to DailyMotion. com. And so Grimm Green was born.

“I knew that going down to Las Vegas and spending time in the casinos, at bars, at the blackjack tables, that that whole vibe and atmosphere of cocktails, and gambling, and late nights and smoking all kind of go hand in hand,” Green recalls.”

“I’ve always kind of went for that welcoming ‘let’s hang out, let’s talking about some stuff’ type of vibe.” -Grimmgreen Strangely, it wasn’t other vaping-review videos of the time that Green tried to model his show after. Instead, Green found a different inspiration on YouTube and an unlikely one at that. “There was a guy on YouTube a long time ago who used to review iPhone cases and I loved his videos,” Green says. “And I wasn’t really even in the market for an iPhone case! I just kept watching his videos and kept watching his videos because he had this very cool, approachable, like, ‘welcome-to-my-living-room [style].’ You’re just hanging out and talking about stuff.” Green’s videos aren’t as polished as some other vape reviews. They aren’t as technically inclined as, say, those made by Phil Busardo. But that’s the way Green likes it. Sitting in a room that looks like it could belong to a typical college student — complete with Brittney Spears and “I WANT TO BELIEVE” posters — Green shares his knowledge without showing off. He shoots in one take and he releases his videos that way, complete with little faux pas like when he belches or drops the item he’s reviewing. “I’ve always kind of went for that welcoming ‘let’s hang out, let’s talking

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about some stuff’ type of vibe. That’s what I like to watch and I guess that’s what I like to shoot, too,” Green says. It turns out a lot of people like that style. At the time of the writing of this profile, Green has produced 395 videos on YouTube. He boasts more than 23,000 subscribers to his channel. His most popular video — entitled “Taking the Next Vaping Step,” published more than a year ago — has been viewed nearly 100,000 times. But Green’s not letting his Internet fame go to his head. “No one’s really more special than anybody else. We’re all on the same team,” Green says. “I quit smoking the same way that you quit smoking, which is the same way that thousands of other people have quit smoking. So in the end, I guess I’m just trying to do my part and help people out. I think it’s great. It’s honestly a very satisfying feeling, helping people out and getting them excited and showing that this is a thing that’s viable. It can happen. It can work for you.”

LOVE AND VAPING Green is a man of many passions. He’s an avid musician who has been at it since his sophomore year of high school, regularly playing bass in his metal band, Glacier (“It’s not going to appeal to at least 90 percent of the population, I’m assuming,” Green says). He’s devoted to his full-time job as a coffee roaster for Starbucks, which maintains a production facility inCarson City. He loves vaping. And while it may seem to many that vaping is Green’s first love, that’s not the case. But he did find his first love because of it. Once known as the Vape Babe on YouTube, Amber Johnson competed with Green for YouTube views from curious vapers who wanted to know more about products. One night Johnson sent Green a message (she says it was out of sheer boredom), and the two immediately clicked. “I messaged him just because I was bored, and we got to talking about how we wanted to be single and how we were done with relationships,” Johnson recalls. “I’m not sure how we got on that subject, but we were talking for like eight or nine hours and we’ve talked every single day of my life since. So that backfired.” “Taking the Next Vaping Step,” published more than a year ago it’s been viewed nearly 100,000 times.”

“No one’s really more special than anybody else. We’re all on the same team,” Green says.”

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With Johnson in Virginia, the two toughed it out as a long-distance couple for the first year of their relationship. Facebook chats turned to Skype conversations. It just kept escalating from there. “Eventually she came out here for a vacation,” Green says. “It was just wonderful. It’s cheesy to say it’s a perfect match made in heaven, but I couldn’t have asked for anything better. It was just really good timing. We hit it off really well.” The two are set to be wed in October, back in Virginia. The wedding will have a circus theme, reminiscent of the first time the two went to a vaping convention together and Green surprised her with tickets to the Big Apple Circus. And just as their relationship has blossomed, their shared love of vaping has turned into something bigger. In February, the two launched

NamberJuice together, an eLiquid line the couple worked tirelessly to develop. Their flavor offerings each have a story, like “Melanie,” a melon-flavored eLiquid, so named because of an inside joke between Johnson and Green about a melon-flavored lip balm. While Green credits Johnson for doing most of the work on NamberJuice, Johnson recognizes that her husband-to-be is a man of many passions and is happy to shoulder the load. “Namberjuice is a lot of fun. It’s also a lot of work,” Johnson says. “You have to understand, Nick works so hard. He does all of this Grimm Green stuff, which basically consumes his life because he won’t let one e-mail or one PM go unanswered — or he tries not to unless it’s in some folder he can’t find. But between that and working 10-hour shifts at the Starbucks plant, he goes to band and makes it a point to go to Reno and see his brother once a week. He just lives




