Bruno Trindade Bernardo - Architectural Portfolio

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PROFILE Freelance Architect, registered at the Portuguese Architects Association (Ordem dos Arquitectos)

ACADEMIC BACKGROUND . 2004-09 - Architectural Degree Faculty of Architecture - University of Lisbon . 2007-08 - ERASMUS Program (2 semesters) Faculty of Architecture - Czech Technical University of Prague

SOFTWARE KNOWLEDGE . Windows OS . Mac OSX . Microsoft Office - Word, Excel, Powerpoint . AutoCAD . Adobe Photoshop . Adobe InDesign . Sketchup . iMovie . basic: 3DStudio Max, Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, HTML

LANGUAGES . Portuguese (native) . English (bilingual/fluent) . Spanish (moderate) . French (basic) . German (very basic)

PERSONAL DATA . date of birth: 29th March, 1986 . place of birth: Lisbon . nationality: Portuguese . current residence: Lisbon, Portugal

CONTACTS . phone: (+351) 91 785 56 01 . e-mail: . web:

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE NOV. ‘12 - PRESENT Freelance Architect _ Bank Office Branch in Camama - Luanda, Angola Development / Technical Design Client: private _ Apartment Renovation - Lisbon, Portugal Development / Technical Design (under construction) Client: private _ City Hall of Manatuto - East-Timor Technical Design Client: Municipality of Manatuto _ Multi-purpose Pavillion at Nova School of Business & Economics UNL - Lisbon Conceptual Design Client: Nova SBE Student Association _ Mess Hall DTL - Luanda, Angola Development / Technical Design (under construction) Client: Sonangol, EP _ Gas Station - Catete, Angola Technical Design (built) Client: Sonangol, EP AUG. ‘14 - SEP. ‘14 Design Coordinator - Sogreah Gulf FZCO, Artelia Group - Dubai, UAE _ Maritime Traffic Coordination Center - Bubiyan Island, Kuwait Tender Design (phase two competition) OCT. ‘09 - OCT. ‘12 Architect - Cândido Chuva Gomes, Arquitectos Lda. - Lisbon, PT _ Levada Museum - Tomar, Portugal Technical Design (under construction) _ Brancanes Convent - Setúbal, Portugal Technical Design _ Gil Vicente High School - Lisbon Post-Construction (built) _ Salvador Convent - Lisbon Technical Design _ Hortênsia de Castro High School - Vila Viçosa, Portugal Development Design/Technical Design/Construction (built) _ Alves Martins High School - Viseu, Portugal Development Design/Technical Design/Construction (built) _ São Pedro do Sul High School - S. Pedro do Sul, Portugal Conceptual / Development / Technical Design _ competitions: Tower Conversion into Hotel, Oran, Algeria (2nd pl.); Ben Aknoun Pool Complex, Alger, Algeria; Zeralda Touristic Complex Rehabilitation, Algeria (1st pl.); Ain Sefra Touristic Complex Rehabilitation, Algeria (1st pl.); Sidi-Fredj Touristic Complex Rehabilitation, Algeria; Tipasa Touristic Complex Rehabilitation, Algeria; Public Library and Archive, Grândola, Portugal;


GIL VICENTE HIGH SCHOOL LISBON, PORTUGAL 2007-2011 Construction Area: 10.200sqm Team: CCG Arquitectos

The project consisted on the rehabilitation of the old school building, dated from the 1940’s of the past century, and its concurrent extension. Located in the historical center of Lisbon, it reflects an ensemble of guidelines and requirements by the school’s education project, and fulfullis the needs of contemporary teaching/learning models, as well as energetical and environmental concerns. The existing building was reorganized, with the establishment of a central core with the spaces of greater collective use (library, cafeteria, etc.), operating as well as an interface between the classroom areas and sports areas. A new floor, under the existing ones, was added, where the main entrance of the school is reached by an external ramp that culminates in a courtyard, the doorway of the building. The new additions refer to more specific areas - technologies, laboratories, music, theatre and sports - formally differing from the existent through different covering strategies, either greenwall or polycarbonate. The presence of the old city wall, re-discovered during the preparation works, changed the landscape design and the initial position of the new sports court, in order to preserve the heritage.

ALVES MARTINS HIGH SCHOOL VISEU, PORTUGAL 2008-2012 Construction Area: 15.500sqm Team: CCG Arquitectos

The old ‘Liceu’ opened in 1948. Originally, the school was organized into two symmetric main wings - which corresponded to the female and male sides - joined by onde central body. Through a gallery, from the main lobby, one reaches the large volume of the gimnasium, auditorium and cafeteria. The sturdiness of its construction is evident by the optimal state of preservation of the pre-intervention building. The functional restructuring of the school follows the existing entrance axis of the building, focusing the greater collective use spaces in the central body, and from there to the remaining classroom areas and sports facilities. The additions were intended to differ themselves from the existent, with an almost ethereal presence, as opposed to the weight of the old building. The glass-paneled facade, printed with designs by a portuguese artist, dematerialize the new constructions and confer lightness to the adjacent courtyards. Besides these two new blocks, a new floor was added, noticeable only by the small patios that bring light into the underground rooms. Under the gimnasium, a new corridor establishes the connection to the sports pavillion (also existing, but rather recent addition to the school), which was also benefited with new shower and changing rooms.