“Namberjuice is a lot of fun. It’s also a lot of work,” Johnson says.

a really hectic life, so I don’t know. I do a lot of the Namberjuice work, but I’m happy to do it because he works so hard on so many other areas. But it’s gone really well.” It’s clear that the couple’s future is together, with Green promoting the business through his work on and Johnson working on fulfilling orders and continuing to develop NamberJuice. But Green’s future involvement in the business world is still up in the air. “I’m pretty torn, because I really do like Starbucks. I’m a bit of a coffee nerd too, and it’s a very satisfying job,” Green says. “I think eventually I would like to do the vape business full-time. We’re pretty small scale compared to a lot of vendors out there. I mean, Mad Vapes has advertising on a NASCAR car for God’s sake. So there’s a lot of really big, good vendors out there. We’re trying to prove ourselves. We’re trying to build up our business. We’re trying to build up our customers. We have to prove ourselves just like everybody else, and ultimately, yeah, I would love to run a vape shop or run an online store as my full-time thing. That would be the dream, right?”



GRIMMGREEn industries

The vape babe aka amber johnson



eLiquid Reviews

The one thing that people love to read The one thing that people love to read about more than anything else in the about more than anything else in the vaping vaping world areof reviews ofadventurous new and world are reviews new and adventurous eJuices. No one has time to eJuices. No one has time to try them all and try them surely not on thethe cash to surely notall theand cash to spend infinite spend on the infinite number of number of variations out there, so people variations out there, so vicariously people often often choose their vapes choose their vapes vicariously through the different reviews thatthrough they read. the different reviews that they read. Reviews are crucial to getting the word out aboutare great juices, is why Reviews crucial towhich getting theVapword ing Press dedicating a portion ofwhy our out aboutis great juices, which is magazine to the anda analysis Vaping Press is sampling dedicating portionof of as many juices as we can get our hands on. our magazine to the sampling and We’ll try them report theas results to curianalysis of as and many juices we can ous customers as a way of opening up the get our hands on. We’ll try them and market to all of the great vendors and varia-

report the results to curious customers as a way of opening up the market to all of theStipulations great vendors and variations out Our

there. Ok, here’s the scoop on our reviews. First and foremost, we’re objective reviewers Our Stipulations and don’t profit from the of these Ok, here’s the scoop onreviews our reviews. juicesand in any way. We we’re reportobjective strictly on what First foremost, we experience and the different aspects reviewers and don’t profit from the of the juice worth noting. We tend to shy reviews of these juices in any way. We on the positive side of things, as it’s not report strictly on what we experience cool to punish companies on something as and the different aspects of the juice objective as taste. We do judge primarily worth noting. We tend to shy on the on this aspect, but when we don’t like positive side of things, as it’s not cool to something, we’ll try to find the silver lining punish companies onenjoy something as note, for people who might it. On that objective as taste. We do judge we know that taste is different for everyprimarily this we’re aspect, but when our we one, whichon is why only offering don’t like something, we’ll try to find opinions. Just because we like a juice,

the silver lining people whowe might doesn’t mean youfor will. Likewise, might enjoy On that note, wetoknow that hate a it. flavor that you find be delicious— taste is adifferent everyone, which is it’s just differencefor in opinion. why we’re only offering our opinions. One thing thatwe we like are picky on,doesn’t however, is Just because a juice, the quality of our eLiquids. You can mean you will. Likewise, we mightbe hate a assured thatyou ourfind samples only come from flavor that to be delicious—it’s companies that have proven themselves as just a difference in opinion. honest, responsible industry players. We won’tthing be trying One that or wepromoting are pickyany on, “garage-style” eLiquids because it’s simply however, is the quality of our eLiquids. not sanitary or safe. We’re all about finding You can be assured that our samples the undiscovered company and will never only come from companies that have rule out a vendor based on size: we’re proven themselves responjust trying to protectas thehonest, integrity of sible industry players. We won’t be the vaping lifestyle.

trying or promoting any “garage-style” eLiquids because it’s simply not sanitary The Rating or safe. We’reScale all about finding Here’s how it We’ll be judging the undiscovered and will our eLiquid samples on six different never rule out a vendor based on size: characteristics: flavor, smell, vapor we’re just trying to protect the integrity production, throat hit, the look of the of the vaping lifestyle. liquid itself and the packaging representing

The Rating Each Scale the company. of these variables will be Here’s how it works. be 1judging rated on a scale out ofWe’ll 10, with being the our eLiquid onbest. fiveAfter different lowest and 10samples being the each of these individual features is ranked on characteristics: flavor, smell, vapor the 1-10 scale, we’ll give hit theand juicethe a cumulative production, throat look of total out of 5, with 1 being the worst and 5 the liquid itself. being the best.

So, without any further delay, here So, some without furtherthat delay, are of any the juices we here tried are some of the juices that we tried this month! this month!


This Month

COMPANY OVERVIEW High quality, American-made eLiquid is a hot commodity on the vape market today and has grown to become a staple of superior vaping, one great company at a time. A leader in eLiquid manufacturing, Vapor Associates is one of these companies and is responsible for creating the wildly popular High Caliber E-Liquid brand: one of the standout brands on the USA eLiquid scene. With a plethora of flavors, spanning several different categories of taste, High Caliber E-Liquid is distributed through a wide range of vendors, intent on delivering the finest possible products to their customers.

WHAT THEY OFFER High Caliber E-Liquid consists of top-of-the-line, rigorously perfected formulas that are comprised using nothing but the highest quality USP-grade ingredients. Vapor Associates supplies only in mass volume to the E-liquid industry, which has solidified its presence as a top tier, behind the scenes company. And though it does not supply to the general public, the company has amassed quite the fan base through its chain of authorized retailers.

experienced professionals who understand the importance of creating a meticulous product. Using temperature controlled storage and producing fresh liquids daily, Vapor Associates is creating USA-made eLiquids that embody the spirit of a true, quality, handcrafted product.

WHERE TO BUY IT Because Vapor Associates only produces eLiquid in bulk for authorized retailers, High Caliber E-Liquid must be purchased through the stellar companies that carry it. Some retailers include: The Digital Cig My Vapor Store eCig Best Save eCig Express AltSmoke And many more!

High Caliber E-Juice is crafted in regulated lab spaces, under the watchful eye of


This Month -


Base Liquid: 50%VG / 50%PG Nicotine Level: 12mg/mL “this is one of the best eJuice reviews we’ve ever had the pleasure of doing!

Killa Vanilla has a hit out on our taste buds and luckily it’s not a real contract, because if it was, we’d be dead in the water! High Caliber E-Liquid’s signature vanilla flavor puts a whole new perspective on just how delicious an eLiquid can be and performs in a way that few vanillas before it have ever impacted us. Sit back and enjoy, because we can tell you right off of the bat, this is one of the best eJuice reviews we’ve ever had the pleasure of doing! As soon as we removed the cap to our bottle of Killa Vanilla, the scent of vanilla hit us hard and woke up our senses with a wave of pleasure. If you’ve ever been hard at work, baking in the kitchen, cooking up something with vanilla in it, you’ll know the scent we’re talking about: a true vanilla that leaves nothing to the imagination in the best way possible. Loading up Killa Vanilla at a 50/50 mixture is a breeze, no matter what you’re filling it into: the consistency of this liquid is perfect and we can tell from the fill that this juice is going to atomize beautifully into clouds of vapor. The golden-brown color is also very enticing, which leaves us extremely pleased with the overall look and feel of the liquid before we even get into the trenches vaping it. Now for the good stuff: the proverbial shot to our taste buds that truly defines Killa Vanilla as a hitman out to get its mark. As we draw in deeply, we get a throat hit that’s powerful, yet not overpowering: subdued in its own way,

yet clear enough to register as a solid aspect of this intoxicating vape. The flavor levels out smoothly after the initial hit, illuminating delicious tones of vanilla in a way that’s rich and inviting. In fact, the great thing about this flavor, is that the taste of vanilla carries through to the end of the vape and onward, as we project it into the air with voluminous plumes of vapor. Killa Vanilla is amazing through and through! This is a juice with a clear-cut mission: to illuminate magnificent tones of vanilla at every stage of the vaping process—a mission that it achieves without any reserve. Perhaps our favorite thing about this vape and the feature that separates it from other vanilla flavors like it, is the full-bodied, yet manageable flavor that comes out of it. Often times, vanilla and indeed many other dessert flavors, go full-tilt in delivering overpowering tones—Killa Vanilla manages to get the flavor across without making you take a break from the vape. Long story short, you’re going to wonder where your bottle went after you start vaping: it’s easy to drain a few milliliters in no time at all without getting sick of this amazing flavor!

Scores FLAVOR: 10 VAPOR: 10 SMELL: 10 LOOK: 10 THROAT HIT: 10

CUMULATIVE: 5 out of 5

29 31

Base Liquid: 50%VG / 50%PG Nicotine Level: 12mg/mL “ fiery, yet highly satisfying. an amazing variation of classic cinnamon...” right away. When the hit catches up to the flavor, the two come together beautifully to form the true identity of this superb juice.