Photography: FG+SG

PÚBLIA HORTÊNSIA DE CASTRO HIGH SCHOOL VILA VIÇOSA, PORTUGAL 2008-2011 Construction Area: 14.500sqm Team: CCG Arquitectos

The pavilions that composed the school were quite recent (1981) though very poor in quality. The inadequate conditions to perform the contemporary needs of school practice dictated the building’s physical reorganization. The solution, in order to maintain most of the existent (a request by the client), became the fulfillment of the spaces between the pavilions, generating a continuous entity. The unity of the building was achieved by neutralizing the visual presence of those pre existences, through strategies that would allow for a consolidation of the architectural language. Externally, the handmade solid brick gives protection and reduces maintenance costs. The use of Glass Reinforced Concrete slides, applied in front of window openings, helps control lighting incidence, and provides some continuity to the external image of the ensemble. Internally, the goal was for a clear, simple and bright approach, with easy distribution paths along straightforward corridors, allowing all spaces to be accessed within the building, without external crossings. Each inner courtyard recieved a distinct color, associated with the different areas inside the school, and reflecting their specific hue on the white walls.

Photography: JosĂŠ Campos

LEVADA MUSEUM COMPLEX TOMAR, PORTUGAL 2003-current Construction Area: 4.600sqm Team: CCG Arquitectos

Of millenial settling, the first evidences on the site corresponded of olive oil mills. Right by the river Nabão, the ‘Levada’ - a detour on the water course - was used to run the machinery of the mills. The current situation did not present virtually any trace of this ancient memory, with all the remaining buildings being occupied by workshops and other activities established during the Industrial Revolution. Other sections of the complex became power plants and cereal mills, also taking advantage of the running water. The proposal is preceded by a profound museological study, in order to avoid formal prominences and to respect the image of the ensemble, deeply connected with the old town center of Tomar. This Industrial Complex is composed by three different cores of buildings, formally coherent, namely the Olive Presses, the Electric Plants, and the Mills. The program foresees not only the musealization of each core, as well as a multi-purpose room, an interpretive center, exhibition gallery, cafeteria and museum services. The new additions are restricted to the bare minimum. It is proposed, as well, a new pedestrian bridge over the river, in order to establish a much more direct connection to the car parking, and a new perspective on arrival to the site.

BRANCANES CONVENT SETĂšBAL, PORTUGAL 2007-current Construction Area: 23.900sqm Team: CCG Arquitectos

Established in mid-17th century, the old fransciscan convent is, today, in very poor shape, and quite different from its original design. After the 1755 earthquake, the building became property of the council, and would eventually become a barrack, and after that, a prison. Now, the goal is to give back its dignity, by complying with its original image. Located on a hill, with the city and river on one side and the mountain range on the other, the program includes a hotel, to be installed on the convent building, and adding two more wings, on lower levels, taking advantage of the hill. The main addition is, however, spread through the surrounding terrain, consisting of housing unities, duplex and triplex, in continuous segments, exploiting the morphology of the terrain and the view, in all 60 apartments.


LUANDA, ANGOLA 2013-current Construction Area: 1.300sqm Team: Bruno Bernardo, Isac Coimbra

Designed in order to serve the Luanda oil refinery, the building is intended to serve about 1200 meals daily. The program includes not only an industrial kitchen and the respective dining room, but also toilets, shower rooms, cafeteria, self-service area, and the landscape of the surrounding area. The volume comprises a T shape, endowing the public area with higher ceilings, in opposition to the kitchen section. The material choices reflect an explicit indication for fewer costs, notwithstanding the need for resistance and appropriate quality.

MULTI-PURPOSE PAVILION - NOVA SBE LISBOA, PORTUGAL 2013 Construction Area: 175sqm Team: Bruno Bernardo

The student association needed a completly multipurpose space, mainly as a study room, but that could equally be prepared for some events it promotes. The School provided an unused courtyard for its installation. A light structure was chosen, raised from the existing floor, in order to avoid foundations or removal of existing materials. The metallic structure is covered by wooden lath-work, that extends beyond the single-pitch volume, over the windows (where they are detachable and can open) and an external area, allowing use during the warmer months.



PRIBRAM, CZECH REPUBLIC Year: 2007/08 FA-CVUT Two distinct heights, linked by an elaborate staircase, divide the same transport hub in Pribram, a small town outside Prague. The existing structures, deteriorated and abandoned, fail on their purpose of adequately serve the population. The entire hub system is reorganized, mainly on the upper level, liberating the lower level for a public green space, establishing a direct and natural connection to the center of the town. The station building generates an entire new experience on the surrounding areas, holding within itself the necessary services and stores. The geometricaly pure volume, elementary in its form, performs a rotation that enhances the difference between the two platforms. The metallic coating highlights the unique nature of the building, the only of its kind in town. The great glass window provides a superb view of the city skyline, welcoming or biding farewell to the hub users who come and go, daily, to Pribram.


The volume emerges, naturally, from the continuous urban surroundings, abinding to the design established during the previous semester. The Green Corridor connects Monsanto tho the center of the city, and the building positions itself over and under the Corridor, which goes through it. Formally, it consists of two different materials: natural concrete on the base and “pillars�, and metal (patined copper) on the suspended volume, where the museum spaces are located. The same principle applies to the structure, where the upper structure consists of a metallic lattice. Different diameters perforations allow for the light to go through the metal sheets and reach, on strategic locations, the interior of the museum. The remaining program includes an auditorium, restaurant, store, library, parking, and all associated services.

phone: (+351) 91 785 56 01 e-mail:

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