If you’re looking to strike fear into the hearts of vapers looking for a new flavor to conquer, it only makes sense to call it something intimidating, like Flamethrower. Our palms were sweaty just picking this bottle up and we knew after just one whiff of the uncapped bottle that the roaring taste of cinnamon was about to become our vape for the day… what we didn’t expect, however, was the talented balance behind this flavor: one that’s fiery, yet highly satisfying. Flamethrower is a cinnamon lover’s dream from the very first moment you’re brave enough to smell the uncapped bottle. Like a crackling bonfire, little wisps of cinnamon seem to drift into our nostrils, crackling their proverbial tinges of heat in a way that we can only describe to be “warming.” Where some cinnamon flavors have been known to sear the senses right off the bat, Flamethrower offers a subdued, yet powerful alternative. We tentatively loaded up a clearomizer and with a deep breath, set in on what we would soon realize to be an amazing variation of classic cinnamon… The first thing that hits us while trying this juice is not the throat hit, but rather the essence of cinnamon hitting the tips of our tongues! Not to worry, however, the throat hit is soon to follow and with a force behind it that serves to accentuate the initial blast of flavor that we get

When our mouths become filled with vapor waiting to be exhaled, another blast of cinnamon hits us, almost as if we were sucking on a cinnamon hard candy. This recurring touch of flavor is a huge asset when it comes to enjo ing the juice. When we finally break down and exhale the tasty vapor that’s built up in our mouths, it issues forth in an absolutely enormous stream of thick vapor. Flamethrower is simply superb, much like all of the other juices that we received from High Caliber E-Liquid. If you’re a cinnamon lover, this juice deserves a place in your daily vape collection, front and center. Our only quam about this juice is that it’s a bit too much to vape for hours at a time—the cinnamon tends to saturate our taste buds after a couple of hours of steady vaping. Other than this minor drawback, Flamethrower is a quintessential flavor in the way of hearty vapes.


CUMULATIVE: 4.5 out of 5


Base Liquid: 50%VG / 50%PG Nicotine Level: 12mg/mL “ you can reminisce about these fattening treats without having to worry about becoming a diabetic after vaping it!”

For many people, it get’s no better than a freshly baked batch of cinnamon buns for breakfast, complete with sugary, rich icing. Sadly, a small coma and feeling of guilt often follow the devouring of these tasty treats… which makes baking a batch a rarity for cinnamon bun lovers. Fear not, however, with a bottle of High Caliber E-Juice’s Cinn-A-Bun, you can reminisce about these fattening treats without having to worry about becoming a diabetic after vaping it! Taking the cap off of a bottle of Cinn-A-Bun releases a cacophony of smells that blend themselves together to recreate a tasty cinnamon bun imitation. A pastry base is definitely evident through the scent, along with a sugary-sweet odor that’s indicative of the trademark “icing on the cake.” Finally, the smell of cinnamon is present in an ever so slight way, which really brings the whole juice together before it even leaves the bottle. Wasting no time in enjoying this breakfast treat, we got it loaded up and ready to roll. With a strong, long inhale, we released the juice in its vaporous form and sat back in our seats to bask in its essence. The first thing we notice is a virtual lack of throat hit, which comes as a surprise, given the clear inclusion of ingredients like cinnamon. We expected a mild hit at first draw, however instead, we were met with a lazy draw that’s smooth, yet lacking. Our disappointment with the throat hit was soon put behind us however, as the flavor begins to hit our taste buds. There’s definitely a strong pastry taste that makes itself apparent first and

foremost. It’s much like a Belgian waffle, though there is definitely a sweet component that lends itself to this flavor. After the initial flavor blanket, there’s a soft undertone of cinnamon that follows up, creating the final cinnamon bun taste that Cinn-A-Bun is named for. Overall, the taste is rich, yet doesn’t envelope our senses the way we hoped it would—it’s a slightly weaker taste that can clearly be called a passable imitation of a the real thing, but falls short of a true comparison. There’s plenty of vapor streaming from Cinn-A-Bun on the exhale to make it an enjoyable finish to this eJuice. Also pleasant to note is that the taste follows through into the exhale, compensating for the light flavor that we get on the draw. In summation, Cinn-A-Bun is a valiant effort to reproduce the taste of a true morning cinnamon bun, but falls a tad short of making us truly believe we’re munching on these fattening treats. What it lacks in flavor and throat hit, it makes up for in amazing smell and great vapor. If you’re a dessert vaper, Cinn-A-Bun is a definite try, but it might not be one that you find yourself hording.


CUMULATIVE: 3.6 out of 5


This Month -

HIGH CALIBER E-LIQUID Base Liquid: 50%VG / 50%PG Nicotine Level: 12mg/mL

“wakes up our frozen taste buds.”

Watermelon is a popular fruit flavor in the world of eLiquids, simply because it’s so easily recognizable, no matter what the variation. In the case of Watermelon Frost from high Caliber E-Liquid, watermelon meets menthol to provide a chilling variation on this staple flavor. As we ruminate on this creative blend, it only makes more and more sense that these two flavors should be combined, after all, who doesn’t love the juicy taste of watermelon when its been freshly sliced and refrigerated? Both watermelon and menthol scents are prominent when we breathe deeply over this bottle, signaling the go-ahead for us to give this flavor a shot. In fact, the menthol tones make themselves apparent in such a way that the watermelon base actually smells more invigorating than if it were sans-menthol, which is a nice little touch to this already intriguing flavor. No surprises in the scent of this liquid, so we were more than delighted to fill up and get to puffing. As we’d expect, at first draw, the chilling blast of menthol is a heralding trumpet to this juicy flavor. Menthol barrels into our mouths and chills us to the bone, while watermelon follows and wakes up our frozen taste buds with a deliciously fruity flavor. Together, the two mellow out very nicely to create a fresh taste that’s much in the way of a freshly sliced melon. Thanks to the power of menthol, there’s a very decent throat hit on this juice: one that’s not

harsh, yet packs enough of a punch to register as we draw in the vapor smoothly and in volume. With the flavor rushing in to complement the throat hit, the two pair nicely for a great transition, which is admirable in any vape. When all is said and done and it’s time to exhale, vapers choosing Watermelon Frost will have plenty of vapor to gaze at—the clouds are thick and flowing, which makes for a great aesthetic. For the high point of this vape, we have to single out the overall smoothness of the juice as a whole. From draw to taste and onto exhalation, there’s nothing in the way of a seamless vaping transition. Fruity vapes, for the most part, are already great candidates for smooth vaping, however when you add on a menthol component, the process becomes all the more fluid. The downside to this vape is that excessive vaping can lead to a deadening of flavor, wherein the watermelon will tend to fall victim to the menthol. This is easily remedied by a switch to another flavor every now and then, which gives the taste buds a break and readies them for the next installment of Watermelon Frost.


CUMULATIVE: 4.1 out of 5


Base Liquid: 50%VG / 50%PG Nicotine Level: 12mg/mL “ the vapor is downright impressive.

Virginia tobacco is a time-honored tobacco blend that can take on many forms, depending on who’s at the helm of the eJuice mixing process. Generally, the concept is the same: a flue-cured base that’s riddled with any number of additives to give it special notes, like honey, cherry or even oak. In the case of Fire Cured Virginia Tobacco from High Caliber E-Juice, the Vaping Press staff was mystified by the name, being able to derive little more from it than the fact that this was indeed a new take on an old blend. Popping the top off of the bottle and giving it a cursory sniff yields even less information for our talented testers, as the tobacco notes are far and above the most recognizable ingredients, with the mystery additives failing to name themselves by smell. One thing is certain, however: this tobacco has been flue cured to the greatest extent, with extremely dry notes that signal a hearty, southern-style vape waiting to be had. Once in a clearomizer, we’re ready to hit the go button on Fire Cured Virginia Tobacco. What we’re met with on the draw is exactly what we had hoped for: a distinguished throat hit that’s powerful and fiery. The hit holds true to the trend that many tobacco vapes have become famous for and it’s one that signals a good start to any traditional-style blend. One thing to note about this throat hit is that it’s short, but packs a punch—users who aren’t partial to the throat hit may consider stepping down a nicotine level to mitigate its effects, without losing the bold flavor that follows it.

The flavor of Fire Cured Virginia Tobacco swoops in like wildfire as soon as the initial hit is done registering. It’s a flavor that’s reminiscent of pipe tobacco, with detectable notes of what may potentially be another tobacco additive, like Turkish tobacco. Whatever the mysterious ingredients of Fire Cured Virginia Tobacco may be, they come together in an appealing way that’s impressive to both Vaping Press’ hardcore tobacco lovers and even our non-traditional vapers. No great tobacco vape is without the cloud of vapor that follows it and Fire Cured Virginia Tobacco isn’t to be excluded from this trend. The juice has great vapor production and when vaped at higher wattages, the vapor is downright impressive. The long of the short is that Fire Cured Virginia Tobacco is a great take on traditional flue cured tobacco, but doesn’t stray far from the ordinary. If you’re looking for a staple tobacco flavor that’s safe, this is an excellent option for you. If you’re looking for a more refined blend that takes some liberties with the formula and goes above and beyond to peak your interests, you might consider another option.


CUMULATIVE: 3.7 out of 5


This Month -

HIGH CALIBER E-LIQUID Base Liquid: 50%VG / 50%PG Nicotine Level: 12mg/mL “destined for greatness.”

Fruity juices that are bold and brilliant tend to stand out immediately when they’re vaped. As soon as the vapor hits your tongue and makes its way through your nostrils, you know: High Caliber Blue Raspberry is one of these vapes—destined for greatness and ever-ready to please our senses each time we draw. Let the Vaping Press team take you on a tour of this exhilarating eLiquid, from bottle to vapor. Blue Raspberry is indeed blue, but it’s more than just a matte color that blends in with its surroundings: this juice is vibrant and almost neon-teal in nature. It’s captivating to look at and swishes around beautifully in the bottle, just begging us to take the cap off. And trust us, when the cap finally does come off, you’re going to get the fruitiest, juiciest blue raspberry scent that you’ve ever experienced from an eJuice. The smell of Blue Raspberry charges out gloriously, enveloping our senses in what can only be described as “an experience.” Our 50/50 blend of Blue Raspberry was easily filled into a clearomizer and it soaked into the wicks extremely quickly, absolving us of the burnt drags that thicker liquids can sometimes yield. Without having to wait for a proper wick steep, we hit this juice hard right out of the gate. High Caliber’s Blue Raspberry is nothing short of phenomenal when it comes to taste. Its tones are perfectly pronounced, with

both blueberry and raspberry flavors coming through in equal measure. The resulting blend is unlike anything we’ve tasted in this type of concoction. What truly makes this eLiquid a winner is the lack of a flowery taste that you’ll get on the exhale—which is often the plague of fruit mixtures. The throat hit and vapor are right on par for this 50/50 blend, with an initial hit that’s satisfying, yet not harsh and a steady stream of vapor that follows it through the finish. It’s a truly enjoyable vape that’s not overpowering by any means, yet fills us up with a potent flavor that’s delicious and satisfying. We really can’t say anything bad about Blue Raspberry, as it has absolutely everything we’re looking for in an eJuice: solid throat hit, amazing flavor and clouds of vapor that hang lazily in the air when they’re let loose. Truth be told, this bottle of liquid didn’t stand a chance: it was as good as gone as soon as we uncapped it.

Scores FLAVOR: 10 VAPOR: 10 SMELL: 10 LOOK: 10 THROAT HIT: 10

CUMULATIVE: 5 out of 5



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THIS MONTH: KANGER PROTANK The advent of clearomizers has made vaping easier for the novice vaper, providing a convenient, low-maintenance method of storing and consuming eLiquid. But the problem with clearomizers has always been their inability to contain citrus and cinnamon flavors, as well as oil-based juices, which are known to crack clear plastics. Until now, citrus and cinnamon went hand-in-hand with cartomizers, metal Vivi Novas and the like. The Kanger Protank was greeted with enthusiasm by the vaping community when it debuted earlier this year. Finally, a clearomizer with a Pyrex glass reservoir! With its sleek, chrome finish and 3-milliliter capacity, the Kanger Protank represents the next step in the evolution of the clearomizer — a sleek, head-turning design that’s as sturdy as it is stylish, immune to tank-busting juices. It’s unfortunate, then, that issues stemming from design flaws common to other bottomcoil clearomizers like the Kanger T3 and the Kanger EVOD are left unresolved with the Protank. Although it seems to work relatively well with thinner juices that are higher in propylene glycol, the Protank provides at best, an inconsistent, frustrating experience with some thicker juices.

“In its initial release, the Kanger Protank shipped in a faux-leather, hinged case. Inside, a form-cut foam lining contained the Protank, the base, two atomizer assemblies and a beauty ring to cover eGo threading on devices like the Vision Spinner and eGo Twist.”

The name “Protank” implies that this clearomizer is what the pros use when they vape. But, after giving it a run around the block, it would seem that you need to have some pro skills to get it to satisfactorily work.


PRODUCT REVIEW THE UNBOXING In its initial release, the Kanger Protank shipped in a faux-leather, hinged case. Inside, a form-cut foam lining contained the Protank, the base, two atomizer assemblies and a beauty ring to cover eGo threading on devices like the Vision Spinner and eGo Twist. The base piece — unlike the EVOD and T3 — features a 510 connection, which means the Protank can be used on most PVs without the need for a 510-to-eGo connector piece. The hinged cases were evidently shipped only with the initial release, as now Protanks are being shipped in an unremarkable cardboard box. The Protank itself is about 3 inches tall from the tip of the mouthpiece to the end of the 510 connection. The mouthpiece is integrated into the tank and cannot be removed or replaced and the mouthfeel is about the same as a Vision CE-style clearomizer in size, although obviously different because of the metal finish. It’s a slick looking tank.

“Sleek, sturdy design” PREPARING FOR USE The first time you fill up a Protank, the first thing you must do is prepare the bottom piece by screwing one of the atomizer assemblies into the base. The included atomizer assemblies are single-coil and the ones tested ran at about 2.6ohms resistance. That may seem a little high for more basic PVs to handle, but performed just fine on a Vision Spinner at about 4-volts. When the atomizer assembly needs to be replaced, it simply unscrews and the replacement screws in in the same manner. The Kanger Protank is filled in almost exactly the same manner as a T3, by turning it upside down and pouring eLiquid into the tank while avoiding getting liquid in the center hole, which is strictly used for airflow. Once the Protank




is filled, the base piece screws on snugly. It’s a well-machined connection and we had no issues with cross-threading. PROTANK PROS • Sleek, sturdy design: The Pyrex that constitutes the tank is thick and sturdy. While we wouldn’t recommend throwing it at paved surfaces, it has survived several falls with nary a scratch. • Compatibility: The native 510 connection means no need for the use of an adapter on most PVs. • Improved Head Replacement: The method for replacing atomizer assemblies is an improvement upon the T3 and MT3, which relied on friction to stay in place. This system’s setup is similar to the EVOD, which makes it comfortably familiar for vapers who enjoy seamless head replacement. PROTANK CONS • Inconsistent Vape: Yes, before you even think it, there are surely things that a vaper can do to modify the Protank to work better. We’ve seen people replace the stock wicks with cotton and stainless-steel mesh, and the creators of those rebuilds have claimed a vastly improved experience. However, out of

the box, the Protank can be a tough piece with which to work. When the tank is full, it tends to vape well (although it works better when one of the three wicks in the atomizer assembly is removed). As the amount of eLiquid in the Protank goes down, the likelihood that it will spit and gurgle increases. With thicker eLiquid, you’ll find yourself needing to give the tank some primer puffs to get the liquid where it needs to go. • Leaking: Once there’s about a third of a tank worth of liquid left, the Protank becomes less a clearomizer and more of a ticking time bomb… and when the bomb goes off, we’re talking juice everywhere — into the mouthpiece, out the 510 connection and all over your PV. Most vendors recommend refilling the Protank before it gets this low. Additionally, liquid will come out of the mouthpiece when you go to refill it. Keep some paper towels handy. • Muted Flavor: Sometimes the Protank doesn’t get the job done when it comes to great flavor. Without being dry or scratchy, you may get draws with plenty of vapor, but very little flavor. This might be owed to the Protank’s airy draw. Now, all of this isn’t to say that the Protank can’t work for you — it has for plenty of vapers who swear by it. But, to get it to work properly, you’re going to have to experiment with wick materials, rebuild coils and possibly using tape or paper to block airflow channels. Overall, the Protank is based on a great idea, but it needs some serious rethinking before it can become a “pro” product.

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BLOWING VAPE RINGS Blowing vape rings requires good form and lots of practice. We’ve compiled a list of the best tips and a straightforward process to follow to learn how to conjure up your own hearty rings. Sometime during the 50’s, when smoking was widely popularized and everyone had a pack hidden up their sleeves, it wasn’t just smoking that was cool: it was what you could do with your smoke that made you the cat’s meow. Different smoking tricks quickly rose to popularity and among them was the ever-famous smoke ring. Blowing smoke rings took some skill to pull off, but the best of the best could eventually send ring after ring floating high over the heads of onlookers. Flash forward to today and the secret to blowing smoke rings isn’t so much a secret as a lost art. Nowadays, it’s become less of a fun trend to sit around and impress your friends with smoke tricks… that is unless you’re vaping! Indeed, vaping offers a whole new ballpark for vaping tricks, simply because the vapor from PVs is far more dense than traditional analog smoke.

list of the best tips and a straightforward process to follow if you’ve been dying to learn how to conjure up your own hearty rings, but it’s all in your presentation when it comes to becoming the center of attention at your next local vape meet! Here’s how it works: 1. Be sure to take a full drag of your favorite juice to adequately fill your lungs with enough vapor to get the rings flowing.

And, with new vapor, comes the return of an old trick, reinvented: the vape ring.Blowing vape rings, like “It’s what you could do with your anything, requires good form and lots of practice. We’ve compiled a smoke that made you the cat’s meow”

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2. Form your lips into a circle that’s not too wide, yet not too small for vapor to escape in a “ring” formation. We recommend a diameter that’s, at its smallest, the size of a quarter and no bigger than a half-dollar at its largest.

it right. Exhaling will act to produce small puffs of vapor that haven’t had the chance to form rings. Simple enough, right? Wrong. It’s easy to sum the process up in four steps, but it’s a whole other thing to get it to work right for you. The process will need tweaking, depending on each person, however the method remains the same. If you’ve tried the steps and consistently get nothing from them, here are a few helpful tips:

“Form your lips into a circle that’s not too wide, yet not too small”

3. Make sure your tongue is laid flat at the bottom of your mouth. Having your tongue moving about in a wild manner will act to break up the rings as the form. 4. Push vapor out using your throat, not an exhalation of air. Vapor will naturally escape your mouth while it’s open, so let it waft that way while gently using your throat to push it out. You’ll hear a throaty, almost clicking sound if you’re doing

“it’s all in your presentation when it comes to becoming the center of attention at your next local vape meet!”


• If you’re worried about form, create the circular shape with your lips and gently tap your cheek without exhaling. This method will produce very small rings that will show you whether or not your form is on par. If no rings are produced, consider tightening up your circle or repositioning your tongue. • Use a thicker juice that’s known for producing a heavier vapor. Heavier vapor will tend to form a more cohesive shape and won’t break up as easily if you’re rough on the production of rings. • Bob your head slightly while using your throat to force out rings. Sometimes, the slight dipping motion of your head will put “backspin” on the rings, allowing them to form better and flow out stronger.

• Don’t be afraid to adjust your form! If you’re starting to get small, weak rings and want to create fuller, stronger projections, tweak your mouth or tongue a little and see what happens. If it doesn’t work, you can always revert back to your original method. Remember, practice makes perfect! Sooner or later, you too will be pumping out vape rings like it’s a natural talent. Impress your friends, have a competition with a fellow vape ringer or admire your own handy work as rings hang gently in the air in front of you. Or, better yet, show us your vape rings! Post your vape ring videos to Vaping Press’ Facebook page and you could be featured on our wall! Whose got the best rings out there? Show us!


POST AWAY! 42 43


Post photos/videos to our wall, get us connected with your local vape group, tag us in comments, etc.




- This Month -

- Florence, S.C. -

EST - NOVEMBER, 2012 LAST MEETUP - MAY 2013 ATTENDEES AT LAST MEETUP - LARGEST YET NEXT MEETUP - LAST FRIDAY OF EVERY MONTH Deep in the heart of Tobacco Country, it’s hard to imagine that any sort of smoking alternative could flourish, let alone a group of people intent on avoiding analog cigarettes altogether. Vapers of the Pee Dee Vapers Club have found a way to make it work however, and this budding group in the heart of Florence, S.C. has become a great little gathering for vapers who have forgone the allure of analogs and instead, chosen to lounge around in a cloud of vapor. Formed in November 2012 by vaper Michael Maxey at a quaint café named Lula’s Coffee Co., Pee Dee Vapers

Club started with just twelve people sitting down to compare PVs. At the next meeting in December 2012, a few more faces joined the crowd and so on for the next two after that. With regular meetings and plenty of enjoyment to go around, the club is consistently gathering ranks as it looks to spread the word about PV usage as an alternative to cigarettes. And this growth hasn’t gone unnoticed. This past March, the group was approached at one of its regular meetings by the owner of a local bar and grill who openly welcomed the flourishing community of vapers and


invited them to socialize freely at her establishment. Vape Night for the Pee Dee Vapers Club moved its venue to the Swamp Bar & Grill on the last Friday of the month and in April, witnessed its biggest turnout yet.“We love to see more and more people each time we meet,” says Ellen Drucker, one of the original members of the Pee Dee Vapers Club. “We’re growing all the time and it’s great to see people who want to share their interest in vaping come to our events. We’re going strong and plan to keep on growing!”


The support for Pee Dee Vapor’s Club doesn’t just stop at venue owners. Companies like Vaping Masters out of Florence S.C. and the ever-popular iVape out of Myrtle Beach, have also shown their support for the group through appearances at local meets and generous product donations. Having a growing vape presence in Tobacco Country isn’t just an asset for people looking to kick the analogs; it’s also a foothold for influence that these companies have come to recognize.


As Pee Dee Vapers Club continues to expand their reach, they do so with open arms. Meets are open to anyone in the area looking to have a great time with people who share interest in the vaping lifestyle and the group is always excited to see new faces at regular meets.

- Join the Group! -



Starbucks Bans Vaping

5.5 W


finding the perfect wattage/ voltage for vaping


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